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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:01pm EST

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larry: wishing everybody happy new year for about the ninth time during the show. i'm coming to you in 2024 as an optimist. an optimist. that's what i'll say. weave got problems but i'm going to be optimistic and tune in tomorrow for my interview with house speaker mike johnson camped out on the border in eagle pass, texas. that'll be very interesting but first up, happy new year to liz
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macdonald and happy birthday to liz macdonald and happy new year to liz macdonald and just happy liz. elizabeth: that's my best birthday present. i already violated my new year's resolution not eating cake. i already ate cake in record olympic time, larry. raising a glass to myself on your nickel. larry, thank you so much. love you so much. staying on this breaking news, the hill political reporter and julia manchester and investigation editor sara bedford. first to you, what do you make of harvard president claudine gay resigning and 15 charges. where does this go from here, sara? >> it'll be in textbooks how not to handle a crisis from a corporate or academic standpoint. the resignation doesn't make sense because -- at least the way the university has frame it had because if it was were the
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fact that she bundled the congressional testimony and failed to navigate the university through this crisis with anti-semitism, why did it take two months for her to step down and if it's because of the dozens of allegations of plagiarism, why is she rejoining the faculty to continue her scholarship with harvard. the u.s. hasn't taken responsibility for any of the missteps that she is said to have committed and all that's been done by her staying in that position for weeks is really incredible institutional representation damage to her. elizabeth: credit card to the -- damage and value to the harvard degree. this is the biggest crisis to hit higher education and claudine gay big on dei but not on diversity thought and debate. now you see wisconsin, utah, they're getting rid of dei in their state school board systems
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and the thing is colleges are gouging middle class families with record-high tuition and not teaching rigorous scholarships and children are not being taught properly. >> yeah, liz, ever since the october 7 attacks on israel and the pro palestinian protests we've seen on college campuses in the country and anti-semitism coming to the surface and there's a lot of people on college campuses that have used this war to be anti-semitic and that's been a very bibbing concern and obviously of lawmakers and of people watching this because we know that obviously college campuses are supposed to be a safe place for students to learn and be exposed to different cultures and concerns and different ways of thinking and this exposed anti-semitism and what we saw at those hearings just late last year when you had the presidents
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of harvard and u penn and mit was that there's a reluctance or seemed there was a reluctance to approach the issue of anti-semitism to condemn it and to acknowledge that it exists. elizabeth: let's be specific he testified. she kept saying depends on the context whether or not it violates harvard's codes of conduct. i mean, that's shocking. so when this is a real setback for colleges and universities and going down this road and there's also this. we've got to move onto this story. sara, this story coming in and biden campaign and hillary clinton campaign for president biden and she's going to be a key campaign player and this news is coming in that former president bill clinton's name and reportedly appears at least 50 times in court document expected to be unsealed in the
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late sex offender jeffrey epstein in his case and reports are out there that bill clinton flew on epstein's private jet dubbed the la lita express over 200 times and teenage girls were on the flights. what do you think, sara? >> well, bill clinton was accused in the past and resurfacing as a perennial scandal he's had the associations going back two decades now with jeffrey epstein and bill clinton denied the types of associations that are said to be contained in the court documents and it's going to be a blow to his credibility and clear why hillary clinton and being associated closely with president joe biden's reelection campaign amies that backdrop could be a library. there's been a real reassessment over the past few years of bill clinton in the context of me too and more modern standards of how men in power are expected to treat one it's bye bye bye an
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unflattering rear-view mirror of bill clinton's post-presidency and the way he's treated women and frankly how democrats in the immediate jaire let him skate on the allegations if they were to be surfaced today and handled a lot differently and i don't think bill clinton will see the same type of good will from fellow democrats and these types of allegations surfacing right now. elizabeth: pushing aside hillary clinton as a player in the biden campaign and turning to julia on this. what do you make of the news of former president trump beating joe biden in the new usa today suffolk pole and trump leading them and the black voter base that the democrat party enjoyed and obama won in 2008 and 2012 on that coalition and it's eroding fast under biden. >> it's eroding fast and to be concerned with the campaign and have to make up that lost ground once they look on the issue of hispanic voters and we've seen republicans try to make inroads with this group of voters and no
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group is a model for 2022 and past elections and then we did see why republicans make gains with this group in states like florida and texas, and i think they're going to try to continue that. in terms of african american voters though, that's a big loss for joe biden and he absolutely needs that coalition and we know that black voter haves proven time and again to be the backbone of the democratic party when it comes to turnout and if he loses them, that's not good. i think a lot of this could be traced back to the state of the economy and i think you're going to see the biden administration continue to tout what they see as positive economic indicators and the issue here, liz, is that voters aren't feeling a change in the economy. elizabeth: that's it. that's it. stay on that. stay on that for just a second. by the way, show the vacation homes where president biden has been visiting. you know, what julie just said, sara, it's a kitchen table election and look at the
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billionaire homes the president has been vacationing at. seems like he's not so much middle class joe anymore. we had uc berkeley economists say more than $2 trillion in middle class wealth has been vaporized over the past two years since the feds started hiking rates to stop record inflation. let's show you this sound byte. you'll see what's happening in the media as they talk about record inflation under biden. watch this. >> we start to close out the year and final nbc poll had just 40% approval and 57% disapproval and how does this compare to past presidents entering the reelection and see it and the 40 that we have biden at right now and final polls heading into the reelection year and nbc conducted and see all the recent presidents. trump got beat in 2020 and he was at 44 heading into the reelection year. but r bush senior beat at '92 and heading south rapidly and there you see the numbers compare to the low nbc poll and
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incumbent facing reelection year. elizabeth: what do you think, sara? >> i think joe biden has treated the economy like a rhetorical problem and not like a policy problem. just trying to find the right combination of talking points to convince people what they're seeing at the grocery store and gas station and checking account isn't real and if they were smarter, they'd be able to understand why the economy is doing well and it's a tragedy that's clearly not paying off. elizabeth: julia and sara, good to see you both. with me now is retired brigadier general anthony taida. >> happy new year and happy birthday, liz. elizabeth: thank you for that. isn't it time to arrest and shut down these pro palestinian demonstrators because they're acting -- they're domestic terrorists. watch what they did over the weekend. they tried to shut down jfk airport and launched a large
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balloon in the path of planes landing and taking off. why not arrest them and shut them down before someone gets killed? they're domestic terrorists. >> yeah, i consider this a terrorist attack. if you're trying to disrupt the plight path, that takeoff and landing that's 2, 300 souls on board every one of those airplanes, those are attacks on civilian targets and absolutely they should be arrested and should be tried and hopefully convicted. but right now, you know, we've got all the soros-funded das soft on crime and the islamic extremists taking route in the country and it's a threat to the national security. elizabeth: let's move onto this, we've got to take the viewer now to what's happening in the mideast. oil prices were ricocheting around today and they're moving bungee cording up and down and iran dispatching to the red sea saying three iranian-backed houthi rebel boats in the red
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sea and ten houthi fighters are killed. iran is announcing it sent the al bore destroyer through the strategic mende straight. is the biden white house handling iran in the best way possible? >> absolutely not. it's just the opposite, liz. they're coddling iran and a strategy of appeasement and they're pretending to fight all these shija militia groups in iraq and syria and in the red sea and they're not deterring, they're not engaging iran in any way diplomatically, financially, economically or militarily and so iran's pushing the ship out there and kind of calling the bluff of the united states because then it's sort of mono e mono and u.s. navy with the joint task force against a single iranian ship. what do you do?
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what -- it's a probing attack. it's provocative what iran is trying to do and call the bluff of the administration. elizabeth: they've said the administration continues to coddle iran and our troops battle what iran is doing. our navy ship captains are being fired upon by the houthis with iranian-made and trained antiship missiles but they don't have the authority to shoot back at shooters themselves. only to shoot down the missiles. michael waltz says this is like telling a cop that's being shot at you can only dodge the bullets. you can dodge the bullets and swap down the bullets but can't stop this problem. final word. >> yeah, yeah. so there's a santu saying that if you're defending nowhere you're defending everywhere and not attacking anybody and got to deter iran. that's our job number one right now. elizabeth: okay, general tata, thank you so much and come back soon. >> thank you, liz.
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elizabeth: senator ron johnson, congressman tim burchett and dr. janette nesheiwat and president biden getting mocked for declaring january human trafficking prevention month as those crimes skyrocket on his watch in his border crisis. the backlash is growing against booting former president trump from state ballots and plus obama strategist david axelrod says kicking him off would cause more of a backlash. the house republicans want to probe where president biden engaged in conspiracy to obstruct congress and special council jack smith, he's fighting for a new type of gag order on trump. in is unconstitutional. scholars say his whole office is illegal. story is coming up. >> hey this, is your birthday song. it doesn't last too long. hey, happy birthday, liz.
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>> happy birthday, liz. to one of the hardest working, most capable, best people on fox. love working with you. >> hey, happy birthday, liz. many happy returns and hope you have a wonderful day and remember, the best is yet to come. all the best from miranda. ♪ ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade,
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elizabeth: the rum results are in, president biden is responsible for the worst border crisis in u.s. history. 8.5 million illegal aliens caught crossing in biden's border collapse and that's more than the population of each of 36 u.s. states. grady trimble, he's live at the white house with m. grady. >> hey, liz. the border crisis is costing taxpayers billions of dollars by some estimates and as those border talks continue in the senate, there could be a political cost for democrats as well because of that record number of migrant encounters at the southern border. those numbers hit an all-time high in december topping 300,000 for the first time ever. they also hit an all time high in the last three months of 2023 when you combine them and the white house says it's helping border communities deal with the influx. >> we've been in touch with some
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of those mayors you talked about, governors in northern part of the country on dealing with the issue they're dealing with on the ground, and we have provided resources to them and we're going to continue to have those conversations. reporter: officials in one texas border town talks about aid. >> they're not done one thing and we keep on getting large amount of migrants coming through eagle pass. no funding at all and we're not getting any funding from the federal government. >> back to the cost on taxpayers in california and as of yesterday at the beginning of the new year and 700,000 migrants were there illegally and costing the taxpayers $2.6 billion each year and new york city mayor eric adams estimates the influx of migrants there being bussed from texas will cost the city $12 billion
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by 2025 and adams floated costing to the service of hitting the big app and will liz, to close i want to join the choir of people wishing you a happy birthday and happy new year. elizabeth: we'll send you cake, grady trimble. appreciate it so much. joining us is senator ron johnson from home hand security. happy new year, good to see you, my friend. the white house as grady trimble was reporting and they're claiming they're doing everything they can on the border. by enacting hundreds of executive actions on day one wiping out trump's border policies and what do you make of them claiming they're doing everything they can on the border? >> happy new year and happy birthday. listen, president biden caused this. they want an open boarder and they're getting exactly what they wanted. maybe it's larger in terms of numbers, but this is exactly
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what they wanted and this is all kinds of things and they canceled all the successful programs that had secured our boarder and now it's completely out of control and as much as i reekeruate what senator lightfoot is trying to accomplish and negotiating with the democrats but peaceful negotiation is not going to solve this. this is so overwhelmed and custom and border protection and cities throughout america and we need to seal the border and we need a president that wants a secure boarder and wants to close and seal the aborter, we don't have that right now. we have a president that's the root cause of the punter crisis. elizabeth: show again the number of illegal aliens that have crossed and show also the terrorist caught at the border. the president is being accused of abandoning the border communities and accused of abandoning and not doing
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anything to help border neighborhoods and u.s. cities and biden's justice department is threatening to sue the state of texas and it's doing what it can to secure the boarder and the breaking news is coming in and texas is getting pushback but from the biden white house and justice department filed a brief at the supreme court to continue to let it dismantle razor wire fencing that texas put up at the border. many are saying they'd rather a wall but texas is doing what it can. how can the biden white houssay on the one hand we're doing everything we can to stop the border crisis when it's going to sue texas? all these democrat mayors are asking for more funding. >> more funding won't seal the boarder and more sundaying will incentivize more people to come. this sun precedented what's
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happening here in peacetime and there's never been a migration in the history of the world during peacetime and what president biden encouraged. we need to stop it and stop the flow of this unprecedented crisis going to require unprecedented action and it's a president ab securing and we don't have democrats in congress. elizabeth: he's violating his oath and he took an oath to protect america and he's not protecting america and, yes, people support legal immigration and what's happening is illegal. illegal drug trafficking, illegal human trafficking, 400 kids trafficked into this country across the boarder and working in dangerous jobs like meat packing plants at midnight. watch cnn report that blue democrat states are now taying attention to what's going on with biden's border collapse. watch this. >> what do voters think about
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immigration 1? >> it's a top issue and the economy is number one. it was no. 1 in august and now it's no. 1. immigration and border security was 11% in august. look at it now. 1% so it's closing in on the economy and a number of different polls i've looked at immigration and border security is running a closer second place to the economy heading into 2024. the most google searches for migrants by state. look at all the states, phil, they're all blue. illinois is one, new york is 2 and massachusetts is 3, new jersey is 4, colorado is 5 and of course there's been a lot of talk about the migrant crisis in both illinois and new york, and seems like even voters in those states, very blue states and states that democrats win in general elections almost always are focusing on this issue as well. >> a meeting with the white house, i think much more could be done and with all of our national leaders from a decompression strategy to making sure the cost of this is not falling on laps of every day
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taxpayers in our cities. it's not just about new york city. it's all of these cities that are being impacted from grown fill and el paso and new york and chicago and denver. elizabeth: democrat majors are speaking out and taxpayers are paying the bill for the border collapse and rising crime, rising taxes and lower property value and more. your word, senator. >> democrat city mayors want more funding from the federal government and it's facilitating the multibillion business model of some of the most evil people on the planet. human, drug, sex traffickers and by the way, foreign terrorists in the country and potentially sleeper cells, how do you think they got into this country? open border is in clear and present danger to america. the solution is to seal it and seal it now. elizabeth: got it. senator johnson, thanks for joining us tonight. good to see you. >> take care. >> coming up, we'll debate
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why -- this debate is coming up. why are house lawmakers talking about on obstruction case against president biden. and we have former federal prosecutor here and more on the growing backlash against the dozens of states trying to boot trump from ballots and trump is battling hard against this one. it's all coming up on "the evening edit". >> liz, happy birthday to my favorite fox business anchor and i hope you have a great day and i wish you nothing but the best. >> liz, mr. wonderful, happy birthday and so much better than the alternative. >> happy birthday, emac. you're better than the new year. we love you. your best defense against erosion and cavities
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elizabeth: okay, in unconstitutional, illegal push to try and remove former president trump from state ballots. this fight is heating up. fox news rich edison is live in
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dc with the story. rich, there's news coming in here; right? >> yeah, former president trump's legal team filed an appeal in the court system over the democratic secretary of state's decision to exclude trump from the primary ballot there and soon to appeal to the u.s. supreme court and colorado's decision to remove from the ballot and the high court should put this issue to rest and end these challenges nationwide. >> this sheer theory is wrong, historically and textually and it's dead wrong. i'm hoping that the court will put this to bed. some democrats say trump's actions and refusal to accept the election loss means he's violated the plain text of the 14th amendment and should be off the ballot. jot one that charges people with engaging in a insurrection is undemocratic and it's the one that chooses themselves to be
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disqualified in term of your ages and that's not up to you. donald trump is in that tiny, tiny wonder of people that disqualify themselves. >> other democrats like gavin newsom say the former president should be defeated at the ballot box and not in the courtroom. bill barr, that trump nominated in 2018 wrote i'm fairly opposed to trump's candidacy and toxic persona unconstrained by any need to face the voters again will damage the country, but i also believe the efforts to neck him off the ballot are legally untenable and most ominously destructive of our political recorder. the supreme court is expected to take this case and there's cases pending in nearly a dozen states to remove the former president from their ballots. elizabeth: great reporting. always terrific journalism from rich edison. happy new year, my friend. >> you too. elizabeth: former federal
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prosecutor fred joinings now. has anyone read the 14th amendment and unelected and unsanctioned secretaries of state making a abuse of power and let's read section 5 of the 14th amendment and only congress can enact a law to do this to remove anybody from the ballot. they can't do this. why are they still pushing? >> well, can't beat them from at the ballot box and easiest question to the answer and it's really become all ticks in the country and it's a power and ambitious and trying to keep them off the boat and ballot. it boggles the mind that under the guise of saving democracy it's the vote. this is not a ted talk and talking about theory and it's reality and giving people -- denying people the opportunity
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to have their voice heard and it's very, very dangerous and as lawyers like to say. elizabeth: the president has never been charged and he's never been convicted with the idea of insurrection and therefore the 14th amendment section 3 doesn't apply. special council jack smith is not pursuing trump on inspire hope election and he was impeached, yes, he was impeached but the numbers to other states like arizona and nevada and new mexico and new york and may take up the same steps and watch this remarkably incompetent secretary of state. >> we have an expected appeal from the former president and hopes the court acts with urgency and the ballot for the presidential primary this friday and the court understands that presidential primaries are rapidly approaching and gives us a definitive answer and whether or not the former president is
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disqualified from the ballot. elizabeth: it's not up to her. it's not up to her. it's up to congress and section 5 again of the 14th amendment says it's not up to you that person to do that. let's show the democrat, show the secretary of state of colorado posing alongside joe biden and she's trying to take trump off the ballot and that's main's secretary of state and where do you come down? where does this go to? where does it lead? >> well, the question is where it leads us to the united states supreme court and you hit a very valid point, liz, that is he's not been convicted of insurrection and just because the ladies on the view say he engaged in insurrection doesn't make it so. he's not being tried or convicted and even if we take their approach, in our system of justice we don't let some unelected nonlawyer who's looked at a u tube video and -- youtube video that people can be on the ballot. it's a travesty of justice and
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assault on democracy. elizabeth: whether you like trump or don't like him, take out the names and what they're doing is unconstitutional and illegal. elizabeth: thank you so much and good to see you. we have congressman tim burchett from the house oversite and house republicans really investigating whether president biden engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct congress and reports coming in that hunter biden then refused to comply with the congressional subpoena to sit down for a scheduled deposition on biden family corruption allegations. are you guys really going to go after biden on obstruction of congress? >> i think there's some move to that, liz, but more on the table. , $30 million and no taxes being paid and dealings communist
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folks and joe biden's brother and the money going and i'd say let's stick with what we've got, we've got so much and we almost muddied the water when is going after him on this stuff. elizabeth: we've got officials at the justice department and that they're obstructing any effort to investigate what president biden's involvement was in the tax evasion for example and possible foreign lobbying and white house press secretary jean-pierre said the president was familiar with what some was going to say and that if he stepped in and said, you know what, hunter, don't testify, that's obstruction. >> absolutely. it is and we have so much and obviously i believe we have the
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most to impeach and just another member today and i think what will end up is important for the american public to see what's going on and the truth and we're not getting it from the mainstream media and proved you and i have gone over this proof multiple times. it's about 30 million pieces of proof out there. >> hunter biden, he faces major legal pressure this year and arraignment on tax evasion and happening in court in california and january 11. you know, are there more shoes to drop and when here? final word. >> yes, ma'am, i believe there are. he'll have to sell a heck of a lot more art to pay legal fees and every time they turn over the rock and it's generally hunter biden is foreign money and it's probably ill-gotten
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gains and flowed right back into the white house. they're completely -- they've been completely compromised in all this. elizabeth: congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: special council jack smith fighting for a new kind of gag administered order on former president trump. and this story, why congress needs to take this up. the issue rised by constitutional scholars and reagan's ag and jack smith's entire office is illegal and violates the constitution. we've got former dhs oversight council mike powell on that but first, let's check in with my buddy dagen. what's coming up on the bottom line. >> first, coming up is a happy birthday to you. elizabeth: thank you, dagen. >> i'll have a co-anchor, saratogaly hurt or maybe i've beaten him off because he didn't promo on kudlow. i digress.
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congressman kevin kylie on the resignation of president gay at harvard and this is a start of more on the investigation by congress. and kt mcfarland on the lack of foreign policy by president biden and co. allegation on how one left wing climate group is preparing judges for global warming cases and $3 billion going to cali to revive that stupid bullet train to nowhere. can't make it up.hi s top of the hour. ♪ you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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elizabeth: former homeland security oversight mike cowl. good to see you again. special council jack smith filed a motion in federal court in the 2020 case to limit and gag what former president trump can say even his political statements and jack smith is saying this trial should be about the facts and not the law -- excuse me, about the facts and the law and not politics and he's saying that the federal appeals court in that filing that, yeah, they should mostly uphold still this gag order in the case.
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>> something special about jack smith is how deranged of what he's doing and the court saying i want president trump not to campaign for president and jack smith wants to campaign himself and limiting first amendment rights of president trump to say what's needed to say about jack smith and ill -- founded prosecution of him and it's outrageous and one wonders what the principle limits are here at play and what president trump can't talk about the insane prosecution for the purposes of election interference, can you talk about it or i or anyone in the country. you see where this ends and that's where jack smith has a terrible losing record and i mean whether he's even allowed to be doing what he's doing, it's a basis of constitutional laws and certainly open on question and the question now is losing left and right and lashing and grabbing at straws. elizabeth: jack smith urging dc court of appeals to reject
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trump's presidential immunity response in this case and dc court of appeals will hear arguments january 9 on the former president's immunity claim and then this trial in the u.s. district court in this case was set for march but it's on pause now. trump is pursuing this appeal and insisting he can't be prosecuted in this case because of presidential immunity. where does that come down? >> it's pretty obvious that president trump at the time was president of the united states and for the doctrine of presidential immunity applies and jack smith wants to take out that protection that president trump had and try him as a private zillionths. i don't see that -- private citizen and i don't see that flying there's not limits and bounds and he's trying to use as much mitt cal lev rang and all the law fair in maine, colorado, et cetera and trying to sneak this past. the supreme court tried to jump
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ahead of the criminal justice system and the case backlog to get to the supreme court and has to sit back and wait for this one too. he hasn't presented any articulate reason for this and he's a political rogue prosecutor. elizabeth: stay on that for a second and constitutional scholars and ronald reagan's attorney general filed a brief with the supreme court saying smith's office, jack smith's entire office is illegal and outside the constitution. congress never passed a law enacting jack smith's office and it violates the appointments clause and it's bigger than ever nominated and senate hasn't confirmed him and take atrium and biden is all the words jack smith. is it okay for justice department, any justice department to go ahead and, ag, go ahead and appoint a special council to investigate a mitt cal opponent? >> right, greated a me stumbled
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upon a long forgetten document and outlines some provisions for this type of stuff. and guardrails and one cannot simply just appoint a private citizen and give them all the powers of federal law enforcement and say go happy hunting and, no, there's appointments clause and a process that needs to be played out. you know, general meiss lays las that out. elizabeth: thank you, good to see you. >> you too. elizabeth: dr. janette nesheiwat joining and yous more than 200 troops and veterans demanding biden's pentagon leadership be fired. why? because of the covid vaccine man dade. we're going to -- mandate and we're going to break it down next on "the evening edit". >> happy birthday to liz. i've known for you a long time. we used to be on the 18th floor together at fox and i've always thought that you were one of the best and most insightful people on all of the network. you're probably the only person i know that actually rebuked
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mother teresa. that makes you pretty special. but you're special anyway, and i wish you the greatest of birthdays. happy birthday, liz. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. all so you can trade brilliantly. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs!
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elizabeth: look -- who is here dr. jannette nesheiwat,
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sit tight, i love governor huckabee, he gave me happy birthday message, he said i rebuked mother teresa, i accidently high 5ed her, st. teresa was trying to put a blessing on my had, i high fived her. thank you governor for bringing up my most embarrassing moment. i did this. so this story. segue, ready. >> what do you make of this over 200 u.s. troops, demanding that biden's military leadership at the pentagon be co court-martialed and fired over the covid-19 mandate, saying they remember experimented on, what do you think, doctor? >> you know, liz, happy birthday, this is heartbreaking, when the military we're already at low recruitment episode this
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time compared to 50 years ago. we see so many veterans struggling with depression and high rates of suicide. to see we're treating our veterans in such a manner is heartbreaking, we were told in beginning, if you got the vaccine you could not catch covid and you could not spread the disease to others, they did not acknowledge natural immu immunity. so the fact they didn't acknowledge this information, really was detrimental, when it came to our military, i understand at the beginning it was learn as you go process, but you know, once we gathered more information and learned later from the cdc from nih there was not all this truth and facts that came about in regards to the covid vaccine, we should have taken action and said, we made a mistake, we have
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learned from it, let's go to plan b, when they put in this mandate, if you do in the get vaccinated in 2021, then they realized it was a problem, they rescinded it and december of 2022, but they didn't compensate our veterans or this military servicemen and women sphwhoo . dagen: they fired a lot of them. elizabeth: they fired a lot of them. they are from most all of the branches of u.s. armed forces, they signed this declaration. they are saying, military leaders broke the law, they trampled their constitutional rights, they ddenied informed concept and permitted up willing experiment. this seems that troops, they have a case? >> you know from a medical perspective, if you had an allergic reaction or maybe
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to some of the ingredients in the vaccine, you will remove someone from their livelihood because of that in we always provide religious and medical exemptions, think about w the toll it has take up on our servicemen and women who risk their lives for us, this is our thank you to them. i think we need to take action to repair the damage that we have done. elizabeth: dr. jannette nesheiwat thank you for joining us, happy new year to you, we'll have you back. >> happy new year and happy birthday. elizabeth: thank you, i am elizabeth macdonald, thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, we have another hot show tomorrow night, but now time for "the bottom line," helmsley dagen and charlie. >> happy birthday. elizabeth: thank you. dagen: than thank you, emacki


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