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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 3, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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consumer. it is technically sound. it does have exposure to a lot of themes you're talking about. these themes will not go away overnight. it is something to be in for the long haul. liz: as we finish up we're looking at red on the screen. we're up for any kind of specific advice, with clearly as much assets under management you have at baird it is valuable for our viewers. ross, thanks very much, we appreciate it. ross mayfield. here we go, you see a 267-point loss at the moment for the dow jones industrials. we got the federal reserve minutes. [closing bell rings] it didn't exactly confirm what traders hoped that we will have six rate cuts this year. not so much. markets showing bit of disappointment. tomorrow evercore head of research mark mahaney. you don't want to miss that. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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so, as you know harvard's claudine gay has resigned as president of the ivy league university though somehow still a member of the faculty and get this, making a salary of 900 grand but plagiarism, anti-semitism and dedication to left-wing social justice, diversity, equity, inclusion all that remains completely unsolved and the harvard corporation, get this board of directors, they blamed racist vitriol for her demise. more insanity and today the spotlight has shifted to sally kornbluth, president of mit who continues to blow smoke at us by appointing some new bureaucratic board and a vice president. wall street investor bill ackman got it right if you ask me when he tweeted ettu, sally, you too should be gone as brutus stabbed caesar. good antiquity.
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here to report on all of this is fox business star lydia hu for more on the matter. lydia what you got. >> reporter: hey there, larry, that's right. out of three university presidents who testified on capitol hill about anti-semitism on december 5th, two have now resigned. university of pennsylvania liz mack gill, as you pointed out claudine university president of harvard. elise stefanik led the questioning on universities presidents, posted this on x, two down once to go. mit not even apology issued by your school and zero commit ment by your school to combat anti-semitism and support jewish students. instead after apology, or announcement of a resignation, sally kornbluth announced a new edition of new vice president for equity and inclusion. she write this is, with this new role we have an important
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opportunity to reflect on comprehensively assess the structures and programs intended to support our community and create a welcoming environment. meanwhile critics of harvard say more needs to be done to correct course at the university after claudine gay's statement offered no contrition. she wrote this, quote it has been distressing to have doubt cast on my commitments to confronting hate and upholding scholarly rig for and frightening to be subjectinged to personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus. the harvard board responsible for hiring president, sorrow to accept gay's resignation adding this, we thank president gay for her deep unwavering commitment to harvard and for her pursuit of academic excellence. elise steph nan tick demand review of the board's coverup or of racism an plagiarism.
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liz mack gill resigned but remains member of the law school faculty. questioning how does one change the system when it keeps the leaders the same, back to you. larry: that is exactly 100% the right question. thank you for that terrific report. joining me to talk more about all of this we welcome alabama senator tommy tuberville. i want to say about mr. tuberville, he was the head football coach at four different major universities spanning 22 years. we're talking about auburn, ole' miss, texas tech and cincinnati. folks, here's the key. that means he was a teacher and a mentor to literally thousands of students down through the years and i think that is a very important point nowadays with all this craziness in the ivy league elites or wherever. senator tuberville, happy new year, welcome back to the show. you've had all of this long-time
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experience in major big universities, most of them bigger than these ivy schools i think. what do you make of this whole story as you watch it unfold? >> well this has been unfolding for years, larry. it's one of the reasons i'm a senator. when i retired from coaching back six, seven years ago, i knew that we were having problems in education but it is just not in the dean area or professors or some of the students or some of the policies being pushed it is pushed by a lot of administrations. you're starting to see that now especially in the ivy league. it goes all across the country, not just of the ivy league. intook trin nation a lot of kids are getting in this wokism i guess we would call it but it is about racism. at the end of the day, larry, when i coached i had all kind of kids on my team from all religions, colors, races didn't make any difference but it is
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about being color-blind. do not look at color. this country is being pushed towards looking at different colors but if we're going to survive through education, through anything that we do, if we don't start looking through the lens of being color-blind, not looking at any color, look at americans, if we don't do that, this country is not going to make it. larry: you know on that point, senator, on that point i mean these non-apologies apologies, i will take harvard for example, claudine gay said racial animus was the problem, okay? again blaming race. the harvard board, whatever it is called, the corporation called it racist vitriol. that just misses the whole point about anti-semitism and plagiarism and you know, the destructive nature of diversity, equity and inclusion which are just watchwords for more racism and you know, alan dershowitz was on last night telling about
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how they make to make oppressors versus the oppressed. that is nonsense. that is not the way the world worked. you coached thousands of kids. those kids probably came into your office thousands and thousands of times to talk about stuff. did it fall back on social justice and racism or were they more serious about this or let me ask you, maybe you felt some pressures at these big universities you worked at? >> no, larry, what happens in sports and it is the way it should be in our country it is about merit. i didn't care who played on our football team. i was paid to win games. if you're black, white, protestant, jewish, catholic, didn't make any difference we played the best. people have to understand that in our country, we're the same way as a sports program, united states of america, you get what you put into it. the same thing with everything, whether it is business, politics, if you work hard you get more out of it. don't wait for somebody to give
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you something. that is what is starting to happen in this country. people are sitting back wanting something given to them. we've had racism in this country but racism for color, race, religion, as i said earlier. there has been some but racism, larry is an attitude, it's an attitude, that is what is being pushed on the american people right now it is an attitude of racism to try to divide all of us and if we don't understand what is going on, understand what the democratic party is trying to do this country won't make it. we can't be a divided country. we're only 330 million people. we have to stand up for ourselves but we have to stand up for our constitution. larry: do you think, just last question, i have a couple other things for you, senator, but as you look at this thing it seems to me, i mean people want harvard to change, people want mit to change, upenn to change, blah, blah. doesn't seem like they want to change, doesn't seem like it. seems like they're hiding behind the bureaucracy and a lot of
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bureaucratic language. claudine gay may be gone but the next person on the bench may be worse and the people that hired her on the corporation board are still there. i think that is debilitating sad, a depressing thought. it is supposed to be a great university, not so great, it will not change so why should it be so great? >> it starts with your leadership and the leadership for these universities are the board of trustees. they have to hold people accountable, larry, and if they don't hold people accountable, just like, mit, penn, again i could go on and on with people across this country that are pushing all the wokism because i've been there, i've seen it but it all starts with the people that put the plan together to run the university. how can they make the most money? and so they pushed this agenda out there and they, they're starting to sigh that hey, this might sell better than anything
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else. and so we got to get control of that. people have to be held accountable but again it goes past these presidents. it all goes all the way up to the board of trustee members that are pushing this agenda because they're the ones that goes out to raise the money to keep these universities open. larry: that's the way i read it too, senator, thanks. your record with all these colleges is quite remarkable. let me go to some other things about accountability. joe biden yesterday announced they're going to have more student loan cancellations despite the fact that the supreme court has already said you do not have the power to do that without some kind of a congressional appropriation. so it is like there he goes again. he is breaking the law, senator tuberville. what's happening here? >> well, joe biden could care less, larry about our constitution. he has been breaking the law from day one. he has been spending our taxpayer dollars on abortion. he has been ignoring our
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immigration laws which for some reason we're negotiating with the democrats to put more laws in there. they will not go by them anyway. he spent as you just said over half a trillion dollars on student loan giveaways. he said he will continue to do more which the supreme court said he couldn't do. we saw obama do this, larry. he did it through a pen and a phone. he you into he couldn't get anything through congress. joe biden is doing the same thing. democrats will not hold them accountable. voters this fall have to hold joe biden accountable for how he is breaking the law. larry: including i assume the border? >> the border it's embarrassing, larry, it will not be fixed. the democrats act like they're negotiating with the republicans. they're holding the american taxpayer hostage because they want $100 billion to be spent overseas to be stolen and spent. they're holding the american taxpayer whose stage, if you don't give you $100 billion,
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taxpayers we'll not stop immigration. we'll not keep people from coming across. we'll not go by the immigration laws. it is embarrassing what is going on in this clown show in d.c. larry: senator tuberville, help is on the way. a lot of new endorsements for donald trump who is the front-runner this from the house of course, steve scalise, majority leader, tom emmer the whip, senator tom cotton, elise stefanik led the way, you endorsed trump. seems like the entire gop is getting behind donald trump? >> next 10 months, larry, will be very interesting but you know we have 18 senators. i was the first one to endorse president trump. i don't know where the other 31 are. i guess they're waiting -- larry: i think his satellite went down or something, anyway. that was senator tommy tuberville. we appreciate -- i would say, folks i especially, he taught at all these big universities. coaches are teachers and he has been through this and you can hear him on the harm of all of
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this racism and social justice nonsense. anyway, still ahead here on "kudlow," we're going to talk to house speaker mike johnson. he joins us live from the border in eagle pass, texas, where he is camped out with 60 members of congress i hope they're all getting tough on president biden's catastrophic open border. what was it, 300,000 illegal immigrants in the month of december alone. three, happy new year, 300,000. and by the way i love immigrants, legal immigrants. that's what this country needs and we've got to stop this divisive racism as senator tuberville has said. we heard it from alan dershowitz last night. i'm kudlow. this is the "kudlow" show. we will be right back. please stick around. happy new year. we'll solve these problems, trust me. we can do it. ♪
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♪. larry: all right, folks, welcome back. picture this, 300,000 illegals coming across the border in a single month of december and so far nothing is being done about it. house speaker mike johnson is seeing biden's border crisis
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with his own eyes. he joins us from eagle pass, texas. mr. speaker, we appreciate it very, very much. i like you to hear sound from karine jean-pierre because it makes no sense at all if there is to be some kind of deal. please take a listen. >> in order to get the work done at the border we need more resources, dhs needs more resources. our border patrol agents need more resources. we need more immigration judges. we need more resources to get this done. house republicans keep getting in the way of doing the work to deal with what we're seeing at border. they're obstructing. house republicans are obstructing. that is what they're doing right now. larry: mr. speaker that is a very hostile, aggressive response what is going on. i want to get your thoughts on that, what is actually happening? >> what she just said is patently absurd. they want more money to process illegals into the country,
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larry. we're down here on the border of eagle pass. this is the epicenter of the problem of course. we have 64 members of congress representing 29 states and one u.s. territory. we people from california, maryland, and florida because every state is a border state. this administration opened the border wide for the whole country. we have people coming in from 170 countries and this is epidemic crisis proportions. you cannot overstate the humanitarian catastrophe we have here. larry: speaker johnson, has president joe biden gotten involved in any talks with you, for example, or any of your lieutenants, to solve this open border catastrophe? >> no. this is intentional. these are policy choices that got us into this situation, larry. we passed hr.2 seven months ago. our legislation, the secure the border act does exactly what is necessary to stem the flow and get on top of this crisis. it would restore the remain in
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mexico policy that worked so well under the trump administration. end catch-and-release. it would rebuild the wall, finishing building the border wall that is important deterrent and importantly it would do things we know that can be done. the president doesn't even need new federal laws. he needs to enforce the ones on the books. he could do much of this by executive order but he refuses to do it. if we make the simple changes we could solve this problem. right now it is completely out of control. larry: is the option then, the fallback position we'll have 300,000 people in january come across illegally or more? i mean they know the door is open. they listen to what president biden says which is, as you described it, it's an open border policy. it's a cash, it's a catch-and-release. how much of this can we a accommodate? >> we can't. we're completely overrun. south texas cannot handle what's happening and neither can the
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rest of the country. if you look at the border patrol's numberses it is an estimated seven million people have been encountered at border. we have at least 1.2 million "gotaways." that is the ones we know b we can't count all that come in. 300 known terrorists apprehended at border. we don't have any idea how many evade the capture around set up cells. fentanyl the leading cause of death of people 18 to 49. president biden lost track of 100,000 minors came across the border unaccompanied. they're a lot of in the system. it is absolute madness. trafficking is the number one business of the cartels. it is estimated just here in the del rio sector, the cartels are making $32 million a month in trafficking human beings. that is over a, billion 1/2 dollars a year and the biden administration cares nothing about this they do nothing to stop it. larry: former president trump
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said recently, i'm sure you heard him on this personally, but he said there has to be a deportation policy. that it's not only closing the border, remain in mexico, building the wall but there has to be a deportation policy. it was done years ago during the eisenhower period because we cannot a accommodate what's happened here with all of the drugs as you you pointed out, the illegals, law breaking, whatnot, the cartels. so will you back a deportation policy? >> we, desperate times call for desperate measures, larry. the real problem the longer this is delayed, the longer the fix of this is delayed the worst the problem gets and harder for us to even detect where these people are. they're being lost into the system. they're being immigration hearings they are supposed to appear for four years down the road. this is not a sustainable trajectory of course. how would we even collect them all to deport them.
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we have very serious questions. remember too in addition to societal ills come from this, billions and billions of taxpayer dollars, u.s. taxpayerses are being funded for housing health care and all the other benefit, education being given to illegals. we walk through facilities here that are great. they're temporary tent cities here that many communities in america, tax paying, law-abiding citizens would love to have the benefit of. they get a great education for illegals coming across. we sent a message everyone should come here and so it is no surprise that they are. larry: what happens, mr. speakerrer? no money for ukraine? no money for israel? no money for taiwan, and no fix for the border. how does this get resolved? what are you thinking? >> well, we're thinking that the white house has to come to its senses. they're getting pressure from even democrats. mayors of big sanctuary cities and blue states are crying out for help. they know it is not sustainable. they're draining all the resources there.
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colleagues on the other side of the aisle understand this is a crisis must be resolved. i'm optimistic and hopeful they will listen to the american people and make necessary changes in policy to get this done. i hope the senate will take up our legislation, hr.2, and do the right thing, the common sense things to fix the problem. we'll keep demanding that. we'll push that as a condition of these supplemental spending packages because we have to. larry: i say respectfully, mr. speaker, respectfully, you will remain tough, remain touch? hr.2 is a great bill. it employs many strategies that mr. trump had putting that aside, you will stay stuff, that is your message? >> that's the message we have to secure the border before we have can take care ever anything else. national security, the sovereignty of our nation is the most important and secondly, larry as you and i both know we talk about all the time we have to limit discretionary spending, non-defense items we're trying to reduce, as you know widely
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reported we're $34 trillion in debt today. we take that very seriously in the republican conference. larry: speaker mike johnson, good luck down there at border. good luck in the negotiations. happy new year, sir. >> thanks, larry, same to you. larry: coming up folks, a bulletin, donald trump now leading joe biden among hispanics, young voters and closing the gap between black voters. new poll. meanwhile iowa 12 days away, eight days later comes new hampshire. right here on set we have deroy murdock and joe concha. they will give us the lowdown on why joe biden's dei, woke, fringe democrats are in a heap of trouble. you listening fellows? this is a tough one. stick with "kudlow." we're optimistic. it is new year's. we're optimistic. change is coming. help is on the way.
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larry: all right, we're going to iowa in just a moment but before we do that we have to talk with the great edward lawrence who has a few thoughts on america's finance which don't look all that great, edward. >> reporter: yeah, they're upside down and i don't have to tell you that, larry. we passed the 34 trillion-dollar federal debt mark. this happened because tax revenue coming in has been softer over the past three years and the spending under this president has increased. >> we're swimming upstream and we still have dramatic growth in social security, medicare, medicaid revenue falling short and runaway spending in other parts of the budget. we've been adding $10 billion a day to the debt over the last three months. >> reporter: the committee for a responsible federal budget said there has to be combination of spending cuts and tax increases to take care of the federal debt. no one i talked to in the white house considered cutting spending. right leaning american action
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forum, says regulations by president biden added $745 billion of costs to companies. national association of business manufacturers says that cost of regulations could be as high as $3 trillion or 12% of gdp. it all boils down to money, the cost of doing business or spending. through the supplemental funds the president wants to add spending 675 billion-dollar increase this year which includes faster border processing. i wanted to know what happened to root causes. does the president still have the confidence that the vice president can get to the root causes of migration to stop the pro. >> president sees the vice president as a partner women had on all the success we've seen, what we've been able to do in the first term in this administration, first three years of this administration, so he has all confidence in her and continue to do so. he has confidence in the vice president, i answered your question, go ahead.
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>> reporter: sew republicans as you know from your interview with the house speaker just moments ago say it is president biden's policies that caused this on the border. back to you, larry. larry: edward, i'm watching those questions, i'm going ouch ouch, ouch, you're the best in the business. let's switch to politics, ha-ha, 12 days away from iowa caucuses. eight days later comes new hampshire. at this moment we have deroy murdock, senior fellow at the "american spectator" and fox news contributor and contributor to the "daily caller," joe concha, media politics columnist at the messenger, welcome. i want to go back, maybe this is a reach but i'm not sure. donald trump wants to label joe biden and the democrats as the fringe party, extremists and i wondered, deroy, start with you on this, this harvard fiasco, okay, the dei fiasco,
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the plagiarism fiasco, and then the blaming racism fiasco, how does this play into these primaries, caucuses and elections? >> i'd say probably indirectly. i don't think it has a direct impact but underscores the idea we're not dealing with hubert humphrey democrats or walter mondale democrats or even bill clinton democrats. i have hate to say this, joe biden look can't have a gas stove, everything is racist. endless clash between 9 oppressors and oppressed. harvard situation plays right into that. that is in the background a bit. it just reminds people the democrat as left is note your father's and mother's democrat party anymore. larry: jeff concha, you know what? these are dei democrats, they are stuck with that. i think it's extraordinary. you're right it is indirect with respect to claudine gay and
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harvard but it is not indirect. there is the whole problem, wrecking a great university because of this social justice, woke dei crap. >> not just confined to harvard, right? larry: right. >> almost every elite school around. they had the cut and paste president in claudine gay. she is no longer president but still gets to keep her job by the way as a professor. you know what she will earn this year? $900,000. you wonder why harvard costs 8,000 a year. larry: could be tax-free. >> you think. larry: i would like to check whether it is tax-free or not. >> certainly tax subsidized. we're putting a lot of money as tax pay into harvard for research and what not. a lot of money tied up in there. >> i want to go back to this, i'm like a puppy dog biting at your ankles. i think donald trump will make big hay out of this, dei democrats because the country is sick to death of it and watching these great universities fold. that is what they're doing,
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losing their whole image. who brought them down? who kept trump off the ballot or disqualifying in these states? biden talks about democracy. how democratic is that? is the white house calling the shots on these dummy states? they may hedge but essentially trying to keep him off the ballot, deroy. one thing leads to another. fringe, fringe, crazy, crazy, woke, woke. >> biden gets up oh, trump is such a threat to democracy but not republicans taking biden off the ballot. larry: who is doing at this point. >> at some point biden this is crazy stop. i want to run against donald trump beat him at the polls. he could give a speech to secretaries of states and judges would stand ball. the same people yelling democracy, democracy, democracy means you can't vote for against donald j. trump. yank him off the ballot. not republicans doing it. it is democrats. >> it is two part message. dei democrats but what are you ouring as republican nominee,
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that is common sense conservatism. come nonsense is simple. we're 34 in debt. we shouldn't spend so much. we have border witted open. we have 300,000 people combing across in december. we don't know how many people are on the terrorist watch list. policies driving people out of california, new york, illinois because laws are not being enforced. education at 30 year lows. i can make a common sense argument. larry: we have three trillion, three trillion in new regulations most of which affects small business which used to be the engine of growth. you're right. it is common sense. that is why he is ahead. look where is nikki haley on this? where is she on the border? now there is a whole thing up, where is she on fiscal policy? in south carolina everyone is reporting this now, i'm just going to repeated reporting, she raised the gasoline tax and raised the sales tax which hurts middle and lower income people the most.
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where is she on the border? where is she on claudine gay? has she said a word about claudine gay? besides the civil war wasn't about slavery. why hasn't she talked about claudine gay. >> she may have spoken about, i remember, i may have missed it, i don't know. larry: i may have missed it. >> my guess most issues she is essentially inn the right place. what people want somebody that is tough to stand stuff to to di democrats on the issues. she might be good on issues but i don't think she is tough enough to knock them down. larry: i have a phrase, trump tough. trump tough. when you talk about the border, spending taxing, regulating, drill, baby, drill, when you talk about iran, say say trump tough. joe biden is weak link. besides dei democrats and all that stuff, joe concha i know there is no perfection in political candidates, i get that but i'm just saying trump tough
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it's like the country want as tough father or a touch grandfather. right the ship. stop all this other craziness. >> get to work, by the way. joe biden took 140 days of vacation where he was in places that were very comfortable and very nice. the average american takes off 14 days, 10 times as much. how will look when joe biden is 86 in the second term? larry: that is very important point. >> hammer home about work ethic if you're trump, i will out work the guy whether you agree or disagree with him. larry: ron desantis is a conservative. nikki haley is more moderate but i don't want to attack them per se. i'm just saying they missed a lot of opportunities to message on these issues. >> they sure did. larry: i think donald trump probably the best communicator since ronald reagan. you may not like his bluntness every now and then.
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he makes his point you. >> know where he is coming from. you may not like what his positions are. he will tell you my view on taxes, on the border, on health care. it is out there. people say when he was president imsurprised by this where did he surprise it? he put it on twitter, releases. here is what i believe you may like it, may not love it, but you know where he is coming from. >> to the defense of haley and desantis, their interviews 60% is about donald trump. you done with the interview, by the way what do you guys stand for. this is really hard position for them. larry: look, i'm for trump. that's no secret. i'm not against nikki haley or against ron desantis. i think they're good republicans but i don't think they seized the moment. joe concha, last one, from the messenger, this poll that was taken, trump is now winning young voters, he is now ahead of with hispanics, he is gaining on
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blacks. this is part of the joe biden coalition and looks like the coalition is crumbling. what say you? >> georgia was won by 12,000 votes by biden in 2020. 10,000 in arizona. small percentage, 20,000 in wisconsin. these margins are gone and then some. he loses those through states he loses the presidency. not talking about michigan where he is down 10 points, pennsylvania or nevada. you lose that coalition i total see how he is elected again. something changes this is year. we didn't know about covid in 2020. something could happen. with china or iran. larry: these are polls, not votes. deroy, last one. trump says he is going to go into new york, new jersey, virginia, new mexico. he wants to broad the wheel scope of the republican coalition. >> that's good. larry: pretty interesting. >> will be going speaking to black audiences. he could be in new jersey, new york, pennsylvania, why his ideas are good. larry: wants to speak in the bronx? very cool. >> he ought to be going to
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synagogues in michigan and wisconsin, here is what i did as president. why it is so good for israel. who are the people who are soft on genocide? happens to be the left-wing president of harvard, left-wing president of upenn and mi and democrats making life miserable for the republicans. >> ronald reagan went to harlem once. that was a smart move. larry: joe concha, deroy murdock, best of the best. coming up on "kudlow," mass explosion on this iranian big shot, soleimani's memorial funeral. i don't know what happened. he is a big shot. trump shoot him down three or four years ago around the whole thing blew up in iran today. i have don't know. we'll get a live report from tel aviv from our own trey yingst who is going to walk us through, i still don't know what happened. plus china's xi told president biden that the complete reunification of the mother land
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is an irresistible trend, meaning taiwan. china expert gordon cooke will weigh in. how about that? he wants to take over taiwan. we can't get a deal to close the border. i don't get that. i'm kudlow. happy new year. ♪. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. jardiance may cause serious side effects
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♪. larry: so donald trump took out quassem soleimani three years ago. who was quassem soleimani? he was the head of iranian revolutionarily guards and mastermind of iranian terrorism around the middle east and rest of the world. there was memorial for him around yesterday are day before. >> whole thing blew up. hundreds killed and injured. we're trying to figure it out. we go to fox news correspondent trey yingst live on the ground in tel aviv. trey, thank you for this as always. what do you make of this whole soleimani blow-up story? >> reporter: yeah, hey, larry, good afternoon. we're following this development out of southeast iran where twin explosions rocked the city of kerman killing at least 100 people according to regional media. now we know the blast took place at a ceremony that was meant to commemorate the four year anniversary of the death of iranian general quassem soleimani. this gathering just next to the
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funeral location where he is buried. at that cemetery in southeast iran. officials there calling this a terrorist attack but stopping short of blaming anyone or any specific country. the development out of iran do come as israel is bracing for the possibility of a retaliatory attack after a separate drone strike yesterday in beirut killed amass's deputy chairman. saul law al-arouri. lebanese media reported six other hamas members were also killed include two commanders. today the leader of hamas, is mail hand nye yaw, when he calls the al-aqsa flood battle. overnight there was new rocket fire from lebanon but we haven't seen a large-scale response. still israel remains on high alert. >> translator: the idf is at a very high level of readiness in
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all arenas, in defense and offense. we are in a high state of readiness for any scenario. >> reporter: the developments along israel's northern border come as operations continue inside gaza. israeli forces say they took out a militant that tried to plant an explosive device on a tank. they also destroyed a new hamas cell in gaza city that was taken out in a drone strike. the vibe here in tel aviv very tense, larry. we were on the ground in baghdad after the death of quassem soleimani there was an understanding there would be some sort of response. the response here tonight could be following that drone strike yesterday against that senior hamas official in lebanon. larry? larry: trey, can i ask, i don't know if there is an answer, who was behind the blow-up in iran at soleimani's funeral? was this is a popular front? there is a popular front in iran. were these other terrorists? does anybody know, are there any
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clues? >> reporter: it's a great question and initially when the world saw this development this morning everyone looked to israel thinking amid the regional tension it was israelis but it was likely isis or an isis offshoot inside of iran. the iranians dealt with terrorism themselves and this is a symbolic day for the country. likely a day a group like isis would choose to attack. larry. larry: trey yingst, the best of the best, appreciate it. stay safe. talk soon. move on to switch gears a little bit. china's xi xinping told president biden at their last meeting, quote, the complete unification of the mother land is an irresistible trend. he was talking about taiwan and reunification. so no one better to talk about all of that, gordon chang, senior fellow at the gatestone institute, the author of china is going to war. it took a while for this to come out. i guess biden tried to hide it
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or antony blinken his secretary of state but that is a very serious promise that xi made in the middle of all these other i will say chaotic foreign policy developments? >> that is certainly right because we didn't hear anything from the president of the united states after that november 15th meeting but we did hear from xi xinping on december 31st that was his new year's message and what he said in a paragraph was listed in a things that were going to happen in 2024 he said taiwan is going to be reunified with china. 2024. even if he is bluffing the point is he is creating markers which is enemies will judge him and he is basically talking china into war. larry: 2024 is this year, correct me, happy new year. >> happy new year, larry. larry: we're doing nothing nothing to help taiwan because of border problem, we have to stop the border completely, but the rest of it joe biden is blocking every single thing
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because of his stubbornness about open borders and illegal immigrants. xi is watching that. i have want to add one other thing, xi and biden talked. what never came out, xi, china, threw its purchases of russian oil and iranian oil, follow me, he is financing two wars against the united states and that never came out either. >> yeah. china is already at war with the world. larry: right. >> they did green light the invasion of ukraine and finances it. you know with iran, if you look at the first nine months of 2023 china's purchases of iranian oil was 60% above that in the comparable period in 2017. 2017's important because in 2018 the trump administration resanctioned purchases of iranian oil which means that basically china is not only supplying money but it is also supplying weapons to hamas, hezbollah and the houthi militia. larry: last point i will make
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is, the defense department seemed to want to hide the issue of china's spy balloon. we learned, only got a minute left, less than a minute. we learned not only was it a spy balloon but it was sending intelligence back to beijing. >> mark milley, then chairman of the joint chiefs 6 staff told cbs news no intelligence was gathered by that balloon. he knew that it did. he lied to the american people. that is not the only pro-china thing milley did. i think which need to investigate. larry: i think we need a tough on china policy, i mean a really tough on china policy we'll talk some more about that. gordon chang, thank you ever so much for explaining. appreciate it. folks stick with me. somebody has to get tough on china. gordon is right, 100%. ♪.
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larry: or so i'll just say this whether it's spending, borrowing and debt, cover regulations, expensive regulations, high taxes, drill, baby, drill: close the border. stand up and shut down iran. stand up to china so they know they can't take taiwan. we need tough, and i'm going to just say this, if you disagree i understand, but we need trump tough in order to so these problems in the new year. and we also need e to bring on my pal liz macdonald who's going to give you the thorough


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