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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 8, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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345, 5:00 o'clock dinner type of guy because i get up early. after what time in the present tense, what time are most americans eating dinner, i would say 553, i think things are getting earlier. 619 for heaven sakes. most households i.e. between 507 and 819 i can't believe you eat as leaders that. the peak time is 619 that is according to data from the bureau of labor statistics, you are normal and i'm not. >> i did not want to say it the proof is in the pudding. we will get you to new york and have dinner whenever. thank you, see you later. "coast to coast" start right now. >> iowa one week away from the big boat, the markets away from the big slide.
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we don't know how iowa works out but investors are working out a rally that so far is kind of working out, take a look at the nasdaq i say kinda because some technology buyers are dipping back into apple and nvidia and will tell you about that just the second. that was the same nasdaq tumbling 3% last week, a bit of a comeback, too soon to tell if this trend will hold my market want your friend has some ideas. it was good to see you, how are you doing. >> good to see you. >> what you make of this day and what's been a bumpy year and maybe we try to correct it but certainly in case of the nasdaq were doing better than that. >> lots of uncertainty more than i think people appreciate. i think a lot of big companies have business models that are at risk and appeared to be just ffine, apple having the problem that i think everyone thought they knew what it looked like but suddenly pieces of it look like they're falling out and i think the threats remain in a
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thinker very serious and were entering an era of winners and losers, that is not as easy as picking the market. neil: last year, after prior year there was no barrel. now how do you see this you're going, the billionaire investor who sees the market doing very well maybe not as well as last year but back to back big gains says almost a right of passage in a presidential election year, do you agree with that. >> i agree the presidential years hard to imagine a scenario where the biden administration doesn't pull out every stop. neil: or the fed. >> and the fed behind it. at the same time there is some level of stability that would be great. as you know i live in the world of entrepreneurial companies, startups and technology sof software. neil: hanging out with a very lot of rich people. >> they had a wiki capital draft
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for years, it's been a desert. some level of stability would help bring what is beneath up because those companies have been in survival mode. neil: i know it's still early, give me a sense of what you see going on. >> i would guess we will see gyrations because individual companies are going to take hits regularly. and if they're big enough companies taking hits as last week we will see the market get pile driven for a week or two and everyone will say that's idiosyncratic that company or to the industry. it's good to be volatility wrapped around stability if that makes sense. stability in the sense i don't think the overall market will crank up or down but i think individual companies can take hits and also take off. neil: were one week from iowa and i think it's a little too early for the market to be playing off the election in
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november, what point does it begin to factor in? >> there is still some level of predictive uncertainty. it is far enough out and we still have other candidates who may have a chance in the republican side and still old joe will be around. at the moment. neil: that's not a given. >> you could still have major changes that i think right now would have a high discount rate applied to them that may become more and more predictive as time goes by. neil: usually is a few months before they begin to say this guy wins. an interesting question as to whether it's been a long time since a major party has sailed into an election with we know were going to lose the sele selection, that has been 1984 was the last time.
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neil: let's just forget about it. that is was dangerous. always good seeing you, the best of the best. in the meantime we want to update you on the grounding of the 737 and the latest alaskan airlines after this flight, that could've been dangerous. alaska airlines has canceled 139 flights 20% of the departures, united has canceled 204 flights. about 7% of the departures. a lot of them are grounded the 737 max nine involved in this particular accident. let's go to dan springer the international airport with what he's learning now. >> the cancellations have slowed down today as those inspections have taken place in those planes have been recertified to fly again, the big development overnight was the fact that the ntsb has the door plug that came off the plane found in the backyard of a portland schoolteacher so they can piece together what happened and what had to be a terrifying exchange
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minutes until the plane got back onto the ground here in portland, investigators spent yesterday coming over the max nine in the 2 feet by 4 feet when the door plug flew off at 5:11 p.m. friday night minutes after takeoff reported international airport with the plane that had 16000 feet elevation, 171 passengers on board with six crew members, was a chaotic scene, the cabin lost pressure oxen oxygen mask came down the cockpit flew open the boys shirt was ripped off his body and cell phones flew off the plane. air traffic controllers did not know if it was a terrorist attack or not. >> we need to descend down. >> it was white as a refrigerator and a high of two thirds of a refrigerator in height there was a loud bang towards the left rear of the plane and annoys in all the air masks dropped.
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>> a boeing executive told me on background he's never seen anything like this before but it almost has to be a mistake made with the door plug was installed in the job was done by spirit aerosystems a contractor in wichita, kansas that made the fuselage, this plane was only delivered to alaska airlines two months ago there were apparently signs of a problem on three previous lights a warning light came on indicated there may be an issue with pressurization it was thought to be fairly minor but maintenance was scheduled and was being put on restricted use. >> we do know there was a decision by alaska airlines to a restriction that they put in place they called the need tops restriction that prevented the plane from being flown to hawaii over water so that if the light
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illuminated it could return very quickly to an airport. >> just to be clear the maintenance was never done before the incident friday ni night, as you mentioned the faa came in and grounded all of the 737 max nines that have the door plug. until maintenance can be done they could expect the bolts and the door and a lot of those have been dented to date our process. the airlines had to counsel thousands of flights over the weekend but we see far fewer flights canceled as the inspections are done in the planes returned to service. neil: thank you for all that, dan springer, the incident on friday as dan touched on prompted the faa of all types of boeing 737 max nine summer coming back into service observe inspected one by one, the agency is still saying is satisfying that they as a group are referring to the 737 max nines are safe, this is coming from an faa spokesperson yesterday.
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i want to go to kyle bailey safety team representative. the first question that comes to mind is the safety of these planes, do you think they are safe? >> yes, i do, good afternoon, the airplanes are safe in the safety record during the last 20 years of how many fatalities have we had in the u.s. almost unblemished safety record here in the u.s. and these things happen, let's face it spirit aerosystems is one of boeing's biggest flyers they do a lot of work for them in human beings to make mistakes. unfortunately this will happen over a long period of time. humans make mistakes and machines malfunction. neil: on not you are right to site the 20 year history and few of any accidents but 737 max as a group are new to this and the rollout has been delayed and is a stumbling rollout in i'm sure
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this is not helping matters any. you're confident 737 max as we know it the max nine as we know it is fine and won't blemish out record. >> that is correct, the end result that no passengers died and this plane landed safely and everything worked the way it was supposed to. again this should not have happened this problem will be corrected in the aircraft will be safe. i want to reiterate this is no way affiliated with the 737 max that we've seen previously completely different airplanes. in my opinion the airplane is safe when these inspections are done. neil: let me ask a dumb question in verification over the years when i asked these questions. a lot of people say am i flying at one of these planes i know the variations of the max and
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you educated me on that. a lot of people come back to me and say i was traveling in one of these planes maybe i shouldn't have or somebody says anytime i want out, what you tell people who have initial reaction based on initial story that scared a lot of people a lot. >> it scares a lot of people and as a general rule of thumb then you are the airplane the safer it is. if this was an older airplane like the boeing 717 in aging aircraft, this problem with the loss of cabin pressure happens in older planes ten or 20 years old and was very surprised with the brand-new aircraft, generally the newer the airplane the safer the airplane the more redundancy in the latest technology in a little interesting tidbit if you want to know if you're on a max and if you look at the engines you will see a jigsaw triangle when you look at the side of the engine that indicates you're on an eight or 89 a little bit of
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an info, the airplane is safe and there should be no hesitation with any of your viewers for getting on the airplane once they get those inspections back in service. neil: the other problems that were cited flying over water with the electronic system can appear compromised, should we worry about that? >> that was a warning and typically any new airplane that's within a few months old and not a permanent aircraft were temporary one it's pretty much restricted within about ten or 15 miles of land anyway. i was actually surprised as a permanent registration but they did as a precaution and if this was in route to hawaii we will probably have a different outcome because they would have to slow the airplane down and if it's a middle of the ocean it could have been fatal.
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everything happened and luck was on our side. thankfully the outcome was fantastic. neil: i did not think of that i could've been a very different story. good seeing you, happy new year. >> thank you. we will keep you posted as we get reports on the 737 max nine being put back into service. it is a one by one where they're looking at the major airlines that have them. will keep an eye on that and attempt on this. the market coming back going out of the nasdaq, apple has a headset coming out, that stock careening 6%, coming back today. nvidia in and out of all-time highs, will tell you about that on the tech side. updating you in iowa a week away. it's all about the expectation, this is the guy who has a big lead and nikki haley and ron desantis were told he's making some inroads. we won't know until next week,
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what we are learning now, after this. ♪
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neil: the way i view the primary is this donald trump is running for his issues nikki haley is ready for her donor issues. i'm running for your issues your family issues and the issues affecting this country. that's my sole focus and never record to back that up delivering 100% of my promises in the state of florida and taking on the left and beating the left. neil: all these reports and rumors back and forth that ron desantis is getting frustrated, i don't know where they came
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from but he says there's no truth to it, a lot of the people say at a where this came from there saying it's not true they're in it for the long haul and they think they're going to win this out right and not committed a strong second it's all about expectation. grady trimble reminds me of that right now to give us an update where things are. hello, how are we looking. >> former president donald trump repeated those reports that florida governor ron desantis could drop out of the race if he doesn't perform well and iowa trump making those comments at a rally over the weekend and iowa. our colleague bill melugin had a chance to catch up with the santos to ask about that reporting of whether desantis stands by the claim that you reference as recently as mid december, desantis made it that he would win here in iowa, take a listen. >> that is alive totally made up. i like being underestimated.
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if people are going to say no wheeze not, let them set those expectations that usually do better when i'm the underdog, working to do well. >> desantis dancing around the question referring to himself as an underdog, the trump campaign and the trump aligned pack are turning their sights on former un ambassador nikki haley, nikki haley has been surging in the polls in early voting states as well as nationally as you know they are firing back a little bit, the campaign saying trump should spend more time explaining why he never fulfilled his signature promise to build a wall instead of desperately misleading voters with easily debunked ads, the ads she is referring to talking about haley's track record on immigration. her backdrop when you think of iowa you probably think of the great corn growers.
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the candidates all of them trying to win over iowa's farmers, we had a chance to catch up to talk about the challenges that they faced under president biden and why they are ready for change in 2024. >> i am worried about oversight from people who don't understand the business and production. >> the rising interest cost that were going now in the massive amount of inflation. >> outsiders want to tell us how to take care of our land and no one knows the lien better than we do. >> exactly one week until the iowa caucuses, you might think the candidate schedules would be filled with events and they were the only problem they had to cancel several of them today and tomorrow because were expecting a big snowstorm in the des moines area as well as the rest of the state, that is impacting their ability to hit the trail, that is iowa in january. neil: i heard about the snowstorm and heard it's going to get down to 6 - 8 degrees this weekend.
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>> it is i was hoping you could bring the warmth when you come out here but i don't how much control you have over that. neil: very little they're not interested in moving this to hawaii, thank you very much for the update, you are the best. grady trimble, cold weather with iowa chair, thank you for co coming. >> the snowstorm is before the voting next week but if the cold weather is not, iowans are certainly used to that, i know you are but does it affect turnout, what can affect tur turnout. >> i think really the only thing weather related that could affect turnout is a really bad ice storm that would prevent people from driving their. we had 1657 precinct sites, nobody has to travel along ways to get to the caucuses. minus 6 degrees, that is a walk in the park.
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neil: really, when i get there you are going to have to tell me where that park is. let me get your take, help me with this i heard democrats in your state and register as a republican on caucus night and might be able to caucus for somebody other than donald trump. if you're interested in doing that to mix things up, how true is that and what does the state say about that? >> we hear these rumors every caucus cycle because we do have the same night registration. we're not seeing anything that indicates that's going to happen here's the thing that's very different in past caucuses. we have a republican terrific ag and it is illegal to participate in what the iowa democrats are calling a mailing caucus which is the primary and are caucus. if they participate in both we have an ag that will hold them
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accountable for that. neil: i know you don't like to take sides but it was with nikki haley speaking to new hampshire said iowa goes one way paraphrasing and new hampshire voters correct that. she said it was meant in good fun and the competition between the two states was really referring to the prospect of donald trump winning the state and new hampshire would reverse that. as in iowa and did you take offense to that? >> not really we have a friendly rival in new hampshire and to be honest with you i pay for the entire caucus and we are totally in charge. in new hampshire taxpayers pay for that in the state runs it. we have a difficult job, ours is much more grassroot, ultimately, all four of the carveouts new hampshire south carolina and iowa we are all supposed to provide an even playing field of neutrality and i don't think any of us picked presidents i think
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ambassador haley was joking about that and i know my friends in new hampshire are not as important as they may seem sometimes. neil: i wanted to see a nasty food fight between you two. it didn't work. let me get your take if i can on the whole phenomenon of iowa, the last three iowa republican winners dating back to 2008, 12 and 16 they all went on to win nomination not one became president obviously are very protective of your wonderful state as you should be, do you worry about that that is not the barometer that it used to be? >> not at all, 43% of the time the winner of the iowa caucus has gone on to be the nominee. we are not supposed to pick the next president why would you need the other 55 contest. what were supposed to do is provide an even playing field that's why i'm neutral in the party is neutral and were supposed to kick the tires into journalist like yourself share that with the rest of the country, you do not want iowa to
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be 100% predictive, this is why were supposed to do this and this is why the rnc gives us this honor. neil: we look forward to seeing you. thank you again. >> thank you, pleasure to be here. the iowa gop chair. in the meantime it looks, can i do the quotation, don't you hate when people do the quotation. it looks like they have an agreement to ever government shutdown. i stress looks, there's really some of the freedom caucus and they don't like their new speaker has come up with. dare i say a storm brewing. after this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones
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140 odd flights being planned this year most targeted to the moon and beyond. but a couple of hours after takeoff, we learned there were some problems, the solar panels on this vehicle that is supposed to land on the moon the first time is landed on the moon from the united states and better than 50 years, they are failing they're not working, the batteries cannot be charged up it might compromise or delay the landing. i don't know where that stands but i bet you jonathan serrie does. he is in atlanta with more. >> spacecraft manufacture asked robotics as the engineers are working to fix this anomaly affecting the orientation of the mission one lunar lander the problem occurred after an otherwise successful liftoff from florida aboard a rocket earlier this morning. if engineers can correct the problem the first commercial spacecraft to the moon will attempt a soft landing on
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february 23, peregrine one is carrying five payloads of massive research equipment and commercial items including cremated human remains from two space memorial companies. that is upsetting the president of the navajo nation who says the moon should be explored for science, not used as a graveyard. >> you're not making leaps and bounds by transporting human remains and scattering them over a sacred being like the moon. to me that is not pushing science or technology. neil: nasa officials say they take the navajo nation concern very seriously but because this is a commercial spacecraft they cannot dictate what private companies put on board. in outer space treaty signed in 1967 only bans territorial claims and weapons of mass destruction on the moon, otherwise allows free use of the moon for peaceful purposes.
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>> the moon does not have the status of a national park, it is not protected at all and again, the question is should it be, that is something that humanity has to wrestle with. >> space attorney michelle hamlin says she doesn't want to see international body regulating what can and can't go to the moon. she's optimistic that concerned parties can meet together and compromise on minor tweaks to existing international guidelines as space exploration enters this exciting new era of private sector involvement. neil: great job as always jonathan serrie following that. from the rockets going to the moon and a human being and many of you volunteered to take to the moon i'm talking about my buddy charlie gasparino he is in the news again, i'm kidding about that but a guy he follows closely and rockets a part of the spacex push for the stars, he's in a heap of controversy and trouble and allegations that some are worried about
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recreational drugs or whatever you want to call them. elon musk has denied all of that but it's getting a lot of play. charlie gasparino getting a lot of reaction to the story. >> i think the bigger story we should be putting these banners on right now is what is going to happen next with the fox business network, divided administration is almost undoubtedly going to investigate this and look at this vis-à-vis elon musk security clearance, the security clearance with the department of defense because of spacex. and one of the things you cannot do if you want to keep her security clearances, keep doing drugs. when i say this is a bigger story is a bigger story because it's going to have wicked political applications of the department of defense does investigate. if they do put them on probation, there's a lot of talk about that. we reported in 2018 the after he smoked a joint on the joe rogan
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show that elon musk was being investigated for security clearance. they might pull it, they did not at the time but this is different this is the biden administration and he is a critic of the biden administration and elon musk is not a fan of joe biden or many of his policies. so the next step from what i understand this is from sources, wall street executives with sources inside of the white house they deal with the white house all the time there will be an investigation and they are saying there's a good chance that you get to probation. if that happens, watch out, it's good to be a huge political story, my twitter feed is already lining up with people saying cocaine in the white house but elon musk cannot ♪ ♪ joint as a securities clearance. this, if this goes away it looks like it's going to go is going to turn into a major political story. never although moment with elon musk. neil: these stories out there
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like smoking a joint and all of that this only seems, i don't want to dispute the critics but this only seems to become an issue with some of the more conservative strands he's been showing. up until then anything seem to go and it seemed just fine. >> at 2018 we reported it he smoked the thick joint, you know what they are, the cigarettes they call them joints, they split sometimes or hookah sometimes there is a lot of names. in any event you smoke the real big one, got on tv, we reported first that it was going to get them in trouble with the dod and it did but they didn't pull it, that was 2018 a lot of water under the bridge sense then, he is a conservative, more conservative and anti-biden in "the bottom line" if this
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happens it looks like it's going to happen if he does get probation, i am telling you it is going to be a major political issue. you will see trump talk about it, you see republican candidates talk about it in joe biden. >> is going to be an issue very quickly. this is what the guy does with recreational drugs, keep doing it. it is amazing. we'll see what happens. >> i don't know why people smoke this stuff, take the dummies is bad for your lungs. neil: it's an excellent point i'm glad you mentioned that we had all the time of the world for you to mention it. you're the best, the reason why all these other business reporters known as charlie gasparino. if it is what it is, for most of you want to put it on the moon, fees on the moon he's going to create waves, just want you to know. speaking of creating waves the done deal to avoid a government shutdown i don't want to rain on
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neil: the idea was to avoid to government shutdowns, one that could take it effective jan january 19 and another what it really february, this deal that was cobbled together by congressional leaders avoids that but the devil is in the details and not everybody agrees on the details. chad pergram on capitol hill. good afternoon, this is a framework towards averting a shutdown next week, the bipartisan deal is annual spending of $1.6 trillion in reflex spending levels worked
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out last year between president biden and former speaker kevin mccarthy. >> i think we may be close to a deal but we insisted that the federal spending must be addressed in a very serious and sober manner. we crossed an important threshold, $34 trillion in federal debt, reducing nondefense discretionary spending must be a priority of congress. >> conservatives are panty the pack the house freedom caucus as the accord is worse than members thought, the freedom caucus also called it a total failure, they claim the deal spends $1.66 trillion, johnson may have to pass spending bills with some republicans a lot of democrats, that is what undercut his predecessor. >> all we have is a topline number, the devil is always in the details. if this is anything like the horrific debt ceiling deal last year it's going to be a painful pill for republicans to swallow.
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at some point be in the majority has to matter. >> this accord only deals with what's called discretionary spending not entitlements. those continue to spite. >> the fact that we had 10000 americans to the social security and medicare roles are the true cause of where our debt is going out of control. with all the inflation that biden caused by flooding the economy with money and the subsequent rise in interest rates has made our debt cost more. >> they are running out of time, mike johnson wants to do for individual spending bills before the end of next week, that is a herculean task that does not even involve the senate. a partial shutdown next week seems to be hard to avoid. >> incredible, happy new year. chad pergamon that. congressman mike waller conned enough to join us, the house financial services committee foreign affairs committee album solvers caucus, you don't see
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too many like that on capitol hill. congressman let me get your take on the more conservative members, some members are not pleased with this and not about to ride off on it, are you worried this thing could be unraveling and for speaker johnson could be at crippling. >> this is been the fight all of the last year frankly between house freedom caucus members and the rest of the conference. there is a reality that everybody has to accept we do not have complete control washington, democrats controlled the white house and democrats controlled the senate. you have to negotiate and find compromise. obviously our objective is to reduce spending and start bend the curve, we did that to the framework with speaker mccarthy and redoing that hereunder speaker johnson. ultimately if we want to tackle our national debt we need to deal with mandatory spending, we
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all acknowledge that. but you need to have obviously here a bipartisan agreement or you're never going to pacitti thing. that is a reality of a divided government in washington. neil: as you and i are talking, president biden, very busy, and south carolina at this church where this horrific shooting occurred years back, this is focusing on rallying his base just as his speech at valley forge or near valley forge was about reminded the country of what happened on january 6 but criticism galore that he's out of touch but republicans are certainly not all on the same page either. does the early goings when we got to iowa worry you? >> no i think the issue is on our side, this administration has failed miserably on key
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issues, portability, they increase the spending by $5 trillion in the first two years giving us record inflation, the energy policy has contributed to skyrocketing energy costs. and obviously the migrant crisis at our southern border is a catastrophe of their own making. the issues are on our side, i think what republicans need to recognize that you have to advance the ball forward on behalf of the american people, they gave us the opportunity to serve as a check and balance on this administration. we obviously need to make the case in 24 to win the white house and the senate and keep the house. but the issues are there, it's a function of getting the job done, advancing the ball forward and making the argument for november. but some of my colleagues frankly think that we can get our way by stomping her feet and throwing temper tantrums.
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that is not the way you will get anywhere in a divided government. my objective from the beginning has been cut spending, keep the government open, secure our border, deal with the major issues inflicting the american people and advance the ball forward so in 24 the american people give us opportunity to govern with the republican senate and a republican white house. neil: we will watch what happens, happy new year to you. >> happy new year. neil: have a lot of interesting reaction when i joke with people about this obsession leaving money to our kids and i already told my kids the dog is getting everything because the dog does what i tell it to do it since it goes outside, boys do nothing. having said that, i always forgot the great author a guy with 0, we focus so much on the afterlife leaving our kids and
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we don't focus on spending what we have now, not that he hates kids and all of that but i always wanted to speak with him about that and i will next. or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. when you stay at a vrbo you always get the whole home not part of it but the whole upstairs the whole downstairs the whole fridge and the whole secret nap room because is it really a vacation home if you have to share a house with a host? ♪ only with vrbo
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the first down week after the ninth straight up week. technology stocks are due to rebound, a lot of folks look carefully because they want to protect against and pass that along to their kids, bill perkins assayed it's not a bad idea to simply die with 0, the bestseller industry follower as well to put this into perspective he joins us right now. great to have you. >> thank you for having me. >> what are the things that i love, obviously your kids get nothing but the idea that we focus on this without taking the big picture, the big picture for you is what? >> the big picture is fulfillment, life is about net fulfillment and a fulfilling ride, the destination is always a grave we have to enjoy the journey. i say use all your resources, your wealth, your health and your time to maximize for net fulfillment and what that means at each stage of your life is
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different but one thing is going to be true we want to use all the resources before we die we don't want to go to work and have no rewards, it makes sense to spend the capital that you get from working before you die. that does not mean you have to give money to your kids, your kids may be important and that may be fulfilling to help them or may be fulfilling. neil: it really depends on the day. >> to figure it out themselves, what i really talk about is when you should give money to your kids. the same physics that govern our lives like were all getting die and were all going to decay in the ability to convert that into meaningful experiences and things we will enjoy deteriorates as we age. i say don't wait until you die, give money to your kids between the ages of 28 and 33 when their mentally mature at 28 and physically, physical maturity at 33. after that is pulled on triplet towing downhill. >> your bumming me out.
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neil: now you're walking cottage industry, your pretty wealthy guy and i'm sure there are family members, friends who want a piece of that and a piece of you, what do you tell them? >> i tell them if they're in the priority stack i have given money and separated it from my account and it's in my kids name, they don't get to spend all the money doing things they want to do now, they are too young but it'll turnover to the controlled the appropriate time. people in my will when i die are older than me and i'm like that's ridiculous, why do we have people in my will that if i lived longer will get something, i should just give them the money now which i have done. i listen to my own advice and i've done the thing that i think will have the most impact on their lives in my lives and i get to enjoy seeing the music and have more meaningful impact on our life, not when there's 65 or 80. neil: a lot of them share the
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same view, warren buffett, mark zuckerberg say there's a way to do this in a way not to do this. do the markets influence your decision at all, do we have an up year or a down year, does that change anything? >> i kind of look at the general trends in the united states and the world, is it going to be more dangerous world or less dangerous world for my kids, depending on who you are, their safety and security, what are the ways they can be more safe and secure is have more assets in the ability to make decisions. sometimes i think it's not enough and sometimes i think it's too much they could have an easy life, everything is going to be free, you get swayed by the headline sometimes. neil: i get it, i've been itching to talk to for a long time, i wanted to pick your brain on all of that, i thoroughly enjoyed this. i'd love to have you back. bill perkins, die with 0. >> thank you for having me.
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