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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  January 8, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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golden age can turn into an 18th century and recent years around the red sea and havoc on commerce and shipping. an acute problem and gotten worse since the hamas attack on israel. shipping prices through the roof, kinks and supply chain are happening again. we know where this is going to go. a report out this morning that the houthis are being paid not to attack ships, there's something really offensive about that, what about those who cannot pay in will pay, is this an indictment of the west to protect cargo. in the end the interior still have anything they care about is about looting and plundering which i think is the reason why president biden made a mistake with ibm. hopefully they will make the same demise, don't pay them off. ashley webster is in for liz claman. over to you. >> thank you very much, fox market alert, the major averages look like you can't drag a good
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index down with the dow after being in the red for most of the day up nearly 150 points, that is a session high in the s&p up 56 points more than 1%, the nasdaq steaming away up to present 291-point, the dow would be higher if it wasn't for boeing which is sitting at the bottom of the index, that stock is down 6.5%, investors jumping ship of a boeing 737 jetliner blew out doing the alaska airlines flight at 16000 feet in the air the faa has ordered airlines to stop line doesn't subjective the weaker because boeing is giving airlines on how to inspect those jets step towards ending the grounding.
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where the incident happened, good afternoon to you. the investigation in the early stages in boeing is not admitting any guilt or companywide safety meeting with the ceo going to be going to the retina plant for the 737 max is assembled in the 737 is the worst case scenario given the fatal accident that happened five years ago in the billions of dollars of payouts that the company had to do. it's a different situation, scary, different not tragic, a few minutes after takeoff they had a blowout on one of the mid cabin door plugs leaving a whole 2 feet wide and 4 feet high. the scene was described as chaotic in the cabin lost pressure the cockpit door flew open, the boys shirt was ripped off his body and cell phones flew out. happened at 16000 feet elevation with 171 passengers and six crew
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members on board and the remarkable twist closest to the gaping hole were unoccupied. >> i'm so grateful we were higher in the air and that more things didn't fly out no one flew out i think that's incredible were also for the most part. >> the but when 737 max gives airlines the option of putting in more seats in extra emergency exit or fee receipts or plugging up the whole with the both they're down door which has a window. they are investigating a portland teacher in his bac backyard, right now there investigated the one play not the whole fleet the pressurization came on alaska order maintenance that had not been done yet and where the
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plane can fly we know there was a decision by alaska airlines they call it in each topped restriction that prevented the plane from flowing to hawaii over water so if some lake to eliminate a could return very quickly to an airport that. >> boeing ceo wrote to all employees when serious accidents like this occur is critical for us to work transparently with our customers and regulators to understand and address the causes of the event and to ensure they don't happen again. thousands of flights have been canceled over the weekend, some of the cancellations are continuing today but they're getting more of the planes back in service, the faa said they
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can be put back in service as soon as an inspection is done at the 4 - 8 hour inspection and a lot of the plaintiff had that done back in the air. liz: thank you very much, a lot of questions still remain. dan springer and portland. despite the issues with boeing today morgan stanley upgrading american airlines on upbeat commercial outlooks sending many names in the sector higher, alaska is unchanged united, southwest and delta all moving higher up 3% which does not fly the boeing 737 max nine jets, this affect the top and bottom line we will hear more friday for the unofficial start to the earnings season. it is that time again. big banks like j.p. morgan chase, bank of america, citigroup will also be reporting on friday, kicking off the next earnings season. all of the banks would be lower today, kicking off the week all of the major indices in the green with the nasdaq and the 2%
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gain was slightly dovish comments from federal reserve bank of america president raffaella bostic was a 2024 voting member says while his biases for type policy progress on inflation will worry rates. right before the pandemic suggesting cancer in the future but that leads investors buying cpi and ppi, fyi later this week with expectations of both are going to rise slightly compared to the numbers reported in november. with all of that, there is a lot, let's get right to the floor show, chief investment officer for co-america wealth management john lynch and senior analyst sheila collier. either way you have a buy rating for boeing and a price target of
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$350 still sticking with that? they seem to be snake pit and a little bit with the max jet. >> we are sticking with their vibrating despite the max incident is extremely important to boeing and its free cash flow of $10 billion by 2025 and 2026 and exactly how important it contributes 30% of revenue and each max boeing delivers we estimate 10 million of free cash flow per aircraft to her estimate of 3,000,000,023 and 5 billion in 2024, extremely important we don't think this will change a financial picture. we don't think it will impact the production for the time being. liz: very good, let me talk about today's action tech leading into the new year.
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>> it would appear so, good afternoon, we have a lot of momentum from the magnificent seven last year, going in until last week we do think it's important to recognize a couple of things these are cash flow stories and if you look at the broader technology and beyond the magnificent seven if you look at cash flow there defensive characteristics at this point but i do believe also were not looking at six cats but three could be sufficient with the enhanced liquidity environment but i still think and provide the tech space with a great deal of support in 2024. liz: you bring up a good point. all eyes always on the fed these days. the market wanting the cuts of cost, when do we get them and how many. >> that's on our forte we will leave it up to the jeffrey strategist to determine what we see them in terms of interest
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rates are sector, we cover airlines as well in the consumer under pressure and that's what you see the airline up-to-date because you can see capacity cut and that will help alleviate the pressure that were seen in the airline industry. ashley: let me follow-up what is the psyche of the consumer is seems like demand for air travel and it is pretty strong. and we see airlines in recent years cut capacity is that a trend that will continue? >> we saw in the airline sector a tale of two cities, first resolve domestic starting and domestic pricing flat year on year 2024 while international is up 2023 and up 25% international really unfolded positively as a consumer came ranging back in stagnating as a corporate consumer around the 85 or 95% as
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a new normal returning back to 2019 levels. and that's a tale in the industry. as we think about the cancellations in the max taken out of service even if it's for a week or two it'll impact capacity where there's too much capacity thrown into certain regions that will alleviate the pressure under pressure in the annual industry. ashley: very good, let me ask you i talked about the earnings season getting underway at the end of the week, what you expected. >> looking at 1% earnings growth for the fourth quarter which is kind of disappointing because labor day were looking at either 9% earnings growth, what i mentioned earlier the importance of liquidity driving this market i think that's symptomatic of what we experience from novembef the year. earnings estimates were plunging and everybody ignored that but the stock market is going up on
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hopes of the six fed rate cuts. i think it be important as companies report earnings. i think the 1% growth is baked in the cake and there will be more important for investors to get good guidance and invisibility from corporate cfos and ceos about visibility for the remainder of the year. history is looking at 12% profit growth, i would love to see that but i think will experience something more along the lines of 8% profit growth in the full year of 24. ashley: very quickly to follow up we always look at the guidance this is a difficult environment to provide a would imagine for a lot of companies, there is a lot of variables that they can't actually nail down with any accuracy, at least you would think. >> absolutely the fed mass into messaging is clear as mud and consumer that is transition from good spending to services spending and watching friday's and appointment was important but really november and october
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revision may have been more important in the december. we'll have to see how strong the consumer is as the year progresses. ashley: very good, i'm going to have to leave it there, thank you so much for jumping in and talking with us today we really appreciate it, the dow up 150 points it was down for a lot of the morning, the major embassies all up across the board including the transport and the russell 2000. a good start to the week. could this finally be the week that we see the security exchange commission give the green light to the bitcoin etf we've been talking about it for a long time, could there be more than one approved, chief investment officer of one company eagerly awaiting the decision. he'll be here next we're going to ask the cio stephen mcclurg if his etf is ready to start trading. as we head to the break here's a top crypto that are trading today as you can see all moving high except for micro strategy,
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quinn baeza. how% were to be coming right back. ♪ dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants,
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hi, i'm janice, and i lost 172 pounds on golo. when i was a teenager i had some severe trauma in my life and i turned to food for comfort. i had a doctor tell me that if i didn't change my life,
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i wasn't gonna live much longer. once i saw golo was working, i felt this rush, i just had to keep going. a lot of people think no pain no gain, but with golo it is so easy. my life is so much different now that i've lost all this weight. when i look in the mirror i don't even recognize myself. ashley: bitcoin pairing higher on the anticipation of bitcoin etf winning the security and exchange approval. we've been talking about for some time the deadline wednesday the issue is filing to amend the applications over the weekend industry says this is a sign that the sec all clear for a bitcoin etf launch is just around the corner. it could be a historic week for crypto and to break it down one of the companies awaiting the
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green light cofounder in cio stephen mcclurg, great to see you. here on fox business exclusive. how big is this we've been talking about it for a while, is that finally here. >> thank you so much for having me. this is huge i know we've been working on this for three years and are very first filing for bitcoin etf was almost to the date three years ago and if you go back further the twins filed for a bitcoin etf in 2013. this is ten years in the making and we finally have and i believe that's going to happen this week. ashley: on the pro side you simplifies and people can get exposure to bitcoin without directly purchasing the bitcoin itself. has regulatory parameters
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perhaps feels more reliable are those the biggest pluses to this. >> it really is if you look back in the old days and when i say the old days, ten years ago you have to go to an exchange it could be anywhere in the world and your trading bitcoin with you don't know who and then accosted in your own wallet i can be technologically sophisticated if you don't know what you're doing. in the past a lot of people lost their bitcoin. what's good about today a lot of the asset management including ourselves and the other ones that are listing this week, we've added the exchanges in the dealers that were working with, we've added the custodians that were working with and we had to go through the whole process to work with these different vendors and counterparties. now we have a process that makes the simple for somebody to purchase out of their accounts
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wherever their buying bitcoin. ashley: perhaps on the con side let me think the whole concept of crypto is supposed to be decentralized away from the regulatory eyes. it's a big ocean that keeps you away from the prying eyes if that's how you want to put it. this flies in the face of that. >> it allows you option aldi. if you want to buy bitcoin and put on the electronic wallet and hide it, you can do that. if you want to treated make it easy for an etf in another format this etf allows you to have a strong way in a regulated environment.
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ashley: it tracks the price a bitcoin but you cannot trade your bitcoin for another crypto currency is a little limited in that. >> that's right when a consumer goes in the td ameritrade account turbine etf that might hold equities or bonds or other currencies. this allows you to purchase this currency which is bitcoin. in the future will see etf to hold other things that are in the crypto ecosystem. at the moment we really believe that bitcoin is the biggest and been around the longest and the most secure network. it's a really good first step in that direction. ashley: have you spoken to clients who were intrigued by bitcoin but concerned about the risks involved but there was something like an etf i would be tempted. is this a game changer from that perspective? >> it really is i come from a world where i was a manager that
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managed a lot of insurance companies and pension funds and even sovereign wealth funds and endowments. i know a lot of the requirements that the institutional managers have. when i bidden the world a bitcoin for the last seven years and that's been a holdback. intelligent regulated vehicle a lot of institutional investors do not want to be in it. the regulated vehicle opens up the world for the institutional investors. ashley: we will leave it there, thank you for putting out the lay of the land as they say on bitcoin etf. who knows, maybe wednesday it will be a historic day for you and everyone else. thank you for joining us. ashley: we are a week away from the iowa caucuses. we sent grady trimble down to the farm to see how farmers are riding a potential rematch in
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the 2024 presidential race. the live report from a chilly looking iowa. it's coming up next here's how the top farm stocks are trading as we talk about farming, midline, cf industries, deere and company most on the upside, cf industries down but scott's miracle grow the stock is going up to it at their present. we're coming rightgrea back. ♪ strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. when you stay at a vrbo you always get the whole home because is it really a vacation home if you have to share a house with a host? ♪ only with vrbo
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ashley: fox business alert the market is moving nicely higher, the dawa fee for points, s&p representative 57 points and the nasdaq up more than 2%, a good strong action on this monday session, lululemon raising the guidance for fourth-quarter earnings but the lower end of the range is still lower than endless expectations the exercise apparel maker says it satisfied with its performance during the holiday season as customers responded well to the discounts and deals and still bullish on the stock raising the price target from 503 to 548 today up a quarter of 8% up 492. one athlete or company to another tiger woods ending his sponsorship with nike, he was a athlete with nike for the past 27 years and made $500 million with the deal, on holdings that
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tiger could join the company and take an equity stake in the brand on denying the reports but upholding 5.5%, two other apparel companies raising their guidance, abercrombie and finch telling investors to expect faster sales than previously forecast, the companies women business expected to achieve the highest ever worth quarter earnings, the stock up 5% or more american eagle is painting a rosy picture expecting revenue to be up in the low double digits percentage range higher than its original outlook of a single-digit rise, that to the stock at five and 8%, moving higher after the news of the cofounder jeff lawson will step down as ceo the communication software company have been placing activist investors to make changes in longtime executive will now step in a ceo, piper salem the reason the
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price target from $69 to 75, is it that 73 up 6% today, apple's new mixed reality headset will be available starting february 1 less than a month from now the tech giant vision pro headset will allow users to experience in three-dimensional app interfaces. it's going to cost you, the new device will be priced at $3499. the iphone maker is making tough competition from rivals including samsung, sony and meta whose quest set retails for less than $500, apple up 2% today. you won't find apple vision pro headset at ces since apple skips the world's biggest consumer technology show, too big for it, liz claman will be there tomorrow they will have the latest and greatest technology from a.i. to mobility in
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automotive technology. catch liz live from las vegas at ces all this week. she is a lot of fun in the all-star lineup on "the claman countdown" every day at 3:00 p.m. eastern, some of the big names liz has lined up the ceo chip designer, qualcomm, mercedes-benz and skyworks solutions, all of those ceos, are this week right here on "the claman countdown". liz gets to play in vegas. lucky her. while revisiting with ces it's jampacked with election coverage. fox news has town halls with bassett or nikki haley today, florida governor ron desantis tomorrow and former president trump on wednesday. the full lineup all three candidates will sit down with bret baier and martha maccallum and haley and desantis will answer questions from the live studio audience. so much to preview, joining is now trading trimble, he is
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coming to us live from walkie iowa where he looks a little chilly, it's january. he's been talking to farmers to discuss their biggest concerns in the upcoming election. >> it was chilly and snowy earlier, that cancel campaign events today. all crisscrossing in the last several months and this last several weeks before the caucuses reaching out to farmers to try to win their vote. we had a chance to sit down with several farmers to talk about the key issues this caucus and as we look to the november election and the challenges of the past several years. if they feel like scapegoats of the biden administration in the administration climate policy, farmers get blamed for greenhouse gas admission. the folks worry the president electric vehicle push will
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drastically reduce demand for ethanol which comes from corn and goes into the gas that goes into our cars. farmers say inflation has crushed them to. the usda investigates that farm fell by $32 billion from 2022 - 2023, that is a drop of 17%. >> another four years of the economic system that we are in, i don't see a way to climb out of that. >> look at the rules and regulations out of come down already and what will four more years of that be like. >> on gasoline we have to have ethanol sources. >> some of the initiatives to green agriculture is greenwashing. >> former president trump says he will win iowa because he is a strong relationship with farmers. they also made sacrifices during
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his administration and the trade wars with china. that being said all of the voters that we spoke to, the farmers, the republican caucus goers say they will take any republican candidate including the former president over four more years of president biden. although i will say several of them the week until the caucuses still undecided, they could be swayed by one of the other candidates. we will see. ashley: is very interesting. terrific stuff is always. let's move on, the oil market taken the war in gaza in stride as the israelis make a ma major shift in tactics and iran back to theiss to target international trade. will the price of black gold remains stable. danielle juergen is here to answer that many more. let's take a look at big oil and how which trading today. it is close to some of the
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bigger names in the oil patch, valero, those stocks are moving higher. conocophillips, exxon, resources all moving lower. we will be back. so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest
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and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. ashley: breaking news. but wind down almost 9% as we close down the session, 8%, also a new report that said united airlines has found loose bolts on plug doors on the 737 max nine inspection for a cabin door plug of the same model blew out during alaska airlines while 16000 feet in the air. according to the trade magazine, three people familiar with the findings say the loose bolts and other parts have been found on five aircraft, boeing and united did not respond to requests for comments from the magazine. that is the latest development.
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but wind down 8%. all is is really war against hamas at a turning point. israel defense forces confirming the wrapping up the majority in the northern part of gaza after destroying hamas infrastructure in the area. according to idf, the new stage of the campaign would involve fewer ground troops and airstrikes, while the war in gaza looks like it's turning a corner, the israeli fight against hezbollah is ramping up, an israeli airstrike ~ hezbollah commander summer bracing for a strike in oil prices. but so far that is not been the case. in a fox business exclusive the s&p chairman danielle juergen. thank you for joining us. it's been interesting. what's been going on with ukraine and russia in the israelis and hamas.
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we have china spouting off about taiwan, north korea and south korea. it hasn't had any impact of thee price of oil, it is come down, why is that? >> right now it's a tug-of-war and on one hand all the attention you're talking about which is basically a war with iran's proxies in the middle east in the other hand oversupply in the oil market particularly the result of growing supply coming from the americas and in particular from the united states. ashley: which is interesting. this administration from all intensive purposes taken anti-oil stands and was pushing for more green alternatives and you're telling me u.s. production has been ramping up. >> for the past year 2023 u.s. production went up a million barrels a day in the biden
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administration has produced its green agenda. at the other time we've seen the various time increase production because of concern about gasoline prices and the impact of the economy. i think the story of the growth in the u.s. was not expected by many people a year ago and it shows the u.s. industry. ashley: as you look into your crystal ball, one of the things you're watching a particular this new year, things that can have an impact on the oil prices in particular. >> i think the number one thing would be escalation of the middle east, absolutely, though i don't think we've seen attacks in the last two days by the houthis, the u.s. issued a warning that we can see if there's further attacks there will be a stiffer response that we seen up until now.
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iran is fighting on all fronts except bar itself. i think the other thing is a growth of what happens to gdp and inflation and in particular the chinese economy. you've not seen the kind of recovery that was expected coming out of covid, we had one chinese recovering and were not seen another chinese recovery. ashley: very good, we are out of time but i feel comfortable we won't see a spike in oil and all things that could change. terrific stuff, thank you so much. we appreciate your time. >> all things considered. always true. let's move on, blackrock one of the firms lining up to get the sec approval for the bitcoin etf. ahead of that charlie gasparino reported the money manager laying off employees. let's take a look at the dow 30
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heat map as we head to the brick salesforce, intel, amgen, at the top of the dow "the claman countdown" is going to be right back.ze ♪ my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon.
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ashley: let's take a look at shares of the largest asset manager blackrock up 1.5% as the company waits sec approval to trade the long-awaited bitcoin etf but the firm also set to announce layoffs in the coming days, charlie gasparino all over this. do we know why this may be the case? >> it depends on who you speak to come if you speak to the company is not a big deal it's calling 3% of the losers, they didn't quite say it like that but you know what i'm saying underperformers, the reality they didn't cut like that last year in the doing a cut like this this year. since 2022 they had a bleed in assets of management that is
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fairly significant ten, 15% and because of that they got a rightsizing firm. 2023 was a bad year from bot under blackrock, they built their assets under and is meant to $9 trillion it was as low as 8.5 trillion. a lot of it came from a backlash of esg from red state pension fund managers there starting to work back, larry fink has been adamant in the past year and i agree with him he is not the woke lunatic that a lot of politicians try to paint him as it is that a good job, the assets are coming back in his meeting with state officials, blackrock's messaging has changed, essentially it is accommodation and i think they're right when they say these cuts manage the firm and their managing the smaller firm,
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the smaller firm is a result of the sg there's a lot of good stuff to get to do an etf a bitcoin etf and you can never say a tapping but wednesday is the day i've been told in the sec will likely improve lockbox etf proposal blackrock is the biggest etf provider in the world and massive inflows and etf's, not all is gloomy and they got their messaging back i have to give it to them. wall street likes layoffs, it's whether the reason the stock is up, the etf combined with the fact that the good have earnings on friday, will they be good earnings, they get announce under management the company has turned it around and messaging as well put it together that's what you got, see what happens
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wednesday is going to be an interesting day i think blackrock will announce the layoffs during the earnings on friday but wednesday will be the day that everybody hears who get the first rounds if there are any nods you always have to leave that out, wednesday is the day the first round and i think blackrock is going to be in that, the company officials do as well. there will be others maybe the ark investment will be one and fidelity there is a bunch of them out there. it'll be interesting, that is a milestone having to spot etf, bitcoin etf. ashley: isn't it historic. before we let you go, have to get this in did you get any feedback on elon musk lasting the big money firms like blackrock saying he warned the
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biggest class action they just are not paying attention. it is over esg by the way. >> is that what he said today? is that what elon said today? ashley: the last few days. >> elon has bigger problems than this. liz and i reported on cavuto's show he is likely to face some sort of discipline action involved with security clearance involving spacex because of all the stories about potential drug use. i don't think, esg is very controversial now particularly in the u.s. u.s. it is bad. europe it is good. people are still woke investors in europe but it's very, it is very controversial here and i think one thing i will say is that the story about esg and its controversy is not over yet. i don't know about class actions but damn, i'm writing a whole
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book about this, ashley, that involves this. it is called, go woke go broke. esg funds are down dramatically. sustainable investing, if you look at the record of sustainable investing in 2023 it is horrendous. the question is can you translate blackrock, state street, vanguard, the big three of esg, that they, can you really make a case they forced esg down the throats of corporations and the investing public through various means? ashley: yes. >> it is not an easy case. they -- ashley: no. >> it takes more than a couple minutes here to describe what that case would have to be about. that is essentially what he is alleging by the way. ashley: yeah. never a dull moment with elon musk and you know what? never a dull moment with charlie gasparino. it is absolutely perfect. charlie, thank you so much, my friend you. >> got it. ashley: always, always, you always bring the "a" game,
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charlie. closing bell in five minutes, four 1/2 minutes. the dow and s&p as you can see moving higher. the nasdaq, russell, 2000, dow transports, you name it is in the green today. the dow by the way rebounding from a 217 point loss. nasdaq as you can see the big winner of the day up more than 2%, 2.1%. okay with, that said the 10-year treasury yield spiking above 4% after the stronger than expected december jobs report on friday. right now just right at that level, 4%. the question is, wilkie inflation data this week send those yields higher or are we looking at a rally in government bonds? lots to talk about. joining me now is alpha simplex chief research strategist, katy kaminsky. katy, i read your notes. the first thing you say profit-taking and high valuation resistive abouting investors pause to begin 2024.
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you really believe that? >> yeah. i mean if you look at last week, then how incredible the fourth quarter was it's been a really nice ride but i think people are pausing right now to say what's next. when is weak data going to actually be too weak and what is the next trade of fixed income trade? that is what we're focused on, where does fixed income go from here. ashley: that is my next question. already does it go from here? how are you charting out the new year? >> this is very interesting because one thing i want to point out we've seen nine quarters of short technical signals in fixed income and we finally have started to see a shift towards long signals. we're really on the verge what i would say is the next phase of this fixed income phase where we'll see a steepener in yields. the question is that on the short end or the long end? either way we definitely need to see normalization, something we
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haven't seen for quite sometime. from our perspective it is about focusing on short duration and avoiding some long duration especially with the amount of bond volatility you've seen and your graph you showed definitely demonstrated that. we've seen twice as much bond volatility in the last two years as we've seen in quite sometime. so i think bonds are front and center as we see what happens with the cpi this week. ashley: i wanted to mention commodities. we've seen oil actually be under pressure. we thought it would be the other way around. it hasn't been the case but any other commodities you're keeping an eye on? >> yeah, it has been a lot of short signals in commodities recently and last year was definitely very range-bound in commodities. i think the wild card is going to be if you start to see inflation return there could be some potential commodities getting back into play as a long position. so far that hasn't been the case. you just pointed that out. definitely this week has
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continued in that direction but really they haven't been that interesting for quite sometime. there is going to be at some point an inflection point particularly if inflation starts to be more volatile again. ashley: we take a step back, katy. the market pricing in rate cuts by the fed but in your mind are we going to have a soft landing which most people now seem to think that's the case? are you in that camp? >> i have to say i'm more in the bumpy landing side. ashley: oh. >> we tend to think there is going to be a lot of volatility of outcomes that a soft landing may be a little optimistic. there is still a up do of key indicators against that. number one, bond volatility remains relatively high. number two, stock bond correlation remains high and we need to see inflation remain low and not bounce back up again for us to get to that soft landing scenario. so from my perspective there is
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going to be a lot more ranging of opportunities this year which makes it a bumpy landing instead of a soft landing for us. ashley: katy, i'm going to buckle up on your advice. thank you so much for joining us, really appreciate it. thank you. okay, by the way we should point this out, do not miss "the claman countdown" tomorrow. liz claman live in las vegas at ces 2024. liz will be checking out vegas' newest attractions as she does every year. you can see her report on the sphere. the latest on all the best tech gadgets. [closing bell rings] can't wait for that. the bell starting to ring. monday trade coming to an end, boy, we're moving higher. the dow up 200. nasdaq up a whopping 2%. that's it. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so the pentagon still under pressure after


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