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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: my last word is truth telling. adults should tell the truth, sometimes it's not pleasant but you do it. these people, the bidens don't tell the truth. economy, immigration, lloyd austin. gosh, and i think the publish is tired of it. one person that always tells the truth is liz macdonald. that's why she's so great. elizabeth: thank you, larry. they sure keep us bus reigns leadingy; right? busy; right? right to the attorney for former
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president trump and legal spokeswoman alina habba joining us. great to have you on the show, alina. the news on former president trump facing audiotape against special council jack smith as dc court appeals hearing. what's your reaction to the news of judge's being skeptical of trump's claim of immunity. >> first, as a attorney that's been in that situation, you have no idea what the judges are going to do. i've left court sometimes thinking one thing and they come out with the other. secondly, let me be clear, immunity, absolute immunity is called just that. on purpose and because the case law says it, it's a very simple fact that all presidents are granted presidential immunity within the scope of their employment, within the outer perimeters of their employment. i've argue it had many times. the hypotheticals given today are just that, hypotheticals that do yacht relate to president trump. our team did a great job arguing, and it's a very simple
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decision if it's decided wrong, if the skeptics are correct, will have to be taken up, but i don't think it'll happen. this is really simple and you have to remember, liz and thank you for having me on this very important issue, presidents have to be able to speak without fear as the president and act without fear as a sitting president of retribution both civil reigns leading and criminally. what we're seeing is absolutely that. they like to call president trump a person with a retribution campaign, but that's what they'ring it to him. that's exactly what they fear is what they've done themselves. they don't want you to look at their behavior so they accuse him of it. they're trying to stop him because they can't beat him in the polls and election interference at the finest. there's so many football games canaling of me sit -- footage of me sitting in court next to the president is a demise of the justice system and presidential immunity, something i've argued and won many times has been something that has to be un-held and should be upheld, it is
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clear cut, i think we made that clear, and it is very important or it's going to be a slippery slope for every president, not just president trump. elizabeth: stay on that for a second. the only presidential republican presidential bench appointee on the panel said immunity doesn't let trump violate the law but was never accused or convicted of insurrection and he was impeached and a debate about double jeopardy here. talking about the scenarios and the jack smith team bringing up in court, you're saying they do not apply to this case, is that what you're saying? >> what i'm saying is -- let me put it in a different way for everybody to understand. president trump has not been charged with this. let's be simple on that. they're going to try and bring out charges that have nothing to do with anything he said. he said go peacefully and patriotically. we know what happen that had day. we also know he was still the president. they are trying to bend and twist every single rule. the only person that does not want the laws to apply to them
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is jack smith. let's not forget as, liz, the supreme court shut him down and urgency is the 2024 election and they said no, no, no, jack, you're not rushing this decision and you're going to go through the appellate division and go through the normal method that everyone is and we're probably going to have to end up in the supreme court. but it is not because the law's on our side. elizabeth: you lose -- >> motivated justices and ags and das that have no business in the country. elizabeth: if you lose in the appeals level it goes to the supreme court. turn to this story. this new complaint from codefendant micro man and fulton county da fanny willis and prosecutor hired saying they should be removed from the georgia 2020 case from misconduct because of personal monetary conflicts of interest. now, alina, the allegation is willis allegedly abused taxpayer money and high paying prosecutor job and got paid allegedly
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$604,000 since january of 2020 and they then use that had money to travel around the world on lavish luxury vacations to napa and florida and the caribbean on norwegian and royal caribbean cruises. the court filing alleged fanny willis herself committed racketeering and the thing she's prosecuting trump for on services fraud and when you saw this, what was your reaction? >> it goes back to what i said before, liz, they accuse them of the exact thing they do themselves and that's what they do and look at shiny ball and if fanny did in fact hire somebody that she was having an affair with or dating, whatever it was, somebody in the private sector and puts him on her team and has taxpayer dollars, your money, your money, not anybody else's to pay it, then you've got a serious ethical problem and your case has got a problem with political motivation, which frankly i believe it had anyway. elizabeth: stay on that for a second, both parties are not denying the relationship, they're reportedly going to
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answer this in court and the allegation is that fanny willis and wade have an incentive to prosecute trump because they are benefiting and profiting at the expense of taxpayers by giving him a high pay to pay for the lavish trips but the court filing alleges georgia prosecutors are coordinating with the biden white house to prosecute trump that prosecuted nicolas wade met at the biden white house in two separate eight hour-long meetings before indicting trump and in november 2022 and then with the white house canceled in may 2023 and wade charged, fulton county taxpayers $2 grand for each meeting and at the white house, your take on this? >> if they are true, they will probably be disbarred. elizabeth: why do you say that? >> that's my take. elizabeth: that's your take. it'll have to be taken up by the doj, does that happen? >> doj is not the one that
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disbars you and office of attorney ethics. elizabeth: you're talking about the georgia state office would do it. >> i'm talking about ethics board that regulates attorneys misconduct. there's that level; right. liz, you're speaking about a prosecutorial misconduct and targeting a political opponent and political motivation and my answer to you on that, liz, is let me be broad and not just seeing it in georgia or new york and this is lee tee supra aural headphones james and a-- -- learfilearfield img tee supra al headphones james and it's not any kind of rocket science. this is just basic americans can see what is happening and racketeering it you look at it. that's not him, that's them. and ting not him, it's them. they're tearing him down because they're afraid and we'll clean it up.
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soros were lacking and finances from private sectors and private individuals that hate tram and people now using taxpayer dollars to go on vacation and charging back to get taxpayer dollars for meeting ands corrupt at highest level and i hope it's revealed and if it was true, they've got a serious problem and the case is definitely tainted. elizabeth: alina habba, trump attorney, thank you for joining and yous come back, okay. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: joining us now, emotional harrowing story and vicki crepes. she's a grandmother along with two grandchildren aging 5 and 7. they sush vived that harrowing alaska airlines flight where a door blew off mid flight. vicki, thank you for joining us. sorry you endured this. you and your grandchildren. tell us what happened. >> yeah, i just boarded the flight with my grand kids that i do frequently to take them home after visits and just after we reached 10,000 feet and the
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normal little spiel comes on, there's a little dip forward and i get pushed forward in my seat and right after that, a blow back and air in my face and moved back into my seat and the oxygen masks drop. and the pilot comes up and says we have experience in decompression of the airplane, please put on your masks, my 7-year-old grandson turns to me and said they want us to put these on; right? i said, yep, put it on. i put mine on and then helped my 5-year-old granddaughter put hers on. and then, you know, we settled in and the littlely was tearful and scared and said this is when we pray, right, grammy? i said, yep. we pray and noticed smoke in the air and lowered my mask to smell
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and there was no scent and i perked up and saw off my left shoulder when i perked up that there was a hole in the airplane. i didn't -- row 19 and that was now that i know was gone in row 26. elizabeth: you were sitting seven rows with your grandchildren, seven rows in front of where the door blew off. you were sitting on the same side of the airplane. this is harrowing. i mean, to have you and your grandchildren in that position and it's just unfathomable and, vicki, what do you make of this? we know that passengers hold hands and texting loved ones. ntsb said the accident would have been worse if you were at cruising altitude when passengers and crews are walking around the cabin and now the ap is reporting federal investigators are probing whether the four of the bolts supposed to hold the door plug in place on that flight may have been missing entirely.
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what do you think? >> yeah, you know, i'm a registered nurse and if you ask me something medical, i could tell you something pretty good opinion. i don't venture to say that i know anything about airplanes so i'm kind of withholding judgment to wait and see what the ntsb ends up finding. elizabeth: what do you say about flying on alaska airlines and united is finding loose bolts on other 737 max 9 planes and this is scary stuff. what do you say to that? what would you say to people out there? >> it is scary but if you fly with vicki crepes, it's pretty safe and never going to happen to me again. the odds of being in one accident like this is pretty slim so i was back on the airplane the next day with the kids to get them home and, you know, they have a good attitude about it being a once in a lifetime experience and they were really kind and they've called and checked on us several
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times. i can't say enough about the crew and how, you know, secure they made us feel through the process. elizabeth: vicki, your grandchildren have a loving, secure, solid grandma. i got to tell you that. you make us feel safe just talking to you, vicki, thank you so much for telling us that harrowing story. good to have you on. >> yeah, thank you so much. elizabeth: sure. still ahead, speaker of the house mike johnson and ways and means committee jason smith and kat cammack and retired keith kellogg, we have a hot show. the white house's new fix to the president not knowing for days that pent gone chief lloyd austin was hospitalized for process state cancer. the plications of that surge -- prostate cancer and the white house will not stop the perception of disarray and speaker johnson joining us with the update on the government funding fight plus a growing number of texas counties officially declare an invasion of the border and hunter biden to appear in court on thursday
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and why his criminal tax evasion charges are undercut joe biden as candidate of morality and decency. we have a hot show. stay right there. progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list. -really? -get a quote at (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon.
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yeah, my 5g home internet delays the game a bit. but you get used to it. try these. they're noise cancelling earmuffs. i stole them from an airport. it's always something with you, man. great! solid! -greek salad? exactly! don't delay the game with t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. elizabeth: okay, we're just six days away from iowa's gop
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caucuses and a lot of focus on nicky haley. high dollar donations are pouring into her campaign. iowa too has been hit be a blizzard. grady trimble standing by live in william h. murray. grady -- in west des moines. grady, what's going on there? reporter: i sure am, liz. the candidates are doing their best to brave the weather to meet caucus goers in person. some events have been canceled yesterday and today because of that weather you mentioned. they're also spending big in a final ad blitz with six days noted to go and former south carolina governor nicky haley has been successfully courting the big money donors and campaign says it brought in $24 million in the last three months of 2023. jp morgan and jamie dimon and long time political donor sat down with maria bartiromo today and he may not be backing haley,
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he gets why others on wall street are. >> i came out saying i think she'd make a good president, i do. she's conservative and she'd be a good choice and i think if you were a republican and she was there, i think she'd be a really good choice, and i was thinking at the time that if you were invited by haley, it would be a good thing. thing. reporter: but the wall street support is also put ago target on her back. florida governor ron desantis is going after her saying she's now working for those donors and not the people. take a look at ad spending in the last week before the caucuses. haley by far spending the most followed by desantis and former president trump worth noting that former new jersey governor chris christie basically has no ground game here in iowa and putting all his eggs in the new hampshire basket and worth pointing out is that former president trump has a stronger ground game here in iowa and
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he's leading all the candidates in the small dollar donations and we will see come monday and in new hampshire and beyond whether those small dollar donations win out over the big dollar donations from those wealthy donors that have all run over to the haley camp. elizabeth: grady trimble, go inside and get warm. thank you for joining us tonight. get warm. get hot cocoa. utah congressman >> i san jay chef and -- jason chaffetz and trump is going to spend this week dealing with the court fights and listen to the former president today about the political effort to influence a 2024 election and this is the immunity fight with special council jack smith. watch this.
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>> doj and biden's doj and opening of the pandora box and that's a sad thing that's happened that's a sad thing talking about threat to democracy and that's your real threat to democracy. elizabeth: what do you think, jason. there's the bomb shell revelation in the court filing that georgia da, fulton county da, fanny willis hired her boyfriend as special council -- sorry special prosecutor and he has no rico cases behind him and he was a municipal court judge and hired her boyfriend to work on the 2020 case and that boyfriend met allegedly with the white house a number of times before they indicted trump. these are all allegations. what do you say? >> yeah, the allegations truly are a bomb shell and having no relevant direct experience be paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and then have the personal relationship of the prosecutor, that doesn't really
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smell right and, look, most people understand that jack smith is on this political vendetta and they're not 90 counts against donald trump that are going to withstand any sort of scrutiny and people understand. it's been supportive of donald trump in what he's trying to do and most people sympathize that there's an unequal application of justice. that is the fundamental bottom line problem and works in donald trump's favor. elizabeth: fox news power ranking and showing nicky haley ranking behind donald trump and cnn poll shows she's cut trump's lead to seven points. cnn's new electro-map finds trump is in a position to win the white house, jason, that he now has conceivably 272 electoral college votes versus 225 for biden is this analysis comes with caveats. what do you make of these findings?
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>> well, look, i think ron desantis will have a better than expected night in iowa, and i think he's invested in it and gone to the 99 counties but donald trump is still clearly the front runner and he's been lapping people for a long period of time. he's got the broadest support out there. i think he'll have an exceptionally good night. i think everybody, this race could be over quickly and after the first state or two because donald trump is across the country so far ahead. elizabeth: jason, what's so interesting is this analysis coming too and you see trump out on the hurricane-forcessings, out campaigning and things like die nors, he gets crowds and restaurant in south carolina >> gathering by tens of thousands and joe biden and kamala harris, are you kidding? it's like they'll go to sleep in
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that diner when he was walking around because nobody wants to interrupt the president's bedtime and the nap time that joe biden has. he doesn't have the ground swell. enthusiasms wins elections and donald trump has continued to show unpair helled enthusiasm -- unparalleled enthusiasm. elizabeth: the other thing striking and voter polls across the board, quinnipiac, economist, cnn, monmouth and pew and seven out of 10, eight out of ten saying the u.s. is on the wrong track and university of michigan with that sentiment index has bounced off the lows of 2022. but the reading is still nearly 30 points below the final pre-pandemic reading so when you see consumer sentiment out there, jason, it's still not coming back to what it was before biden took the oval office. >> you know, the years under donald trump, if things were prosperous and safe.
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people remember that. joe biden is upside down on every single policy issue. that's the fundamental problem. it was good under trump, not so good under biden. elizabeth: jason, thank you for joining us. house speaker mike johnson and the speaker joins us on where the government funding fight stands right now. plus, speaker johnson's office just released 64 actions president biden took to systematically open the border. and we have retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. the white house is now reviewing chain of command protocols and bureaucratic answer as to why they didn't know lloyd austin was in the hospital secretly over an infection related to process state cancer surgery and we're taking it on on "the evening edit" coming up.
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elizabeth: house conservatives are unhappy and they say it's absolutely $1.6 trillion. it includes $69 billion in spending they don't like. what do you make of that? >> hey, liz, great to be with you and first time as speaker on the show. i'm a house conservative for my entire career i've voted for spending cuts and smaller punishments and all the rest and of course i inherited the situation and you know, last year there was a negotiation among all the parties and they came up with this spending agreement and $1.59 trillion was the amount written into the fra and the statutory law and that's suspending limit and there's side deals last summer and i came in to the speaker with the situation and we wen in the room and cut the side deal and cut
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$16 billion in real savings for the american packs payers and a step -- taxpayers and cut it in the right direction and cut out the spending and, liz, it amounts to the first production in nondefense spending in many years. so this is a step forward, it's not what we want. it's not everything we want. remember, we have a one to two vote margin in one chamber of the legislative branch. this is the best we can do right now. elizabeth: senate majority leader shuck schumer getting everything they -- chuck schumer said they're getting everything they want in nondefense spending and marjorie taylor green doing nothing to stop the border crisis and stop the invasion and weaponnized government in targeting biden's political enemies and innocent americans and what do you make of those criticism. >> this is not what they want to do and it amounts to a $30 billion cut for what the senate has written in the appropriations call and this is significant and we claw back unspent covid funds at $6.1 billion as part of this and
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that's $20 billion and this is significant savings for the people and again, not everything we wanted and marjory is not wrong, the border is on fire. liz, i took 64 members down on a trip last week and what we saw is heart break break breaking ad infuriating and we're willing to die on the hill and making sure the troops are paid and the federal government operates and in the middle of all that, we're having a serious fight about securing that border and we're insistent upon that and that's since the day i got the gavel and nothing has changed. elizabeth: the biden white house secured the boarder and you released a list today and detailing 64 actions the president took that opened the boarder and, you know, created the historic levels and now, speaker, we've got texas counties and 50 counties declared they're in the state of invasion based on u.s. constitution. that's like a fifth of all texas
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counties. what do you make of this? >> it's an absolute catastrophe and humanitarian catastrophe and we saw with our own eyes and the press conference people were crossing the river behind us and coming into the country illegally and an open boarder and that's what it is. the biden administration did this intentionally and these are policy choices that got us there and beyond the 64 events he's engaged in and 7.1 million encounters at the border since he took office and the number is 13 to 14 million. that's what the experts say. it's a serious problem and over 300 suspects on the terrorism watch list have been stopped at the border. liz, there's no idea how many came through and evaded capture. we saw the cartels estimating
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and the drug cartels not in the drug business anymore and it's human trafficking and making $32 million a week and that sector alone. that sector of texas where we were. that's $1.6 billion a year that the administration is allowing to go to trans national violent criminal organizations because we have opened the border. it must stop and we need accountability right now. elizabeth: speaker, we need democrat voters in los angeles, chicago, new york and elected officials, state officials upset with the border crisis and feels like we're at a hinge point and turning point and talk about crime and that's when the people who say yes to open boarders their arguments stop cold. the texas counties we're just talking about, crockett county in texas, they declared an invasion and one of it is county judges family members was killed by an alleged human smuggler. these are the stories that we hear repeatedly about the crime. now, listen, the u.s. says
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americans are for legal immigration. they're upset when they see crime coming across the border. >> it's total chaos and lawlessness and by the way, as we toured the processing facility and the border patrol agents conceded to us and they're not really patrolling that border in large sections but it's all needed there to process the people who the biden administration is welcoming into the country and by the way, 60 to 70% of the country crossing into the del rio sector are single adult males between the ages of 18 and 40 and many of them with our own two eyes and it's not families fleeing persecution in our home countries and people taking joe biden's invitation to come in and billions and billions of u.s. taxpayer dollars being spent on the housing and education and healthcare and all the other people admitted this a closed door meeting mayorkas said 85% of the people that come across are released in the country and we have to give them
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accountability. elizabeth: he said 75% and then raised to 85%. >> that's right. he said in a private meeting and it leaked. talking to people down there, you reference the sheriff and people in charge of the chaos and they're completely overwhelmed and they were telling us harrowing stories of what happened and every american should see with their own two eyes. elizabeth: speaker johnson, you did well on the debut and we appreciate you. don't be a stranger. come back soon, okay. we're keeping an eye on what's going on down there. thank you, sir. joining us now, the former national security adviser to vice president mike pence. he is a one and only retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. general, this story. the news that defense secretary lloyd austin hospitalized for infection related to prostate cancer. this report, the white house thinks a fix to their disarray not knowing he was in the hospital is to review the chain of command protocols. really?
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that's the bureaucratic fix to the white house review. >> liz, thanks for having me on. i would probably call @ common sense rule. tell your boss when the secretary of defense that you're ill or incapacitated because he's one of the two national command authorities and let me throw one at you that's a bit different. maybe this administration and this is a harsh assessment, i'll say that. maybe they don't think that president biden is important enough to inform him of what's happening. they'll carry on without him. i'm shock that had for days they go and the president and secretary of defense when we're in the white house and i'll tell you i know for a fact that the secretary of defense talked daily to the president and secretary of state talked daily to the president and secretary of rush treasury in the office daily and he walked across the street and that's kind of frightening and to not tell the president or keep the president informed is a real lapse because when you look at it, this is called civilian control of the military. it comes from the president for the banner of chief and
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secretary of defense to the combatant commanders in the field. that's a process. when you get an order, that's how it flows and when the chain is broken, the military is not supposed to be involved and that chain was broken and nobody knew about it. you go back to common sense rule. of course it's important you tell the president. elizabeth: you're saying this is an indication that the president is not in charge? >> i don't think they don't think he could be in charge or they just ignored him. it's really a level of arrogance to me. what i mean by arrogance, liz, is they figure they can about do anything and not worry about telling the american people and/or cavalier in a cavalier fashion and take it upon themselves to do something like that. it's unheard of and very honestly when i was administration to the president and in the white house and an ap on the national security adviser to the president, i told the president when i was going to have a hip replacement operation. i want you to know where i'm at, boss.
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that's it. that was me. i can't imagine the secretary of defense not telling the president, the commander of chief where he's going to be or what he's doing. we know that happened because the situation room wasn't even tracking him. elizabeth: democrats and republicans want an investigation and senator tom cotton calls this unimaginal brief of chain of commands and reporting chair mark green saying congress needs to know whether the pentagon chief before he went on anesthesia gave his spored gnats a change of -- sp subboard gnats a chainf command letter. sr. subordinates a letter in writing. >> if that's not there, there's no continuity and going for secretary of defense and if he or she is not there and to the seizure disorders ace tennessee and third level -- assistant and that third level is not there and when you have that break, you have a total break.
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elizabeth: got t lieutenant general keith kellogg, thank you for joining us. good to see you. we've got this story coming up. hunter biden set to appear in court on thursday. we've got the wrap up of that and at first let's hear from friends dagen and sean. what's coming up on the bottom line. >> yeah, lloyd austin goes a wall and joe biden doesn't know where he's at and now lawmakers are calling for his resignation and foreigner defense department chief of staff cash patel joining us on that and the oil markets in turmoil. what does that mean for the future in phil flynn is here to discuss. >> andrew bailey here on a huge win for consumers and department of energy trying to take away our vigorous dishwashers. not so fast, joe, on that and also guy benson is here and all that big money behind nicky haley and it's so frightening. is it?
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can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. elizabeth: house ways and means chairman jason smith. good to have you on. >> great to be with you. elizabeth: good to see you. talk hunter biden is status of the house resolution to hold him
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in contempt of congress and defining the congressional subpoena to testify in the impeachment inquiry. what's the status? >> tomorrow both the judiciary committee and oversight committee bringing contempt resolution on hunter biden is see what hunter biden did just in december is something that no other american would have done and stood on the grounds of the capitol publicly defying congressional subpoena and the only reason he did that, liz, his last name is biden is he thinks he can do it. elizabeth: are house lawmakers going to probe the white house president for potentially saying, okay, hunter, go ahead and defy congress. >> absolutely. we need the answers to that question. defy ago real condition gressional subpoena and these are questions that need answered by joe biden too.
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elizabeth: hunter biden is going to appear this a courtroom and we see the political fallout and hunter biden evading taxes and his father insisting they pay their fair share and the impeachment probe into the president. >> liz, hunter biden not in court this coming thursday in california facing three felony charges and six misdemeanors if it was not for the two irs whistle blowers that came forward and exposed what in fact was happening in that investigation and ultimately led to that sweet heart plea deal that was fl throne out by a jude in delaware. none of it happened if those two irs whistle blowers did not come forward. elizabeth: okay, president biden likes to make the campaign case that he represents decency,
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morality, respect for justice. isn't that message undermined when his own son is accused of cheating on his taxes and ignoring that congressional subpoenas to testify? >> absolutely. that's not the only thing undermining the president's issues and saying numerous times knowing nothing of his son's business dealing ands once the irs whistle blowers proved he in fact did, he then says he wasn't involved and then hunter biden, when he was doing the congressional subpoenas on the ground, his father was not financially involved he said. bidens have not been consist whatsoever. elizabeth: talk about this, hunter biden's art dealer who was dealing and taking care of his paintings, he gave a closed door deposition this morning before house oversight for the impeach want inquiry.
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talk to us about what happened? >> a lot of details are coming out and what we've been getting the readout so far and it's quite disturbing and there's supposed to be a long fire wall so that hunter biden didn't know he was purchasing the -- that hunter biden's clients and hunter biden did not know who was purchasing the paintings and finding out that does not seem to be accurate and apparently 70% of the painting ands hunter biden did know the purchaser. elizabeth: wow. this is still ongoing and staying on the story, house ways and means committee chair jason smith. thank you for the story. >> great to be here, liz. elizabeth: jet setting climate czar john kerry is finally revealing what's going on in his secret climate office. he's dulling out six figure salaries and costing taxpayers millions annually and he's still
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breaking norms around congressional oversight, we have john kerry releasing details about his office after years of foia requests. his office cost tax payers 4 million a year, we don't know what was in his office or the names. what is going on here? >> it is just another example of biden administration operating in shadows rather than in sunshine. someone from sunshine state, i take that personal. we have a state government that is transparent, and american people as a whole deserve transparency. did you know that the director of natio national intelligence releases information for all of the staff. the c actual staff. you are telling me that climate czar is too busy or
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thinks he is above the law or thinks he must have something to hide, they make 186,000 a year. they need to release that information now this could lead on charges of nepotism oor connection on extremist groups or echo terrorist groups there could be a number of different things they could be hiding, american people need to know. elizabeth: john kerry's office redacted the names of every person and some of the title of the the employees. how come american tax payers are not allowed to know who is in his office. >> this position of made to sit on national security council, it is part of the national security council, which is the first time ever it happened. now there is a bigger spotlight that needs to be
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laid on to this office and the people who are in it when you have a half a trillion, with a t, half a trillion dollars pumped into biden so-called green energy agenda, we the american taxpayers, people footing the bill we deserve to know who these people are that are negotiating climate treaties, we deserve to know what so-called climate aligned financial flows are, which are listed in mission statement of john kerry's office, if they don't come forward with that information we'll come get it come hell or high water, they would be better served -- elizabeth: how will you get that information? >> we could leverage the power of the purse, withhold funding for this this administration has run rough shod over the american people, i don't care that we have a slim majority, we have to hang off. as republicans, and make sure that we are withholding
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funds for these projections without proper transparency. elizabeth: are fellow lawmakers agreeing you with that you need to defund john kerriy's office. he is telling -- he will not release the detail until the month before election. >> that is absurd. just a slap in the face of the american people. when you think about what jen psaki said at beginning of joe biden's tenure of president, they would be most transparent administration in history, that is bs, whether it is redacting witing white houses have or laws, secretary of defense lloyd austin goes missing for a week, no one knows where he is and withholding issues in biden's collage -- garage, there has been nothing
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transparent. elizabeth: he is campaigning that he is most transparent ever. >> we know he is not, the facts say otherwise, we know that, his administration is about as transparent as concrete, we know there is no reason for them to come forward with that information if they did not have something to hide. the work that james comer and jim jordan and jason smith are doing to get to the bottom of this is important, it has an impact on our american lives, we the american people are footing the bill, this is important. elizabeth: got it congresswoman kat cammack thank you. >> thank you for watching "evening edit" on fox business, now time for "the bottom line." dagen: thank you. i elizabeth: sure. dagen: i am dagen mcdowell. sean: i am sean sean


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