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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 10, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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so let's go with number three, 628. stuart: i'm going for 550, number 2. the answer is 775 rooms, construction began, king george iv, work was not completed until 94 years later, 1914 under king george v, 770 yard rooms. how many bathrooms? at least 100 bathrooms. here i am speculating on royalty. that is it for today's programming. thank you very much, see you again tomorrow. coast-to-coast starts in 4, 3, two, and starts now.
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neil: the dow and des moines friend and center flirting with gains in and out but in des moines, temperatures in the low double digits. and the minus double digits, investors are buying in on wall street today. staying away in iowa on monday. a lot rides on this which is why we are all over this. you will find grady trimble in des moines. how are things looking? >> reporter: campaign events are on because of cancellations regarding the snowstorm the past couple days fresh off of his town hall on fox news last night, florida governor ron desantis is here and vivek ramaswamy has a host of events
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today. the big weather story is going to be those falling temperatures. it is possible temperatures stay below 0 °, well below 0 at that this coming monday. as we talked of how caucus goers they are split on whether that will impact turnout. >> that could be a problem. if it is just called i'm not worried about it. i will be there. >> i do think there will be a lot of people that will not show. >> roads should be clear, we we will be there and show up. >> pre-hardy folks in iowa. desantis must have a strong showing in iowa. there is speculation he could end his run. something at our town hall last night he shut down.
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>> we are going to do well. we have lower expectations. i've been an underdog i whole life. >> no matter what on monday night you keep going. >> of course. >> reporter: tonight the front runner takes the stage, donald trump will make his last minute pitch to iowans before the caucuses monday. town hall airs at 9:00 eastern on fox news. neil: let's go to cabinet secretary, always good to have you, you look at these things closely. it is what people expect will happen, and from what we thought would happen, a world of difference. >> donald trump is going to have a good night in iowa if you look at polling including local polling that understands the caucus process. the real battle is going to be
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second. former ambassador nikki haley had a surge lately, there's questions whether she has plateaued and can continue to generate the interest, governor desantis had a ground game in iowa for a while. doesn't appear either of them will catch up to the former president in iowa monday night so i think the real battle is the race within the race, who comes in second to propel them into new hampshire for an effort to try and use the primary process which requires less commitment to try to approach the numbers the former president has now. neil: that could change where big leads evaporated winning the contest out right, the last three republican winners are proof of that. they might have won iowa but didn't go much further. gauge for me the importance of
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iowa. >> the importance of iowa is the momentum going into new hampshire but the other four early states which would be nevada and south carolina. the bigger, big date coming up is going to be supertuesday and march and there's going to be some time before the candidates who survived iowa and new hampshire in south carolina and nevada going out there to make their case, becomes a big issue as you approach supertuesday which is why a lot of people who study this process have been involved in it, not only looking at the fundraising numbers, that they have been able to higher, the influencers that they've been able to sign up as being committed to the campaign, it is done on a statewide basis. bike county by county, to see how they can use the turnout
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number. >> donor support, the latest quarter double what she raised in the prior quarter, double what she raised in the quarter before that so the momentum and money following her put a lot into ads especially in new hampshire where she is narrowing the gap. she brings it to single digits. is that a game changer? talking new hampshire. >> that the big win for her because of the expectations donald trump would have overwhelming victories in each of the states and i think if she's able to get to single digit raise, she will claim some momentum going into letter stage. you are right about the money because donald trump with all the legal issues in the courtroom drama, the hearings happening in these cases, you need to have that money to talk
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directly to the voters because donald trump will continue to get that free airtime with all the stuff he's dealing with right now. neil: you were cabinet secretary, in the trump white house served a similar role, the president if he does become president again a devil of a time filling his cabinet because of the way he treated prior cabinet members. do you think that is true? >> if donald trump is elected in november i don't think he's going to have as difficult a time as some may think filling out his cabinet. the reason is they will go for an aggressive agenda, there's going to be a lot of establishment conservative and maga folks who are going to want to be part of that. there were all sorts of issues
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as you know in the first term, some of it was there were some folks in the cabinet or others in the administration who didn't share his vision. they will do a lot better job vetting him this time, the president calls the play in the huddle, they will execute the same play. neil: it depends how they look at those efforts. we will see. in the meantime, jackie heinrich at the white house was all of this with a backdrop on more houthi attacks on us positions in the red sea, ships and the red sea so it goes on and on. what's the latest? jackie: hours after we got more details about the defense secretary's secret cancer diagnosis and hospitalization of the houthis launched one of the most complex attacks to date seeming to laugh off this final warning the us and its
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allies, to the uranian proxy group, where we see connecticut action like us. yemen-based militants, 21 attack drones to merchant vessels in the red sea, us and uk forces repelled the attack with warships but makes the largest attack since the uss kearny shutdown 15 drones. they are still holding captive, the crew of the commercial vessel galaxy leader as a tourist attraction where people can pay to take sylvies and stomp on the american flag and israeli flags. the white house is trying to assure the public there was never a risk to national security despite learning that the commander-in-chief does not talk to his defense secretary on a daily basis. >> at no time has the commander in chief not been in command
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and control of military forces around the world over the course of those days. we did take military action that he approved taking out a senior militia commander with a dynamic strike. we did shoot down drones in the red sea, ships at sea, because they had the existing authorities and training to do that. >> reporter: we learned the deputy defense secretary at no point was given the full powers of acting defense secretary despite certain powers having been transferred to her and that includes december 22nd when the secretary of defense was under general anesthesia for his prostatectomy and between january 1st, and january 5th when austin for complications from that surgery with the tube through his nose to drain his stomach.
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neil: it is what it is. appreciate it. to the corner of wall and broad where we have again, sustaining whatever attempt at a market rally particularly the technology world, it is more than market value. good to have you. the backdrop for this was political theater. is that having impact on traders? do you see them thinking about it more coming into their trading, gauging the future? >> it's a good year for the market, nasdaq was 50%, s&p 20%. natural to see some profittaking the first part of the year. i don't think the market is worried about the middle east market.
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they are discounting what is happening and that scenario the market gets it wrong. adam: about it too. there is concern that oil prices could go 20% if it extends to the strait of hormuz which the houthi rebels themselves targeted with iran's blessing so that is a game changer, that is a whole region frozen in place. >> you just nailed it on the head. let's be clear who this conflict really is, this conflict is with iran. it is iran who fueled the flames and funded the hamas attacks on israel. iran's funding of hezbollah, funding these houthi rebels that are attacking us ships. the us has been trying to negotiate with iran to have these proxies scale back their attacks. it is not working, it's getting get worse and this is not just a regional conflict. the risk for the market for oil
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prices, this grows into a broader all-out war in that region and that is a failure of leadership and policy because it is a policy towards appeasement towards iran and i think the market is underestimating the economic impact for goods inflation and energy inflation which could come out of that region. neil: you are pressing on a lot of markets, i'm beginning to wonder, this ideas that people are confident inflation is under control and interest rates down and the fed, the first quarter, might be unrealistic but this year. all bets on inflation improving, all of that goes curb louis if you are right and it gets that path. >> it sounds contrary and but what keeps me up at night is a strong economy. this shows the backwards world
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we are in, some are calling for a soft landing at we've achieved it that. the fed love but that and the fed would be fine with the bumpy landing meaning lower rates but the no landing scenario concerns me the most. we are seeing a strong economy, jobs moving forward. unemployment coming down. what is the fed doing on the us economy and global conflict, goods inflation backup, energy prices back up. i think that pushes the fed against the wall to figure out what we need to do. that's the risk for the market, not the economy but the geopolitical risk of that could impact inflation later this year. neil: could be good news or bad news. we will watch closely. be well.
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we have all those pressures, every thing going after us with butting and expanding middle east war between ukraine and russia with another government shutdown and this charade on capitol hill, hunter biden showing up unexpectedly for house committee hearing on his future and whether he should be slapped down or even go to jail as one member said because of his abstinence. add this to the drama, add this to the professional wrestling, add this to the craziness after this. your best defense against erosion and cavities
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with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. adam: it is not my hearing. hunter biden surprising those on capitol hill, looking at him for contempt of congress for not appearing so he did appear. he thought that solved everything but that was just the start of the drama. >> reporter: hunter biden crashed the party showing up to capitol hill unannounced and uninvited to this house oversight committee hearing that is looking at whether or not to hold him in contempt for be a no-show at his closed-door deposition. house republicans and democrats tangled over whether or not to
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hold him in contempt, republicans say he defied a congressional subpoena. democrats and republicans gave him a choice between a closed-door interview and public hearing at he chose a public hearing. >> mister biden doesn't make the rules, we make the rules. >> you make the rules and the rule you made is he can choose. those were your words. >> he was issued two lawful subpoenas. >> you should those subpoenas after he took you off on your invitation to come and then you were like no, no, what did i do? >> reporter: hunter has been to capitol hill twice since he has been under congressional subpoena, has not taken any lawmaker questions during those visits and until today didn't take any reporter questions until he talked to me. >> why did you put your dad on speakerphone with your business partners if he had no involvement in your business?
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>> did he call you? on the phone? >> yes but why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business? >> reporter: this was new information that we got out of mister biden. until today, we had been going off of devon archer his best business partner's testimony that he would frequently call his dad, president biden, than vice president biden and put him on speakerphone during business, lunches and business dinners. today, hunter seemed to insinuate that it was his dad calling into these meetings and he wasn't answering the phone but he at the same time confirmed this idea that at times when hunter was talking business with his partners, his dad, now president joe biden, was on the phone. neil: can i ask why did he show up today? obviously the element of surprise but he just as quickly left so what is the deal?
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>> reporter: i think it was really to prove a point that he is not being evasive or unreachable to lawmakers. he wanted to draw down on this idea that he is available to take questions, he just wants tvs around, he wants it to be in a public hearing and out in the open, possibly to persuade some republicans to not hold him in contempt about we will have to see if it works. neil: hillary vaughan question position here, that was wild stuff. good seeing you again. i want to go to the minnesota congressman, house majority whip, covered all in the middle of this. great having you. what did this accomplish today? >> reporter: another hunter biden stunned. for people who are watching, think about this. he has two lawfully issued subpoenas.
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the reporting was he was given a choice. no. he was invited to testify before the committee and he was subpoenas to give testimony under oath before a court reporter in more of a legal setting. this is how it is done, with democrats and republicans, issued a subpoena on the judiciary committee by jamie comber of the oversight committee and he has flouted them both and i think today was not about showing up and showing that he's available for questions but poking people in the eye again and saying congress, you don't matter, i will do what hunter biden and the biden family does, i'm going to ignore you and we are going to hold him accountable. neil: if he was trying to call your bluff why not call his and say sit on your ass and to begin questioning you now,
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everything we wanted to ask we are going to start doing it, seems like you misted ideal opportunity to seize the sort of theatrical moment and take it for yourself? >> he had no intention of doing that. had he had intention of doing that, he would give people notice he was going to show up. neil: something with what you say there but by his showing up you could have button hold him and said all right, you are here, we didn't know you would be here but now that you are we have questions for you. >> members were starting to discuss that. neil: what happens now? >> the next step will be a vote on the house floor to hold hunter biden in contempt for ignoring two lawfully issued subpoenas and this is likely to come next week when we come back.
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neil: there was an interesting exchange with hillary vaughan, you talk to your dad, there is nothing that farias going on. i talk to my dad all the time. what did you make of that? the closest he has ever come to acknowledging that he has had conversations that might have involved these business calls, that seemed to be a significant developer tori over analyzed it. >> i look at it two ways. it is another example of hunter biden's arrogance, he is so cocky about this, he thinks he can give flippant responses to a reporter's sincere question and the fact that he thought he could say do you have a dad, does he call you, do you answer the phone, this is why you have a testimony under oath, in more of a legal setting, because we know there's counter testimony out there that it wasn't his
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dad, the president calling hunter biden during these business meetings, it was hunter biden calling his father and using his father's position to advance whatever business interest was in hunter's best interest. it shows his arrogance and his complete foolishness. neil: is there proof of that? i understand the focus on hunter and what he is up to but if you had the goods connecting him to the dad it would have gotten out there by now. chairman comber you specifically serve, has done a disservice by not revealing that. >> i don't know that. this service would be rushing to judgment without letting all the facts come out and in this case hunter biden and a couple other witnesses, thousands of documents they've asked for from the national archives. bottom line, let's think about this for a second, you've got
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to have admissible evidence, not hearsay, not conjecture but everything we see points to the biden family starting with hunter, using their name, their position to obtain a large sum of money from those that may not be that are the enemies of this country, the next step is allow them to tell us why it isn't what we see but for some reason hunter is refusing to do that. he could give testimony in open committee and he could give testimony under oath behind closed doors. you would think they would be the same. neil: i always learn a lot from you. let's say you have 1/3 chance, out of abundance of caution would you lock the doors after you are all in their if he comes in so he can't leave, go ahead and question him on any matter you want? >> you can't do that.
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we have a subpoena out there, the next step -- neil: he has shown up twice, the first time was outside, this way he could surprise you again but you won't be surprised, you will be ready and as soon as he answers you can close the door and talk. >> only if the subpoenas have been enforced by court by a court of law and you have a basis to do that. this is not a foreign country where they can lock the doors and force you to do something you don't want to do. we are trying to do this in the lawful way. he should and he should want to go to the next step. he should want to exonerate himself and his family from what looks like a corrupt business arrangement. neil: good seeing you, thank you. you have been hearing about
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migrants arriving in new york, so overwhelmed with it that they are taking up schools and telling kids to go elsewhere. legal american citizen kids to deal with that migrant wave, one wave after another. >> reporter: as house republicans begin the impeachment process of alejandra mayorkas, the impact of the border crisis certainly being felt all the way up in new york city where you mentioned 3600 students were sent home to learn from home today because nearly 2000 migrants were moved to james madison high school in brooklyn because the tent facility, they rallied outside the school, tell me remote learning is a euphemism for no learning at all. >> not if the teachers sign up.
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they said good morning, posted assignments and left. there is no learning. >> reporter: migrants arrived at james madison high school last night. they returned to the nearby facility at 4:fifteen this morning. all school sports practices are canceled today and parent say they are concerned after the proven disaster of remote learning during covid. mayor eric adams visited the school last night, parents just rallied outside the school a couple hours ago. two new york state assembly and joined those parents and promised to work on legislation to block the city from using active schools or day cares to house migrants. >> we knew it was going to happen and it is going to happen again. is it going to happen in a school in your neighborhood? it is time we wake up. >> reporter: the migrants are
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back at floyd bennett field but how long until this happens again? as you just heard, that's the main concern. we are in the middle of our new york city winter where storms are expected with difficult harsh conditions. many parents are concerned this could happen here. the office of emergency management commission is holding a press conference now, he just said the city is not considering using james madison i school again but mayor eric adams says the city is out of room to house migrants, and they are considering all options. send it back to you. neil: we are waiting for clearance bitcoin had, it could be big news. you heard the confusion over that hacked account but it hasn't happened yet. what happens now? after this. arking spaces
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neil: it was supposed to happen yesterday and did not. a confusion whether it was a hacked account on x or twitter, bottom line waiting for this etf announcement that was going to include bitcoin as part of its offerings that would increase demand and a host of others waiting for that. natalie, what's the story on this? where does this stand? it was supposed to happen yesterday, today, it might still happen today but what if it doesn't? >> this one last rug ball on spot etfs for old time sake and it is going to happen today. it has been a long time coming and they are going over every detail and cleared their
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holiday schedules to only work on this. it is still happening and there' s never been so much anticipation for an etf in the history of this investment vehicle. neil: what would the difference be of an etf set up to include it? >> reporter: it will bring a lot of investors who weren't able to allocate to bitcoin, financial advisors will be incentivized and have a fiduciary responsibility to bring in the rias, bitcoin will be part of every portfolio and this is historic because it signals bitcoin is being accepted as an essential asset in the upper russia bonds of traditional finance and people don't realize how impactful bitcoin will be and how many billions of dollars will flow into it and what i think is amazing, 15 years ago a new technology and new form of money emerge organically bottom
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up and it is now a major asset class with wall street's biggest firms jockeying to win liquidity when it gets approved to but this is a working class phenomenon that trickled up. the titans and legends of investing are realizing now asset carries the promise and the potential of bitcoin and the etf will be the first of many developed on the path to every person and every business saving in bitcoin and becoming more important on michael he empowered. we 20 once we get that clearance it is a game changer because when it looks like we had it versus when we didn't i didn't see much in terms of price swings yesterday. it is volatile anyway but it was hardly crazy either way. >> reporter: we should expect short-term volatility as the market digests the news but when we zoom out i expect tens of billions of dollars in flows and aggressive jockeying by all
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the issuers who want that top spot which will come down to liquidity. neil: good seeing you again. as we wait for bitcoin and other rogue investments, ai and the quest to change our world coming to a car near you. after this. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare
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added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything.
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is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system. the ten water jets can help, increase mobility, relieve pain, boost energy, and improve sleep. while the microsoothe advanced air therapy system oxygenates and softens skin. safe step walk-in tubs are built to maximize safety. so you can stay in your home and enjoy the comforts of bathing again. so call now for more information and a free no obligation consultation. call now to receive our best offer of the year! a free shower package plus $1,600 off! with the purchase of your brand-new safe step walk-in tub. neil: could becoming to a car near you.
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infiltrating so many aspects of our lives, lose claman in las vegas at the consumer electronics show. liz: this is the west hall where we are right now. a second cammarata, you can see a better shot. it has become the biggest car show in the united states if not the world and it is the consumer electronics show. it has evolved over the years, 16 years ago, this used to be where the chinese car speaker companies were hanging out, hard to get to and it is an absolutely massive car show with 318 car companies and car technology companies everywhere, the biggest names as people are dropping out of the chicago auto show they are coming here. let me show you, it is about ai
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and connectivity. you get into your car these days and this is a many cooper. let me show you the technology. see that round circle? that is garment technology. i will walk you over here for four people in the car you get different things. you can slide it here individual, you can do all kinds of temperature in the car, navigation, hope one of your sons doesn't mess with navigation. come this way. this is bmw, different screens people can have. what does it do? come on over here.
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not just to pave the way for safety but the ai component of it, and sinks you up with your profile. i may guest and it is sinking it in. let's do music. i am a california girl, i like the eagles. we got that. very cool. before we go, 3:00 p.m. on "the claman countdown" we are showing you so much consumer technology. i want to show you the watches, look at this as we move through, we go to the watches, the golf watch which i know you are always hanging out with buffy and bitsy and trip on the golf course. if you go to the golf watch wherever it is, where did it go. i think it is right here.
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it is loaded, with 43,000 different courses around the nation. you know what it can do? it can tell you what golf clubs can do, how far you are from the whole so i think you need this for your golf trips. $2300. i don't know why i am wearing this apple watch. it is the luxury right here. but if playing golf, you got coin, right? neil: you are good at this walk and talk stuff. 's jeff flock looking over the shoulder? you had this down pat. liz: i don't know if you saw the transparent tv, that was the biggest crowd we had to
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battle through and it was crystal clear, you see right through it. that tv is the one everybody is talking about. we have pictures before we end this segment. it is the most fascinating screen technology people are talking about. neil: amazing stuff. great job, look forward to your show. we are following a market trying to chug ahead. recently our retreat it would seem from a return to the moon, not really our choice here, it was forced upon us. what it would be after this. ♪ so... - we're engaged! - we're engaged!
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>> that's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind. neil: rocket difficulties getting back to the moon, we can always say been there done that, we were the first on the moon with neil armstrong and buzz aldrin and the other astronaut who followed. we have been there multiple times and many nations racing to do the same. government like china leading
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the effort, doesn't matter. that's not sour grapes but this mission that left a few days ago that was supposed to land on the moon, the first private moon mission look like the landing itself will have to be scrapped. they had technical difficulties and we hear from nasa putting human beings back on the moon has been pushed back from 2025-2,026, and late 2,026 of that. should we be worried about this? bitter? angry? the united launch alliance ceo, successful with hundreds of launches that have gone off without a problem but right now the message seems to be we are going back, but not as soon as we hope to. >> space is hard, deep space is dangerous. we want nasa to have the perfect flight i had on monday because there's people on board
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this mission. the other crew and victor glover, it's worth taking the time to do it right. we 20 what are we doing wrong? these things keep getting pushed back, you want to make sure you are doing it right, but what is going on? >> these are incredibly complex, enormously powerful machines. everything has to work right, nothing can go wrong. it is not unusual to have discovery as you are moving along, that's what has happened here. neil: the artemis rocket is humongous, bigger than the saturn v. what will happen as we wait this out? more test launches and the like? where does that go? >> this effort is focused on resolving the issues that they saw associated with the heat
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shield and life support system. this is a new rocket. saturn was a big powerful rocket. this is a much higher performance rocket so there is new technology, not just a reef light of what was done before. neil: i was reading about other countries trying to make a lunar base of their own, no one with the money and commitment of china. there is so much we don't know about china's efforts. they are spending more than all other nations combined on this initiative. should we be worried about it? >> we should worry about it. china is making massive investments in space. there's things like exploration but a lot is going into establishing a military presence in space, building anti-satellite weapons. the saving grace, we are a
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generation or two in technology ahead of them, to maintain that lead and apply that technology into securing space. lauren: 1 could stop me thinking that if they can militarize islands that aren't there is in the south china see what's to stop them from doing the same on the moon? >> only our efforts. they absolutely can do that and have ambitions to do that. the moon is very important for us especially as we think about going to mars, developing the natural resources. reside in abundance on the moon and asteroids because the moon has 20 billion metric tons of water which is easily converted the most energetic rocket fuel we have, china intends to go to places on the moon where that water exists. diane: wonder you are so successful. united launch alliance's ceo on all of this.
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