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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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los angeles. 318 vehicle companies have their displays here today. couple years ago it was literally one. tomorrow, sky work solutions, chip company ceo liam griffin as we return back here to ces for day three. you do not want to miss what apple's largest customer has to say about that. dow, s&p, nasdaq are all in the green coming off session highs. nasdaq continuing that four session winning streak. the dow is up 163. nvidia once again hitting a record. that will do it for "the claman countdown." we're back at it again tomorrow live from the palazzo for the start-up nation kind of stories right here from las vegas. [closing bell rings] you guys, we'll see you tomorrow. larry kudlow is up next. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so a busy day on capitol hill. hunter biden acting like a spoiled brat, new impeachment investigations of dhs secretary mayorkas, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene smack in the middle of all it. she will being here a few moments. talking about nikki haley, donald trump and fani willis's boyfriend f that weren't enough, judy health tone and steve forbes talking about jay powell. fed woke dei and juice in the economy to reelect joe biden. first let's go straight to our own hilary vaughn. she has had some day, her pal hunter biden. hilary, i heard you had the most fun this morning. i'm sorry i missed it live. >> reporter: never a boring day on capitol hill, larry, especially when hunter biden decide to surprise lawmakers around reporters by showing up today. he was pretty gutsy. he showed up uninvited and
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unannounced. he crashed this house oversight committee hearing. he is still wanted for actively defying his congressional subpoena that was issued back in december but today he taunted the committee by showing his face. he was flanked by capitol police on his way in and out. one house republican said he should be arrested right now. democrats called the surprise appearance brave and proof that hunter has nothing to hide. >> hunter biden should be arrested right here right now, go straight to jail. >> what is hunter biden so afraid of? why can't you show up for a congressional deposition? you're here for a political stunt. this is just a pr stunt to you. >> he is here. doesn't seem to be too afraid. the chairman said the witness can choose whether to come to a deposition or to a public hearing in front of the committee. >> reporter: hunter has now been to capitol hill twice since he has been under congressional subpoena, to this day he has not taken any lawmaker questions but
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he did talk to me. mr. biden, why did you put your dad on speakerphone with your business partners if he had no involvement. >> your dad when he calls you, you answer the phone. >> reporter: yes. why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if you had nothing to do with his business? larry that was quite the bombshell we got out of hunter biden today. he admitted he did have his dad on the phone at some of these business meetings, acknowledged sometimes it was his dad calling in, larry. larry: that's a wonderful point. i didn't know that. is that the first time either bidens have acknowledged these phone calls? >> reporter: that's the first time we've heard from hunter biden on camera about it. originally we had this nugget of information from his ex-business partner devon archer who said in a closed-door deposition sometimes joe biden was on speakerphone and hunter would put him on speakerphone but
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today seems like he is saying he was just answering his dad's call. larry: hilary, last one, did the house committee, did the oversight committee decide contempt or not? >> reporter: the hearing is still going on right now, larry. at some point they will hold that vote. if it passes through the committee it will go to the house floor for a full vote there. larry: hilary vaughn, thank you very much, really exciting, hilary, very exciting stuff. here is quick take on me. if hunter biden thinks his spoiled brat antics in front of the oversight committee will help his father get elect nod november, think again. people around the country watching news clips of his antics, they will say this is kid of privilege, spoiled because his father's president and somebody who thinks he is above the law. democratic house members from swing districts will undoubtedly be cringing at hunter's antics.
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hunter may think it is very clever to mock republican congress but i suggest he think that again, again. he looks like a spoiled rich kid which is really what he is. he is a real jerk. that's what he looks like. and of course using his father's influence for various pay-for-play schemes. maybe bribery as well. maybe alleged but all under the microscope. that puts him in unfavorable political spotlight. hunter biden's antics may harden republican votes to hold him in contempt of congress. that could bring him closer to jail. he is kind of lucky they didn't send the sergeant-at-arms after him to put him in jail. last time he pull ad stunt speaking in front of the senate instead of appearing for a house deposition, that time karine jean-pierre sprung a leak telling the white house press corps that papa joe biden, that is president joe biden knew
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beforehand his son would be a no-show for the congressional subpoena. that made papa biden an accomplice to law making. did joe biden know his son would show up today to act like a damn fool? that would maersk the president a second time accomplice. i would like to find that out. is this hunter biden's version of democracy crusade, disrespect the congress, give them the middle finger, set an example of lawbreakers? joe biden's out of control son will not help joe biden get reelected. personally i favor sending president biden into retirement but i don't think pro-re-election biden supporters would love what hunter biden pulled this morning. hunter biden's already been indicted on gun charges and tax evasion charges in delaware and california. he may be facing additional charges for failing to register as a foreign agent and then of course the money laundering,
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wire fraud, various criminal and civil iterations that go along with all of his so-called investment schemes in china, russia, ukraine, elsewhere, this is not what you would call an enviable record. this is not something an adult would want to advertise with even more bad behavior. i'm sure some democratic politicos would advise hunter biden to keep his head down to stay out of news but biden, jr., ignoring sage advice with his arrogant attitudes and games. papa president joe should tell his son crawl into a hole for the next year instead of promiss discussly displaying his not only contempt for congress but his contempt for law-abiding americans of all political stripes. i don't care who you are. that is my riff this evening. for more on hunt let's bring in
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georgia congressman morning jury taylor day -- marjorie taylor greene. i don't care about joe biden. i want to retire joe biden. i don't see how his antics help his father or the democratic party one iota. >> those antics today are for a movie being produced. i watched him in the courtroom as hunter biden flanked by his lawyers and his business partner kevin morris, but there was another guy there with a camera. hunter biden is filming a movie where he is trying to paint himself as the victim when in fact we know he is not a victim at all. as a matter of fact he is a criminal and they sat there listening to our oversight hearing where we're voting to hold him in contempt of congress until it was my turn to speak, larry and that's when hunter biden quickly jumped up and the
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rest of them ran out of the room and i know he was afraid of my words because i was going to talk about the very serious crimes that he has committed and we have evidence of which mann act violations this is human sex trafficking. the irony is blaring. joe biden is guilty of human trafficking with his border policies and his son hunter biden is guilty of human sex trafficking and we have the receipts. larry: hunt hunt is lucky nobody brought the sergeant of arms out and just just cuffed him and threw him in jail. he is kind of, you know, you're right about these crimes of course but my thought here is if i were a democratic "politico" i wouldn't want him with this inyour face attitude almost --
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he has been charged with tax evasion. he has been charged with gun problems. he may be charged with foreign, not registering as a foreign agent. the list goes on and on. he has put himself out there and i don't think this is going to help him, not going to help his father, not going to help swing state democrats. this makes him look like a damn fool. >> you're absolutely right. he did look like a fool today. i think he looked like a toddler pitching a temper tantrum because he got caught and he is in trouble. he evaded our subpoena, which we need to remind everyone, president trump's kids, eric, don, jr., ivanka had to come in sit for hours under democrat subpoenas and they obeyed the law. hunter biden evaded his subpoena breaking federal law, it was congressman swalwell helped him do it by reserving the press conference and that's where hunter went and we're voting to hold him in contempt but you
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want to know something, larry? the real test will be for biden's department of justice. will biden's department of justice prosecute hunter biden when we hold him in contempt of congress? i will argue we'll see the same hypocrisy and two-tiered justice system from merrick garland and joe biden because joe biden will do everything to cover up and protect his family from their crime and corruption and merrick garland is nothing but a biden lackey abusing the power of the department of "justice." larry: the way they went after steve bannon and peter navarro. in fact they put navarro in cuffs if i'm not mistaken? >> that's right. they prosecuted steve bannon and peter navarro, we'll see, will the department of justice prosecute hunter biden, the son of the president. larry: i wouldn't hold breath on that. you make a good point. marjorie, congresswoman, what is up with the mayorkas hearings? i noticed that the leadership is really coming around now to the
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mayorkas hearings. i was reading an op-ed piece by tom emmer talking about law-breaking, malfeasance, unrestrained flow of migrations, not securing the border. certainly not protecting american sovereignty or security. i mean i think, i don't know how this is going to work university but the case against mayorkas seems to be growing. you were very early to this game. what do you think now? >> well as you remember, larry i forced a vote on the house floor before christmas on impeaching mayorkas and it exposed eight republicans who voted with the democrats to protect secretary mayorkas and protect his job. i tell you what, those eight republicans in our entire conference heard from their constituents and americans all over the country as they were outraged. they want secretary mayorkas impeached this is a number one issue all across the country. people are sick and tired of the
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border invasion. they're sick and tired of illegally alien crimes and they're sick and tired of having to pay for all of it as american taxpayers. this is hurting democrats in their races all across the country but it also put pressure on republicans and that's why you're seeing leadership and our entire conference unite around the very fact we must impeach secretary mayorkas and we must do everything we can to stop the border invasion. larry: so the committee will go through investigations as i understand it, to try to build a case from the bottom up in effect, is that the gameplan? in other words, not just willy-nilly, you know the way the far left democrats kept going after donald trump but build a solid foundation, a solid investigation this year, that about right? >> that's right, larry. it's not impeachment theater as democrats on homeland accused us of today. i served on the homeland committee and i can tell you
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right now our committee has been serious this entire congress. we led an investigation that produced staggering statistics and proven secretary mayorkas is guilty of breaking u.s. border laws and this is why he must be impeached and we have taken our time. we have worked through all of it. we've been through five phases. now we're after the end we're going to wrap it up through the rest of this month with our impeachment hearings and we'll be working up articles of impeachment through the homeland committee. that's because of the vote i forced on the house floor. it moved my articles of impeachment out of judiciary into homeland and is allowing to us be able to impeach secretary mayorkas through the homeland committee and then bringing it to the house floor for a vote. larry: marjorie, this is a little off-top i can but a little off-color, but you're from georgia and we were reporting at some length about this crazy story about fani
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willis who is running this anti-trump operation, the racketeering charges and she got herself a boyfriend. one of my lawyers called him a paramore. she got herself a boyfriend, allegedly, paid him $650,000, allegedly, took off for a couple of cruises, went to napa valley for a glass of wine, came back for a little sun n' fun in florida and now some people are saying, and some of the people who are under charges on this, this whole racketeering charge should be thrown out because of her bad behavior and the bad behavior of her so-called prosecutor who has never prosecuted and last point, marjorie, for you, it turns out this guy was getting paid, this is a guy who never prosecuted a ham sandwich but it turns out part of his consulting payment was consulting with the biden white house, okay? so there is another example of how they're pulling the strings on every single thing in their legal war against donald trump.
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anyway, fannie will list and her boyfriend -- fannie willis and her boyfriend, what is going down there in georgia? >> i'm glad you asked me, larry. i just got finished penning a letter to governor kemp and attorney general chris carr i'm having them for criminal investigations into fani willis and her boyfriend nathan wade. i can tell you i'm a lifelong georgian, we're sick and tired and fed up of fani willis using fulton county position, fulton county tax dollars not to prosecute real criminals but go after joe biden's top political opponent which is president trump and other codefendants in their entire effort to claim that we shouldn't care about elections when absolutely elections are won of the most important things we have in this country and so i'm recommending criminal referral to governor kemp and chris carr against fani
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willis and her boyfriend. she is taking fulton county tax dollars and paying her boyfriend nearly $700,000, while taking her on lavish vacations not only in this country but internationally as well. talk about pay-to-play. she is invoicing her office, fulton county taxpayers he somehow worked 24 hours in one day. i'm sorry that is corruption. that is an absolutely. not only that he was sent up and he met with the biden white house as he is planning to prosecute president trump. we know exactly what this is. i'm calling on governor kemp and our attorney general chris carr, investigate an prosecute fani willis and end this witch-hunt immediately. it's outrageous. larry: marjorie taylor greene, have i wished you happy new year? i think i did not at the beginning wish you happy new year. thank you for all the things you do. >> thank you, happy new year, larry. larry: we'll talk soon.
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many things. coming right up, next up we'll have some more fun. is jay powell going to go critical and juice joe biden's election? and wait until you hear, the federal reserve, the central bank, beholdened to woke dei. i'm going to read you some of the dei drills that they have had at thed if relreserve. i don't believe. i still worked for the fed. oh, my gosh. we have judy shelton, we have steve forbes. they will weigh in on that. remember catch "kudlow" monday through 4:00 p.m. on fox business. if you can't catch the show, text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show. you will never miss any dei from the federal reserve interesting these days?
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♪. larry: big question, jay powell, fed head, is he going political? will he juice joe biden's re-election? pump up the money supply, start slashing interest rates left and right? good question, joining us now judy shelton, senior fellow at the independent institute and former trump economic advisor. and also with us right here on set giving me lots of company,
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steve forbes, forbes media chair and editor-in-chief, author of, inflation, what it is, why it is bad and how not to fix it during an election year. sorry, i was paraphrasing. first of all happy new year to both of you. judy shelton, is jay powell going to goose the money supply, crash interest rates, elect joe biden, is that what is going to happen here? >> well, larry you're not allowed to even ask those questions in polite company. larry: uh-oh, uh-oh. >> i do think the market noticed at the december press conference chair powell took a decidedly dovish tone. he had always insisted that the fed was going to be very strict and keep interest rates at a level that would cut off growth, to decrease demand, so long as they were above the 2% target rate but now he is starting to say, well, we don't have to actually get down to 2%. we could be approaching it. so it would seem by the fed's
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own previous standards that they're now getting a little bit more open to reducing interest rates in an election year, and i can't help but compare the situation as you well remember in 2018 and 2019, president trump was quite unhappy with the fed because he said why would you unnecessarily restrict growth when we have low unemployment which was the result of a pro-growth program of lower taxes, less regulation, better energy development, unleashing that capability for our country and, and we were below 2% inflation at that time and people thought that was scandalous. that the president would say anything but the fed had raised interest rates seven times right after he got into office. larry: i thought he was right. i thought trump was right. >> the fed decided he was right. the fed agreed. they took back three of those
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cuts, said it was hurting manufacturing. larry: i know. >> yeah. larry: let me get steve in here. >> it in a way it vindicates him. larry: let me get steve in here. that is an important point of view but what if jay powell, a, doesn't want a third term as fed chair and b, knows the next president if it is a republican say it is trump, haley, won't reappoint him anyway and therefore decides to play it straight and keeps tight rein on the money supply, keeps interest rates high, keeps the dollar steady, whatever, keeps getting the inflation rate down? what if powell place it straight, is it possible? >> not likely because even though, it's human nature. he has been in eight years. he would like another four years just as greenspan wanted more. ben bernanke wanted more and didn't get it.
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they wanted that power. as henry kissinger the ultimate aphrodisiac. what they do with bank reserves which they pay interest, they have cut the interest costs there. urged the banks to start making loans. that is not a very public thing but to juice up bank lending. tell the regulators don't go bonkers on new capital requirements like that, those are things you could juice up the economy not get political flak for it, but make no mistake he would like another four years. larry: you really think he would? you really think he would? >> what is there after that? larry: could go play golf, whatever. >> he can do it now. larry: after the fed. all right, we haven't solved that problem but the weight of the evidence is probably with both of your somewhat cynical views. i want to read you, i want to go into the federal reserve woke and dei, right, diversity, what's the right phrase? diversity equity, and inclusion,
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okay. now let's go back, first of all, i want to read larry summers, this is several years ago, larry summers accurately said this. we have a generation of central bankers who are defining themselves by their wokeness. they're defining themselves as by how socially concerned they are. they're defining themselves by how concerned they are about the environment, all right? now that was his argument. they should be worried about inflation. he said this in i don't know the middle of 2021. he was dead on right, completely right. judy shelton, is the fed woke? is the fed bound by dei? is that becoming their principle focus? in fact, let me add on. dei and climate change, you knew that was coming, are those going to dominate the fed agenda? >> there was a study of the political affiliation of the 500 federal reserve economists, 400
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of whom who have phds and the ratio of republicans to democrats was one to 10. 10 times as many democrats. and i think that a certain political philosophy permeates the fed, it is the ethos. i find it laughable people who dismiss the possibility that the fed could be anything less than non-partisan when you consider the former chair of the fed, janet yellen is now one of the most important people in the biden administration's cabinet as secretary of treasury. biden's chief economic advisor, holing your old position as president trump is lael brainard, is the vice-chair. i think that they only became democrats as they walked out of the door of the fed. i just hope the discouragement being concerned with climate change and dei is taking hold. i think they have been shamed.
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the fed's only social concern should be to protect the integrity of the money. larry: of the dollar and price stability. let me read you, this is from, i forget who put this out, i think the "washington free beacon" put this out, okay? these are questions. have you ever worried you're untouched or you know processed natural hair might be deemed unprofessional? first of all i don't really have any hair this is a dei question, steve forbes, you get ready. wait a second this is part of their instruction. they have three instruction sessions, watching tv or reading a magazine do you ever wonder why none of the people or characters look like you? here is another one, when you walk into a store, do you assume employees might be looking at you because they think you're going to steal something? this is part of dei. they have sessions in the federal reserve. now the fed is the central bank
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but they are not immune to any of this stuff. i'm in the wrong generation. i mean i'm in the wrong period. i wouldn't understand any of this stuff anyway. steve forbes, what does this mean, what does this mean? >> what it means is they're going to cover both bases. back in 2021 when they started this stuff, this is when this stuff started they were worried about a democratic administration. larry: yep. >> going whole bonkers on modern socialism. now with the election coming up they will do both. they will cover their base on the environment and thinks like that and nudging banks, don't make loans to bad companies like oil and on the other hand they will be ready to swerve. now jerome powell is great. he should be an actor. two years ago he said the new paul volcker. he will crush the economy and conquer inflation. now he morphing into arthur burns under nixon. larry: soaks social justice, all
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the rest, how will they do their job. we got to get out of here. i don't see how they can do that. >> they can't do what happened to the defense department which went woke. now we have understaffed, you know mined military. larry: judy shelton. >> they need intellectual diversity. larry: you wouldn't make dei, i won't make dei, forbes won't make none of this. we're just out there. coming up we talk about donald trump, nikki haley and fani willis's boyfriend with fani willis's boyfriend with mark simone, joe concha. lots to do.rg dei ated the customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. fed.
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♪, let's just jump right in. we have this fabulous panel. we have fani willis and her boyfriend. the legal war against donald trump may be collapsing at least down in georgia. fox news legal correspondent jonathan serrie this hotlanta with all the details.
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jonathan, what can you tell us. >> reporter: hi, there, larry. one of the defendants in this georgia case is trying to fight the indictment against him by disqualifying two of the prosecutors. his name is michael roman. he is a former trump campaign official. this week he filed a motion that fulton couldn't district attorney fani willis became romantically involved with nathan wade prior to him being appointed as special prosecutor in the case. he has failed to maintain independent and impartial in her official duty the because she awarded exclusive contracts to herr boyfriend which he benefits financially through personal trips, hotel rooms, and the like paid for by wade, end quote. legal experts are split whether these claims against willis if proven would be serious enough to overturn the entire case. take a listen. >> but if there is a substantial conflict found and judge mcafee thinks that exist will
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be removed from the fulton county's d.a. office in its entirety and tried by another d.a.'s office in the state of georgia. >> reporter: the motion also contains invoices from special prosecutor wade billing the fulton county d.a.'s office for eight hour meeting with white house counsel in may of 2022 and an eight hour interview with d.c. white house as it was specified in the invoice in november of that same year. the white house has yet to confirm whether these meetings took place. the d.a.'s office says it will respond to the motion through appropriate court filings. neither prosecutor has commented publicly. "the wall street journal" reports that willis has been subpoenaed to testify in wade's divorce case and today fox news has learned that details of that divorce case are under seal by court order. larry? larry: wow, jonathan serrie, thank you ever so much for that run-down. there is a lot there.
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for more on this love story let's bring in mark simone, wor radio show host, joe concha, media columnist at "the messenger" and fox news contributor. by the way fani willis and her paramore, that is what gregg jarrett called her last night, boyfriend in common parlance. the guy was married for a lot of this. he is now getting a divorce. she will have to testify at the divorce. so, mark, the biden legal war may be stalled in georgia? >> hey, this guy is doing work no american wants to do, dating fani willis and getting six, how bad you have to give somebody $650,000 to go out with you. this fulton county has a horrible, horrible history. this same county drummed up charges on martin luther king and put him in jail. if not for john f. kennedy calling and screaming you would never have seen martin luther king again. georgia was so embarrassed they expunged his record a couple
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years ago, king. this is the same thing all over again, persecution of a political opponent. larry: this is joe, strikes me, this is total corruption, that is what you got going here, total corruption. what is very important to me, what i think will be very important politically, this guy, this prosecutor, whatever his name is -- >> nathan wade. larry: that's nan wade, the boyfriend who never prosecuted anything before in his life. he never prosecuted a ham sandwich at a local deli but he met several times and got paid for meetings with, wait for it, white house, biden white house advisors. >> white house counsel, yeah. larry: yeah. so we've all said, that the biden legal war against trump, the shots are being called from the white house and i just think this is a very important article on this. >> i guess there goes that argument the biden administration is allowing these prosecutors to operate independently without any influence whatsoever. now we have the georgia version
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of peter strzok and lisa page. great, right? larry: right-o. good point. >> who is nathan wade by the way? personal injury attorney. we call that ambulance chaser. now he will try a case like this, get paid $650,000, by the way that is georgia tax money. that is three times what fani willis makes but it call comes back to her because they have taken vacations in nap at that. two caribbean cruises. i don't know who needs two. you go on one. ritzy hotels in florida. is the essence of the swamp in action that donald trump has been talking about for years. to your point, this will blow up, no one takes letitia james seriously or alvin bragg, on jack smith. they don't look like serious prosecutors. they look like who they are, political operatives. larry: mark, i want to talk about other stuff today, just the fact that we know this guy whose never prosecuted anything, whatever he was, coached, consulting, i don't know, the
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white house was involved in this georgia lawsuit against trump and others but i'm going to say the white house has been calling the shots on everyone of these things. not just the justice department, not just special prosecutor, not just special counsels in washington, d.c., and in florida, but in new york without alvin bragg and letitia james. in colorado to keep trump off the ballot. in maine to keep trump off the ballot. in other words i think there is a conspiracy here where the biden white house is calling the shots in the legal war against donald trump period, end of sentence. >> and "the washington post," "new york times," will never investigate this. two eight hour-meetings. shouldn't even be a briefing with the white house. if it was just a briefing that is an eight-minute phone call. eight hours twice? that is detailed, detailed planning. have you ever had a eight hour meeting about anything? that is very detailed planning. so washington post, "new york times," get to work,
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investigate this. larry: i think it is very important. i think this breaks open a lot of very interesting scenarios that were kind of hidden until now. i don't know, anyway, let us move on. nikki haley gaining ground because independents in new hampshire, a lot of polls coming out. polls vary. they all jump around, stuff like that but it looks like there is a huge push by democratic donors and liberal republican donors to get out the independent vote for nikki haley in new hampshire. >> cnn has her within single digits in the latest poll that comes out. the scenario only works for nikki haley if ron desantis underperforms in iowa and drops out, in new hampshire he is something like fifth right now. that support, at least a lot of it goes behind haley. then the trick is does christie drop out? the only way she can be remotely competitive with trump beyond
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new hampshire if it is a two hours race between trump and haley. if he he the she gets close trump can't debate because he doesn't have a big lead. boy would that be an interesting sight on television. larry: all the independents, you said this, all from boston suburbs? >> most of the new hampshire population is in the southern half. it is very liberal. a suburb of boston t was a red state years ago. it is a purple state heading to total blue. larry: harvard state. harvard state. not good. dei state. >> if christie leaves the rate. he has no value politically -- larry: no mayorkas state. no state is a my york cast state anymore, i'm. >> christie is entertaining he livened up the debate. whether you like vivek in the debate he livened up the debate, just ron desantis and nikki haley, those people put more people to sleep than mike lindell. larry: joe concha, you're an art connoisseur. i wanted to raise another point
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that has sure vatsed recently. -- surfaced recently, turns out hunter biden and his art dealer and art consultants did in fact consult with the white house despite protestations to the negative and otherwise, huh, really? this is another lie burning down? >> as a art con that sore you have no idea i was disappointing is. i think this was the next da vinci, the next monet, right? instead hunter biden on capitol hill today where one reporter actually asked what kind of crack do you prefer? this is the reputation this person has at this point. from ethics perspective this is rancid because hunter biden who is 70% of the people that purchased his art and many of them are democratic donors. the essence of the swamp. larry: you think these are political contributions? because of the love of art and the pure beauty of his finger painting? >> i know exactly what it is. in the 1950s, disk jockeys took
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payola, 10,000 to play a record. it was made illegal. they started to go to jail. many of them set up art galleries. hand you the card, buy a painting for 10,000. hunter biden studied the history of rock and roll, i'm sure he read about that. larry: isn't he a clever chap, pulling what he pulled this morning too which will hurt his father, going to hurt democrats. nobody wants to see this spoiled -- >> break into congress, stopped the proceedings. that is what the january 6th people are accused of. larry: oh, it was an insurrection. why didn't put that in my riff. hunter biden's insurrection. joe concha, mark simone. best of the best. art connoisseur. >> now we have to have lojacks. larry: it was only a week old, coming up. far-out greenies won't let you have a couple of house plants anymore. bjorn lomborg is loaded with house plants will tell us what he thinks about that when
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♪. larry: so far out greeneys, won't even let you have any house plants anymore. what kind of a world is this? joining to us talk about this, bjorn lomborg, president of,
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author of the new book, best things first. put the full screen on bjorn, surrounded by beautiful plant life. now, bjorn,, i know you're politically correct but they won't let you keep your plants. there is a "washington post" editorial piece, indoor plants come to a cost to the plant. this is a terrible turn of events we immediately thought of you because of your beautiful plants. what is this all about? >> hi, larry, yes, thank you, this is just silly stories. there are all these stories, everything about, it's your fault and you have got to do something because of climate change because this is just silly stories. distracting us from the real solutions. you will not solve climate change which is a real problem by telling people you can't have this you can't do this we'll not succeed by making people poorer, colder, less comfortable, drive
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less, fly less. now have fewer of the plants you like. we're only going to solve climate change through the thing we've known for a very long time which is innovation. if we can focus on making people both richer and fix climate change by making green energy sufficiently cheap, then everyone will switch but that's what we have to do and that's of course not what you're going to do by having "the washington post" tell you you can't have the plants you like. larry: bjorn, they say you can't drive your truck that transports the plants because the truck spews carbon emissions, spews carbon emissions. i always thought by the way, that trees and plant life absorbed carbon was therefore a good thing. moreover you can't have plastic pots or anything synthetic fertilizers that might be made from petroleum. this is just garbage science. >> well it's more like they don't have a sense of proportion. look, there are issues but these
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are trivial things and literally they just want to attack every single thing that you like. of course we know that's not how you are actually going to solve political problems. you're going to solve them by making people better off and fixing the problem. you do that through innovation. this is how you fixed air pollution in los angeles in the 1970s. you didn't tell people, i'm sorry you can't have your car. you told hem here is a really cheap, oh, forgotten a the word, you put on exhaust port. larry: catalytic converters. >> then you fixed most of the problem. that is how you do it. it is innovation. larry: you have to have communal garden parties. i call them davos garden parties. anyway your plant life looks very, very good bjorn lomborg. >> i love it. larry: i want you to hang on to it. it will make us healthier, aestheticly pleasing and
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beautiful. bjorn lomborg, come back to new york on our set, my buddy. i will be right back with my last word. ♪. we're here with chris counahan of our local leaffilter. so chris, tell us how leaffilter is different from every other gutter protection on the market. with leaffilters, patented filter technology, there are no gaps, no openings, no place for debris to get in at all. and we install leaffilter on your existing gutters. it's a permanent solution. you'll never have to climb a ladder to clean out your gutters again. that's amazing, chris. tell me about the process. simple and easy. just give us a call, set up an appointment. we'll come out and give you a free gutter inspection. if they're sagging, we'll repair them. if they're broken, we'll replace them. if they're in good shape, our local team will install leaffilter in as little as a few hours. wow. and i understand you guys have a lifetime no clogs guarantee?
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♪ larry: couple of parting questions. biden white house going to throw lloyd austin under the bus? are they going to throw fani willis under the bus in and last, are they going to throw hunter biden under the bus? i vote for all three and only liz macdonald next up can unveil these secrets and


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