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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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♪ larry: couple of parting questions. biden white house going to throw lloyd austin under the bus? are they going to throw fani willis under the bus in and last, are they going to throw hunter biden under the bus? i vote for all three and only liz macdonald next up can unveil these secrets and
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mysteries. elizabeth: well, it's going to be an electric bus if the biden white house has it way. [laughter] larry kudlow, thank you so much. appreciate it. let's get right at it. let's welcome from house oversight congressman tim burchett and former congressional investigator sam dewey. okay, gentlemen, first to you, congressman. hunter biden cracks -- crashes his own contempt hearing. congressman burchett, what happened? was this a made for t publicity -- tv publicity stunt? because kevin mosser, hollywood attorney, he's sitting next to hunter. was for hunter biden's documentary? >> i believe so. it was a clown show of epic proportions, bozo called hunter today and said, hey, man, you've knocked me off the throne. i walked in, the press was asking me earlier this morning is hunter going to be at the committee meeting, and we -- there was no reason for hunter to be at the committee meeting. he wasn't testified -- testifying. he had already turned us town on the subpoena, and the justice department put their head in the
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sand. yeah, this was all made for tv guam telephone drama. when marjorie taylor greene, when it was her turn to speak, he walked out. that was part of the show. he can't stand a woman that he doesn't have power over speaking, obviously, because that's exactly what happened in that case. the whole thing, he walks in -- the press knew he was coming. he set up and rode in on his taxpayer-funded suburbans, you know, with his security detail, and they came down the hall yelling at people, telling people to get out of the way. it was classic made for television. elizabeth: yeah, so what the congressman said, this could backfire, sam, because hunter biden using congress as a backdrop for his own documentary about himself, you know, we're not sure who is even going to watch that documentary because now, what's he going to do? he's going to bring cameras into the court tomorrow when he faces tax evasion charges in california? if this smacks of into it sw
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element, you know? we've got congressman byron donalds, sam, coming up. he's saying this is entitlement, this is white democrat privilege. what do you say, sam? >> yeah, it was extraordinary. it was extraordinary to thumb your nose if at congress when you didn't show up for the deposition you were subpoenaed to, and you didn't even object to the subpoena. he didn't say i object to the mean narcs i don't think you have authority -- mean narcs i don't think you have authority, he just didn't show. and now he's thumbing his nose. and that just looks entitled, it looks out of touch with reality. and with the experience of pretty much anybody else who gets a subpoena. you have to show up. elizabeth: yeah. i mean, donald trump jr., you know, testified under subpoena to the senate and to the house. finish democrat jamie raskin said people must adhere to congressional subpoenas. so did then-candidate joe biden. now he's entitled? he's above the law? this is the backlash. voters don't like to see congress manipulated like this.
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let's listen to congresswoman marjorie taylor greene. you're going to hear from congressman byron donalds too. watch this. >> excuse me, hunter, apparently you're afraid of my words. >> whoa! [laughter] oh -- >> i'd like to reclaim my time, mr. chairman. >> [inaudible] [laughter] [inaudible conversations] finish. >> wow, that's too bad. [laughter] >> [inaudible] >> i think it's clear and obvious for everyone watching this hearing today that hunter biden is terrified of strong, conservative republican women, because he can't even face my words as i was about to speak to him. what a coward. we will hold hunter biden in contempt. and if the democrats are not the hypocrites that they constantly display that they are, then they will vote for contempt of congress because they voted for it on every other subpoena if -- >> this isn't about hunter biden's white privilege p it's
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about hunter biden's democrat privilege. because dona if meth elizabeth yeah, what do you think, congressman? house judiciary did approve the resolution to hold hunter biden in contempt. it's going to go to the full vote on the house floor. do you think it'll pass? >> i think it will, liz. i've got to be back in oversight just in about five more minutes, and we're goinged to do our own vote on it as well. it's clear what's going on here, this is a clear attempt by this white house, they are a rudderless ship right now. they have -- i've talked to democrats on the committee and off the record they confided in me this was a nightmare for them. they were collie r -- clearly not prepared for what happened. very few in the know. they had seats down front that were empty for hunter. this was a made for tv special that will get no ratings. once again, people will be are watching the reruns on the cartoon network more than the hunter biden special, i can assure you. but then -- go ahead, i'm sorry. elizabeth: no, but, you know,
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what the congressman just said. voters don't like to see congress turned into a circus by the president's son when he's been accused of bribery, money laundering, wire fraud, when he's basically faces, you know, criminal tax era vegas charges in a court tomorrow in california, when he has been involved in selling, quote, biden family brand according to his business partner, devon archer, making at least $24 million, parsing out that money to biden family members who didn't do anything for that money. nine family members. sam, you know, biden, he probably should have stayed in the hearing room. he had to face our own hillary vaughn in the hallway and other reporters asking hunter about his father's involvement in hunter's business dealings, sam. what a do you say to this? >> i mean, it is a stun thed -- a stunt the, it is made for tv. he's going to have to answer these questions with at. point. at some point. i agree, i think the american people can see past it and see
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past this is not only a dispute, it's not a question about some claim of privilege, this is just someone who will not play by the rules and show up like all of the trump adult children did. elizabeth: it doesn't bode well. it doesn't bode well for the biden campaign. jen psaki said, hunter, stay out of the news. now he's again turning congress into a circus, sam. now he's in the news putting spotlights on the impeachment inquiry into the president, sam. >> yeah, i think that's right, and i think that's why it was so hard, to the congressman's point, for the democratic members of the committee to defend him. they know that the law is crystal clear, that congress chooses how one appears, and hunter had to show up. elizabeth: got it. congressman burchett, sam dewey, thanks for joining us. joining us now, gop strategist ford o'connell. okay, ford, it's good to have you back on. this new york civil fraud case e against former president trump
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is wrapping up. this news broke late today. the former president, he wanted to give his own closing statement tomorrow in the case, but the judge on the case, judge arthur engeron, again said no to the president speaking, e-mailed the trump team and said the former president is not going to stick to, quote, lawful limits, then he's going to say to -- no to this. trump's not allowed to join in the closing statements. what do you say to this? >> well, i look at it as another gag order, liz. look, this case never should have been brought in the first place, and the fix has been in from the outset. so no one should be surprised about the fact that the judge declined to allow trump to represent what truly are the facts. remember the first amendment in this country is allowing you to not only question the substance, but also the process when the government comes after you. elizabeth: so here is the thing, the judge has already determined that fraud occurred, that the --
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and trump organization inflated their assets by between $812 million and $2.2 billion. letitia james is asking for $370 million in penalties. that's higher than the original quarter billion. but, you know, the thing is it's only the judge. there's no jury here. do you think it's a good idea by the trump team to have the former president speak, because, you know, now he can't speak and he's going to appeal. could he was have said something that could jeopardize a potential appeal? >> no, i don't think he could jeopardize the potential appeal if because, to your point, liz, this has already been decided under summary judgment. what president trump wants to make the case to the court upon appeal is that this is abuse of the law. remember, this case is being brought under a little statute known as 6312 which allows the attorney general, who is elected in new york state, to basically abuse her power. and in a case like this, it's never been brought in the
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history of new york state and never has it been brought against a businessman like donald trump, let alone the fact that he's also the top political opponent. there is a lot to appeal here, but i think the number one thing is the amount of money that the a leticia is james is asking for. elizabeth: so no jury, the president saying, former president saying improper due process violations and much, much more. so they basically, what you're saying is they stretched to almost the breaking point a new york state consumer fraud law in order to wipe out the entire trump empire. >> yes. this is abuse of power. remember the other four criminal charges that trump is nation are about harming him politically. this case is abuse of power in the way of trying to break him financially. this is really, really bad, and it's unfortunate that other democrats across the country are not speak up about this abuse of power that letitia james and the judge are actually wielding because, remember, both of them are elected part saabs in new york sate -- partisans.
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they're never going to be add admonished or harmed at the ballot box for abusing the law. elizabeth: got it. we'll be watching this verdict -- rather, ruling by the judge and what the penalty is. could be coming up, maybe end of the week, maybe next week. ford o'connell, thank you for your insight. thank you. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: still ahead, congressman dusty johnson, former home depot ceo bob nardelli, and former acting dhs secretary chad wolf. almost homeland security's mark green is here at the fireworks at the first hearing in his house committee on impeaching secretary mayorkas over the board or collapse. plus, senators demanding hearings into this scandal. the door blowing out of a boeing 737 max airplane. the alaska airlines jet mid flight. now, is this problem more dangerously widespread than realized? also we have former judiciary committee doug collins, rather, doug collins is here. more bombshells dropping in the growing scandal of d.a. a fani
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willis giving her boyfriend a big bucks job as a special prosecutor on the georgia trump 2020 case. and the biden white house again called out for being misleading, this time trying to topspin the controversy about the pentagon chief's secret hospital stay. all this coming up on "the evening edit can." stay right there. >> what kind of commander in chief is president biden that at a time when american forces are under fire in the middle east, he can go days without knowing that his defense secretary is in a hospital bed? ♪ with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of
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elizabeth: well, look who's back with us, former house judiciary ranking member doug collins. it's great to see you again, sir. hope your new year's going well. >> it's a great way to start the new year, seeing you again k liz. elizabeth: same here. ing talk to us about this growing conflict of interest controversy. we're talking the fulton county d.a. in georgia, fani willis, gave her boyfriend with, nicholas wade, a high paying job as a special prosecutor on the trump case. now we've got congressman lance goodenen sending a letter to president biden, he wants to know why nicholas wade met at the biden white house with officials at least twice before
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trump was indicted. doug, we're talking two, two 8-hour meetings. those are long meetings. >> yeah. look, you can't make this up even if you tried. this is not even a, you know, a miniseries anymore town down here. let's take them in two separate setser here. fani willis actually hired him, he'd not been an invest this these kind of felony cases before, made a lot of money off the fulton county taxpayers off of this, and now there's the allegation from one of the defendants in the trial involving donald trump that she has an ongoing affair with him and multiple trips, things that would actually compromise this case. the filing said that, now they're going to have to put forward the evidence, we'll e sew how that goes. the concerning one for me is the fact that wade went to the white house, and the times that you see he was at the white house were may, i believe, early may of '22 and also fall of '22, this is when this investigation was really starting to roll. and you, you know, now the biden
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administration says we have nothing to do with these cases, now they've got to answer something that it seems like they don't want to talk about, because this shows direct application to the white house and prosecutors -- elizabeth: listen, okay, would you tell house judiciary to hold hearings on this? because lance gooden, the congressman, is asking for the visitor logs to also the president's delaware property. he's saying this could be election interference and because -- abuse of power. >> it is going to be interesting to see how that plays out. yes, definitely, jim jordan is going to be looking into it. they've gone back and forth with taan -- fani willis about this. we also found out that the january 6th committee gave documents, they basically destroyed documents from the committee, keep them from the archives of the united states house but actually gave things to the january 6th jack smith investigates and now also to the investigation in fulton county. so it does look like this is
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putting the pieces together. elizabeth: all right, so let's go through it. the co-defendant in the case, mike roman, in his court motion, he's demanding both fani willis and nicholas wade be dismissed for misconduct, for corruption. he says they have an incentive to prosecute roman and by extension prosecute trump. willis hires her boyfriend even though he reportedly, as you said, has no experience on things like rico cases. he gets paid at least $654,000 since january 2022. he then pays out of their money for their, both of them going on lavish, luxury vacation trips around the world; the caribbean with on royal caribbean and norwegian cruise lines, to napa. so there's no evidence fulton county authorized willis to hire him in the first place. he's -- mike roman is saying this is in the form of basically kickbacks. this looks like a corruption scandal that's getting worse on the part of fani willis. does she -- what happens to fani
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willis here? >> well, it is -- can she says she's going to answer in the court filings. i can't wait for this hearing. this will be one for popcorn, because it's going to be interesting. when they brought these allegations, they're going to have to produce evidence for it, and she's going to have to refute if it. looking at it from the case can, once you're getting this been fit from hiring somebody that you're dating or have an involvement with, and then it goes back even deeper. you mentioned just a seconding ago, it goes back to the fact that now they're claiming this was never approved by the fulton county government to start with, that she could actually hire outside the department. that's a whole different layer of this. elizabeth: a whole different level. and now this, again, to what you're saying, this is the about to go to an even higher level because nicholas wade's wife subpoenaed. the a. fani willis for their divorce proceedings for nicholas and jocelyn wade's divorce proceedings. she may have to -- fani willis may have to testify. and there's more alleged
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conflicts of interest, stay with me on this. fani willis hires a dnc, democrat spokesperson who was with the dnc, to be on her team. this person is married to charlie bailey. he's a 2022 democrat nominee for lieutenant governor. fani willis got in trouble for this conflict of enter. she hosts a fundraiser -- of enter. she hosts a fundraiser for bailey in 2022, then a month later sends a target letter to bailey's rival, then-state senator, now georgia lieutenant governor burt jones saying she's targeting him too in the trump 2020 case. then the judge agreed to block that investigation. so there's a lot of stuff happening here when you peel back the art choke and see, whoa, what is really going on behind the scenes to go after trump and his co-defendants. >> yeah. liz, remember when i started this, i said you couldn't write a script like this. i mean, think about squeeze kind of intertwines that you're seeing now a divorce proceeding, now you're also -- the judge heavily scolded fani willis
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about this on the burt jones issue saying that, you know, basically it was unbelievable she did. that so, yeah, this has been just unraveling, and it's almost amazing to me me that they bought nobody if would pay attention. and -- they thought nobody would pay attention. and i think that's when you get to the point just like in new york and other places where they're just so out to get a person, it seems like, that they struggle with this. this is going to be interesting. she's got to answer this, and the ones who brought it are going to have to come forward, and it puts a whole different light on this whole proceeding that's supposed to take place in march. don't see it happening. elizabeth: got it. doug collins, it's boot -- good to have you back on the show. okay, this story, house republicans held their first hearing into impeaching dhs secretary mayorkas. a lot of fireworks there. they demand accountability, and voters are saying shut the border now. it's out of control. it's in a state of collapse. more and more democrat voters nationwide, they're saying yes
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to illegal immigration again. these democrat voters are saying shut the border. it's on "the evening edit" next. ♪ >> it is unfair that we had to move 22,000 migrants -- 2,000 migrants into a school, disrupt the education of 4,000 students just to have to do it again if there is another storm. ♪ mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right?
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elizabeth: well, we are honored to have back on the show the chairman of house homeland security, congressman mark green. he has fought if for our country. man, okay, so fireworks -- congressman, okay. you chaired the first hearing today on impeaching dhs tech -- secretary a mayorkas. you say he broke the law, high crimes and misdemeanors. what are they? >> yeah. so he lied to congress, number one. and then he subverted the immigration and nationality act on multiple different levels, both we resistance -- with
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resistance or actually the refusal to deport and detain people. and this automatic parole he's set up, he even admitted recently 8 a 5% are being released into the country, it's in violation of law. four courts have ruled basically that he should cease and desist because he's violating the laws passed by congress, and he's ignored those court orders. so he's basically disregarded two coequal branches of government, one that writes the laws, the other one that interprets the laws, and he's just doing whatever he wants. and that's a violation of his oath of office to defend the constitution. clearly says we write the laws in the executive branch -- and the executive branch executes those laws. of course, the lying to congress and things like that. we think he's abused his office, and he needs to go. elizabeth: congressman, we've interviewed border officials and border patrol authorities. they say as well that he is violating the law. so are democrats hearing this message? >> no, absolutely not. today they all went back and
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bashed trump, they bashed me, basically made it about everything but alejandro mayorkas, said it was a big political charade. it's not a political charade. look, if this guy was a are republican wreaking the laws -- breaking the laws, lying to congress and disregarding judicial court orders, i would throw him out too. you can't have a cabinet if secretary who just blows off the laws of the land in his oath to the institution constitution. elizabeth: so they're acting like they're above the law, and ostensibly they think they're being humanitarian. congressman, we're the humanitarians, we're going to open the border, but there's mayhem at the border as you've been covering and probing. the border neighborhoods are facing high crime, they're facing plummeting real estate values, trash and the like. fentanyl crisis, human and drug trafficking, cartels have basically operational control of the border. that's what border officials are telling us, that they control
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the border. >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, so all of those actions that he's taken through his policies that have broken the laws, defied the court orders, the result has been hundreds of thousands of dead americans due to fentanyl and other things. and it's not like, you know, today one of the them cl accurates -- democrats said is, well, just say no, you know? there have been many, many deaths, little kids that accidentally encounter it in a hotel room. i mean, that kid couldn't just say no, and her parents -- that father's not if walking her down the aisle someday. i mean, this is insane. elizabeth: we've got high school children in brooklyn, new york, they have to now do remote learning from home because the city is using their school, james madison high school, to temporarily house nearly 2,000 illegal immigrants because of bad weather. also the governor of massachusetts if has been asking residents to take in illegal immigrants into their home. you know, the border or crisis is out of control. let's watch this sound. listen to this.
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>> i think it's disgraceful. i mean, just think about it. you're a parent in the if bronx -- was it bribing lin or -- you're a parent in brooklyn, you've probably got a lot of single moms who are bread win ors, so they've got to work during the day. -- day. >> that's why congress has to step in and do do the job that biden will not. we've had 33 months of more than 150,000 illegal border crossings and 19 months of with more than 3200,000 illegal border crossings including a new 11-month record of over -- 1-month record of over 300,000 this past december, and the dhs has admitted they have no way to determine if these individuals have a criminal history. and, sadly, the stories that aren't are being told enough is that right now secretary mayorkas has misplaced approximately 100,000 migrant children here in our country. i'm honored, i'm proud if that so many of my colleagues would join me here today as we outline
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the many reasons why there's no time to waste when it comes to firing secretary mayorkas. elizabeth: final word, chairman green. >> look, democrats love illegal immigrants and drug cartels, apparently, more than they love the american people. and in new york city, there's your example. we have to get rid of alejandro mayorkas. elizabeth: got i. congressman, good to see you. thanks for joining us. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: u.s. destroy canners shut down 24 drones and missiles fired by iran-backed houthi rebels. this is the biggest attack to date on commercial if shipping in the red sea. now, engaging the houthis here where the uss mason, the uss gravely, the uss -- and fa-18 super hornet if fighter jets from the uss eisenhower along the u.n.'s hms diamond carrier. this is big action. but the pentagon chief controversy is widening. edward lawrence is arrive at the white house with the -- live at the white house with the story.
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edward. >> reporter: liz, the issue of communication within the administration thrust to the front because of defense secretary lloyd austin. now, as far as we know, the defense secretary is still in the hospital. the last time the president had a full cabinet meeting with all of his cabinet if members was october 2nd. you're looking at video from that meeting. this leaves a lot of questions concerning all of the cabinet members. the last cabinet meeting was three months ago. so does the president know where his cabinet members are and what they're doing? >> the president is in regular touch, and not just the president, obviously. there are folks here whether it be office a of cabinet fairs, other folks here in the -- affairs, other folks here in the white house that is in regular touch with, certainly, leaders of these, the different cabinets on a regular basis. >> reporter: but the fact is the white house and the president did the not know where the defense secretary was from january 1st to january 4th during the complications. the president did not know the defense secretary had cancer diagnosis and elected to do a surgery.
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representative mike waltz with 27 years military the experience said if anyone in the chain of command disappeared, there would be consequences. >> if they disappeared for a week, didn't tell their superior officer, didn't tell their deputy to assume those critical duties, i guarantee you austin would have fired them because it's so basic and fundamental to the military chain of command. so i think he should hold himself to the same standard. >> reporter: and the homeland security secretary facing the first hearing today towards a possible impeachment. the president standing behind all of his cabinet members. liz in. elizabeth: edward lawrence, always great reporting from you. let's bring back to the show former acting, the hs secretary chad wolf. we're waiting for the news, chris christie is apparently set to drop out of the presidential race. let's get to this, the white house again accused here, chad, of playing down another controversy. they're calling elective pentagon chief austin's hospital procedure to stop a reported
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urinary tract infection for prostate cancer surgery. that does not sound like elective procedures. how can they even go there? what do you think, chad? >> yeah, i think it's interesting language by the white house. look, i think secretary austin's decision not to inform the white house and others at the the president of defense, i think it's reckless. we've got to remember he is in charge of u.s. military forces not only stationed here in the united states, but, of course, all over the world. and it's the commander in chief, and it's him. national command authority with him and the president, so there's a lot of things that can go wrong with -- if that chain of custody is not kept. it puts americans in danger, and as a i said, i think it's just a reckless decision. when i served in the trump administration because i was, again, part of that national security council, they knew my whereabouts at all times. the situation room tracks us very closely. folks like the secretary of state and the secretary of defense and others. and so this idea that he could
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be out of pocket for hours and days at a time, i think it just shows you that they weren't on top of their game, and and that's a problem for the american people. elizabeth: we've got breaking news. chris christie just suspended, he just dropped out of the 2024 race. but this,000 he was caught on a -- news, he was caught on a hot mic basically going after nikki haley saying, quote, he's going to get smoked. you and i both know it, she's not up to this. your reaction to that. >> well, look, i think chris chris christie's had a number of comments throughout the campaign. he's not been a fan of several of 'em. look, i think that this is a one-man show right now, and everyone else is playing for second. but we'll see how it goes at the end of the day. i think both nikki haley, governor desantis and others, they've got some good positions and some questionable positions on some issues. and so, look, i think it's going to be a great -- continues to be a great race. but i think we continue to see the former president polling well above all the others.
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and so i think it continues to be a one-man race at this point. elizabeth: yeah. he never -- can his polls were low throughout, and and he spent a lot of the time attacking trump. whether you hate him or like him, it was really about policy, chad. voters want to hear about policy. final word. >> yeah. well, i think that's right. i think most voters at the end of the day, they do want to hear about policy from these candidates. elizabeth: okay. >> and, but i think overwhelmingly the republican voters did not like chris christie's message, and i think that's why he dropped out. elizabeth: chad wolf, thank you so much. congressman dusty johnson's going to join us from house transportation. senators are demanding hearings and probes into with why the door blew out of a boeing 737 max 9 airplane last week. leaving a gaping hole in an alaska airlines flight. that's a harrowing story. but first, we're excited to come up -- find out what's coming up on "the bottom line."
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sean: thank you, we've got a great show coming up. joe biden projecting weakness on the world stage. why? we're going to ask morgan luttrell, congressman from texas on that. as well as hunter biden shows up in congress uninvited but didn't show up when he was invited. who can make sense of that? dagen: rich lowry and lee carter are here. so chris christie dropped out. clearly, he plans on being a reverend with that moralizing horse manure that he was hacking up. we won't talk about him, but we will talk about elise stefanik, potential vp pick, right? and raking in record money, who! and raking in record money, who! top of the hour. ♪ ties are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. (christina) with verizon business unlimited,
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elizabeth: okay, we've got breaking news coming in. congressman dusty johnson from house transportation joins us. we're sorry to have to deal with this story with you. we're going to get to the boeing story in just a second, boeing. this story, chris christie drops out of the 2024 race, but the news coming in, he's caught on a hot mic saying that, quote, nikki haley's going to get smoked, that she's not up to it, and ron desantis has tweeted out, yeah, i agree with chris christie. congressman, what do you think of this news? >> the thing i liked about chris
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christie is he wasn't -- i don't want like politicians who pander, who are inauthentic. chris christie's politics are not my politics, but it did seem like he was willing to deliver some tough truths from time to time. i have no idea what's going to happen in iowa or new hampshire. but i think, liz, you are starting to see a win knowing where this field is getting smaller by the week. elizabeth: yeah, it is getting smaller by the week. you know, chris christie was always polling in the low single digits in the polls, and, you know, you didn't -- i mean, calling donald trump donald duck, i mean, he never got traction. so now we've got a faceoff a between trump, de. sanities and nikki haley. desantis. >> i think it is a three-way race. i know vivek is still there, but it doesn't look like he's going to be much of a factor in either of those earliest states. this is what a lot of people have been looking for. i think they understood early on that haley, desantis had the best opportunity to challenge president trump. we're going to find out a lot once iowa and new hampshire two
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to the polls and go to the caucuses. elizabeth: congressman, let's turn to this harrowing story. you're on house transportation. the mid-air blowout that left a gaping hole mid-flight on the alaska airlines jet. alaska airlines, the news is coming in, they canceled all a flights on boeing 737-9 max aircraft through january 13th. there's calls from the senate for hearings on this. are you and your colleagues going to hold hearings too? >> oh, of course we are. i think we need to dive in. i do think alaska airlines and boeing have tried to be responsive, they've tried to be cooperative, liz. but this is not the kind of thing we can have happening. so let's are dive in, let's figure out exactly what happened. there are lots of reports that some bolts were not put into place properly. but let's not do guesswork, let's wait for this report to get in. and i should mention this is a reminder to the senate why it is so important for them to pass the aviation reauthorization bill. the house has done its work, the
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senate's been waiting around for six months. let's get this thing done. elizabeth: congressman, we've been hearing the faa has been under a lot of duress and stress. so senator j.d. vance is demanding a hearing, he said the faa just assured him that this plane is safe. and if now we've got senator richard a blumenthal, he sent a letter to the faa saying you've got to publicly release all of your findings in this probe. are hay going to do that? -- they going to do that a? >> they absolutely need to do that. again, both boeing and alaska airlines have been reasonably cooperative. we are going to need to see a lot more transparency. we're going to need to see all of the finding, all of the analysis. one of the things that makes our aviation system so great is people, rightfully, have confidence that they are getting into aircraft that is safe with operators who know what they're doing and with maintainers who are experts. let's not undermine that that confidence by hiding the ball. elizabeth: you know, we had a grandmother on the show last night. she had two small children,
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grandchildren sitting next to her. she was just seven rows behind where the blowout, the door blew open. a teenager's shirt was ripped off his chest and was sucked out the window, out the gaping hole. things were flying out that hole. but boeing's ceo says it is now acknowledging its mistakes. our kelly saberi reports the company that made and installed the door, spirit aerosystems, is also a facing scrutiny. are you going to look at who, where the supply chain is here? and, you know, what has been going on with boeing and, you know, the maintenance of these planes? >> yeah. you are exact -- asking exactly the right questions. you used the word harrowing, liz, and that is the right word. it is amazing that no one was seriously injured. it's amazing nobody died. i mean, you've got shutter, you've got iphones, material sucked out this gaping hole. we are lucky that it was not a worse accident. and we've got to make sure that every single person involved is
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able to answer these questions, and we hold anybody to account that needs to be held do account. i don't want to be repetitive, but with i would also say it's a reminder to congress to do our work. every five years we pass an air auation will. -- bill. it keeps us focused on things like safety, work force and these safety processes. we have -- we are behind. we have not done our work. shame on us. elizabeth: well, congressman, we don't mind you being repetitive about that. [laughter] but we would love to have you back on again soon, okay? it's good to see you again. >> good to see you as well, thank you. elizabeth: okay, sure, former home depot ceo and chairman, the one and only bob nardelli, he is a titan of capitalism. this story: by the way, chris christie just dropped out. we're going to get his reaction on that. also this: is america really ready for only electric school buses for children? if there's reports they're failing, even sliding back downhills. the biden white house is cropping -- dropping nearly a
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billion bucks on these electric school buses. inspectors general and watchdogs warn this is not feasible. bob nardelli next on "the evening ed it." ♪ ♪ jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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ceo chairman bob nardelli, happy new year good to see you. >> thank you, happy new year to you. elizabeth: we have breaking news, chris christie just dropped out of 2024 race, caught on a hot mic, saying nikki haley is going to get smoked. she's not up to this. what do you say? >> i think former governor really got into this race to be somewhat of a disrupter, don't you think? he has been critical of the prior president. the hot mic is another example of his criticism. he has not been able to get momentum, this probably a good thing to drop out, and let's focus on, the three candidates and see who fairs the best. certainly coming up with in iowa with the caucus and certainly new hampshire. elizabeth: a voters want
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dc to fix the problems the border, saying no to president's bush -- push to make all of america's and u.s. economy going electric. bob, what do you think of biden white house announcing it will give out a billion dollars, a billion dollars to school districts nationwide to replace their diesel buses with electric doe buses, is it necessary. >> high view here is my view on this administration and what i call the ev debacle, this is another attempt to distract from the debacle they have with the ev vehicles, now with a bus, there was an appropriation made, they operate under the guyguise of use it or lose it if you read "washington post" article,
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there are a lot of raves about good side of an ev bus, the fact is we're not ready for an ev bus any more than we are for the cars, if you read headlines over last couple of month, ev start ups are stumbling. if you think about surpassed tesla in china. price points are out of line, general motors and ford have postponed 6 plus billion dollars in infrastructure, gm come back said they will do a 10 billion dollar stock buyback, i will steal an old phrase, remember it's the economy stupid. in this case it is the changing stupid. fox did a special, it took longer for about the same cost, and the anxiety going to bed with 15% charge and waking up with 5 because it
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was cold out, it will happen but my experience when i was running chrysler, they came out with cafe standard, obama administration, consumer said no we're not interested in small cars, you know the winner was the auto parts store o'reilly went from almost 0 to 783% in sales. it will happen. but you cannot force consumers to buy -- elizabeth: they are forcing it for the school buses, two months ago an electric bus, plummeted backwards down a hill in san francisco, that was a google electric bus, but they want to for schoolchildren right now. >> yeah, i think we owned blue bird bus, i'm familiar with school bus industry, it is not ready, they have all of these you know comments about they could use it for
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battery and storage, but you have to charge it to use it, looking at a lot of rural municipalities they don't have the charges capacity, this is another debacle from this administration on so many things, and the eeveev bus thing for children is another one we're just not ready for ev's. elizabeth: is anyone calling you from the white house about it. >> no they have not, i spent quite a bit of time with larry summers, he was enlightened with my comments. elizabeth: you have enlightened us, bob f nardelli, you are always terrific, thank you for joining us. thank you for watching i'm elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching the "evening edit" on fox business, that does it for us, it is a wrap, now time for "the bottom line" over to the great dagen and sean. dagen: thanks, emac. elizabeth:


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