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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 10, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones. let's roll, daddio! let's boogie-woogie! larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm
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l arry kudlow. so, busy day on capitol hill. hunter biden acting like a spoiled brat. new impeachment investigations of dhs secretary mayorkas. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene smack in middle of it, she will be here. >> later mark simone and joe concha talking about nikki haley, donald trump and fani willis a boyfriend. and judy shelton and steve forbes taking about j. powell, fed woke, dei, and juice in the economy to re-elect joe biden, but first our own hillary vaughn, she had a day, her pal hunter biden, i heard you had most fun this morning. >> never a boring day on capitol hill. when hunter biden decides to surprise lawmakers and reporters by showing up today. he was pretty gutsy, showing up uninvited and unannounced
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crashing a house oversight committee hearing she is till wanted for actively defying his congressional congress soupina, today he showed his face, and planked by capital police on his way in and out, one house republican said he should be arrested right now, democrats call it brave and proof that hunter biden has nothing to hide. >> hunter biden should be arrested right now. >> what is hunter biden afraid of, why can't you show up for a comal deposition, you are here for a political stunt, this a pr stunt. >> here does not seem to be too afraid, chairman said, the witness can choose whether to come to a deposition or a public hearing in front of the committee. reporter: hunter biden has been to capitol hill twice, since he has been under congressional soupina, on this day he has not taking
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any lawmaker questions but he did talk to me. >> mr. biden, why did you put your dad on speaker phone with your business partners -- >> do you have a dad? does he call you. >> yes. >> you answer the phone. >> yes. >> but why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business. >> that was quite the bombshell, he admitted he had his dad on the phone at some of the business meetings and also, acknowledged that sometimes it was his dad calling in. larry. larry: that is a great point. is that the first time third bidens have acknowledged the phone calls? >> that is the first time we heard from hunter biden on camera about it, originally we had a nugget of information from his ex business partner devon archer who said in a deposition sometimes joe biden was on speaker phone
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and hunter would put him on speaker phone, today he said he was just answering his dad's call. larry: hillary. did the house committee, did the oversight committee decide contempt or not? reporter: it still -- hearing is still going on, at some point t they will hold the vote then if it passes to house floor. larry: thank you hillary vaughn, really very exciting stuff. >> all right. >> a quick take, if hunter biden thinks he spoil britaibrat, antics will help his father get reelected in november, think again, people watching news clips of his antics, they will say, this is a kid of privilege, spoiled because his father is president. and somebody who thinks he is above the law. democratic house members from swing districts will be cringing at h hunter
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biden's antics, i suggest he think it again. he looks like a spoiled rich kid, which is what he is, he is a real jerk, that is what he looks like. and using his father's influence, various pay for play schemes b maybe point bribery, all alleged but all under the microscope, hunter biden disruptive antics may harden republican voting to hold him in contempt of congress that could bring him closer to jail. he is lucky, that they didn't send sergeant of arms avar him and put him in jail today, last time high pulled a stunt by speaking in front of senate, that time press secretary karine jean-pierre sphr sprung a leak by telling with us on press corps to president joe biden knew beforehand his son would be
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a no show for congressional subpoena, make pa pa biden an accomplice to lawbreaking, did he know today, i would like to know. is this hunter biden's version of pop biden's democracy crusade, disrespect the congress? give them the middle finger, set an example for lawbreaker be, joe biden's out of control son will not help joe biden get reelected, personally, i favor sending president biden into retirement but i don't think that pro-reelection biden supporters would love who hunter biden pulled this morning, hunter biden already has been indicted on gun charges, and tax evasion charges, and in dell delaware and california, maybe facing additional charges for failing to register as foreign agent, then money laundering, wire
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fraud that go with all of his so-called investment schemes, and in china, russia, ukraine. and elsewhere, this is not an amiable record, note something that an adult -- not something that an adult would want have advertise with more bad behavior. biden jr.'s ignoring sage advice with his arrogant attitudeses and his game, pop joe should tell his out of control son just crawl into a hole for the next year, instead of displaying his not only contempt for congress but for law abiding americans of all political stripes. that is my riff. for more on hunter biden and mayorkas we bring in georgia con congresswoman marjorie taylor greene.
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member of homeland security and oversight committee, you have a big morning, a word on this hunter biden story. i want to retire joe biden, but the point, i don't see how his antics help his father or the democratic party one iota, you tell me. >> i agree with you, the antics today are for a movie being produced, i watched them come in courtroom, hunter biden came in b in blanked by his lawyer and a business partner, kevin morris, there was another guy with a camera, hunter biden making a movie, painting himself as a victim, he is not a victim but he is a criminal, they listened to our oversight hearing where we're voting to hold him in contism of congress -- in contempt of congress until activity my term, hunter biden jumped up and the rest ran out of the
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room. i know highest afraid of my words -- he was afraid of my words, i was talking about serious crime he's has commited and we have evidence of which is man act violations this is human sex traffics. i'll say irony is that blaring. joe biden is guilty of human trafficking with his border policies, and his son hunter biden is guilty of human sesex trafficking and we have receipted. >> hunter biden is lucky nobody brought sergeant of arms out and cuffed him. he is -- it just you know. you are right there the crimes, but, my thought here is, if i were a democratic politico, which i am not, but, i co wouldn't want him pre parading around with this arrogant in your face attitude, almost
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boasting, he is being charged with tax evasion and gun problems. maybe charged with foreign -- not registering as a foreign agent, list goes on. i mean, he has put himself out there, i don't think that this is helping him not helping his father or swing state democrat, this makes him look look a damn fool. >> you are right here, did look like a fool, he looked like a toddler, having a temper tantrum, president trump's kids, they had to came in to sit for hours, under democrat subpoenas they, bu obuoyed law, when hunter biden -- congressman swell swalwell helped him i do it we're voting to hold him in contism.
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contempt. the real test is for biden's department of justice, will it prosecute how hunter biden when we told him in con contempt. i bet we'll see the same hypocrisy, because joe biden will do anything do cover-up and protect his family from their crimes and corruptions and merrick garland is nothing but a biden lackey that is abusing power of the department of justice. larry: the way that went after steve bannon and peter navarro, they put navarro in cuffs if i am not mistake mistaken. >> you are right, we'll see, will department of justice prosecute hunter biden the sop of the president. larry: i would not hold my breath on that. >> marjorie, congress woman what is up with mayorkas hearings, i noticed that leadership is coming around now to mayorkas hearings, i
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was reading an op-ed piece by tom emmer talking about lawbreaking, malfeasance, not secures border. certainly not protects american sovereignty. i think that -- i don't know how this will work out. but the case against mayorkas seems to be growing, you are early to this game, what do you think now? >> well, as you remember larry, i forced a vote on house floor before christmas on impeaching mayorkas that exposed 8 republicans who voted with democrat to protect secretary mayorkas and protect his job, those 8 republicans, in our conference heard from their constituents and americans, is they were outraged. they want secretary mayorkas impeached, that is a number one issue across the country, people are sick and tired of border invasion, they are sick and tired of
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illegal alien crimes and of having to pay for it as american taxpayers. this is hurting democrats and their races across the country, but also put pressure on republicans, that is why you see leadership, in our conference, unite around the fact we must impeach secretary mayorkas and do everything we can to stop border invasion. larry: commit i wi iy -- the committee will go through the investigation. not just willy-nilly, the way far left democrat went after donald trump, but build a solid foundation, investigation, this year, is that about right? >> that is right. it is not impeachment theater as democrats on h homelands accused us of today, we have been serious,
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we lead an investigation produced staggering statistics and prove than secretary mayorkas is guilty of breaking u.s. border laws. and this is why he must be impeached. and we have taken our time and worked through all of it, been through 5 phases, now we're at the end we'll wrap it up through the rest of the month, with our impeachment hearings, and we will be working up articles of impeachment through the home land committee because of the vote i force thed on the house floor. it move my articles of impeachment out of judiciary to homeland and allowing to us be able to impeach secretary mayorkas through home landing committee then to house floor for a vote. larry: marjorie, this is a little off w topic, but you very georgia, we were respecting last -- reports last night about a story of fani willis, who is running this anti-trump operation,
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and she has herself a boyfriend, one of my lives called him a para-- paramour, took off from a couple of cruises, went to napa valley, came back for fun in the sun in florida, and now, some people are saying, and some of the people who are under charges on this, this whole racketeering charge should be thrown out. because of her bad behavior, and the bad behavior of her so-called prosecutor, who never prosecuted, and last point, turns out that this guy was getting paid -- a go never prosecuted a ham sandwich, part of his consulting payment was consulting with the biden white house. okay. so there another example of how they pull this strings on every thing, in their
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legal war against donald trump, what shaping in georgia. >> i am so glad you asked. i just got finished pending a letter to governor kemp and our georgia attorney general chris carr, where i am asking for them to investigate for criminal investigations, in to fani willis and her boyfriend, nathan wade. i am a life long georgian, we're sick and tired and fed iup with fani willis using her position and tax dollars to not prosecute real crimes and criminals by to go after joe biden t top political opponent which is president trump, and other co-different to claim we don't care about elections, they are one of most important things we have, i recommend criminal referral to governor company and chris carr against fani willis, and her boyfriend,
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she is taking fulton county taxpayer dollars and paying her boyfriend nearly 700 thousand dollars while he takes her on lavish vacations in this country,. but, you talk pay-to-play, then invoicing her office, this is the fulton county taxpayers saying he in how worked 24 hours in one day that is a lie not only that he was set up and met with biden white house as he plans to prosecute president trump, we know what it is, i am calming on governor kemp and attorney general chris carr to investigate and prosecute fani willis and end this witch-hunt. larry: marjorie taylor greene. have i wished you a happy happy, i think i -- a happy new year, i think i did not, thank you for what do you. >> thank you, happy new year, larry. larry: all right, many thanks, coming up, next up.
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more fun, is j. powell going political and juice joe biden's e election. the federal reserve, wait, federal reserve beholdenned to woke dei ? i'm read you are some of the dii drills they had at the federal reserve. you will not believe it, i don't believe it, i used to work for the fed, oh, my gosh, we have judy shelton and steve forbes, they will weigh in, you can catch kudlow, monday, friday, 4 p.m. on fox business. if you can't get us at 4, text your favorite 9-year-old, she will show you how to dcv the show -- dvr the show and you will never miss a single dei for the federal reserve. how about that. i am kudlow. we'll be back. we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement.
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larry: j. powell, fed head, will he go political and juice joe biden reelection. slashing interests lowest and right? joining us now judy shelton. and former trump economic adviser, with us on set,
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steve forbes. forbeing media chair. how not to fix it. sorry, i was paraphrasing. happy new year to you both. judy shelton, is j. powell goosing the money supply and crash interest rates. is that happening? >> you are not allowed to ask those questions. in polite company. i think that the market noticed that at the december press conference pair chair powell took a dovish tone, always insisted that fed would be strict and keep interest rates that at level to cut up on growth to decrease demand so long as they were above 2% target rate, now he is saying we don't have to actually get down to 2%, we could be approaching it seem by fed's
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own tre prev previous standards they are more open, i can't help but think of situation in 2018, and 19, president trump was unhappy with the fed, he said why would you up necessarily restrict growth when we have low unemployment which was result of a pro growth program of lower taxes, less regulation, better energy development unleashing, that capability, for the country. and we were below 2% inflation at that time, people thought that was scandalous that president would say anything. but the fed to raise the up rates 7 times after he got to office. >> i thought that trump of the right. >> in 2019, the fed agreed, they took back three of those, said it was hurting
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manufacturing. now -- >> let me get steve in here. steve, what if, let me ask you that is -- important point of view. what if j. powell does not want a third term at fed chair and/or knows that next president if a republican won't reappoint him. and therefore decides to play it straight. and you know, keeps tight rein on money, and interest rates high and dollar study, keeps getting inflation rate down, what if powell plays it straight. is this possible? >> not likely. even -- it is human nature, he has been in 8 years, he will want another 4. greengreenspan wanted more and bernanke wanted more. the thing to watch for, not
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so much public interest rates, but what they do with bank reserves, they pay interest. they cut t the interest cost there urge ba banking to start making loans and tell regulate ors don't go bonkers, make mo mistake. he would like another 4 year. larry: you really am he would. >> what is there after that. larry: gle yoni, play golf. >> we have not solved it. but weight of evidence with your cynical views. i want to go into the federal reserve woke and dei. right, diversity, equity and inclusion. now let's go back, i want to
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read larry summers, several years ago, said, we have a generation of central bankers, who are defining themselves by their wokeness, they are defining themselves as by house socially concerned they are, by how concerned they are about the environment. all right, now, that was his argument they should be worried about inflation, he said this in middle of 2021, he was right. judy shelton, is the fed woke, is the fed bound by dei. let me add-on dei and climate change, will they dominate the fed agenda? >> there was a study of the political affiliation of the 500 federal reserve economists, 400 of whom have
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phd's. and the ratio of republicans to democrats was 1 to 10. 10 times as many democrats. and i think that a certain political philosophy permeates the fed, it the ethos, i find is laughable people dismiss the pos possibility that fed can could anything but nonpartisan, you consider janet yel yellen is one of the most important people in biden cabinet. to think they became democrats when they walked out of the door of the fed is missing a lot. the fed is seeking to be a player, in this realm. i hope that the discouragement of being concerned with climate change and dei is taking hold, i think they have been
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shamed, fed's only social concern to be -- should be to the integrity of the money. larry: these are questions, have you ever worried your unprocessed natural hair might be deemed unprofessional. >> i don't have hair, this is a tyre tie dye d. tie -- this is a dei question, watching tv, or reading a magazine, do you wonder why known of the characters are people look like you? another one. when you walk into a store, do you assume that employees might be looking at you because they think you are steal something, this part of dei they have sessions in federal reserve, fed are not
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immune to this, i am in wrong generation, i would not know this. steve, what does this mean? >> it means that they will cover both basis, in 2021, they started this stuff, the stuff started. they are worried about democratic administration, going whole bonkers on modern socialism with election coming up they will to both, cover their base on environment, and nudging banks don't make loans to bad companies like oil, and they will be ready to swerve, if jerome powell is great, he should be an actor, he -- two years ago he said, the knew paul volcker he would crush the economy. larry: if they -- >> now he is arthur berns. >> how the humanitarian do hell do they too there
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are job. >> they can't do it, defense department one woke. >> they need intellectual diversity. >> you -- you wouldn't make dei, i we none of us, coming up, talk about donald trump, nikki haley and fani willis a boyfriend with mark simone and joe concha, a lot more to do, dei at the fed,! my god. that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses
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defendants in this georgia case is trying to fight the indictment against him by disqualifying two of the prosecutors, his name is michael roman, a form are former trump campaign official, he filed a motion, alleging that fani willis became romantically involved with attorney nathan wade prior to appointing him special prosecutor in the case, da willis, failed to remain independent and impartial in portfolios of performance of her duties -- >> legal experts are split on whether the claims again willis, if proven would be serious enough to overturn the case. >> if there is a substantial
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conflict count it would be removed from the fulton county d.a. office and tried by another da office in state of georgia. reporter: mo motion contains invoiced from wade billing office for 8 hour meeting with white house counsel in may of 2022. and 8 hour interview with dc white house, it was specified in t the invoice in november the same year. white house is yet to confirm whether the meetings took place, dear da office said it will respond to motion through appropriate court filings, "wall street journal" reports that willis has been subpoenaed to testify in wade's divorce case, and dfox news learned that details of divorce case are under seal by court i order. larry: jonathan thank you so much. a lot. more on this love story. bring in mark simone,
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wor radio show host, joe concha. fox news contributor. this by the way, fani willis and her paramour. or boyfriend in common parlance. the guy was married in a lot of this, she has to testify in his divorce. the bidenning well war may be stalled in georgia. >> this guy is doing work no american wants to do, dating fani willis getting 6 -- how bad you have to give someone 650 thoughts dollars to go out with you. >> this fulton county is a horrible history, the same county that drummed up charged on martin luther king, put him in jail, if not for john f kennedy cales ken -- calling and yelling and screaming, we would never have seen
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him, this is persecution of a political opponent. larry: this, is corruption. what is important to me, this guy this prosecutor, nathan wade, the boyfriend, who never prosecuted anything before in his life. >> no. larry: never even a ham sandwich. he met several times and got paid for the meetings with wait for it, white house. biden white house advisers. >> yeah. larry: we have all said, that the biden legal war against trump, shots are called from white house, i think this is a very important article on this. >> there gh goes that argument the bib bief bi biden
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administration is allowing them. >> personal injury attorney. we will try a case like this, getting paid 650 thousand, that is jo g georgian t tax money, this is the swamp in action. to your point, this will blow up like no one takes letitia james serious or brag gthey look like political operatives. larry: i just think, the fact that we know that this guy, who never prosecuted anything was whatever he was, coached or consulting i don't know. the white house is
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involved. georgia lawsuit against trump. and others. but, i will say that white house has been calling the shots over one of these. not just the justice department, not just special prosecutor or special counsel, and dc in florida but in new york withal a alvin bragg and letitia james. i think there is a conspiracy where biden white house is calling shots in legal war against donald trump period. >> and "washington post," "new york times" will never investigate this two 8-hour meetings, there should not even have been a briefing, that is 8 minute phone call. 8 hours, twice that is detailed planning. have you had an 8 hour meeting about anything that is very detailed planning, "washington post," "new york times" goat wo get to
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work. >> this is important, i think this breaks hope a lot of very interesting scenarios that were hidden until now. i don't know. anyway. let's move on. nikki haley. gaining ground because independents in new hampshire a lot of polls coming out, polls v vary, it looks like this is a huge push by democratic donors and liberal republican donors to get out independent vote for nikki haley in new hampshire. >> cnn has her went single digits in latest poll, scenario that works for nikki haley is if ron desantis under performs in iowa, and drops out. because, new hampshire he is like fifth. and then, that support a lot goes behind haley. then trick does christie drop out, only way she could be spof competitive
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with trump, a two horse race, if she get close trump can't say he would not debate any more, that would be interesting. larry: the independents, you said, they are from boston, from boston suburbs. >> most of new hampshire population southern half, liberal. it was a red state years ago, it is purple state, heading to total blue. larry: harvard state. >> yes, harvard state. >> dei state. >> if christie lives race, he has no value politically. >> mayorkas state. >> christie is entertaining, he live ended up the debate. if you have just desantis and nikki haley, they have put more people to sleep than mike l lendel. larry: joe concha you are an art connoisseur. i want to raise a points,
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turns out that hunter biden and his art dealer and his art consultants did in fact consult with the white house despite protests to negative and otherwise. >> yeah. larry: really. another lie burning down? >> as art connoisseur you have no idea how disappointing this is, i thought it was next davinci, we have hunter biden on capitol hill today, one reporter asked, what kind of crack do you prefer. this is the reputation, but this is rancid, hunter biden knew 70% of people that purchased his art, and many are democratic donors, the essence of the swamp. larry: do you believe they are political contributions because of the love of art or pure beauty of his finger painting. >> in 1950s disjockeys took payrolla 10,,000 to
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play a record, many set up art galleries that's would hand you a guard, you would buy a painting for 10 those, huntehub studied history of rock and rome. larry: a clever chap. what he pulled this morning will hit his father and democrat. >> he broke into congress and stopped a proceeding, that is what january 6 people are accused of. larry: is it an insurrection, why didn't i put that in my riff, i will rewrite it. mark simone and joe concha, before the of the best. >> art connoisseur, a bad 2024 for joe biden now we have to have lojacks on all cabinet members to about where they are. larry: only a week old, coming up far out grannies woarch s -- greenies won't let you have a couple of house plants any more, bjorn will tell us
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ larry: far out greenies won't let you have house plants any more, what wind of world is this, joining us to talk about it bjorn lomborg. and author of the new book,
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best things first. put the full screen on bjorn, surrounded by beautiful plant life. i know i are politically correct, they are not going to let you keep your plants there is a "washington post" editorial piece, indoor house plants come to a cost to the planet. what is this about? >> yes, thank you. look this just silly stories, there isal these stories er every -- it is your fault, you have to do something because of climate change, this is silly stories, distracting us from real solutions, you will not solve climate change, which is real, by telling people you can't have this.
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have fewer of plants you like? only will solve climate change through what we have known that is innovation. if we can focus on making people richer and fix climate change by making green energy sufficiently cheap, then everyone will switch. that is not what you do by having "washington post" telling you you can't have plants you like. larry: you can't drive your truck, that transports the plants the truck spews carbon emissions, i thought that trees and plant life absorbed carbon and was a good thing, and more so you can't have plastic pots. this is just garbage science. >> it is more like they don't have a sense of proportion. there are issues but, these are trivial things, and they
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just want to attack every single thing you like. we know that is not how you actually will solve problem, you solve them by making people better off and fixing the problem through innovation, this is how you fix air pollution in los angeles in 1970s, you didn't tell people, i'm sorry, you can't have your car, you told them here is a cheap -- i fore got -- the word -- you put on your exhaust port. catalytic converter. then you fix most of the problem that is how, it is innovation. larry: you have to have communal garden parties, i call them davos party now, your plant life looks very good, bjorn lomborg. >> thank you, i love it. larry: it will make i healthier. bjorn lomborg, come back to
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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. the son of legendary john d. rockefeller, (dramatic music)


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