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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: i know it's clearwater revival, this is the band and this is the song, i know this, this is my generation. lauren: you make me guess and get the information. stuart: good morning, everyone. it's 10:00 eastern. good that to get to the money on this friday morning, a mixed picture, dollars down 100, nasdaq is up 12. the 10 year treasury yield right around 4% where it has been for some days. where is it now? 3. 94%, that's down. maybe that is why the nasdaq is moving up a little but the price of oil moving up to $74 a barrel. there's a war going on in middle east and that usually makes the price of oil go up. as for bitcoin, successful etfs announced yesterday, the price of bitcoin, $45,400 a coin.
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that's market on friday morning right before a 3-day weekend for the markets. now this. the war has expanded. the us and britain with help from new zealand, canada, the netherlands and bahrain have attacked uranian prexy forces. since he took office, president biden has tried to appease iran, turned a blind eye to their oil sales, let them make billions, took the houthis off the terror list. that appeasement clearly didn't work. iranians were given an inch and took a mile. with 60 targets in 16 locations with 100 precision guided missiles, now we are waiting for further escalation. the houthi leader threatens retaliation and biden says he will not hesitate to direct further measures if the houthis keep attacking red sea shipping. we are on the brink of a wider war, on the brink of a direct clash between united states and iran. it doesn't help that the defense secretary still hospitalized and that the
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president has not appeared in public in several days. his handlers don't want to take the risk of putting them out there. this is not good, the president needs to make the case for military action and he needs to make it in public and he needs to answer questions from the media. the basement strategy is not an option when our troops are in a shooting war. it's not comfortable moment for the administration. we arrived at this moment because the president's appeasement of iran did not work. second hour of varney just getting started. tammy bruce as usual with us on friday morning. you just heard what i had to say about the president. what a contrast with trump. >> quite. and people are seeing that. even though biden is not out there we remember there is a video, the fact that someone is not present is a statement as you have noted and donald
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trump, we talk about age, he does the town all with brett and martha and he is relaxed, engaged, he is easy, he's enjoying it, we haven't seen that in a long time from a leader but a man enjoying his environment and having a good time despite everything going on. a one quite a contrast. first lady jill biden was asked about her husband's age. watch this. >> can he do it? >> he can do it. i see his energy. >> to those who say i can't vote for president biden, he's too on, what you say? >>'s age is an asset. he has wisdom and experience, he knows every leader on the world stage. he has lived history.
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stuart: where is the vigor the first lady spoke of? >> we misted in that clip when she said his age is an asset, make a left. she laughed and immediately moved back so that was an interesting moment because the immediate reaction is that a strange answer. this is a woman defending her husband. you understand that and respect that. however, it is easy separated from this dynamic about a woman defending her husband would also remove him from an environment that not only is damaging his reputation and legacy but damaging the company he is working for or the country he is leading, that would -- i would suggest as part of that family. this is the most power president biden will ever have. 's family is under a microscope. his son just went through our period where we are finding out
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what he might be facing, him being president, himself, his brother, his daughter in law, his son, he will fight even more to maintain that position but there is too much at stake. this is where others matter first and those people are the american citizen. everyone around the world hoping there is not more engagement militarily because that involves the united kingdom, the houthis, and everyone else involved in the middle east and europe. if iran gets the bomb are we going to delay things to the point that if iran can get the bomb and delivered it changes everything. the spectrum of where the bomb can reach beyond the middle east, into france, we can't let that happen. i don't know if we have a decider in chief in the office at this point. stuart: scary stuff.
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>> she can stop this, she can make decisions and she's not. i was relying on her to not let him run, because it would be this, she did it, she has to step up, she knows better so shame on her unless she does the right thing. with one tammy bruce on a friday morning, thanks for being here. president biden was allegedly warned against bringing big donors to the oval office. member the story a couple days ago, lots of private lunches inside the white house suburb lauren, why can't he bring, wisely advised not to bring donors into the oval office? >> optics, ethics violations, the white house counsel office is concerned about those violations. there's a lot of gray here, the president likes to use the glamour of the white house to impress donors but he is running for reelection. when you wine and dine them and give them tours of the oval office to get their reelection support, it looks bad so reportedly, the council convinced him, don't have to stop the dinners but the tours
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of the oval office. blue one thanks very much. a new york times op-ed is warning president biden about black voters. with the story? >> you are going about this the wrong way, that is what the new york times columnist is writing. biden's appeal to black voters needs an overhaul. he says he's giving black voters nothing to look forward to the no vision, and not meeting them where they are. do you remember when a few days ago president biden gave a speech at the south carolina black church which is the scene of a hate crime, the writer said it was poor judgment. young blacks don't go to church, that was his point. he says black people are worried about the economy, their voting rights, young blacks are worried about the israel/hamas war. they want to see more from the president, they want a vision, they don't want a plea to vote for biden so you don't get trump. that's not doing it for them. look at polling from fox news, biden's approval rating among black voters went from over 80%
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to 62% in the past two years. blue one that's quite a plunge. >> 92% of their vote in 2020 from the obama appeal. it is not 92% now. >> biden can't win without 90% of the vote. >> a loyal voting class and often vote democrat. blue and thanks very much. back to the markets. in business for 38 minutes on friday morning, down 60 on the dow, up 40 on the nasdaq. i don't get this. we are coming up to a 3 day weekend, don't want to take much risk and we've got a war going on in the middle east and the nasdaq up 40, s&p up 10, the dow down 60. explain this to me. i would have thought there would be a big selloff. >> there is not a big selloff right now. the banks thus far are taking off earnings season and they look okay. i was bullish, i am cautious going into the end of this year.
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regarding the wars going on globally, that's definitely having impact on oil, you see the price of oil up 3% or 4% this morning but in terms of the us markets i still think people look around the world, without the geopolitical tensions at risk and say the us may still be the best place to be. stuart: and inflation news this morning suggests producer prices went down last month and bank earnings which have not been that bad so those are mitigating factors to cover up what's going on with the war on the market. >> cpi data, you have core at 3. 9%. 9%. a lot of people are still expecting three or four or five rate cuts. i said no way. i don't think they are cutting. look at the data, gdp is hanging in around 2% and inflation is on the rise and markets are doing well. stuart: larry summers, famous
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guy, former treasury secretary saying there's potential for a soft landing on the economy which is a nice thing. >> the fed, that's what they are trying to navigate, the idea between a soft landing and reigniting inflation and as an investor the bigger risk is reigniting inflation. they have to make sure they do a good job not cutting rates too much because the soft landing you may get but prices continue higher. they have to stay the course where they are. stuart: stay with me for the hour. lauren is back looking at the movers, start with american airlines. its way down. >> reporter: you have the news from delta. america down 7. 5%. united down 8%. severe winter weather particularly in the midwest and us airlines canceling today, 750 flights and it is only 10:10 in the morning. that's just delays early this morning. we when they are down 77% or 4%. bank of new york mellon, two year high.
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>> that the to your high for bank of new york mellon, fourth quarter profits fell 50% but a lot of that was because they had to pay to replenish the of the ic fund. it is up because net interest income rose 4% on the court, that is the bank's probability metric. stuart: there is promising news from mode dharna about a cancer vaccine? lauren: they are using mrna vaccine, they are using a 49% reduction, 49% and melanoma. stocks at 3%. as for their covid shot, not even one in 5 adults in the us have gotten the latest booster but you have world health authorities saying hospitalization rates for everything are going up and you have a tool against that, the covid shot. i wonder if the sickness and all these warnings actually make more people roll up their sleeves. stuart: so far no. thanks. parent outraged after their
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children were kicked out of school to make room for 2,000 migrants. where are new york's top democrats? it happened in new york. new york congressman mike lawler is on the show. the us launches strikes against to the rebels in yemen while secretary austin is still in the hospital. hillary vaughan has the full story after this. ♪ but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. with a majority of my patience with sensitivity, i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum & enamel relieves sensitivity, helps restore gum health, and rehardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. sarah shaw: my day job is as an author relations manager for a publisher. i'm in books, and i think about stories all the time.
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from anywhere in the world. stuart: joined strikes by with houthi targeting yemen overnight. hillary vaughan at the white house. what is the white house saying about this? lauren: they say this is a
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defensive move and houthis had it coming. >> 14 nations and the united states all issued a warning to the houthis that this type of illegal and reckless activity needed to stop or there would be consequences and last night there were consequences. >> reporter: the us monetary taking back militants head ongoing on the offense launching their first direct attack on the group targeting radar systems, air defense systems and storage and launch sites for 1-way attack drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles, the idea was to take the capability for the houthis to continue harassing ships out of commission, the president took action without official approval from congress but a senior aide tells us congressional leadership was briefed before the strikes happened. still, democrats are bristling the president didn't ask him for permission, carson khanna saying the president needs to come to congress before
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launching a strike and involving us in another middle east conflict, that article one of the constitution. i will stand up for that regardless of whether democrat or republican is in the white house. republicans say the attack was the right move but too late and not enough. >> you don't think we changed anything unless you hit iran. what did trump do? he made the houthis a state-sponsored terrorism on a terrorist watch list. biden reversed all these policies at the border in the middle east, and will never get stability back in the middle east until you tell iran we are going to hit you. lauren: the defense secretary was still in the hospital. we are told he gave approval for the strike from the hospital. he is still at walter reed, he's not been discharged yet. stuart: congressman mike lawler joins me now. some critics say this is not our war.
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what say you? >> iran is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism. they backed the houthis, they back hezbollah, they back hamas, they helped fund these operations and they are a threat and have been working hand in glove with russia and china. an unholy alliance between these three nations has sought to undermine the united states, undermine our allies and destabilize the free world. these attacks have been going on for months. it was long past time is that the administration fought back. i think this attack was long overdue given what has been happening in the red sea, given what has been happening on military bases, throughout the middle east. against the united states. a one the houthis have threatened to retaliate.
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if they do retaliate, what do we do? >> we have to recognize the threats we are facing around the globe. this is one of the most precarious times since world war ii. people need to recognize there are consequences to actions. what happened on october 7th, the terrorist attack on israel, has consequences. israel has sought to dismantle hamas. stuart: i've got to press this. i've got to press it. the houthis say they will retaliate against us. they retaliate, what do we do? do we press harder? do we go after uranian assets? where would you take this? >> with all due respect, the houthis have been engaged in attacks for months. stuart: what is next? how far do we go?
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>> we are in conflict and people need to recognize that. i don't know why people are somehow shocked when our military bases have been under attack, that we are going to retaliate. of course we are. it was long past due that the administration did that. the houthis can bluster all they want but if they escalate this, there are going to be consequences for that, with respect to iran, the bottom line is they are the greatest state sponsor of terror. the reason i introduced the ship act earlier this year and it passed the house, was to go after their funding stream which is the sale of uranian petroleum. the biggest purchaser of uranian petroleum is china so if we need to recognize the very real threat that is going on and the coordinated effort between china, russia, and iran and the fact is that they are coming after the united states
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and our allies around the globe, they are seeking to destabilize the free world and if we want to be oblivious to that fact, than there are going to be damaging impact on the united states. we have to recognize the threat. stuart: i need to change the subject, you are a new york congressman which i want to talk about the migrant crisis. high school students in new york city were forced back into remote learnings this week so 2,000 migrants would be housed in that school overnight. the locals are furious. what are you going to do about this? >> it is an abomination and this is why we passed, schools, not shelters, earlier this year, that would prevent schools from being turned into shelters to house migrants. the biden administration has failed to secure our border, 10 million migrants have crossed the border, most of them illegally since president biden took office, 90% are released into the country.
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new york city since february 2022 has taken in over 151,000 migrants and because of its disastrous sanctuary city policies, and the right to shelter which is being interpreted to require the city to house illegal immigrants come a they are now forcing children into remote learning which we all know during covid was an absolute disaster, to house migrants in public schools. it is absolutely unconscionable and needs to stop. the senate, chuck schumer, the senate majority leader from new york whose alma mater, james madison, the schooling question, needs to act, he needs to pass hr 2, the secure the border act, and he needs to pass schools not shelters to ensure that public high schools including his alma mater are not used for sheltering migrants across the city while sending students to remote learning. it is shameful. it is disgusting and chuck schumer should be embarrassed by himself.
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for failing to act. stuart: i do apologize for interrupting you earlier but we are glad to see you here. come back soon. now this. the administration announced new plans to forgive more student loan debt, tell me more. lauren: it could happen as soon as next month if you meet 3 criteria, that you've been in repayment for at least a decade, that you originally took out $12,000 or less and enrolled in the administration's save plan. you could have your balance he raced. stuart: would you call that vote buying? i would. >> vote buying a for sure. what about the people that paid off their debt? what about people that work hard to get a scholarship or people who could never go? anytime you subsidize something you are encouraging collagens educations to increase the cost so it is a really stupid idea whether you are buying votes or not, if you want to bring the cost of education down, that's not how you do it.
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>> jim clyburn who was responsible for biden's boost said you are not doing enough to win your key supporters. tell everything you've done for student loan forgiveness so this is that. stuart: there you have it, more of it, thanks so much. now this. ray wong says 2,024 is the year of artificial intelligence. is going to tell us which big tech company will come out on top. ray is next. ♪
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stuart: of the markets this morning, despite the fact that it is a 3-day weekend for the markets, we don't have much selling going on, the dow was down one hundred 40, the nasdaq and s&p are up. lauren is looking at the louvers, please start with disney. it is $90 a share. >> pixar layoffs could be coming because they are pushing toward making their streaming operations profitable according to a report in techcrunch and they say those job cuts could be as high as 20%. stuart: i imagine energy stocks across the board are higher because of what's going on in
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the middle east. >> not as much as you would think. the others are up one% to 2% but oil is higher, oil tankers diverted from the red sea after the western air and sea strikes on who the targets. >> uranian season oil tanker and took it back to iran. >> do you think if we didn't have so much oil in the us that oil would be at $100 a barrel? 70 something? stuart: yes i do. boeing, what's the story? >> the faa's increasing their oversight and stepping up their inspections of boeing's production and manufacturing after the drama. stuart: they dropped below 220. thanks. president biden hits the road to tout his bidenomics agenda today, this time to his home state of pennsylvania. a lawrence is there. what can we expect from the president today? >> the president will be in the allentown area later this afternoon.
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the official word from the white house is this is an official visit by the president is going to be walking to that block down there and go into the shop owners, talk to the small business owners about what they need. there will be no speech on the economy, feel like a campaign event, the biden administration saying allentown is in tampa with bidenomics working, because business applications in allentown are up 30% from pre-pandemic levels across the country. 16 million business applications have been filed. they brush over the fact that overall inflation is up 17. 6% for the month, president biden took office, all food is up 33. 7%, shelter costs up 19% from the month president biden took office, all energy is up, electricity itself needed for the green push up 27%. people feel it. >> the economy is not that good at this point. i feel especially for people
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who have small business, they need to have a word and to have some type of hope? >> reporter: the president making the case that bidenomics is working, his top economic adviser told me inflation is the fault of corporations. >> the president is calling on corporations there were eager to raise prices when supply-chain were snarled, now that supply-chain's are healed, he is calling on the same corporations to pass the savings onto consumers. >> reporter: the administration is blaming everyone else and everything else, we have to see how the president is received here, the voters split down the middle and we've seen that in this area between biden supporters and trump supporters. stuart: in new york city, do you believe that, lionel
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brainard saying it's the result of corporations. >> greedy evil corporations, prices sky high across the board. obviously the victory lap for bidenomics was premature. the cpi data coming out, inflation is up 3. 9%. he outlined electricity over 25% since biden took office, food costs up 20%, gas prices still high. what does this mean? small businesses are taking a big hit. they are not big greedy evil corporations, she's out of touch with reality. they can't find labor, credit conditions are tight, lowest wage growth in a few years. unbelievable. lewin how can you go with a straight face and say it's corporations and you've got to lower prices? thank you. that was fine right there. let's check big tech. why not? ray wong's next, meta, microsoft, alba, apple, up, amazon down.
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the aforementioned ray wong is with us now. you are going to tell us what is the best ai player. we have a couple stocks to look at, google versus microsoft, the best ai play between those two. do you know -- are you kidding me? >> microsoft has hit the run up. but they have done is they've got it into apps, and the open ai piece, google has more coming and all the tools required for everybody else to do that into the system so google stock hasn't hit the run up as much as microsoft so this, who monetizes ai. >> i will get let you get away with that one but let's move on to ai chips. nvidia versus amd, who is best? >> nvidia has the right chips, there's a shortage of 12 to 18 months but in 2,024 amd has the chips, the training chips and
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the data center so it has a run up. they are both in play but if you are waiting in line if you want to get to something right away it will be 2024. early stuart: amd will have a better run-up than nvidia. c3 ai versus palantir. >> what they are competing on his software versus sources and they have a software platform to get you there. palantir has services but in the long run, software always wins. c3 will be in the long run. we won one last one. i want a prediction for bitcoin. >> having trouble with that. stuart: what did you say? 100,000? >> you see a floating price of 45 to 46 and a smart market, etf is there in the market saying what about 46?
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the other crypto currency popping into play and institutions getting into it, the middle of next year. stuart: real fast question on ethereum. i bought some because it uses the underlying block chain technology. and i and the right place? >> you are in the right place. crypto is a developer community, and of people in the community, and that is one of them. stuart: i will leave it with the production of 50 grand on bitcoin. thanks very much indeed. heather, you are not getting out of here. 50,000 on bitcoin, what say you. >> i'm surprised you are invested in bitcoin. ethereum, okay. a crypto currency nonetheless. stuart: i could be called stuart as well as varney. >> varney is cooler, name of the show. top of mind. i was shocked, 52 million
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americans including yourself have bought some type of crypto currency over the past decade. i'm not -- i don't think you are crazy. in the jamie dimon camp, i honestly, me and ray may disagree, funding for terrorism, money laundering. will there eventually be a currency for bitcoin? that's a question i'm ignorant, i don't know enough about it to form an intelligent opinion. blue when you are not invested in cryptos. >> the block chain has a case internet technology. i'm not sold on the crypto market. stuart: thank you for your input. coming up. don't forget to send in your friday feedback, your questions, comments or critiques, e-mail us, the house oversight committee hoping to get more information on ufo sightings from the intel community. it happens today.
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chad pergram gets the details, don't know how, it's a closed-door meeting. the chat is next. ♪ a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently.
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stuart: members of the house oversight committee met behind closed doors for briefing on uaps, that is unidentified aerial phenomena. we used to call them ufos. chad pergram, what have you got on ufos? >> reporter: they want thomas manheim to explain the unexplained in a closed-door briefing. lawmakers demand answers about what people see in the skies, some were disappointed. >> i'm more concerned than i
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was going into it. a lot of questions remain unanswered. mister rush made allegations we are still trying to figure out the veracity of and haven't gotten the answers. >> reporter: this is mind blowing. uap whistleblower david gresh told congress at a hearing last summer the government possessed what were described at the time as nonhuman biologics, gop florida representative luna says he used a different term when speaking with her. >> it is incredibly important to listen to the specific words he uses. he never said extraterrestrial alien. he said interdimensional. it has become apparent that there is a movement whether it is within the and intelligence community to prevent us finding out more information on this. >> reporter: luna would not expand when asked what interdimensional meant, whether this is something that could
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bend time and space. other lawmakers accused the government of the liberally trying to keep congress in the dark. >> they send us bureaucrats, i will put it that way. of high wanted to put any doubt that arrest, i'm sure there people who can or cannot do it. those are the people offered up. >> reporter: bipartisan lawmakers have written a bill to enable civilian and commercial pilots to report uaps. the bill requires the government to investigate those claims. there's a similar mandate now for military. stuart: we hear you, thank you very much indeed. still sitting next to me, heather. you believe in uaps? >> i want to. like from the x files or if you grew up watching star trek, two thirds of americans do believe there is life outside our planet. i want to. i don't have any proof. hard to factually say i stand
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behind it without proof but i'm anxious to hear what elon musk has to say. he has said so far no alien life. maybe he will find out. stuart: do we have 30 seconds? lauren: i want more friends so i would entertain someone from out of this world. stuart: craziest answer i ever heard in my life. moving on. lauren: off i were single i would say i want more men to date. stuart: bipartisan congress wants to defund colleges over legacy admissions. it is about time. the new york post, going to join us in the next hour. bill belichick out. dave portnoy is devastated. watch this. >> i wanted him to stay.
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i wanted him to stay even though it is absolute trash and is going in the wrong direction and seemingly, changes have to be made. i love that guy. stuart: he did a press conference, we will try to console mr. portnoy next. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20%
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with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at
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stuart: bill belichick announced his resignation the patriots after 24 seasons with the team. >> fans are amazing, the extent nationally and internationally. the support they have given me, my family. a lot of fond memories. think about the patriots, i look forward to coming back here.
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we are going to move on. stuart: he doesn't smile much. dave is with us this morning. >> you are is okay as you can be. nothing in life goes on forever. people get old. we have the greatest run in the history of professional sports. the writing is on the wall with this. things weren't going great. 9 championships. it is sad that it is over but don't cry because it is over, smile because it happens. stuart: stuart: they will hire jared mayo as the new head coach. what do you think of that? 37 years old.
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>> they already hired him, that became official today. it was already in the contract. is a lifelong patriot, but 37 is good. would rather have that than a 99-year-old president. stuart: i am a newcomer to football. tell me why everyone seems to hate the patriots. why is that? >> because we win. i know you are a soccer guy, people used to hate the yankees because they won. they don't win anymore. the patriots are dynasty, wake up in the morning, you want to be the patriots, go to bed at night, you want to be the patriots. i have so many super bowl rings i don't know where to keep them. i'm running out of room on the couch. people are jealous, people are haters. when you get to the top everyone wants to tear you down. it's the story of my life. stuart: a few moments ago you talked about the president, a 99-year-old president, you don't approve of our
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81-year-old president? >> no. he is a walking vegetable. that has nothing to do with being republican or democrat. when you need help walking off a stage after you give a speech, it's time to call it quits. there is no company. if you are running a company, and you care about the bottom line and making money, you would not put somebody who clearly has cognitive disabilities in charge of the company. it is old, it is sad but it is insane that somebody who is clearly impaired is the president of the united states. we one do you think he is capable of being president for another five years? >> no. he's not capable for 20 seconds. people who are pulling strings behind him clearly are making decisions have the power and don't want to give it up but there's no way he should be president, it is a disgrace he's going to run again.
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the man cannot find his way office stage. he is like a blabbering old uncle. you don't know what he's talking about half the time. stuart: what is your opinion about trump? >> he would be my first pick. that is primarily because i have said this before. he is intentionally divisive. despite my rough exterior i want to bring the country together. i think he is vindictive like i am which is fine when you are running a media company but when you are president, you have to build relationships. if he is president, i hope the country can move together as one. i don't know how realistic that is. is a lightning rod. fair or unfair, he breaks people's brains. they get so caught up in how much they hate him, my dad included, they can't see reality. stuart: a quick one. university of michigan spent
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$30 million a year on diversity, equity, and inclusion based jobs. i think that's your alma mater. what do you think of this? >> i have this hat right here, 2,023 national champion michigan wolverines. as far as the dei stuff, we should be moving forward, not backward. and diverse, well-trained staff but move forward. we did this one hundred 40 years ago and punish this. that's not going to work and creates more problems than anything else. stuart: got a hard break. you are all right. they are going to cut me off if i don't cut you off. >> after all these years this is how i get treated. stuart: we warned you. thanks for being on the show for the hour. coming up, morgan ortagus, leo
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terrell, and ricky axhlatr. we will be back. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well. ♪ ♪ jardiance ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell. ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance, ♪ ♪ at each day's staaart. ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to seee. ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c. ♪ jardiance works 24/7 in your body to flush out some sugar! and for adults with type 2 diabetes
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