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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 12, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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together, bubba, are you more glass half full or glass half empty kind of analyst? >> i think we're in a lot of trouble, ashley. i'm not going to fight the market. i'm still long equities, but i do think that we're -- there's a lot of warning signs that suggest that we could be in for a major collapse in these markets town the road. -- down the road. ashley: well, on that happy note, you have yourself a great weekend, bubba. we hear what you're saying, we pay attention to what you have to say is. great to see you. as you can see, 20 seconds going into the closing bell. the dow off 124 points. again, the markets will be closed on monday, so a 3-day break in the trading alaska. they're all waving. by the way, liz back on monday. do not miss that. thanks for joining us this week. it's been a fun week. stick around. ♪ ♪ # larry: hello, folks.
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welcome to kudlow. i'm larry kudlow. three days till the iowa caucuses and talk to tommy tuberville about all that in just a moment. then the houthis are pulling the trigger but iran is providing the guns so why the biden admin vagues going to make iran pay and former national security adviser robert o'brian will weigh in on that. sex, lies and video tape from fanny willis and her boyfriend in hotlanta, georgia, and hunter biden crying wolf from the house committee and mirror mirror on the wall, joe biden is the biggest hack sterling heights of them all -- hacksterrific of them all. let me say a few words about the iowa caucuses not being what you expect. all the news reports are chronically how cold it's going to be when iowans caucus on monday. yes, could be 30 degrees below.
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brrrr. iowans will vote anyway because it's january and they know it gets cold in january. this is not a big deal. now, on the other hand, i would like to enlarge the iowa cold story. washington post running a story how severe cold weather could break hundreds of records this weekend. really? a blast of articair will freeze the western and central u.s. with temperatures in some places up to 60 degrees below normal. parts of montana may hit 40 degrees under zero. minus 40 degrees, sorry. the story goes o. the cold could be life threatening. and make for frigid nfl playoff games and frigid iowa caucuses. well now, all your liberal media friends, where's john kerry now that we need him? wait a minute, he's always
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telling us about global warming. it's an existential threat. see janet yellen on that one. about all the subfreezing, subzero record temperatures we're talking about? that sounds like global freezing. i remember back in the 1970s and coming back to today's news, only headline i can find about that global warming and this hysterical supporter john kerry is how much money he and his global warming staff are being paid in the state department. $4 billion. for what?e out and say it. the immediate danger from global warming is a hoax. it's a left wing bidenesk hoax and green new deal and there may be climate change over the next hundred years, but like bjorn
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lomborg or physicist steve coonin, i'm willing to wait for economic growth and there's no immediate threat. in fact, there was a letter, 1600 scientists signed the letter, four noble prize winners, no immediate threat. yes, we have bouts of cold weather and bouts of hot weather. weepy weather reports are different than century-long climate change cycles. the american public by the way is in full revolt over this stuff. hat tipped to the unleash prosperity hot line today and derid of the offensive showing 67% of consumers prefer an internal combustion engine in their next car purchase. just 6% prefer pure evs and 21% like hybrids. not so long ago, president biden
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was praising hertz rental cars for buying electric vehicles. however, yesterday hertz announced a fire sale on 20,000evs. the rental drivers just don't want. took a $200 million and unwanted evs and most of the batteries made in china and a large share of evs themselves will be made in china. they're our biggest adversary and why is biden helping them? in fact, why did joe biden is democratic allies jam through over a trillion dollars worth of subsidies for evs and all the other things climate change, bankrupting the u.s. finances. just this week they jammed through another $623 million for ev charging stations people don't want. why the biden bureaucrats telling us we can't have gas stoves, coal fired pizza ovens, hot water heaters and ceiling fans and other glass appliance
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they're trying to take and other stating telling us we can't have gasoline powered cars in the next couple years and why indeed the bidens ever declare war on fossil fuels in the first place jacking up prices on gasoline, electricity, food, not to speak of record inflation. increases in oil prices financing american enemies in places like russia and iran. then they're causing middle class families to see their real incomes falling here at home. none of this made any sense at all. know what, donald trump is right about the importance of liquid gold. yep, it's going to be really cold in iowa on monday. drill, baby, drill. that's any riff tonight. for more on all this. bring in alabama senator tommy tuberville, mr. tuberville, as
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always, welcome. some of what i said is tongue and cheek and i'm being quite serious. iowa's going to be cold in jan, montanaens know it's going to be cold in january. pretty much everybody but john kerry know it's going to be cold in january and hot in august. this global warming staff and green new deal stuff and over a trillion. i say it's a hoax. there's no immediate danger. i done want to put words in your mouth, please disagree if you do. you think this is a hoax. >> well, i've always said that john kerry is a climate con, larry. it's a money grab. it's all it is. it's a money grab. we have spent -- we spend $1.2 trillion on the infrastructure bill and ev cars will be really hot. they're hot all right. we're supposed to have built close to 500,000 charging stations across the country with this infrastructure bill and all we've built, zero.
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we've built zero charging stations and that's how it's going to be. if we're going to do it. has to be privatized like gas stations and not going to work with the federal government getting in the ev car business or charging station business. that's about iowa and it's going to be cold and like a football game, larry. both team haves to play in that weather. so it's going to be even. go out and vote if you want to go to a caucus, go. we need a true turnout there but again, it's up to the people. larry: i just, you know, i'm just -- where -- look, the washington post deserves some credit and wrote a story about the subfreezing temperatures and so forth. subzero temperatures. where is everybody else? where is ms nbc, cnn, new york times. i mean, they'll celebrate a couple of hot days in the summer as the beginning of the end of the world because of global warming climate change but done want to write much when it gets
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cold and shows how dumb this is. it shows there's a war going on, there's a war against american people, there's a war against american motorists and there's a war against gasoline, electricity, home heating, and i just want to bring that up. i think that's going to be part of the iowa vote because, you know what, trump is right. liquid gold and the people in iowa are in favor of fossil fuel they make a lot of ethanol out there and that's my take. >> well, you're exactly right. of course i hope you saw john kerry had to release his budget with hiss staff today, almost $5 million for just salaries for his climate con staff and it amazes me how we continue to push this when there's nothing behind it and we look at scientists against scientists for washington dc and talk to us and they all say healing and mankind cannot affect the climate and it's not going to happen. and they're trying to fend money
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on overseas and subsidizing for all the countries and of course china bill ago new plan and fox town hall with bret baier and martha maccallum and said because of high gasoline and high oil prices because of shortage of production and war on fossil fuels, because of that, russia making a lot of money right and selling cash crop and could afford going into ukraine and trump struck a very important court and i want to ask you about that and i don't know whether or not you saw tafanely town hall and i thought it was a real turning point for the trump campaign and i'm not into retribution and did you see any of that, senator tuberville? >> he speaks the truth every time he gets up there and that's what the campaign wants to be
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about. we can't deal with four more years of the clowns running this and i don't know who's running it and we found out that joe biden for five days during all these problems in iran and israel and yemen that he didn't know his sector of defense was a wall. it's an interesting time being in washington dc and president trump every time he gets in front of the microphone and he speaks the truth and tells everybody this is what weariness going to do and how we have to do it and and you said austin was a wall and i didn't know joe biden was a wall on sunday night
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and going how he runs with mr. austin and he's determined to hang on and he does not want to resign and barely acknowledge it was a mistake and the whole episode here. >> first of all, it took four days for sector of advance to tell president biden about the balloon coming across our country and then it took five days to find out and summer square get on the phone and what it's called with secretary of austin and give me an update and showing you and putting a question mark for who's running the show. is it obama or kids in the white house and think they have all this power? we got all these problems
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tonight and no answers and nobody is telling us in congress and saying about who's pulling the strings. larry: senator tuberville, i have one more for you, yet another announcement by the biden administration about canceling student loanings talk about democracy and breaking the law and insurrections and what about the bidens? what about the student loan story and here we go again. >> has no respect for the law, larry. you know, his numbers don't look good and we're supposed to announce it in july and we're supposed to start doing it again and moving to february and this is going to be
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475 billion-dollars going across taxpayers in the next ten years and 83,000 and going to be over with and i don't know whether we can make it ten more months but, you know, i think the american people are not just republicans but democrats and just about sick of all this mess new numbers from the treasury department and congressional budget office and we're headed for another $2 trillion budget deficit. mr. biden said he cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion and got a bottomless pinocchio from the washington post and headed for
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yet another $2 trillion deficit year, senator tuberville. i don't know how long that can last either. >> we can't afford it and the american taxpayer can't do anything better and not doing anything in washington dc to make it better. hopefully president trump when he gets elected will answer all these questions because we're in dire straights as we speak. larry: yes, sir, senator tommy tuberville. thank you for spending time with us, sir. as always, take care. folks, coming up on kudlow, as i said, houthis pulling the trigger but iran providing the guns. now the question with joe biden and stop all the appeasement and the serious matter with former national securities adviser under president trump and mr. robert o'brian and remember,
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whether i recollects all right, u.s. and british coalition launched a barrage of strikes against the houthis. we're going to go straight to -- all right, i guess we're going straight to robert o'brian. thought we were going to peter doocy. maybe we'll pick up peter later and robert much bet r looking, smarter and happy new year, mr. o'brian. ambassador o'brian. this is from john kirby. i'm going to read this. we don't need the reporters. houthis pull the trigger but iran provided the guns. my question to you is twofold. number one, what did the coalition accomplish by hitting the houthis? which i think is a good idea finally. better late than never. when do we go after the pay master and the gun provider and ambassador? >> happy new year to you and your viewers. listen, it was about time we hit
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the houthis and we had a bunch of tripes in the mountain of yemen and the crs in the world and causing inflation and causing supply chain backups and boundaries did nothing about it for weeks and months and doing it with homemade drones and cheap iranian cruise mist missiles and we're going to find out they went for mud huts and they recorded ten warehouses and mortar pits and we used the pentagon touting $100 million precision weapons and using $100 million to destroy the mud huts and going through the houthi warships and the factories making drones and cruise missiles and iranian supply chain and it's funny and we accomplish something and all we accomplished and the weapons we need and the high intensity
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conflict and hawaii and taiwan and the chinese. larry: i didn't know this, you're talking about mud huts and so forth and you're not going after rocket launchers or commanders in control bases. was it as weak as you're suggesting? >> the three guys suggesting and the cheap rocket or do it yourself drones and shoot it off. no, we didn't do anything that would affect the houthi behavior and the leadership and the houthis themselves came out and said we're going to keep going and this attack has no impact on us. we went to the mosque on friday and and chanting death to israel and death to jews and vitriol to islam and the iranians are laughing because the administration still -- there's been no re-imposition of
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sanctions and president trump bankrupted the iranian regime and down to $4 billion in reserves and now there's $70 billion in foreign currency reserves and hundreds of billions selling oil. we're putting up charging stations and going bankrupt for doing it. none of this makes sense and we'll continue to appease iran. till we're that serious with the iranians and the sol sol soldien syria and iraq and sailors in the red sea and friends in israel, it's a shame. larry: robert, who plans these things because the defense department didn't really have their top dogs and it's a terrible story. lloyd austin story and the second in command was on vacation in puerto rico. i mean, hereby we government we launched this strike and had negotiations running up to the strike but was the defense department present, do you think, or was the defense
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department absent or you've got to lot of political guys in the national security and there's all the troubles. going to the micromanage how we ran our military operations and the white house operation and what senator tuberville said and you hear these targetliths terribled by young political staffers and hope someone in the department of defense is involved in the operations and sloppy and running out of old executive office building by junior nsc staffers, but this has been something that the obama administration did and micromanaged the war in
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afghanistan from the eob and i hope it's not happening now but the target selection is what we see so far is pretty weak and again, the houthis don't seem impressed and iranians aren't oppressed by it. if we restore the turns in -- deterrence in the region, we have to do what we did to trump administration and using all the tools of national power and economic tools and sanctions tools and military tools and the iranians keep this up and there's the price to pay. whether the ha has attacks on israel or the attacks by houthis shutting down the red sea with shipping and there's no consequence whatsoever with iran and zero consequence and where wouldn't they keep doing it? it's human nature. larry: i've said many times, look, i wish again austin all the best and that's a separate matter from the organizational
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breakdown and communication break down and wonder whether junior staffers in the white house and saul that is something that should be brought out and i think you've got to have house and senate hearings and the houthi wills go after more ships and unless we go after iran, iran will unleash its proxies and causing mayhem in the middle east. nothing after this has really changed. that's what you're saying? >> i'm glad we hit the houthis back. look, let's face t the houthis are sending out drones that cost a couple hundred and we're responding to their mortar launch pit or their "command and control" hut with a million dollar tomahawk missile. i mean, they are the return're getting your language and it ain't very good.
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take out drone manufacturing site in iran and we're trying to shoot one guy on the back of a campbell and launching a drone at you with a million dollar missile. doesn't make any sense. lobus of ukraine and -- low because of ukraine and israel and now these guys with ak47 and mud huts. who wins? china is&iranian and american taxpayer loses. this is not a good way to run a 7/eleven here. larry: thank you, robert. we appreciate it. coming up here on kudlow, fanny willis twists, might just blow up the entire rico case on trump all the way down in hotlanta and charlie hurt and byron york to weigh in.
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larry: hot off the presses today, looks like hunter biden finally said uncle and will surrendered to the house oversight committee. docks digital brook has that story. brooke, this is hot stuff. >> hey, larry. the house oversight holding hunter bide anne donovan contempt of congress and hunter defied sop to appear for the closed door deposition and impeachment against president biden is a full house vote to hold the first son in contempt of congress could come as early as wednesday. but this morning i penned a let fertilizer hunter biden's attorney, abby wall, and he said that their initial subpoena for hunter biden's deposition was legally invalid and it was because it was issued before the full house authorized the impeachment inquiry and the house formalized the impeachment and the first son is at risk of
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contempt. lowell is now making an issue that issue a new subpoena and we'll comply for a hearing or deposition. house republicans said for now they plan to move forward with a contempt vote until hunter con if i were as date to appear for the deposition. larry: brooke, thank you for that update. interesting stuff. we have charlie hurt washington times opinion editor and fox news contributor, charlie hurt. charlie a quickie on hunter biden. looks like they caved in after all this nonsense and embarrassment, looks like they caved in. what do you make of that? >> yeah, taxpayers real uroi don't sayty, larry. as you -- real curiosity, larry. you pointed out it was earlier it was a whole circus on the hill and makes you wonder why
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did they i figured they're going forward with the strategy of looking so ridiculous that it would lose credibility trying to lose credibility and agreeing for what they're refusing to do in the first place and a closed deposition and they did cave to it. larry: yeah. , you know, that's funny they're taking a lot of for looking like a nit wit and what they did the other day. started to hurt joe biden as much as it hurt hunter biden but whatever. that's what i was thinking, what we don't know right now is what the white house weighed in on all of this, this was terrible for the white house. it was embarrassing and possible the white house said, hey, this
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is a huge political liability for us. you need to act like a grown up and everybody libraries to walk -- likes to walk around and talk about what a great lawyer abby lowell is and this is a sign of a very bad lawyer. larry: you're 100% right and wouldn't surprise me if the political advisers, whoever they are now the biden political as vieders are not geniuses and may have gotten this right. step up, shape up, suit up and do the right thing. you're absolutely right. we have byron york, the chief political correspondent and washington examiner and fox news contributor to join us. byron, i'm rouging through hunter biden and going to sex, lies and video tape in hotlanta, georgia. this story, this is becoming my favorite political story of the young new year because now it turns out that the boyfriend, fanny willis' boyfriend who was
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getting nearly $700,000 to go out with fanny willis, that's what mark simon told us. he wouldn't give his ex-wife any money so fanny willis is being deposed. we may learn more from the divorce deposition or hear than we will from the rico racketeering hearing, which is probably going to blow up in smoke anyway. byron, you're from the south some place, aren't you? what do you make of this? >> it just absolutely incredible, this filing we saw weighing out the whole story and very clear that the divorce was a large part of souring for the story and divorce cans be really, really interesting and the serious matter is you have the prosecutor who is prosecuting former president trump and 18 other codefendants allegedly hiring her boyfriend
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as her lead prosecutor, paying him a huge amount of money and then using some of that money to go on really nice vacations to napa valley and the caribbean and other places. this is a serious ethical issue, and fanny willis, by the way, this came out on, what, monday night, she's not said a word about it. she says she's going to respond in the pr proper forum in a briefing and we haven't heard a thing. larry: the next thing is the divorce court proceeding, haha ha. charlie, this thing is going to have a bad effect. i'm not a lawyer obviously. but i think this is going to do great damage to the rico racketeering lawsuit and i think it'll go up in smoke. i may be wrong. that's what i think is going to happen. i think there's a domino affect, charlie. you've got the bozos in new york and la tee supra aural
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headphones james wants to -- letitia james wants to take away donald trump's family's businesses and i don't know how much money, $350 million. i forget the number. you've got a partisan democratic corrupt judge and back to sex, lies and video tape, fanny will willis, her boyfriend spent like eight hours in the white house before this thing was filed, the rendition of anthony koenen thing. that's a lot of proof that the white house, joe biden, is calling the shots for the legal attack on trump. and letitia james in new york, the attorney general, she spent time in the white house getting coached on all that. who do you think is calling the shots in the war against donald trump? i would say that's insurr
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insurrectionary myself. >> yeah, if that's a word. the boyfriend, that's a side deal and one of the most amazing aspects of all of this. it underscores what should have been obvious to everybody in the beginning, which is all of this is political and willing suspension of disbelief and even by republicans to buy this crazy story that somebody comes up with in order to smear donald trump and then put together the crazy charges both in new york and i would say also in dc but atlanta and then find out fanny willis is sitting here paying her boyfriend in order to -- who spent time in the white house previously. in order to try and destroy donald trump and face an election and starts to make you believe in conspiracy theories. these people have done more to
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support them till they're disproven. larry: may have paid him to go out with her. don't rule that out. that may cop out in one of the depositions. >> that's fantastic. larry: i can't take credit for that. it was mark simon's thing. fount of law and order let me play tape for the town hall with bret baier and martha maccallum and fox news. >> i'm not going to have time for retribution, i'll make the country so successful. ultimate retribution is success. larry: that's one of the turning points that haley and desantis were frying each other's brains out, few people watched it.
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people in new hampshire and people in iowa probably watching both events to some extent. trump looked presidential and commander in chief, made a lot of sense, saying that for example east not going after anybody. just going to succeed. byron york, i have a feeling that's going to prove to be a turning point and help trump win iowa and new hampshire. what do you think? the time before the caucus cans be measured in hours now. >> they spent all of their time beating up on each other. and not president trump and not president biden is one thing to criticize president biden and didn't do much of that either
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meanwhile president trump on fox with brett and martha clearly made a pivot toward the general election. running a campaign of retribution is not something that's going to play with the general election audience. at best it would be the number of people who feel aggrieved by the 2020 election. also larry: very new answered and sophisticated. the whole event and bret was good and martha was good and president trump was very presidential. i think it's an absolute turning point, could be wrong. there's going to be global freezing in iowa, but the folk there is are going co-come out and vote anyway. charlie hurt, thank you very much. byron york, thank you ever so much. law and ordainer the south in hot -- law and order in the south in hotlanta. mirror mirror on the wall, joe biden is the biggest taxer of
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them all. not according to steve moore. we'll be right back, i'm kudlow. ♪ three forks ranch is the destination for luxury and adventure. enjoy private skiing with 23 runs for every level. kick back for intimate performances from the best in country music. enhance your wellness and longevity through our mayo clinic programs, or plan your meeting for a memorable corporate retreat. discover the west kept secret. go to to book your luxury experience.
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reporter: good evening. the president is speaking at a fire station in allen town and left where i am right now. the police in this area cleared the streets, they cleared the streets not just of cars but people so the president could walk down unchallenged. they've removed some barricades but i've not seen this level of control to stage this environment of the last presidential election and the president talking with small business owners here to see what they needed and seemingly complaining about the price of coffee. listen to this. >> by the way, anybody want to have coffee, it's on me. they're $6? i'll do it anyway. reporter: so a few business owners thanked him for keeping the payroll protection act going, which saved them during the shut downs and morayty steaks in the same block the president visited, they opened a year ago and have struggled.
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>> information or answers and the economy is really not that good at this point and i feel like especially for people who have small business, you know, they need to have a word and to hear some type of hope. reporter: they're looking for hope and they starting to see a turn around from all the government spending being pumped into the area. >> you're looking at unemployment being the lowest since the '60s in the record for long period under 4% and nevertheless it's talking points. those are the facts, man. reporter: but the fact is overall inflation is up 18% since president biden took office and the president's top economic advisers now blaming corporations again for inflation. seem to blame everybody else, not their policies.
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reporter: edward, that $6 coffee was only $3 two years ago. joke, joke, just kidding. reporter: it's true. larry: we'll have to check it out. edward lawrence, the best of the best. staying on the economy theme, mirror mirror on the wall, joe biden is the biggest taxer of them all. joining me now to talk about it, steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity and host of more money on wbc radio. big story in the journal today about tax policy. $6 trillion differential. mr. biden wants to raise taxes and mr. trump wants to extend them. what do you make of this, steve, because biden has tried before to blow up the trump tax cuts? >> yeah, look this, is one of the biggest stories i think of the election season going forward and i do think donald trump will probably be the republican nominee and we'll see about joe biden but the fact is that if joe biden said more.
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it's not just about the boarder and rising crime and scandals and it's also about what joe biden and the democrats would do if biden won a second term and they held onto the congress. if that happens, what we're looking at is about a $6 trillion increase in taxes over the last ten ye years and that'll by far, by far the biggest tax increase in american history and last year for example the biden plan would almost double the capital gains tax. they would revive and increase the duck tax. they want to tax unrealized capital gains and these things would be a catastrophe for the economy. larry: just take a look at what they did raising wealth taxes in california and that gives you the hint of what bidenomics would try to do in a second term. i think you're 100% right. people shouldn't forget that the trump tax cuts, which have done
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marvelously well on the business side and you've got to extend the small business 20% deduction and that's up for grabs and biden doesn't like that. and then trump cut taxes for individuals. he doubled standard deduction and raised child tax credit and lowered income tax rates and that's all out there. >> that all goes away if biden selected president and no question about it. look, the vast majority of high rates and this would be a medium and small size businesses and i calculated by the way if you take into account there's new taxes on dividends and capital gains and wants to raise the corporate rate up to 28% from 21. if you were to make an investment, a million were to make an investment on a business, that tax they would
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pay on the profits would be over 50 to 60%. larry, who's going to invest in that kind of environment. larry: less than a minute. hertz rental car gets rid of all its electric vehicles and nobody wants to rent them and think they want to do this? >> they have to sell 30,000 electric vehicles, 20-30,000 of them because they bought into this idea that the government is sort of imposed on this and nobody is going to buy electric vehicles and 10% of the cars being sold are electric vehicles and people that go to their hertz count at an airport and say, look, we don't want an ev. we want a regular gas car. they're they don't have enough of them. they have to sell them. buyer sell at hertz. larry: people want to rent them. meanwhile, we'll have to get out of here but it's freezing cold, subzero temperatures in the midwest. whatever happened to global
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freezing. steve moore, terrific stuff. folks, i'll be right back with my last word. ♪ (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough? or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems.
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reliq health is a digital health company targeting the $100 billion virtual care market. reliq is rapidly growing with customers that include several of the largest and most highly rated health care organizations across the nation. reliq health technologies. larry: you know, bachelor's degrees plenty of liquid -- beside plenty of liquid gold, fossil fuels and the economy needs lower tax rates and having the right incentives to work, save, and invest. we need economic growth, and now we need liz macdonald. liz: i s


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