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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  January 13, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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when they stopped taking care of their pools, looks like it's getting better. it got upgraded and is a good time to do it. jack: meghan your idea is a good reminder. >> make sure you have your house in order when it comes to taxes making sure you maxed out your eye rose, 6500 for those of us under the age of 50 and 7500 for those above, make sure you do that before the tax deadline of april 15. >> even though it's a new year you have until april 15. >> a little extra buffer room. thank you, to read more checkout barron' we have the first half of the "barron's roundtable", don't forget to follow us on x at barron's online. that is it for us, we'll see you next week on "barron's roundtable". >> from the fox studio in new
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york city, this is "maria bartiromo wall street". maria: happy weekend all welcome to the program that utilizes the week that was in helps position new for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo, the final countdown the high-stakes iowa caucuses kickoff on monday with the new hampshire first in the nation primary coming up right behind it, on generate 23rd, president donald trump holding a commanding lead over his gop rivals in iowa and new hampshire, despite spending the week in court instead of campaigning and the hawkeye state, with chris christie out of the running, nikki haley might see a bump in her numbers as an estimated 65% of his supporters could swing to haley. the former president brushing that aside during a fox news town hall, confident that he has a primary locked up and maybe even the white house. >> i'm not exactly worried about it, i understand new hampshire, i'm leading a biden and all of the polls, there is nothing he can run on, everything he turned out turned out badly.
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>> who would be in the running for vice president. >> i cannot tell you that really, i know who it's going to be. maria: he knows who is going to become a joining us senior counsel to president trump kellyanne conway and former house speaker newt gingrich, good to see you both, think of her being here. kellyanne, do you know who his pick for candidate is? >> i have a fairly good idea and unfavorable toilet. but it shows you but donald trump like the rest of us know that he long ago shifted to a general election strategy at this fireplace on joe biden where these would be primary and caucus opponents primarily desantis and haley are still talking about donald trump. i think donald trump's dominance in iowa is a bigger story than were allowing it to be especially with the media saying how much of a merger will matter, one point a win is a win but his dominance to me is
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because he is a guy elevating issues and policy prescriptions ironically he is 8% of the town hall by fox and when he's talking to the voters, even though he spent less time in iowa in less money and iowa the nikki haley or desantis. when nikki haley says operating less chaos to the white house, what iowa caucus voters saying i want less chaos and crisis everywhere, there is too much chaos at the border in ukraine in the middle east with crime at the gas pump at the grocery store but they don't blame donald trump, they blame joe biden, i am surprised haley into santos never came out and said here's my three-point plan for acts or i'm going to break news, here's my four-point blueprint they have no equivalent of newt gingrich contract with america. the other thing people in iowa are anxious about the economy annoyed with biden and their angry about the border. these are three things that trump is taking head-on.
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maria: you've seen all of this up and down around the primaries many times before. what are your expectations going into the caucuses on monday. >> kellyanne put her finger on something that is a very big story. i believe he'll be the first republican ever to come in about 50% when you have a mixed feel like this, that is an extremely achievement. and out of all the people they can pick well over half picked trump, i would make two points about president trump, first he is not a candidate, he is a leader of the movement, people don't get this, the reason to attack him don't work because all the people who are deeply for him are absolutely convinced that he's only person on the deep state and fundamentally change in the rest are nice people but they don't have a prayer fundamentally changing house i corrupt washington is we
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were walking down main street in decorah iowa, small town, there is a trump headquarter in decorah iowa run by local volunteers just because they like trump, this is happening all across the country. and represents a grassroots rebellion that we've never seen on the scale. maria: he's facing upcoming trials he has 91 felony counts across two states and two federal districts. if he wins both iowa and new hampshire, it is over you to solve the district attorney, fani willis blow up her own ca case, she is a creek stealing money from the public even into her boyfriend, now learned because people have been trailing the money he was
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meeting with the january 6 committee and collusion and meeting with the biden lighthouse inclusion, i think it's possible everything will aspect of the case will be thrown out, i have a hunch the same thing will start to happen to some other cases. maria: same question for you, to say trump reacted to the civil fraud case against him in new york on thursday, all one big political stunt, watch this. >> this was a political witch-hunt for election interferes but also and it's a disgrace can he get through this and and swing towards the election and when it? if these cases against trump were the first time where people assailed him this is an ongoing pattern and it's different if you were convicted of something
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maybe. and joe biden weekend wispy and donald trump strong and sturdy. i think the other people are running out of time, the cases are running out of time to make a difference politically and his opponents in all joe biden are ready doubted the time to make a case. maria: . there is corrupted in plain sight in the biden family. certainly if you believe the oversight committee has released, hunter biden was in federal court, he pled not guilty to nine felony tax charges getting a trial date for june this is one day after kaine chaos after sticking and i and congressional leaders in the gop hearing told him and contempt of congress, resolution which has advanced in will go to the house floor for about. your thoughts on accountability or lack thereof of what were hearing out of the oversight committee and the biden family
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taking millions of dollars from foreign adversaries. >> in terms of where were at, joe biden is trying to imitate vladimir putin whose only major opponent is in jail and he would love to have the same opportunity putin has without opposition. biden has admitted that he talked on the phone with hunter's business partners listening, we know biden went to café lovato to meet with 14 oligarchs around the world who are hunter's business partners we were supposed to believe that his vice president and biden wasn't routinely trained in america and her foreign-policy better if you assume and this is an iranian administration that looks after iran and china and more than american interest in
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the scale are behind hunter. >> we will see you both soon. fresh inflation data showing above the cooldown and big bangs earnings kicking off a fourth-q only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership.
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maria: welcome back, take a look at where markets ended the week after this december inflation take that for the first time since october, consumer prices are up 3.4% annually and three tenths of 8% since the previous month, wholesale inflation called in december of 1% annually but it was down one tenth of 8% in november on the producer level, big banks kicked off fourth-quarter earnings, bank of america, j.p. morgan, wells fargo and citigroup reported on friday and many more to come of the upcoming week, joining me said tori found funder and portfolio manager dan
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niles who had a great 2023, it's great to see you, happy new year end thank you for being here. >> happy new year, great to be here. i know you have pics really get to those i'm getting get your pick on the backdrop, would you expect in economically, markets for 2024. >> is a 2024 could be a challenging one and a volatile one, obviously everybody's coming into this year thinking the fed is going to cut rates starting early potentially as early as march and we're going to get a soft landing or no landing. maria: are we going to see the lag effective 11 rate hikes take effect in the negative way when i interviewed jamie dimon this week he's really skeptical, he things this is a chance of recession this year how do you want to invest around the if in fact markets are pricing in which may not play out.
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>> to company specific factors or have defense built-in those of the type of pics that i have come if you look at amazon they gain share during a recession, we think the earnings can actually double by 2025 relative to where they are in 2023 by margin expansion, if you look at meta even if the economy slows down organ have a presidential election you can have a whole lot of money on advertising and they should be able to benefit and they trade pretty much a market multiple that should hang pretty well, texas instruments have gone through a downturn in the semi conductor industry and would help offset the slowdown in the economy and when you get biotech xpi which is another pick, that's underperformed for three years to the point that
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big pharma starting last year stepped in to start requiring companies and if you look at the billion-dollar acquisitions that happened last year, almost half of them started, finally with kay webb, china internet names, huge underperformance in 2020 when china blocked the ipo in china stands on the stocks, a lot of the chinese stocks the csi 300 are below the covid, there below the lows of where they bonded 2022 and you need these companies to grow and evaluations are incredibly cheap, if they move from this aggressive persecution to vigilant monitoring which they seem to be doing finally, you have a real chance of being multiple evaluation there.
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all of these five pics have a good amount of defense and to get you through even a rough. if we do end up in a shallow recession so i'm looking for a soft landing when the fed raises is fast, most of the time you end up in a recession. maria: is traded down largely because the sentiment has changed, you think the tide is turning here. you have to remember, it's all about risk for reward the magnificent seven were down 46% and 2022 in china, despite the fact that 20222023, revenues for the three most recognizable companies went up 23% the stocks went down 53, the pe for those
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three is 13 times versus magnificent seven and 34 times. if the government says we need to focus on growth, we're going to stop persecuting these companies, the 13 pe can expand pretty quickly as with the magnificent seven last year. maria: is a real open question trying to trade around the commonest party of china, that is for sure. they have been underperformers overall, we appreciate your time, thank you so much congrats on another performance last year. thank you for having me on. dan niles, the u.s. striking back against houthis rebels in yemen. biden is facing new threat progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online. so you can get back to your monster to-do list.
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maria: welcome back tensions in the middle east biking with the broader war, the u.s. and the united kingdom struck iran back houthis rebels in yemen reportedly killing five wounding six others in response to the largest attack in date on shipping vessels in the red sea that happened earlier this week, protester rapping in new york as well as washington, d.c. as well as in yemen friday morning as houthis rebels are bowing retaliation, the biden administration is facing growing pressure to take action against iran after the navy sees the u.s. oil tanker and the golf of oman on thursday, joining me to talk about all this, former trump deputy national security advisor kt mcfarland. thank you so much for joining us this weekend. >> is always an honor and a pleasure. maria: the first issue to discuss is the strikes on
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thursday night going into friday to retaliate against who they enter houthis rebels, how would you assess the situation today. >> good for them, it's about time, thank goodness i did it, so far they've either ignored the attacks of iranian proxies under proxies or done meaningless things with a perimeter defense, as the missiles coming from yemen territory in the u.s. vessel, we should out of the air, this is different the u.s. and the uk combined efforts from the air from ships have launched attacks on the origins of the attack is not in iran is in yemen this should reestablish deterrence in the houthis don't respond, if they do respond then we attack them again in yemen. maria: were talking about
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iranian proxies, yet has below and hamas in the houthis, are they being directed by iran, there's a feeling that the u.s. should go head-on against iran, you don't think that should be the case right now? >> i think you want that as an option down the road but you don't need it, let's see what happens, you attack the sites where the attacks are coming from which is in yemen. if the attacks comes in iran joins the fight then you reassess, what we could do in addition is to use economic and diplomatic needs we stopped enforcing the sanctions and biden administration in the sanctions that trump had put on let's reinforce the sanctions. there are diplomatic things that we can do that iran is so far, question to say so far, they always kept these fights against america and american allies and arm's-length.
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it is been there proxies in gaza, it is there proxies in lebanon, it is there proxies in yemen, go back after the proxies and see what happens, i keep thinking the two examples when i was in the white house, the beginning of the trump administration they were syrian aircraft that were using chemical weapons against their own people what president trump did was immediately destroy the airfields and you didn't hear from the syrians for years. when i was in the reagan administration with the tanker words and the goals and with iran, we took out the ships in the airbase and we didn't hear from iran really from ever, when iran fights the use of proxy or sissified i would escalate all the way up but i would keep the option down the road, my guess iran does not want this fight. whatever happened next, the houthis' do a little something we can take care of it quickly. maria: people have been questioning why we haven't responded that were talking
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about 130 attacks on our troops in the middle east. since october 17, then we note the defense secretary lloyd austin is still in the hospital amid all of this the pentagon inspector general is launching every deal with this secret hospitalization over the weekend were seen bipartisan calls from austin to step down. even democrat congressman krista lucio is dirty republican saying it is his duty to call on the secretary to resign because of the way that he handled his hospitalization in hiding it from everyone. what do you think? >> the secretary of defense is different from every other cabinet officer, the secretaries in the chain of command the command authority of the united states want to take military action the orders go from the president to the secretary of defense to the military, you cannot short-circuit that, you can't say let's call the secretary of state and have him tell the military to go where the national security advisor. the fact that austin was missing
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in action, his number two, the deputy, she was on the beach and vacation in the pentagon without sick, that is a really serious laugh. on the other hand afford the middle of an escalating fight in the battle least in the next 48 hours or 72 hours i don't think this is the time you want to change american leadership no matter what they've done in the sense of seriousness. i would addresses later once the shooting stopped. maria: kt mcfarland join us one important thing ahead of the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day...
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surfs up yeah, right at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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maria: welcome back, one thing you need to know about next week, you too can hit the runway like a celebrity julienned is hosting an iconic women fashion option thursday in beverly
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hills,) lady gaga grace kelly, take a look at the two top ticket items up for grabs, the 22 by sarah jessica parker and and the city is expected to sell for 8 - $12000 and you've you prefer british royalty by princess diana could be yours for the estimated price of 100 . will be following you on "mornings with maria" weekdays on fox business and i'll see you on the fox news channel "sunday morning futures", schools of interviews with house chairman select committee mike gallagher, byron donalds and congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, don't mrs. live sunday on fox news, that'll do it for us on fox business, thank you so much for joining me this weekend, i hope you have a great rest of the weekend and i'll see you again next time. ♪ roundtable sponsored by global x


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