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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  January 15, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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lawmakers that china will lose all holdings in the own 2 billion in farmland, they told fox business, bidens usda dropped the ball, communist china is producing agricultural land to sever our sovereignty under minor agriculture industry and encroach on a military installation and up and americans roll communities, montana senator is seeking to ban the purchase of land outright by foreign ownership, no word from the biden of initiation on where it will go from here. back to you. >> that is concerning, that is our food supply, china is unmasking ownership of our food security and relearning now something that happened a decade ago, kelly o'grady, thank you very much for the story, that does it for us, making money, we will be back soon. for now over to liz claman.
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>> hello, you were there i'm here, just because it's mlk junior holiday in the u.s., that does not mean there is not a major breaking news that is moving different parts of the world, were talking about oil markets, futures and overseas market and what breaks today will affect the u.s. markets when they reopen tomorrow, let's split the screen, two big stories developing at this hour, more attacks on u.s. ships in the middle east in t minus five hours before the first official leg of the 2024 u.s. presidential race begins, what were doing were watching the interesting move in oil which is trading in london live, brent is down about one tenth of 1%. so is west texas intermediate down a quarter% in london which is really interesting and kind of strange you would expect it to be up considering vessels are flying over the red sea between u.s. and houthis rebels over the last 24 hours after launching a rocket at the u.s. navy ship yesterday the iranian back houthis hit a commercial
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container ship off the coast of yemen and any cargo ships in the region are being told to avoid the red sea, it is too dangerous. we also have our ion back gas, reuters reports a conflict has held up for liquefied natural gas tankers who are sailing near the region. we also have not gas down six and a quarter percent, why no spike in prices, so far no supply losses due to the engagement, goldman sachs is putting out a note saying the geopolitical risk premium is a really priced in oil and now appears modest. meanwhile it is freezing in iowa with wind chills expected to drop to negative 30 degrees when the sun goes down tonight, that is exactly where the republican presidential race is hotter than ever and as you look at everything that is going on specifically, what we have on your screen which is a lot of snow we're less than five hours
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away from the kickoff of the iowa caucus, the first official leg of the 2024 race for the u.s. presidency. the polls show donald trump dominating, former south carolina governor nikki haley and florida governor ron desantis say they are in it to win it, grady trimble is live in urbandale iowa at the trump campaign headquarters, grady? >> you said it, former president trump is really in the driver seat of this race we are at trump campaign hq where the volunteers have been working the phones all day because they are not taking the polling for granted, they still need people to show up tonight even in the brutally cold temperatures and caucus for the former president. i want to show you video from earlier today when several members of congress stop by the trump campaign hq, making the rounds in thinking the volunteers for calling all of the supporters to go out tonight, shaking hands, you mention former south carolina governor nikki haley and former
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governor ron desantis, they're here in iowa and there out themselves braving the cold temperatures in the 11th hour push to reach as many caucus goers as possible, hoping they can close some of the gap between them and former president trump, haley told neil cavuto that she is on the rise in iowa and beyond while desantis went after her. >> we know the momentum that we take from iowa will go to new hampshire and get even stronger in south carolina until we finish this this will be a two-person race of man donald trump. >> she's only playing for his liver and hoping she can get a new hampshire were democrats and independents can come and vote for the democratic leaning independents but that ultimately is not a path to win the republican nomination, to win the republican nomination you have to garner strong support from traditional republicans. >> elon musk is weighing in on the iowa caucuses telling his followers on x not to count out
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vivek ramaswamy who's been pulling in the single digits, the tesla ceo says vivek ramaswamy will far exceed the polls when the votes are cou counted. former president trump has also ratcheted up attacks against vic ramaswamy, perhaps a sign he might be a little concerned that vic ramaswamy is eating into his support. elizabeth: i think he's taking on everybody he said some nasty things about ron desantis and nikki haley. it is his way, thank you very much, interrupt us if anything happens at the trump headquarters in iowa. arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders throwing hers support behind her former boss the trump press secretary attending to faith-based events today ahead of tonight's caucus, you may remember her father mike huckabee who served as arkansas governor won the iowa caucus back in 2008, largely thanks to the evangelical vote, he did not win the nomination would ultimately went to senator john
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mccain, regardless iowa caucus winners have special insight into the first major event of the race, let's go live to little rock arkansas where mike huckabee is standing by, great to have you on the show i love the prism, i think we know the iowa caucuses that really town, as you know it doesn't necessarily set the final melody or the crescendo of the election what should voters gleam of what happens on the ground. >> i think more importantly than who's good when the presidency, what iowa would do who's not good when the presidency. it does have a way of thinning out the pack and i think the real question tonight where does ron desantis end up he put all of his marbles in iowa, he's really spent most of his time and money, he has predicted that he would win and now he's predicting a common second, the expectations have been lowered, if he does not come in second or
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get close to donald trump, he's going to have a hard time convincing donors in the media that he still has a pathway, he says he will keep going on, he probably will for a while and once the donors stop paying attention. elizabeth: i hear you say is the first and second place winners who will continue to draw and the money which helps them continue their race. >> there's always been of you that there are three tickets out of iowa and that generally has been true, quite frankly if the third ticket is not a person who has exceeded expectations if they really have faltered if their numbers are down from where they thought they we're going to be, then it's hard to have more than two people that come out of there alive in new hampshire comes quickly eight days later and they don't have a whole lot of time to get things
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going if you're not already seeing momentum is hard to make a habit in eight days. elizabeth: ron desantis says from the ground at iowa after visiting every single county that he still has fuel in the tank and march 5, nikki haley first and get a wind that i'm going to come in second, nikki haley said this on fox news yesterday and the movements and her odds. in the energy is good the momentum is good as long as we go up everybody else is going down. elizabeth: that is actually true she's gone up incrementally while others have come down included if you count last week, donald trump he is well ahead in all of this, what do you think about nikki haley's chances h here. >> she has not played that hard
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in iowa if she does fairly well and if she were to come into second i think that is going to help her moving into new hampshire where she has put more focus, that's what i say ron desantis is the one with a whole lot on the line tonight, he says i'll go one through super tuesday and he may but he'll do it with a whole lot less money and support and a whole lot less media attention if he continues to falter after the iowa thing. he had twice his numbers when he started the campaign than the national polling is showing them right now and that's not the direction you want to be go when you were to be going up not down and that's why say he has become. could be difficult to say to donors, keep writing those checks and send the money and say to the media and i'm doing really something special.
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elizabeth: one of the most memorable things that you were able to push in 2008 you truly resonated with evangelicals, let's talk about the even jell-o calls, donald trump is hoping they will push him over the line for sure in iowa although it's not necessarily a sure thing, when you look at the evangelicals not all of them are backing president trump like they did last time around, you have evangelical steve deese, iowa governor kim reynolds, the conservative iowa conservative leader bob vander platt, he has endorsed ron desantis as well as deese and kim reynolds endorsing desantis, the new york times put out an interesting article and they said many christians have expressed second thoughts about their frustration before donald trump and the first baptist dallas and the theological height man, where does that stand today.
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a lot of times they assume their monolithic vote, let's go back to 2016, ted cruz ended up winning iowa largely because he did get a lot of the even jell-o global, the reason donald trump is it a better position that he was then, quite frankly donald trump did the things the evangelicals wanted a president to do, he focused on religious liberty, he showed real interest in taking things to israel that have never been done, moving the embassy, getting abraham acc accords, frankly evangelical voters are middle-class voters, they care about the cost of gasoline and groceries, they care about energy and whether or not were energy independent or were going over their hat in hand to the saudis and others begging them for a 5-gallon can of gas. i think donald trump is that a good position with evangelicals, it doesn't mean all of them are
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good about for him, there will be quite a few who will not that will be the story tonight. elizabeth: is not one-size-fits-all, that's an excellent point, eventually somebody has to face off at least things stand today president joe biden in his first three years versus bidens first three years you talk about job creation and gasoline prices, i want to get to that in a second, job gains when you talk about average monthly job gains, the comparison here when it comes to joe biden, biden the blue, president trump the green, this takes out the covid hit that shut down the job market entirely but bidens monthly job average was a creation of 400,000 jobs per month, that slowed to a 15000 recently, president trump's first three years, 176,000 per month, flip it over to gasoline prices and
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what was going on in ukraine and the sanctions there heading back down, who looks better here and is it fair that bidenomics are a disaster, some of the numbers in some cases it is a democrat. >> there's a democrat in arkansas the said figures lie and liars figure, what he meant by that, you can make him say pretty much whatever you want i think what people take from the figure joe biden said we have a lot of jobs created, what joe biden inherited was jobs coming back from coded that it been devastated. let's assume the numbers are great and there has been a surge in employment and it cost more
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to buy bacon, bread and butter when it did when donald trump was president and the tax cut in the deregulation of the lowering prices meant the average american family was about $4000 better off per year, they know that they're not better off under joe biden, the borders are open, the world is a mess, they look at that and say why would i want four more years, i would like to go back when gasoline was under $2 a gallon and i could afford to put bacon, bread-and-butter on the table without having to sell a kidney to do it. elizabeth: we're going to talk about that with rick harrison coming up in the show the star upon stars does he have an interesting perspective about the inflation that you referenced. it's great to see you, thank you very much. >> thank you, great to be with you, governor mike huckabee, the company that tried to stop the clock on the apple watch has just made a court filing in the past couple of hours about the
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patent dispute with the tech giant we're going to tell you what it means with the stocks of apple and massimo medical technology fourth-quarter earnings gets underway in full force the floor show trader are here to tell us if we can expect to see a big bank breakout from the likes of goldman sachs and morgan stanley pretty look at a basket of big bank there underwhelmed investors over the last quarter the spider s&p bank ticker single kde over the quarter is gained about 24% over the past three months and the year, year to date not so much, "the claman countdown" is coming right back. dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this.
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elizabeth: the u.s. markets may be close, fox business there is news breaking that matters to your money a lot of your own apple stock it had a bumpy ride since 2024 started due to downgrades on worries about iphone sales, we have a headline crossing that may provide a little bit of a tailwind. in a federal circuit court filing a few hours ago attorneys for medical technology company massimo which sued apple for patented infringement of the blood oxygen watch feature indicated that u.s. custom and border protection has decided that apple redesigned meeting the workaround of the watch falls outside of the trade commission ruling which had banned imports of apple's new series nine ultra to watch models. that looks like good news for apple in an essence, what is apple going to do, remove the blood oxygen sensor from the new watches so they can sell said
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watches, we will see how the stock trades at the open tomorrow we have a big wk potentially market moving data starting tomorrow, earnings with more banks reporting, morgan stanley, goldman sachs and pnc financial scheduled to report and that's before the bell, banks reported friday, big names like j.p. morgan wells fargo showing mixed results, later this week will get a peek into the federal reserve mindset with the beige book, their next meeting kicks off in just two weeks from tomorrow, we will also get retail sales followed by a slew of housing data and housing starts and building permits out on thursday this is top economist at the 54th world economic forum at dabo switzerland say they expect global growth to weaken this year as geopolitical tensions rise, let's get right to the floor show, our guys are better than that cio and kenny polcari.
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this is a market in need of a catalyst is not listening to the davos who were forever misguided or off point where are they going to get the catalyst. it's interesting they used to listen to that that doesn't seem to be the case. the catalyst and the ongoing earnings release that started on friday and tear point, they showed some mixed results they show some caution going forward i think that is the story were getting here through the earnings season and that's what investors are going to focus on in terms of what is the next move, the really looking to see how this economy is performing and what these companies are saying about the next four to six months i don't think they're paying any attention to what's going on in dallas. elizabeth: what are you seeing, as we continue to watch this you a lot of money and assets under management and the market has done incredibly well over the past year, what is the catalyst that pushes in either direction.
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>> two things, i think earnings thank earnings were not that great but you have a whole bunch of other companies that aren't quite as affected by fed interest rates, i think we're going to see another series of beats and again, we continue to see the earnings, beads earnings as the beat goes on and i think we will see the on fourth-quarter, that could be a catalyst going forward we think the fundamental economy is pretty strong and were broadening out the earnings and margins and will probably continue to increase, would you predict 11% earnings and margin growth over the next year you probably hold the multiple constant although single-digit market, when you think that's probably what were in for on the whole that is a broader rally going forward driven by fundamentals, were back to a fundamental driven situation, we passed all the covid stuff. >> if he's right and the economy is pretty darn stable, what justification will the fed have
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even if it's march to cut rates, is that really going to happen? >> i don't think the fed has any justification i'm on the side of the argument that they hold rates steady they're not cutting rates, the idea that came towards the last five or six weeks of 2023, not only were they going to cut rates two or three times, now it was four or five times that was completely logical i continue to think it's completely illogical i don't see how the fed i'm on the side that they do nothing but if they go once maybe twice as probably the best you can get, don't forget were on a presidential election season, if the fed pools with rates and we prochain fortified months, they get accused of being political that is not where they should be. >> really quick i know that you own apple shares in some of your areas tell me what do you think it's not just the story of the apple watch to make sure that it
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does allow imports but apple is cutting prices on the iphones including the 15 in china by as much as $70 per iphone what does that tell you. why they are doing that they have tremendous margin, gross margin or about 40%, its nets are 25% they had the ability to adjust prices to maintain market share as a lifecycle once you have an apple phone you tend to renew, we've always been well served by buying apple on dips and will continue to do that, we think even as some of the data comes out this may be less-than-perfect we think is the world's greatest consumer products, company and will continue to be so both domestic and internationally. elizabeth: it had a pretty good one year chart, more than 30%,
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nothing to sneeze out, great to see you, thank you but under both for joining us on this monday, yes it may be an okay junior holiday but we are live, there is a lot of news breaking we have the alaska air story, there are many delays and cancellations still even after alaska air diverted disaster january 5 when a cabin door blew out of the 737 max jet while in flight now boeing is taking extra steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. we're going to tell you what those steps are and later the start of the history channel series, pond stars, rick harrison gives me a tour of the world-famous gold and silver pawnshop, what happens in vegas does not stay in vegas, especially his special prism from which he looks when it comes to deciding if there will be a recession this year, the c"theclaman countdown" light is coming back.
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we have boeing announcing is going to add further inspections for the 737 max jet after terrifying mid air blow out of a cabin panel in an alaskan airline max nine earlier this month, suppliers. aerosystems makes and installs a plug door involved in the incident, but we decided to also deploy the team to check it approves. work on the plugs before fuselages are sent to the playmakers production faci facilities. i know a lot of people whose flights out of oregon and some of the bigger areas were alaska air flies out of having a lot of trouble catching a new flight. reports are out that walt disney in the national football league are in deal talks which could result in the nfl taking an equity stake in disney's espn, the league would acquire an equity stake in espn, the sports network and the sports network would take control of nfl media. walt disney a need some good
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news to move up the stock, crypto markets are active with the coin, they trade 24/7 we have bitcoin at the moment of $520 to 42915, it had pulled back 41500 earlier today as the approval of the spot bitcoin etf turned out to be a sell on the news event. a big buildup that went higher by 47000 and here we are, 42000, almost 43000, blackrock ceo larry fink was on "the claman countdown" friday after his firms i share bitcoin trust was etf that got approved. listen. >> this is a great potential long-term store value. as i said it's digital gold. >> you won't find digital gold at the most famous pawnshop in the world but you will find the real stuff and real cash when you need it, gold and silver pawnshop on rick harrison may be able to predict the economy better than wall street's top reading ask even though his
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indicator is not widely followed the star upon stars tell us what he seen as a federal reserve pulls rates higher for longer, he is next on "the claman countdown". a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently.
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we're travelling all across america,
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elizabeth: we are back from ces in las vegas, if we took a rear beer mirror book all of the ivy league guys got it wrong when they called for a recession last year. there is someone else in a ball places the heart of las vegas who perhaps has a better record on economic predictions the wall street economists do, "the claman countdown" took a trip to the gold and silver pawnshop made famous by the history channel pond stars were owner rick harrison has his own early economic indicator right from the floor of his family owned
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but now world-famous business. >> rick harris, good to see you, welcome to the world they must. >> i need to see something disgusting like velvet elvis. >> have a dinosaur school, let's do it. that is a water animal croc crocodile, who needed money for the. >> were driven around the country and seen the fossil shops. >> they need money fast, we have quite a crowd, all my goodness, we are fox business, you are kind of famous, i get a little bit of everything, there is a samurai from 1500. >> by all means we need a samurai sword in the house, that's an nba championship ring, over the years we got crazier and crazier, that is like 2000. that is a world series, it's almost unbearable.
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>> who's was this. >> that was the players. >> i feel sad to think it's sad when people pond stuff. >> at least they had something upon and i don't feel any remorse for anybody who may gazillions of dollars in sports. i have a friend who got drafted for the broncos in 1974 and he got a $40000 signing bonus. i said what did you do with the money he said i bought for code and abandon. elizabeth: the purse section. limited edition, louis vuitton, how do we know if it's fake. elizabeth: how do you know if it's fake, simple, you check everything, the fabric is right, the. is right the zipper, the stitching, the tags are right, everything has to be perfect. if one thing is wrong, run.
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>> the entire front row rolex those are rolex, rolex there, omega. elizabeth: how about the glittery one that is a pretty one. >> this is to playing, this would've been worth more money if they would put the diamonds on it. elizabeth: how many rolex have you move through the pawnshop since 1989. >> i have no idea nowadays i saw at least a hundred and month, most people don't realize 20% of people united states connecticut credit card they have to use alternative forms of financing. pawnshops are the oldest form of banking. as mentioned in the bible. it is really simple banking give me collateral i loan you money and if you don't pay me back and keep the collateral into charge interest. elizabeth: what are the terms of the loan, how does that work. >> 90 days to pick it up and i charge 13% a month. you have to realize the average
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loan is a hundred dollars i get $13. elizabeth: pond stars are looking as a canary in a coal mine with recession because when times are good i'm sure your traffic goes down and when times are tough maybe before the government notices they come in and need to pond stuff. >> in latin america, its official government economic indicator they survey the pawnshops on how the economy is doing which to me is a better idea the way our government works and everything, they still have people going to grocery stores with clipboards and phone surveys, that is one of the leading economic indicators. elizabeth: tell me about the foot traffic here in the store has it changed in the last six months, inflation has come down. >> everything went up, inflation is down you still have everybody when they get their paycheck, they go to the grocery store and reminded every single day how the prices went up and they
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still sit there and say this is ridiculous much as my paycheck taken. when the car because down people start selling stuff they don't need that could crash a mark on some things. elizabeth: then what they sell is a what they want to sell but what they have to sell that is the boom and bust cycle. that's a problem with the federal reserve they tried to stop the bus, it's the way the economy works it starts going up like that everything is crazy the economy his body to get rid of the bad businesses it goes back up but they want to keep on popping up, that's how you go to 2009. >> vegas is the city of double d, drains and divorce. i made him laugh and they come 24 hours a day upon their engagement wedding rings.
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elizabeth: do people come in and start crying, unfortunately there is the saying a pawnbroker with a heart is a pawnbroker out of business. >> this leads to the question out of gold. i cannot keep it in stock. >> how do you price gold, do you look at american bully or the cme or the comox numbers. >> a max price, the mcgough profit up and then we reprice it. >> everything will boarding. >> everything will morning we reprice it. >> is my nasa rocket engin engineering. >> that is cool. >> of a nasa rocket engine but this is insane, i have 38000 skus, everything is different. >> are there any specific items that tend to retain their value in more and economic times? >> there are that will hold its value, picasso and things like that, people always want those.
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>> you have so many of these. >> these are footprints, you can actually get yourself a picasso for a hundred bucks. >> where the wild things are. >> this is one of his original illustrations. >> it is 120 grand. >> car dealer going through divorce. >> i am the guy the people call when they got stuff in any cash. >> give me your prediction when or if a recession is going to come, from what you've seen in the story. >> probably closer to election time, the good to be slipping down for the next year or two. elizabeth: they call it a soft landing. >> you're still about to hit the ocean, it is dprk.
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elizabeth: there you are thanks to rick harrison and the entire staff at the silver pawnshop, it's quite interesting to hear his perspective about whether we will see a recession, he said it will be shallow but you will still feel it. recession are supposed to come every couple of years, we are overdue for one either way. you looking at live pictures of republican candidates, ron desantis at the moment that is council bluffs iowa we understand that nikki haley is making a last-minute pitch, the first date at stake in this year's campaign, the iowa caucus florida governor ron desantis right now there you see nikki haley, could a third-party candidate be the ultimate spoiler in the 2024 presidential election, charlie breaks it next, the name joe manchin is being invoked that is next on "the claman countdown".
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liz: as the race for the white house officially kicks off in a little over four hours with the iowa caucuses, non-partisan organization no labels has begun narrowing its choices to potential candidates to represent the independent ticket.
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senator joe manchin considering a position for no labels if biden and trump are the nominees, believes the group should have a clearer picture of its plan of action by super tuesday. he does say he will not be a spoiler for president joe biden but charlie gasparino is here what he plans to do. >> we should back up a little bit. some of that at that you reported came from a meeting i was at last night with joe manchin where he told a group of about 40 of us, at bob dill insnyder in derry ann, connecticut not iowa but derry ann connecticut, where he essentially said three major things. no labels will decide what to do by super tuesday. that is the tuesday in march where most of the states will have been i guess, the most of the primaries will have taken place that day, the major ones. you will get a good indication who is on the republican ballot. number two, he said he is
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meeting with president biden. i think this is key. he said he is meeting with him in the coming days to try to talk him off the ledge to going so far left. during the conversation, he was no fan of donald trump and you know the other day he said he can't vote for trump, he is too much of a patriot but not very complimentary of on biden. liz: manchin is too much of a patriot. >> but he was not comply men at thatry of biden. he basically turned over the democratic party to bernie sanders and the left. he handed people money. biden came back to him i have the most diverse candidate, yes, racially diverse but most idealogically rigid leftist cabinet and appointments ever and it is moving the country in dangerous positions. he said he is likely running. a couple things have to happen. or he wants to run. a couple things -- liz: manchin is likely running? >> i asked him. he said a couple of things have
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to happen. we have, no labels has to get on all the ballots. >> not so easy. >> not so easy. it has to be abide-trump match-off, that is the only way. biden gets dumped since then, if nikki haley somehow wins it ain't happening because that kind of takes the pressure off of no labels because he believes these two candidates are specifically uniquely unqualified to be president and he can't be a spoiler. he doesn't, if he doesn't think he can win, he just doesn't want to spoil it to make one of the other much more electable. if those things happen, he basically said he's in. now there is a lot of there there to happen. he also said what was interesting, i mean there was a wide-ranging conversation. he lambasted trump about january 6th. bringing the republican party far to the right. said that the democrats have gone way off the ledge on the left. he also said if nikki haley doesn't win, doesn't do well in at the end of the month in
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new hampshire, that is a big test for her, if it doesn't look like she is going to win in south carolina, he expects her to drop out before south carolina because she wouldn't want to embarass herself in home state, remember, former south carolina governor. he says if he had dollars and doughnuts it would be trump-biden. he mentioned there is also a possibility that you could see biden dump kamala harris for michelle obama. that is what he said. liz: he said that? >> a lot of people think maybe, it is michelle at the top of the ticket, michelle obama top of the ticket, former first laid dry remains very popular. he says he can see that scenario as well. he doesn't think, he thinks with those two together, kamala harris being so unpopular very difficult for a democrat to beat trump. if you ask me what i would take out of that conversation? he is going for it, if the stars aligned kind of right.
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i mean listen, he could have just said to me because i him point-blank, you're running? no i'm not. he didn't say that. he said exactly how i over -- how i unspooled it. very critical of both. i think he personally likes biden just so you know. i don't think he likes trump. liz: if he does run as the third party he will hurt biden more than donald trump, that is fair to say. >> i don't know. maybe who he runs with. remember three candidates no labels is talking about. christie, nikki haley, and him. liz: charlie gasparino, in on the big meeting in connecticut. >> if of all places. bob dilenschneider. liz: king central. look where the stock index futures settled early this afternoon.
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future give you indication how markets will open, begin trading overnight. dow futures down 19 points. s&p three points. nasdaq eking out a tiny gain. again this is futures. the markets have been closed today. they reopen tomorrow. meanwhile you talk abouted election what matters to people, health care and how to pay for it. especially ozempic. obesity drugs everybody wants their hands on but insurance don't pay for it. they unveiled a top list of drugs to watch for 2024. among the name's regeneron's drug for rhett tinnal diseases, astrazeneca cancer therapy and pfizer's rsv drug, it would be one of the first-ever rsv vaccine. our countydown closer is here to put a spin on the investment angle of it, could help the
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entire health care sector. $375 billion in assets under management. dana, right off the back the health care sector is very prod. it's got the hospitals, it's got insurers, it's got hospitals, it's got biotech. tell me which part of the health care area you like best? >> thanks for having me. i would say you first talked about pharma because i think that is a good place to lead in because we suddenly have this potential with these weight loss drugs for something i think is fairly revolutionary, right? certainly i think you will see increased interest there. more research and development, et cetera. it is kind of on the order of you know, baldness cure, right? if we can nail this down you can see a sort of asymetric payoff on it but i think at a high level when you look at health care i think the big news is the
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election here, which you were just talking about, and the fact that typically health care gets completely battered in an election year and there is concerns and you think about either biden or trump, you know, is it "medicare for all" that you have to kind of price in? is there potentially controls on any medicare pharma obviously not withstanding something like ozempic but i think there has been such, such kind of a drumbeat against health care and it performed so poorly in 2023, look at performance of the health care sector health care barely positive, the question many becomes have a valuation perspective as we see the market widening out taking on different area, does health care benefit by that. liz: dana, i think you're right. i think this is one people will watch. they need it, they want it in their portfolios. thank you very much. tomorrow former nf


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