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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 15, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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that typically health care gets completely battered in an election year and there is concerns and you think about either biden or trump, you know, is it "medicare for all" that you have to kind of price in? is there potentially controls on any medicare pharma obviously not withstanding something like ozempic but i think there has been such, such kind of a drumbeat against health care and it performed so poorly in 2023, look at performance of the health care sector health care barely positive, the question many becomes have a valuation perspective as we see the market widening out taking on different area, does health care benefit by that. liz: dana, i think you're right. i think this is one people will watch. they need it, they want it in their portfolios. thank you very much. tomorrow former nfl tightened?
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larry: hello folks welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. the iowa caucuses kick off the republican presidential race tonight as everyone in the world knows but there are issues outside of iowa too. for example, speaker mics johnson just trashed the white house so-called immigration plan, close the border plan. meanwhile hunter biden may be subpoenaed after all. then the houthis keep on bombing american assets and hitting an american-flagged ship and the biden administration doing nothing about it. in a couple of minutes we're going to welcome congressman byron donalds. waiting in the wings later the great laura ingraham. and kellyanne conway. we'll get to former trump energy secretary rick perry who is bawling like a babe bip with john kerry's resignation as climate czar. first up, i want to invite you
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into a very interesting piece in the new york times out late last week. i just saw it this weekend. that's right, "the new york times." it is called the case for trump by someone who wants him to lose. it is written by bret stephens, who i know well. former "wall street journal" editorialist. he is a conservative and also a never trumper, so it is interesting. bret opens, to many people especially progressives fail to think deeply about the enduring sources of donald trump's appeal, end quote. bret goes on to outline three of mr. trump's most important and effective issues. you heard me say these before but this is from bret stephens righting in "the new york times." first, close the border, stop illegal immigration as trump did in his first term. second, restore middle class affordability and prosperity with rising real wages as mr. trump did in his first term
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and third, make another stabbed a draining the swamp, to right the wrongs of the centers for disease control, the fbi, cia, justice system and so forth and so on. so mr. stephens says, quote, americans have reasons to remember the trump years as good ones. wages outpaced inflation, unemployment fell to 50 year lows, stocks boomed, inflation and interest rates were low. bret stephens also gives trump a lot of credit for a strong foreign policy. he asks, quote, does the world feel safer under biden with russia's invasion of ukraine, hamas and hezbollah's assault on israel, houthi attacks on shipping, the chinese open threat to invade taiwan then it did under trump? the answer no. mr. stephens noted that trump kept our adversaries on their guard and off balance. in all that in his fair-minded
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column, bret stephens really shouldn't be a never-trumper. i will not convince him not today, that is another conversation. meanwhile i am going to argue these important issues are exactly why mr. trump is so far ahead in republican primary polling, including tonight's iowa caucus. grow the economy. close the border, drain the swamp. stand up to our enemies around the world. 45th president did so much of it in his first term he has so much experience now to take on the rest of it in a second term, and frankly no one has messaged it better than he has. the other night in the foxtown hall he showed presidential temperment and skillfully launched what is likely to be another major turning point with this, take a listen. >> i'm not going to have time for retribution. we'll make this country so successful again i will not have time for retribution.
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[cheers and applause] remember this our ultimate retribution is success. larry: i mean that was a winner. in other words what he is saying is success is the best revenge. tonight's iowa iowa caucus vote likely to launch one of the greatest comebacks in american political history. that is my view and that is my riff. now let's move along, talk about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, we bring in florida congressman byron donalds. he is live from fort dodge, iowa. looks like you're indoors, byron. that's good at least for the moment. i know you're out there in iowa but there are a couple other things i want to talk to you about. let's begin with what speaker mike johnson said. he said absolutely no to this very weak border deal struck i guess by senator lankford and schumer and biden and i'm not sure who. anyway on several grounds,
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speaker johnson said the house will never go along with it. you're a key player in all of that, byron, and i know you're in iowa, but talk to us what you can tell us about stopping a bad deal on the border, please. >> first, larry, it is good to be with you. second, that deal that was negotiated in the senate is terrible, it's awful. first thing they negotiated you could have 5000 entrants per day on of the southern border. well, larry you know by simple back of the math, that is 150,000 of people coming into the month per country. that is a little under half of what joe biden is doing right now, and that is a good thing for the country? we should limit all entrants into the country so we can take stock of people who are here and to forward. they want to cut the number in half saying they did something for the country. it makes no sense at all. they want to add new work permits, new green cards for a bunch of people in the country through biden's open border
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policies. it will be a disasterous mistake for this country. it will set the press incident, all you have to do is have a weak president, blow up a aisle lump privileges if you hang around for a year we should do none of that. speaker johnson said when it comes on the deal, it is dead on arrival in the house. they should never talk about the deal. larry: mike johnson keeps defending hr.2 which is a pretty good piece of legislation. he talks about, mr. johnson that is, talks about build the wall, "remain in mexico," title 42, catch and deport. that is the way this thing should be framed. these phony piecemeal, a little of this, a little of that, you're right by the way giving work permits to illegals which is exactly what we don't want to do. i hope it is possibly politically for you all to hold the line on this terrible deal? >> well, i'll tell you larry,
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what is politically feasible for house republicans right now is to tell joe biden a very simple message. number one, don't talk to us about ukraine funding without securing the border. and number two, really don't talk to us about government funding without securing this border. the number one job of the federal government, something that president trump did phenomenally which is why voters want him back, but the number one job is to secure this nation. that is the job of the federal government and they are failing at that job, not just at the southern border but also on the world stage. joe biden is failing. so if you're dealing with a company that is failing, larry, you're a smart business mind, why would you give it more money. you tell it to clean up its operations if you want to come back to the piggybank, but until then you have to clean up the operations first. you don't deserve more money. larry: i agree with you, congressman, this is a big factor in iowa. this will be a big factor in all
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republican primaries and it will be a big factor in the general. let me ask you about one more before we talk about iowa, spoiled rich kid, above the law, hunter biden, looks like he and his lawyers caved in and will be deposed at risk of a, you know with a new house subpoena of some kind from the oversight committee on which you sit. do you believe it? is hunter biden actually going to come in do his properly for a change? >> listen i will believe it when i see it because like you said he is a spoiled rich kid. if his last name wasn't biden he would be thrown in jail a long time ago for the stuff he is accused of doing which he actually did it. i've seen the proof. secondly he would not have access to get this kind of money. the only reason he had access, his daddy is the current president, long time vice president and senator in our politics. i think this is going to occur. it should occur. we'll finish our investigations
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and die pose him but like so many things in washington, d.c., larry i will believe it when i see it. i have to see the devil in the details before i make any further comments. larry: you're right, you're exactly right. last one, byron, you're very kind with your time. how does it look in iowa? you're a big trump supporter. how does it look for him tonight? >> oh it looks great tonight. look i think we have an opportunity to break that all-time iowa record in a contested caucus season but i think it is bigger than that. i'm in fort dodge, what you see people of america want donald trump back. it is not just fort doj, iowa, larry. it is through the country. he had done this job. incredibly well. let me tell bret stephens, don't be never-trumper. you made the case in your article. bring donald trump back so we can get america on track. we can talk about everything after that. this will be a big night for the president. which means it will not just be
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a long night but the end of the campaign for three other people. larry: you know, byron, you're show good, you're such a great communicator yourself, maybe you and i go together, have a cup of coffee for bret stephens who i have known for years when he was on the editorial page of "wall street journal" he is a very smart guy. he is, a very smart guy as he haved by this fine column. he talked in that stuff in that column, byron, you and i talked about last couple years the issues facing us and why trump is qualified. one thing i apologized i didn't wish you a happy new year. i didn't realize i had not phone to you in the new year. byron, you're the best of the best. >> happy new year, my friend. larry: stay warm. have a good night. coming up here on "kudlow," go figure, go figure, joe biden took houthis off off the of donald trump's terrorist list. now biden said he was wrong.
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but as they attack american ships, what is he going to do that? laura ring gram will have a few things about that, we're in new york, mostly monday through friday 4:00 p.m. here on fox business. if you don't show up at 4:00. i understand. just text your favorite nine-year-old. she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a single snowflake in the state of iowa. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪ use liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ♪
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♪ larry: welcome back, folks, joe biden versus the houthis. what exactly is going to happen next in that saga? fox business's edward lawrence at the white house with all the latest. good evening, edward. >> reporter: larry, it sounds like a miniseries, right? since president biden struck houthi targets in yemen thursday and friday, the houthis have fired four missiles new international shipping leans. these of those missiles were ballistic missiles. one of them was a cruise missile aimed at a u.s. destroyer. at this point the houthis attacked commercial shipping more than 30 times since november 19th. clearly the u.s. response not enough to make the iran backed proxy to back off.
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the president was on friday was confident in his response. president biden: well continue to respond to the houthis against this outrageous behavior and many of our allies. >> reporter: republicans say it was not too late. it did not hit enough houthi infrastructure to send a big enough message. senator joni ernst on the senate armed services committee says the president is projecting weakness. >> i'm so can fused about this president, he needs to stand up against iran, russia, north korea. look at our adversaries. they look at us. they see very little direction coming from the white house. >> reporter: already all of the shipping companies said they will avoid the red sea. they will continue to avoid the red sea, taking that longer trip with the goods. operation prosperity guardian not moving the needle on that front, larry. larry: edward lawrence thank you ever so much. all right folks, with great pleasure, more on this and some other things, let's bring in the great laura ingraham host of
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"the ingraham angle" on fox news. always wonderful to have you on the show. what a show -- is joe biden afraid of houthis? he is afraid of iran, i know that. is he afraid of houthis? what is he doing if anything? >> well i think we can safely conclude, larry, that after what we saw last week in pennsylvania with president biden sadly kind of meandering through the school and giving a speech that was really, it was disturbing to watch as an american because he is obviously in such decline. the idea that joe biden is making any significant decisions is just ludicrous. he is not making the decisions. lloyd austin, just out of the hospital, but nobody even checked on him for four or five days. so he is not making the decisions. the really at question today who is actually making the tough national security calls for the
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united states of america? who is it? is it ned price? i mean, is it john kirby? is it karine jean-pierre? i'm willing to take any counsel on this but we don't seem to have a cognizant commander-in-chief from what i can tell. larry: no, it is like who is calling the shots in there, i agree with you. it is a question, a very important question. the other thing, laura, is, in taiwan the good guys won, the pro-democracy group, william lai, that is his americanized name. that is good. then joe biden comes out with a statement we are not in favor of taiwan independence? really? really? >> that is his reflexive response, larry, because joe biden has been doing everything in his power over the last 40 or 50 years to help china become stronger and more prosperous and the ccp, they love biden. he has kept the trump tariffs in
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place to some extent n a second biden term those would be lifted for sure but there is a reason that most of the billionaires on the left they want biden because they want to keep this china gravy train going. taiwan says wait a second, we still believe we're a country. we want to be our own independent country and for america to come out on the heels of this to say, no, you don't. that was very telling. blinken had to clean it up as usual. joe biden's instinct is never to be tough on china as he is on let's say any random conservative in the house of representatives, right. oar some pro-life catholic church. >> no, he would throw the book at china. larry: some parents that would want to go to a pta meeting for their kids. >> heaven forbid.
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larry: heaven forbid. what is the out there in iowa? seems to me drain the swamp is a big issue? seems to me affordability crisis is a big issue. also, laura, i think trump is dialed into the evangelical community a lot more than people seem to understand. >> sure. larry: you're there and i'm here so what are you i thissing? >> well i think, this is my 7th iowa caucuses experience and it's always fun. you always learn something about the country when you're here, larry, but i think chaos as far as the eye can see is what regular work-a day people are observing in the united states. the grocery bills, bureau of labor statistics report came out, 100 bucks spent in 2019, costs 125 now. that is real money to people. the ukraine, that seems like it
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is going south or stalemate. immigration is a disaster. most americans don't want this. looks like the establishment wants to force a deal they think trump has walked through this fire and he is still standing. not a lot of people could probably do that. i know larry, you could, obviously, you could walk through the fire. we know you could handle it but most people couldn't. we'll see who comes in number two. that is the big one, if trump can get close to 50, that is off the charts, larry. larry: listen, you and i have been good pals for a long, long time but when i worked for trump, he showed me, he showed me tough but he also showed me calm, you know, make decisions. i think the same character traits are coming through in his campaign. i mean he is running an issues campaign but he is very calm, right? they are throwing the book at them, putting him in jail for
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700 years all that business. >> yeah. larry: he comes out with a terrific town hall, the foxtown hall performance last wednesday night for whatever it was. >> he was very calm. he was very calm in that. larry: yes. >> and he seemed so confident. larry: yes. >> i haven't seen him that way on camera and quite a while. i don't watch every single thing but i thought that was like inflection point. larry: i did too. >> where he is like i got this, i got this. larry: can i tell you i said the same thing. i called it a turning point. >> this is why we're friends. we agree on most things. larry: i called it a turning point. inflection point, you're smarter than i am. i like inflection point. i may have to incorporate it. his calmness, the way he presented himself, i think that is paying off, laura. i think people see that. of course the other thing is success is the best revenge. i mean you go back to 20, when he won in 2016 he didn't go
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after hillary clinton, he didn't go after peter strzok and his girlfriend. he didn't go after comey. he didn't. he didn't. there was no revenge, he was trying to do a good job. by and large he did a good job. that is the right stuff. >> the same message. he is still talking about some of the personality but that message washington is deceiving you and they're failing you. larry: yes. >> they are failing you. they are failing you. the people feel it in their bones. there is no messaging this away if you're in the white house at this point. it is missing in action. leadership missing in action. he is trying to say help is on the way. we'll see ho comes in number two tonight. larry: you got it. so good, laura. stay warm out there. >> i will. larry: don't forget you can catch laura on the link gram -- the ingram angle.
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president trump says success is the best revenge. laura called it, what did he call it? a turning point. a inflection point. that is laura ingraham. inflection point. anyway we'll talk about that and a few other things with the great kellyanne conway who will join us live from des moines, iowa. fani willis finally defends herself. you remember her. of course we're all racist for exposing sex, lies, videotapes and corruption, not to speak of her marriage busting. you know today is martin luther king's birth today. god bless. whatever happened to martin luther king's idea, we should be guided by the content of our character, not the color of our skin? we'll kick that around with jason chaffetz and hogue again gidley. kudlow is available as a podcast. after the show on spotify, on
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apple, and holy cow. podcast. i'm kudlow. ♪. reliq health is a digital health company targeting the $100 billion virtual care market. reliq is rapidly growing with customers that include several of the largest and most highly rated health care organizations across the nation. reliq health technologies. (man) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently?
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♪. larry: as we said a few moments ago former president trump says success is the best revenge. joining us now is kellyanne conway, let me amend that, the great kellyanne conway, former counselor to president trump, fox news contributor and author of the very good book, here's the deal. we were talked about laura ingraham, i don't want to be too redundant. his performance the other night was really great, great temperment, made key points. instead of getting hot and angry, stuff like that which some people thought he would do he just calmly laid it out, essentially success is the best revenge. he will not have retribution. there will not be time for it. basically was his first term. that is what he tried to do in the first term, kellyanne.
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>> larry, there inlies the greatest strength of his candidacy in 2024. here in iowa he is expected to dominate the caucus returns. why? he has already delivered. you can go with people who are making promises perspectively what they may do or go with the guy who actually did it. americans beginning here in iowa are saying i'm not going to take a chance on someone, albeit good people, fine leaders, i'm going with the guy who did it once and i think trump will do it even better and more the second time because he knows how to peek around these corners of folks trying to undercut him, impeach him, indict him, destroy, denigrate and dismiss him. he has a 10 point plan on his website as we speak talks about dismantling the deep state. doesn't say draining the swamp but it is specific reforming the fisa courts and making sure innocent americans are not censored and spied on and
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shadow-banned. this is trump as outsider insider. he has all the hunger and swagger the outsider status of 2016 coupled overlaid with the record of an incumbent. it really is the best combination. i think it has been almost impossible as the polls would suggest for these primary opponents to overtake him much for that reason. larry: it is interesting, kellyanne, by wait you're right about the 10 point plan. by the way will be impounding budget authority. reforming the civil service which is long overdewey will include by the way the fbi and cia. he is on it. you're exactly right, he is on it. i keep listening to hosts and anchors and reporters talk about the momentum, desantis has it or haley has it. you know i had this other odd thought, radical -- the guy, the person with the momentum is donald trump who started this year in a totally different
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space with respect to polling. i know polls aren't votes but that is what people talk about. he is the guy with momentum including iowa, he picked up 15 points in the last few months. he has got the momentum and, if tonight works out in any way, shape or form, close to these polls, it is going to be the beginning of one of the biggest political comebacks, kellyanne, in american history. that's what i think. >> probably, as absolutely, larry and probably ever. look i think the media want a story. they want to cover a story. they don't want the story to be donald trump unless he is indicted or even worse. if you're in the mainstream media how many times can donald trump prove you wrong and embarass you? they got it all wrong in 2016. they had a little bit of self-reflection, not for long and went after him. donald trump was inaugurated about noon, january 2017. "the washington post" ran a headline ten minutes later,
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larry, now impeachment begins. that is what they have been doing all along. funny thing happened on the way to destroy donald trump. they made him stronger, bigger. larry: bolder. they talked about how college educated americans learned how to fall back in love with donald trump. larry: oh, no. >> this is remarkable. a reason a lot of college educated republicans and independents are going back to trump to couple with the non-college he educated republis as part of his base because of these prosecutions. "the new york times" charts trump's rise along with this indictment. as i told the former president directly if? your life you're indicted or not indicted you always choose door number two but it helped him politically. people see it trying to interfere in the next election, trying, had they started with
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these prosecutions, had that been the only time they have picked on donald trump maybe they might have a point, we doubt it but larry, it is like the umteenth time. they tried impeachments, indictments, collusion for three years that never materialized. even nonsense stuff like golden showers and the like. larry: oh. >> people see in donald trump an outsider like them. he doesn't need this job. he wants this job. i'm telling you -- larry: bret stephens. >> after joe biden -- larry: did you see the bret stephens piece i hate trump but he throat 3,000 words why trump has done so many good things including going after the swamp, including going after institutions, including closing the border, including a strong economy, helping middle class people. you know bret stephens. i know him from "the wall street journal" editorial page. >> right. larry: he goes to "the new york times," becomes a never-trumper. it was a tremendous, maybe "the new york times," maybe they have come to their senses of.
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next thing you know -- >> they read their own polling. bret stephens and others are ringing their own polling. they don't want to be caught flat-footed this time if trump wins last point. whatever happened to trump was joe biden. contrast between the outsider versus the swamp could not be more stark. joe biden earned every bit of his 33% his approval rating, an all-time low. larry: kellyanne conway, best of the best. stay warm out there. we'll talk soon after this caucus. >> you got it, larry. larry: moving right along, this is kind of a non-iowa story, remember fani willis? you remember her? you knew this had to happening racist on martin luther king day. fox news jonathan serrie live from hotlanta with all the details. thank you, jonathan.
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>> reporter: good evening, larry. fani willis in that speech neither confirmed other denied she was involved in some sort of a romantic affair but she did say that nathan wade was one of three attorney friends that she hired to serve as special prosecutors in her case against former president trump and 18 codefendants. speaking at that mlk day service at atlanta's big bethel ame church the d.a. implied wade's qualifications is facing scrutiny because he is the only black special prosecutor on the team. take a listen. >> i appointed three special counsel as my right to do. paid them all the same hourly rate. they only attack one. >> reporter: but critics point out the other two special prosecutors are not accused of having a romantic relationship with the d.a. over the past two years willis allegedly authorized more than $650,000 in
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legal fees to wade who took her on cruises and other leisure travel, that according to a motion filed last week on behalf of codefendant michael roman, a former trump campaign official who is seeking to disqualify the two from prosecuting the case. roman's attorney, ashley merchant issued this statement, quote, if anybody doubts our claim that wade is inexperienced ask him. how many rico cases has he handled? ask him how many felonies he has tried? this has nothing to do with the color of his skin, end quote. the fulton county d.a.'s office it will formally respond to that defense motion that was filed against fani willis and prosecutor wade last week. they say they will do this in a court filing but they have yet to submit it, larry? >> thank you, jonathan serrie. we appreciate it very much. you know folks of course she has to play the race card, right as a coverup for the let's of her corruption. it's outrageous on martin luther king day where he
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preached and taught all of us that life should be about the content of your character, not the color of your skin. anyhow, joining us here on set, lots of company, hogan gidley former white house deputy press secretary, vice-chair at afp ilec shun center for election integrity. jason chaffetz, former utah congressman, chair of oversight committee and fox news contributor and author of the puppeteers. well come. jason, you know she had to do, wouldn't be any fun if she didn't call the race card, nothing to do with corruption, paying the guy 650 grand, going on vacations, busting a marriage, spending a lot of time in the white house, both of them getting coached by the biden people how to throw donald trump in jail for 700 years. >> if you put that in a novel no one would believe it. the guy has never prosecuted a case like this and he is paid more than $600,000?
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larry: perfect. >> it is really unbelievable. larry: for a glass of wine in napa valley.a cole of road tripe ocean. a little fun in the sun. gidley you like to have fun in the son. >> i do. larry: do you know if fani willis -- >> what is it with two people have a sexual relationship decide to go after trump together? this is like lisa page and peter strzok 2.0. the two lovers as donald trump calls them. what is going on with these people who get together behind the scenes, say, watch what we're going to do, work with the white house, we'll stop him one way other the other. it blows my mind. larry: jason as former chair of the oversight committee, serious question here, it looks like to me and others that this legal attack, what they call lawfare now, against trump, throw him in jail for 750 years or whatever, is in fact being run out of the white house. now as a former oversight chair what do you think about that
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hypothesis? >> i don't think much happens without the white house being involved and engaged and if you look at the way they have structured the spokespeople that come out to defend the president, defend hunter biden, defend all these things, go out and use the white house spokesperson to say oh, on the art deals for instance, oh, there is a wall that has been set up. there are all these ethics requirements put into place. only then somebody testify, what are you talking about, we never talked to the white house. there has to be some degree, not just one intern making this up in the white house. this is a a concerted effort. when you hear the stories hunter biden was perhaps coached by his dad, president of the united states, about not showing up and complying with the subpoena, it begs the question where does that wall end or start? was there one? wasn't there one? larry: they talk about letitia james crazy attorney general in new york bringing a phony suit
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against trump's businesses, she spent hours in the white house. fani willis spent a left time talking to kamala harrisries. that is probably a low return conversation. the boyfriend, prosecutor, non-prosecutor, whatever it is, he spent a lot of time in the white house. hogy, i don't want you to be lonely, i play sound, someone with untruth. bad in a way. here is what governor sununu said on fox news last night. >> we all supported president in 16. we supported him in 20. it did not pan out. he will not get anything done, if you want inflation fixed, border secure, health care reforms, draining the swamp, efficiency in government, fiscal responsibility all of this is possible but clearly not with trump. he couldn't do it the first time. he sure as heck wouldn't be able to do it the second time. larry: hoagie i say, i know sununu he is a smart guy, he
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just ripped off a series of total untruths. >> of course. larry: inflation. one that really pisses me off, excuse my english, health care reform. under trump, we were all there in six months he developed a covid vaccine that probably saved a couple of million lives in six months. people said it would take five to 10 years. and there was no inflation. and working class families had a harvest of real wage increases, not bidens. how does a guy like sununu in spur of the moment, will he lie on a national tv show? >> we had rational, scene, southern border policy. we were energy dominant. there weren't wars breaking out all over the world. we had an economy that benefited the average american first time in decades. wages increased. to say something like that is so overtly ridiculous because it is so easily disproven.
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not only did he do it once, he will do it again as kellyanne pointed out, not only a brilliant business person he peeked around the corner and those in the administration that will undermine him. that will not happen again. larry: i have to get out. john sununu shape up. we'll hold you accountable. i happen to like sununu. i would dare say he is a good governor. in the heat of moment of campaigns you can't start lying. i'm sorry, that is against the law, something. we'll sic jason chaffetz on him. run, jason run. i have to get that in. coming up on "kudlow," have you seen a grown man cry over the resignation of climate czar john kerry? rick perry, it is global freezing in iowa, montana, oh, my gosh, "kudlow". or moments that matter,
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totally missed the 737 max mid-air blowout and that caused for questions to say how did s this? people are now taking a closer look at their hiring practices, particularly their dei, diversity equity and inclusion focus hiring. the faa has made clear they want to include people with different abilities but also people with intellectual and psychiatric challenges too which is giving some people pause. the faa writes this, the targets disabilities the federal government as a matter of policy identified for special emfasis for hiring. they include severe mental and psychiatric inability. some managers can hire on the spot if they have proper documentation. the faa is defending their diverse workforce assuring the public everyone is qualified for the role that they have, telling fox in a statement quote, the faa employs tens of thousands of people for a wide range of positions. the agency proactive seeks
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qualified candidates from many sources as possible all who must meet rigorous qualifications of course will vary by position. now the faa says they're doing an immediate audit of boeing's production and manufacturing in the wake of this catastrophe and today, boeing announced they're going to implement safety checks for all their 737 max aircraft are. larry. larry: hilary i will say one thing not only sounds like unsafe skies with the faa boeing ad a very active, pervasive dei program. and they're the ones that have had all these accidents which is a terrible story. hilary vaughn, thank you ever so much for helping out. >> reporter: thank you. larry: we'll switch gears. folks i want you to hold your tears. climate czar john kerry is resigning. you want to sigh a grown man cry, there is rick perry, former energy secretary, great american and patriot, former texas governor. i'm kidding rick, i know you're not crying. here, kerry jumps out and almost
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the same day there is another announcement, the biden administration issues a natural gas tax. so this methane tax, which essentially would stop oil and gas drilling. they are putting that into place. they're also i'm reading they won't permit any lng, any new lng projects and installations which is just as nutty as can be. this is john kerryism. >> well, you had on your earlier segment talking about that we were energy independent. we were energy dominant during the trump years and we're headed back that direction. i know that's what president trump will put on the agenda as, i think one of the number one, is, get back to producing american energy and here's why it is so important and why this issue of the climate czar,
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mr. kerry, leaving and going and helping the biden administration, you know, go fire everybody up about the climate and the climate change that's going on. here east what's so interesting about this, is that the biden administration very concerned about the young people they're losing and trying to get them back on board and he is sending kerry out to be the spokesperson for that, correct? but when he is doing that, he's going to be sending the message to ohio, to pennsylvania, to new mexico, to these other states that biden's going to have to have? hey, we don't want to see you states doing very good, putting people to work in the oil and gas industry. we'll put a big, big burden on you. it is just not going to work out. that's their problem and that's the unfixable part of this whole climate catastrophe that we're seeing out of former senator
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kerry. larry: i wish i had more time, rick. we come back. i want to have more time. you're right. kerry did a lot of harm. with the majority of my patients with sensitivity i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum and enamel it relieves sensitivity helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. i am a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. people are excited about what ai will do for them. we're excited about what ai will do for business. meet the watsonx assistants, ai designed to multiply output by automating tasks. when you watsonx your business, you can use ai assistants to help coders code faster, customer service respond quicker, and employees handle repetitive tasks in less time. let's create ai assistants that transform business
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