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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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t, after complication, i had gained everything back extremely fast. i was unhealthy, miserable and depressed. following golo, and taking release, i was able to lose weight gradually and keep it off. i wish i'd started sooner. don't wait, go straight to >> maybe doesn't work out but i think that it is likely, that mr. donald trump, will begin tonight him a one of the greatet political comeback summa in american history. maybe i will be wrong, but that is my taken we will shift over american history, to liz
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mcdonald. >> that's what the segway larry, thank you so much about we always appreciate you okay, we have is coming in, speaker johnson will reject the senate border deal that is stop the border collapsed and also former the lack of a james klapper to sell saying, that the border is a u.s. national security crisis. does it looks like ea funny willis, fulton county, georgia just made her scandal, worse and for the first time just target u.s. cargo ship with the ballistic missile off of yemen never submitted that is coming after, president of biden - the sum the terror watch list in february of 2020 phone entering this we are just hours away from final results in the iowa caucuses tonight for the gop nomination for president, pretty creditable as urbandale iowa, the very latest grady. >> liz, is clear former president trump is in the driver
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seat of his race is it ready here and trump campaign hq knows what were looking for tonight is not just who wins the iowa copley and caucasus but also by how much and who is got the momentum heading into the next contest, indo hampshire it is a little quiet here the campaign headquarters, been earlier today, several members of congress made the rounds shaking hands of the volunteers here who have been calling caucus goers and ensuring, that they had out to caucus this evening from south carolina governor nikki heading, florida governor ron desantis have been up themselves braving the frigid temperatures today and talking to iowans in 11th hour bush they of course are hoping to close the gap between them and the former president pretty and he said that she is on the rise in iowa and beyond. and he said is is attacking her. >> we know the moment of that would take from i was going to go to new hampshire 20 is robert south carolina we finish this and this will be a two-person
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race with me and donald trump. >> she's only playing for his liver and then hoping she can get in like new hampshire were democrats, and independence can come and vote release and weekly independence, but that ultimately is on to win the republican nomination, the ring entered within the republican nomination you gotta garner strong support from traditional publicans. >> and elon musk is weighing in on the caucuses telling his followers on x, you cannot entrepreneur, vivek ramaswamy come the tesla ceo said the vivek ramaswamy will far exceed the polls on the most are counted and former president trump has also ratcheted up attacks against vivek ramaswamy in the past couple of days, maybe that's assigned list of the trump is concerned that vivek ramaswamy could be getting into his support here in iowa and we will see in a very very short time list sweetie of preacher boys terrific and great to see you joining us now, i would gop party chair, jeff is always a pleasure to have you want i think you for joining us
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and so can only make probably think expecting for the turnout tonight given the dangerous are take a cold summa well below zero all you expecting. jeff: we have been tracking this with our staff scattered throughout the entire state, all day. missus we do not have falling snow and since we do not have the white out conditions, there has been a full well most 48 hours from the roads, really think that the arctic temperatures but at east of when i was concerned with i still think that we are going have a very robust turnout in iowa's are used to this, this is nothing new. in our folks are ready and for the lines that will form inside of the buildings, and i think that we are going to have a very very healthy turnout suite you okay jeff so this, former president trump, when iowa and 2016 against hillary and he when iowa get in 2020 against biden. let's listen to what gop voters in your state have to say, watch this. >> the countries divided we need
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less division in the country that somehow he did that in florida and a fleeting you do the same thing nationally sick with a i was is kind of a conclusion the trump is going when the caucus i would've interested to see is is thank you haley and ron desantis, they commit to make you close and does that make a difference how it goes on further. >> with me think that i like about haley is she's come out strongly in support of ukraine conflict support ukraine there is no ron desantis did a good job in florida ukraine's probably the biggest issue between the two of them. >> florida so important that if i so much the businesses that squeezing i think lower income people out of jobs were gotta clean up the mess see a quality think that among the republican base, nikki heading to stand out a lot of young people because there's desantis she said the best about abortion. >> one of the sort of undecided
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once right now. >> nikki haley. >> donald trump. >> after 26 you like the way the country was run to have to decide, who is the most viable candidate, to be should trump. >> vote and vote for candidate the medic on sweetie what you think of what you just heard from the voters in your states are. jeff: will be mad the solidification it seems as if the polls, and obviously pulleys little bit more tricky in a caucus state, that it might be for general election but you know for ever recommit i can hear about one candidate, i hear a dozen more across-the-board pretty that i really think that this turns out to be an organizational ballot as much a popularity contest the reason ted cruz wanted 20 ceasing, bullock, people would love across-the-board with ted cruz and he won the organizational battle i think that we have some campaign chairs and a cruise like in the organizational
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battle of exhibit donald trump, and obviously has mother stated twice, and at the same time, he also has a campaign that is infinitely, more effective one that he had in 2016, so anything can happen to caucus that i believe that the turnout is going to be there tonight pretty and ultimately, first in the nation were going to respond in just the right way. liz: he was interesting jeff, your state is showing, that is really about policies have a lot of protest, and you did see the trump campaign the former president is getting it with environmental like to visit the former presidents rally in indianola, iowa and we will show the footage there been protesting desantis and vivek ramaswamy as well but really policies that. jeff: absolutely, hard hundred 71st in the nation since 1976. we are very discerning were rather skeptical and we ask the tough questions pretty durable comfortable that we have with
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these protests, absolutely do know make one impact on these folks tonight printed it is about policies and they will show up in mark my words, the hawkeye state and they will be allowed voice and all of them seated for you jeff, great insight there and thank you for joining us and it is good to see you and now let's bring in gop they called under carter former michigan gop candidate to recent and also plea carter stony assembly, thank you for joining us and we never seen iowa caucuses like this before what you think. lee: never seen iowa caucuses like this for small never as a golden second about it is equally the front runner so far the closest seen it is george w. bush and he was 23-point ahead and right now on average about we see donald trump at 20 points ahead this could be a big night for donald trump and if you don't set records it is leader thing is going be hard to beat them anywhere else sweetie what you think late i'm sorry tutor. tuder: well i think were going to see him i record numbers
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coming interestingly will be a challenge from supporters do not think about the weather that actually thank you so his advantage in the race tonight is that when trump will break the weather folks so i think that gives them an even bigger advantage will see with the number show. liz: suet tutor just said and look at this fall, la, when you saw cbs news in the bowl, it finds that trump and nikki haled ron desantis they'll be bided in the head-to-head match up what you think of those full results results. leigh: thank you so consistent with what we've been saying nuclear been focusing the polls has seven key states that are really going to determine the election that over over again donald trump is serving meeting joe biden joe biden is losing is available the accident attorneys losing most important basically economy crime for the fierce integration come all of those
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issues are important to the record that he is just not performing the way that he needs to an order to be the republican hello that said, i do think that there are some issues and issues other they could draw democrats as about, even if not excited opening for joe biden the biggest issue i think that there is that women's issue of abortion. liz: the women's issue of abortion you know we also sing this tudor in the former president trump, he is talking on the campaign trail, have other weaponization of the justice system against him please is this election interference in 20 to the scheduling of trials on the eve of big campaign dates has we move into the 2024, election that when you look at the polls, tudor, it is nothing like about her is you know, paying much attention to these trials. tuder: let think actually i would say, conversely think they are paying attention and they are about and it seems to be driving more people to go out and spoke to support on top so is the continued to play these shenanigans and say that were going to schedule trials right
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and super to say in all of this, this is not affecting donald trump and pd come in for a rally need to step up to the same day in the met has the ability to fly wherever he wants this is just hyping the crowds so if you're making a huge mistake policy plays out the democrats are the number one party to prove that you do not have to be out there in place to make sure you are winning something donald trump can certainly handle that. liz: okay so now this must for this time of you to react to this sound and taken on first family cnn top legal analyst, the family these cases this new york state ag letitia james and the new york civil fraud case against trump and listen closely to this and watch. >> quote two things can be through and are true, and once, yes donald trump invited the value of his assets, by light and think that is been established by this case is a separate question whether anybody is actually harder because the makes my lungs that they were there were doing they are paid back but it is a fact
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the letitia james, campaign for attorney general in 2018, specifically promise to vote for me and i will get donald trump and this also think she said once, she said it dozens of times and she said it in writing and fundraiser off of it and she was nodding a specific she does they are getting providing his assets in one point he said he could be indicted for money laundering at one point she said the day after she was elected she said, were definitely going to sue - and he will know my name and when you makes it was like god, how can you say that there is no political light of this need to maybe say, the facts are there but it's also political this letitia james are all doing seeking political this case the political and we see these questions, more questions from the media sing of all of these cases against trump on the credibility of these cases are getting undercut because the baby is reporting in the voters are seeking they must politicize. leigh: more than 60 percent of the americans see this is politicize is a big problem and that is why everything time donald trump appears in court or
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another announcement is made about it and indictment are some of the charges, whose polls go up because people think that this is unfair 70 something percent of americans right now believe the system is rigged at a certain set of people in on everybody. hello, the really donald trump is a political outsider is being attacked and i think that is republicans would be attacked as well and something backfires against the democrats significant way. liz: tudor just one point when letitia james and the pay, $250 million, we wanted from the trump and fire from energy ratcheted up to 370 million, based on what. what changed pretty that's many smacked of this case being politicize other words get donald trump and final word tudor. tuder: absolutely and she saying that part out loud she's admitting that is what she is doing the american people are saying, this could happen to the president of the united states it can happen to us and they are behind them they wanted to fight they wanted to stop it to you got it lee carter and tudor
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dixon, appreciate both of you coming on his good having on okay we have jampacked hour for you and center or equivalent, is a former navy nuclear engineer brett sattler and economists diana roth angeles serve on the big mistakes that obama insiders are now morning, the biden campaign is making and you won't believe it i'm an arrest for this, pro- palestinian protesters, clashed with law enforcement from the white house throwing objects of the cops and why no arrests there and also this federal workers at 22 government agent and agencies are planning to walk out tomorrow to get cs or else for house speaker mike johnson anybody to think of us should us conservative slammed the new spending deal solely keeping the border problem seven speaker johnson just rejected the senate border deal and the president criticized the water collapsed and other prices.
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former dni clapper said that yes it is and we also have former deputy is journey general will break down fulton county d.a. funding will speaking out now. this house judiciary launches a corruption problem, for financially benefiting by hiring her boyfriend trump case pretty did not have any express is is a lucrative job pretty and you did hear what else she said in all of coming up on the evening and it. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide.
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i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. liz: welcome back, fulton county d.a. funding will is, breaks her silence is house judiciary probes of accusations of corruption and conflict of interest in prosecution former president trump fox news jonathan in atlanta with more jonathan. >> good evening was come this in the first time levels in county d.a. has spoken publicly, since last week's court filing accusing her of hiring and under qualifying romantic partner from into assessor in a prosecution former president trump in 1800 and sent and an impediment is make them thousand dollars over the past two years. as mickey had a special them okay sunday service, edit
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letters big bethel him teachers funny most did not address the alleged affair but describes the prosecutor nationwide, is highly qualified and implied that he is being targeted, because of his race. >> i point to the special counsel, paying them all of the same hourly rate. >> the motion was filed on codefendant michael roman a former trump campaign official seeking to disqualify willis and wade from prosecuting georgia election interference case romans and turning international worship should the statement, if anybody down circling the weight his inexperience, asking how many ricoh cases is handled asked him how many felonies has dried this is nothing to do with the color of his skin emergent went on to say that the biggest difference between waited go to special prosecutors on from case, pedigree floyd, is ms. willis is not in a relationship with ms. ross and
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mr. ford in the fulton county das office said that it will formally respond to the defense attorneys delegations in court is yet to be submitted. liz: thank you so much for your report there zero joining us now, former deputy assistant attorney general tom depree in your reaction to that report we listen to funny most she never denied her directly rest the allegations that she gave her boyfriend a lucrative job in the trump prosecution and georgia when you think. tom: right and thank you so the issue of your list, she did not deny any when she had the opportunity to flow some sort of miniature rate or fabricated story, just gotten up there the church and just outright denied up and she didn't do it which makes me suspect, these allegations may well be true and if they are, is an absolutely terrible terrible error of judgment on her part to do so instead of taking responsibility some of these week cutter accusations, they also ghettos
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backup what a former president trump's codependence the georgia election phase, once you get the indictment to get them thrown out and he said the d.a. funding will and some of financially benefited she hired her alleged boyfriend nathan point, give him a lucrative high-paying job, despite having no experience ricoh cases and then they spent the big salary luxury vacation, for both of them so you know, good strategic move to speak from the pulpit about the case. tom: i think she's made strategic misjudgment and everest of the road here and should go without saying that when you're hiring somebody to prosecute former president of the united states you do not hired boyfriend to do it if you somehow want to do that, you least disclose the that you're in romantic relationship with him instead of it being brought like this love through this joint to appoint a special prosecutor to do it from there were thousands of other lawyers you chosen 70 and she was in
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romantic relationship necessary, as an excuse will and justifiable troop to be everything in interesting issue because of this, your hair loss funny them her friends drops in this case watch the. >> time in history and hear me on this. we are at a time in history when you can no longer sit back and just other folks do not expect black women it to be perfect and say the word pretty we need to be allowed to stumble and we need - with this one, we will move mountains. i had one white woman a good
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personal friend. a superstar, i would tell you hired when white man really is my friend hired when black men, another superstar, the great friend and i do not want to be like this to take me and i never want to be march taylor green was never let me is louder spirit to be filled with hate to do list break this down she's attacking margie and brain lofgren and asking them to probe funny willis and she starts out saying that she can't expect black woman to be perfect you should be allowed to stumble into it after you know marjorie taylor green and they had been involved time she said she hired friends and i'll well seller she's contradicting yourself in
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real time to initial does in fact matters of you going to be hiring outside prosecutors like this, to be hiring hiring them r legal x and x was not because her friends or lovers back this does not appear to be a one-off and seem to be regular practice of first to hire friends, please types of jobs raises serious of your questions of the judgment she is exercising. liz: she's basically admitting you cannot expect this to be perfect, admitting she's doing something wrong tom depree, thank you so much as good have you on this fight is heating up between touches the white house and is intensifying in texas is cracking down to the border in nevada texas and seizing properties to stop illegal reporter crosses the crossings are monitoring the financial supreme court decision i could come at any moment on this and plus another top defendant top advisor to kamala harris, barnes biden come the 2024 from a campaign, stop campaigning on
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biden economics and it is not working and said to let it go when is coming up in the evening edit. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> was welcome to the show bunch on guard and is about into this because the presence pulling again drop them up now just 33 percent, approval in the abc poll is in the 30s reimbursement in the monmouth, and the gallup poll in more that he is rubbing month after month watch a. >> yes thank you for having me is way to be with here as always as poll numbers are dropping but what is rising in the millions and millions of illegal immigrants pray ross more because of his explicit policy to do anything about that i just think those two things are completely inversely correlated in the market people across the country, sanctuary cities, rural
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america, and course divorces are all seeing this percent of course, these illegal migrants, don't represent anything about race or phobias way the democrats want you to believe that it is all about the american dream that we in 11 million people, all of the problems that working-class people of accessing the american, getting harder and housing the price of food, price of gasoline and everything goes up when there is this kind of a crunch like we see now is taxpayer dollars are going to put in hells illegal migrants. liz: also given what you just said, we want you to listen to abc's john carl mbps david brooks, they're going to set off about bidens about a dropping phone numbers is the trend of the taste and resorted to see leisure i know it sounds like the media is finally waking up to what is going on watch this. >> and oppose morning about despite his approval rating is 33 percent is historically low,
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low for him and incumbent president to 15 years and since we've seen numbers alone on the economy is even actually works only 31 percent city approval biden's handling of the economy for that resume the question of the presidents age, and just their inflexible duchess hours, and 20 percent think that president biden has the mental sharpness to effectively serve, for another term. >> what issue, that is the residence the situation at the border in a recent cbs poll found that 68 percent disapprove of the presence handling it whatever you think of that, there is clearly a problem of the border. >> with his reason for because in my view donald trump would be elected president so that's reason for the democrats worry in a reason donald trump is doing okay is a lot of americans think the life was better under have been invited to do what you think by check. >> one community night think we all feel that way i can only assume is better the immigration
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situation was so much better and inflation was much lower think the average working-class american sense of hope and or donald trump felt seen in recognize and help their struggles were significant and dignified which they are razor enough and they feel slighted and raised anymore and also sneered out in talking healthy which is how the numerous have taking to talking the working-class people which were well what is of a speech of while you're right and we are just watching all of this super so grateful to have you on, thank you so much does bring in former department chief economist, diana roth and his way to have you want and should be infections we get a diana, and so it is nearly 18 percent compounded invited we look at the components of the inflation of the numbers you will see who shelter advocacy come out of the kitchen table seven much higher than the compounded you know of
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18 and what you think. dianna: will yes, and americans know that there one-off and inflation adjusted come there comes down from 55000, per person when biden took office, down to 50000 now. the price of everything that everybody knows it has gone up and so milk is going up from 332 a gallon up to four and dollars a gallon gasoline, was about $2 a gallon invited took office and now it is about 350 a gallon and bread, he was 150 left, and i was at $2.11 page 140 dozen up to 250 a dozen. then americans know they're not as well off as they were invited took office. liz: so here's the thing, when you writing campaign in 1980, reagan said, here's what i'm going to do for you predict when you see with the president has already shown, he has already severely 18 percent compounded inflation, lawlessness of the
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order in u.s. cities is losing the working-class vote democrat butter bases and so why are people surprise the minority voters who are speaking out now say this not good at what is going on for us. dianna: people should not be surprised by what is surprising is president biden gives bragging about biden economics as though he does not know the people worse off i know he does not know the price of gasoline and milk bread and eggs, i'm going up and he does not other people's incomes overall in glendale. that is the problem and he seems out of touch as well as you know out of touch pretty out of touch and out of touch. liz: so we have the story, you know the obama campaign, is will he sees me the insiders the awarding the biden 2024 from a campaign you don't have a game or a campaign infrastructure in the states you don't have a strong campaign headquarters in delaware mr. barnett resident running like is pending before they needed campaign structure because blackouts and others, we
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have simone sanders, former aide top aide to vice president kamala harris, she is running david axelrod and james carville, sanders is say the biden campaign you won't get to the white house biden economics until campaign of that and i go what you think diana. dianna: thank you so right but campaign, he needs a real message to make things better off than he needs to be cutting spending and he needs to be enforcing laws in order needs to have a plan to get inflation down and get people's incomes up and he doesn't have any just saying the biden economics is working great when everybody knows that feeling more for. liz: stay with me on this because you know you talk to the democrats way love joe biden things been great and he said so much for the country and he has gotten so much done pretty we see trillions more and spinning, we see the san francisco researchers in the chicago fed researchers say, multiple percentage points added to inflation, from inflation. government spending we see
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pandemic lockout about the economy really that coming out of that, more mandates put on the economy by this biden white house how can say this is a successful white house. >> they should not be saying that oppose, inflation went up as much of .7 percent the cost of shelter went up and people have to pay rent and other pay more rent, people do not feel good and they want to the person who understands, who feels your pain and joe biden is obviously other person because he's ragged biden economics is working. liz: got it, thank you so much diana and is good having on and thank you so much and story resting on a former james klapper jobsite drops a bombshell he joins the growing chorus of demarest morning the border crisis is a serious national security concern and we have more coolly showing voters demanding tighter for security but president of biden's family said the border collapse, is not a crisis and center will join us
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next for his reaction but first i want to check in with the buddies coming up next hour on the bottom line. >> thank you yes and so weird and present media thinking that if donald trump is elected he's going to be a dictator trying to develop a plan and we have cabins in here on that as well as the farmers protesters who going strong in germany and over the field pricing five of people and more for this together, the accusations that will anybody in the republican party coming anybody who supports donald trump, is that extremist so really, and they get a look at what was going on outside of the white house over the weekend and also, the district attorney data georgia, funny wallace's saying, she's going down the race card is a sheet pretty well what about those trips that cusick is
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liz: ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the show, submit armed and we mowing, we make of the fight
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between texas biden white house the biden doj said these going to go after taxes because texas has control of shall be part of this out the federal government for processing illegal border crossers. nobody else house will go after taxes what you come down this. >> will i think what i want to - on texas in texas right now has right to secure the borders stay because this administration is failing to do that and with 8.8 million illegals in the process of the more just says joe biden is been in office texas has to be somebody think medicament new york, boston, they are screaming at the top of the lungs because they received a few busload is come busloads of invest in their saying that they are little record have closed out parts and sporting centers that was used for you, new policies individuals and you texas and taken the blood on this and i think that this would it be a really likely especially if this went to the course saying that of the federal
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government has failed to do so, the states have the right to take care of themselves because the states have a right to take care of the people of the state so biden and ministration just making noise to distract from the fact that they felt the southern border she was born collapse, that's what it is the president is now, and is now denying saying that there's not a crisis at the border predict when even former unite james klapper said that yes it is a crisis and as a national security crisis and watch the. >> i've got a very concerned about it, nature the composition of the border crossers, has change a good bit says my day. and now much more international were chinese and russians and others so we traditionally thought about it as people coming from central america in south america but is much more
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broad than that so this is a serious national security concern. liz: funeral copper said this a national security concern. that obama from her home unsecured he secretary jane johnson said is is concern the biden say no is not a concern or crisis in self was of the topspin people do see with her own eyes was going on. >> is correct anything he had a very good point, when he was in, your main concern is individuals coming from mexico only today we have 65 percent of the individuals crossing the border, or from other countries that they are single males traveling by themselves of the countries 170 different nationalities been captured on the southern border from different countries. sides of the majority of them are not traveling the families in effect, 65 percent is in trouble with anybody there's a good 20 percent of the struggling with one or two
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children we cannot actually identify that is actually their children because of traveling alone with the children and out with another female and it is a huge national security risk and by the way, the dimension we caught over 250 north known terrace and this is the individual terrorist watchlist some of these are the metals known terrace we caught crossing the southern border and is without question national security risk whether democrats with joe biden administration wants to distract the american people with going after texas, that actually dealing with the facts, is almost laughable and on his says that is funny to do a lot of critics say is marcus pennell let's move on to this government budget deal because house speaker johnson said they will not accept the senate budget deal conservatives have morning rather than closing the border, the senate deal hammered out by chuck schumer, and barely
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other senators, he will handout green parts and work for us millions of illegal immigrants were continuing the president has a release program that it does not secure the border three say it is cbs poll nearly say, border security this is what around people may say, chuck the border now and it's been free-for-all is white house started into a chaotic mess with they don't have operational control the border the cartels do this with the border official say. >> and absolutely correct the problem we do with your way this is separate from the budget for security with national security, were not border right time border security to our budget deal, those are separate when you talk about this one vehicle has been negotiated with james langford, for the revival in trying to work with white house
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what it is not a big deal and this is not what we would like to have fun this is not what we would like to have you donald trump in office we had missed mcconnell whenever republican chart of the senate working with speaker johnson but just looking at the budget deal itself cr is important to not shortly government and the border security is not going to shove more because in spite of the ministration will not do it to a lot of conservatives the house they shut the government border and if you don't you'll have to shut down the government to fight think you for training is that okay the stories coming up, why were there no arrests have this riot white house rightly and propensity and protesters clash there and there even throwing objects at the police. government workers though who will walk out at least nearly two dozen federal agencies and protest the israel's war against
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hamas, what's going on in dc taking down next.
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protesters, writing outside of the right and white house and israel just marking their 100 days since the war began and hostages were taken by hamas terrorists is what is going on white house printed that what is really striking here, is the secret service and law enforcement were called in and out the issue is, protesters were hurling objects at the cops and they were basically clashing and getting violent and there were no arrests is bringing brent sadler, he served 25 years in the navy and print is a former top pentagon official, and brett when you see video like that, and arrests, and the calling former president trump and extremist what is going on here and received protesters shutting him bridges and tunnels in new york and elsewhere going after airports as well and disrupting, the people of everyday lives and what you think why no arrests. >> plumbing, there's a lot of pleasure you know the presidents
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presence of a lack of a present on both sides of the fence is indicative of a double standard that we have all addressed of the many months since january 6 and during the summer of that blm lives and they certainly are two different standards and if it's a is supporting your political base, seem to be dealt with a very light touch. and the police and dc are saying that they are going after the individuals the threw rocks over things out them, but until there's a risk model be very very skeptical city will write the story as well, and tomorrow, the government workers across nearly two dozen federal agencies rent, that reportedly landmark of the job to protest the presidents handling of the war against hamas and in gazan speaker johnson mike johnson said that fire them, they are abusing the trust of the taxpayer where you come down this. >> there's a couple of points in first and foremost, the first
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amendment rights to assemble and freedom of speech that is not a government type and will certainly, if it's you in a position where you are seem to be working against the policies of your elected as leaders and yesterday to go and you neither time you resign or your fire; has to stop and america has a tolerance nation and they are forgiving and a good nation over there been taken advantage of like this, it's wrong another threatening to walk out of the executive office of the president and the state department on the betting on that homeland security, the va fda and epa in the federal workers are threatening to strike tomorrow and so when you hear these agencies that will walk out of some of these are pretty big name agencies. >> looming, you're working at the national security has which the first one is what it sounds like you're at the luxury presidents and so the president would be better served if those individuals were not working is so close to advising him sweet
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if you know what all this protesters, lego sit down and looking at 107 hamas terror footage like we did and why don't you see with the really did and really be truthful about your protesting for in the forces that houthi forces in yemen they just want to the u.s. operated container ship off and assess cleaning and final word. >> i will absolutely come i have them in these protests they certainly on un-american and in support of his here are u.s. government and even this administration acknowledges as a terrorist organization and so we should not stand on any level and yes, all we have seen his inability of the administration to get the writing continue on in this escalation out of the really does not do is any benefit so yes, things have to change in the gotta change of the top. liz: thank you is good to see you and thank you for watching and now it's time for dagen mcdowell and houthi on the bottom line and it's good to see


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