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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 16, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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that aims to double its mining capacity while accelerating gpu-on demand business. hive digital technologies.
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♪ stuart: did you know that i have the tiger by survivor is the song but trump tried? good morning. 10:00 eastern, plenty of that, nasdaq at 77 points. the tenure treasury yield at 4% earlier. and $72. 4290 right now. 30 years ago democrat strategist james carper coined the expression it's the economy, stupid. bill clinton's advisor, clinton took his advice on the economy.
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the economy became the big issue until now. open border has become the big issue when asked the most import tissue facing the country, 41% of iowa caucus goers said immigration. the economy came in second, 33%, foreign policy, health and distance-learning. this is iowa, not a border state. in america every state is a border state. the whole country can see what is happening. we are all paying for the migrant surge and all affected by fentanyl. rural states like iowa hit hard. the biden team's response, frankly laughable. dhs secretary mayorkas says the border is under control. what would out of control look like? the president blames the republicans, the vice president looking for root causes. along comes trump. build the wall, he says. he calls the migrant surge and invasion.
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that resonates. bidenomics does not. the president wanted to highlight the economy. he thought the playbook worked like it worked for bill clinton but biden cannot match trump's economy or border subsets. this will not change. at current rates, 3 million migrants will come this year. and in the november vote. 30 years on, james carver said needs an update. it's the border, stupid. the second hour of varney just getting started. look who's here, brian brenberg, the man himself. this is a turnaround. it is the border. brian: it stuck with me, in a
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state near yorktown you have fentanyl, and airport in your town you're going to have migrants. if you have vacant real estate, you're going to have migrant shelters. that's it. those three things are the things that matter. every state in this nation has got that. you know what's happening, new york gets migrants to say they are sanctuary city, they can't handle it. 1-way tickets out of here. eventually those tickets go to des moines, they go anywhere in the country that has an airport. it is more fundamental than the economy. the country's borders, james carville says it's the economy stupid because there was nobody stupid enough to think you should leave your borders wide open but that changed. lauren: it changed your medically. stuart: in part because of fox would if you watch fox you know what's going on because -- brian: you are showing people. at this point, you just look at your own neighborhood. stuart: if you look at local news, new york, chicago, los angeles, immigration pops up
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all the time. brian: they have to cover that. lauren: they are knocking on peoples doors begging for things. of the one no wonder it's the top issue going into the election. even the left, never thought i would say this, giving trump some credit for winning the iowa caucuses. >> donald trump and this week, watch him on television, he is on his game. he is forceful. donald trump can be very dark. he can be a very gray day in february but this last weekend this last month he owned iowa. he basically said i am winning, as a matter of fact, about the election. >> he has barely been there. it is clear this is donald trump's republican party. they are with trump. they support him and they support him through hell or high water.
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brian: a begrudging admission. a dark day in february, say is that so you don't get in trouble with your twitter following or whatever but they say it is his party now. it feels more like his movement and everybody is playing by the terms of the movement he created. the question was could somebody better than trump by refining the hard edges and what we are finding out is voters don't make sense. stuart: stay right there. you are with me for the our. joy read says nikki haley can't win the republican nomination because the republican party is racist. spell this out, what did she say? >> nikki haley can't win the republican nomination, the republican electorate, is not okay with nikki haley's color or nikki haley's sex.
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>> she is still a brown lady that has got to win in a party that steeply anti-immigrant and which accepts the notion that immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country. she is getting birther by donald trump. i don't see how she becomes the nominee of that party with donald trump still around. lauren: party, nikki haley had something to say this morning. >> joy read lives in a different america than i do. i'm a brown girl that grew up in a small rural town that became the first minority governor in history who became a un ambassador and is now running for president. if that's not the american dream i don't know what is. you can sit there and give me all the reasons you think i can't do this, i will continue to do -- defied everybody why we can do this. lauren: she doesn't lead with her sex or her color, she leads with her accomplishments.
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they are calling her a one hit wonder, she can place in new hampshire because they have lots of independent voters but republicans will never accept her because she's indian and female, she's a brown lady. neil: one key on her piano, racism, racism, racism. all day long. lauren: she said rhonda santos can't continue. he was beaten by a woman. stuart: open ai laying out new policies ahead of the election. will politicians be able to use ai in their campaigns? >> when you can use it to get information where to vote but candidates cannot. open ai is worried about two pieces of technology, deep fakes, you can say donald trump said something he didn't by making an image that looks like to manage chat gpt can write
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human dialogue. stuart: i don't see how anyone can stop a campaign using ai. ai as part of the computing world. lauren: you can put in a branded image on the image that was generated by a i. and reuters tried to make a deep fake of biden and trump and were blocked by the system but they made a deep fake of mike pence. this is so hard to police but open ai needs to say we are trying to do something about this to make sure misinformation doesn't get out and sway voters. stuart: they've got to say they are trying and they are. lauren: some of these deep fakes look really real. stuart: do you have movers for us? i would like to start with apple. 181. >> the supreme court upheld the ruling get epic games suing
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them about digital payments and the like. the supreme court weighed in on this. stock is down. stuart: apple down 2.5%. transit indefinitely because of houthi attacks. >> this is inflationary because goods get more expensive because they take longer to transport. stuart: it is not highly inflationary. delays and that sort of thing. lauren: i don't think it will be what we saw at the height of covid but they will go up. i was speaking to a retail analyst that if it cost $3,000 to get a container it might go up to $40,000. stuart: restaurant, really not convinced, like another scarce story, change the shipping route that leads to inflation. we are looking for a headline.
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brian: of companies have to start saying for the foreseeable future we are not going through the suez canal or the radiation, it becomes an inflation story. they are not adapting in the moment but changing the whole supply-chain. stuart: i remain unconvinced. moving on. restaurant brands, burger king owner. lauren: they are buying carols for one billion dollars cash. the largest franchisee for burger king. what restaurant brands wants to do is have more locally owned restaurants. so they can buy out the biggest franchising. stuart: i understand that one. brian: he wants hamburgers. stuart: back to the markets, scott schellady. supposed trump goes all the way, how do you think the market would react?
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>> the market would like that. will always remember how things were before covid. they will be a short-term memory and the market would like that. he is going to be pro business. probably won't spend as much as he is spending now but most of it was on covid but i think the market will like that because it will go back to a lot of folks refer to as the good old days before covid hit and all of a sudden inflation. stuart: why is gold not much of a safety play? we've got this turmoil in the middle east, only $2043 a pound. it has not become a safety play. >> gold has new competition called bitcoin. if you are a trader all over the world and you can express
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your views on safety and the us economy by getting involved with bitcoin rather than gold or our own bonds, bitcoin has been the big culprit. i don't think gold has performed like it should have but a lot of things are not performing like folks think they should have and one of them is loyal but when it comes to gold in particular, headlines have been stolen by bitcoin the last 5 years. stuart: thanks, that was good stuff. see you again soon. fox vote analysis shows 32% of caucus voters say they're finally financial situation has fallen behind. it is so bad, a former biden aide says it is time to give up on the bidenomics message. to the rebels firing a missile that struck the us owned container ship in the red sea yesterday. donald trump says the us will be strong again once he's back in the white house. retired lieutenant colonel
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dakota would on that next. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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they provide the potential for regular income are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. stuart: houthi rebels fired another ballistic missile hitting the us out of operated container ship. there had been 30 attacks on commercial ships since mid-november. what is the white house saying about the latest attacks? >> reporter: now have two navy seal teams that went in and seized military shipment headed for the houthis, us is confirming these ships were going to the houthis, they got a cache of weapons including
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ballistic missiles, anti-ship cruise missiles, warheads and propulsion systems. and that operation two seals went missing in the oceans, the search for them is ongoing. the weapons were taken by the us and 14 member crew of the ship, the us sunk that ship, this marks the first time the us seized advanced weapons from iran since november of 2019. lieutenant general jack keane says the us needs to send a greater message directly to iran. >> all the aggressiveness of the proxies as he ran. until you take iran on directly and change our policy dealing with iran which has been more appeasement and a o-matic overture than anything else and willingness to confront them you start to see a tone down and aggressive activities by the proxies. >> reporter: the it ministration acting faster, going after supply chains, not more launch sites in yemen.
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the administration has yet to tighten sanctions over oil cutting off the major source of funding. last friday the president telegraphing the us would be more forceful. >> president biden: we will make sure we respond to this outrageous behavior along with our allies. >> this particular one going after the supply chain was just us navy seal teams. they got a cache of weapons. stuart: the houthis are not disturbed by this. brian: iran is not impressed. no one is saying biden is going to act now. i get concerned about that. it's such a major artery and they are succeeding. that's a move, they win. stuart: retired lieutenant colonel dakota would joins me now. can we beat the houthis? >> not at the current rate of engagement. i'm shocked they wouldn't be
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dissuaded by single strikes. fighting a war with saudi arabia for 10 years. if anybody believes the houthis will change their behavior on one or two sets of strikes they are not students of history. this will go on for a while. stuart: if you want to do terrorism you are in for the long haul, it becomes expensive and dangerous but there is no alternative. >> nobody else is going to do this. the saudi's have been fighting them for a decade, strong backing of the irani in this, they shoot at americans international shipping but every time the us fires a missile from one of our ships, that's $2 million. if you are flying aircraft, the munitions use, this is very expensive but the alternative is the restriction of international trade, 15% to 17%
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of all global shipping passes through those waters. this is an extended issue with the supply chains we are talking about. the seals took out one ship, damaged the supply chain, an overstatement. stuart: give me the big picture. it seems to me the world is spinning into disorder. seemed that way to you? >> i agree with of that. not as a systemic but a systemwide break down globally where you could have one thing or two things that happened in different parts of the world but responses to those aren't effective, lose your side picture or focus or distracted, these things accumulate like neglecting maintenance on your car or friendships and accumulate until the bill is too large so our military is half the size it was during the cold war.
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adjusted for inflation, 3 to 5 times more expensive accounting for inflation. budgets cut pace. stuart: trump says the us will be strong again once he is back in the white house. watch this please. >> we want peace through strength. russia would have never attacked ukraine, would have never done it. putin and i got along fine. that's a good thing, not a bad thing. we are going to do incredible things. we are not going to let china do what they would like to do. i get a lot great with him, president xi is a very strong leader and we are going to get things solved, get the ukraine war solved, get the israeli situation solved. we when are you a trump guy? >> i take what donald trump is saying and he made great strides with readiness. there's a gap between rhetoric
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and reality. the people don't recognize how depleted us munitions are or how aged our industrial base has become with sustained rates. can say that america responded again, it will take multiple years of consistent funding. where the top vines are at and it is hard to get there in 2 or 3 years. stuart: thanks for being on the show. see you soon. now this. the government employee protesting the government? these aids are unhappy overbite maps handling of the israel war but the weather got in the way. the event is canceled. from rising costs, restaurants across the country struggling
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so who better to talk about this than the state of the restaurant industry. bar rescue's john tapper is a mogul in new york city walking across the studio. he will join us in the next block. ♪ (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide. (vo) make the switch.
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stuart: on the markets this morning a little bit of selling of dow stocks. the nasdaq is passive. got to start with boeing. or trouble. lauren: 87 points off the dow and down 6%. this is is a 2 month low as the 737 max rounding's are extended indefinitely. the faa has they talk about what went wrong and how the door blue off of the alaska jet. they are worried it hurts deliveries of their jets. stuart: boeing takes 87 off the dow. digital world acquisition. lauren: trump won high with over half the vote and set to
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merge with trump's media company, the one behind truth social and fun where is a $0.16 stock abutted today. they make the software used in trump's campaign. stuart: a $0.16 per share stock, you are in business. why is amd, micro devices leading the market. lauren: barclays picks amd as their favorite for the second wave of artificial intelligence, nvidia is the winner but more players are allowed in this space signing amd as one of them and giving them a price target of $200, shares at a new high of one hundred 57. stuart: fox news analysis shows many people feeling down on the american dream. kelly o'grady live in los angeles. >> reporter: it's the economy means buying a house, when finances aren't strong, the
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dream can be bleaker. be bleak. a couple of key details stood out. they feel their financial situation is improving. 32% share falling behind. when you ask voters what issues are most important the answer tracks, 41 cited immigration, people coming into this country trying to get that american dream for free, 33% say they economy and jobs, the financial of the financial stress, listen to a few iowa voters on what's most important to them. >> definitely the economy, small business owners are frustrated with the economy, the direction it's moving at all of a sudden over the last several years the direction it went, prices need to go down. families are struggling, it's tough out there for everybody. >> the american dream could be getting further away so the philadelphia fed chair credit a link with these approach the highest level since 2012 and
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big banks setting aside billions in case consumers default on loans and the hallmark of the american dream, homebuying is continuing to get more difficult. the average age of first-time buyers 36 and redfin highlighted buyers must earn a hundred 15,000 for a 4 to $20,000 home. the average salary is under 60,000 so, american dream can feel really far away. stuart: thanks very much. we have a star on the show this morning. a mogul, john tapper who has all kinds of things going for him including a chain of restaurants. i want to know how do you fix the restaurant business in america. it struggling. >> compression, menus are being compressed. inventories being compressed, labor force being compressed, smaller square footage, sizes
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being compressed. this is the way we deal with these costs. energy costs, a restaurant in boston, three times the energy cost and look at washington dc where 52 restaurants closed in two months in washington dc, san francisco restaurants are closing. overall we've lost a lot in the downtown markets. we lose the day part. that's a real profit center for so we are functioning on less hours because some restaurants are functioning less days of the week as well because i can only deploy employees i had so far so i see a lot of compression in every aspect of the business. stuart: if the pivot you talk about. compression. >> the tavern models a smaller footprint and compresses those elements to create a different economic modeling today's environment. if trump comes in these
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regulatory issues, all these regulatory issues, would this appear if trump should become president, the industry switching gas to electric stoves is not only a massive investment, what, you talk about burger king, what does burger king do? their logo is flame grilled. what do they do without a gas stove? these are not small matters. they are economic matters, culinary matters, these are givers or issues point us. stuart: if you are starting today, would you get into the restaurant industry? >> i would do it in this compressed ball that make sense. in understanding that lunch isn't what it used to be exception retail areas. stuart: walking around new york, it has been devastated. the restaurants are half-empty. >> the office buildings are empty. stuart: you are doing well. >> we are doing well but we
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have a strong brand, economically driven and 70% of independent restaurant operators don't have economic sophistication. how much money is in the bank, the independent restaurant world we need to get better at managing these costs. stuart: now you've got to tell me, brown butter bourbon. it is your brand so you are getting a look at this. >> i didn't plan it. my chef was making brown butter so i took the brown butter, poured it in a bag and bar rescue has to come up with new things. filled with whiskey, steel and barlett for four hours and put it in a refrigerator, scooped it off the top. wanted to do a coffee filter and brown butter bourbon was born. i then put a cocktail in my restaurant, over a thousand a month of these cocktails, that's it, got to bring it to market.
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stuart: you do know how to do a good commercial for yourself and your new product. how much for a bottle of brown butter? >> retail is at $34. stuart: this is the 97th appearance. >> my 97th appearance. you've always been a great supporter. stuart: when you make the appearance you bring some, do you not? >> if i get a cake. are you are all right, thanks very much. delivery fees in blue cities surging get. this is got to be the new minimum wage laws, right? ashley: absolutely right. in seattle delivery services like door dash hiking fees because of minimum wage laws by city council.
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the minimum wage stands at $19.97 an hour. delivery services rely on those gig workers raising their prices reducing benefits because of increased costs. they because the pay hike extreme, say it's drivers will earn $26.40 per hour before tips plus mileage for time on delivery. uber says not only will customers face higher costs but it will result in the loss of thousands of orders for small businesses in the seattle area. pricing themselves out. stuart: elon musk wants more control over tesla before he moves forward with ai advancements. details on that. the price of oil going up as tensions rise in the middle east. will be see one hundred dollars a barrel? i will speak to the ceo of american petroleum institute even though oil is down $0.83, we are talking one hundred dollar a barrel oil.
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stuart: look at the price of oil, $72 a barrel. will tension in the middle east, and there's a lot of tension in the middle east, make the price of oil go up significantly? mike summers is ceo the american petroleum institute. are we going to see oil at some point this year in your opinion go to $100 a barrel? >> the real buttress is the fact the united states produced more oil than ever before, 13.2 million barrels of oil. stuart: you don't think so. >> we have an incredible
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insurance policy, the real concern is federal regulations continuing to come down the pike are really going to hurt american production. you have to remember 25% of american production is on federal lands. 96% in terms of federal leasing onshore and we are not going to have federal offshore lease sale in the gulf of mexico. stuart: when donald trump said drill baby drill he is saying drill on federal land. that's how you get out put a. >> we have to continue leasing onshore and offshore if we want to have that insurance policy for american production. the world will demand more oil and gas. oil demand last year was the highest level that has ever been, demand for gasoline is highest than it is ever been, oil highest it has ever been. natural gas highest it has ever been. the united states is the number one producer of oil and natural gas and number one producer gasoline, that's an insurance policy the united states has in world volatility.
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stuart: why are we, america in general trying to slow down liquefied natural gas exports, we are the world's biggest exporter, we want to build more but the greens don't want to do it. >> the biden administration is considering banning, stopping permitting of new liquefied natural gas from these new terminals in the gulf of mexico. if you go down it is a huge american success story. only enabled by the fracking revolution that started in 2008. it is why we have natural gas. the fact the biden administration now wants to stop exporter of liquefied natural gas to allies in europe and asia it is a huge concern every american should have. that's the american energy advantage, allowing other parts of the world to take advantage of the american energy revolution, not only that but the fact is that we can export american environmental
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progress, the reason we've been able to cut greenhouse gas emissions more than any country in the world is because of natural gas, 60% is from natural gas. why wouldn't we want to export that environmental progress. stuart: if you had an administration in favor of drill baby drill how much could we increase liquefied natural gas production and how much could we increase oil production? >> we are the saudi arabia of natural gas. we have more than we know what to do with, pennsylvania alone, 400 years of natural gas supply that doesn't include the gas that comes from the permian basin, that's where the natural gas is coming from as we export. blue when you are a drill baby draw guy. >> we need more american production. it's the american energy advantage we have because we have this insurance policy of american production buttressing against inflated prices that would occur if not for american develop an. a when you're killing the
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planet but you know that is a passing statement, no big deal, you are a good guest, thanks for joining us. elon musk wants more control of a tesla. what exactly does he want to do? ashley: he wants 25% of control over his electric vehicle business according to the latest filing at the end of the third quarter, musk owns 13% of tesla or 411 million shares of the company's 3. 9 billion shares in stock outstanding, writing on the x platform which he owns musk said, quote, i am uncomfortable growing chesler to be a leader in ai, robotics without 25% control, enough to be influential but not so much that i can't be overturned. that's what he says. it will put more pressure on a tesla board that's dealing with investors and lawmakers who are concerned musk is handling too
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many projects including space x as well as federal probes involving musk and hazlett and worries over drug use, recently reported by the wall street journal. there's never a dull moment when elon musk is involved. stuart: a headline a day. we know we can because we put it on the air. the mainstream media is horrified over trump's landslide win in iowa. >> donald trump declaring victory with historically strong showing in the iowa caucuses. you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> there's a reason we and other news organizations have stopped giving an unfiltered, life platform to remarks by donald trump. stuart: is this how they are going to cover the rest of the election season? we will be on this. donald trump gave a message of unity while thanking supporters following his big win. are we seeing a new tone? a new strategy from trump? brian kilmeade is next.
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my advice for everyone is to go with golo. it will release your fat and it will release you. stuart: got to take a look at boeing, $16, 7.3%, a huge drop. that shaves 100 points off of the dow industrials, the dow was down 136.
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nasdaq turned around, up 24. it is 10:50 one. kilmeade is with us. donald trump thanked his supporters following his big when last night. >> whether it is republican or democrat, liberal or conservative it would be nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems, the death and destruction we are witnessing that has never been like this, so important and i want to make that a part of our message when we come together, it's going to happen soon. stuart: that a new tone from trump. is a new strategy perhaps? >> i hope so. there's nothing negative and it helps in new hampshire because new hampshire 40% are undeclared when it comes to candidacy and we know how many democrats have nothing to do because president biden boycotted the state, to register to vote and he is not,
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he's opening his chin out, he's not being provocative. the groundwork was laid for that and i saw a change in our town hall, he was taking questions, people saying i'm not voting for you and this is why, he wasn't getting angry, he said i'm not into retribution, have no time for retribution if i get in. then he wants desantis and haley, said they did well and vivek did great, two days before he said vivek is a fake. it is interesting. this will be fascinating. how he handles in new hampshire. does he change the message, all my collars and the radio says he can't change, he doesn't do it but if he's going to change the message for new hampshire he knows a convincing win will make it hard for haley and desantis to continue but if haley finishes third in the state she gave up on iowa and in single digits in new hampshire she will have money and momentum in south carolina but if he can moderate his
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message for those people, show what i will be like in the general. we when he's a smart politician. on the other side is this a wake-up call for the democrats? do they need a better strategy? a better candidate? brian: it was hysterical to watch the other stations carry trump as if to say didn't i tell you, republicans, this guy is not worthy, shouldn't be president, he's a committal, didn't i give you 90 one charges, four indictments, three civil trials, what more evidence do you need? the republicans, moderates, independents going i like that guy better, like what he did for four years better than what he has done for three years and the issues are overwhelming the court cases and a lot of people see pure politics in the momentum and magnitude of the charges and you see it today. you are seeing, don't know if it is innocent or guilty but a civil trial supported by
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democratic money for a woman to come forward for something that may or may never happen in the mid-90s. how do you say that's politically oriented? stuart: if it's a head to head matchup, trump versus biden, i say trump wins. what say you? lauren: brian: in preseason who do you think will be in the world series, how many games will go? i can tell you right now he's got an advantage but you know who said that last night? and john king on cnn. jake tapper was going to collapse. he said right now trump wins head to head but let's see how this plays out, let's see what's going on in the world. stuart: i am out of time but thanks for being with us. brian brenberg with us. governor asa hutchinson suspended his presidential campaign. vivek ramaswamy dropped out yesterday.
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>> i didn't know his campaign was still active. it makes a difference which i think ramaswamy dropping out will help on the margin trump in new hampshire. stuart: i like the new tone trump came out with at our town hall -- brian: is showing a range. the old tone won't go away completely, give it a couple days but the new shown shows he can do both and that can be important. a when he's going to new hampshire next week. they for being with us. we will try to catch you on "the big money show" weekdays one p.m. eastern on fox business. to lead, jimmy failand democrats having doubts of biden's chances of winning. chad wolf on trump's plan to deport millions of illegal migrants. can't see that happening. that's not going to be easy. jason rantz showing the majority of i will voters would still vote for trump even if convicted of a crime. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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