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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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♪ stuart: that's bainbridge, connecticut. west port, connecticut, first town i came to in america in 1972. >> is that true? stuart: yes. >> that's why there's a big apology sign when you drive into town? they're like we're so sorry we let varney in. stuart: i need to know by tom petty, we're ignoring the music. can't ignore tom petty. >> he's fantastic. stuart: 11:00 eastern time, tuesday, january 1:69 o'clock. to the markets, dow down 160 points and much of the loss taken care of by boeing down 8% at latest count. without boeing, the dow wouldn't be looking so bad. minor loss for the nasdaq and minor loss for s&p. big tech, where's that at? microsoft is still on the top of the board. it's up $2.55 and up 391 and
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treasury yield up 403 and moving up a little this morning. now this, democrats have thrown everything at trump, it's failed. last night trump won a landslide victory in the iowa caucuses and nashville polls show trump beats biden in a head-to-head matchup. last year, the democrats cobbled together a series of court cases designed to portray the former president as a criminal. court appearances scheduled to interfere with the election and stretched and bent the law with political prosecutions. voters can see what's going on and trump's popularity actually went up. biden team thought that bidenomics would rally the faithful, but poll after poll showed the public was just not buying it. a former aid, simon sanders says the american people did not get bidenomics so give it up she says. well, they did give it up, and they turned to demonization calling trump a dictator. it's such an obvious ploy, when your own record doesn't measure
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up, attack your opponent. let's not forget the media always eager to show their absolute hatred of trump. last night, cnn cut off trump's victory speech and couldn't show it. on msnbc rachel madow was beside herself and the aging president doesn't appear in public hardly and doesn't do press conferences and can't match trump's vigor or trump's successes with the economy and border of america's standing in the world. the democrats need a replacement. trump is on a roll, biden is not. third hour of varney starts now. stuart: jimmy failla is on the show yet again. >> how about it? getting better security. i keep sneaking right n. stuart: you're dressed for the show. >> good for you. the problem with this jacket at this hour is i look like i'm out from the night before. all right, i'll clean it up for
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you. stuart: the democrats wanted to run against trump, they thought they could beat him. but it's not working out that way. they're scrambling. >> no, the problem is trump has the greatest campaign surrogate in the history of presidential elections and that surrogate's name is joe biden. every day that joe biden is in office, the trump presidency ages a little built better. that's the biggest problem for desantis and haley, okay. i'm not here to dec december pae their candies and if you wanted to vote for one of them, you're buying on speck. we've seen what a trump presidency looks like and that's what's so hard for them to overcome is we know if we just go back to what we had, we're in a much better situation. that being said, again, i have friends in the white house and biden says he'll be president true man. truman. i don't know what to tell you, stu. he hayes harry is going down and i don't know what to say. stuart: do you make up these jokes on the way into the studio? >> i'm kind of stuck.
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they just happen as i talk to you because i'm calibrated like that. look at the jacket and you guys are star analysts and fox flies me alaska airlines on a door seat. you guys matter. i'm here to have a good time. stuart: let's talk about the mainstream media. they're obviously horrified by trump's big win in iowa. roll tape. >> donald trump declaring victory with a historically strong showing in the iowa caucuses. here he is right now under my voice. you hear him repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric. >> the projected winner of the iowa caucuses has started giving his victory speech. we'll let you know if there's any news made in the speech. there's a reason we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving unfiltered live platform to remarks by former president trump. stuart: part of my enjoyment of watching the mainstream media is their apoplexy of trump wins. that's amusing and annoying. >> it's like a group therapy session with hair and makeup.
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it's crazy, when you think about their justifyification for not showing him. the lies he might tell. rachel dedicated three years of her show saying vladamir putin controlled our government. it's a pretty pronounced lie as lies go. saying the hunter biden laptop wasn't real. chapter and verse you don't belong in polite society if you don't get vaccinated and they've been wrong about everything but never in doubt if they're right f. you consider them comedic programming, it's a good show. but to the jay tapper point, i'm sorry, i want to acknowledge, we're not going to play trump's anti-immigrant rant at the border. is it really wrong of tram top want to stop the record level of fentanyl poisonings coming across the border plaguing the inner systems and overwhelming the school systems. i promise he's not the bad guy. you might not like the language but rather hear the language than see the results because of the border. stuart: we've got news coming in this morning about the
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president's condition. i'm reading it that way. the president called a lid this morning, at 10:06 and that means it's over. the working day is over. no more public appearances and nothing else going on. he called a lid. >> wow. stuart: we haven't seen him in public for a long time and he's called a lid at 10:06. >> it's crazy. stuart: makes you start to wonder, doesn't it? >> yes, you realize in this moment, okay, if in fact biden is going to be on the ticket, you realize the only way they're going to run this election is for him not to run. meaning the media is going to have to be out there calling trump republicans and white stem cysts every bad name conjuring up about january 6 and incumbent presidents by now are out there and running ads and doing events and joe biden has public appearance schedule of a grand hog and he very rarely comes out of the white house hole and i don't know that we're seeing a shadow this spring. it'll be a long winter. stuart: not coming out today. jimmy, thanks for being with us. i like the jacket as well. >> thank you. stuart: check the markets, we've
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got red ink but not that much. dow down 170 points and take out boeing that's down $12 at last count and you've only got a loss of about 60 points for the dow. double figures down 10, nasdaq down 10 and s&p not much movement. mike murphy with us for the whole hour want can't believe he's doing it. big tech, apple and not market share but value. you think microsoft is headed to $400 a share, don't you? >> i do. not that big of a stretch. i think the key milestone there, i think it's going to get up there into multitrillion level and we've only seen apple get up recently and only microsoft because of ai and because of artificial intelligence you're seeing microsoft expand its lead in market capitalization ahead of apple. it's interesting. stuart: it's now an ai play. basically that's what it's doing. >> partially and the runup in nvidia and microsoft here and tough to buy it at all time
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highs and if someone missed out on the run from the double digits up to hear where it is right now, tough to go in and buy it today. i think analysts are on the upside because of artificial are up now. stuart: bank earnings today and friday and today and you think they were good and that will take the s&p to new high on the strength of bank earnings. >> going to new high and going to clarify and getting there behind big tech and the big banks could have done something to derail the rally. if they could have done something to stop and question what's going on there. you heard from jp morgan, morgan stanley, citi bank and goldman sachs and everything there is good enough. investment banking and showing signs of life and you're seeing wealth management and continuing to grow. if you look at there's nothing out of the big banks that i've seen and that's going to stop this rally and s&p with the new highs. stuart: first thing this morning
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and manufacturing in new york state dropping to lowest level of new york state, what's going on? >> people are realizing they don't want to be in new york and this is not a pro rights state and we need to make changes and make the changes quickly and you point out we haven't seen these readings since the very beginning of the pandemic so what's going to change if you're start ago business today are you going going to start it in new york and the people governing our state need to realize and make changes fast. stuart: got it. murph stay there, with us for the hour. lauren is back looking at movers including united airlines, which i think is down 3%. lauren: yeah and look at delta, down 4.5% and airlines are lower. you have the selloff on friday for the airlines, extending into today. the bad weather, 1700 cancellations already this morning. it's 11:00 in the morning and boeing 737 max 9 grounding and
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alaska carries the most and faa has the grounding being indeaf gnat while they get more day that and what does united and alaska do holding these jets? they can't use them. stuart: right never to invest in an airline. am i right, mike murphy? >> well said, stuart. stuart: thank you, indeed. dollar general. lauren: morgan stanley says buy and upgrade to overweight price target and 160 and they see margin recovery this year and they've brought in their old ceo to right the ship and stock down 40% over the last 52 weeks. 42%. stuart: dominoes pizza? lauren: upgrade to buy price target $4.67 and shares are compelling at this level and same store sales growth and estimates are way too conservative and they like the partnership with uber eats, which is delivering some of their pizzas. stuart: uber, big on uber, murphy in >> big on uber and had a great move and there's news on you canner and they've paid over $1 billion for a company called drizzly that delivers alcohol
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and that was last year and shut down the business now. so it's a big mistake for them. they're starting to shut down a lot of their ancillary businesses just to focus on delivery and ride and transporting people from point a to point b. tell me about it. stuart: coming up, disgraced former harvard president claudine gay reportedly being offered millions from book publishers and movie producers and won the rights to life story. while most of the country is focused on presidential election, democrats in the senate are laser focused on keeping their majority and we'll tell you which seat they want to flip blue. might be surprised. why the administration is sending a warning to texas. stop blobbing federal agents from accessing the federal border or face consequences. deadline is tomorrow and report co-ing to us about shelby park next.
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can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. stuart: biden's border crisis and texas has till tomorrow to let federal agents back into shelby park and if not, the administration said there'll be consequences and matt fin talking to us. reporter: at this hour, texas has not budged and we're standing inside of shelby park right now. this is a critical hot spot for illegal immigration and we want to briefly show you what's going on inside of this park. right across is the rio grand and the cartelling organize and stage their groups of illegal migrants and they then cross the
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rio grand river into the park and sometimes the river is very low lying and other times it's fast moving and people tragically drowned. texas is ask fed up with the illegal immigration flow here, it has heavily fortified the park putting up row after row of razor wire on the river and cargo containers and fencing all around the property. this morning texas national guard told me they have effectively stopped illegal immigration on this property that they call a "thorofare for illegal immigration". you may recall the massive crush of illegal immigration in the park a few weeks ago and last week is when some of the battle between the feds and texas really heated up. texas installed even more razor wire and fencing and kicked out federal border patrol agents and arguing in part that border patrol does not have a comprehension of how to effectively deter migrants on the ground and as it stands this morning, texas has seized control of this property and is banning the federal government. federal government gave texas a deadline of tomorrow to reopen the property and they'll be here
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and keep you updated, stu. stuart: thanks very much, matt. iowa is nowhere near the southern border but voters in iowa said immigration was their top issue. here's what trump says about the border. saying it last night. roll tape. >> we're going to seal up the border because right now we have an invasion, an invasion of millions and millions of people come into the country and i can't imagine why they think that's a good thing. that's a very bad thing. it's not sustainable as a country and we'll need a deportation level we haven't seen in this country in a long time. stuart: former acting dhs secretary chad wolf joining me now. chad, we just heard mr. trump say he's going to deport probably millions of people. do you think we can actually do that?
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>> well, without a doubt, it's going to be a challenge but just because it's hard doesn't mean we shouldn't try. there's a number of things that can be done and starts by letting ice officers and agents do their job. they haven't been able to do their job for three years under the biden administration and that's removing individuals. we've got 1.5 million individuals here that are on the final order of removal and they're going through the court system and immigration judge time and time again with no legal right to be here and they remain in the united states. no one is removing them. we need to get at it. remove folks without a legal right to be smear there'll be a challenge and they're saying otherwise and once februaries are here, it's very difficult and a lot of folks focus on making sure we're stopping them before they come into the country illegally. stuart: there are millions here already. we are feeding them and clothing them and educating them and doing healthcare for them as well. why shouldn't they work?
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>> this is a question here. first there's a lot of public assistance towards housing and transporting and feeding in a variety of different things that different communities can't afford today and work authorization is part of why they apply for the asylum system and why the asylum system is being used today. i think if most folks who came in given a work authorization and not done here and you'd see even more and more and more individuals come here illegally. we need to find a process to where they come legally and they go through an orderly process and they're vetted and know who they are but what you see today is the polar opposite of the image you're showing represent that. stuart: it's a hopeless situation, isn't it? >> the border is out of control, millions of flooding in and we probably won't be able to deport. we're still supporting them fully and not letting them work.
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isn't that a crazy kind of situation? >> the situation for the biden administration has done and created here over the last few years and going back to the trump administration and you have to support yourself and if you're coming here and there's a number of things we put in place designed to bring order back to this orderly process that we currently see and it's all taken down on day one by the biden administration and what you see today of how the system is working with you and i agree and of a construct and a lot needs to be taken for this system and there's a number of things they could do today if they wanted to bring this back under control. stuart: they could do it and won't make it a point. see you later. stuart: migrant shelters in new york city will begin enforcing curfews. ashley, do you know what new
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yorkers are saying about this? it can't be good. ashley: it's not. those that live near the migrant centers say the new measures are better than nothing and they actually doubt they'll have any real effect on safety concern in their neighborhoods and myograns at centers across the city must check in each night by 11:00 p.m. and more on the following morning and apply for them and asylum seekers stay waiting for long term housing and cur fews are being -- curfews are being enforced for the invasion of food, money and clothing and sometimes at all hours of the day and number of skeptical residents doubt the curfew will be enforced anyway and sums it up. stu. stuart: one state thinking the migrants will be good for that state's economy. okay, which state are we talking about? can't be texas or florida;
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right? ashley: no, it's not. you're talking about the state of maryland and according to the american immigration council, immigrants make up one fifth of maryland's labor force. more than 667,000 migrants working in that state for the whole job like painters and housekeepers and taxi drivers and so on. according to the council, the latest numbers show the documented and undocumented immigrants in maryland pay $13.3 billion in taxes and they're spending powers are more than 33 billion. maryland by the way says it has been able to expedite the work permit process and while other state haves been overwhelmed by the influx of migrants as we know, the state has not seen a drain on resources in maryland and the economy is actually being given a boost. the key there was expediting work permits and seems to work for maryland. stuart: does for maryland, that's right. thanks, ash icosming up, attacking spy headquarters in
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iraq and sign that the conflict is escalating and we'll have the latest developments in it. iowa caucus wrapped up and all eyes on new hampshires and primary next week and we're heading to the granite state next. ♪ (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data.
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stuart: pleased to announce mike murphy is still with us and brought stock picks with us and starts with all companies and starts liking boeing and putting boeing on the screen and last time we checked this thing was $14, 6.8% down and you like it. >> there's two companies, stuart in the world that can make these types of aircraft. historically if you look back it's from 2019-2020 when boeing had their planes grounded with severe crashes and two crashes whenever boeing pulled back like this, the stock sells off and the company rights the ship and they start taking future orders again and the stock prices ra rally. and 202 is not an absolute bottom may go to 190 but at some
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point the stock price will bottom and focusing on future orders and the stock returning to levels it was at before. stuart: it'll be a long term process getting that ship righted and the major plane not working and lawsuits all over the place and we don't know how much that's going to cost or when they can rebound. >> u yo don't but look back historically saying when this happened i don't have the exact dollar amount of the lawsuits either. whenever this happened, it's created a opportunity. i don't own the stock but sets up very interesting here after the big selloff and tough to pick a bottom and longer term horizon, boeing delivering planes in the near future. second pick, nvidia already at brand new high and $565. look at that . you like it and buy it now. >> i wouldn't go out and missed nvidia and watch it. i own the stock and haven't sold it yet. you start looking here and it's a trillion and a half dollar market cap and how big does it get? can it double from here and go
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to $3 trillion along with microsoft and apple? i don't know. that's a tough one. are you prepared to take a flier and all time high for nvidia. >> if you're a trader and momentum back around nvidia is the best in class and something you can allocate money to and coming into some money and saying should i put to work in nvidia today and put to work in a broader company and taxpayers like the s&p 500. stuart: okay, just not sure about buying at all time high. that's another story. i'll take your advice. stuart: primary just a week away in new hampshire and madison alworth at historic red arrow diner in manchester. why is that diner so important? reporter: stuart, it's important because it's been here 100 years and anyone that wants to make it
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into the white house, they pretty much stop by the diner and the wall is full of the candidates especially from this term you got nikki haley and ron desantis and president trump, president biden. even have vivek ramaswamy obviously who dropped out last night. now that field it's narrowing down to three and i thought we talked to some new hampshire voters and one week away from making that decision and seeing if the narrowing fields had an impact on what they're thinking about and bob here. bob, you're voting on tuesday and do you know who you're voting for? >> probably trump. reporter: probably trump. why this? >> i like his policies and i don't like what he says half the time, most of the time. last night was an exception, it was excellent but like the policies and sounds like he follows the constitution, which i'm not sure most of congress has even read. our current president, i don't think he follows the constitution. he's not protecting our border. he's not looking out for the economy of the country, he's unilaterally forgiving student debt, which our kids, at least
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one of our kids that didn't go to college is subsidizing and that's not right. reporter: real quick, you said last might you liked his speech. now, new hampshire really prides itself on being first in the nation primary and separate from iowa but did the vivek dropping out, trump having what you said was a good speech, did that have an impact on how to vote on tuesday? >> not really. made a little more tolerable and that was about it. speakerring that way. reporter: spinning over to lisa. real quick, do you know who you're voting for on tuesday? >> torn between, i like nikki haley and like trump's policies and like the way the country was back when he was president ask we're going downhill in a lot of areas so i'm undecided. reporter: all right, undecided and a week to go. thank you both so much. there you have it. one week away. we've got some movement for tram and also some undecided too. back to you. stuart: hear that so frequently and that's all the time.
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donald trump, nikki haley and ron desantis all campaigning in new hampshire tonight but making a stop in south carolina virginia dry from the new hampshire young republicans joins me now. virginia, do new hampshire voters feel slighted by desantis because he's going to south carolina? >> he's coming back tonight and he'll be in clairemont and doing a town hall and coming back to new hampshire after iowa and really showing that new hampshire is the first of the nation primary and that's where all the candidates should be for this very important event. stuart: you're a republican but not publicly set who you're going to vote for and how about you handicap desantis' chances of winning in new hampshire. >> well, you've got to account that there's still on the ballot over 24 candidates. so in the sense it's still up in the air of who people pick, it's the first of the nation primary, not the last one. it's really start of a marathon
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and not the end. in the sense, tram has a following and desantis has a following and vivek has a following and popular in the state of new hampshire and it's also nikki haley and it's really that's what new hampshire is that we get to decide on our own terms and while iowa has its own method as in the caucus, we're the first in the nation primary. it's a chance for us. stuart: virginia, it is an open primary, ant it? that means democrats and indianapolis dependents can come in -- india independents can con and vote. >> unaffiliates can come register for the republican ticket and same day registration. stuart: doesn't that invite people to come in and influence the republican side when they in fact are democrats. couldn't that happen? >> it's kind overhard to tell. leaning towards democrat and republican and some choose to be unaffiliated because of purpose
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of workers and about the republicanness of who they want to vote for. so it's hard to tell. stuart: that could be desantis' campaign on the phone in the background. real fast, were you surprised by the size of trump's win yesterday? >> usually no one calls on that phone, excuse me. >> you nerve nucleus it's callers because there's -- pollers because there's a whole week of elections. stuart: got to go and answer that phone and thanks very much for being with us. half the people are watching this think it's their phone ringing. virginia, thanks for everything and see you again soon. democrats are working to hold onto their slim majority in the senate. ashley, which republican seat it is they think they can flip blue? ashley: that's a good question. looking for upsets in two very unlikely places, texas and
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florida. and they believe that abortion is the key issue here. democrats nationwide have championed abortion rights and are looking to build on gains among suburban women and other key swing voters and the party thinks texas and florida voters are with them in believing republicans have gone too far in restricting reproductive freedom. in florida, activists secured enough signatures to put on november's ballot a referendum securing access to abortion in the state constitution. are democrats defending 22 seats and looking for republicans to flip as many as eight held by democrats including of course joe mansion's west virginia seat. stuart: got t ash, thanks, coming up. donald trump's voters in iowa are so committed to him that a majority say they'll support him tevin he's convict odd after crime. group of federal workers were planning a walkout over biden's
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stance on the war in israel. it's been delayed by the snow. but it's still an embarrassment with the president. we'll have the latest next. you always got your mind on the green. not you. you! your business bank account with quickbooks money now earns 5% apy. (♪) that's how you business differently. intuit quickbooks.
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stuart: the planned federal worker walkout ruined by the snow. government employees delaying their propalestinian protest aimed at president biden. all right, ashley, where this protest happens and it will eventually and only been delayed. will the workers will punished? ashley: republicans house so and speaker mike johnson thinks they should lose their jobs and statement on x saying any government worker that walks off the job to protest u.s. support for ally israel is ignoring their responsibility and becausing the trust of taxpayers they deserve to be fired and he
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also says he would work to ensure the federal sag seizure disorderses take appropriate disciplinary action against those protesters and workers from two dozen agencies including the white house were expected to protest the president's gaza policies today and as you say, federal obvious only protests when the weather is happening. system of articulation stuart: mike murphy coming into this. should they be fired? i have another question and i think they should resign as opposed to strike. if you disagree with the policy of your brock seizure disorders or particular -- bureaucracy or particular department, you resign, you don't strike. >> that makes sense, stuart. whoever is elmore boldening these people and we went from different, we had a march for women and march for gay rights and a march for black lives matter and so many marchs but now this new march is targeted
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towards israel. it's support for israel. when it's supporting, i think you can read through it and supporting terrorist activities and i don't know who argues this for the -- organizes this for the people. where's it coming from and can't be lower level people organizing it and coming from higher up and it's just a -- something they're using to create havoc and there'll be another mark on protests and i don't know what it's going to be about and where it's coming from and we need to find out who those people are and get rid of them and we should be united as a country and united as workers and working for the country and there's no place for this. stuart: i agree, mike. former harper lanes voir dire president claudine gay is talking about officer. ashley: there's reports the former harvard president is indeed very interested if she can tell the story her way.
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that's what the reports say. either way propses to be very lucrative for her. according to the daily mail, top pub libbers in a frantic race to sign gay to $15 million book deal. gay's rise and fall also generating interest among hollywood producers and there's already apparently a network tv mini series in the works speculation also heating up over who will play gay in a movie and actresses reportedly being considered and kerry washington, hali berry and zoeykravitz and high profile demise is a guaranteed box office smash. stuart: guaranteed, that's interesting word. would you watch that movie or documentary about claudine gay? >> i would not. the real story here isn't
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celebrating her. it's really looking at what she did under her ruler, under her rulership at harvard and what the university came to stand for and how so many people who were big donors are against it and you've run clips that show the different classes they have at harvard that are just completely against what america stands for. you know, i think whoever is going to be in charge of that institution, which was arguably one of the best schools in the country for such a long time, they knead to get back to core values and teaching kids for being great ad adults and people for a long time. >> didn't they they'll portanova tay travion green for a long time. >> no, a. stuart: iran attack z israel's spy headquarters. take us through it, ashley. ashley: revolutionary guards claim they attacked headquarters of israel in iraq and the
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iranians claimed strikes against them in syria and if you remember islamic state claimed responsibility for those two explosions in iran this month that killed nearly 100 people at a memorial for their top commander kansa qasem soleimanid they're not responding to the iranian claims and iran that supports the war with israel accuses the united states of backing what it calls israeli crimes in gaza. the u.s. state department though condemning those attacks in kirk stan ask calling them reckless and no u.s. facilitates targeted or u.s. casualties and adds to fear of escalating conflict. stuart: thanks, ash. 11:46 and showing you the dow 306789 all of them. looks like a third are up and two-thirds are down. the dow itself is down 189 points. bottom right land corner of dow stocks and boeing down $15. right on the cusp of dropping to
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$200 or below. that accounts for big chunk of the dow's loss. donald trump ha h a big win in iowa last night and says one of the key goals if he wins the white house this year is to crack down on crime. all right. watch this. >> we want a crown triple-demic of law and order and we're going to rebuild our cities and work with the democrats to do it. stuart: would trump be able to fix our beleaguered cities, our plagued crime-plagued cities? jason rantz takes it on after this. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals,
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stuart: donald trump promising to tackle crime head on that he made that comment in his iowa victory speech last night. watch this. >> we want a country of law and order so we're going to rebuild the capitol of our country, washington dc, and we're going to make unbelievably harsh penalties for people that go around shooting. and like wise we're going to rebuild our cities and we work with the democrats to do it. i'd be glad to work with the people of new york and work with the people in chicago and la. we're going to rebuild our cities and we're going to make
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them safe. stuart: jason rantz joining me now. jason, do you think the former president has the right fix for america's cities? >> well, certainly you'd have a bully pulpit he'd use to tackle this issue and talk about it in a meaningful way and the truth of the matter unless talking about crime directly tied to the immigration issue that clearly we're suffering from or the drug crisis. unless you get the u.s. attorneys more involved and there's some limits to the power of the presidency and the truth is you've got democrat dominated cities and counties and states. they need to be the ones who turn things around because republican voice in a place like a washington state is not all that meaningful. the good news is what we've been seeing in places like san francisco, portland, into extent new york and dc. voters saying enough is enough. we've gone too far to the left and causing this crime crisis and homelessness and drug crisis and everything that come withs it. i think that we would all benefit from having someone
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who's an elac list to go after the crime -- evangelist going off the crime crisis in the white house and we don't have that with joe biden. stuart: 61% of iowa caucus goers will still vote for trump tevin he's convicted before the election. trump has a firm lock on the supporters and seems to be adding supporters as he goes along. will anything stop voters from backing him? >> well, the question is will it stop independent voters? that's a bit too early to be seen. the democrats because they entity after him so hard and pretended everything that he did was worthy of 20 charges, they just went too far. unfortunately for them, they made the point that president presidenttrumps that been makins a case of politics and they wanted him back in the white house and when you have relentlessly criticized this for years and years and years and by the way told us that democracy is on the line. if we were to elect him the first time around and repeat that talking point and you're kind of killing your own argument if they focused on like
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one trial, they might have a point and they might be able to win people over to their side just on that. when you throw all these charges at him, people i think are going to look at him as a victim. stuart: i think in his victory speech last night and the talented hold on fox and he's softening his tone and that's going to bring more people in. what do you think? >> yeah, i agree, and i think that's really what he has to do. he benefits from not being on twitter or x and that really has been a problem and you made a point earlier on the show today and voters will say i don't necessarily like his tone or the way he speaks, but i love his policies so if he's able to soften just a little bit, you're going to get more people at least more comfortable talking about making the switch in voting for him. stuart: especially in new hampshire where he could use that change of tone very well. jason, thanks for joining us. we'll see you again soon. thank you, >> i son rantz. >> appreciate it. stuart: 11:55 right now, tuesday trivia question, which is the most popular card game played among americans?
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which card game has most americans played, which is the most popular card game among americans. ashley, you have honor of being first to. ashley: . ashley: it is tough. solitaire or blackjack i would think. i will go to solitaire number one. >> i'm going with number one, solitaire. stuart: i too am going with number one, solitaire. according to a poll from last year, 83% of americans say they have played solitaire at least once in their minds, 89% say they like or love playing solitaire. i have played it. can't gamble. >> you can now. stuart: thanks for being with us for the hour. it starts now.
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