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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 17, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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come tomorrow, the concrete makers of our country will still be hard at it, pouring no small amount of their blood, sweat, and years into how america works. you simply can't overstate it. our appetite for concrete is insatiable. how crazy is it right now? that facility in southern colorado is sold out of cement for the next two years. on the positive side, that means a ton of opportunity for anybody who's willing to get their hands dirty. you can pour through those opportunities if you'd like, over at in the meantime, (laptop closing) see ya next week. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so president trump victory
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in iowa last night, sandra smith will vote on fox voter analysis, mark simone and joe concha will visit with their thoughts and breitbart alex marlow and monica crowley, but first. this from me, it gives him momentum to new hampshire primary a week from today. his well managed campaign put program a suburb ground game, producing 51% winning 98 of 99 counties, losing 99th by one vote. now fox voter analysis shows that 2 top issues for iowans were illegal immigration crisis and the economy. this was president trump's
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bread and butter. he has run an issued campaign -- issues campaign it worked last night in iowa, actually, the illegal immigration cat as fee w cat as fee wa -- cot as fee was number one issue. >> we will seal up the border. [cheers and applause] because right now we have an invasion an invasion of millions and millions of people that are coming into the country, i can't imagine why they think that say good thing, it a very good -- bad thing, we have to have a deport level that we have have not seen in a long time. larry: this is afirst term. then a problem that joe biden recreated. now secondly, drill, baby, drill, liquid gold tax cuts and a return to prosperity.
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another signature trump a nation in decline. we'll turn it around so fast. it will happen so fast. we'll drill, have great wealth and use that money to lower your taxes further, we gave you the biggest tax cut in history, we're lower them further and we'll paying off national debt. about time. >> love that stuff, drill, baby, drill. now, importantly, the former president last night held out olive branches to ron desantis and nikki haley, he congrat lat congratulate the their afford and called for oka e forts and calmed for unity. >> i want to and nikki
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haley for having a gooe togethe. and i think they both actually did very well. i also want to congratulate vivek ramaswamy, he did a hell of a job, h from zero, and he got a big percent probably, 8% almost 8%, that is an amazing job, they all did they are smart people. very capable people. >> well put, key is to defeat president biden and his open border cat a -- his collapsing foreign policyp persuade governors
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desantis and haley to join the unity ticket behind trump before too long, one another signature trump theme showed up last night in the voter analysis, iowa republicans want total change in how the u.s. is run, they voted overwhelmingly by 69% for mr. trump. now, this is the trumpian drain the swamp, justice system, the fbi, cia, corrupt prosecutors, a lack of law and order, personal rights in -- parental rights in classrooms, free speech, tenured civil servants woke dei, rather than merit, america under joe biden has veered sharply left in the wrong direction. dodonald trump believes he can fix a very broken system. so, did can the voters of iowa. and they won't be the last.
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it is history in the making. and that semiriff. -- that is my riff, here is a hero of the night, take us to key groups, sandra smith, coanchor of america reports with john roberts, you were fabulous last night, your issues analysis, succeed to me -- suggested to me that. there that trump was going to have a good night, first one is the most important. interestingly immigration out polled economy and jobs can. >> you can separate them? i think a lot of people looking that the analysis say, a lot of american voters, in this case, republican voters in iowa, they see immigration becoming a bigger and bigger economic issue in this country. >> right. >> those so saw it as top
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concern they supported donald trump, overwhelmingly, people see this as lawlessness issue that continues to grow, i was concerned about this, i was talking with charles payne. he said we're getting to a point we have to acknowledge that growing number of migrants coming over the border is overwhelming resources. and becoming a bigger economic issue and probably depressing real wages, you have a lot of cheap labor coming in illegally, i think a lot of americans recent that. that is what i think. >> that is a data point so -- to see how that plays out overtime, but overwhelmingly there were voters on ground in iowa saying they want to see change. you acknowledged that question we asked. how much change would you like to see in how the country is run, this shows voters who want change want
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don dop badonald trump back in office, 56%. 33% of voters, 70% of those want total, this is 70%. these are people who don't like the way things are going, there is the economy or immigration or crime, they don't like our involvement in overseas dealing. larry: social policies. >> i look around. youth vote. larry: harvard, and claudine gay -- i just being serious, people are just fed up, they know america is in the wrong direction that is what polls show with respect to biden. getting worse. >> look at question about your family's finances this is a theme we'll watch throughout the primaries. do you feel you are better
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off today than a few years ago? getting ahead? 11% said yes, some might say that is high right now. those tended to favor nikki haley in our analysis, those that feel they are holding steady or falling behind, woe, 89%. if you feel that you are feeling behind, looking for a change, looking ar change in white house, and for drastic change. larry: this ic debate, trump abide, and biden, trump asks are better off than you were 4 years ago? we should always ask that question, voters ask that question. the question over the rural voter, we were batc watching this with weather, do you remember walking in on set and teasing us about the weather.
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>> that was an hour ago or a couple day ago. >> weather was a huge concern. for voter turn out. well, was it the rural voter that sort of is used to battling temperatures they will just go out and way it was urban city dwellers that did not go out, small town rural voter 62 % of them 58% to donald trump, they came out. they came out. martha maccallum kept saying that, i don't know the streets are busy. larry: well educated urban wusses that stayed home you weunder their electric blankets. >> and college he won that too, those with a college degree 37%. i am showing you my raw
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data. when you break it down, donald trump won the group with 32%. supported him, these are his strengths. he does very well, we know. larry: with college degree. >> he edged out nikki haley by 2 points. >> that was the "new york times" story, "new york times" of all places, that said, college educated voters are learning to like trump again. that was a big story. and can i ask you, in in sense, young voters. >> yes. larry: now, polls show under 30 coming around to donald trump. did you can pick any of that up? >> under 30 crowd 52% of them supported donald trump. larry: wow. >> wow. >> next up was vivek ramaswamy at 17%. larry: that st awesome. that is -- so. >> i love this real-time reaction. larry: you can't -- it is interesting. you are talking about sweeping all demographics
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that is what it was. you can't knock it down to say it was just this or just that. it was across the board. >> and dive deeper. that was under 30 crowd, over half supported donald trump. but more specifics, the 30 to 44-year-olds, 20%, they still donald trump still won with that crowd 46%. ron desantis was second at 23%. i know they are a lot of numbers, he ran -- >> they are important. >> the table. larry: i have said for months. he is running an issues campaign, not a grievance campaign but issues. it is clicking. in iowa we saw what i think will be first of many installments just my personal view. these issues are resonating, now if you talk about republican primaries, these issues are going to be unbelievable for trump. and they are his signature
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issues, this is not new for him. the others have never emphasized it as much they don't communicate as well as he does, they have not been around as long, he has been doing this since 2015. >> buy your gas and electric -- his speech last night, buy your tractors. >> i thought he was handing out ethanol right there. >> a joke. >> foreign policy, we were warpin watching it it would be nikki haley's strength. which is most important issue, foreign policy was way down the list. at 7%, it was third to imbretimmigration and the economy. donald trump won in foreign policy as well. larry: people would not mind seeing u.s. have more restrained view of foreign policy that showed up. >> yes. our involvement in our role in the world. he won that. larry: one last one.
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u.s.-mexico border wall, favor 88%. oppose 12%. i care say that is trump issue. >> this takes him back to his playbook of 2016, right. larry: signature issues, people remember, he gave it his best shot, he had some defeats, a lot of victories, coming on strong. >> it was fun thank you. i should mention. larry: you -- >> i am the face of it, there is a huge team behind gathering this data. larry: i give them all credit, you were a star last night, i will tell you, people love issues, not just the horse race they love the issues, they are what will determine the races. >> they want to learn something, they want you to provide them the data so they can decide, they can sort of you know, imagine what will happen next. now we look forward to new hampshire. and you know these numbers could look different. larry: can't wait. >> we'll watch. larry: sandra smith, you can
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catch sandra with john roberts on america reports, weekdays, every day, 1 p.m. eastern on fox news. i show up there. up next, on kudlow. history in the making, a discussion with joe concha and mark simone on set. yoyou can catch kudlow monday through friday 4 p.m., right here on fox business, if you can't make it then, text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss an issue. thank you, sandra, i am kudlow. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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larry: a jumpy day on wall street. dow off as much as 350 for a while, we have gerri willis to tell us about the here, now and why. reporter: stocks selling off tuesday after federal reserve governor waller said that central bank is likely to take its time cutting rates, dow down 230. to 21 thto 231 that is, s&p off by 17 and nazdaq
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lower by 20, markets were expecting an aggressivizing cycle this year. but the comments cut off that optimism. here is the quote from waller in many previous cycles: >> and other market news shares of apple falling on iphone price cuts in china. the cyclical names haven't a hard time. larry: thank you. >> gerri willis. all right moving on, talk more about this iowa blowout by donald trump, joining us mark simone, hall of fame wor radio host, and joe concha, fox news contributor. mark, where does this leave
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nikki haley and ron desantis? because they lost but they lost by a lot lower expectations, and i don't think that anyone expected this kind of thing, going on to new hampshire. why is their path to victory. >> there is no path to victory, talking second place, you are 30 behind in biggest landslide blowout in iowa history. president trump would have this are had another 5, they knew high wou high -- he would win, they didn't want to go out in the weather. desantis said i got my ticket stamped, he got his clock cleaned. larry: governor desantis, did not have the graciousness to congratulate trump, haley did, trump was
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fraishous gracious to both of them, he is very far in polls in new hampshire and south carolina. i don't want to beat up on him, but that is what polling numbers show, polls are not vote. where is this ticket. >> it is a ticket to no wear, tampa bay, if the other team loses, you can't say we came in second place, laugh tlost the game, eastern establishment, the dems and media will tell you how great desantis is and nikki haley is, it got to heartland, real america, they are not voting about january 6, they are voting about border and pocketbooks. larry: can -- joe. i wan want to replay trump's gracious unity call he made last night. the first thing he delved
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into before any of the issues, i think we have it on sound. >> i want to congratulate ron and nikki for having a good team together, we're all having a good team together. and i think that they both about very well, and congratulate vivek, he did a hell of a job. he came from zero and he has a big percentage, probably 8%, that is an amazing job, they all did, they are very smart smart people and capable people. larry: joe concha. he struck the right tone, he was gracious, it is a unity call, he did say how well they did and vivek came around, dropped out of the race and en dorred trump. -- endorsed trump, i don't want to say this is new
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trump, i know this side of the president. i'm not sure everyone that does, this is a trump we saw on fox town hall meeting, that may have been a an inflection point of his campaign, do you think it had an impact on former governor haley and desantis. >> charming, trump is better than angry trump. he exude confidence. he seems to be above the fray, the fact that he used ron and nikki. desanctimonious took the night off, that reflected well. back to ron desantis, mark is right there is no path, a poll american research, trump 40, haley 40, in new hampshire, she gets 19 republicnonrepublican voters, desantis is at 4% in new hampshire, to the point he flew to south carolina after iowa punting on new hampshire, i don't think a path for him, if
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haley wins new hampshire it is a 2 person race, desantis will probably drop out, then we might see trump and haley on a debate stage, trump can't say i have a big lead. larry: is there a play-off game in south carolina? >> no play-off game in south carolina. larry: not yet. mark, do you think it will be a toss up in new hampshire. >> you can't go by new hampshire, it is a freaky place, they allow everyone and anyone to vote. >> a big push by governor a republican, sununu. a push by everyone, to enroll democrats and/democrat leaning independents, i don't know how it will important turn out, they may come out for trump too, i am skeptical of the qualities results in new hampshire. >> it is all muddied up,
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half of new hampshire is a superb of boston, i would not go by them, this was a true test last night, and its after know unbelievable landslide, a bad night in davos last night. larry: they were quaking in their boots, they can't be happy there. >> they were tossing and turning. larry: trump is back. he will come after them. >> it was such a big -- >> chill up my spine. >> msnbc refused to broadcast his speech. larry: can we talk about that for a minute joe concha, that is unbelievable and cnn broke away, msnbc would not even give him a pair gave or two. >> they say they don't allow lies on their network and they will protect donald trump. they will say it, in same breath say tic stick around
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later for our special guest adam schiff who will never lie on air. larry: then fani willis. >> yes as well, sure. >> sex, lies and videotape. how is she doing, fan. fani wil. >> they claim that doom d donald trump is an an antiimmigrant. he is married on an immigrant. >> they pulled it off, he is all for legal immigration and coming in properly, it is illegal immigration, the number one issue. even more than the economy but cnn will not talk about that. larry: i am sorry to hear that. jake tapper is a friend of mine. >> performance art. >> it was -- not good. >> >> friends and relatives
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watching. >> mark, when does nikki haley and ron desantis drop out of the race? >> she will stay for new hampshire, she has to get out of south carolina, sh she will lose there desantis 30 behind in florida. larry: last one joe concha. >> deou desantis out after new hampshire haley out after south carolina. larry: i agree thank you so much. >> up next, houthis, struck again. biden's response is too litter and too late. we have general keith kellogg to weigh in and globalists shaking in their boots after trump's blowout win last night, china does not know what to do, europe has been ballistic, davos crowd will throw in the towel. we will talk with alex larl marlow i love your dress.
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larry: the houthis continue to attack american military assets and american flag cargo tankers. once again the bidens are too little to late, e edward lawrence at white house. >> the administration has now made two strikes first one to attack supply chains, for the houthis then two to go after strikes in yemen, first two navy seal teams seized an iranian boat that was carrying advanced weapons going to houthis, in the boat they got some of thethese things here. two seals are missing, they are searching for them. second, preemptive strike destroying 4 ballistic missile in ye yemen as they were boeing loaded being
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loaded to fire. >> we're not looking for a war, houthis have a choice to make. and they still have time to make the right choice, which is to stop the reckless attacks. reporter: president biden has been messaging, don't, for a while and taking a defensive posture waiting for them to launch first then shooting it down, they have been handling it backwards. >> to have the kind of affect we want to have we have to strike iran. really the heart of this thing. and you know, really that is not an escalatory strike, there are targets to hit in iran that would send the kind of message we need to send. reporter: the houthis and iran not backing down. larry. larry: all right edward lawrence thank you, for more
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general keith kellogg. thank you very much, it seems like i know we're striking back. we the biden administration, but it seems like it is always too little too late. it took a day to come back, what is your read-rite now? >> thank you. the administration is really risk averse, they keep talking about striking, but they are tit-for-tat strikes, if you want to break the cycle, we saw this in white house together, you can the term i use is super escalate, take it to level that other party is uncomfortable with, the -- it is clearly the houthis are in violation of international law. they are attacking the gibraltar eagle, a u.s. opened cargo ship, you can
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target the leadership of the houthis, there is one sens single leader, the spiritual economic leader, if you said we'll take him out, high is someohe is someone that needs to be taken out, but this administration, biden administration, you know withdrew the terrorist designation we put on them, they need to put it pack on. or second, if you want to send a message to iran they have a spy ship in red sthea sea that is monitoring the traffic, that is foing togoing to and from of ri red sea, send it to the bottom, you don't have to necessarily go into iran, you have to be sam accepting the risk that entails, you know, before you and i were in white house, we had an administration that was willing to take a risk, we
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prepared for the consequences this administration will not do that because of that it will just continue tit-for-tat back and forth with no resolution. larry: if the bidens took out this iranian ship that was transports weapons to yemen -- they took it out, i like that, my thought is why not u interdict the oil tankers, get them where they purhurshurt the most in some sense it the money. we have allowed them to get the money from oil sales to china, if you interdict. sounds like ad if move -- a good move why not the whole 9 yards. >> they should. they should have courses of
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action already given to the president, you do a military operation, they have branches and sequels, you go and what do you next. they should give that to the president. he is the rub, this president is risk averse, he will not do it, we want, that the pattern is set, it is bad, our allies see it as well, that is reason, where we're supposed to be protects red sea assets, italian, spanish and french said thank you very much we'll go our own way. they don't believe he will do anything that is dramatic should he? absolutely, will he? no. larry: ye general kellogg, why is biden team and white house telling israel it is time to throttle back, they have not accomplished their mission to destroy hamas, why is white house telling them to throttle back?
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>> back to being risk averse, my recommendation is just shut up, sit down, let the israelis handle it they are doing's good job leave them alone, they have to erad cirrahamas. >> thank you so much general kellogg. >> switching gears to iowa. someone said globalists are shaken and quaking in their boots. av donald trump's blowout victory last night. monica crowley is joining me now, host of the monica crowley podcast and alex marlow. i love this globalists are scared to death, of tha davos crowd is scared and europe decide itself that
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donald trump migh might be back. >> we're having a blast over in breitbart newsroom today. we start of day, by reading global times and china, they say prepare for trump. biden might not be a strong opponent, main o obstacle for trump is the courts, not even joe biden, read who is geeingoing on europe, belgium prime minister said that europe will be on its own when trump comes back that isthat is a huge misintertrendi interpreptation of mrv america first, they are in a panic repeating the other talking points. larry: monica crowley, i like the fact that they have a lot of fear of donald
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trump. his diplomacy has been constructive. same thing with ronald reagan they said he was a cowboy and might to something crazy. that keeps them on their hind legs if you will. i think this is a good thing. >> it great, voters of iowa began like the snow ball we'll see like we saw in 2016 of american people state by state votes for donald trump to stand up to these globalists, and transnationallists, and people who head up organizations, they are unelected, and unaccountable bureaucrat. they want to super i' impose their will on several nations like the united states, donald trump stands up as america first, his voters say not us, not
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american people or u.s., they are frustrated. they prefer a weak president along lines of a joe biden for example, he is so much easier to anything over and railroad with their globalist agenda. larry: alex, i tell you this world government group, that runs davos, and they are the ones that like open borders, they are the ones that bought into unall of this john kerry global warming whether it is correct or not. those guys should be afraid, trump is america first guy. he is not a world government guy, note -- not a buyin hague by, but he doesn't peace and prosperity in the world but it has to be done differently. >> just a threat to their power struck a structures
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they spent decades crafting. i talked with president trump about his movement is a global movement every time democracy happens, seems that people are voting for nationalists, conservative traditional candidates. that the type of stuff you talk about in your show, we write about at breitbart, not the stuff they are talking about at davos, people are rejecting, that let people flex democracy, like we did in iowa. who are they voting for? they are voting for donald trump by a majority vote. larry: in droves, monica. mexico may have gotten a wake-up call, mr. trump's views on the border are well-known. and the last time he said to mexico, either you help us, stop this remain in mexico or i'm not letting you export cars and machinery or
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anything else. >> tariffs. you came around. >> if you have to. >> with regard to china and used as diplomatic and economic web open, tariffs are effective they get the attention. of or adversaries and allies, they get attention it forces policy change, to protect the united states american people and the american worker. larry: you got it. >> what is what donald trump is about. larry: alex marlow and monica crowley thank you. >> coming up, steve forbes scoring congress' new tax plan it is not that bad, we take about it with great steve forbes, i am cuddly
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adhd diagnosis in the united states, for school kids, has increased by 43% in less than 10 years. ... because the first time the teacher ever mentioned adhd
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i was super-offended. a big part of me thought it was a bogus diagnosis. the flipside of distractibility is curiosity. what's that? what's that? what's that? if you didn't care you wouldn't get distracted. i'm a risk-taker. i'm creative. zara is a brilliant writer. he has a lot of skills, like to ask questions, to be argumentative, to push boundaries. around adhd there is tremendous ignorance. most people are not aware of the positives that go with it. can't sit still, disorganized, can't focus. (montage of voices) annoying, lazy, stupid, you can't make it, you never listen, you don't clean your room. it's a super-skillset. (sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) sarah, you got this. ok? (sfx: referee whistle) ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪
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larry: jason smith on -- maybe bipartisan tax plan. let's talk about that fox business hillary vaughn. standing by on capitol hill with gory details. reporter: good afternoon. not often that republicans and democrats agree on taxes, one lawmaker said that tax deal coming together was a legislative miracle, cris, price tag 78
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billion in tax credits for families and businesses, family 3 billion extension of child tax credits. takes penalties in place for larger families and adjusting for inflation starting this year, for businesses big tax breaks to bring badg -- businesses of all sizes can deduct the cost of cost of r&d investments immediately, interest dedictions for those forced on borrow at higher interest rates and 100% expensing for investment in machines, equipment and vehicles, congress is jammed up with government funding this week. the election sucking up a lot of oxygen. white house is noun committal. there could be momentum to
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getting deal done, chuck schumer coming out in support of this deal. republican and democratic leadership on capitol hill, schumer, mcconnell and jeffries and johnson are headed to white house tomorrow for a meeting with president it go over there stalled national security supplemental and border deal, president, trying to bring negotiate are in the room or key people who need to sign off on the technology package, he wants israel and ukraine aid and republicans want something meaningful done on the border. larry: we will see, hillary vaughn thank you. >> appreciate it. >> welcome back steve forbes. forbes media chairman, author of very good book. inflation, what it is. one way to fix it is growth on the supply side. there are a bunch of incentives, they want to restore the full expensing
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of machinery and equipment. the r&d tax credit that would be written identify in first year. and up -- written identify in first year. kiddie cred sit credit is in here that is more welfare. >> i think hillary's report was right. it is a miracle they could agree on something, i am glad democrat kean on getting kid kiddie tac tax credit, a lot of realizing we have to do manage to help the economy, we're in deep trouble. manufacturers, defense companies, small businesses on the r&d their cash flows are taking a hit, they could right is off right away -- write it off right away. on small businesses, you want to get investment don't
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punish them. larry: empire state, some o manufactures survey pus pub learnpublished yesterday collapsed. overall, manufacturing and industrial production has been in a slump or 14 or 15 months. this stuff, might help. >> it would help. also, guarantees -- well helps in future when you make a long-term investment that democrats if they come back in are not going to pull the rug, they are signed on to this, this gives confidence that you will not be left in the cold after november. larry: i want a plat flat tax. >> so do i, we'll get it one of these days. larry: certain individuals, you are right. who won big in iowa, the great steve forbes thank you very much. >> this good, jaso
8:27 am
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(sfx: crowd noise. ref whistle) ♪ (music) ♪ sarah, you got this. ok. ♪ you can be amazing ♪ ♪ you can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug ♪ ♪ you can be the outcast ♪ ♪ or be the backlash of somebody's lack of love ♪ ♪ but i wonder what would happen if you ♪ ♪ say, what you wanna say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ with what you want to say ♪ ♪ and let the words fall out ♪ ♪ honestly, ♪ ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ ♪ just wanna see you ♪ nts. ♪ just wanna see you ♪ but they lost o e you ♪
8:31 am
♪ be brave ♪ larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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