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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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♪ stuart: lauren asked for this. lauren: i did? stuart: yes you did but you are an elvis fan. this is very unusual. i am an old soul. >> heavy selling on the nasdaq. the yield on the 10 year treasury going straight up. it is up 6 basis points, 4.2%. doesn't sound like much of again. the trend is up and investors don't like it. the price of oil hovering
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around 70 one dollars a barrel. bitcoin, 42 and changed. 42,400. . the latest read on homebuilder sentiment. how were homebuilders feeling. lauren: sentiment goes up to 34 and the reason is mortgage rates are under 7%. they are still facing tons of increase costs, the price of homes has gotten so expensive. stuart: thanks. now this. in the day if you sign on to work in politics, you accepted your boss's policy positions, you can disagree in private, argue for change but once the boss made a decision you knuckled down and supported it. if it was a policy that really ran against your moral or ethical principles you could resign. in the biden white house that has changed. biden is the boss, some of his staffers are in revolt. they don't like his support for
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israel, they are circulating anonymous letters, planning more catch, also known as a strike. not long ago they would have kept quiet or resigned, these days they undermine the president from the inside, to pursue their special causes. his younger staffers are doing of this. this. under political culture in the white house, walkout if you don't get what you want, circulate anonymous letters, they work in the white house, at the center of power, they should feel an obligation to get on board the biden team but they don't, supporting hamas is more important and that is outrageous. biden should find out who is organizing this revolt, tell them to shut up or leave, take the names of the strikers and fire them. second hour of varney is just warming up. ♪
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stuart: fortunately, liz peek is here to supply a little fire force fire forces this morning. welcome back to the show. liz: happy to be here. what is your opinion on this administration in revolt? liz: if you had to create a word cloud for biden, what is the word that defines this man? it is weak. he's week dealing with his own staff, he is week dealing with his adversaries, week dealing with congress. one of the reasons donald trump is looking so appetizing to voters, if you did his word cloud the word would be strong. strong is what a voter wants right now. we have two wars going on, not prevailing either one. heading back at the houthis too
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little too late. if he can't manage his own staff at the white house, shame on him. stuart: the more counsel, doesn't say anything to anybody. he's not there, not around. >> he's not there in a big sense. stuart: interesting op-ed about biden's trillion dollar climate agenda, john kerry has a lot to answer for. liz: people don't realize how much the united states has committed, bloomberg ran a piece saying the inflation reduction act, $380 billion bill is not inflation reduction act, a lot of our tax credits in that bill are uncapped but where's the money going? does anybody care where the money is going? i'm not surprised john kerry is leaving. he has failed in his primary
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mission which was to bring india and china along, the way they are creating energy and so forth. that didn't happen. they didn't show up at the latest climate summit, done nothing to change the arc of their emissions which are overwhelming by magnitude above two or three and also everything we are doing domestically is going to pieces. the ev thing you talked about earlier is becoming a joke. we have cars frozen and lots in the midwest because when it is cold, you can't charge the battery. dumping their rental fleet, people don't want to purchase evs, they don't want to rent them. everyone is worried about the range, the range goes down 40% if it is cold. nobody told anybody that.
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offshore wind powers sounds like a great idea. they are being canceled because the economics are horrific. meanwhile, let's take a step back. our climate agenda focuses on batteries, electrification the one reason electric bills are up 24% since biden took office. it will end up in the lap of china. that's where this is coming from. and it is unpopular. the reason that john kerry is going to go out and join the campaign for president biden, another 80-year-old telling people to do things they don't want to do and that supposed to reelect president biden? good luck with that. stuart: i will leave it right there. thanks a lot. bill ackman has won a democrats following the iowa caucuses. what's the morning? lauren: biden is toast. abundantly clear that trump is
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going to crush biden. of the democrat party wants to have a chance putting up a candidate who can compete with trump, needs to get behind a strong federal contender and biden needs to step aside. that's from a democrat. ackman is a democrat. the course is getting louder from democrats that biden is unelectable. that's the word being used. but he's going to be elected anyway. he will be coro needed. so says the democrat bill ackman is backing, dean phillips. he did an event with elon musk and others and says what the dnc is doing is coordinating biden because what is happening a new have to? biden is not on the ballot. they are moving on. what did you think i said? moving on to south carolina. they are not giving voters a chance to vote. maybe in new hampshire they would like dean phillips. stuart: bill ackman gives him $1 million. because biden can't win.
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lauren: bill ackman makes his case based on dei at what is going on with israel and these pro palestinian riots that are everywhere, disrupting life. that's the latest. stuart: we have criticism of the crypto business from america's top banker jpmorgan's ceo jamie dimon who says bitcoin. his personal advice would be don't get involved with bitcoin. i want to talk about gold versus bitcoin. has bitcoin taken over the traditional role of a crisis hedge? >> great to be with you. there is no way bitcoin at least at this point has taken over as a crisis away from gold. gold is the gold standard, empires have risen and fallen,
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no question popularity today with bitcoin, it's got a lot more scale in front of it as we move into the digital age. it would be like the internet of the 1990s. everyone was like i will never buy anything on that and we have our phones hooked up and amazon orders showing up every day. even with e-mail, snail mail has persisted. i think gold will be around for a while but no question bitcoin is moving in the right direction. it is accessible for new investors. stuart: i want your standout ai stock. what is it? which one? >> as we look at ai, i'm excited about biotech. a bcl is the name of an organization. for 10 years in the biotech space using ai.
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as a $5 start, most mutual funds don't invest in them today. i believe this will get a lot more attention. this ai revolution that continues to progress but this organization is looking at streamlining the approval rating, we are looking at $2 billion but do an investigation getting something to market, looking at increasing this by thousands of times heading years off of the process, so a bcl is my personal picking that ai space. stuart: you own it already? stuart: you like it? a bcl, thanks a lot. lahren is back with the movers and boeing is a mover this morning? >> it is up 2%, 204 so 40 of the 171 max 9s has been
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inspected by the faa, to eventually decide if this plane is airworthy again. it is a step in the right direction. they are getting through this, more a timeline now. stuart: i wouldn't be surprised to see analysts downgrading forward. lauren: they see 0 catalyst. limited upside to estimates, 2024-25, they made these investments. not paying off at all for them. what's the catalyst? stuart: another automotive stock is way down. lauren: they move to the sidelines, downgrades them, takes the price target down to 19. evs have the pr problem.
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this month, really and -- rivian is down. stuart: i understand that target and walmart lockup more items, what are they locking up now? lauren: underwear and socks. below the belt albums. if you go into target or walmart in san francisco you have to get someone to open the cabinet that has the underwear and socks. got used to the fact that electronics would be locked up. underwear, are people going in and stealing them? how will people do that? target closed storage because of theft. stuart: go to amazon. lauren: i know, people are. shoplifting cost target $500 million. that is a lot of money. this is happening mostly in the bay area.
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where is gavin newsom? where is the governor 's the governor of california? he wants to be president. neil: he gets there report. >> he saying they will crackdown on the thieves, do it. stuart: the 911 call that was made before secretary austin was hospitalized has just been released. austin wanted to keep this a secret. we have the proof. targeting targeting yemen for the third time. the white house is expected to redesignate the houthis as a terrorist organization. this is turning into a wider war. congressman mike wants next. mike walt's next.
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stuart: the big drop is on the nasdaq composite which is down to 1.4%. rate on the 10 year treasury are up sharply. the third round of strikes against houthi targeting yemen. the white house is expected to redesignate this as a terror organization. griff jenkins, why this reversal on the houthis? >> reporter: the administration says they've been reconsidering this decision made early on in february 2021. they've been reconsidering for months about re-designating the houthis. they removed them for humanitarian reasons. now after five missile attacks,
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including the us owned vessel, they are ready to pull the trigger and redesignate the iran backed rebels. it's not likely going to be the full foreign terrorist organization, it is to a lesser degree, one of those options is the specially designated global terror list. it doesn't go as far on things like immigration and civil liability, used in the wake of 9/11 because it can be applied swiftly but also lifted quickly. the houthis stop there terrorist attacks but that doesn't appear to be likely anytime soon. defense secretary austin settles into working from home after being released from a 2-week hospital stay. they obtained audio for january 1911 call, and unidentified aid requesting a
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low-key approach. >> what is your emergency? >> i work for -- i am requesting -- to be taken -- can i asked the ambulance not show up with lights and sirens? we are trying to remain a little subtle. >> reporter: as we wait to find out what designation they make, we are waiting news on those navy seals lost at sea last thursday when the us seized uranian weapons, centcom saying a search and rescue mission continues. stuart: congressman mike waltz is a military guy and frequent guest of the program. no sirens on the ambulance for
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the defense secretary. they want to remain a little subtle. sounds like they were trying to cover it up. >> reporter: i don't know. the entire thing is just bizarre. a press release, secretary is ill. his deputy has all authorities and powers designated to her and the president has been informative. that is what he would expect of any commanding general, any committing officer down the chain. i will continue to ask and i will ask him when he comes before senate hearing. will you hold yourself to the same level of accountability as you wall to hold the military you lead? we will see. the entire thing is bizarre. he doesn't grasp the gravity of the position he is in. stuart: the war on in israel looks like it is expanding. more tax on houthis in yemen,
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rockets from iran into iraq and pakistan. can we keep it contained? do you want to keep it contained or do you want to go after iran directly? >> the administration's desperate attempts at non-escalation have invited escalation. there appeasement approach to the terrorists, the houthis in removing the designation, there appeasement approach to iran has given the green light to attack us, attack international shipping and expand the war further. you need to punch the bull in the mouth. sometimes you have to de-escalate. these half measures we are seeing, 1/2 designation of the houthis still do not get at the root of the problem. as we saw with the weapons, i fear we lost navy seals trying to interdict, as long as iran is flush with cash they will continue pouring it into their
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proxies because iran is happy to have us exhaust ourselves dealing with the tentacles of the octopus, dealing with the symptoms of the disease rather than going to the heart of it. until this administration does 180 on iran this will continue to happen. we are losing good men and women because of bad policy from this white house and it frustrates me and it should upset every american. stuart: can america's military handle all but it has been asked to handle? the red sea, the gulf, iran, ukraine, pressure on taiwan, troops are all over the place. of we got military assets capable of responding the way you want us to respond? >> in short, increasing lean know. this is the republic facts. when we are surging those assets to the middle east, you know where we are pulling them from? we are pulling them from places like the indo pacific. china is smiling as we get distracted by bad policy with
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iran and meanwhile, for example, one of those aircraft carriers, they were supposed to be home by christmas. the boat was supposed to go into maintenance, the crews were supposed to be home with their families. as they are making reenlistment decisions they may be thinking otherwise and the ships won't have the maintenance necessary to be ready when we need them. this ripple effect from our bad iran policy will affect our ability to deal with the rest of the world. of the one how is morale in the military? i am sure you are in close touch. >> it is frustrated. the proof is in the putting in our is in the pudding in our recruiting and retention numbers. we are in a real crisis right now. we have a pentagon worried about putting chinese made solar panels on microgrids rather than focusing on lethality, training, and having the best of the best to deal with the threats we are facing.
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we are down in recruiting, down in readiness, down on our equipment. we are doing what we can in the house to get this pentagon focused on war fighting. of the one congressman mike waltz, a military guy, glad to have you on the show. how about this? student loan borrowers not happy with the spike in interest rates. they are protesting by refusing to pay back their loans, details on that for you. more homes hit the market in december thanks to lower mortgage rates. is the housing shortage just beginning to ease? the ceo of the national association of homebuilders is next. ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab.
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stuart: selling going on in the nasdaq down 1.1%, you've got 177, the dow is down 60. lauren is looking at the movers. has laid down 3%. lauren: price cuts in germany between 4% and 9%. volkswagen is the top ev cellar in germany, used to be chesler.
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tesla halting production in germany factory, in berlin, two weeks at the end of this quarter. stuart: musk wants to keep market share so he is prepared to cutprice to do it, that stock goes down. lauren: when is down by 3%, disappointing data coming out of china. new home prices steepest drop in a year. the double digits, this big economic engine, world's biggest economy slowing down. stuart: they suffer for it. instant card is way up. lauren: shares are going to $35, $10 more than they are now inciting a potential merger with uber. stuart: delivery -- lauren: insta cart does food delivery or grocery delivery
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and a lot of different deliveries. stuart: you gave us the housing market. the ceo of joins us now. number of homes for sale increase for the second straight month, is the housing shortage using a little? >> absolutely. it really is the beginning, certainly the fed news, the last meeting of last year where they signaled three rate cuts in 2024, put a jumpstart in the housing market making 2024 a pivot year for homebuilding. stuart: do you have any more evidence that more homes are for sale in december and november. anything points to the easing
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of the shortage? >> through their model homes. and not everyone in the housing market is ready to move new homes are the game in town. for the supply chains to make sure they are ready to go. and they meet that demand. stuart: 22 to 4 is a pivotal year when we go to a stronger market. >> we will see interest rates, mortgage rates, and that is the magic number.
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with these newer rates, you have to come off the sidelines, demand is still there. >> this stuart: the strongest single-family home market in the united states? >> continues to be the southeast. texas, alabama, florida, the carolinas, that continues to be a bright spot in the housing market. never had a and arizona as well. we are seeing a lot of the room right now. stuart: we will see you again real soon. new york city filling the half-empty office buildings. good morning. what are they going to do with them? ashley: turn office buildings into apartments, according to
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the city's office conversion accelerator program a total of 46 buildings being unrolled so far with four undergoing the conversion process expected to create 2100 housing units. hybrid work schedules created vacant offices while the housing shortage has seen rent skyrocket. it's a no-brainer. thanks to complex regulations it can be a difficult and expensive proposition. new york mayor's office is looking at package of changes to a lemonade the red tape and move the conversion program along. how about that? a democrat looking to cut regulations to streamline business, what a novel concept. stuart: do you think it is going to happen? can they do it? this is for you. millions of student loan borrowers have not made a payment since bill started
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coming in in october. not because they can't afford it. what's the reason? ashley: some borrowers are refusing to pay out of protest. a survey by of of thousand federal student loan borrowers show 25% have not made any payments at all and 9% are holding off from paying their bills intentionally in an effort to pressure the government into canceling their debts. i don't want to pay it, you pay it, taxpayers pay it. 40% believe their protests will lead to cancellation of their loans but 69% of borrowers who have not resumed payment say they've not paid because they can't afford to. financial analysts say they are not impressed, not paying can destroy credit scores and jeopardize funding for future purposes. they hope they will be forgiven. we will see. stuart: they might be. they might be. thanks.
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chinese laboratories are experimenting with a mutant covid strain that is 100% lethal in mice. we have the story for you. health officials in virginia warning travelers of a nuisance exposure it two airports. we will tell you all about that too. ♪ ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy—
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stuart: on the markets, the story is the downside move in the nasdaq, 165 points, the stories the sharp rise in interest rates with the 10-year treasury. that is got up above the 4% level. investors don't like it. 412. health officials warning about possible measles exposure. which airports are we talking about?
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ashley: in the washington dc area health officials say potential exposure occurred in the international arrivals area, the main terminal at dulles international airport january 3rd and terminal a at ronald reagan airport the next day. a person with a confirmed case of measles traveled through those airports. it is unclear which was traveling but health officials say this contagious illness that can spread easily through the air, 7 to 14 days after being exposed so the warning is out there. stuart: yes it is. lawmakers like doctor anthony fauci held accountable for what happened during covid. hillary vaughan on capitol hill. holding doctor fauci accountable will be an uphill battle. >> reporter: it will be an uphill battle but some senators think they have momentum
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because they think he misled congress. not just the during closed-door conversations doctor fauci has had with lawmakers, he does not recall a number of times, contradicts what he testified publicly. >> i sent two referrals to the part of justice. he lied to congress which is a felony, we know that from his own words. 's private emails, everything he said in private contradicted what he's saying in public and he was honest in private. >> reporter: whether or not fauci is charged, the doj in federal law enforcement would ultimately have to decide whether or not to charge him. senator roger marshall said these people are frauds and there must be consequences that fit the crime. before this virus landed on american soil i sounded the alarm asking for answers and following the money, they
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vilified me, and anyone puts the pieces together, i was not afraid of taking on the gain of function mafia then and i'm not afraid now. of senator paul is right that fauci did mislead congress he potentially could be charged with lying to congress or perjury if he lied under oath, charged with either of those and optimally found guilty of that, he could be facing up to 5 years of jail time for each charge. ashley: sounds drastic. thanks very much. chinese scientists have been experimenting with a mutant coronavirus strain. that does not sound good. ashley: no, it doesn't with what could go wrong? reports claim the chinese scientists have been expanding with a mutant coronavirus strain that is 100% lethal in mice, they express a protein found in humans with the goal being to assess how the virus
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might react. the mice infected with the pathogen labeled gx the 2 v, died within 8 days which researchers describe the and surprisingly quick, scientists in the uk and the us copies experiment terrible and pointless. there is significant concern for potential to go wrong which i fear that we all understand. stuart: yes we do. china suffering from real demographic problems. what's going on? lauren: india is the most part of this country in the world coming in china population declined for the second year straight, total population just over one. 4 billion, down more than 2 million from the year before. no job no family. many young people in china are reluctant to have kids when unappointed is 15%. also women, more educated come
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pushing back, settling down and starting just 9 million babies born last year, half a million fewer than 2022, more -- no more one child policy. you can have as many children as you want so why aren't they? china is encouraging more men and women to get together as part of a program. stuart: and aging society with a pension scheme that is very much underfunded. and a health services situation which is very strained. are they getting older and older? lauren: housing market situation also. if you are having a child. stuart: thanks. an uptick in robberies and car theft in new york city. some residents worried about their safety. gerri willis has that coming on. the rampant crime, the state's
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soft on crime policies are destructive, the commissioner joins me next. ♪ ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪ you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪
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stuart: the market, the
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downside moving technology, down 1.1%. new york city residents, sounding the alarm on safety. gerri willis live in brooklyn new york. what is mayor adams doing about this? >> reporter: he says he is investigating. nearby residents, 2000 migrants our house, crime is rising. they say they don't feel safe in their own homes. >> we've seen homes in schools, unlicensed vehicles zipping through the neighborhood. it is getting crowded. >> reporter: migrants going
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door-to-door in neighborhoods surrounding this facility, theft, scams, prostitution's on the rise. some residents are seeing migrants walking into traffic, claiming they are being injured, asking for hundreds of dollars. mayor adams is saying anyone who breaks the law in these facilities will be thrown out and he has instituted limits, time frames on when people have to come back and at night, curfews, this facility is not one of those. mayor adams had this to say. >> want to take the next step in the american dream. we want to give clarity, you can't come into our system and be disruptive and an enabler. >> reporter: for new york state, governor hout -- governor kathy hochul saying to billion dollars news to be spent over the last two years. they plan to allocate that much but to take care of these migrants, the state spent $2
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billion last year. back to you, i say we have thousands of migrants coming to new york city from the southern border since spring of 2022. 70,000 remain. stuart: thanks very much. joining me now is the police commissioner in yonkers. is new york's crime problem spilling into your city? >> it is. what we have seen is an uptick in crime, county, state, nationwide. what we are seeing, certain laws in neighboring jurisdictions, the crime spills over to yonkers particularly when you talk about legal vehicles and unlicensed vehicles being checked in neighboring jurisdictions. stuart: governor kathy hochul is going to dc friday, looking
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for money from migrants. what do you want? >> what i would like to see is what i refer to difficult legislation, raise the age of bail reform and discovery laws mostly affecting us. the money is great. i would like to see the money like she pledged to municipalities. legislation is the crux of this issue. a one how do you get along with your bosses in yonkers? i believe they are all democrats and democrats usually support soft on crime policies. >> that the secret sauce in yonkers. our mayor gives us all the tools necessary to fight crime. mayor spans a bone never tells me don't do that much, slow down enforcement. stuart: have you got a shortage of new offices? >> know and we don't have a recurring problem.
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a lot of times people ask from different jurisdictions what are you doing about the recruitment problem. we don't have a recruitment problem. people are eager to get this job. the reason for that is we pay our offices well and treat them like professionals and it seems perfect. stuart: do you see any end to the crime street coming at you? >> yes. i think small crimes turn into big crimes and here we address the small crimes, we address the unlicensed drivers. we follow through on what many consider petty crimes. by doing that we are sending a message that it is difficult to do business. stuart: comest -- police commissioner in yonkers, thank you for joining us. the market, dow is down one hundred 30 points, nasdaq is down one hundred 70 one.
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we have to show you the 10 year treasury yield. that's upsetting the nasdaq in particular, 411 a few days ago, it was below the 4% level. investors don't like that. martha maccallum coming up, is msnbc trying to downplay trump's win in iowa? clay travis in california's proposal to ban youth tackle football and mark tepper on atlanta's lapse poor performance, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ you can't buy great conversations
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>> donald trump as you saw on monday night has completely revolutionized republican party. it is a populous party, it is a america-first party. >> the establishment is sort of hoping that she can make some sort of massive move, even pull an upset because if not, i think realistically the race is over. >> if you have a president that responds so pitifully when our soldiers are eve


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