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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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larry: well, apparently the white house meeting on the catastrophe at the border and the ukraine funding, nothing happened. that's what we gather. much more to be revealed. we'll report on it tomorrow evening if something does happen at all.
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but now the most important thing is to turn to liz macdonald and hear what she has to say. elizabeth: thank you so much, larry. we're staying on that high stakes meeting, yeah. it's a big nothing burger. we're going to have james comer coming up on that, house oversight chair. this is the white house meeting over border security and ukraine funding, we're going to get the update. also more on this breaking news, the treasury department caught spying on trump voters? but first, joining us now, indiana senator mike braun. the senator sits on multiple senate committees. senator, good to see you. we need you on this story -- >> good to be on. elizabeth: so now the president is going to put iran-backed houthis back on the terror watch list, but the president had delisted them, one of the first things he did in 2021, in february. but now john kirby just moments ago said removing the houthis was not a mistake. what's going on here? what do you think? >> i think that's double speak. look at what they did on the southern border with everything
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that was working as a well. and look what that's ended up being. i think between it, the economy and now the weakness we project inter, nationally -- internationally, there shouldn't be more of a plateful of a things to work work with for our side of the aisle. let's talk about the consequences. you take them off the list, remember the trump administration we took out soleimani, iran's mischief-merrick. you had none of that occurring -- mischief-maker. here you remove a group that says death to america, death to israel and think they're going to behave well? well, then they start floating missiles at your ships. forcing you to go all the way around the southern tip of africa, costing a fortune. you give any leash to people like them, you should not be naive to think that it's going to be working out somehow. and you pay the price in the
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long run and look at the mess that's come along the way. elizabeth: you're right. i mean, shipping costs are counseling if not quadrupling -- doubling. mohamed el-erian is worning -- warning this could reignite if inflation. by the way, the houthis have attacked nearly three dozen commercial ships. do you fear escalation in the mideast? because with iran is now doing, has been doing missile strikes in pakistan, iraq and syria just in a 4-hour period. -- 24-hour period. are you worried about a all of this? >> well, yes, because obviously they view us as someone that will not defend a red line, give you plenty of latitude and then act like maybe they're doing you a favor when they quit shooting at you. so that whole dynamic has got to change, and i think it's easy to see what was working before.
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we projected strength. i cited what trump did when you had soleimani starting to poke the bear with. well, he took care of that, and it really worked well. we undid all of that, and now we're dealing with this same problematic dynamic not only on our southern border, in the red sea and really across the world because people view us as weak, feckless, not racketing until you have to -- reacting until you have to. elizabeth: we reported earlier iran reportedly is on the ground in yemen directing houthi attacks on red sea shipping with commanders, missiles and drones. but the rhetoric coming out of the white house increasingly is concerning a lot of americans because it's what you're calling double speak. let's watch outgoing climate czar john kerry think the president is doing a great job on foreign policy. watch this. >> i am going to campaign very happily because i think he's done a terrific job. he's experienced. he's kept us from, you know,
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having an, you know, a complete breakout of uncontrolled region in many regions. -- uncontrolled war in many regions. elizabeth: we've got war in ukraine, israel with hamas, red sea airstrikes disrupting trade from iranian-backed houthis in yemen and iran bombing in pakistan, syria and iraq. so what is john kerry talking about, sir? >> liz, the audacity of making a statement like that, i saw it when it hit fresh. i couldn't believe it. that is, like, bizarre-o world interpretation of what's really going on. sad thing is they think that through that double speak and 9/11 maybe try to -- and then maybe try to throw a little diplomacy in there, you can
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smooth if it all over. well, look what happened on the southern border. you've now accumulated to where you've got all these people that have come across illegally, the costs of that is being incurred here. not to mention, you know, 170 people on the terrorist list coming across. so all of this stuff adds up. just the most recent example though is right there in the red sea that you can measure it in dollars and cents as well as just terrible policy. they can't cover it up. we need to litigate it, and i hope that when we go into november of '24 that people at the ballot box made a hard, loud expression that this has got to stop. you can't try to fool the american public with this crazy policy that we know has not worked. elizabeth: you know, senator, you mentioned the border. voter polls show increasing concern about the collapse at the u.s. border including democrat voters. the white house just is having a
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meeting right now about funding ukraine over funding border security. where do you come down on this? because the president is saying he wants to focus on funding for you know first and then border security later. >> that's another trick around here, you couple that stick together to -- that stuff together to maybe try to get your main priority across. first time since i've been here that i've seen 41 republicans say in the senate if there's not real correction at the border, that other stuff is going to be secondary. i hope we stick with it. that's all going to come down probably next week. let's see. elizabeth: so we've got this story, you know, this story -- let's talk about the border for just a second because it's important. the white house attacked the state of texas. texas seized control of shelby park where federal agents were processing illegal aliens. texas said, no, we want to crack down and stop the chaos at the
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border. the white house was blaming the illegal immigrant deaths of three who drown canned in the i rio grande -- drown canned in the rio grande. it turns out that's a fake story. that didn't happen. the story, narrative line was that texas was blocking border patrol from rescuing those individuals, but they didn't -- texas, the white house, border patrol didn't hear about this until way after the deaths. so they didn't even know they were occurring. so, again, this seems like another fake narrative coming out of the white house. that's what critics are saying. >> well, that's deflection if minimally. and, yes, it's trying to confuse the situation. mine, what governor abbott -- i mean, what governor with abbott is doing down there is because the federal government has been derelict. that now, at least in a state like mine, indiana, has risen to the number one issue. i was with 24 sheriffs about two months ago at eagle pass from indiana because those effects --
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fentanyl, all the issues of what is this costing the federal government when you give 'em all the benefits of parole where you might see someone in 4-5 years, that cumulatively is adding up. national security, to me, is the big threat. when i was down there in '21 shortly after biden took over, about 50 nationalities were coming across the border. now, liz, it's over 150. not to mention 60,000 gotaways a month. i mean, that is chaos on our southern border. now we've got chaos in the mid east. elizabeth: staying on that for a second, davos, the world economic forum, what's being called the elites' jamboree. blackrock's vice chairman said reelecting former president trump would challenge europe fundamentally given trump's determination to embrace america first many matters of trade,
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diplomacy, nato funding, climate policy. what do you think of the elites worried about trump getting reelected? >> i think that is such a disconnect with reality, and they're not talking to anyone on the street, they're not visiting their own citizens within the towns and states they live within because anybody paying attention to that pulse knows that that doesn't make sense. and the more they harp on stuff like that, they're just avoiding the real problems that are out there, and the southern border is number one right now. elizabeth: got it. senator mike braun, thank you so much, sir, for joining us tonight. it's good to have you back on. now, look who's here with us, back with us now, congressman james comer. chair comer, it's good to see you again, sir. chairman comer, we're going to stretch a little bit because he's now getting mic another -- mic'd up. the oversight committee had a hearing today on the biden white house having a hearing at the
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border. we're hearing about lots of fireworks at this hearing. this is why voter polls show trump can beat biden. voters are saying shut the border now. now what happened was the president hosted congressional leaders at the white house. he wants $110 billion in funding for ukraine, israel and other national security measures, but house speaker mike johnson is saying no to that until there's, first, tight the or border security laws -- tight or border security laws here. again, voters want border security. the gop lawmakers are saying if you don't do border security, you're not going to get aid to ukraine. no deal whatsoever. show the viewer the chaos of what's happening at the border. this is, this was the senate deal that senators are working on. they want to increase green cards by 50 grand a year, 50,000 a year, rather. they want work permits for adult children of h-1b holders. they want immediate work permits to every illegal alien released
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from custody. they also want 5,000 illegal immigrants per day let into the u.s. when you do the math on that, that is continuing the catch and release policy of the biden white house. that's what house lawmakers are saying. 5,000 illegal immigrants a day equals 1.8 million. okay. so we're going to cut right to break. we're going to come back with congressman comer in just a second. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that.
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elizabeth: okay. we're working on getting house oversight chair comer back on. we're having a little bit of technical difficulties. we have this story for you, new reports coming in china is still working on creating a dangerous new covid virus for drugs and vaccines. that's creating fears again of more pandemics. we're going to have more on that in a second. lawmakerrers today trying to hold officials accountable for mishandling the pandemic. hillary vaughn is on capitol hill with the latest. hillary. >> reporter: good evening, liz. well, dr. fauci said i don't recall in response to lawmaker questions behind closed doors at least 100 times, but it's what he said behind closed doors in response to their questions that they say contradicts what he said in public. and if because of that, some republicans think he should be behind bars. >> i've sent two referrals to the the president of justice.
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i think he lied to congress, which is a felony, you know? several folks from the trump administration were accused of lying to congress and carted off to jail with fbi agents all over their property, host -- you know, yanking them out of their house early in the morning. but we have two tier it is of justice here. >> reporter: it really is up to the doj though if fauci should be charged with any crime either through the u.s. attorney or federal law enforcement. if senator paul is right and fauci did lie under oath and is charged with lying to congress or perjury, he could face up to five years of jail time. liz? liz: elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you so much. let's bring back in johns hopkins professor of public health, he's dr. marty makary. your reaction to that report, doctor? it's good to see you again. >> well, there's a lot of red flags, you know? dr. fauci often put party ahead of his own personal conviction because statistically it's impossible to agree with the cdc and the party line 100% of the time. so if he ever had a different
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conviction, he never voiced it. he believed in staying consistent. one thing that's clear, as senator rand paul has point out, is that his private comments directly contradicted his public commentings. privately he said masks don't work, publicly, he wore two masks. privately, he said he listened to several experts tell him that covid came from the lab, and publicly he said these experts or same experts are saying it doesn't. so, clearly, there was a disconnect. people have a right to be angry. elizabeth: you know, doctor, what the lawmakers are saying, let's go through it. house haw makers on the pandemic subcommittee just released a list of everything they told us to do, and practically everything they said is wrong. so dr. fauci testified that 6 feet social distancing orders likely not based on science, it just came out -- up out of nowhere, he said, that he signed off on foreign grants without
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first reviewing what they were for including on creating dangerous viruses in labs, that he could not confirm if there was u.s. oversight of what those labs were doing. he also in a study said covid vaccines don't work because the covid vaccine goes into the if arm whereas the covid virus starts in the sinus cavity. so it's things like that that people are saying what can we trust in the next pandemic? >> you know, we haven't heard a single apology, and that's why people are farrar, straus and giroux traited. frustrated. so many things were entirely wrong. we got bad advice, sometimes they were outright lying to us. people have not heard a single apology. and i think one of the biggest things right now that collins and fauci should be apologizing for is why were they promoting gain of function research so much? why did they write an op-ed e saying the benefits are worth the risks of doing it? why did they fund virus hunters to go into remote caves in asia to collect rare viruses and bring them back to poppe hated
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centers? these were catastrophic mistakes, and it puts the entire pandemic in context. the entire covid pandemic may have been avoidable. elizabeth: now, doctor, both drr boss, dr. francis collins, told congress the theory the covid pandemic did leak from a chinese lab was not a conspiracy. they both initially said it was. behind the scenes they were leading attacks against scientists who with talked about this theory and tried to suppress that. >> yeah, but they were trying to crush anybody who suggested it may have come from the if lab. the origin of the entire pandemic, they even got google to suppress any searches of lab leak. and that's the kind of suppression that they were active in. elizabeth: doctor, thank you so much for joining us. now house oversight chairman james comer joins us. it's good to have you on, sir. your committee held a hearing today about the border crisis? we're hearing lots of fire works? what happened? >> well, i mean, the american
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people who were watching that committee hearing could see the difference between republicans and democrats. i mean, republicans, this is one of our top issues. we're trying to do everything we can to control the border. what we heard from experts like tom 40 oman -- tom homan is the fact that it's not about money, it's about bad policy. the biden border policy is an open border. all the money in the world isn't going to solve the problem. we've got to have a reverse in policy. we've got to reaccelerate back to the trump -- revert back to the trump era border policy initiatives, and that's the fist step to being able to successfully detain and send back the illegals who come over here. but we've got to get serious about securing the border as well. the democrats, they just want to say that we're racist for wanting to secure the border. i mean, the democrats gave every reason in the world why we should have open borders, and it's just, it's amazing to see the differences between the two political parties --
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elizabeth: well, you know, bill clinton, barack obama, hillary clinton and joe biden all were for border security. >> right. elizabeth: so they're not racist. every nation in the world has border or security. can you tell us about this white house meeting? if because the president is adamant he wants $ $10 billion in -- 110 bill in funding for ukraine, israel and other national security measures. house speaker mike johnson is saying you've got to do u.s. board or security first. no border security, then no aid to ukraine, no deal. is he sticking to that? >> yeah, i think he's going to stick to that. look, that's the position of our conference. we've made that loud and clear through speaker johnson. we expect the number one policy initiative should be to secure the border. that's what the democrat big city the mayors want, that's what every taxpayer who's kept up with this issue should want. people that are battling fentanyl overdoses, people that are seeing human trafficking in their communities now, we've got
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to secure the border. and no amount of money is going to go to another foreign country until the biden administration secures the border. we shouldn't even have to negotiate with the biden administration to secure the border, but unfortunately that's where we are in this democrat-controlled city and capital. elizabeth: are you optimistic that they will get a border deal? because the voters out there, they're angry. they're really furious. we're seeing minority voters in cities speaking out in places like l.a., chicago and new york. they're very angry about what's going on with the border crisis. they want it to stop. many are saying shut the border now. i mean, when you look at the numbers, 9 million crossing, about more than 1300 terrorists caught, at least 41,000 criminal illegal aliens coming across the border. i mean, that's, that's an irrational policy. final word, congressman. >> yeah. it's not sustainable. the american people have spoken. they want our borders secure. the democrats are trying to
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reverse course now. they're trying to blame it on a lack of funding when funding has absolutely nothing to do with it. that's what we learned in our committee today. it's not about funding, it's about policy, and the biden policy is an open border. we have to change back to the trump border policy. elizabeth: got it. congressman comer, thanks for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: okay. gop candidates are barnstorming new hampshire ahead of next week's primary. former obama senior adviser david axlerod says the biden campaign, they are not in, quote, gear. they're not in the gear. they've got a formidable trump to deal with. and we have house majority if whip tom emmer coming up. we've got this story, it's a big one, u.s. treasury caught spying on trump voters, maga voters including the religious -- this is the all in pursuit of the january 6th capitol riot investigation. is that a good thing, that u.s. treasury is getting u.s. banks to spy on americans? we're taking it on coming up.
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elizabeth: okay, president biden has been hitting the campaign trail as labor union joe to get the working class vote, but why are major unions not yet endorsing him for 2024? mark meredith live in washington with the story. mark, good to sew -- see you. >> reporter: liz,you're right, the president prides himself heavily on support from unions, but so far many of the largest and notable unions in this country are staying on the sidelines of the 2024 race.
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president biden's taking great strides, even joining a picket line with the united autoworkers last fall to show his support for unions, but the uaw? they've yet to endorse him. they're not alone. other unions still sitting on the sidelines include the teamsters' union as well as the american postal workers and the international association of fire fight pers. firefighters. >> usually springtime is when some of these unions endorse. that's what they did for obama in 2012 when he was seeking re-election. i guess it is surprising that they all haven't come onboard quickly. >> reporter: we reached out to the biden-harris campaign today about this very issue. the campaign put out a statement saying he is proud to be the most pro-union president in history and looks forward the continuing to work across america to ensure working americans get a fair share of the wealth their helping to -- they're helping to create. former president trump recently met with the head of the teamsters' union. the group backed biden in 2020,
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but we don't know when an official endorsement may come out, and the teamsters, liz, says it wants to host a round table with trump sometime fairly soon so its members can hear from the caught. but we should note, biden does have some union support with the afl-cio, the american federation of teachers, both early backers of his re-election bid. but it's interesting where union support is at this hour. elizabeth: mark if meredith, trend spotting. great journalism, as always. joining us now, house majority whip tom emmer. it's good to have you back on, congressman. it's good to see you again. so this bombshell, this report out of house judiciary, your reaction to treasury investigators at treasury's department called fin-sen asked u.s. banks to spy on customer transactions using search terms like maga and trump. this is about the january 6th proked probe. so what do you make of this? it looks like it was a deep dive. it's more ebbs tense i have. we're going to get into it in
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just a bit. your reaction to it. >> this is part and parcel for what this administration is all about, surveilling american citizens and, more importantly, surveilling their political opponents and then weaponizing government against them. in this case you correctly point out the judiciary committee obtained documents from the treasury department that shows that the financial crimes enforcement network that's under the treasury's umbrella, that fin-sen, as you referred to, had directed banks to filter customer transactions using terms like trump and maga. literally trying to surveil customers' behaviors in a political sense. they also, liz, they also went after credit cards. they want credit card companies,
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the banks who are administering some of this to report certain merchant codes. a merchant code can be, you know, you bought clothing, you bought food, you charge it, it gets assigned a certain code, and they're e going back again to look for things like travel on january 6th with no known purpose. they're going back to look for other purchases of materials and, scary, extremist -- whatever their definition of that is. this is clearly using government, weaponizing it against your political opponents, and that a appears to be what they're doing. elizabeth: they were also looking at a customer purchases of religious text suggesting banks search on keywords hike dick's sporting goods, cabela's, bass pro shops. also searching z elle payment messages, bus tickets, rental cars, plane tickets. so this was a deep dive. the american people don't want to people like their government
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is against them and spy being on them. where -- spying on them. where does this go, congressman? >> well, the judiciary committee has requested a former head of fin-sen to come and testify in an open -- yeah, i'm sorry, give a transcribed statement where they can ask some in depth questions and find out, to your point, liz, how deep did this go. and you're right, this stinks to high heaven when you think about the fact that our personal transactions, you know, the banks don't want to do this. this is something this administration's and this treasure treasury's been trying to do for the past three years. you might recall credit card transactions with cumulative monthly purchases of $of 600 or more, they wanted tour banks to report all those. it's nothing more than a surveillance tool, and the scary part is they use it against their political opponents. americans just aren't going to put up with this, and this is
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why next november is so critical, and they're going to have a problem with things like this. elizabeth: got it. house majority whip, he's congressman tom emmer, we appreciate you so much for spending time with us tonight, congressman. it's good to have us on. >> anytime. stay warm. elizabeth: you too. joining us now, gop strategist, ford o'connell. ford, it's great to see you again. so what is going on with the president? if he's had just four public events in the last 25 days? there's more and more footage surfacing of biden looking lost on the campaign trail the when he does go out on the campaign trail. >> look, the perception among american voters of joe biden is that the lights are on, but nobody 's home. only 28 president of american -- 28% of american voters believe joe biden has the mental a sharpness to effectively serve as president according to thest abc poll. so a lot of people think he's a wounded duck going into reelection. elizabeth: so the president got heckled at a church in south carolina. he just hit rock bottom in a new
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abc poll at just 33 percent approval. he's averaging overall around 37% on the economy. s he's at a 67 disapproval rate on the economy. that's real clear politics ark. to put it into perspective, he's in the 230s. i mean, trump was just slightly more popular after january 6th, and george w. bush was more popular when the iraq war went south. >> joe biden is the least popular president of the modern era. the reason is very simple, liz. look at the issues that americans care about the most. bide message toes is a failure. biden inflation is real. the border is out of control, and joe biden has america engaged in three conflicts overseas. and when you look at these issues, it's very, very simple. the american voters believe that a donald trump is much, much stronger on the issues that matter to them. elizabeth: so a former obama senior advisor, david axlerod, again speaking out saying, you know what? they need to get it in gear over
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there, the biden campaign. watch this. >> i don't consider myself a pearl clutcher, i consider myself a realist. the president and his campaign need to get into gear, and they need a message. and they need a message that is, that takes in not just democracy, but the day-to-day concerns that people have. i'm not suggesting he doesn't is have talking points in his record that will support a message, but just let's all be aware -- and trump proved it again yesterday, he is not a normal candidate, and he is a pretty formidable candidate. and now this is -- he's on the ballot. elizabeth: how can they, so this advice, day-to-day concerns, campaign on day-to-day concerns. how can they do that when people like simone sanders, that story, a former bernie sanders and kamala harris adviser, she's saying ditch bidenomics, let it go. it's not working. you hear that more and more from top democrat insiders. so where does this campaign go,
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ford? is he going to maybe not run? >> there's nothing that spin doctors can do to resurrect biden's numbers. the democratic playbook's very simple. they're going to fear monger, they're going to call trump a dictator, a racist, they're going to play up abortion. and as you saw in the trump iowa victory speech, they're going to try to block him from liberal networks. that is the democrats' plan if he isn't kicked out by the counts. elizabeth: got it. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: former president trump, he's unveiling his defense in the classified documents case. he says he will hold, basically, the feet to the fire of what he says is bias in the u.s. intelligence community. plus, new york congresswoman claudia tenney is here. voters in new york sounding the alarm on rising crime near illegal alien shelters. but first, we've got to check in with our buddies can dagen and sean. what you got coming up next hour on "the bottom line"? sean: we have the davos elites
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gathering and the argentine president pushing back on their movement. we have steve moore here on. that as well as the white house continues to lie about migrants dying in texas, blaming texas for the deaths. sara carter here to discuss. dagen: congressman brian mast on how this white house should get a lot tough or on the houthis, and tammy bruce joins the panel top of the hour. that's my flamethrower. i'll have a real one later. ♪ ♪ after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ]
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elizabeth: okay, this is a story, it's not just happening in new york city, it's the happening nationwide. more and more taxpayers living near illegal alien shelters are sounding off about rising crime. now, gerri willis is at an illegal border crosser shelter at floyd bennett field in brooklyn with the story. gerri. >> reporter: nearby residents of floyd bennett field where 2,000 migrants live right behind me here say crime is rising. they say they don't feel safe in their own neighborhoods. listen. >> in our neighborhood, you know, we've seen sudden pan panhandling both at homes and schools. we've seen prowlers. we've seen unlicensed vehicles zipping through the neighborhood, and we only have one bus that goes to brooklyn, and it's getting overcrowded. >> reporter: at issue, groups of migrants panhandling in residential neighborhoods near
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floyd bennett. others say theft, prostitution and scams are rising. some even complain migrants walk into traffic pretending to be hit and asking for 500 in cash. new york city mayor eric adams says violaters of the law will be thrown out of taxpayer facilities and has instituted curfews at four facilities, not floyd bennett here. new york state says the answer is taxpayer dollar. governor hochul is proposing allocating new spending of $1.9 billion of the city, that's on top of the $2 billion spent last year. since bring 2022, 165,000 migrants have come to new york city. today 70,000 are supported by the big apple. back to you. elizabeth: gerri willis, always great reporting. let's bring in from house foreign affairs, new york congresswoman claudia tenny. happy new year, congressman tenny. what's your reaction to that story? >> well, this is, you know, when
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you put more money out for more migrants, that's what how -- you get, you know? keep taxing the fax -- taxpayers. a billion dollars in new taxes for more illegal immigrants, now we're going to spend $2.4 billion in the state of new york for next year's budget that was proposed just recently by governor hochul. elizabeth: so voters are paying for it in rising taxes if if rising crime. >> uh-huh. yeah. well, look, the crime is always a listed as the number one problem whether you're in new york city or upstate new york. my district is actually northern-central and western new york. this migrant crisis we saw two different situations, one was a rape, one was a sexual assault. we had a murder in one county. a lot of the counties that i represent actually did an emergency order which prohibited migrants from being in our communities. and, by the way, we have less problems in those counties than we do in the counties such as erie county where they took in all these different migrants where they're continuing to have problem.
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and, of course, we do have issues, obviously, with all the border issues that are in my district on the northern border of new york. elizabeth: you know, we already have an issue with retail theft, right? you see walmart and target, are locking up things like underwear and socks. that's happening in the bay area of california. congresswoman, walgreens is again closing a store, this time in rocks burr re-- rocksbury due to rampant theft. people there, they're outraged. they're not going to have a pharmacy. >> well, that's a huge problem. it's happening in upstate new york as a well. kathy hochul put in $40 million, contrast that with $2.5 billion for migrants, $40 million to try to combat some of these crimes that are happening in upstate new york. what they need to do is change the laws they put in place that caused it in the first place; cashless bail, all these other laws that prioritized criminals over victims. and we're continuing to see that. plus we have an torn general, letitia james, who is
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criminalizing everybody that is politically not in her party. and that's president trump on down. elizabeth: so this story, you know, the white house talks with lawmakers about border security and funding for ukraine. voter polls increasingly say voters are saying we are for legal immigration. minority groups are saying legal immigration. finish people are for the law. they don't want illegal immigration because it has an i feint, a rebound effect of rising crime and more. so when you see the biden white house saying we want funding for ukraine and it sounds like they're setting aside for now border security, big fight at the white house today, what's your reaction to that? >> well, look, i think everyone is sympathetic to what's happening in ukraine. and, certainly, we don't want another world war ii on our hands where we get in late and too many the casualties. but we've been helpful. i was just in europe, and the europeans need to step z all -- up as a well. the problem is the board wither.
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and we have got to deal with this because it is a national security issue. 85% of the people coming across are -- either on the terror watch list have come from the if northern border list, believe with it or not, it's the number one issue. i hear about that, crime and the economy. elizabeth: got it. congresswoman ten first thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you. great to see you. elizabeth okay, this story, the biden 20 this cochair or -- 2024 cochair speakes out on states banning, trying to ban former president trump from ballots. we also had the former president's team signaling they will go after the intelligence community in the classified documents case as politically biased. all of this on "the evening edit" next. ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade,
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elizabeth: back with us now former homeland security oversight counsel mike howell, sit tight, listen to jeffrey c c katzenberg he seems clueless on the law. >> does the campaign --
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>> i don't know. elizabeth: he doesn't know about this? the 14 amendment says only congress can enact legislation going anywhere near removing a candidate from a ballot, how does he not know. >> he was in the white house meetings where they have been talking about this. we pulled the visitor logs, and we placed katzenberg there and people attending white house, they are the same people behind the efforts to get trump taken off the ballot, whether it is in maine secretary of state bellows or letitia james. he knows, he was there. it is time he should step down from any position of
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public influence, this is the real attack on democracy they are unleashing. elizabeth: former president trump legal team filing court papers, looks like intent to argue in court in special counsel jack smith classified document case u.s. intelligence community was biased against trump. what do you think? >> i think it is evident, jack smith is a far left rogue prosecutor, his wife, you know the michelle obama document arian. and so, i think that intelligence community particularly, is well established in their record as having a partisan agenda. look no further than 51 intelligence officials who claims that the hunter biden laptop was fake and the week ago doj admitted.
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that the laptop was ream, that is proof positive that intelligence community pumped up the allegations and this misinformation when the u.s. government knew that the laptop was real. elizabeth: on the classified documents case, trump legal team indicates they will seek to prove it in court that the investigation was politically motivated and biased from the start. how do they do that? >> well, you have to loop into origins of this classified document, is the white house, librarian. u.s. government suspects that trump was making off with classified documents then worked through the biden's department of justice and other people subject to political control to drum up this mishandles of classified documents and then how they treated biden's documents he had over course of time taken them out of the senate to
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his garage, where you have a former president with right of access to this information two standards have played out, the trump team will be able to show they treated him different from origins to the raid and beyond than biden in this biden never had his rome -- home raided. elizabeth: also, reported coming in,. >> well -- look at white house visitor logs, they are coming in left and right, this is coordinated that will be the case they will provism wprofit. we'll see, mike howell we appreciate you coming on the show, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: we'll try to have you back on soon. thank you, i'm elizabeth macdonald, thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, we stay on breaking news, now time for "the


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