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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm lar ry kudlow. so. president biden speaking in n north carolina today to economic class warfare arguments called bidenomics, he never learns, one of the phoniest argument how he created 14 million jobs, he didn't, he is double counting pandemic jobs lost with his modest number of jobs gained. in february of 2020 before the pandemic roof fell in there were 152 million non-farm payrolls today, there are 157 million, the trump performance with 143 million in january of 2017 and through same february of 2020, was plus 9
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million. 9 million is 4 million higher than 5 million. by the way, comes to roughly 170 thousand a month for new jobs under trump. and 130 thousand for biden. now i agree with president biden that unemployment is historically low under 4%. yes. but it was trump who first broke that barrier with 3. .5% unemployment then, there is this complete bs figure, the billionaires are only paying 8% tax rate according to biden. this is the phoniest of phony numbers, conjured up by biden staff using an unrealized capital gains wealth tax that does not even exist. that is how they get to 8%. this is another one of these
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bottomless pinnochio untruths by president biden, he keeps repeating it, no one should believe him, if biden were elected he would go for a we'll tax and -- wealth tax and income tax hikes for individuals and small businesses and he talks about how rich get richer under trump, unfortunately is nothing nikki haley keeps talking about. this is not true. study after study shown including recent blue chip study from national bureau of economic research, economists from chicago, princeton, harvard and treasury, not only did trump tax cut generate a big boost in business capital investment with a 6400 dollar boost in real incomes of average families but also contributed to a size able jump in productivity and revenues paid for
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themselves. but the biggest gainers from trump tax cuts were middle income b blew col -- blue collar working family on a percentage basis and larger percentage gains for lower income wage earners and un. and unemployment rates dropped historically low levels for african-american, hispanics, asian-americans and women. could back to class warfare, we saw rich people, and et cetera, saw their state and local tax dedu deductions catched and blue state democrats are still belly aching about it. joe biden is a champion big spender, that is why inflation surged. and middle class affordability plunged. real wages under donald trump who had virtually now inflation -- no inflation
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rose by about 7%, under joe biden, real wages fell by about 4%. and the affordability crisis is the dirty little secret biden will never talk about. and as poll after poll shows this is why bidenomics is so unpopular. and why donald trump's polls continue to soar. just thought i would start with that. now we got votes on floor the house, and we have house members that are coming up later in the show, and we lost our reporter but we'll get it back. who cares. we have a star spangled panel, joining me ben domenech, did i get that right domenech. >> you did second time. larry: smartest guy in the world, we thank you.
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and first time gift, caroline downey, national view reporter and jason chaffetz, the smartest guy in building. fox news contributor. and author of "the puppeteers." kids, beginning with this clip from donald trump about new hampshire and nikki haley and get you on weigh in. >> people behind nikki haley are pro amnesty and pro china, preopen borders, she wants open borders don't kid yourself, pro war. and pro biden, those are the people that are send ago biden people they have biden stuff they are registering and vote in your primary, this is crazy. larry: all right, now, i don't know if that is true, but some is true, i want your take on it, caroline beginning with you, reading a poll "boston globe" poll, 50/34.
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for trump. that is plus 16. st. anselm, this is interesting, among republicans, caroline, it is 65/25 for trump, independence 'is 52/. >> it is fr true. >> she is refusing to accept that she came in third place in iowa. and her national message not as appealing as. t trump's her hammering him now is late to the game, i think she is playing catch up. what she does is she mostly caters to this fringe foreign policy message that does not resonate with most americans and trump's legacy was economic prosperity and
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independents and moderates they remember that they really do bidenomics failed. nobody is buying it, and at the end of the day people remember that there was a booming economy. are but now credit card debt and household debt are soaring, people are mo mortgages future to afford today and inflation off of the charts, it is the economy stupid still holds and haley there is a reason why trump made her u.n. ambassador, not domestic affairs. larry: that is why i read off -- we'll get a full report on biden's speech. reto read off a couple numbers. we could have gone on. biden never speaks the truth about any of this stuff, including phone ofy -- ultra phony 8% tax rate. they use a wealth tax on unrealized capital gains that was never passed. ben. trump is pounding at nikki
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haley. i don't know if these will have an affect or not. neg nanegative ads can work in new hampshire or not, will trump win in hamas handedly as iowa. >> i think he will larry, there are a couple different dynamics, the nikki haley appeal i think really needed to have more investment in this earlier in the process to be able to stand up the kind of national campaign that would be needed to take on the former president, we have seen i think, an inability to part of any of these candidates even ron desantis of figuring out a way to go after the former president that does not lose you support, and i think in case of nikki haley she has been boosted by a lot of people who won't end up voting for r r republican nominee whoever that is, we go to a more familiar ground for her in
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south carolina, i think that state could deliver a bigger margin for the farm former president, we have seen a shift in way that he is viewed by evangelicals a rural voters, a lot of other voters who are now firmly essconced behind him. they cannot be changed in the time needed to have a real effort to win this nomination away from former president. larry: jason chaffetz this is interesting to me, to see senators, house members, governors all across the country endorsing donald trump. it starts to mount in droves, i know that you know that doesn't necessarily win primaries, but it does tell you how deep trump support is in the republican party. jason, i'm getting it at, i don't think nikki haley had
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that kind of depth of support in the g.o.p., people that have come out elected officials very thin. in her own state of south carolina. very thin. i never really understood the basis of her campaign basin. >> i agree with that, i think this race is for nomination is over. he went 98 out of 99 counties in one county he lost to nikki haley was by one vote. this race is over and donald trump is pres the prespresumptive nominee, i think ron desantis in 2028 has a great show the of being nominee, but right now this is donald trump. the more we could focus on joe biden. larry: who will be his vice president? >> easy question. >> there are -- there is a
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couple key positions, in one of them is vice president, i think that roberts o'brian is probably one of leaders there and john ratcliffe, i think that president is familiar with them, this election is about security, security in wallet and border and overseas, o'brien and ratcliffe have the relationship with president as you know, and daily contact, throughout the administration, and they have sp strong resumes to run circles around kamala harris. larry: how about mike pompeo to follow-up on that. >> he is a top tier candidate. president trump trusts him and likes him, pompeo was flirting with running for president, he comes from an american state like kansas. larry: i think one much the qualifications, pitching it our youngest member caroline. what do you think about vice
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presidential story? >> well, i should withhold any experts analysis that question is still unfolding, i thought vice president at pick someone who is the intention to capture a demographic you could not on your own, pompeo, i am sympathetic with people pom, bpompeo he was in my brother's west point class. but i can tell you who pick will not be not nikki haley. larry: light. >> you, agree, ben, it might be a foreign policy people that jason chaffetz is talking about in. >> i think you are under rating potential of someone who i think actually could check a lot of boxes and be wcompetitive with winning over a demographic that a lot of republicans would like to pursue, i think senator tim scott should be higher in this conversation,
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a lot of boxes for robs who understand that winning -- republicans who understand winning a small portion of black vote in america would be devastating to democrats chances, i think he is someone who has shown his ability argue and take on the left with their racialization of politics and america in a way that since spiring, and -- is inspiring i don't know he is someone that would rock the vote by being too ambitious on their own right. that is why i think that won't be nikki haley. larry: tim scott is a great patriot, and a free market supply ci side, growth guy, a sound from president trump campaigning in new hampshire. >> soon as i get back in the white house, i will quickly end joe biden's inflation catastrophe and stop his wasteful spending and t terminate his green new scam and drill baby drill. >> joe biden is pushing the largest tax hike in american
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history, he is, i will make the trump tax cuts the largest of elarger than reagan, permanent. we have to. larry: caroline downey, i want to say, in my view, i have been saying this all year, the biggest reason that mr. trump had such a successful campaign in the polls now voting he has been on message with the border. a tig ti-- on the economy. and drill, baby, drill. liquid gold tax cuts, de regulation, economic growth, he stayed on message, nikki haley, never had a good economic message. neither did governor desantis or any of them, it was trump on the issues caroline. what do you think about that? >> like i said his administration's legacy is financial security. and thriving even the ceo of
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j.p. morgan, jamie dimon, old school h liberal recognize this, you take away fearmongerring around trump's rhetoric, the economic message is overwhelmingly powerful to independents and moderates and democrats and republicans alike, right now, for my generation, i mean, we -- homeownership is out of the question because of the interest rates and credit card debt. and i think that unfortunately, that is such a lived memory for so many of us what trump administration was like it was prosperous and stable. larry: you know, ben, last word, my thought here, i don't mean to demean the others, they're good republicans, that is not my point. but, none of them running, not a single one of them, had the clear economic message that donald trump
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has. for that matter, ben, i would add, on the border as well, and even go to foreign policy, in particularly the economy. which remains either the number one or tied with border security number one. nobody had a message the way trump had, last word ben domenech. >> one thing you are talking about so official -- important people spoke to a lot of different issues that were too on-line and too friend -- trendy without speaking to central issues that are dominant and front of mind for so many americans, not just republicans, we have a catastrophe on border and an economy that is not working for americans the way it should be and the fact that we had that level of disconnect i think is one of reireasons why this
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primary contest, is coming to an end so quickly. larry: all right ben domenech thank you, and caroline downey and jason chaffetz thank you. >> all right, next up need for mass deportations, a very interesting topic,y will talk to former acting u.s.a. attorney general matt whitaker. polling shows people want mass deportation, then, we'll talk with new york congresswoman claudia tenney and texas congresswoman beth van duyne, you can catch kudlow here on fox business at 4 p.m.
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larry: going beyond just closing the southern border, which is important. a poll shows that 66% of americans actually support
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deporting illegals who have already come into the country, only 26% oppose it. let's talk about it, joining us now. matt whitaker, former acting u.s. attorney general, co-chair of afpi law and justice center, matt welcome back. i find it interesting that this poll shows you want we had of what we had, i don't know, 5 or 6 million illegals under biden. people are worried about that, they are look de deportation and issue is how much terrorists are in country, let me play something that former president trump just said, i think in new hampshire or iowa. >> and we're doing to have to have a bepo bedeportation level that we've not seen in a long time since eisenhower. larry: since eisenhower. first of are all, former attorney general, matt, how
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would this work, can you think through it? i don't need a 10-point plan but generally speaking. >> yeah. well, two p components, you have to imminent the migrant protection protocol, remain in mexico. to get the asylum system back working with only the legitimate claims are filed on those here illegally, prioritize, the violent criminals and terrorists those already in jail, but you have to use the secure border to then roll people off, with i.c.e. to major cities and help you k know remove the people that should not be here and never come in. you also you know other thing on that plan would be end the sanc sanctuary
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cities and push back on cities thatten don't allow the i.c.e. operations. larry: matt whitaker. president referses to eisenhower plan. he had a general or a couple of generals who were organizing the return of some of the mexican illegals who got in in the 1950s, ike was tough on that, ike a former great general himself. how might it work today. update it i don't know if you have talked with president trump about it or not? >> so that video you showed from des moines, i was there with him on the stage. and this is something that i have spent a lot of time talking to president trump and others about how to do this. i think you have to dedicate resources. and you know federal government, there are limited resources, but dhs and i.c.e. need to be
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plussed up on and we need more i.c.e. lawyers, problem in immigration courts, that are run by department of justice are there are not enough judges there are r really not enough i.c.e. lawyers there has to be funding and little bit a political will. you have to put someone that can lead and make sure that others follow in you know removing folks, that are not here lawfully and legally. larry: much as i support this, at matt. 'might not be so easy to find them. you know, this incredible thing whatever 5 or 7 million i don't know the right number. but all these biden illegal immigrants released, been a catch and release plan, since biden was inaugurated, they run through the interior of the country. that is why it is such an
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unpopular issue, and sanctuary cities and states, how hard would be to do identify them to bring -- we could bring them back peacefully in a safe way, but how hard to identify them? matt whitaker. >> hard on the one hand, because, you can't just look at someone and presume they their status, they will have papers, they have files at dhs and i.c.e. and opinion registered at -- been registered at border when caught and released. i think so many of those that number, are people that have filed bogus a asylum claims, there need to be more teeth if you file one knowing you are not eligible, there needs to be a cond consequence, and putting in the remain in mexico policy, they need to go back to a safe third
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country then rat wait for their day in court. >> former attorney general matt whitaker thank you. >> all right. >> next up talk about the congressional battle. with the white house over this border issue, so far nothing has happened. so far, the white house is insulting house members, we have congress woman claudia tenney and congresswoman beth van duyne, they will weigh in, kudlow, we're available as a podcast every weekend day after the show, on spotify, apple, and fox business i am i supply side podcast, drill, baby, drill, we'll be right back. a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day...
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larry: all right, battle on capitol hill ide
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identify over the -- over the border and ukraine deal. edward lawrence is live at house with details, what you got cooking? reporter: what happened senate passed continuing resolution to fund government through march. lthe house is now debating this resolution to align it is senate version that is kicking can down the road, the real negotiation at deadlock trying to get a larger deal. the negotiators came to white house yesterday. listen to different takes on meeting, first, house speaker johnson saying that president and lawmakers understood the urgency. >> we must have change at the border. policies change. we documented 64 instances where president took executive a action to create the current catastrophe we have. there is a national security
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and humanitarian c catastrophe, i articulated that to the president in meeting. reporter: today president biden thinking that everything is handled there is no word on an agreement. >> what are the sticking points on the border agreement. >> i don't think we have any sticking points. i think vast majority of members -- the question is whether or not the small minority will hold it up. reporter: no word from president through his administration, and hinting at and changes to his border policies allowed the migrant to ille illegally cross the border, the stalemate seems to continue. >> all right edward lawrence thank you. >> let's talk more about this. let's bring in new york congresswoman claudia tenney
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and texas congressman beth van duyne, thank you both, i appreciate it. so, here is the thing. i don't understand, i'll start with claudia, is this about ukraine or border? i think more americans are would like to close the border than they would to give more money to ukraine, but you tell me, go ahead i'm sorry. >> i think it is 100% about the border american people think it is about the border, 73% of all parties polled think it is the number one issue is border, crime and what it saucin causing -- the causing, violent the border and breaches sovereignty, number one issue of job of federal government, is border security and national defense, we have people coming across the border 85% of people on terror watch
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list are coming across the northern border, our customs and border agents have been displaced with the southern border, the democrats are obsessed with ukraine. we republicans are obsessed with protecting our border. larry: beth, i think hr2 is a pretty good bill, but white house is insulting the house, what press secretary said yesterday. >> he is not only congress person in the room today, he is not. not the only person in the room, there will be other congressional members, president has been clear he wants to talk about ukraine urgency of continuing that assistant to ukraine what many means not just broader world national security but for us, speaker johnson will not be the only person in the room. larry: insulting the speaker of the house, saying like
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claudia said, that is about ukraine funding. not about closing the border. that is just cheap shot offensive that is no what i do a deal. >> you are right. no -- we have had wins in ukraine, for example, we have been able to contain the expansion of russia to ukraine, 80% of equipment brought to ukraine has been destroyed. you have not seen that conflict expand beyond any other nato country, they are wins but we see losses in middle east with hamas and attack oth attacking of the israeli people and the houthis in the red sea, biden administration is not going anything about that. we're in a wartime scenario at our border, 100 thousand people have been killed as a result of fentanyl coming in
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and countless number of terrorist criminals operating inure our country, as a direct result of what is happening at the border because biden administration refusing to enforce our laws, we could control our border tomorrow if agencies were allowed to do their job. the administration is standing between. larry: can i pick up on that do it tomorrow. trump's success with catch and deport, with remain in mexico, withs t title 42, they were executive orders. all executive order. remember that the wall require apatr appropriation. the other stuff, while you were waiting for your asylum decision you remained in mexico, before you came in you have to pass a physical, if joe biden were serious about closing the border he could close it. >> yeah, well, larry, you
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heard the speaker say, there are over 64 provisions either executive orders or acts by department of homeland security under this administration that have caused the catastrophe at border as speaker defined it they created this problem. all they have to do is reverse those this will take time to clean up the mess, but right now, we can stop this huge number of people coming through, and try to help the taxpayers, by sending many of these people back. larry, you know you are from new york area, when i hear new york democrats, talking about deporting illegal immigrants we hit pay dirt. you know that, you never hear that before. larry: you know we talked to matt whitaker former attorney general into this issue with president trump. and there is a poll out that shows 2/3 of americans now favor deportation of those who have come in illegally. that is a big number.
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may not be such an easy thing to do but that is what folks. , you are right. beth, what will happen, while the clock is picking ticking and arguments continue and the president he doesn't want to close the border, more and more illegals will come in, we don't know what january numbers are but they will not be great. >> no, what saw in december was over 200 thousand. we keep hitting records every month, almost 10 million right now that have come in to the country illegally since biden has taken office, and bill that senate is working on is not helpful they talk about 5,000 per day that is will normal iize the numbers we see that is 2 million. you are right, we should do is turn them away at the border. senate -- democrats' to do is offer them incentives to come here by giving them jobs.
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as i we think we'll do, in the house will hold strong, republicans have come up with a bill hr2 with a number of provision to force them to do their job, whether that is supporting local law enforcement or inning cash and release. -- catch and release, or building the wall. supporting the customs and border control but not asking for money to -- to turn them away. 80 to 90% of asylum seekers don't qualify. why are we sending the them. we need to stop the ridiculous programs. larry: claudia tenney, some of fox analysis of issues in iowa, iowa, showed that illegal immigration and open
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border has become the number one issue in the presidential caucus. and claudia, i'm thinking out loud, your take, you know, this could be number one issue in the entire election. i think it gives donald trump a big leg up. i think it shows how the country is in full revolt and biden white house, they just down get it. >> i agree, that is why trump won so decisively in 2016 he was first person to stand for the border and it was because he decided he took a position as a candidate, that citizenship in this country has value, democrats are undermining this. this policy by biden administration undermines that notion of citizenship, civil governance and believing in our constitution and freedom, a lot of of people, even new immigrants embrace this,
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they came here for a reince reason, they may not love his personality but they love his policies. >> it goes. are wonderful to come on, you are terrific, claudia tenney and beth van duyne thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> happy new year to you both. >> happy new year, thank you. >> all right next up, i'm a baseball fan, a yankee fan, but, the former los angeles dodgers' first baseman mr. steve garvey who is a 10 time all-star, former national league most valuable player, will now he is running against the big time lefty adam schiff who has never told a single truth in his lifetime. mr. garvey will join us next, he has a shot, believe
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it or not, he is an mvp shot at becoming a senator from california, i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. ing on my f. aaaaaah. got it. earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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larry: here is another story a bombshell electric vehicle cheating scandal biden's
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electric vehicles are not near as efficient as he claims, gerri willis with details. reporter: the cheats scandals are indictment a dimi a dozen. volkswagen and daimler played billion in settlements and fines but two washington attorneys say that government has its fingers to sale with fuel efficiency of electric vehicles, the government cutting corners and misleading public. >> it is a form of corporate welfare hidden tax on consumer, whole point of this mull flyer they call it, to privatize the benefits. tesla can sell credits and pass on the savings to its bare buye -- buyers but socialize cost. >> carmakers multiply
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efficiency of the electric cars. -- according to government, the fuel efficiency is 430 miles per gallon. it is hidden, buried in federal register, on page 36987. of volume 65. probably didn't see that did you. wait, it gets worse, not only is the government helping companies exaggerate their efficiency, but they are also handing out compliance credits on basis of those scores, which are trade a tradeable for cash, that amounts to billions, tesla's haul is 2 billion, we reached on out the tesla and p big 3 automakers we're still
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waiting for a response. larry: that is is an awesome report, jerry will gerri willis. >> all right, switching hitters, joining us now former los angeles dodger first baseman, mr. steve garvey. 10 time mvp ml b, now running a strong r race to be california next senator, steve, i am a life long yankees fan. new york yankees, but i will acknowledge you are a hell of a player, i look forward to you pushes hard against adam schiff. you have come up in polls, from 5 or 6% now 18%. you are only a few points debelow schiff -- >> i forgive you larry for being a yankee fan. great world series, that is what it is was about when
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baseball was vibrant that reminds me of california when i came hire 50 years ago, the economy was doing great and d industry was booming. and global leaders, it was a heart beat of america then. it is just a murmur now, what shaping to -- what is happening in californias rep resonates, i am running against clear politicians and a disfunctional washington and people of california are starting to listen, it is resonating, a common sense, that you don't hear. we getter closer ewe have 19 points and we're touring throughout the state, we have gone to the border and homeless in san diego, and l.a. and sacramento. we have talked to teachers, i look at them eye on eye and i ask them what their
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life is about. and my opponents don't do that. larry: push for growth. push for lower taxes steve garvey, california is the most incredibly tacked state in america, and taxed state in america, a friend of mine gavin newsom is raising taxes again. >> larry, i listen to catechism of kudlow every day. and i listen to what you say, it is always opinion a don't part of who -- done a deep part of who i am in terms my love for state of california, it foe goes to flow market capitalism. everywhere i go people are st strangled. no matter where they go, they can't take their kids to traveling games any more, they have to team up with other families, california is suppressed, my voice will be a new fresh voice for people of california and future quality.
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larry: steve garvey, you have a heck of a good shot. good luck to you, we'll talk more as the campaign goes on i'll be right back with my last word. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling,
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problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting then use watsonx code assistant ai designed to multiply developer productivity so you can generate code quickly. let's create a more modern foundation for business, with watsonx code assistant. ibm. let's create.
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(fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investment products, right? (fisher investments) nope. fisher avoids them. (other money manager) well, you must earn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher investments. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. discretion is advised.


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