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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 19, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: new york looks rather bleak this morning, rather gray. i think i see it starting to snow and midtown manhattan virtually empty on friday. 10:00 eastern, to the money. we lost much of the rally that started the day although the dow is still 100 at the nasdaq up 75 points to the upside, the 10-year treasury yield going up this morning, still going up, 415 there and the price of oil right now is $74.78 a barrel a barrel, edging higher throughout the week. bitcoin at 40,900 points, this is a very important number for realtors, the latest read an
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existing home sales, lauren is on her computer. >> they came in at seasonally adjusted annual rate of 3. 78 million in the month of december, trying to get more bullet points to give you, cheaper than expected. all of that because this one is very good. the number came in much stronger than expected, 78. 8 and the reason is inflation is coming down. if you ask folks in january what are your inflation expectations a year from now, that number went from over 3% to 2. 9% for inflation. one year out, that's the lowest since december 2020. it's going in the right direction. stuart: the price of existing homes that were sold is $382,000. it went down. prices falling. sentiment rising. the 382,000, sorry, 382,000 the
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median price of existing homes that were sold and is up 4%. we got that right? the dow is still up 80, nasdaq is up 70, immediate fallout on the market. now this. as i read it trump had a good week. biden a difficult week again. landslide winner in the iowa caucuses, crisscrossing the country with energy and drive, leads by double digits in new hampshire. just as important as a new, less threatening tone. interviewed by sean hannity he was relaxed and enjoying what feith thinks his return to the white house. he has momentum. very important in an election year. i say biden is the opposite. has momentum is to the downside. is decline is visible on a daily basis. in north carolina thursday he was confused about who he was meeting.
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before that he was confused in a coffee shop and looked surprised at the price of a smoothie, has to be led off the stage come gets things wrong, says we are getting better off, his delivery is week, slurring his words and losing his train of thought. his handlers are scared to let him out in public. that's why he rarely appears, they are scared of him speaking in public because they don't know what he will say. they do know he will look old and that is a huge problem in an election year. when he makes a scripted teleprompter >> comes across as an angry old man. there's something deeper going on, the president's true condition is being covered up. we are left we have uncomfortable feeling that biden is not running the show. we don't know who is. and time of war that is trouble. trump is on a roll, biden is in daily decline. second hour of varney just getting started.
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tammy bruce with a says she usually is on friday morning. always good to see you. >> especially on a snowy morning. stuart: i don't see how president biden can be present for another 5 years. i've said this every day for a month. do you see it? >> i don't think he has been president for three years at this point. it is a matter of we don't know to your point who is really running the show. the rest of the world also doesn't know and doesn't have a figure to point to, we have the chaos that we have an. technically yes, this is what they did in 2020 and they think they can do it again because they are not thinking of the country first. that's a problem. stuart: trump seems to be striking a new tone, watch this. roll tape. >> i noticed in the last town
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hall we did together, the you seem to have taken on a more gracious tone. i've asked you this before. why is donald trump always fighting so hard? >> i know it and i know it very well but we have to win. if i were different type of person i would have been out of office a long time ago. stuart: it is a new tone and you think it will last? >> i heard it in iowa. he was magnanimous. he likes to win. he knows winning matters. it's not just like an ego thing, you've got to be a winner so other people especially bad guys respect you and listen to you and take your orders and know that you are a serious person. that's the messaging that affects the bad guys around the world so he is correct. if he was a softy and part of him is a softy and he knows what he's doing. people underestimate him. they think he has some loose
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cannon and that is also helpful for bad guys to think you don't know what to expect. donald trump knows what he's doing and people now know him better than they did in 2015-16. this is the attitude that gets things done in the white house. i think when he's up against an opponent he will be aggressive and that is genuinely him and when he is winning and when there is success you are going to see a dynamic with more of the real trump. stuart: i just love politics and election year. tammy:it is the enthusiasm gap, people become enthusiastic versus not enthusiastic. this is the key for this year. are you going to go out in a snowstorm to vote for this man? you are not going to get off the couch for president biden. stuart: thank you very much. now this. the university of pennsylvania seeing a big surge in chinese donations. lauren: how much are we talking about into we know why we've got this big surge?
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>> $25 million in one year from mid-2022 in the middle of last year that was triple the year before. why? good question. one donor is a political consultant for the ccp. another a private equity founder in china with ties to president xi. president biden was a professor at penn after he was vice president. the school paid him $776,000, more than a professor makes. it host his think tank. stuart: you know where we are going. the biden family is taking a great deal of money from china, right? tammy:now the chinese are giving money to where his think tank is and classified documents were found. stuart: president biden hit the campaign trl. in north carolina to tout his bidenomics agenda. >> he touted the economic successes in the past couple years and announced his
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increasing internet access to north carolina. i did not hear him use the word bidenomics. >> president biden: there's no question our plan of investing in america and to the american people is working. is part of my economic vision. planning and economy from the middle out, from middle-class out in the bottom up. that way the poor have a shot. the middle class does well and the wealthy still do well but they got to start paying their taxes. tammy:i pulled some numbers, gas prices were under $2 during the trump administration, over $3 now. the stock market was up 70% during the trump presidency. it is up 24% during the biden presidency. you can't afford rent or groceries but bidenomics whether we use the term or not is working. >> the rich should be paying their taxes. >> he won't increase taxes. a lot of the trump tax cuts expire soon.
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stuart: it is immoral for any government take more than half of any person's income and they are doing at all time in america today. i will settle down. back to the markets please. we got libido for rally. alyssa, we've got a big tech rally that is pulled back a little bit but seems to be powered by ai. how far can the big tech rally go? >> earnings season will be critical as the first real test for the superstrong rally. i'm keeping close watch on big tech earnings. not to beat a dead horse but ai is the thing to watch right now. nvidia gave us the blueprint for what's possible. other tech stocks involved in artificial intelligence convey follow suit? canadian liver in this big year for ai? stuart: you bought some stock picks, we like the specific
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stock picks, elastic, that is surely etf, isn't it? >> the sec is a database software stock in the early stages of a turnaround, trying to turn profitable. we are getting on the annual probability front orderly profitability and big percentage gains and last quarter was a huge earnings reaction and formed a new base, the price level is the area to watch the outside. stuart: q well i asked, what do they do? >> cyber security software. software software software. a bit of a theme here. that group is one of the strongest. you typically hear about crowd strike and palo alto networks but this is another one to watch. we saw a big run for the stock
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going into last year. this one is providing an add on opportunity. the first two leaders out of the gate, this one is bouncing off the head declines. an interesting area. stuart: elastic, we will have a look at them. we hope to see you again. great report. lauren is looking at the movers. i'm intrigued. >> they hit the highest level in six years. raised them to a bar, $200 price target, they say companies are looking to deploy ai right now and it will be messy, their words, but ibm is unique because they have the consulting and software assets that can smooth things out. stuart: spirit airlines. lauren: way up, 20%, 30%. a 23% jump. they say the deal from jetblue is still in effect and they are
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urging jetblue to appeal the federal judge's decision to block that merger and to refinance. stuart: the lawyers will win that one for sure. wayfarer, the online retailer. lauren: another company cutting staff, 13%, 1600 jobs, consumer spending week or so they are trying to cut costs and save money. stuart: thanks. hunter biden will sit for closed-door deposition next month. what will be the first question jim jordan asks him? congressman jordan is on the show. texas doubling down in the fight with the biden administration over control of the border. texas's latest move in defiance of a cease and desist order. us forces launched their fifth round of strikes against the houthis this month. is this becoming another forever wore? we will deal with that next.
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stuart: on the market this morning we lost some of the rally we had but we still have some green right there. the market after the housing numbers were released, 4.09 million homes were sold last year, the lowest total since 1995. the rally is holding, modest rally at best. the war in israel, alex hogan is in tel aviv. you spoke with and his american israeli soldier who just returned from gaza. what did he tell you about the fight? >> reporter: he said the morale
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is high among soldiers fighting on the ground. he just returned to tel aviv. is among the reservists released although the military is telling them they need to be ready to be tapped once again. he was on vacation in miami during the october 7th are tax. he serves as a tanker in gaza. >> we see hundreds of kilos of explosives behind children's bicycles, weapons everywhere, rockets in people's backyards. >> reporter: the war has displaced 85% of the population according to the intensive care departments in the south are at 250% occupancy. streets are lined with makeshift shelters you can see in this footage, 20 people living in each of these 10s. recent double attic talks for
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civilians to go home to the northern part of the strip. people being able to go back won't help with the problem of displacement. >> there's pretty much nothing, not that much left it's not blown up or somewhat blown up. >> reporter: there's new disagreements between jerusalem and washington. benjamin netanyahu last night rejected us call to establish a palestinian state after the war. earlier this week the white house called for israel to lower the intensity of the offensive on the ground, meanwhile we are seeing new tensions on the northern part of israel, israel fielding attacks from two fronts, not only continued airstrikes that we've seen from hezbollah in lebanon but just yesterday the idf said it struck military
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employment from the army of syria. stuart: thanks very much. houthi rebels fired two more ballistic missiles at us ships in the red sea yesterday. they missed. today, us forces attacked houthi missiles as they prepare for launch. kristin whiten joins me now. is this turning into another what i would call forever wore? >> it will be if we fight at this extremely low level of intensity. mostly in a defensive manner. we are taking the fight to the houthi in the form of the strikes but these are not comprehensive strikes to completely degrade the houthi ability to attack ships in the red sea. also we are not fighting the snake head which is iran. of the biden administration were to crank up sanctions on iran, tinkering with iran's oil exports or at a minimum, to get rid of the uranian warships in the red sea that are almost
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certainly providing targeting information, targeting ballistic missile to hit a ship that's moving at sea, to do that from land takes more sophistication than the houthi probably have so taking the fight to iran which also is at play in gaza, that's what is going to take. stuart: i see a stark contrast between the way donald trump handled iran and the way president biden is handling iran. couldn't be more stark contrast. >> iran was on the back foot throughout the trump administration, the peace agreement between the uae and bahrain and israel and morocco. instead of having iran being on the offensive on two of israel's borders -- stuart: okay. i think we have a problem with audio. we are losing christian. can't make out what he's saying
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so i'm going to move on. thank you for trying to be on the show this morning. then we have the brits as in the uk cracking down on illegal migrants in that country. what exactly are they doing? ashley: this is been going on for a while, but rishi sunak trying to pass a bill into law that would give the uk government permission to send migrants who arrived without permission in britain to rwanda in africa. 4000 miles away while they wait to have the asylum claims process. critics including lawmakers in the conservative party say the proposal could violate international law but rishi sunak hopes to override a decision to declare the rwanda policy unlawful. at least 110,000 illegal immigrants across the english channel in boats since 2018, mostly arriving from
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afghanistan, iran and turkey. legislation passed the house of commons but now goes to the upper chamber, the house of lords where rishi sunak does not command a majority but he's hell-bent on getting this in place. stuart: i would love to find out a want or wants these migrants and if the brits are paying rwanda to take them. i don't know. ashley: they pick rwanda because they say it's a safe destination which raised some eyebrows as well but nevertheless this is something he wants. stuart: here at home texas is doubling down in their fight with the administration on who controls the border, the feds or the state. what's the latest? ashley: texas authorities beefing up security at shelby park in eagle pass bringing in more razor wire to deter migrants. that's the center of a lawsuit between texas and the biden administration.
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shelby park has been used as a staging area for processing migrants crossing near the rio grande. texas attorney general ken paxton told the department of homeland security that his state will simply not allow or give in to demands to allow federal agents into the park. the texas military department seize control of shelby park last week saying the move was necessary to prevent further illegal immigration into eagle pass. as that stalemate plays out a federal appeals court has temporarily reversed an order requiring texas to remove the floating barrier on the border that holds back the flow of illegal immigrants but now the barriers stay in place until appeals for the fifth circuit take up the place in may. in a meantime they stay. stuart: thanks. the wall street journal is sounding the alarm on adam schiff's run for the senate. ship has a radical agenda.
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you wants to transform america into something like the far left would love. that's "my take" at the top of the our. mortgage rates expected to fall below 6% this year. does that mean the price of homes will fall with it? mitch rachelle sorted out for us next. ♪ you can't buy great conversations or moments that matter, but you can invest in them. at t. rowe price our strategic investing approach can help you build the future you imagine. t. rowe price, invest with confidence. moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence.
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stuart: stilson green up 83 for the dow, 62 for the nasdaq composite. we are starting back to american airlines down again. we to down again today with the exception of spirit. another instance of a plane with 53 passengers skidded off a runway in buffalo, new york. it landed in a patch of grass. things you used to think about that i never used to think about when i was flying. stuart: very bad pr. lauren: they distribute calorie burning drinks, energy drinks down 8%. bank of america cut them to neutral, saying market share is declining and they don't have
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any more distribution deals. stuart: i want to see hurts, they got a downgrade in stock is down 5%. lauren: they got an upgrade from morgan stanley and jeffrey says the price target of 8 down from 12, they say ev repair issues, higher operating costs and depreciation in general will hit the company after near-term profitability. stuart: new hampshire has the highest percentage of residents with student loan debt. it's become a top issue heading into the primaries. madison alworth is in durham, new hampshire. how do voters feel about biden's push to cancel student debt? >> a mixed bag. some are grateful for the help. others are frustrated to be bailing out people for their decision. a debate that has been raging for some time in new hampshire. college has long been seen as the way to secure a more
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prosperous future but with rising tuition costs many students say they are graduating with more of a debt burden. >> republican ross barrick graduated with $33,000 of debt. he worked hard to now be debt free. >> no one else should be responsible for the loans i take especially working-class people. >> reporter: some new hampshire voters are grateful for president biden's forgiveness efforts. >> they went to default. it came back from what i want to do so this helped me out with my credit as well. >> reporter: mary jane as far from alone. new hampshire is the state with the highest percentage of residents with student loan debt and the average debt here $47,000 but there are other options. less houston own and operate the advance trade school in new hampshire who says his graduates are not happy. >> the highest level of frustration are from recent graduates of trade programs that are now in the trades saying i paid my own way.
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>> reporter: students like mason choose these trade programs to avoid the student debt predicament. >> why would i spend 40 years out of college and come out with 100,000 when i could go to four your homeschool and the loans will be 4000, it's a no-brainer for me. >> all of this on the heels of president biden announcing this morning an additional $5 billion in student loan cancellation. one thing all the gop candidates agree on, they are exposed to these types of bailouts. stuart: see how that works out in the primary next week. listen to this. in all of last year, 2022, only 4.09 million homes were sold. that the lowest total since 1995. mitch rachelle joins me now. what does it tell you about the state of play in the housing market? >> reporter: last year interest
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rates went up, that moved the market a bit but the biggest issue is those houses weren't on the market for people to buy and the biggest issue in today's release of existing home sales, basically this trough of homes on the market, three months supply is far from the historical average of 6 to 9 months. stuart: we are expecting mortgage rates to fall below this is% level. would that make a difference to the housing market and would make a significant difference? >> it will make a significant difference in terms of the volume of buyers. let's go with basic college econ. if demand goes up and supply stays constant, prices go up. my prediction is interest rates will fall below 6%. interest rates will fall below
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6%. i wouldn't be surprised if we don't see prices go up 10% next year. stuart: sounds like the realtors of this country are in bad shape. they can't be happy with the situation, can they? >> no and what happened is they have normalized the number. two years ago on your show i said there were two times as many realtors as they were homes on the market. people with licenses to sell homes. a lot of people left the industry. they with a late entrants and thought it was a great way to make money so a lot of those folks have left. but you are right. i talked to realtors before segments on your show. there was a lot of frustration because there's a million homes sold every year relative to the last several years, that's a lot less commissions for realtors. stuart: normally in the spring, the next time for realtors, the best time to move your house on the market.
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do you think this spring will see an uptick or is it just more doldrums from here on out for the year? >> the number one question i get for speaking engagements, is now, forget about the spring, with residential mortgages, and wasn't fixer-upper. last thing you want to do is renovate a home, guys working in garage right now. if you find something that is ready, do it. stuart: if this is a good time to buy a house you are going to need help from somebody, maybe your wealthy parents. that's how it works these days.
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>> the median home prices $400,000. what parents may have to chip in to help that isn't a huge amount of money. a bigger issue than price is availability because there's so few. they were incredibly -- was in movement condition. the stuff that is out there, a lot of it, you can see one of them had been on the market for a while. they need a lot of work. stuart: got it. mitch rachelle, thanks for being here. come back in again. which cities have the hottest
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housing markets going into the new year. which once fell to the bottom of the list. neil: hope you like stu, it is predicted to be buffalo, new york where the median home price is 248,455. the real estate website is a low says affordability is the most powerful driving real estate issue which would benefit market in the great lakes and midwest. buffalo comes in number one followed by cincinnati, columbus, ohio, indianapolis rounding out the top five with providence, rhode island. on the other end of the scale, the coolest housing markets where prices are expected to
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decline, predicted to be new orleans, san antonio, denver, houston, minneapolis. some of those are in the midwest, south, either way those markets are not considered hot this year. on the upside mortgage rates are starting to decline which by all accounts housing inventory is expected to grow, to follow up on what mitch was saying, really low inventory. not enough houses. stuart: thanks very much. very interesting story. lauren loves this. a bride-to-be was asked to tip after by her wedding durst which cost thousands of dollars. i'm all for being generous but i say chipping is getting out of control. lauren: i agree with you. stuart: the meatless trend surged in popularity couple years ago. people are jumping on the newest diet, the carnivore diet. bring your appetite. ♪
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stuart: still some green after more than an hour of business, 74 on the nasdaq. drugmakers, how much more with these drugs cost? >> the diabetes treatment. that they use to lose weight. and it has been a months supply. and has been hyped by 4.5%, $1070 a month.
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the maker of ozempic sites market conditions and inflation. eli lilly says it sets prices according to a medicine's value, efficacy and safety. drugmakers raise the list prices of their products. more could come in the next few weeks. that could generate more government scrutiny as the biden admin a straight and is taking steps to reign in spending including plans to start negotiations over pricing. those diabetes/weight loss drugs very expensive. stuart: $970 a month. it's a new year which brings new fad diets. kelly joins us now, tell me about the carnivore diet please. >> reporter: the carnivore diet in contrast to the quito diet
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means you want to focus only on products that come from animals. animal fats and dairy milk. you can drink alternative milks and have veggies too. this is a very interesting contrast to alternative meet being so popular couple years ago. the timing was right for these companies according to the food investors board over 700 million into plant-based startups in 2019. the next year, that amount tripled. beyond to meet has yet to turn a profit, its stock plunged 97% from its $235 high in july 2nd a little more than $7 a share today. despite the push to ditch beef. >> meat protein. that's why we eat a lot of meat. as far as alternative meets are concerned it would be like going out and drinking cheap
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wine. >> reporter: you tried some of the big meet. my feeling is if it works for you, eat it. >> it's not good for us. we are chicago, greatest city in america. i'm not moving and i will continue. >> reporter: joseph tells us what is trendy right now. i love to cook. something i should be looking at. what's popular? >> you should eat expensive stakes. trendy items would be chuck roast, ground meat this time of year. things that aren't crazy expensive due to the overhead but caused meet prices to go through the roof. >> if you were to look outside it is slushy, snowy and cold. neil: stuart: good report. i wonder if i could lose some weight eating steak. thanks.
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yesterday president biden had his first public event of the week. one minute into his speech, to make a gaffe. >> president biden: i have my picture taken with her. that is probably why she left. all kidding aside. she couldn't be here actually. that's not true. stuart: i find that painful to watch. i don't see how he can be president for another five years. the bible recap has jumped to number one on apple's podcast list. is this a religious revival. the host of the podcast joins the after this. ♪ ♪
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stuart: a popular podcast called the bible recap reached the top spot on apple's podcast charts.
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terribly is the host and does this come as a surprise to you you? suddenly your number one on the apple list? >> it was certainly a pleasant surprise. stuart: did you get any kind of -- how did it happen? all of a sudden? >> we know a lot of people like to start at the beginning of a new year. we expected to have a bit of a bump but didn't expect to overtake the kelsey brothers it was a fun gift from god. stuart: do you take this as a sign of a religious revival? >> we hope so. one of the things we love seeing happen in the world is when people want to engage with scripture. i want to help them not just read it but understand it and love it. those are my goals. reading scripture is not the end game. it's falling in love with scripture and the god who gifted us with it. the fact we are seeing so many do that, i certainly hope it is
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a sign of people whose hearts are turning to god. of the one church attendance is down and here we have a podcast going to number one. i find that interesting. >> one of the things i hope happens as a result of this is we hope this will encourage people to jump back into the local church. we love the local church and the more people read and understand and love god's word, the more they gather with his people and be drawn back into what we've gotten away from the past few years. stuart: i ask if your bible, your podcast, is it like bible study? >> it is about 8 minutes. it's very short. what we do is help people redo the whole bible in a year. you can read the bible in a year in 12 minutes a day but the problem is the comprehension. most people just accumulate confusion. what i want to do is come alongside them after 12 minutes of bible reading and explain what they read and i explained
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it in layman's terms that everybody, every day people can understand. it makes it palatable for adults and children and it is different from a bible study. i'm helping them to see what the word is. stuart: congratulations. that is something. you are all right. you can come back any time. >> i would love to. stuart: this is lauren's story. tipping culture once again out of control. where is the latest place people are being asked to tip? >> at the wedding dress store. a right to be in utah selecting her perfect wedding dress. it cost her or $2000. when she went to pay the screen, a prompt for a tip. >> wedding bristle week and 1/2 ago. i ended up finding my dress at the first store that i went through. when i went to go pay, they flipped their little ipad around and did ask for a tip.
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i stood there and i think they saw, i did not expect to have to tip buying a wedding dress. i don't think you are supposed to tip when you purchase a wedding dress. lauren: i feel so bad for her. that's the most embarrassing moment. you are buying the most important dress of your life. it is costing you thousands of dollars, 10% tip on that would be hundreds of dollars. someone lifted those heavy dresses out of the back room and watched you put them on and help to accessorize them, you're going to want to tip that person. i would. you are out hundreds of dollars. does that work on commission? stuart: on both sides of the fence. the demand for a tip, you are justified by saying the shop worker was doing a lot of heavy work. lauren: i am against it but wouldn't have done it because i would have been too embarrassed not to do it. stuart: we are out of time, the producers insist. lauren: you have to say that.
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it is friday feedback. stuart: what is the craziest thing you've been asked -- lauren: to tip for. stuart: sent to still had, hunter biden will sit for closed-door deposition next month. i want to know what jim jordan's first question will be. steve cortez jumped from being a desantis backer to a trump backer. what change? more varney coming up at the 11:00 hour after this. mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs! we're just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ imitates trumpet playing ] and we wanted to thank america's number-one motorcycle insurer -for saving us money. -thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are -- exactly like me? i know, right? well, cherish your friends and loved ones.
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