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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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g, the country's number-one reverse mortgage lender and get your free info kit. call the number on your screen. larry: president trump seems unify the republican party and unify the country and unify around successes and those are powerful and positive themes.
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and we'll have much more about that and powerful and positive and here is liz macdonald. liz: you're terrific, larry. i can't remember the last time america together and united because they love our country. americans love our country and don't want to hear about moral superiority and vanity of people trying to divide it. they're sick of it and saying heal the country, bring it together and make it successful as you've been reporting on, larry. thank you so much. we appreciate you. we're going to stay on the stories and new developments coming in about what voters care most about. the crisis president biden ignited at u.s. boarder and angel nobles and her daughter murdered by an illegal border crosser and dan patrick. thank you so much for coming on, tammy. we are outed and americans are outraged and it's a disgrace what happened to you and your family and your daughter and you testified today before congress and tell us first what happened
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to your daughter and tell us what the re-accounting standards board was -- reaction was in congress. >> on july 27, 2022, i received the worst news any parent can ever receive. i got a call from the detectives letting me now that my daughter was a victim of homicide. they told me that she was strangled with a phone cord and they had no idea -- they didn't have any ideas of who it was until finally january 15th of 2023, we found out that it was a minor and an illegal immigrant and then like a week later we found out he was a ms13 gang
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member and got worse from this.. liz: tammy, we're standing beside crowds and all the angel parents and this was preventable. how did democrat lawmakers respond to your testimony. this was a second impeachment hearing for secretary mayorkas and how did democrats respond? >> it was really frustrating and they were on their phones when i was telling my testimony, sharing pictures of my daughter and they did not use her name and not about receiving they were asking for more funding, border patrol, and the republicans weren't doing their part but funding and more border patrol isn't going to help anyone do their jobs.
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liz: what tammy just said. lieutenant governor dan patrick, democrats were on theirics phone not listening and show them the illegal alien crime in the country and last fiscal year alone. lieutenant governor dan patrick, respond to what tammy is saying and that the democrats first of all ignored tammy and secondly they think throwing more money at the problem will fix it. your state, texas, inundated with illegal crossings. president trump, former president trump is saying stop the invasion, reject the senate border deal. lieutenant governor, respond to all this. >> first of all, i spent seven years, eight years in the senate before becoming lieutenant governor for the last committee hearing ands most disrespectful thing you can do is ignore a witness and it's a minor and to be on their phone and political activity and tammy is there
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pouring her heart out for this tragedy that should have never happened and underscores the disrespect and democrats and biden have for all americans and for those who crossed the border. those women who were raped, those children that were gone into sexual slave trade innocence. this administration and this party doesn't care about human life and for tammy and her family to have suffer this and we had a story recently killed by a drunk driver here that was here illegally and law enforcement that was injured or killed and our own people in texas who suffered like tammy and drug dealers, gang members, ms13, murders, child lesters, carjackers, kidnappers and the worst of the worse coming across the board including potential
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terrorists and we've included almost 300 on the terrorist watch list. this administration doesn't care and we need to shut down the boarder and we're doing everything we can in texas. to give you a sense of the size of this, over 10 million people will be here illegally since biden turned his back on the border and just opened it up. that would be the seventh largest state in the country. doeliz: saying that's wrong and them to be on the phone and ignoring you thinking we're going to thousand more taxpayer money at it, again, it's wrong. what happened to you and your family was a disgrace and going across these and i'd tell them more. >> i would say it's not a
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political stunt or political show. they did not bring me there for that. i am the one that chose to be there and i'm the one that's fighting for my daughter in her honor and bringing awareness trying to save other children and other par parents from livee nightmare i'm living. i am an expert because i had no idea what was happening at the border before my daughter. now i know way too much and i want to prevent this from happening to someone else. bring an awareness to this. liz: tammy, we have no idea the suffering you've been through and can't prohenned it and we'rr suffering and we can't report these stories and you're not alone and lieutenant governor, thank you for joining us. good to have you both on the show. we're going to stay on that
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story. this story making headlines and main hospital system in denver, colorado, potentially on the brink of bankruptcy. people say yes to legal immigration and we're for that. what's happening is in biden's border collapse and thousands of illegal border crossings are pouring into u.s. hospitals nationwide and we want to take care of people, yes. but they're saying this is an issue about legality of immigration, illegal immigration and lydia, more on the story. >> liz, denver helped about 7,000 migrants from central and south america made 20,000 hospital visits and the hospital treats everyone regardless of ability to pay. in 2022, the hospital accumulated roughly $120 million worth of services that were not paid and last year unpaid care grew by about $15 million at the same time the city saw the migrant population swelling.
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i migrant crisis is adding strain. >> migrants using denver health as primary care location seven when they settle in and there's no more cost to the city, there's going to be a cost to denver health. they need on going healthcare and the emergency room is frequently full and have to divert patients and the real tragedy is they often -- real tragedy and don't get it on their own. i they seized more than 1 million healthcare visits and recorded an additional 81,000 visits like migrants and more than 170,000 myograns had passed through -- migrants passed through the system and it's a growing bill and spending estimated $592 million on migrant services from july through october of last year. the mayors of denver, chicago
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and new york city and mayor of new york kathy hochul called on the federal government for more taxpayer dollars to help. liz, back to you. liz: lydia hu, great reporting, thank you so much. texas congressman tony gonzalez and he was at the hearing yesterday. the impeachment hearing for homeland security secretary mai mayorkas and your reaction to that and speaker johnson said he went to the white house, told the president to his face, you can stop this crisis now. undo the executive actions and stop these border policies. why not use his executive pen? >> liz, thank you for having me. you're exactly right and there's no amount of money that can solve this crisis. what this crisis gets solved when the policies that worked under the trump administration are reimplemented and that's happened today. you don't need congress, you don't need more money.
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you just need to have political will in order to enforce the laws that are on the books and you mentioned the hospital just before this and we're seeing that exactly happen in eagle pass and it's not only the hospital, it's going to be the police, it's going to be the first responders, it's going to consume all of the city resources and today we're talking about denver and chicago and new york and talking austin and la and this thing only spreads. liz: yeah, taxpayers are saying, yeah, we want to help people but we have minority voters in the cities you just mentioned saying it's hurting us. we're working class, we're poorer and, yes, we want to help people and what's happening is the tax base hits. illegal immigrants and wednesday night at the border before they were surrendered to the federal agents and what do you make of
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what the state is doing and the biden white house has yet to say we're going to sue the state of texas to stop this. looks like texas is going to increasingly arrest illegal immigrants at the boarder and taking matters into the state's hand and saying down there, it's an invasion. what do you say? >> this crisis and no one wants this cps arrestee and enforcing immigration and we want to not see our local sheriffs dealing with immigration and we want them in our counties making sure cities are safe. because the federal government failed to do their job, federal agents to want be in the field and doing their job and biden administration abandoned everyone along the border and
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saying the force is stepping in. liz: got it, congressman gonzalez, thank you for coming on and joining us. home depot and crisis ceo bob nanardel and i recollects messenger joe concha and we have a jam-packed show and with which political party is most at risk in the 2024 race from the impact of the growing juggernaut of independent swing voters and the risks now growing for the president and going to sit for the house deposition in the biden impeachment inquiry and the developmements in the controversy swirling around and fulton county da fani willis and setbacks for the biden agenda for again counting production of the exact same electric truck and president biden drove the green agenda and former acting u.s. attorney general matthew
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whitaker and push back at supreme court and stopping states trying to ban trump from the ballots and all this coming up on "the evening edit". trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data.
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attorney general matthew whitaker. great to have you on, matthew. good to see you. first, let's please deal with this first. attorney general merrick garland told cnn he want as "speedy trial" for president trump and special council jack smith's 2020 case. get your reaction to this, watch. >> one of the trials of the former president donald trump is scheduled for march. some of the polling we cently shows that three quarters of republicans believe that he's being targeted for political reasons. doses it concern you that this public perception exists and what can you do to try and change that? >> the acts that we take and following the law and facts and the prosecutions you're talking about were brought last year. the special prosecutor said from
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the beginning he thinks public interest require as speedy and trial, which i agree with. liz: why, why a speedy trial? >> speedy trial is not the right of the government. it is the right of the defendant and once its waived obviously, the timing of the prosecution is largely in the defendant's hands and i think it's very concerning to me that merrick garland isn't an ordinary human being. he can't look at what manhattan is doing and fulton and special council is doing and maybe suggests this is a little over the top in targeting one individual for the political beliefs and i think that history won't judge merrick garland in how he conducted himself in all this very well. he's not doing justice and interest of the american people and continuing this great republic that we have is to make sure the american people get to decide and not the department of
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justice, who the next president of the united states is. liz: the former president was impeached over the capitol riots; right? the voter polls are showing the voters are saying, well, we still want trump-appointed over biden. trump is edging out biden in many polls and we've seen the results. now let's turn to this. the state's push to ban trump from the ballots over january 6. oral arguments that the supreme court is scheduled for february 8 and colorado state supreme court removing trump from the ballot and what's the impact of this? three former attorneys general and they filed a brief at supreme court edwin piece and michael mucasie, what's the 7:pact on that >> the impact in addition to those folks almost all republican members of the congress and senate, a bunch of u.s. attorneys with a lot of
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people fi file aamicas briefs ad they're wrong and misguided in the illegal analysis and the supreme court on february 8 will put this to bed and i think it's very important that all american people: watch and it's part of the democracy and watch how the supreme court handles this because it's so important. liz: form riprap's team and sent a new filing to the supreme court and under the institution. we have reports coming in 179 congressional lawmakers including, i think saying trump must stay on a state ballot. when this goes to the supreme court, we're not asking you to be a prognosticator and they can
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enact a law that can remove anybody from the ballot. >> the application of section 3 of the section 5 and congress has to act and this does not wind it is way to the hearing and a lot of strong legal voices are coming in and i think what colorado and the main secretary of state were doing was virtue cigging and they don't like donald trump and they weren't applying the law and that's what's dangerous is when the democrats use the law as a weapon, instead of a neutral arbiter of fairness and justice. you're going to end up with perverted outcomes like what's happening in the colorado case. liz: got it, matthew whitaker,
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thank you for joining us and we appreciate it. coming up, we have the messenger's joe concha and growing power of swing voters royaling the 2024 race and also tuesday's new hampshire primary. which party gets hit and more of hunter biden agreeing to appear before the house and private deposition and next month details on the impact of this coming up on "the evening edit". >> they've been saying, they've been doing all these publicity stunts saying they wanted to get the truth out. they wanted to speak public lickly. but come in for the deposition and you'll have a opportunity to answer questions. ♪
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blowing smoke, joe concha. we enjoy your insights and this is the unreported story that's happening right now on the 2024 race. the growing power of swing voters, gallop says infeint voters outnumber gop voters and like 43% of all woke voters out flat configuration and each for the other parties and what do you think? >> >> look at defendants and republican and democrat and where's the independent vote going and elections and we're seeing now it's trump by eleven over biden among independents and that's devastating to team biden, liz, and then second what do i look at for the swing state polls telling us and national polls doesn't really tell us in
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this case and what voters are thinking in the following six states and georgia and arizona, nevada, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania and all those states and donald trump is leading for trump up by ten in michigan and ultimately in nevada and georgia and arizona and whoever takes four of the six swing states as i just mentioned, liz, wins the presidency and there's a long way to go. liz: what's interesting is showing the headline and democrat strategist and he's worried about the string voters and he's also going to pull votes from both parties and he's worried polling more from biden and swing voters leaning independent voters on the news and shared republican view than the liberal voter and that's going to royal every race, joe.
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>> ultimately think a third party candidate pulling more from joe biden than donald trump. looking at enthusiasm behind tram and loyalty behind trump versus joe biden is a lot more voters are easy to peel off of biden right now given that he's at 33% approval overall and 28% among independents and donald trump obviously as ron desantis and nikki haley can tell you it's hard to peel his voters away and ross peroe in 1992 and got 19% of the vote and bill clinton won with 43% of the votes and in that case polled pd from bush than clinton and repeating missile joe biden is in trouble and third party candidate polling more from him and that can make all the difference. liz: also a factor from the primary and senator tim scott and expecting to join president trump tonight in new hampshire, this evening announcing his
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support of former president trump and the latest tracking polls tram leading with 50% in the granite state and nikki haley at 36% and let's watch nikki haley at the cnn town hall and nikki haley saying trump feels threatened and insecurity and pushing asp a conspiracy thy are reigns leading about her ineligibility to serve as president and watch nikki haley and president trump here. >> do we want two 80 year-olds rubbing for president and disarray and world on fire and look finally at the fact that they're so distracted by their own investigations and their own grievances and i think about my kids, i want a president that's going to be focused on what we need to do to fix the economy, to secure the border once and for all, what we need to do to get our kids reading again and booing gabbing to the basics in education and what we need to do to make sure our country is safe. >> biden is a threat to
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democracy. absolute threat democracy. he's very dangerous and grossly incompetent and number one reason but he's also actually in his own way, it's not him but the people that surround him. he's got very bad people surrounding him at that desk within the republican party i want to bring unity and within the nation i want to bring unity and unity is going to come from success because when we had this country prior to covid and then after covid and especially prior to covid and the china virus coming in, we had the most successful country ever in history. liz: let me backup, nikki haley has to do this and trump is spelling out po policies and you hear policies from the former president and that's what's resinating with people out there. the new york ti times ran an opinion piece that 17 cabinet members and trump appointed now and getting to oppose him and john kelly saying trump admires
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autocrats and dictators and ag barr saying trump will put his own interest in gratifying his own ego and everything else and we see those headlines but when you see the policy talk, it seems that former president trump is talking more about policy, joe. what do you think? >> message of optimism and look back at winning slogans in the years and sitting on the hill for reagan and george h.w. bush hoping change with obama and make america great again with tram and focusing on policy and looks forward and saying this is going to fix this country as far as inflation and crime and the open border and foreign policy where there wasn't war when is i was president. that kind of optimism wins the day and still on the biden side and more about doom and gloom and must fear trump because he'll destroy democracy and shotgsomething like that and tae state in new hampshire and road from there i don't see a path
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where she can overcome single figures and double digit in new hampshire and look tougher and tougher right now in trump's opponents and looking like the nominee and that's definitely for sure. liz: joe concha, thank you for joining us and good to see you. >> house oversight and house judiciary and, kongman, good to see you and hunter biden finally agreed to sit down on february 28th with your committees for the biden impeachment inquiry and spell out the impact of this. >> well, i think it's huge. up to this point, hunter biden headed towards contempt of the house and contempt of congress and then that ball kind of gets into the department of justice on if enforce or arrest him or charge him and go after him. for him to testify, we want that had from the beginning and from the next month or so, we have
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several business associates coming in for interviews and hunter will take his place and right now he's the last person coming in before the committee. liz: so why a deposition is important and impeachment managers can dig into things as long as beneath need the as opposed to five minutes that happens and typically in a congressional hearing member by member. here's the thing, is he going to plead the fifth? how do you and other lawmakers get around to pleading the fifth? >> if they plead the fifth, not much you can do and ask them questions and get them on the record. if he pleads that way, that's his right under the constitution. he is coming and several business associates, tony bobulinski and others that are
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coming into the committee. we're going to start to get whether or not he testifies or not, we're going to start getting even clearer focus on what is going on with this family and in particular some of these business transactions and setups they've had for years. liz: congressman, let's listen to house oversight chairman james comer. watch this. >> we wanted hunter biden to come in and answer questions. we have a lot of questions and he'll have to come in and sit down and answer specific questions about trans-accounting standards boards and meeting ands pleadings the fifth and refuses to an the questions, the american people can assume this family has been on the tape for a long time from our enemies an the world. we're going to give hunter biden due process and he'll come in but at the end of the day, this is a huge victory before the house oversight committee and exactly what we wanted, and hunter biden learn that had when you do things the right way, that you don't get to make your own rules. liz: that's chairman comer with
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hunter biden pleading the fifth. what can they get hunter to admit to. we are trying to establish a connection between hunter biden is business dealings selling the family and brand in the president's name and government job overseas and connecting to joe biden's accounting standards boards while in office showing that joe biden profited off of her and hunter biden's business dealing ands when he was in office. >> there's clarifying questions and we know at this point hunter wasn't qualified to be on the board of reasoning and he said so minutes he was paid a substantial sum of money to do that and burisma asked him to call dc to help with the prosecutors and getting to the bottom of that and going about that setup and more. liz: congressman fry, thank you for joining us. good to see you.
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new and growing controversy and fulton county da fani willis getting more free trips than realized from her alleged boyfriend she hired while her trump 2020 investigation was ongoing. now fani willis already faces a house judiciary probe for hiring in the special council on that case and special prosecutor and misusing taxpayer funds getting free luxury vacation trips and free travel from him; that's the allegation. but first, let's hear from day and sean and my buddies over there. what's coming up in the next hour. >> victor davis hanson on that as well as massachusetts hospital going to kick you out of services at their facility if you have micro-aggressions and the great marc siegle on that. >> eye roll for them. jason rantz on maine trying to become a state where children, teenagers, can go and get sex change surgery and hormones without their parent's knowledge
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ larry: fulton county da fani willis prosecuting trump in the
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2020 case in georgia and willis is under investigation herself and growing controversy around her and steve is in atlanta with the latest. reporter: elizabeth, so far this is a lot of accusations by defense attorney for one of the 14 along with president trump accused of interfering in the elections in georgia, but no real evidence yet. those accusations include she hired her married hover as a prosecutor and paid him more than $650,000 and the two used some of the money to go on trips together and that prosecutor nathan wade in the middle of a bitter divorce and court records appear to indicate he bought plane tickets to go to san francisco and miami. we're going to know a lot more about the relationship between these two at a hearing scheduled by the judge for february 15th. he wants to see if this was indeed an improper relationship.
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the results could be anything from delaying the trial for months to even getting it thrown out completely. >> could lead to a whole host of things she doesn't want to happen and removed from the case and whole conflict of interest and the case could be dismissed if it's so structurally unsound and amounts to a violation of due process. >> so far willis has not said clearly weren't she was in a romantic relationship with her prosecutor. elizabeth, back to you. liz: thank you. bring in federal investigator and attorney sam d dewey. breaking news. fulton county commissioner bob ellis is now investigating, he's now asking fulton county da fani willis, fani willis to turn over invoices. let me go through it. invoices spelling out her expenses car accidents with her
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office and experience of each prosecutesser she hired and how they got paid out of what funding they got paid and what they're digging in and the foulton county commissioner from fani willis. she evaded financial controls and have not gotten the approval from fulton county she needed and special prosecutors and others. liz: there's this news, nathan wade the prosecutor fani willis hired for the trump 2020 case and the news is coming in the da fani willis got in more free trips from nathan wade and alleged to be her boyfriend and
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had her on the trump 2020 case and while the investigation is ongoing and nathan wade going towards san francisco and this is coming out of the divorce case with his wife. she reportedly flew to belize, panama, australia and more. it's unclear if fani willis flew there with him too. >> that's right and what we're see asking a continuation of this and what you want to remember is that a prosecutor needs to not only do justice but make it appear justice is being done and you never want an issue for this and disclose something saying i have a relationship with someone and not going to affect the case. this turns every regulation practice, the propertiers follow on its head and we're now in a scenario where there are more questions than answers and it
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just destroys the independence for the prosecution and it's taken over by someone else if it's allowed to go farred at all. liz: top of the segment and fulton county commissioner bob ellis is now investigating fani willis and faces a house judiciary funds and prosecuted building free luxury vacation trips and from travel for him. the allegation too is that her office, fulton county da office got more than $14 million in federal taxpayer grant money and house judiciary is interested here. >> correct, and there's some concerns about the money that she received from the federal government and from other sources allegedly being for covid related manners with that money being used to pursue the case against president trump and the other codefendants. there are a lot of questions there that she's going to have
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to answer because it's not just an allegation that so she was paying her boyfriend buying her flights and allegation that she said, hey, we need all this money for covid-related stuff and didn't spend it on that and spent it on suing president trump and that's also improper. there's a whole lot she needs to answer for but again, my fundamental bottom line is even if it turns out she technically did everything properly and in terms of strict compliance with the law and the appearance here stinks. she cannot continue to prosecute this case. and have the public believe that there's any semblance of justice. if what she says is true, she should be the first person to say i don't think i did anything wrong and putting them on the independents. liz: thank you for your expertise. we've got a brand new setback to the president's failing push for america to go all electric. ford is cutting production.
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you're seeing it there. cutting production on the same exact truck president biden took for a test drive to market his green agenda. we're joined on t "the evening edit" next. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network.
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elizabeth: well, we really enjoy having our next guest on, he's the former ceo of chrysler, the former chair of home depot, the one and only bob nardelli. when bob speaks, people it -- sit up and listen. bob, we admire your smarts here. what do you make of ford again cutting production of its f-150 electric pickup truck? that's the same truck the president drove to push his green agenda. >> well, elizabeth, thank you for having me on. i think this whole ev is just another, you know, debaking in a a long finish debacle in a long list for this administration. if you look at the ev and you look at, you mentioned ford, at one point this last year they had over a hundred days of inventory. so jim probably had no choice but to cut production. he had all that working capital tied up. the dealers were upset because they weren't moving products. now, when you look deeper at ev, which is one of my favorite and passionate subjects, you look at the firm coming out of china,
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byd, sold 563,000 in the third quarter, they surpassed tesla. if you look at kia, hundred dye in korea coming into the number two position, if you look at the start-ups, many of them are stumbling, they're running out of cash. it's hard to schedule an invention. and the old saying, elizabeth, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink, i've always over 50 years always looked at market-focused, customer-centric. this administration totally missed the customer-centric piece. elizabeth: yeah. >> you look at the recent debacle with the weather where people can no longer get their cars charged, their batteries go dead overnight because they're trying to automatically keep them warm so they can accept a charge. so the infrastructure is just not there. we've moved from range anxiety to charging anxiety. so this will happen eventually, but forcing this and creating all these artificial if incentives by the government and
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then issuing mandates that says, well, only three or four really qualify, you know, we're going against china where they have the lithium, they have the cobalt, they have the know-how. you know, byd has been in the battery business for a long time with apple. and, therefore, have vertically integrated their ability to be superior in producing electric vehicles. i recently saw a photo of china's master control center for charging stations. they can tell you every charging station, whether it's working or not. they can tell you the utilization. we don't have anything close -- elizabeth: wow, that's amazing. >> and yet -- elizabeth: you know who really knows it? the auto dealers. they're saying, you know what? stop it, white house. you know, the car a makers are losing billions because consumers don't want them. the car inventory, electric car inventory is now at a, like, four months when, you know, it's about a half that for a gas vehicle. consumers are a saying we don't want them.
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electric cars scare us. they're unreliable. the charging's not there. the battery gets drained because they're trying to keep warm inside the car, so that's why battery gets drained, and they're say, you know what? go hybrid. why not just take the one step? why go just all in? it feels like probably a costly debacle, one of the worst america's ever seen. final word. >> one of the worst, for sure, being forced by this administration, again, in a long list of debacles. surrendering energy independence the first day of the administration. general motors, 24% of their production of their people, you look at ford and gm, $6-7 billion of funds that they've pushed out multiple years. so -- elizabeth: yeah, this is a debacle, bob nardelli. bob, you're terrific. we'll have you back on we hope again soon. have a good weekend. it's good to see you. i'm liz macdonald. thank you so much for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. now it's time fo


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