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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 22, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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♪ ♪. stuart: it takes two. down to two, trump, haley, marvin gaye, good morning, everybody. it is 10:00 o'clock eastern we have to get to the money, do you want to know what's happening with your money as we start out the new week. you're doing okay, the dow is up 200, nasdaq up 124 points, the ten year treasury, that is the key thing to keep checking out, the yield is down 4.09%, that seems to be help in technology and the nasdaq. as for the price of oil, $74 a barrel and going up a little, we have tension in the mid east. bitcoin, $40692 per coin, that is the market and now this.
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on saturday iranian backed militias fired missiles at the base used by american troops. the pentagon says, number of u.s. personnel are undergoing evaluation for traumatic brain injuries. two navy seals died in the operation off the coast of somalia, they were trying to intercept weapons headed for the iranian backed militias, there are attacks on americans most every day in iran is behind them supplying the weapons of the money, when is it going to stop, not until iran pays a high price, not until they understand that the proxy wars will rebound on them, they are playing with us just like they played with president carter 40 years ago, the only quit playing with us and harassing us when president trump took out there terror chief and cut their oil money, now we have a president who's been outmaneuvered and a defense secretary working from home. on this program military people including a four-star general have called for direct action against iranians. they want to go after their oil,
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that would be an escalation, something this president appears unwilling to do, that could change if there was a mass casualty situation. a cruise missile hits a u.s. navy ship for example, once again the iranians have challenged an american president, we seem to be on the brink of war, i want to bring in kt mcfarland who is long experience with iran problem. good morning kt, are we on the bring of work? >> we are. >> are we headed for work. >> we don't know the iranians are at war with us they have been at war with us since iranian revolution and their goal is america out of the middle east, death to israel, kill all the jews, they have not wavered. are we on the brink of war, what i'm worried about is what you're worried about. right now the biden administration doesn't want to appease them, we don't want to get in to drift into something. but by the attitude they are encouraging more because iran and iran's proxies is a little bit more every day a little bit
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more intense and frequent and at some point a missile is good to get through the defensive perimeter and then you have mass casualties and american mass casualties and then were in a war we do not want and we don't know how to fight and we could've avoided it. stuart: what happens if the iranians announce they have nuclear capability. >> everything changes. because is not just iran it is saudi arabia and if iran gets nukes we get nukes. iran is making them a home there building their own nuclear weapons. saudi arabia buys them from pakistan and somebody else then turkeys as if they have them i need him to. then you have a nuclear arms race in the most dangerous part of the world. stuart: that the frightening prospect. >> i used to teach nuclear weapons mit 40 years ago and that's what everybody always worried about the proliferation of nuclear weapons in the hands of countries that are really happy to use them. what we've seen with iranian proxies in october 7 is iranians don't care about mass casualties of israelis. the normal hesitation of world
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powers isn't going to work with iran, they're not responsible player. stuart: u.s. and arab allies are trying to push through or plan to release the hostages and in the war on israel. any chance of success with that. >> i'm so tired of the united states government regardless of administration going around to other countries and say this is how we wanted to do thinks this is the government we want you to have, you should have democracy and election just like ours. did we not learned in vietnam and afghanistan and libya and iraq, that the guys in the region figured out that the israelis figured out, let them finish their job, but then work with other countries in the region to end this war at a time of their own choosing and let them pay for at the end of the day. stuart: our relationship with benjamin netanyahu has fallen to pieces. >> it is because of the biden administration trying to boss him around and tell them what government he should have and how he should fight the war. israel is united there are no left in israel after the
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attacks. the other thing that is worth talking about we are there to protect freedom of navigation and freedom of the seas. who trades on the north in the area, who trades to the red sea, that is europe to asia, asia to europe, why should we alone have to defend those seas we should have every other european country in their standing together with us saying we together are going to make sure that we have freedom of navigation and if we all have to go after the houthis, fine but go after the source of the and where the missiles are being fired from don't just do perimeter defense and hope you will catch one of the just about to the ship take it out in the region so far that has not been iran proper it's iran's proxies that i would wait. stuart: you know what you're talking about what a delight having you on the program. many think cindy. the biden administration has placed sanctions on the houthis but here's the but, there is a loophole, edward lawrence at the white house, tell me more about
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the loophole. >> there's always a loophole with the administration added the houthis as a terror group they did not added to the list of a foreign terrorist organization, the list they added it to made it easier to remove the houthis and also allowed big carveouts for certain things in order to get through, one of the carveouts the president made was oil the treasury department issued a general license to the houthis allowing the group to profit from the oil trade out of yemen, republicans are saying this president looks weak. >> we have to go back to maximum pressure this administration has got to reverse course on the iran policy or were going to lose more service members. i think the administration is backing us into another protracted conflict in the middle east because the bad policy. >> the administration allowing the houthis to profit and avoid u.s. sanctions when it comes to oil while making the case that the biden administration is saying is actions are making a
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difference. >> this is not an attack just of the united states. this is an attack on the entire global economy in the world is standing up saying they won't tolerate that. in terms of how this is playing out, one thing that's important to keep in mind is deterrence is not a light switch. >> with oil above $70 a barrel, the yemenis export about $1.08 trillion worth of oil each year, billion $1.8 billion, that means $90 million a month in revenue and part of that will end up with who enter houthis and they could possibly by missiles with that. stuart: could probably i would say. thank you very much. i want to get back to the markets, monday morning started in the green the dow is up 200 points, we have a solid gain for the nasdaq as well, i want to bring in luke lloyd our market watch of the morning, i particularly interested right now in ev stocks i know that the broad range of stocks and
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electric vehicles and green energy. but it seems a whole green plan is under a great deal of threat and i would assume the ev stocks are also under a great deal of threat, what do you say? >> they are and if you want to be speculative with your investments i would rather own the queen denevi manufacturing's. in the end the three market dictates what wins and loses not government mandates and the free markets are telling us that ev's are not ready for mainstream americans, most small ev manufacturers not ford and mgm not tesla the one that most people never heard of the get go bankrupt, cars require economies of scale in most ev companies will never reach the economy of scale necessary to survive, where you want to look to buy is the suppliers of the technology in energy and electric vehicles, not the manufacturers, the
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technology can be used for many of the purposes, battery technology, look what's happening of the cold weather batteries are becoming a big topic, economist driving technology, infrastructure technology, the stock around battery technology aspen aerogel, battery technology improves battery efficiency that could be used for all kinds of things not just ev's. stuart: tell me about aspen aerogel sweeper this on the program before, tell me again. >> the technology aerogel's are around the battery and makes them last longer and makes them go farther, whether it's electric vehicle or manufacturing purposes whatever the battery is used for makes it more efficient for the company of the technology or the vehicle that the technology is being used in, were looking at stocks like nvidia of the world, the semiconductor that are being used for electric vehicles, not the actual ev manufacturers themselves. stuart: i'm going to change the subject, i want you to look at nike which i believe is the most valuable apparent apparel brand in the world, do you like it.
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>> nike is $150 stock about 50% upside from here. nike is one of the woke stocks that we don't like pulling the trigger on what we think there's money to be made. nike's brand is estimated to have a $75 billion estimated value that is the most valuable apparel brand in the world they just announced a 2 billion-dollar cost reduction plan and nike likes to return the money to investors with their share buybacks with one point to billion of stock repurchase last quarter, we like many investors like would-be country companies become more efficient to billion dollars more efficient all while returning back to investors, is trading well below the historical multiple, summer olympics around the corner this is $150 stock. stuart: six month away to the pairs of epics. thank you for joining us, all good stuff. lauren has the movers, you have to start with amd which is down.
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>> is down about 3% when nvidia hit and surpassed $600 a share, amd is the second choice to nvidia. and northing downgraded to market perform, they said a.i. is big, really big just not as big as investors are thinking. stuart: adm a slight reversal of the. >> a and company there's a probe into the accounting practices at the nutrition unit, the cfo placed on leave this delays in fourth-quarter earnings report. stuart: is counted 19.5%. rumble? >> that the trump related stock we did an hour ago, add portnoy to the rumble is up 25% there in partnership with portnoy barstool sports, users will get access to barstool so they broaden the audience if you will and do you remember when they portnoy told you that biden was a walking vegetable.
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stuart: he did say that. >> i would if this is connected and doing a little bit better in the pools. >> we need him back on to talk about rumble. >> thank you very much indeed. nikki haley has them on the attack, releasing a new campaign of the auto hostage situation the money in north korea, we have details on that one. president biden admits the border is not secure, then you blame republicans for not giving them the money to secure, a full report after this. ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. your best defense against erosion and cavities
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stuart: check the market the dow was up 200, the nasdaq is up 110. nice way to start a monday. a honduran migrant and alleged child sex predator was released from a virginia jail onto the streets without notice, lucas tomlinson joins me now, how did that happen. >> it's cases that are convincing many democrats including john fetterman to put more pressure on the administration to do more about the southern border but the president only has an 18% approval rating over his handling of the southern border. here is fetterman. >> and as they don't understand why it's controversial to say we need a secure border, you can be supportive of immigration but we also need to have a secure border. here's what happened a honduran illegal immigrant charged with sexual abuse of a child in northern virginia outside of the
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nation's capital was released from a fairfax county jail without notice ignoring the warnings from immigration, he then assaulted a nice agent with a arrested him again at his new home in springfield virginia. ice responded with a statement fairfax county refused to honor the ice detainer lodged against the honduran noncitizen. when ice detainer's are ignored by local authorities, the public is put at risk. unfortunately the result was unnecessary injury for federal law enforcement officers. president biden recently said he doesn't think the situation of the border is a crisis but he admitted to jacqui heinrich that the border is not secure, here is biden and response from texas governor greg abbott. >> you think the border is secure. >> no it's not it has been the last ten years. >> give me the money. >> were invited with the democrats or whoever says we need more money to secure the border, you have to look and see what the money is for it is not to build more walls.
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>> i hear marine one behind me president biden is leaving rehobeth beach to return to washington, d.c. out of the ballot this date to where he finished fifth in 2020 behind those, the press people will be writing in dean phillips name, house member has not been elected president, the sitting house member since change garfield in 1880. thank you very much. stuart: listen to what donald trump had to say about what his second term would look like if he is elected, roll tape. >> we can have the same border and even stronger as possible. we can have that within 30 days we will have that back and all the people ready to go so the border and drill baby drill were getting rid of inflation very quickly were to be drilling like you've never seen before and we're going to start paying down debt because we are more liquid gold under our feet than any other country in the world including saudi arabia and russia and will take care of crime and rebuilder cities.
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stuart: that's what the second term would look like, guy benson is joining us this morning. trump seems he's running away with the selection, what say you. >> right now if you look at polling he's doing as well as he ever has, nationally and in swing states, there's nine plus months to go there could be felony convictions along the way, this could get very bumpy i don't think it's a shoe win but at the moment the contrast people are seeing the benefits of former president over the current incumbent, look at the back to back clips that we played for the end of lucas' report we had joe biden thing the border is not secure, it's not a crisis but it's not secure, give me the money then you donald trump talking about reimplementation his policy only in his term that were undeniably successful, biden broom to all of them into the garbage in reflexive leaving of trump policies, look at the catastrophe that resulted. you don't need a bunch of money or a bunch of congressional action that might be necessary down the line to stop the bleeding and get back to a place
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where things were somewhat functional as opposed to the disaster that we have now. biden does not acknowledge it, president trump does and he saying bring me back things were better under me and a lot of americans agree. stuart: you think immigration is going to be the key issue in november as opposed to the academy. >> i don't think you be number one bicycle most always number one is academy democrats will elevate democracy in january 6 and that sort of thing toward the top of the list, abortion is something that they will elevate the immigration is something that john fetterman the senator from pennsylvania who is quite liberal and progressive in many ways said you can be pro-immigrant without being for open borders and it's not like joe biden has been slightly worse than predecessors on the issue, this is the worst it's ever been by far, records are being shattered constantly and sometimes a pop up in horrible stories like the one example in virginia that was highlighted,
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that angers voters and not just conservative ones. stuart: thank you for joining us, i know we will see you again soon. now this, nikki haley is going after trump's foreign-policy record ahead of the primary tomorrow, good morning to you, what is nikki haley saying. >> good morning haley is going on the attack releasing an ad about american college student auto who was taken hostage by north korea back in 2016 and then died soon after his release. haley says trump in that case has a history of cozying up to dictators who want to kill us. watch this. no parent wants to see their child returned to them the way that they saw auto returns the thugs returned him back in a state that is unconscionable. i told fred and cindy, speak up, get loud make sure i will help you pass the largest set of sanctions against them by
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pushing china and russia to do it. but what did trump do, instead he talked about love letters going back and forth to kim jong-un. i remember at the united nation had to sit them down and tell him to stop the bromance with putin. you cannot have someone who's trying to buddy up with dictators that want to kill us. stuart: that is the message, haley reiterating her pitch to the americans simply don't want to biden trump rematch in 2024 emphasizing that the trump presidency would result in chaos, she is most definitely on the attack. stuart: look at this, republican senator tim scott is engaged, he proposed to his girlfriend in south carolina over the weekend. the two reported they met at church a year ago and bonded over bible study. senator scott joined fox this weekend to discuss his engagement. roll tape. >> going to the beach and getting on my knee and asking mindy to marry me was so much more important than anything else. i wanted to make sure that the
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sacred day would not be disturbed by anything political. stuart: the proposal came one day after he endorsed donald trump for president, do you have to be married to be vice president he asked, it's a fair question is an. >> this relationship, no one was talking about, now all the sudden they're engaged and it's in the news. >> he endorsed president trump, coming to president biden facing backlash after posting this photo online with the caption the dream team. we will tell you all the fact that he is getting. the mainstream we deal wasted no time slamming onto santos after he dropped out of the presidential race they called them spineless for endorsing trump, joe concha on that next. ♪
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paramount is worth less than half of what it was before the 2019 merger with cvs. stuart: how many stores have we got to the last week about corporations cutting thousands. >> it's beyond tech everyone talks about the soft landing happening but these are a lot of job cuts. >> some of these are a.i. related. we have in phase energy your worst performing stock of the year. >> it is down 22%, so far this year but rival solar edge cutting 16% of their jobs another company cutting 900 workers because the plunging demand for the solar inverters that they do install union phase is a competitor but there plagued by many of the same reasons so it's up on the good news for solar edge. stuart: we have american airlines in the news all over again. at $13 a share. >> they got an upgrade they say the stock is going to $70. the firm says you should increase your exposure to airlines and they say american is only carrier that is at
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capacity. when you're at capacity could charge more. stuart: thank you lauren, let's get back to politics, the mainstream media slammed desantis after he dropped out of the presidential race, they said he could not connect to voters and they called desantis spineless for endorsing trump, joe concha joined me now. are you surprised by that reaction. >> spineless, that is harsh, considering when you look at ron desantis in his records in florida and you compare it with the way donald trump ran things as president, you almost see 0 distance between the two men on policy they are almost identical. and i think that's why it's a surprise that the introducing to stated you better as far as the race only getting to iowa finishing 30 points behind trump. i do agree with the criticism that ultimately he could not connect with people, there was a personal element to desantis while he made various arguments and very good in interviews, there was a human element to him
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that some politicians like reagan and clinton and obama and bush and george w. bush 43 in alviso donald trump make with voters. in the end, ron desantis is more scott walker than he was ronald reagan in the situation and that's why he's out he endorsed trump, on policy aligns much more with him then he does nikki haley, it only made sense that he did that. >> are hardly contested gop primary is not for the presidency is actually for the vice president. trump said he is highly unlikely that nikki haley would be his pick, watch this. >> i don't know i just can't say it but i don't want to roll people out, there's no reason to roll people out but i think it's highly unlikely. i will say this a lot of people on the base, maga is 95% you have some rinos left but there on a recessive tater, do you know what a recessive tater is, you probably don't but they're barely breathing. we will see what happens.
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i think we can have a tremendous tuesday and we can have a great result just like we did in iowa. stuart: joe burgum, vivek, tim scott and now desantis they drop down all endorsed trump, do you think they're all vying for a vice president spot? >> i think the deck yes, i think burgum, yes, i think obviously tim scott yes and i think those three names, ron desantis, no i don't think he'll be considered as a vpi think he wants to be president and gearing up for 2028 when he doesn't have to run against donald trump. i think kim scott has the best chance i think he brings the unbridled optimism that this campaign is looking for his likable most important unlike the current vice president kamala harris you can see tim scott being president one day. either way all these endorsements with ron desantis endorsement is not good news for nikki haley shows her best and per only shot the top trump of the primary in new hampshire tomorrow but if we look at the polls where she's done 20 or 30 points, this thing is over she's going to have to drop out in
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donald trump will be your nominee. stuart: let me throw this out you, sarah huckabee sanders for vice president she was formerly the press secretary for mr. trump and now she's the governor of arkansas, how about her for vp. >> i think donald trump all has his top criteria to be loyal and sarah huckabee sanders has shown she's been loyal to the president as press secretary when she ran for governor in arkansas as well but in the end of fiber to put my money down right now and i like the bills yesterday to beat the chiefs, don't listen to me when making bets and predictions, i think tim scott will be the vice presidential nominee for the reasons i listed earlier. stuart: i think we will have to wait some time before mr. trump tells us who his pick really is, who knows, thank you very much see you again real soon. biden blasted after he bragged about his dream team, who is in or on the dream team. >> that would be biden himself,
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first lady jill, vice president kamala harris and second gentlemen dug them off, there's a picture he posted, the dream team, still christmas in the picture, that is the term that the president used into posted that picture on x to commemorate the three years to the date that he and vice president harris were inaugurated. it generated as you say a lot of pushback conservative commentator ripped the president stating this is not a dream team, this is a nightmare. the biden administration has ruined the u.s. border and economy, shame on joe biden for celebrating his last three years, he should be apologizing and resigning. author in red state columnist buzz patterson responded to the photo asking who's dream, not my families. many others pointed to the president's approval rating the head of record low with only one third saying that they approve of his job performance. i'm surprised and i'm sure in
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some ways ever to play out a picture like that and say this is the dream team you're going to get pushback. stuart: whatever he puts out there is going to get pushback, that's a fact. fewer people are buying electric vehicles, i think we knew that but there's been a surge and hybrid sales, that we did not know that we have a report coming up. the president will not appear on tomorrow's new hampshire primary ballot but his supporters are getting creative with the writing campaign. madison alworth has the latest from new hampshire next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience,
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stuart: shall be big tech, a different picture emerges that what it was at 930. apple, alphabet, meta syllabi amazon, microsoft are coming down, microsoft has been $400 a
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share, it is not now, president biden's name will not appear on the new hampshire ballot, yet strategist believe he can still win, madison alworth is in manchester, how can the president wind if he's not on the ballot? >> 's supporters are pushing a right and campaign to still propel the president to victory, the reason he is not on the ballot he instructed the dnc to make south carolina the first primary 2024 and when new hampshire did not comply his campaign did not submit to be on the ballot, despite all of this with the writing campaign, the polls show he should be victorious here in new hampshire, he is going to handedly when according to the polls but does that mean that all democrats are happy about it? >> probably the best answer is to vote 15 phillips to send a message to joe biden that he should've been here, i am not a supporter of his in any way. but i think it is that he did
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not come. >> on the republican side, things were shaken up yesterday was for the governor ron desantis dropping out, one day to go it is a two-person race, the latest poll showing president trump with a 19-point lead over former south carolina governor nikki haley and while that seems like a commanding lead, declare new hampshire voters can vote in either primary in a recent monmouth polls suggest that hailey holds a ten-point advantage with the voters over the former president. haley also believes she can make and roads with the santa supporters. >> what i will tell you i know the desantis voters love america and they want a new generational leader and they wanted a conservative that was going to go in there and clean up government and that's what were going to do. >> we got to talk to some desantis supporters last night after the announcement and they were unsure of who they would be voting for in tuesday's primary,
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time is running out, some polls open tonight at the night. stuart: it'll be cold. thank you very much indeed, look who's here now, there he is, he appears in the right hand side of the screen, charles payne he made his way to new hampshire and that's where he is right now, charles, what is the number one issue you are hearing from voters. >> it is immigration but i do what a put it to you this way, immigration is an umbrella, it is not immigration in the old sense of immigration i say this in four separate categories, the humanitarian parts of this and a national security part of this, sovereignty part of this and economic part to this, that's designate so loudly one of the four or all four matter a lot to voters. stuart: is it the number one issue, you always think that the academy. >> is the number one issue, the economy is right there and it's
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always there but there's always something that is unique, the economy is there there is no doubt about that but it's a one-two punch. stuart: biden's campaign is defending his dip in support among black voters, watch this. >> i think a lot of people are expressing is urgency, they sense a sense of urgency because of the threat the republicans pose to america right now. i want to be very clear about this at no administration is done as much for the african-american community as president biden vice president harris. were talking about black wealth being up 60% of racial wealth being the lowest sentence ever been in recorded history, we have to continue to take this message directly to african-american voters in a campaign has done that. stuart: charles payne i'm sure you heard that, would you like to respond to it. >> it's just not true, first and foremost is not true, look at the bureau census, the census bureau interview look at the
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research, from 2019 - 2022, the average white families wealth increase 50000 of the black americans, black wealth increased at a faster pace, you're coming from such a low base that is because lower paying jobs did pretty well post covid, leisure and hospitality in respect to when permitted by wage, $10 an hour to $11 an hour, you could argue and say we got 10% but it still squat and nothing, it is nothing, you're not prepared black people to participate in the wealth creation of the nation to go to schools in the major cities and they graduate 12 grade with a seventh grade reading level, you've done nothing for black americans in their starting to wake up, we are starting to wake up and i know the campaigns been amazing in a six-year campaign, this is what the real campaign is, they are evil those are the mean white people that will harm you, it won't, neither what you've done under us, we've given you the boat in major cities for five or six decades,
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guess what were still squat in squalor, we are still at the bottom of the pile, guess what when illegals come here, we go further in the bottom, we go down another run, they even leave frog over black americans, the motion that somehow biden has been the best president for black people is beyond preposterous, he might've been the worst, the me tell you one other thing. the reason why it scares me with the democratic it's an office, nothing bad to happen to black people is generally reported, nothing, last year the white house that a major food stamp program vanish, they allowed it to expire. it was significant to get an up a lot of families and he let it expire, then president biden did put up a fight, president trump was an office that would be the number one campaign, president trump doesn't want you to eat, whatever democrat is in office, the stories never make the rounds we don't report on it, the mainstream media does not report on it and it's really
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crazy, it's really crazy. stuart: were going to leave it right there, i could talk about this all day and one day we will, probably tomorrow we will do it tomorrow we will be watching the special coverage of the new hampshire primaries today and tomorrow 2:00 p.m. eastern on fox business. thank you very much indeed, see you soon. a new op-ed in the wall street journal details how marijuana is more dangerous than biden's administration is letting on, we have that story. more people are turning to the conover diet to lose weight, is it good for you? doc siegel after this. ♪
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(aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's stuart: we told you about the new carnivore diet, that's when people eat only animal products, animal fat, milk, we need a doctor and we got one, doctor marc siegel is with us now. what do you think of the carnivore diet, can you lose weight with it? and secondly is it good for you.
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>> first of all is complete nonsense, there's a a lot of ways to lose weight i don't equivocate, there's ways to lose weight and this is not one of them i'll tell you what this refers to the saturated fat is a more condensed energy source if you ate fat all day long instead of eating sugar you could conceivably lose weight. also all say when were positive thing, meat has a lot of protein and has a lot of vitamins, all of that is good for you, the problem the saturated fat are very bad for you, they clog up your coronary arteries and the increase your risk of heart disease and cancer we have shown all of that and i like unsaturated fat that does not do that that's what's called healthy fat and make a three fatty acids, fish has that, vegetables have that and the other thing vegetables have is fiber which meat doesn't have, when your vegetable you having fiber which helps with your
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digestion, that can help you lose weight by the way and then you have much healthier fats unsaturated fats, you get your protein also from fish, i say mediterranean diet, i think the law student down in georgia that says this is cured all of her health problems and seven-month is ridiculous and belongs on tiktok. >> i think we just abolish the carnivore diet, that's out the door, wall street journal op-ed, claims marijuana is more dangerous than biden's team lets on. is it more dangerous than we think? >> it's very dangerous, i want to say one more thing about vegetables which is on your farm with the trees i want your farm growing olive trees, olive trees, please, very, very healthy, as far as marijuana. stuart: marijuana, go with that. >> marijuana very unhealthy, marijuana hhs wants to change it from schedule one to schedule three meeting it's easier to
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get, as usual with this a administration going in the exact wrong direction because marijuana is not what used to be, in my day when i was a kid marijuana was 1.5% thc which is active chemical now it's 30% in kids are accidentally eating those commies and they get really sick and pregnant women are using a lot of this for morning sickness which leads to preterm birth and also interferes with brain development of the fetus and for people that are grown-up, adults and teens, they are getting cognitive problems as a result of marijuana and you have seen the studies that are shown that psychosis is brought on in people with underlying mental health issues with this amount of active chemical. biden administration is crazy to do this. it belongs restricted. >> are we talking about constant use using marijuana everything will day all day, that i can see is dangerous but occasional use every friday night is there a danger there?
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>> much less so, you make a usually smart point, i think occasional use is not dangerously problem but to habituate in, you start using it and you start using more of it, if you're trying to take an exam it is definitely not helping you, i want olive trees on the farm not marijuana plants. stuart: don't worry, don't worry at all, doc siegel, you're alright. see you again soon. the world health organization taken steps to prepare for a new disease ask, ashley, what is disease ask. >> don't panic, were talking about a hypothetical pandemic but the scenario is certainly a very disturbing, scientists say disease ask to be 20 times deadlier than covid-19, the world health organization says covid was the first disease ask but important to prepare for another pandemic.
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who is now calling on countries to sign a treaty so the world can prepare and better react to another global outbreak including better alert systems, data sharing and research in distribution of vaccines, diagnostics and personal protective equipment because everything that you think, i wonder if china will be the first to sign the treaty. i'm not going to hold my breath but that may be the best thing to do if disease x comes around. what was that again? sarcasm is a low form of web at the highest form of intellect, is that right? >> their ego. still ahead looked we got on the show, steve forbes on tomorrow's new hampshire primary, he has been there, jason katz on artificial intelligence, will it improve profit margins, we gotta find out. arizona sheriff mark daniels on joe biden admitting the border is not secure, why doesn't he do anything about it, the 11:00 o'clock hour is next.
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