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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  January 22, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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>> where is dean on crime i think the issue here you in the new york city election. >> dean is very problematic, the bipartisan member of congress we know he needs safety needs to invest in law enforcement at every turn. >> what would be the big difference between being in the rival president trump. >> folks that want to see the country come back together imagine the same pragmatic business leader from minnesota was 55 years old, we don't talk about it as much because joe biden is 81 but trump is no spring chicken, what i see we try to do better of the battle of the 80-year-old, dean phillips cannot waiver that. >> can you believe dean phillips can be at some point. >> dean has many friends across the aisle audit republicans and we would love to see a different dynamic in washington starting in 2025. charles: thank you very much my friend. we appreciate it. a lot of folks going on, extra
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nearly exciting, the action continues. liz claman. elizabeth: action on wall street is extraordinarily exciting. the dow 38000, the blue chips crossed minutes after the opening bell, now we are slightly below it at the moment, 3,798,020 points away, never before seen that. as the u.s. markets are in the green at the moment we need to stress that any game whether it pops above 38000 are not for either the dow or the s&p means fresh all-time records, will we trigger the fireworks at the closing bell, you gotta stay with us to the 59 minutes here, we have the blue chips at the moment, 114 points, the bulls are pulling the cart as we kick off the final hour of trade, nice move off the highs of the session, industrials, financials and tech are pushing the s&p 500 higher and by about 11 or 12 points, any upside move for the close of the s&p as i mentioned
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a new page in the history books, nasdaq not quite there, the tech heavy index looking pretty strong, up 47 points, extensive 15358, it's still pretty far at the moment from an all-time h high. getting a lift, thanks to a bunch of cybersecurity stocks powering higher thanks to td cowan raising his price target on a bunch of them saying strong demand means solid earning on the horizon. optus popping the nasdaq up 4%. crowdstrike better by two half percent. the scaler added 21 month peak, nice move. speaking of possible earnings, huge name step up to the plate, this week started with united airlines "after the bell" today, tomorrow dow components verizon, j&j, 3m report, so does netflix, wednesday ibm, coppermine or, freeport, tesla is in there to,
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thursday intel, visa, alaska air group and friday caterpillar, amex and north suffered railroad. those names open their books on q4 we are looking at a serious dive in chinese stocks here in the u.s. after china's central bank left the key loan rate unchanged. just like u.s. traders and investors the chinese would love to see a rate cut, they did not get in the disappointment shop the hong kong hang seng down to two and quarter percent, the index place planting down 4.5%. jd ten sent from the three widely held stocks, the trade in the u.s. of course made in china getting hammered as investors continue to abandon ship. you have edu down five and a quarter percent, jd down 3% and ten sent also losing 3%. chinese equities are among the worst sectors, china's large-cap etf plummeting to a 19 year low in the biggest holding, 10% of
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that fund is in all the baba which is also crashing to a 19 year low, just to put this into perspective, 20 years ago it was priced at $60 a share, as of today's session, the low $66.63. we are slightly offset, doesn't look good if you got an ipo and adm shriveling before investors eyes, a news the company cfo has been placed on leave as it investigates accounting practices at its nutrition segment. the massive global green trader is facing a request in securities and exchange commission for documents related to the division in question. good news, a specific batch of stocks catching the markets wave and the own highs, work platform service has been pounding the a.i. drum is jumping about two thirds of 8%.
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that is a 52 week high, i believe an all-time high in a.i. chip giants micron and kl lacey making the equipment robotic chipmaking that is an all-time high for service that i mentioned that we have nice moves in one year highs for micron and kla. let's get to the floor show we late a lot. the best or the worst is yet to come this week in the form of the federal reserve favor inflation gauge, joy dimino proshares global investment strategist and the lonski group president john lonski. john, you get to choose. when i say big data i'm talking the feds favor inflation number, the core pce, the expectation is to see you around 3%, this comes out on friday, 3% is only 2 tons of 8% slower, we need to see this number come down there when we saw in november. >> i think is going to continue to head down provided that the economy slows. that's the important factor.
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those on the equity side that are betting on a lower federal funds rate have to realize the fed funds rate is not coming down unless the economy slows and increases the risk of lower-than-expected sales and lower-than-expected earnings. elizabeth: can we put up the calendar, it's jampacked with important numbers, a lot of them come thursday among them gdp the first. on fourth-quarter gdp, growth in this country, we see the stock market exploding but what about the growth in this country. >> real gdp growth on a quarter to quarter annualized basis is expected to slow from a ridiculously high unsustainable 4.9% in the third quarter to 2% and the final quarter. let's be honest real gdp has been outperforming the expectations we had earlier this year, at the start of 2023, the
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view was real gdp will grow by only half a percentage point. elizabeth: they were wrong they were so wrong. they said is coming in at two half percent. >> when you talk about the investing peace with the backdrop where we see pretty decent growth holding up, the labor market is tight and wages continuing to rise, inflation barely slowing, it's not down it is slowing down, disinflation, is there an area that performs better with those numbers validating certain aspects of the market. >> were filling echoes of 2000. if you look at the tech grab, s&p, tech sector, north of 30 times, the s&p 500 a little bit north of 20, the good news, the ten year rates in stocks are driven by the tenure not the fed funds don't focus on the fed were to order basis higher, they were 6%. some sort of rotation makes a lot of sense, the problem the
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equal weight s&p 500 will solve all your problems. except in the 493 summer left behind for good reason. in our view equal weight is not enough, it's part of the solution to us we see an opportunity in looking at the 493, equal weight but high-quality. for us it's dividend growers, we have ticker ovl that focus on the aristocrats and their the companies that were growing earnings. elizabeth: they might not be the sexiest in their sherwin-williams. target, a bunch of names, franklin resources, a sippy global, stanley, black & decker, walgreen loose alliance, they are reliable dividend payers. >> are so many ways to look at this. i look at this last earnings recession. the s&p has shrunk earnings year-over-year all through 2023. i'm not sure the fourth-quarter will be any better but those aristocrats showed up with positive earnings growth and they're on sale right now. >> the s&p did so incredibly
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well, doesn't repeat anything close to that. >> i think is highly unlikely. i would be happy if it's up by 5% this year, may i add something you touched on this a moment ago 3.7% and implement rate, that is a historically low jobless rate in the wording here, there really isn't that much room for the economy to grow more quickly without risking faster wage growth and without a return of rising price inflation. you're in a tough spot right n now. elizabeth: expect you have narratives that are powering the market. ibm is a dividend payer in the noble fund. it is also done pretty darn well lately just like service now pounding the a.i. table, working to talk a lot more about a.i. with one of the biggest experts coming up in just a few minutes, that said what you make of the moves that a been so outsized in the a.i. names. >> at least this time around
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there are real earnings in the tech sector. i think the most important thing about a.i. in any kind of disruption is to figure out in which slices of industry that disruptive benefit will go to the incompetence in which will go to new entrants. in this instance, some of the a.i. benefit looks like it's going to go to incompetence, not necessarily brand-new companies that the real important distinction. elizabeth: is a real let microsoft and meta hit brand-new highs today and then they retreated, the both of the red, not by a lot does that tell you something about equity investors at the moment where there a little jittery. >> your little jittery because they realize they're probably going to have to do without the earlier expected support of a lower federal funds rate, in march that's not going to happen so they get to be more cautious. elizabeth: does anybody like treasuries, the short-term 5%.
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>> i think the view on the fed is a little narrow because the correlation of pe multiples is to the tenure not the fed funds, we just got that rally from 5 - 4% and we got a big equity rally, that's in the rearview mirror, the glass half full at the fed is a little late i don't think it does much damage to the market. >> only problem with what you're saying, we have a situation with the ten year treasury that is so much lower than the fed funds, the ten year yield is 4.1%, the fed funds is almost 5.4%. this tells me it's going to be very difficult for the ten year yield to drop under 4% to head to 3.7 or 3.5% without the fed rate cuts. elizabeth: the six month treasury if you're scared to invest in stocks is yielding 5.4%. why not park some money there. >> you should on the fixed income why not stay short for a
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little bit longer, on the equity side look at the tenure, two plus two is four, kindergarten that drives the ten year treasury, we have to present long-term inflation expectation, 2% real that is fault i don't think the tenure gets much more below for but ultimately, the fed has to cut. happens a quarter later i don't think that's a big deal. elizabeth: wonderful to have you both. looking at the dow up 123 points, elon musk echoing predictions there will be a billion humanoid robots on earth when the next two decades. look at that. that is scary. does that mean a humans versus machine war will soon follow a.i. expert and nyu professor gary marcus is here to tell us if we should fear the robots next. or at least fear meta, we'll talk about that to.
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investors for the moment are all in, the robotics and artificial intelligence etf ticker ir vio up more than 15% over the last year. "the claman countdown" returns in just a moment, the dow now 18, call it 17 points away from 38000. ♪ i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective.
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elizabeth: forget the metaverse, meta is going all in and artificial intelligence we have been telling you how engaged mark zuckerberg has been about this. he just revealed in the past couple days that the social media giant has placed a massive order with nvidia for at least 350,000 gp use, those are graphic processor units, the microchips that boost generative
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a.i. services, again at least $25000 per chip, zuckerberg is throwing more than 10 billion into the arms race, he promises will responsibly create open source a.i. for all, last night a premier source for a.i. development swatted at the claim by the facebook. signed as gary marcus posted on x that on 2021 it was estimated that 100,000 inappropriate pictures a day were sent to kids and meta could not figure out how to use a.i. to stop it, how is a social media giant going to figure this out, joining me in my psychology and neuroscience intelligence founder gary ma marcus, he thinks you sound skeptical but if you're judging by what they were able to do in 2021 a.i. has made leaps and bounds in its abilities over the
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past year, are you being fair when it comes to the promises the a.i. on behalf of meta could clean something up. >> it has in a hazard. think back to windsor coburg went to the senate and famously he said saturday we sell ads the other thing at the famous testimonies into the senators we're going to settle the fake news problem and he certainly has it if you think about a.i. and understands whether it's true or not in the word of the year according to in 2003 was a hallucination in it make stuff up all the time. there is a lot of problems with current a.i., zuckerberg is talking about general intelligence were pretty far from general intelligence we have a new form of a.i., people call it generative a.i. that can solve some problem ends helpful for computer programmers and makes a lot of mistakes all the time it's not really reliable
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and don't think were close to generative a.i. even zuckerberg's chief a.i. officer has recently said large language model suck and the technology is not fully baked, that's realistic were not really there and maybe we can talk about the notion of meta a.i. doing anything responsibly. elizabeth: let's talk about what a.i. has been able to do and what it can't do what it uses is input is only good as what goes in, if junk goes in, junk is going to come out, openai is trying to feed in a bunch of legitimate news sources and their information in the new york times said you don't get to train your openai chat bot, chat gpt with our content if you're not paying the sport, they filed
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suit, copyright infringement, they are litigating in openai says it's without merit, which side you think will win on this. >> it'll probably settle i don't think openai can remotely afford for it to go to court. there is a chance the president will be set and say you can't use copyrighted materials and they told the house of lords that they cannot make their software work without using copyrighted sources. what's going to have to happen, openai and a lot of the a.i. companies are good have to license a stock you that is going to cut heavily into the profit margins. openai cannot afford to lose in court, that gives the new york times a lot of leverage to craft a settlement and be an issue of money and there would be an issue of openai can use their stuff and you can use stuff that is-year-old but you can't use anything else, that's our deal,
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take it or leave it. in a.i. can't live without it they don't have the memes without retraining gpt five might cost a billion dollars. elizabeth: you have to have the updated information and basically if it spews out exact verbiage that is plagiarism. you have started in the past couple of months to look specifically and discuss specifically on your sub stock articles about visual plag plagiarism, explain what were looking at either to be know who that is. >> these particular images. >> a collaborative man that works in the film industry. what you see our peers, he discovered the image on the left versus the image on the right, you're looking at something that a system called mid journey makes it it's hard to see this as anything other than
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plagiarism and then we did a series of experiments and show you can get this by accident, the particular examples you have on the screen he was deliberately saying showing scarlet new hansen a black widow and we did other experience where we said things like show me an italian plumber, not asking for anything from any particular place and you would wind up essentially infringing on the trademark from nintendo. elizabeth: let's just be clear show me an italian plumber and outcome super mario. >> outcomes mario. someone else read about our experiments, they said show me a golden joy that is not, these things to understand language and to understand the word not, here in these examples we set an italian plumber in the system is making an italian plumber, importantly it's not the end user what sources are, that's
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what plagiarism is when you re-create something and someone else you don't say where you got it. elizabeth: how are we going to put the genie back in the bottle and regulate this, do we have to make sure mega data is embedded into every photograph like this is owned by getty images or this photographer took this picture and you can't use it copyrighted. >> the a.i. that we're using right now takes a whole lot of images, break them into little pieces in makes its best guess about how to put them back together again. but it loses track of what it's doing. they can attribute of what they've gotten his only solution to license the images and that could be very expensive and cut into the profit margins. and the consequence evaluations of what we seen for the big ten a.i. companies are way higher than the going to ultimately lynn openai is a 86 billions
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dollars once licensee is factored in. elizabeth: let's leave our viewers with the poll in the last couple of minutes put up on twitter in the poll asked which company would most responsibly handle creation of generative a.i. and at the moment alphabet and google gets 44% anthropic with the chat bot 38%. meta at just 2%, openai at 16%. >> of mark zuckerberg wants to be banned as a responsible a.i. cavity he has a lot of work to do. it is not been seated that way it's going to make it hard to recruit people working on responsible a.i. i wish him luck, hope the company will be more responsible. in its approach to a.i. but that somehow the scene right now. elizabeth: professor gary marcus, good to see you. thank you very much. >> it was probably the logical
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next step instead of spinning their wheels moving from combustion engines straight to ev's. auto manufacturers will overlooking overall the middle step. and now car buyers are showing way more interest in hybrid vehicles. jeff flock is walking the showroom floor in new jersey with a couple of them that he says are showing real traction here and stellantis, toyota, tesla all big over the last 52 weeks, nice mover stellantis up 42%, toyota 38%. tesla up we're coming right a back. so i started preparing physically and financially. then you came along and made every mile worth it. hi mom. at vanguard you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. helping you prepare for today's longer retirement.
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elizabeth: fox business alert, 38007, that is where the dow stands right now, can it close there. today across the 38009 for the very first time, hi 38109, we will see what happens, we have 29 minutes left to trade, amd falling after northland capital we were just talking about a.i. in the chip demand, northland says were cutting our rating from outperform to market perform. the stock is falling 2.8%, the investment firm believes any huge gains from the future of a.i. already baked in. the stock has shot up more than 50% over the last six months and more than 100% over the past year.
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this is interesting, macy's shares moving higher after the company rejected our cows and brigade capital management proposal to take the departments for private, the stock is up three to quarter percent, the two investment firms submitted a bid to buy the remaining shares of macy's for $21 each for a total of 5.8 billion total shares at $18.28. the retail giant said the offer was not financially attractive were credible enough and failed to address macy's concerns regarding our cows and brigade's ability to finance the proposed transaction, our cows responded saying don't worry we have jeffries, the acting as their advisor and provided a better supporting their ability to raise the funds needed, we'll see what happens next in the standoff. gilead sciences a late stage trial of the antibody drug trudell the failed to meet the primary goal, the phase three study missed its goal to improve the survival rate of patients to
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non- self long cancer pharmaceutical cavities that it discusses result with regulators to determine the next step that investors are not weighted around they are selling the stock to the tune of under 11%. , investors are hitting the brakes on tesla after morgan stanley cut his price target from $380 to 345. it's well below that at $209 and change down wanted a third% on the session. the investment firm says it's been bullish on the ev maker in the past kept the buy rating on the stock but morgan believes the global ev momentum is stalling in the ev market is oversupplied. while some investors are pulling the plug on tesla it looks like chinese ev maker be why d is expanded into the luxury sector, this is the yang wing you nine, dakar $150,000. they're calling it a supercar.
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1000-horsepower the new be why d looks to compete with tesla's hiring models but it looks like it's way beyond that it looks like in limbo comes a few weeks after they surpassed tesla and overall sales last year. tesla faces headwinds from be why d and slowing ev demand new reports show people are looking to go green but the curious and less inclined to go all ev and more inclined to go hybrid. jeff flock is in tom's river new jersey and let me inch toward ev versus diving all the way in. >> you can call it downshifting, this is a celebrity ford appropriate on your broadcast to do celebrity ford, that is the marquee that's all electric they had that one and they have the lightning in the ford lightning which as you know your cutting production but they also have hybrids and that the future in
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the escape hybrid, that's the beauty to, all of the above the answer to the energy issue and take a look at the numbers on hybrid, november in good solid statistics, the ev sales were up 25% in terms of market share, the market share for hybrids most doubled up 99%. in the ceo of kia in the new york times recently said everything should be hybrid to start with because everyone can drive a hybrid, everywhere. maybe hybrids, they have been around for 25 years, they were the darlings at one time and maybe there could be darlings again. we talked to jessica caldwell at edmonds the said don't bury the ev yet but maybe it's not quite ready for prime time, listen. >> not the people don't want them and they're going to so
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away, that's certainly not going to happen and will get to los angeles and ev's but the mass market is a bit higher to convince them that ev is right for them. >> i leave you with these numbers and something that is coming up from toyota, something like the camry they sold 200,000 last year, 30000 were hybrids but in the 2025 market year that is good to come out this year that is going to make them all hybrids, you will be able to buy just a gas powered camry anymore you will have to buy a hybrid. it is a gamble by toyota but they were the kings of hybrids with the previous and the hybrids could be the future. who thought. elizabeth: before i went all in on ev which i am now i started with a hybrid because i was afraid he cat completely. i had a toyota hybrid and it was great it made me feel a little
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more confident moment by moment but it seems to check both boxes, you're worried you can find a charger, you're not near a gas station, fine, you got both covered. >> you are an early adopter and they still love the ev's. there's a lot of us that are not early adopters that are more chicken than you and getting ready to hung out. >> you are you calling chicken? elizabeth: jeff flock, great to see you. the dow 38008, we can see we can hold with 28 minutes before the closing bell rings. some of the most ardent retail investors in the mean stock craze salter dimon hands turned to call. one investor with a lot of coin is hoping to lend a helping hand to some investors in one of the stocks in particular that got burned. charlie gasparino breaks it next. talk about getting burned, after
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the financial crisis the founder of what are the music schools on the east coast only had his parents attic to call home after he lost his apartment in the housing bubble bursting. he kept on plugging to get his music lessons business off the ground. ben hyman music was playing guitar for a couple of bucks again, he had no college degree and no formal music training. how did he end up building his school and cofounded recording studio that the producers new hit mean girls movie chose to record their songs. in jersey no less, the brand-new episode of everyone talks of this podcast is outcome is available you have to hear how he turned his musical dreams into a remarkable career that is grabbed hollywood's eyes and ears. you can find on apple, google, spotify, amazon, iheartradio wherever you get your podcast. claman countdown is coming right back. stay tuned.
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elizabeth: we haven't talked about meme stocks for a while, amc in gamestop having a slow start to 2024. gamestop is down 15%. amc theaters down 26.7%, this comes after a tough couple of years for mean stock traders, especially those in bed bath and beyond which had its over-the-counter stock completely pulled off the market late last year. can a big time investor help revive the dead stock by buying company bonds, capital ceo bill pulled they might be able to resuscitate vv y or at least get some money back for former shareholders, how are you going to do that he joins me on a fox business exclusive alongside charlie gasparino in the
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discussion you are having is trending on twitter. >> i want to say i love bill's bullying to become he gives to the army and the wounded warriors. elizabeth: building homes for heroes. it's amazing stuff he is now a mean stock investor, retail investor, it's crazy, i want to get into that little bit. what caught my eyes you bought amc, liz downplayed how bad amc is, is down 24%. it's a real business. elizabeth: i'm just reading what your producer wrote. >> is down 99% from the high if they did a reverse stock split, it's really trading at 45 cents. if you held this. you're in the stockade he recently bought it, you think the community is great and i'm paraphrasing are you a little worried taking responsibility for getting on a stock is that problematic it does have a business, they had to admit it
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diluted shareholders even at these levels you might be getting people into a stock that will crash more. >> i tell people all the time you can lose your money. first of all let's say that. second of all of you look in the second dimension in terms of financial statements, balance sheets, the stuff that we look at in any s&p 500, you are missing in my opinion the mean stock which is a retail investor. this is a movement, this is the third dimension, you cannot read this on a balance sheet, you cannot be the son of financial statement. people are mad or mad at the executives up pocketed the money and drove the companies into the ground overpaid executives. >> i'm talking about the executive at bed bath and beyond the guy name mark and my opinion did all these buybacks, 10 billion other buybacks that the company did not necessarily him over a period of time they drove the stock into the ground and then they get to walk away. this is not fair to the average american. >> i agree to that. i agree.
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let's take the tale of amc. he didn't always stocking a vacuum he stole sold his stock that the company was going to have to dilute the hell out of shareholders, it was not worth what they were paying for it. in the double digits. the company itself announced it was not worth the level that this was a highly speculative stock and then people piled in the same with bed bath and beyond, take away what everybody did. ryan cone cells on 2022 the company says it may go into bankruptcy. >> cohen tried to do a lot to help bed bath and beyond and they told him to fly a kite. my point is, they warned investors that is a highly speculative play just like amc and people still piled into the stock because they were reading stuff on reddit say this could be a short squeeze, you may have the greatest intentions but isn't misdirected, it should be directed at the pumpers on
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reddit you said by the stocks despite all the evidence, stay the hell away. >> at tickets overpaid executives, i don't think people should be selling stock to answer your question, ceo should not sell stock. define a pumper it into a ceo that goes out there and says this is great stockade of the stock the best seo in the world and says this is a great stock all the sudden. >> without getting into my family legacy i'm not happy when executives sell stock. >> bed bath and beyond warned that the going out of bankruptcy and the pumpers pumped and people piled in they were piling into the stock. >> i don't know who pumped it. elizabeth: what is your focus. >> i'm not selling my shares. >> you hope to accomplish bed bath and beyond. >> at least with bed bath and beyond to get answers and transparency, charlie we could sit here all day and say how stupid are these people, these
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people what the hell are they thinking, people want answers and when executives think that they own these companies and they don't. the executives born there is no transparency. >> the executives warned time and time again. >> if they warned that they need to pay back the money. >> about the people that pumped it on reddit, isn't that the real problem. >> all i know the ceo that goes out there and unloads the stocks and collect the conversation. >> about the guys -- you don't think anything was pumped? >> you need to give me a name as something, why were people buying bbb why after they declared bankruptcy? >> i have no idea. elizabeth: people bought hurts, some made money. >> a lot of them did not. elizabeth: would you really defend stock pumpers. >> i will defend people and having the right to defend whatever they want, lose everything, that it should their
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choice. >> the biggest pumpers are overpaid executives going quarterly earnings call this a.i. love my company of the best seo and then they dump it on retail shareholders. they're sick and tired and then i couldn't stand for. >> your misdirecting your anger at people and you say it's the ceos who warned not to reddit pumpers, that's insane, i respectfully need a name if you would also be accountable. >> www look for wall street vets and you'll find every name they have some strange names. >> the retail investors are not going anywhere, you can laugh and walk it and call it basement dwelling. they lost all their money, these are human beings, you gotta let me talk. these are retail investors that import their money. i gotta be able to talk. they pumped her money into the
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s&p 500 and put into tesla it was considered a mean stock it turned out to be the world's biggest company. >> no it wasn't. >> everybody used to say elon musk was a certain negative was in. my point being they can put their money where they want they say they can lose all their money but they're better off there better off putting their money in s&p 500. financially speaking there better putting in the s&p 500. at the end of the day these are human beings understated for transparency, is the same reason people -- excuse me let me finish. the same reason people supported trumpets ready 16. >> was a transparency on reddit. >> people are tired of the elite looking and laughing at them. >> where is the transparency on reddit. elizabeth: thank you for coming on. >> my pleasure. a great honor. >> we like to let the guest speaker little bit here. bill and charlie gasparino. we will run the cameras in the commercial break. we're coming right back, the dow three points below 38000. stay with
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no matter what it closes at if it is in the green that is an all-time record. same with the s&p 500. nasdaq is looking good up 52 points. let's not ignore the russell 2000, the biggest percentage gainer up 2%. nice rally to start the week at least if you're a bull. at the top. show we touched on it, the chinese adrs, those are american depository receipts, chinese stocks that trade here in the u.s. are getting absolutely slammed. while china's hang seng is down 32%, left's make that 35%. japan's nikkei 225 index is soaring up, i'm sorry, the nikkei sup 34%. of the hang seng is down 26% and "countdown" closer he is liking japan t has great upside. he is here to make the case. scott manages 8 billion in
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assets under management, ceo of horizon management. bill, stocks slide, you some say it is screaming buy. you do not. why not? >> it may be a screaming buy. that predicate toward china is screaming buy, that will be massive fiscal expansion and fiscal funding from the chinese government. people have been expecting that for months and have been disappointed. china is in the middle of a balance sheet recession. the openly way out of that, people don't want to spend and borrow money only way out of that for the government to spend money. president xi shows no sign of doing that he may change his mind on covid zero policy. until he does you can't invest in china. the economy is doomed. liz: let me say part of the issue is certainly china's central bank left rates unchanged a key lending rate, a
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key lending rate and disappointment is dripping all over the stocks because they like u.s. investors would like to see rate cuts. not happening at least today. let me say, you shift the paradigm to japan. japan is starting to look really, really strong which i find fascinating after many lost decade but what specifically about japan makes you say, let's get in there? >> yeah, liz, you know, japan is one we've been on board for about a year now and part of the reason is because just what you said it has been a couple lost decade over there at no point in my career of almost 30 years now have i really wanted to own japan, got really excited about japan and now is kind of the time and part of reason the companies are taking on western style corporate values in terms of shareholder value and getting earning up. on top of that getting animal spirits in japan. like first time in 25, 30 years. that is coming from nominal gdp growth.
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mid-single digits, down sound like much. used to zero gdp growth 1%, now five and 6% feels good. you're getting earnings out of japan starting to grow. consumers are getting out of their caves. combined with corporate culture change, makes japan a pretty good investment case in our opinion. liz: 15 seconds left, u.s. tech stocks looking strong today. one of the top performing sectors. how does it look the next couple quarters. >> it looks pretty good. broaden out of the top names, broaden out of the semiconductors. we think use case of a.i., not hardware case of a.i. that is the next trade in tech. liz: thank you, scott. good to see you. let's call it a record. any gain for the dow and s&p. we have them both. both look to close at records. [closing bell rings] will we close at 38,000? to close to call. we're now at 30,006 points. i will wil


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