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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 22, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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used to zero gdp growth 1%, now five and 6% feels good. you're getting earnings out of japan starting to grow. consumers are getting out of their caves. combined with corporate culture change, makes japan a pretty good investment case in our opinion. liz: 15 seconds left, u.s. tech stocks looking strong today. one of the top performing sectors. how does it look the next couple quarters. >> it looks pretty good. broaden out of the top names, broaden out of the semiconductors. we think use case of a.i., not hardware case of a.i. that is the next trade in tech. liz: thank you, scott. good to see you. let's call it a record. any gain for the dow and s&p. we have them both. both look to close at records. [closing bell rings] will we close at 38,000? to close to call. we're now at 30,006 points. i will will i straddle the fence
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until this settles. we got "kudlow" next. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. less than a day until the new hampshire primary. looks like it is all over but the shouting. now in new hampshire donald trump putting together a unified republican party and sticking to his iowa theme that he can unify the country with successful policies on the economy, border, culture, foreign affairs. breaking news, there is a unity rally tonight with tim scott, vivek ramaswamy, governor doug burgum. that is with president trump at 9:00 p.m. in laconia, new hampshire. we'll have a live report from there in just a moment. then senator marsha blackburn will react to all that but first before we go to new hampshire i just want to get something off my chest to talk about a very bad idea, something called a fiscal commission coming out of
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washington, d.c. for some reason republicans like texas congressman jodey arrington, head of the budget committee have been pushing to get this through a fiscal commission. terrible, it is a tax trap. we've had these goofy commissions down through the years. paul ryan chaired one that would have raised taxes and damaged the economy. it was simpson-bowles, never implemented, it would have raised taxes significantly and damaged the economy. going way back, president george w. bush agreed to a tax hike in the 1990 budget summit that probably cost him the election in nine two. the congressional budget office suggested that the tax hikes would yield 159 billion of revenue but they lost 206 billion from economic damage inflicted by the higher taxes. so the net loss of 4billion. didn't help the deficit at all. bill clinton raised taxes in '93
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but the cbo estimate later showed a weak e economy lost virtually all of the projected revenue increase. barack obama, he raised taxes in 2010 and 2013 and then later cbo showed a nearly four trillion revenue loss because of falling economy. didn't help the deficit at all. clinton wised up in '96 '97, cut taxes reformed welfare and the deficit disappeared for four years with a massive growth gain of about 4 1/2% per year. hat tip to former texas house member and banking chairman jeb hensarling for his excellent op-ed piece on this subject last week in "the wall street journal" the best way to avert a crisis is to reform entitlements. the next best way is, growth. the trouble with these so-called bipartisan commissions is that they start raising taxes at the
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very first meeting even before the first cup of coffee has been poured. whether it was jfk in the '60s however, reagan in the '80s, clinton in his second term or donald trump, lower taxes have always been a successful policy to boost economic growth. and more growth with more people working, with higher wages, well that generates more tax revenues to reduce deficits. probably by a factor of at least two or three to one. that's the historical evidence. so, republicans now should not be lulled into falling for yet another phony fiscal commission. better to give president trump a strong republican senate and house so the fiscal committees can do their job rather than rely on left-wing democrats and finally any moves to strengthen social security should focus on market-based investment choice.
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just like the federal thrift savings plan. social security participants should have the option of purchasing approved stock or bond indexes that over the long run will yield far higher returns and create more wealth than the current system which invests only in t-bills. just like private retirement accounts, social security should create more wealth for more people over the long run, cutting benefits or raising taxes from another fiscal commission would be nothing more than fiscal insanity. americans for tax reform grover norquist will be here later in the show to give his perspective why this is a terrible idea. all right, enough said. now let's turn to our own madison alworth who is live in manchester, new hampshire, with the details of donald trump's big unity rally tonight. madison, what can you tell us? >> reporter: hey, larry you know with ron desantis now out we
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have a two-person race one day away from the new hampshire primary. president trump has a commanding lead over his opponent nikki haley. latest polls showing him 19 points better than the governor and as you mentioned, he is going to be hosting a rally tonight. president trump will be in new hampshire and some of his former opponent are going to be joining him in an attempt to show how the party is uniting behind the former president. senator tim scott, governor doug burgum and vivek ramaswamy will all be at the laconia rally this evening at 9:00 p.m. they will be joining him on stage. the latest endorser of president trump, ron desantis will not be in attendance. trump's main opponent nikki haley has been very busy today. she held three events already and had two more on the schedule. trump has a big lead when i mentioned but when it comes to undeclared voters that is the biggest voting bloc in new hampshire, haley has a 10 point lead there. both candidates only have a few
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more hours to go before voting starts here in new hampshire. the first polls open up at midnight but the rallies has trump has been hosting leading up to this rally, they have been big, attendance has been strong. with all the candidate on stage we hear we expect strong attendance as well. larry. larry: madison alworth, we appreciate it. turn tennessee senator marsha blackburn. always fabulous to see you. i want to play the sound about this unity business. here's i think it's tim scott in an interview with "breitbart." take a listen, please, ma'am. >> the race is already over. politically speaking and figuratively speaking there are dead people walking. it is time for this republican party to focus only on one person and that is eliminating joe biden by electing donald trump. larry: all right, senator
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blackburn, dead people walking according to tim scott, an interesting phrase. i'm sure he met it metaphorically but look to you basically this is all over? >> it is so important, larry, that we unite behind president donald trump and make certain that he wins and i am truly delighted to see so many of those who have run against him now coming, standing shoulder to shoulder with him. yes indeed it is time for us to move to the general election phase of this. you know, any dollar that we spend on primary opposition when there is no path for anyone else to get the republican nomination, no path. so any dollar that is spent is a dollar that can't be spent and it's time that can't be spent talking about why we should elect president donald trump and
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why we need to defeat joe biden and the democrats. so that time has come. it is time for us to unite behind president donald trump. it is time for us to focus on taking the u.s. senate, keeping the u.s. house, making certain that we do well in state elections for governors and state senates and statehouse. it is time for the republican party to run strong and focus on that general election, focus on that message and focus on electing president donald trump. larry: you know, senator blackburn, a lot of folks, myself included, really like the unity message that came out of the iowa caucus night, the victory night. >> yes. larry: a unity message not only for the republican party which appears to be happening but also a general election theme, unifying around key policies, you know, taxes the economy,
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inflation, the border certainly, the culture. former president trump said you know what? success would be a great unifier and i think that's a very important theme but i wanted to get your take on it. it is a relatively young theme for president trump but i think he is onto something? >> i do. i think the speech that he fav in iowa was very gracious. it hit the right tone for what the american people are wanting to hear. they are troubled by what they see at the border. they know that since the beginning of this fiscal year we have 80 terrorist watch list names come to the border. they are bothered by crime and drugs coming to their communities and the human trafficking and sex trafficking taking place. gauges are in communities where communities have never had
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gangs. they know inflation is out of control. the price of food, the price at the pump, the price to heat and cool your homes. this is all the inflation. look at where it is. they mow that the white house is fibbing when they say well inflation is down and it is only 3% but they know better than that and larry, focusing on these areas where president trump was so successful, you know, when you look at the polling, you look at independent voters, you look at female voters, they are coming back to president trump. why is that? it is because they remember very well how they were so much better off under president donald trump and they know that biden and "bidenomics" and has not served them well. larry: you flow just on the point about immigration, you talk about immigration, immigration crisis, finally three years later even joe biden acknowledges we have a problem
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at the southern border. >> yeah. larry: but the bill coming out of the senate looks like a very poor bill. you've been critical of it and some of your colleagues have been critical of it in the senate. i mean, a lot of, for example, worker permits to illegals, green cards to illegals, h1b children can become citizens. this is does not sound like something that is going to close the border? >> and what we need to do is say there is a way to close that border. it is called enforce the law! how about that? and of course build that barrier that border patrol has been asking for for the past 30 years. they have said we need a barrier. we need better technology where we can't have a barrier. we need more officers and agents. and of course we need to deal with the asylum provisions. we need to deal with parole. but you have to stop the influx.
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there were 302,000 people that came to the border in december. they raised their hands and said the word asylum. so now they have been waved into the country. larry, this has to stop and i have legislation that would allow the states to protect that border. it is called the container act. we also know that what the american people are saying is, we do not want to see anything done that would make illegal entry legal. anytime you want to make illegal immigration legal what you are doing is emboldening the cartels and right now nobody comes to that border without paying the cartels. so we need to secure the border. we need to be resolute in that and we need to stop saying, this administration needs to stop this business of trying to make illegal immigration legal.
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larry: yeah. i mean, what caught my eye was all of this business, immediate work permit to illegals. >> yeah. larry: released in custody. that could be eight million people. i mean it just doesn't make any sense at all. last one, you have criticized the white house, looks like they're trying to move money from veterans to, to the border? i don't understand, why would anybody want to do that? what's the point of that, hurting veterans in order to help the border which by the way the border stuff is mostly facilitation money, it is not close the border money? >> and what we've been very concerned about is what we found out va was doing, spending millions of dollars on referrals to community care for illegal immigrants, claims processing for illegal immigrants. larry, we have a case backlog at the va, right now, today, of one
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million u.s. veterans who cannot get health care. they cannot get their benefits. they are in the queue waiting and the va is spending time and money on processing and access to health care for illegal immigrants? i want you to think about this. they are putting them in front of our veterans. this is what i'm saying about this administration. they're doing everything they can, they're jumping through hoops trying to find ways to make illegal immigration legal. larry: yeah. >> this is another reason we need president donald trump back in the white house because he secured that border and during his time i think we had 11 known terrorists that came to the southern border and now we've got 80? this shows you, 80, since the first of the fiscal year. this shows you people think the border is open, that joe biden
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has said, y'all come and we'll take care of you and the american taxpayers is sick of it i tell you something else, i talk to a lot of problems around the country, the security moms are back, job security, national security, border security, economic security. it is top of mind for them. larry: all right. terrific stuff, senator marsha blackburn as always ma'am, we appreciate it. >> you got it. larry: take care. coming up on "kudlow" is there really a biden boom as some in the mainstream media are suggesting? polls don't show it. real wages keep falling. we'll talk about it with steve moore and e.j. antoni. and remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business. if you can't catch us at 4:00, just text your favorite nine-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a unity ticket, ever, i promise.
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right. fox business's grady trimble live in washington, d.c., and grady wishes he had the farm but chinese have it instead. good evening, grady. larry: >> reporter: good evening, larry. i just visited farmland in iowa and this is a concern especially after you read this report it raises more worries about china linked companies buying up our farmland here in the u.s. i want to show you this map from the department of agriculture. the areas you see in orange, those states have relatively high foreign ownership of farmland, 2.4% or more. and this gao report which reviewed data through 2021 is calling into question all of of the usda's data. it finds the ag department doesn't share timely data, the processes to collect, track, report key information are flawed. here is one example of an error. the gao says the usda accounted
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for largest holding of peoples republic of china, not once but twice, so in that instance overstating how much land china linked companies might own but raising concerns how they're keeping track of data all together. republican congressman dan newhouse says this report confirms one of our worst fears, not only the usda is not able to confirm the question who owns what land and where, but there is no plan by the department to reverse this dangerous flaw that appave, our economy. some democrats are sounding concern. >> they are taking back our pandas. we should take all their farmland this is really a national security issue and it is a food security issue. >> reporter: senator fetterman referencing the pandas in d.c. which china took back last year sort of in jest, larry.
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a group of lawmakers think not owning our land is food security problem, a and a national security problem especially when at this time is close to our military bases. larry: absolutely 100%, grady trimble. especially appreciate our newest conservative convert, senator fetterman. let's talk about the economy. is there really a biden boom? all right, stocks are up, inflation is down, it is very interesting but on the other hand real wages seem to be falling. we have steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity hotline and "moore money" on wor radio and e.j. antoni. leading index of indicators fell for the 21st straight month. >> wow. larry: the conference board itself is predicting a recession this year for the second and third quarters. that's just what they're saying. ej, lower inflation, higher
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stocks prices, better consumer sentiment. the mainstream media say there is a gooden -- biden boom, what do you make of that? >> biden boom or biden bust, larry. the problem we look at aggregate numbers, it is hiding the reality the average typical american is facing right now. yes, there are a lot of americans who already had high incomes and high net wealth, have left over savings from the pandemic and they continue to spend. what about everybody else? most americans exhausted pandemic savings. a fifth of americans exhausted all savings period and they're going deeply into debt. if you look at things like gdp, both consumer spending and government spending are being sustained by debt now. larry: i don't like the debt argument that much. steve moore is always a complete debt obsess sore. debt is as american as apple pie
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but real wages falling or not, we have your chart from the hotline published this morning which i think we'll put on the full screen, it shows basically inflation is still outpacing both nominal wages -- >> it is the red line. it is negative. still negative. larry: that's still to me, that's the achilles' heel of "bidenomics." >> you always told me when you worked foraying began you talked about real take-home pay. real take-home pay. larry: that's it. >> what that chart shows real take-home pay for workers, not down as much as it was a year ago but it is still down. you have 18% increase in prices where wages are up 15% or something like that. larry: now is this the, the slump in real wages, is this for everybody or the middle quintile or the lower quintile? how do you -- >> these are median i believe. >> right. larry: typical average family. >> right. larry: not just the bottom quintile.
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not that that is bad but i'm saying. >> this is the thing, here in new york or on wall street and in washington, d.c., it is a bit of a bubble. they're not really relating to people who out on main street america really are struggling financially and that's what those numbers show and why you still have, despite the improved economy, still have two out of three voters are in worse shape now financially than when trump was president. larry: that is key point. stock market up, no question. interest rates are down. inflation is down although the level of prices is still outstripping wages but you don't see it in the polling data. at least you don't see it yet. that should be a cautionary tale for mr. biden. i think it has a lot to do with the lack of confidence in joe biden. >> i agree with that totally. because the numbers are, his numbers are actually worse than the economy is. larry: right. that's correct. >> economy is better. people don't have confidence he is a leader.
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people do see the problems in the economy and they see this is not a sustainable thing and i would even play into what is going on with the foreign policy, what's happening with the border. all this makes americans feel like the country is not headed in the right direction. larry: let's play, we have the jamie dimon, ceo of jpmorgan, i'm going to read it this caused everybody at davos to completely implode t was like a hydrogen bomb. this is mr. dimon, the head of the biggest bank in the world. take a step back, be honest, he, meaning trump, he was kind of right about nato, kind of right on immigration, he grew the economy quite well, trade and tax reform worked and he was right about some of china. that's jamie dimon. so that's caused a davos meltdown, e-j. what do you make of that? i don't know that he is trump's biggest recruit. you know, jamie puts his finger
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up but he is a smart guy. i think he is being fair here. what do you make of that? >> i think at the end of the day, larry that comes down to your pocketbook. that doesn't matter if you're a an average american or a financial titan at the end of the day it is about the bottom line. what people like dimon are realizing now biden is not good for business. they're seeing the tax increases and regulations coming down the pike and they're not looking forward to any of it. larry: one last one, steve moore, from davos, a carbon tax, a global carbon tax, how are you on that, 30 seconds? >> that's a horrible idea. larry: oh. >> progressive tax, it will hurt everybody. it was a bad week at davos for the globalists, for the socialists and for the redistributionists. people are sick of it. not only was that a great statement by jamie dimon but let's not forget about the argentine president who said socialism is the problem and you people are not attuned that. look, americans --
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larry: and trump romped in iowa. their worst nightmare. >> great week for him. larry, there were people in davos you can see them killing themselves on the street right now. >> trump is talking about issues. i love that. talking about taxes. talking about the border. talking about wages. when he is talking about issues he is the best. don't want to talk about the election anymore. i'm pro-panda. i want the pandas back, larry. larry: i want the farmland back. steve moore, e.j. antoni, thank you very much. coming up on "kudlow," stop this phony fiscal commission. stop it at all costs. republicans should not be lulled into this. we have grover norquist of americans for tax reform to talk about it. and then donald trump says success is unifier not only for the gop but the entire country. we have hogan gidley, caroline downey to weigh in. stick around. success is the best revenge.
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♪. larry: all righty, the fani willis fiasco continues down in georgia. fox news senior correspondent steve harrigan live in marietta, georgia, with newgoerry details. steve, what you got? >> reporter: people are pouring through the documents after divorce case that prosecutor nathan wade, hired bit d.a., paid $650,000. a lawyer for the estranged wife of nathan wade released bank records that wade bought plane tickets for himself and his boss the d.a. to travel to miami, to travel to san francisco, to go on a caribbean cruise, and rent and who tell in napa, california. some legal on searchers are saying it might be time for the d.a. to step aside. >> i think that the case, if it hasn't gone off the rails already it is about to and i don't see, i don't see anything
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good coming from her staying in charge of the case at this point and a lot good can happen if she steps away. this obviously is a huge distraction. >> reporter: the judge set a hearing for february 15th. they will look whether there was a improper relationship between the d.a. and the prosecutor and also whether or not they misspent public money on themselves. president trump already attacking both of them as lovebirds who are trying to enrich themselves by prosecuting him. larry, back to you. larry: steve harrigan, we appreciate it very, very much. lovebirds. we'll get to that in just a moment. meanwhile let's talk about there dreaded fiscal commission coming out of washington, d.c. nothing but a tax trap. let's talk to grover norquist, president of americans for tax reform. grover, why do republicans fall for this kind of nonsense time and time again. it is like here they go again. >> they haven't yet but the
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problem is spending, the problem is spending, the problem is spending and which have senator from utah, mitt romney, coming out with a commission which will recommend tax increases and go around the ways and means committee on the house which the republicans control and chairman smith would never allow a tax increase through. he made a commitment never to raise taxes and yet there is this commission they want to put forward which does two things. it says forget about the trillions the democrats spent that brought us this inflation. that's not what we want to talk about. let's talk about tax increases because, talk about trying to stab president trump in the back, to damage the republican majority in the house and put it at risk. republican party that, if romney is allowed to get, put forward in front of congress let's talk tax increases, he testified on the house side for his bill, tax
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increases are on the table, everything is on the table. you want 100% death tax? you want take corporate income tax above china, nothing, no tax increase is off the romney tax increase proposal. larry: i think, actually, grover, we have some sound of mitt romney sound bite on this? take a listen, grover. you are going to love this. here it comes. >> revenues as well as spending at the other ideas. there is an arbitrage idea put forward by a couple of senators, so basically all ideas -- >> including revenue? >> including revenue, yes. larry: you know, grover i could go for higher revenues if you lower tax rates and grow the economy at 4%. that is my kind of revenues. i don't think that's what senator romney was talking about? >> no, it's not. they're talking about tax increases. this will destroy the trump tax cuts. it will put an end to continuing the trump tax cuts because that's on the table. and then they will go back, what
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is it the democrats want to take away? the trump tax cuts that brought us economic growth. that will be on the cutting board. we need economic growth. we don't need higher taxes and we need spending restraint. the modern democratic party in power the last three years has been spending like crazy. they want to take that off the table during the debate, during the campaign and trick some republican into saying something about a tax increase, romney falling for it already, that's the republican plan. tax increases on social security. larry: that's right. >> tax increases on your income. spending is the problem. larry: spending is the problem. grover norquist, thank you ever so much we appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: all right, let's kind of bring in, a different subject but related. we have hogan gidley, former white house deputy press secretary. he is vice-chair of the american first policy institute center for election integrity and
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caroline downey, reporter for "the national review." just a a quick jason smith is coming on, a very smart guy. i assume he will oppose this. why would republicans go for a goofball deal, raise taxes, undercut their own presidential candidate, what is wrong with them? >> if you're asking me to explain the political calculus of mitt romney. this will be a weird segment. larry: not enough time. not enough time. we'll drop the whole thing. >> good. larry: you're opposed to this fiscal commission. >> of course. larry: i just kidding hogan. caroline, serious matter, president trump, terrific, brilliant iowa caucus victory speech and he is continuing that in new hampshire. >> uh-huh. larry: very disgracious, very gracious, open arms one. governor desantis came around, senator tim scott come around.
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i think this idea of unity and unity based on success for the general election is a very powerful theme. people are not giving him credit for it naturally but i want to get your take on it? >> larry, i agree. i think it is a refreshing change of his rhetoric for retribution against his political allies. i also think his call for unity in iowa is an appeal to moderate voters in new hampshire which leans libertarian, leans fiscally hawkish, note maga, not culture warrior, loves governor sununu, beyond a good primary strategy, it is a good national strategy to lean into the big picture, go into offense against the biden administration and speak optimistically about the gop. larry: hogan, it is interesting, joe biden who came in as a unifier, quote, unquote. >> sure. larry: has been one of the meanest, racial oriented, maga, lying untruth, et cetera, et cetera. i think what caroline said is
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interesting to me. i think you might even see results of trump's graciousness and his unity theme in tomorrow's election. i have a feeling that independents or whatever they're called in new hampshire are, i think a lot of them are going to go for trump because they know the rest of the package is right on the issues and new hampshire is after all a low-tax state. >> i think so, i hope so. live, free or die is the not toy of the state. everyone understands that. here is what i want to caution everyone on. i think trump's message of unity is very important and it is significant moving forward. you see folks who were with desantis now coming on board with trump. you see desantis endorsing as you just said. here is what i want to focus an worry about. those never-trumpers. we were told the huckabee wing, santorum wing, we lost it is mccain or romney. hold your nose put in the work because our policies and our way of life, the america first issues are better in our hands
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than they are in the democrats. these never-trumpers though are looking at donald trump saying no, no, that is a step too far. i say excuse me, clean it up. to heck with you. we did that for cycle after cycle with your establishment elitist picks. you have someone who wants to push forth the american policies that improve lives of all americans, regardless of race, religion, color or creed, get on board, because what biden is doing too this country is destroying it. larry: but they might not, they sort of never do, i have lived with this for 40 years, first time i worked for ronald reagan, a long time ago in his budget office, the same crowd, i mean trump, trump is the person who will stop the washington swamp, okay? he will drain the swamp. or he will give it his best shot. he knows more now than he knew four years ago. he learned from his victories, he learned from his defeats, that is my take. >> right.
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larry: to hogan east point, i don't believe the romneys of the world, mitt romney is a friend of mine, political disagreements, mccain, so what. trump needs to go straight ahead. here's my position on the issue, america first, low taxes regulations, border, culture too, caroline. he never going to win them over. he just won't. it's life, you know what i mean? life in the fast lane. hispanics improving? african-americans possible improvement there too. you see what i'm saying. he can widen the buys kowtowing to the old staid republican establishment. >> that is an interesting point. i think you're right the growing minority coalition, all the other groups he is picking up promising prosperity for all, that is an appealing message to a lot of immigrants. larry: yes. >> now citizens. so they could p.m. his supporters while the old wing, the mitt romney wing they fall out of fashion. 1980s, gop is not competitive in today's political climate.
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i know you said you lived during the reagan administration but i think the over window keeps shifting how much rot is infecting washington. you're right, trump recognized this is deep state. i hope this time if he gets elected he cracks the deep state. his business acumen is most powerful thing a politician can bring. larry: by the way he is the best negotiator. again very much like reagan. >> "art of the deal." >> no question. we saw it, larry,. larry: hogan gidley, caroline down any. thanks to both of you. house ways and means chairman, jason smith, guess what? he is cutting taxes. that is my kind of guy. much better than fiscal commission. income tax cuts, business tax cuts, real wage increases. i love it. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. three forks ranch is the destination ♪.
4:47 pm
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♪ ♪ 1-800-217-3217. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. larry: all right. missouri congressman, chair of the house ways and means committee, jason smith, cutting taxes by huge margins. he is right here on set. congressman, mr. chairman, i want to call you that, first of all, you've got a great bill. talk briefly about it because immediate full expensing, supply-siders used to believe, i
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still do is very pro-growth, pro-production activity, pro-wage increases. >> you know, larry, there are three important provisions that expired or they're phasing out from the trump tax cuts in 2017 that you helped get through. that is full and immediate expenses, interest deductibility and research and development. those are the three provisions that have expired and they are phasing out and what this bill does, it makes them whole until 2025 which is when all the other provisions of tcj expires. these three provisions alone were provisions in the tax cut and jobs act that helped grow our economy where it was 1% above the gdp was 1% above the last 10-year window. that is how you bring revenues into the coffer. larry: i know. >> cbo was even off by $900 billion in revenues that came in. it is because of the tax proposals and in the tax cuts
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and jobs act. larry: you had a bunch of of democrats that signed on to this, that is interesting part or one of the interesting parts. >> we're in divided government you have to give and take. there are things prefer not to be in it but in a divided government you have to have a balance but we ultimately passed it out of committee last friday, 40-3. 40-3. flee democrats voted against it. all 25 republicans. 15 democrats voted for it. it will be moving to the house floor. hopefully we'll be able to deliver some relief for, for small businesses, for american families and this also helps us compete with china. when you look at research and development china has almost a 200% match above ours. we need to be competitive. r&d needs to be in the united states, not in china. larry: and you're doing some business with my old acquaintance ron wyden, democratic chair of the senate finance committee who supports this? >> yeah.
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this was an agreement between senator widen and myself. i knew early on if we want to get tax policy signed into law we have to have a great relationship with the senate which is controlled by democrats. so we've been negotiating for months trying to find common ground we can get through congress and senator wyden has been a good partner to try to get that solution. larry: what's next? goes to the floor of the house? you probably get it through you reckon because you got good democratic support and then it goes over to the senate? >> absolutely t will come to the floor of the house. larry: don't mean to interrupt, i think it could be helping the stock market right now. stock market loves these kinds of things as well it should. it is good for profits, productivity and worker wage. >> the economic impact of these few provisions are in the hundreds of billions of dollars. larry: wow. >> so of course the stock market should love this and appreciate it.
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hopefully we'll be to the floor the week that we return and i expect a very large vote out of the house of representatives. send it over to the senate. the senate is a different beast but that's what senator wyden and the other senators have to navigate. larry: so we have a terrific fiscal commission. it is called chairman jason smith running the ways and means committee. maybe you will get a republican countier part on the senate. i don't know if you heard the discussion with grover norquist or my riff this fiscal commission idea is a tax trap. do what you're doing. stay on the supply side, grow the economy, don't bury it. >> we need to grow the economy. if you look at how much the economy grew with good tax policy the bad thing is, is bad tax policy will absolutely sink the economy and when we look at 2025 with 3 1/2 trillion dollars worth of taxes expiring we better be smart, we better do the right stuff because that could lead news a bad path.
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i would hate for commissions to force us to go for tax increases. larry: i got it. we will see you to not at the prosperity dinner. jason smith, chairman of the house ways and means committee, cutting taxes. we appreciate it. i will be right back moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. hormone therapy works outside the cell... while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection.
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5:00 pm
larry: want to grow the economy then cut tax rates a


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