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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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♪ stuart: by the village people, this is a song trump plays in his rallies for equally, macho man, sixth avenue. 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. dow is down 70 come nasdaq is up 34. 10 year treasury yield well above the 4% level. right now looking at $4.13. $74 a barrel. let's go to bitcoin. bitcoin is at $38,730 a coin. that's the markets. now this. talk the contrast between donald trump and president biden. the contrast will be on display
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today. the president and vice president will rally for abortion rights in virginia. that's the issue where democrats do best to. it is not what he is going to say so much as how he says it. there has been a focus on the president's mental and physical decline. we will watch how he gets on and off the stage. will he show vitality? would he dare to go off prompter? his handlers don't want that. one opportunity for questions. he crosses the south lawn to get to marine one to start the trip. that is when reporters may be able to shout a few questions, don't expect detailed answers if any. he has to work out how to do that with no form of embarrassment. contrast with trump's remarkable. at a rally last night he was surrounded by enthusiastic supporters. he told brian kilmeade he only uses brief notes and he, not his handlers, write them.
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his last 15 to 20 pounds. he's fighting fit and ready to go. the election watch party, unless there's a surprising last-minute surge for nikki haley, trump still wins. he plods to run abortion speech. a dynamic trump accepts what's likely to be a win, cheered on by his unified party and looking and sounding more presidential every day. todd pyro with me. he's going to stay for the entire hour. does trump have this sewn up by the end of the day? >> all indications are yes. if you're nikki haley on fox and friends, she seemed somewhat combative, implying to me she knows the end is near. doesn't want to admit it and is
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going to put a unifying front all of her supporters going forward. stuart: it will be tough to keep going if she loses badly tonight. the next one is in south carolina. >> that is her state. that's why it looks bad. if i could make one point on your "my take". i think that is one of the three pronged of trump's campaign going forward beyond tonight, keep the pressure on the stark contrast between president biden and donald trump, keep contrast on policy. point out i want to do this. he's doing this. and don't make unforced errors. the unforced error from trump and the republicans on abortion, they didn't do great with the messaging on abortion in 2022. even though their message wasn't we want to ruin women's lives. that's what he came off like. they need to be start going into this year. stuart: trump has a new tone that might help.
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vice president harris, rally for abortion rights in wisconsin yesterday. >> the former president. handpicked three supreme court justices because he intended for them to overturn roe. he intended for them to take your freedom. these extremists want to roll back the clock to a time before women were treated as citizens. these extremists are trying to take us backwards. stuart: abortion is the big issue for democrats. >> this is all that they have. because all of their policy positions are a disaster. listen to the word extremist, taking our freedoms, this is their only playbook.
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it is incumbent, it is all the democrats have. they need to keep nikki haley in the fold. of all the answers on the debate stage, she gave the best one for women. i know a lot of women who will vote for trump who don't want nikki haley who said i'm a little worried about what republicans are going to do and i'm like are you listening to what republicans are saying or just the democrat messaging? when nikki haley spoke, that was a sigh of relief for so many republican women. he's got to get trump, got to get nikki haley out despite the battle, he is going to get around the campaign trail pushing this issue the democrats are wrong on this. stuart: more for you later. andrew yang. he sounding the alarm about a trump biden rematch.
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he cannot beat donald trump. >> he is the wrong candidate for 2024. i think he would lose to donald trump. these are basics that i've run for president. having an 81-year-old candidate would be a massive handicap in the fall. >> reporter: is it biden's age or policy that has you so turned off? he hesitated, they are blending together but age is proving a massive handicap. gang supporting dean phillips who is younger than president biden. a more robust person. dean phillips actually votes with democrats almost every step of the way but age is the problem. stuart: i have said this to you. do you think president biden can be president for another five years? >> i don't know if he can do it for the next five minutes
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underscoring that he is not able to do this job, he won't be able to do it going forward but i would caution i am starting to hear from some liberals that they are saying trump makes gaffes, why aren't you pointing out those gaffes? another thing for republicans to watch out for. these are different gaps. trump is a 77-year-old, every now and again he is going to slip up. for biden it is his entire presidency every time he is on stage and you guarantee every time he is on. stuart: getting a large section of this block in the show. time we got back to the markets. our guest this morning on the markets is scott schellady who has something interesting to say. he's not a fan of ai. what is your problem with artificial intelligence? >> i was around for the era. the horses left the barn
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initially here. i like it in the long run. in the short run i can't take claim on the record high prices. i would rather have an opportunity lost them high and lose actual money. i think it will come back to you. you will get some time to buy it. everyone thought these etfs would be the next best thing once you get he pulled back. you have to be careful about getting too excited too early. i was around and get scorched over the era. ai is productive, helps the bottom line, balance the books of this country. that's going to be 5 or 10 years down the road. stuart: next week, all the big names in technology report their earnings, they are all going to show whether they've gotten anything out of ai. you can't dismiss it if these big tech companies are adding to their bottom lines, using
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ai. >> the whole world is. when it goes to banking, interest rates, weather and commodities, everyone is using ai and i have to let everybody know a lot of trading firms using ai for the last five years. it is not that new on wall street. it is to main street. a lot of these programs, that is all artificial intelligence and that has been deployed for a while. it is going to be a fantastic thing but there is something about me that is doing this job for 37 years, at all-time record highs, doesn't go higher? i am sure it could but doesn't go lower? i will get a better price. that's what i look for. i would rather lose an opportunity than cold hard cash. i feel better that i missed
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that one, i'm going to sit and wait for this to come back. stuart: do you have any ai stocks in your portfolio? >> i'm looking at amd. i'm already edging. i can't push the vote out on 150%. it is the younger brother nvidia has the market and it is still very small if i want to plan a market i will get in on something that's not the leader of the group, but a follower and i have been doing in a long time. i've said it before but this is not the time to be a pioneer if you ask me. when i was younger in the business, others tell me you know what happens to pioneers, you end up face down, with an arrow in your back. stuart: this is turning into a next ordinary show. delighted to hear your opinion and i don't share it about ai.
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come back in please. the movers, the rock was ringing the bell. lauren: tko is in a $5 million deal with netflix to stream live events. this is a pivot for netflix. get more into live sports. one year from today, january 2025 netflix, smack down, the royal rumble, this is what they watched, this is a pivot for netflix, they might talk about it. we be one how old were they? lauren: perhaps. my mom would get so mad, they take the mattresses off and make their own wrestling ring. >> at that age when we were growing up it was all about wrestling. it was insane. stuart: western digital. lauren: a new high of 200%,
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morgan stanley names in their top chip pick over in video which they still like by the way. they say western digital will split their disk drive from their memory business later this year. memory chips prices are up 20%. they see that unlocking value and start going up 33% to $73 a share. stuart: dr horton. lauren: they missed their profit estimate because mortgage rates are killing everybody so they have to offer higher incentives to get the homes bought. hurt their margins, stock down 8%. stuart: thank you very much. now that nikki haley is contrasting her foreign policies with donald trump's she is accusing trump of cozying up to dictators. benjamin hall has the story. us and uk carry out another round of strikes against to the targets in yemen is a top navy official says iran is directly involved in houthi attacks on us bases. retired general keith kellogg on that next.
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hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. golo's helped me transition to a healthier, sustainable lifestyle. i'm so surprised just how crazy my metabolism has fired up. i have a trust in golo 'cause i know it works.
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golo isn't like every other program out there, and i'm living proof of it. (announcer) change your life at that's stuart: nikki haley trying to contrast her agenda with donald trump's. benjamin hall joins me. how are the foreign policies doing? >> reporter: good to see you today. the two candidates on different sides of the coin. donald trump has always been very much and america first president. he says that is how his foreign policy will run where nikki haley has been more and internationalist. she believes america should lead the way, be more involved in beating the bad guys out there.
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in ukraine, donald trump said he does not think defending ukraine is a national security priority that he says he will get peace in just one day perhaps by speaking with president putin. he was invited to talk about that. that hasn't happened yet. nikki haley believes everything will be given to ukraine, the weapons, the money and only by doing so can you hope to hold russia back. nikki haley yesterday released to campaign add effectively accusing donald trump of cozying up to dictators. otto warmbier was arrested and killed by north korea, the mother says nikki haley was there to help her throughout all of it. but nikki haley says donald trump is too keen to meet with dictators. they would compete in a greater way and she calls on donald trump and vladimir putin and kim jong-un and president xi. when it comes to israel both sides support israel.
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interesting to see with a wider issue. and pacing action in yemen. donald trump warning that more in the middle east could be -- she's pulling nikki haley against it. to support the cause. when it comes to china. some disagreements on the policy issue. donald trump did not go far enough in containing china. 's response was only economic but she would work with asian allies to contain them. she says donald trump policies would affect china to invade taiwan. some key differences between the two of them. one of the main ones that shows the difference is the relationship with nato. donald trump wants to reevaluate the relationship with nato, some say he might pull out of nato. nikki haley has embraced nato. they are making other countries pay their 2%.
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stuart: quite a contrast like day and night. see you later. retired lieutenant general keith kellogg joins me. did trump cozying up to dictators? >> thanks for having me on. that's absurd. it really is. it's really good. he keeps the line of communications open, talks to people. i don't care if it is the taliban and or kim jong-un or president xi or president putin, he leaves the chain of medication open because it is important they talk and when you look at the foreign policy of the united states, when we talk about america first, the fact that it is about america first is not isolationist. america first means protect your own sovereignty first. nato has always been a linchpin.
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the attack on one is an attack on all. everyone forgets article 3. every nation in nato is supposed to fund individual defense. two thirds of nato doesn't do that. what you want to do is look at article 4, and this is keith kellogg saying it. maybe go back to members of nato, and back if you don't pay out you will pay up. that was agreed to by all of you and that doesn't apply. and that is how we discussed foreign policy. i think every single leader in the world knows that. don't foil the united states because we will react. if you don't believe me, pick up the phone, call general
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soleimani or baghdadi. stuart: i'm intrigued at this. a secret lab in china reportedly carried out a simulation, where they launched a missile attack on us warships. is our navy capable of defending against these hypersonic missiles and airships? >> great question. for hypersonic you are talking oh 5, 5,000 miles mph speed. that means let's break it down simply, it blows 1.5 mi. /s. right now the just missile defense system are on our carriers can actually contain hypersonic missiles but the swarm technologies used, multiple missiles, you've got a problem. the chinese have got that with hypersonic missiles, 1600 miles. here's what we need to add,
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space based radar. got to pick up the hypersonic's when they are launched because then you are inside the envelope of them hitting the target. it is a hard thing to do but the chinese have the ability to do so? they have got the range of those missiles and space based radars to counter those, that's what we need to remind everybody, china is not a competitor. france is a competitor. china is an adversary. stuart: general keith kellogg, thanks for joining us. appreciate it. defense secretary lloyd austin is still recovering at home after his secret procedure for prostate cancer. how long has he been in the hospital? how long since he has been in the pentagon? keith:over a month since he's been in the pentagon despite the threats we face across the world and what is happening in the middle east. us officials say irani and back
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forces are behind one hundred 50 one attacks on our troops in syria since october 17th. this includes 11 strike since thursday. 17. this includes 11 strike since thursday. 60 us military personnel hurt, some suffering traumatic brain injuries. and treated for prostate cancer. the following week he worked with home before being rushed to the hospital new year's day. on january 15th, continuing to work from home as he prepares. stuart: porn stars rick harrison, blaming the border crisis for his son's death. the issue is taking center stage in new hampshire, the full story coming up for you. the governor of texas after the supreme court sided with the admin a station allowing the feds to remove razor wire along the border. it was put up to keep migrants out. border guy brandon johnson on that next.
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adam: 4 of them are up, microsoft down. a solid 1.3%, alphabetical,
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amazon, apple has reached 194, microsoft $3.95. a rocketmaker, rtx. you like them? lauren: they have two units, jet engine maker, defense, better earnings in both of those units, airlines fly more planes for longer periods, the us supplying weapons for ukraine. stuart: we had analysts looking at defense stocks and others for a long time because of what's going on overseas. a shortage of missiles. lauren: a lot of pockets in the least, taiwan. stuart: ali baba. lauren: china's google. there founder doubles down, new york times reporting $50 million worth of stock. up goes ali baba by 8%. stuart: more folks signing up for the wireless plans. lauren: 449,000, the company
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said they would get half that. this is a huge beat. i always thought they were more expensive but they had promotions especially black friday and you can get netflix, warner bros. discovery max. up 6%. great forecast for the year. stuart: the stock has done well for the last few months, 30%, a big gain. back to the crisis at the border, supreme court ruled federal agents are allowed to cut the razor wire. dan on maria nichols, how are officials they are reacting to the supreme court's ruling? >> reporter: business as usual in shelley park, no razor wire has been cut because texas national guard still has control of shelby park, not allowing border patrol to come in and access that razor wire. last night i had a conversation
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with texas department of public safety who told me they are holding the line. texas monetary department will continue to install even more razor wire in shelby park and plan to repair or replace anything cut by border patrol in the future. this is not over. that's the message from texas governor greg abbott who said on social media that he will continue to defend texas's constitutional authority to secure the border and prevent the biden administration from destroying property. a lower court ruling last year had barred the federal government from removing the razor wire but in a 5-numfour vote the supreme court contended that ruling at the request of the biden administration which argues the razor wire obstruct border patrol's ability to process migrants who are on american soil and help those who may be in distress. texas dps told me in emergency situations they will laid migrants through the wire and provide medical attention. with border patrol and their processing center not allowed
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in the park, single male and females will be arrested and charged with criminal trespass if they try to cross over illegally rather than being processed. family and children will be handed over to border patrol. it is worth noting that border patrol has access to the boat ramp on the river. technically, dps says they have access to the wire, will they be allowed into shelley park? to access the razor wire by land? stuart: we will take it, thanks very much. brandon judd, national border patrol president is with me now. the supreme court thanks the feds. the state is not allowed to take care of the border. where are we going with this? >> there are two major winners in this and one big loser. the winners are the far left agenda and the cartels. they want to get in, you can
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look at the cartels, they want to generate as much profit as they can. the major loser is the american people. citizens will see the repercussions of this because the cartels continue to flood our resources, take out one of our tools that we can use even though what was set up by the texas government was is who we were able to use to determine where people were able to cross. now we can't do that. cartels recognize they can flood our resources in an area we have to cut the razor wire, take these people into custody and put researchers in the fill. two winners, liberal agenda and the cartels, one major loser the american people. stuart: the white house is doubling down after the president admitted that the border is not secure. roll tape please.
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>> the president repeatedly said this immigration system is broken. he said that on day one, he put forward his first piece of legislation, his first policy was a deal on the border and it has been three years, we've seen no action for security, we need more resources, he put forward a comprehensive immigration policy to congress to deal with that broken system that has been around for decades. stuart: forgive me, i'm being a little extreme here, that's nonsense. what say you? >> it is nonsense but this begs the question who is really running this country? is it president biden or his at his political appointees, the people were not elected to run this country. anytime you can get biden by himself and ask him a question you're going to get his true thoughts. that is what he said on the border, he clearly said the border is not secure. the people running the government or the shadow people that were not elected, they are
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coming in and spending the narrative to try to deflect from their failures and that does not serve the american people. stuart: we have to have that honest conversation. >> we have the honest conversation we can get to sleep. stuart: thanks for coming by, see you again soon. reality star is blaming the border crisis for the death of his son adam. what is he saying? >> confirming yesterday his son adam died from a fentanyl overdose telling fox news digital the fentanyl crisis must be taken more seriously. nothing is being done about it. we must do better. his father posting attribute of the 39-year-old saying you will always be in my heart. adam is rick harrison at second son, featured on quarterly work, gold and silver pond before the reality tv show
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debuted in 2,009. more than 73,000 people died of fentanyl overdose from august 22nd to august 2023. border patrol agents have seized 3,500 pounds of the deadly drug after securing 27,000 pounds of fentanyl last fiscal year. lauren: maybe something will push forward. stuart: virtually every person i have asked knows somebody was related to somebody who died from fentanyl. those people know someone. >> it is a poison that is being brought here by china. stuart: now this. the ceo of barstool sports has stepped down after seven years. she's going to join us in our next our. in interview you don't want to
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miss. most senate republicans have endorsed trump including both carolina senators. some key gop leaders still remain neutral when it comes to trump. backing trump over nikki haley. aishah hasnie has that story from capitol hill next. ♪
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stuart: to the new hampshire primary. most senate republicans have endorsed donald trump for president. not one has endorsed nikki haley. are any of the senators joining trump on the campaign trail? >> we saw senator tim scott out
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with the former president in new hampshire. his name was floated as a possible vp pick, but i've got to tell you there are still some concerns among some senate republicans privately about trump being at the top of the ticket primarily because they point to the midterms and what happened with some of the trump hand-picked candidates. the quality of these candidates, we are looking at key numbers of senate leadership like mitch mcconnell, john thune, that stayed neutral so far, have not endorsed the former president as well as john cornyn but steve daines is publicly calling for everyone in the senate to unite behind trump posting this on x. he posts donald trump is the present of nominee. i'm encouraging every republicans unite behind him because it will take all of us to defeat president biden, take back the senate and hold the
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house but here is a look at all of the senators who have endorsed the former president. a large group doing so after the iowa caucuses including trump's 2016 opponent and very vocal critic, senator ted cruz. >> i endorsed donald trump because he won the primary, the result in iowa were overwhelming. i think this race is over so i hope we see the republican party come together, unified to beat president biden because the results of this administration have been a train wreck and a disaster for the country. >> reporter: everyone is watching to see what happens with the primary, once his results come in, we will see if some of those who stayed neutral will finally publicly endorse the former president. stuart: we shall see. thanks very much. bret baer joins us in new hampshire. trump is trying to show a
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unified party. does he have the establishment backing him yet? >> he has some. he has some senators and congressmen who determine the races over in their minds. senator marco rubio was one of the early endorsers that falls into that category but today is an interesting test. it's a test to see if, in new hampshire, they want this other choice. they want this in case of emergency break glass candidate to continue on and give nikki haley some momentum heading forward. i personally believe it has to be within single digits for the campaign to make the case to donors and the machine to move forward but it will be interesting to see. she will out to outperform john mccain with independents. stuart: is a last chance for haley? >> i think so. if she has a solid second here
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in that margin i think there is a case to be made that she goes on. she is not in the nevada caucus but the primary doesn't count, trump will win by 70% and she will go to her home state where she is trailing big time in the polls. it has to be make the case. stuart: starting with your town hall you and martha did i perceived a change in tone. seem to be a little less insulting, a little less harsh. do you agree with me? >> it is more a general election pitch. he realizes that. he is very successful when he does that to reach trump's skeptical voters or independents. important to note the campaign itself has been pretty disciplined on policy.
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he's been hitting immigration, hitting haley on social security, substantive policywise, the media covers the controversial stuff and the stuff that's like look at the shiny thing over here but for the most part it has been hitting the marks when it comes to policy, how it closed in 2016. stuart: hinz political organization is more sophisticated, better organized, the tone has changed, numbers are terrific, this guy is on a roll. >> i agree with you. there are bumps potentially in the road. he doesn't think his legal troubles will be a problem but in the minds of some voters here they worry there's another shoe to drop. in nevada and south carolina this thing is wrapped up before super tuesday. stuart: you are going to cover it and i will be watching and so will everybody else. when will be get results today?
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>> we will have a sense of things by 5:15 p.m. from voter analysis. and to call it pretty early. stuart: see you again soon. what are voters saying? what are their top priorities? lauren: inflation and immigration. >> it is crazy the way the rising prices in food and rent and housing -- >> concerned about safety and security particularly the border and education is a top priority for me. fiscal responsibility priority. high priority. >> i am a legal immigrant from germany, the only way to get in here his legal immigration. immigration that make sense
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because to just point millions of people in the country and let them lose and let them with no housing and nothing is really a horrible policy. lauren: neither one sounds like a dean phillips or joe biden voter. maybe trump, may be nikki haley, record turnout is expected today. will voters consolidate their support around trump? or do they give it to nikki haley? trump says inflation, immigration, no issues when i was in office. haley says i am a generational change with less chaos. which wonder they go for? stuart: what do you think the top issue is? i think it is immigration. i think it is the border. >> they look at iowa, that is because new hampshire, the independent stay, not a lot of people taking cornyn new hampshire. immigration as well, it tells you a lot. donald trump to bret baer, your discussion, needs to stay disciplined on that. he needs to make sure his policy positions he presents
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not only keep the maga base which is going to do but get that independent voters as things really are bad the last four years. stuart: thanks very much indeed. now this. a record number of car thefts in chicago, but arrests at an all-time low. chicago officials say that's because there aren't enough cops. henderson has that story next.
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(aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's
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stuart: chicago *record number of car thefts last year. arrests hit an all-time low. what going on here? >> reporter: someone was even carjacked the guv the governor's mansion last week. 29,000 report a lot of thefts, 754 of those arrests were made. a record low rate of 2.6%. some say one of the reasons the police shortage. there are 1500 working now more than there were five years ago. this is emboldening thieves to attempt more car thefts. interim auto thefts were around 36% since 2022.
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there is an ordinance that could be encouraging people to pursue these carjackings. the city has a pretty relaxed policy in regards to pursuits. the chicago police department policy says, quote, the necessity to apprehend the suspect outweighs the level of inherent danger created by a motor vehicle pursuit. this is done to prevent car crashes. taxpayers have paid tens of millions in settlements for wrongful death lawsuits related to these chases. indecent but the head of a civilian oversight panel said chicago's police department needs to ramp up the rules on these vehicle pursuits. the city has gone back to the drawing board multiple times over the last 20 years or so on this topic. stuart: thanks a lot, see you soon. thank you for being here for the hour. thank you. still ahead, they now perino on the new hampshire primary. if trump wins big, is it over?
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deroy murdoch on taxpayers footed the bill for the open border, you won't believe the bill and how big it is. why she left bar stool and what her next move will be. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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10:59 am
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11:00 am
>> we're not seeing a lot of diversity of thought in the democrat party. that's just as much of a problem as the mental acuity issues. is. >> the market is not pricing in ten months ahead of an election. it's going to be very close. and remember the house and senate. so i just think people overrate the connection of politics to the market. >> i think trump is the nominee. i think tonight will show that in new hampshire, south carolina will show that, and he's uniting the party. >> half think there's too much freedom in america. that's crazy


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