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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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>> we're not seeing a lot of diversity of thought in the democrat party. that's just as much of a problem as the mental acuity issues. is. >> the market is not pricing in ten months ahead of an election. it's going to be very close. and remember the house and senate. so i just think people overrate the connection of politics to the market. >> i think trump is the nominee. i think tonight will show that in new hampshire, south carolina will show that, and he's uniting the party. >> half think there's too much freedom in america. that's crazy.
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>> extremist is taking their freedom. this is their own play book and worked in 2022 and incumbent upon the republicans to not let it work this time. stuart: that's a live shot of new york. that's a pretty color. it's january 23rd, happy births day to my youngest grandchild, madison living in naples, florida, 1 years old today. okay. hardly any movement in the nasdaq and s&p. big tech, mixed picture. most are up but microsoft is down just a buck. 10-year treasury yield is coming down and now going up, 415 right now. that's turning a lot of stock investors off. now this, the democrats have a
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problem in georgia. political prosecution of donald trump has run into serious trouble. the prosecutors in the case have engaged in highly questionable behavior. they're ethically challenged. isn't that what they say about trump, ethically challenged? >> fani willis, nathan wade. willis is the fulton county da and handling a trump case, she hired a boyfriend, a man with very limited experience in criminal cases. he's paid $250 an hour, $650,000 so far. that is taxpayer money. wade used some of it to take his girlfriend, fani willis, on trips and cruises. a couple of trump haters mittinging the taxpayer while going after a presidential candidate. this is political dynamite. it's widely seen as using courts for political persecution. in her 2020 campaign, willis said i will not be dating anyone that works underme. she's broken her own policy.
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now she claims the criticism is racially motivated. as you might expect, trump is having fun with this and calls willis and wade the love birds going after him to "enrich themselves and live the lifestyles of the rich and famous". classic trump and hitting back fast when challenged. it's working and his support goes up when the public perceived the court cases are unfair. scored a big win in iowa and expecting a big win in new hampshire and republican party unifying around him and he's lost 15-20 pounds. this guy is on a role. third hour of varney starts now. deroy murdock has come back to
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see us again. trump is trying to fun fio the party, but does he have the establishment with him and when east he going to get them? >> probably tonight with the latest in south carolina if he doesn't win and win big in new hampshire, going onto south carolina, that's obviously nikki haley's home state, she loses there, it'll be deeply embarrassing and she'll jump out probably not wanting to lose in her home state. people bide decided they want four more years of joe biden and inpolice station and out of control border and everything else or trump with people that are concerned about his personality, but his new tone is a gentler donald trump i see. stuart: i see that too. it's a different tone and started with fox's town hall. >> exactly. seems calmer and less name calling and that sort of stuff. if he keeps that up, that'll calm people down and a lot want to see that and happy to go along with him other wise stuart: something i need to get to. we've got a new report and proper report, it's a good source. says that immigration costs
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illegal immigration, illegal migrants cost taxpayers $182 million a year. where's that number come from? >> excellent report from federation of american re-foreman. stuart: it's legit? >> yes. and get it online and extensive and look al real data and hard for precise data with illegal aliens but they did the best they could. $182 billion, people say, well, illegal aliens are working hard and paying taxes and there's some truth and pay $31 billion in taxes by this calculation and leaves us on the hook for $151 billion a year. across joe biden's three years in office, talking probably $450 billion in expenses through taxpayers overall. federal level is 25 billion and big chunk of expense for states and cities and $73 billion a year. very accident very expensive and go city by city and denver had 8,000 illegal aliens show up for
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20,000 visits and not pay for them. that city hospital is teetering and here in new york city, about 160,000 illegals showing up and we're paying for that and costing $1,200,000,000,000 in 2026. stuart: much is paid by states and cities, rather than the feds. >> correct. stuart: that's the breakdown here. >> less education in the classrooms and just to provide services for people that broke into the country. stuart: $182 billion a year as of now. what's the future? does it go up? more migrants are coming n. >> yeah, if joe biden does what heavyweights done since he got there, which is rip the border wide open and the price will go up. if he changes course and trump gets elected, he'll shut the border back down and bringing costs down. a lot of people are here for the short or medium term if not for good and ongoing expenses to take care of the people and feed and provide education and food.
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gyre the more it looks like trump is going to win and the more it's the last chance. >> last chance so come on in and especially if joe biden, we heard the supreme court including justice robertson and combmy barrett and say -- comey barrett and saying they're going to shut down in bigger numbers. stuart: biden would spend the money on improving the processing of migrants coming in. not counting the flow but improving the process. >> yeah, wants money to send them home or stop them from coming in and more money to have people go in and fill out the paperwork and come in and enjoy the united states of america. stuart: thanks for coming on board and showing us serious numbers on this, i didn't know that before.
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stuart: the earns are good to keep the momentum going obstron themarket. >> yeah, and next week we'll hear from big tech and look at earnings question got out today and dow components are mixed and the momentum is so strong to the upside. mixed is enough to keep the markets here. we'll wait to see if we got good to very good results out of big tech. we extend our highs where we are already and hit new highs. >> remember. stuart: what i'm looking for next week is a signal that ai has practiced by the microsoft of this world is added to the bottom line. do we know that and see that? >> tough to say. so much of talking tech and innovation and so much is talking about pricing something that's really going to be in full effect in a year or two years or three years down the road.
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they continue to increase their earning ands continue to increase their revenues so all though the stock price has gone up, the earns are supporting that higher stock price ask and we want to see that from all of big tech. stuart: earnings from netflix and approaching that, the stock is going up. it was up a lot more than that, 486 right now and close to 500 earlier and we expecting from that report. >> u.s. subscribers, international subvibers and able to hit that number and hard to try and say, if they beat that subscriber number, i'll go out on a limb and stock going higher and if not going lower. owner of net knicks or own through a large basket of stocks that you own, don't hang too much on the earnings report. stuart: aren't we expecting a huge jumped nap profit? lauren: yeah, over 1700% and pivot to gaming and live events
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with the tko raw wrestle programming for it. stuart: i want to see if ai is working for microsoft and getting about 400 a share. lauren: i like the ai that netflix uses to recommend shows that i'd like. it's pretty spot on. they know me. >> with netflix and game asking there and live, wwe stuff they have. there was a lot of people thinking they couldn't pull off something like that and you can go to peacock and netflix and go to hulu but netflix is doing more with better content exclusively and cowel i don't. all netflix has to do sin crease the price by $1 and all the sudden their earnings and revenue and bottom line goes way up. nobody, i don't believe, will be canceling if netflix says we're going up by $1. stuart: covering the movers and the movers i want to cover is 3m. lauren: down, they've been crushed today, down 10.5% and dow stock and diversified
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manufacturing company from post-it notes to other products and cutting forecast for the entire year and not even enclouding the cost of litigation and the military ear plug lawsuits and chemicals in the public water systems and those lawsuits and cutting profit expectations and stocks getting hammered. hammered. stuart: bitcoin dropping below 40,000 and 138 i think it is. lauren: that and jp morgan downgraded to sell and catalyst of the bitcoin etf is going to disappointment participants in the market. stuart: enfaze energy. lauren: time to buy and this stack has been hammered last year. and they think it's going to $15 and one big reason is fed rate cuts potentially coming. we said this yesterday, there's
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a 2,000 square foot home and the cost up front to put solar panels on is about $20,000. for earn savings on annual basis of $1400. stuart: trying to get interest rates down. lauren: if you don't have 20k, are you spending all the interest to finance for $1400 in savings? stuart: doesn't make sense. excellent. a new report reveals unhappy workers cost companies trillione that. trillions in lost productivity. i like to see where that number comes from without a report, believe me. it's primary day in new hampshire and nikki haley's make or break and if she doesn't make an impressive moment, trump has it sewn up. i'll ask dana perino dana perino if she agrees. ♪
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♪ stuart:'like that guy. he has rhythm in his songs. that's danbury, new hampshire. poles are open across new hampshire and it's the first in the nation primary and 22 delegates at stake. madison alworth in bedford, new hampshire. what's the most pressing issues with the voters? reporter: reporter: stuart, the most pressing is the border followed closely by the economy. we're at the biggest polling station in the state and it's very, very busy.
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people coming in and out and over my shoulder you can see the line to vote is outside the auditorium here in the high school and this is a very popular location. the voters here, they're excited, and i was able to talk to voters that were both voting for nikki haley as well as president trump. >> i'm going for nikki hill lay and long been a supporter of governor sununu and he's been backing her in the ads and state and nationally so voting for nikki haley. >> i voted for trump. there's a lot of reasons why and four years he did quite a bit of things that helped america as a whole from the unemployment populations and then the low ranks and higher ranks and i think we need to do it again. reporter: with this being the biggest polling location you're looking a the video we got in the last hour of nikki haley
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visiting this location and adamant she wanted to talk to voters and she was able to talk to a number of voters, shake hands. she took countless photos and she would often take the phone from the voter and snap a selfie. one guy took a photo of her and shied social security much better if you're in it and took that phone to take the selfie and really getting the vote out and a message she made to the voters is we need a new guard and any voter she spoke to said please tell your friends to come out and vote as well. also write in biden efforts have been here today too and democrat voters are coming out. listen to what one woman had to say. >> why he wasn't on the ballot but felt like i needed to come. i needed her to come with me, and i just had to. i don't know why. i felt very compelled. reporter: lots of young folks
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here and parents bringing young kids to teach them about democracy and she didn't know why president biden isn't on the ballot and still felt the effort to write in his name. >> it's going to be a long day and handwritten ballots that are going to have to be counted by hand, but we're excited to see what turns out. stuart. stuart: thank you, madison. well, look who's here now. dana perino, my debate colleague. >> listen to that accent, i love it. stuart: i believe you're married to someone with a similar accent, is that true? >> yeah, not as posh as yours. stuart: get out here, i'm a working class boy fresh off the boat. if tram comes without with a big win tonight, is it over? >> well, nikki haley put out a memo saying they're going to stay in through south carolina regardless of tonight and that's what ron desantis said before iowa and what vivek said before
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iowa as well. sometimes that can change dramatically and i will say t this, back last summer many people were telling nikki haley to get out of the way and let tim scott be the one from south carolina because he had the big political future. she stayed in and was at 2% last february. she worked her way up to what she wanted, which is a two-person race but the polls are what they are; right. the ones this morning shows that president trump is in a 30% lead over -- 30 point lead over her here in new hampshire. could be that the 40% of independents that vote here in new hampshire could make that tighter race. i still don't know if she'll be able to do that. then go to south carolina where she also down in the polls quite a bit in her home state. stuart: i've asked several of our quests this morning if trump has in fact unified the party and the answer i'm getting is not quite.
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establishment republicans still not quite on board with trump. is that how you see it? >> well, it take as bit of time. for example, we talked to two desantis voters on america's news room and they were still shocked that ron desantis dropped out and they didn't understand what happened in the campaign and today they plan to write in his name so it take as bit of time for these thins to happen and effort. effort not on on behalf of president trump but on people like ron desantis or eventually shall be like a chris christie to say, guys, the alternative with biden is so much worse. we have to get together and do this. it'll make -- you know, this argument within the republican party of she's not conservative enough or he's too conservative. it kind of drives me up a wall because people pretty much agree on like 93% of the issues much the rest of them are a little bit tone and tenor, and i don't think it's productive.
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stuart: republican the presidential candidate andrew yang? he's casting doubt. >> yeah, i talked to him this morning. stuart: he's casting doubt on biden's chances to beat trump because of biden's age. watch this, dana. >> he's the wrong candidate for 2024. in the general election he would lose to donald trump as dean has been making the case. these are basics, but i've run for president. i think having an 81-year-old candidate would be a massive handicap in the fall. stuart: you know, i think the contrast between trump, vigorous and dynamic and biden, somewhat older is going to be on full display this afternoon. trump is in new hampshire and biden is talking about abortion in virginia. there's a real contrast this. >> and every time you have somebody like karine j jean-piee told peter doocy in the white
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house about biden age and obvious decline that everybody can see. instead of dealing it in a way that says i hear you peter, let me tell you he'll be on the trail tomorrow and you'll see what he can do rather than being defensive about it, they -- sorry, they're way too defensive about it and dismissive. andrew yang and dean phillips are trying to say we like biden's policies but saying let's let a new generation carry them through. i don't know if that's a very good message. many democrats don't like dean phillips or like andrew yang and they don't like jill stein or cornell west. they want people to unify behind biden and republican party might happen more quickly with the democratic party and haven't talked about a possible third party candidate. rfk jr. plans to stay in and could get up to 30% in some states and that would take away from biden. stuart: we both thoroughly injoe covering politics and we're right in the middle of it.
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dana, see you later. >> okay, take care. have a great day, bye bye. stuart: thank you. some voters in new hampshire say they're annoyed with biden and the dnc. ashley, good morning to you. what is the problem? ashley: hey, stew, they're miffed because they failed to file for the first in the state primary and opting to comply with the dnc's plan to make south carolina's contest the first primary. instead democrats in new hampshire are being told to take part in a write in campaign and not going down very well. watch this. >> i'm kind of angry and some people are saying why should we write his name in when he won't give us the time of day. it's not meaningless like the dnc says. it's meaningful. maybe when the dnc sees how much energy there is in the event will change their mind. >> under state law in new hampshire, we have to have a pryor share this is the date it's going to be.
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ashley: well, biden's move to ignore new hampshire is the first incumbent president to not file if the state's early voting contest and critics say it's hardly ideal. stu. stuart: got t thanks, ash. coming up, listen to this, stanley cups have become the newest hot ticket item. a woman in california stole so many she's able to fill up the whole car. you won't believe how much they're worth. erica wases first ceo of barstool sp sports and a new bok an business situations and being human, getting drunk, sex and other disaster scenarios at work. you don't want to miss this. erica is approaching the set and all kinds of good stuff is available. ♪
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stuart: on the markets this morning, i see red ink especially on the dow and stocks are sharply lower and down to 37.8. murphy is still with us hanging in for the entire hour. he's got his stock picks with
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him. no. 1 starbucks. i call them five bucks but that's okay. >> five plus two is the plies now. starstarbucks popularity hasn't dwindled and younger generation going to starbucks and looking at stock price, it's a reaction to what's happened here and the stock sold off recently and it's bounced off the low 90 level several times and if you want to own starbucks, i don't own it, it's an attractive entry point right now. stuart: amazon, why do you like it and where is it go something >> new highs up around 180 and bumping up around the mid 150 area, 155ish, strong earnings and get through that and by at a new high before the end of the day. stuart: strong earnings next week. >> yeah, you know, i don't know what the earnings will be and i know their business is strong and they manage it well and they'll have strong earnings is
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my bet. stuart: thanks. erica left her job as chief of barstool sports and joins us now. thank you garmin being on the show. dave portnoy is a friend of ours. why did you leave? >> we had an incredible run and accomplished everything we could have ever dreamed of. stuart: do you feel you helped build barstool 124 >> absolutely. stuart: how did you get along with him? >> wonderfully. stuart: was he angry that you left? >> no, dave was one of the pest beam i've ever worked with and i'll be a huge champion of his, >> the book is nobody cares about your career and there's a lot of junior advice like a chapter called the messy stuff being human and getting drunk, sex, and other disaster scenarios at work. rather ran chips act start -- run chips act start, tell me about that.
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raunchy start. >> it's rare to have a business book written by someone in the midst of their own career, and this book comes from my perspective, not just at barstool sports, but at yahoo, aol, microsoft, a lot of big companies and a lot of startups. stuart: how do you deal with this disaster sensorineural marios? >> disaster seizure disorders natural rights approach owes are ever -- disaster scenarios are ever present at work whether you're an executive or lower peon in the place. stuart: when running things, did you stay calm and edge back? >> yes, tried to stay calm. not always. of course. but, you know, i think people are human at work, work is full of humans and so long as humans are involved, it's going to be messy and that's what makes it so interesting and challenging and i think a lot of people put on a mask or f facade about how
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things should be managed in a career or office or business and the rules for all that have changed, and this is my peak spl spective on it. stuart: one more, don't be a victim, being a victim is really, really lame. the person that blames everyone else never inspires anyone. take the hit, take the accountability for your part in the process. what do you say if someone does not want to take account or responsibility? >> they're never going to be great at work. stuart: that's the nature of the book, have to be great at work. >> yeah. stuart: what are you going to do now? >> going to find a place to be great at work. i don't know, we'll see. stuart: you want to build something in technology >> yes, i want to build something else. stuart: what industry? >> i'd like to do something different. like to do something not in sports. i'd like to work in lifestyle. i'd like to find a company that needs a turn around or would like to be built up and -- stuart: one more, sorry to interrupt you. if you're board, not challenged or intellectually starved,
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you're not helping your future self. is that why you left barstool sports? >> was never board at barstool sports, i can tell you that. i will tell you that. look, i think at barstool, we exited the company twice last year. first sold to penn for $550 million then got the company back for dave for $1 and when i look at it from a ceo perspective, that's pretty dam good so impactful find the next thing i can do. stuart: typical stuart varney question and did you leave barstool sports a very wealthy woman? >> wealthier than when i went in stuart: i won't press any further. great having you on the show. >> thank you, thank you for having me. stuart: the guy sitting next to you is mike murphy and he'll critique this interview right now so stick around. >> so having six children the advice that erica is give asking exactly what needs to be given. you don't learn when they're
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graduating from college, they're not taught about when they screw up and life happens and gets in the way and we bring in a large internship every summer at rose cliff and something that i try to explain to kids that like life is going to happen and how you deal with it is what's important. i think i can't wait to read the book. i think it's phenomenal. congratulations. >> thank you. stuart: and we'd love to invest in your business when you're ready to go. >> great, i'll be back. stuart: i didn't know we're going to do that. >> there it is. it's on tape. stuart: offering up even more money. stuart: mike, thank you very much indeed. we're coming to the story that i'm unhappy with, unhappy workers cost companies $1.9 trillion in lost productivity last year. ashley, how did they arrive at that number? how did they get to the numbers? disruption of the past few years reduced stacks in the workplace leading to a decline in
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engagement that hurts productivity, sales, and profits. ashley: there are plenty of hourly jobs available, the number of listings for finance, marketing, software developer, other white collar fields has fallen below pre-pandemic levels on linked in for instance, one job opening is available for every two applicants just a year ago it was the other way around. according to the surveillance vie bay linked in, 1,000 u.s. professionals, 85% say i'm thinking about changing jobs this year. you know what, the grass may not be greener on the other side. green as in money. companies are offering new hires less generous pay and flexibility than they did a year or two ago. in other words a happy worker is a productive worker and vice versa. how they came to 1.9 trillion really couldn't tell you, stu. stuart: governorred the headline and -- governed the headline and
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isn't that what it's all about? ashley: well, we ran it. stuart: afraid we did. thank you, ash. coming up -- another one that bothers me. just one energy drink a month increases your risk of disturbed sleep. really? one a month? dr. makary will check that one out. a judge in los angeles preventing people in beverly hills from doing any home renovations. they won't reverse the order till the city provides a plan to create affordable housing. that's interesting, isn't it? a full story on the full report after this.
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stuart: all home renovations in beverly hills could soon be put on hold. a judge banned permit requests for remodels till the city approves a plan for affordable housing. kelly, how are the residents responding to that? reporter: stuart, they're fired and you happen frustrated especially since they feel this is something the city should be taking care of. today you find me in an area of beverly hills called the flats. this is one of the most desirable areas and every home you see around me is worth more than $10 million, but under the new ruling there's no new pools, no bath remodeling and the judge's decision is being appalled so new construction can go on till then and this ripple effect of frustration is what housing affordability advocates are counting on. beverly hills argued they don't have room for affordable housing and it's going to impact the city's brand and character, but the city has a long way to go to close the gap. the housing plan calls for close
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to 1700 low or middle income units to be built and over the last eight years, just 20 have been constructed and this potential renovations has residents and realtors up in arms on how this impacts the real estate market. >> the sellers that have a house that needs work and a bad floor plan and doesn't have a pool, those are the sellers that are hurting. not only the sellers but characters and architects. there's a whole industry around renovations that are going to be hurting from this rule. reporter: critics of how beverly hills is responding are pointing out, the folks that live here and hollywood elite, they voted for the policies that created this housing affordability crisis and the phrase not in my backyard applies here. stuart: i'm sure it does. kelly, thank you very much indeed. california state university professors called off their strike after one day.
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ashley, two things, what were they asking for and what did they get? ashley: well, on the picket lines for a day and cal state faculty agreed to a new deal that includes a 5% general salary hike for all faculty back dating to july 2023 and a 5% salary increase for all the teachers in july this year. the agreement raisings for the lowest paid faculty and paid parental leave from six to ten weeks. professors and staff in the cal state system that walked off the job yesterday and they're expected back in the classroom today and will vote on radford fioing the contract in the coming week -- ratifying the contract in the coming weeks and back to normal for 23,000 students across the campuses in the state. the strike worked in this case. stuart: ash, a woman in california was arrested for
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stealing stanley cups. those drinking cups. they were valued $2,500. what's the story here? ashley: yeah, i read this and we're not talking about the hockey stanley cup. they're tumblers or quenchers and they've become a viral sensation on social media. police say a woman in sacramento walked out without paying and refusing short term orientation stop for store employees and drove off. she was pulled over and arrested on a grand theft charge. meantime there are videos of customers racing through stores in hopes of getting a limited release tumbler. these cups by the way ordinary sell for between $45 and $50 but those limited releases are a lot more expensive, and then of course people were posting them on retail sites for much higher
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prices. it's a social media sensation and it's not the hockey stanley cup. it's stanley stumblers. stu. stuart: i was confused and thought it was the hockey stanley cup replicas. ashley: i did too when i read it. stuart: thank you, ash. appreciate it. it's that time, we show you the dow 306789 a sense of the market. that's an even split. half up, half down, the dow is down 160 points. you're back well below 38,000. another report saying a daily multivitamin can help fight off cognitive decline. what does dr. marty makary think about that? he's a doctor and we'll be back after this. moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive,
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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stuart: with have several new studies to go through >> one of the studies says drinking one energy drink a month can cause insomepnea and poor quality sleep. sinsomnia and poor quality sleep. dr. marty makary joins me. i don't believe it. i just don't believe it. where does that come from? one a month gives you insomnia? >> well, they did not randomize
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people taking the drink or not. the type of person drinking one a month is probably drinking more than one a month, and we know these drinks are not good for your sleep quality. they've reported they were more likely to go to med after midnight and it was a big study out of norway with 53,000 people involved, but it really told us what we already know and that is caffeine is not good for sleep quality. stuart: i knew that. okay. i can't drink one of those in the afternoon, i'd never sleep all night. another new study finds that taking a daily multivitamin can ward off cognitive decline like dementia up to two years. what are your thoughts on that, doctor? many studies of multivitamin haves not told us anything about the ben nit and as a matter of fact one giant study previously done shows that multivitamin haves no benefit whatsoever and sales and recommendations for result vitamins went down this. is the first study out of mass
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general there's some component for the vitamin and overall cog any stieffle health and looked at it with mris as well. stuart: doctor, could you hold on for one second, murphy is with me and he's just begun taking a multivitamin. >> yes. stuart: why? >> well, i started taking a 10x health multivitamin because it's packed with vitamins and things i believe my body needs that i wasn't getting before, vitamin b and d and i'm loaded up with it and i feel great. stuart: doctor, he's doing the right thing, is he? >> look, i would love for that to be real. who knows if it's a placebo effect, but i do recommend vitamins for people who can't get three good well balanced meal as day. for those folks we know that prenatal vitamins in pregnant women have a benefit. if you're not getting your nutrition requirements, go for it. stuart: another one that i simply don't understand. this study says mindlessly scrolling on your phone at bedtime could be bad for your health. are you kidding me?
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i do it all the time and i'm perfectly healthy. >> well, it's hard to know what one sleep quality is. you can't tell from the number of hours that one sleeps. everyone responds differently to light and thomas edison invited the lightbulb, he did a lot of good for productivity and society but did a lot of bad for sleep health and so the general recommendation is does stimulate your eyes with light before going to bed. give it a 30 minute ramp down time. stuart: only one of the studies you're prepared to give much time to is the one about multivitamins, is that right, doctor? >> that looks to be the most prestigious of all of them. the others may be telling us what we already know. stuart: we have to go through the new studies and need an ebbing pert to tell us more. >> my pleasure. stuart: any of those headlines concerning for you? >> the energy drinks, no. the screen time, yes but like you said, people are going to use their phones regardless. but the multivitamin thing, the
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fact that someone would say i'm not going to take a multivitamin that's going to -- worse case it's doing nothing. stuart: i don't take anything. >> but for the audience, you look great. for the audience at large, to take one little pill that may be giving you all the vitamins and minerals and things to keep your body healthy. stuart: a grapefruit a day for 65 years, works every time. >> one grapefruit a day? >> yep, 65 years. tuesday trivia. how many national parks in the united states? 142, 388, 428? 428 the an when we return. at ameriprise financial our advice is personalized based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice...
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neil: how many national parks are there in the united states? national parks, not state parks. ashley: i will go with 356, number 3. stuart: murphy is playing too. >> i will go with number one or 2. stuart: i will go with 288 on
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the grounds that 428, are you kidding me? if you include state parks, just nationality. in 1916, woodrow wilson created the national park service, 85 million across 50 states. 30 seconds left. quick check of the markets down one hundred 60 on the dow industrials but we managed to go to the green for the nasdaq and the s&p. they are hurting the dow industrial average. that is it for "varney and company". don't forget, results of the new hampshire primary will be coming out tonight and we will have them. not me personally but fox business. coast-to-coast starts right now. neil: >> donal


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