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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 23, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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the grounds that 428, are you kidding me? if you include state parks, just nationality. in 1916, woodrow wilson created the national park service, 85 million across 50 states. 30 seconds left. quick check of the markets down one hundred 60 on the dow industrials but we managed to go to the green for the nasdaq and the s&p. they are hurting the dow industrial average. that is it for "varney and company". don't forget, results of the new hampshire primary will be coming out tonight and we will have them. not me personally but fox business. coast-to-coast starts right now. neil: >> donald trump.
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>> why did you want to vote for him? >> i believe his policies, the border. >> i voted for nikki haley because donald trump really disgraced himself. neil: do you know where your presidential candidate is? there are four total in both parties, all want to be president but there is one missing on state ballots, the guy who already is president. more on that in a moment. it is weird. following the last two republicans, in concord, new hampshire. >> reporter: happy first primary day, we are outside of would 4. we take a look inside. 2600 voters registered, and
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just over 400 voters have cast their ballot. the moderator tells me they are tracking 40 to 50% turnout which is a little bit below what they were expecting considering new hampshire is expecting record voter turnout north of 320,000 voters expected to participate today. is this ward is 2 to one democrat, there is no competitive race on the democratic side. that could be factored in. earlier today, nikki haley stopped at two polling places to shake hands and speak to voters. they haley campaign hopes for high voter turnout from undeclared or independent voters. this was her final pitch on fox and friends. >> normal people are not listening to what the media is saying. normal people are saying we want somebody who can go 8 years, who will stop the wasteful spending of republicans and democrats. we want someone who will get our kids back on track. we want someone who will secure the border.
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>> reporter: last night donald trump held a final rally and shared the stage with former presidential candidates vivek ramaswamy, senator tim scott and governor doug bergen and trump called for unity. >> we have to unify. that's why i am delighted to be joined by a number of outstanding leaders, big leaders, greatly respected leaders and also unbelievable competitors. we are all on the same team, one hundred% focused on biden and beating him in november. >> reporter: me and my team speaking to voters out here, listen to these two voters, they are sisters and a house divided. >> i voted for trump. >> nikki haley. >> he has a lot of experience. and he did very well the last time he was president so i think he should have another try. >> i voted for nikki haley
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because it would be cool to have a first female president and i like her. >> reporter: haley said she's not going anywhere if she loses this race. her campaign released a memo this morning outlining the plan to go on beyond south carolina into super tuesday. they raised one. $5 million since ron desantis dropped out and the campaign says they made hundred stopped and are ready to go. hundred stops in new hampshire and ready for the next phase which is a rally in charleston tomorrow night. neil: you've been over every foot of that states. in the meantime, bob, i stand apart on this whole idea that nikki haley has to do well tonight. the last candidate to donald trump. why would she want to go anywhere. regardless of how she performs today? >> i don't think she will be
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throwing in the towel. if she loses by double digits the pressure is going to beyond. she has money. she has been raising money as she has moved up in the polls and now this is a 2-person race after iowa evenflo she finished third in iowa but this is an important night for nikki haley. trump did not win iowa in 2016. he began his comeback in this state, in new hampshire, he beat john kasich by 20 points. a lot of other people were in the race but this has been a good state for trump on the republican primary side and that is why he is winning and i expect him to win but nikki haley has to shock the world at least 2 come very close but really needs a win. neil: i see the argument it sets up expectations for south carolina. the fact of the matter is, i am always intrigued, one hundred thousand or so vote in iowa, donald trump captured 50,000 of
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that vote, and we have a little more voting in new hampshire and again, donald trump captured half or more of that. i don't know. we have 340 million people in this country. why are we sowing this up and putting a bow on it? >> that is a good point that nikki haley made, may raise but at some point you have to win. in 2016, ted cruz won states. what state is she going to win? that remains to be seen. i think she will stay in this race no matter what, but when it goes to south carolina and she's not able to defend her home turf, if that is the case, this could be a knockout punch. neil: my mind goes back, i am so old, john mccain in 2,008 was given up for dead, comes to new hampshire, somehow pulls it out, the campaign goes on against the nomination, we know what happened in the general
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election but i can go back further, bill clinton in 1992 loses in iowa, left for dead meat in new hampshire where he finishes second, deemed the comeback kid, serves me right, he goes on to get the nomination in the white house so is there a risk here? i would throw this into this media mix where we are prejudging this thing two races into it. >> that's a very good point because politics, like sports, very unpredictable. conventional wisdom is often wrong but it is hard to go up against a former president who has his grip on the party. that the x factor. nikki haley is a very good candidate but at the same time you're dealing with a former president who is a historical figure in many ways. she has an opportunity to shock the world, prove us wrong, when the state. . 20 quickly on president biden not appearing on the democratic ballot, i talked to a few of those when i was in new
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hampshire, they are convinced they can get him not in the numbers that other presidents have enjoyed but it is going to be embarrassing. right? >> it is bizarre that he's not on the ballot. it won't help president biden in the fall. president biden is likely the nominee. democrats are favored to win in new hampshire but you never know and this is not going to help. stuart: i want to go to charles payne who is there in the granite state. what is your read when you tal? i want to get into the financial stuff. new hampshire is a thriving state doing very well economically. chris sununu is backing nikki haley, not sure how far that goes. what is the mood of the state? >> the mood is excitement.
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one of the things i find amazing is almost all the issues that resonated in iowa are resonating in new hampshire and not sure that's always the case, immigration being the number one issue. you wouldn't want to make that in new hampshire generally thinking logically thinking, has zoomed out there by far and again i keep telling people more than just one topic, it is a number of things that begins with the humanitarian crisis, getting into this country, the drug issues in this country, certainly no exception there. it is a sovereignty issue. every nation wants to be in control of how many people into comes into their nation. safety and security, outrageous and economic, certainly an economic strain on the american taxpayer. we pride ourselves on being a nation of immigration. it is not about being anti-immigration but being smart about how to control the
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nation and the economy. i can tell you right now, drop by cvs yesterday, a diner this morning, talked to some locals and there is a sense that beneath the surface of the data because the data looks good but beneath the surface of the data things are tough. neil: the white house is in this weird conundrum where the market is hitting records. the markets don't close until 4:00 p.m. but the fact of the matter is it has been the wind in their back, a lot of people credit the federal reserve for that, interest rates will come down, we don't know when they will come down. the administration crowing about that, job growth, plenty of time for americans to feel it unlike in 1992 when george bush senior was saying the same thing, the turnaround was on. what do you think about that.
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charles: the numbers and surveys are losing a lot of influence. give an example coming into this week, the top 20 in the stock market were up an average of 3%. the other, 480 stocks in the s&p were down 2%. even the stock market to a certain degree has been misleading because of the outside influence of these mega ai related stocks but beyond that, the jobs report, the superlatives are phenomenal, strong, amazing. then we find out they weren't real, revised lower a couple times and in the last 12 months, i don't want to say the wrong number, 400, 600,000 am also the quality of jobs and there's another factor that i think is something we are really talking about with this election, the role of the government, take out what the government is providing in terms of jobs and industries
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like healthcare that they overwhelmingly support, we don't have a lot of job creation in this country, do we want to be a country where big government, and allows the individual to do that. that is what really this election is going to be about, we just came out of the covid financing $1.9 trillion. pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, back to that philosophical debate before all is said and done. neil: i follow these things closely. whatever people's differences they don't have them as much when they are in diners. you can ask people come have you ever noticed, talking to people in diners, they are 100 miles apart on the issues but they don't care come past the syrup, you going to eat that. all the nations ilk should be solved in diners and we could wrap this up. your thoughts?
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charles: you and i are from the diner state capital. i would add this but if we could give everyone a pickup truck to go lift to diners we would have no more problems in this country. stuart: you are the best dressed person in that state and you are looking phenomenal. look forward to seeing more of your reporting from there. two hours from now, good seeing you. i told you about this weird anomaly. new hampshire democrats are pushing to write in president biden's name, the party had a fight over new hampshire losing its first in the nation status. that is taking some off but president biden is not on that ballot. what do you make of that? >> let's hope new hampshire democratic voters don't have the same confusion you do. that's what the president should hope because the president won't beyond that new hampshire primary ballot, the
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state moved forward with its primary citing state law even after the dnc reshuffled its primary schedule to put south carolina first. she placed fifth in new hampshire in 2020 so democratic groups now are pushing for voters to write in president biden's name on the ballot so he can win the democratic primary there. also ratcheting up some rhetoric on their key issue, abortion, hoping that motivates voters, the president putting a poster from truth social, biden writing in his own words donald trump's response will for ending row versus wade and if you vote for him, he will go even further. vice president harris drilling down in wisconsin. >> after roe was dismounted, extremists the folks, from 1849, to stop abortion in this state. these extremists are trying to
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take us back. >> president biden says he supports roe versus wade, the little reported part of biden's position is roe versus wade actually did impose some abortion restrictions after fetal viability which is generally accepted to be around 24 weeks. >> reverses wade was right. i'm not supporting abortion on demand. it was roe versus wade. that was the decision. a majority of americans agree nationwide. that is what i'm working for. i'm working for that. when they sent me is that law i will sign it immediately to restore that right. >> democrats are blasting any proposed legislation surrounding abortion restrictions as extreme even though the president's position
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would allow for bands in the third trimester after fetal viability with some exceptions. that's a little nuance no one is talking about. neil: i wonder, not to do labor the ballot issue but if it turns out there are enough right in ballot or support, could it be what lbj experienced in 1980 one, only by a few points. jean mccarthy emerged out of nowhere to be a threat and before you know it he was out of the race. >> reporter: we will see. the president thinks south carolina is going to be where things begin. that is why they pushed south carolina to go first, he went there in 2,020 after losses in iowa and new hampshire, the democrats fell out of the race, got behind him and propelled him to the presidency but dean phillips is on the ballot, rfk junior is on the ballot so hopefully folks look past those two lines and right in president biden's name, that's what folks at the white house are hoping that they do but it
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will take a little more effort than just filling out a circle. neil: that is tough to do. jackie heinrich wasn't even alive. that's how old i am. we've got a lot of other things that are interesting in this race including the common theme of the most pressing issues, no doubt inflation. you know the runaway debt about what is the most common, the biggest worry? what if i told you the border? right after this. ♪ ♪
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neil: here is one area where iowa and new hampshire are connected at the hip. the one issue of the border, the border crisis, number one issue for voters in both states. hillary vaughan with the fallout there, the senate addressing this issue are trying to, as we speak. >> reporter: some democrats have gone from defending president biden's handling of the border to condemning it. after 14 house democrats joined
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with republicans to review biden's open-door policies, now nine democratic governors are joining calls for the white house to do something is this crisis has reached its peak on their watch and even some democrats in the senate are admitting the border is a problem. >> two things can be true at the same time. you can be supportive of immigration we need to have a secure border. and i think immigration, we want to provide the american dream for any migrant. >> reporter: fetterman is not on an island here. senator jon tester from montana writing an op-ed no matter your political beliefs, allowing anyone to enter the country without being properly federal going through a legal process undermines national security. i told president biden and homeland security secretary mayorkas what's happening on the southern borders on accessible. the senate is negotiating a
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deal with the white house, the details are mostly a mystery as negotiators are keeping talks behind closed doors and senators have not seen a scrap of paper, negotiators holding out hope for of floor vote this week but that looks increasingly unlikely. the pressure is on the president is a gratian has become a top issue for voters headed into november and now even president biden's piping up. >> have you said the border is secure? >> president biden: no, it is not. i have tried for the last few years, give me the money. >> reporter:'s dhs secretary who testified here to congress under oath that the border is secure did not get that memo. neil: hillary vaughan on capitol hill. let's go to steve daines in the state of montana, national republican senatorial bitty chairman. great to have you. where are you on this border thing? looks like close but no cigar and we might never get to a deal?
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>> it's the number one issue for voters in iowa and new hampshire. according to a harvard poll that just came out it is the number one issue for voters across the country. this is a joe biden created crisis and it is jaw-dropping to see what's happening within hours after president biden was sworn in, signed executive order stopping the wall that donald trump was building and then we saw the department of homeland security go after the governor of texas, governor abbott and they stopped. and in texas, over eagle pass, and it can be called the department of homeland insecurity. and this is about enforcing existing laws. president biden can secure the southern border if he exists -- enforces existing laws as we stop donald trump do when he was president. in the senate we haven't seen
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build texts yet, we need to see that before we digest, and make sure the actions by the senate will actually solve the crisis in the southern border. until that point we don't know what they are voting on. neil: senator langford is leading this effort, which both parties can agree. there are others, if you believe these other stories, republicans trying to say don't push too hard. this is a big issue for us this election year. >> it's a big issue, the biggest issue in the country and for good reason. 8 million illegals have come across the southern border. we are seeing those on fbi -- neil: i guess the gist of the story is it is almost too good to secure a deal right now, republicans feel the advantage is on their side, pointing fingers at the president and don't forget a watered-down deal that would not be better
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than no deal. what do you say? >> we need to put policies in place to secure the southern border. the concern is will president biden actually and force the law? he is using executive branch to see -- usurp the powers of congress to his advantage to keep the border open. the concerns many of us have, when president biden and for something the united states senate and house would pass, first we have to see the bill. we haven't seen that yet. to make sure if we pass it, it would solve the problem. this is our biggest national security threat in the nation, the out-of-control southern border and it is in president biden's lap. thank you very much. neil: we are following some other developers including the race going on and wrapping up today. everyone assumes it is wrapped up and put off tonight.
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it is about the donors and what they are doing, especially depending how nikki haley does after this. ♪ ♪ like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. that one. and look forward to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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neil: the money guy, a lot of people would love to have some of your money and support. what are you going to do? >> i'm backing donald trump. i'm there for him and i will support him. we will see what they want me to do. i'm happy to get involved. we've got to win this against biden, trump is the nominee, he will dominate new hampshire. neil: ron desantis's big money back a big donor putting his money on what donald trump, and in georgia, nikki haley, to go
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past whatever happens today. great to have you. how are you assessing things now on what your candidate has to do. >> good afternoon. custer's last stand, she must win in new hampshire. not come in the second by two points or one point, to be a viable candidate she must clearly show that she's a winner. she has to win. or i don't think she should go on. it is political suicide to continue for her unless she is a clear winner in new hampshire which i think she could be. i wouldn't -- six people, 9 people, has not been great but this is her last stand. she is a great candidate. we will have to see how it plays out. it is a must win situation.
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be 20 you are referring neil: you're referring to the six already voted. the connection is not there in the last two elections. second isn't good enough. she has to win out right. what do you do? >> do i have a choice? i am going to support trump. you never saw some of my comments in the press about how i will never give him another nickel. although i will support him, i will still not give him any money. i am not comfortable giving money for all his legal battles. neil: you would support him as the party nominee in that event but wouldn't give him any money. that's not happening. >> i won't give him a nickel but i will support him as the
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nominee and encourage people to vote for him. neil: do we get a little ahead of our political skis, my own network included in that we say it is over because of new hampshire, 300,000 people between iowa and new hampshire voted, last i checked, 340 million people in this country, the race has just started, we need 1215 delegates to win and we are already saying nikki, goodbye, seems a little premature. >> i disagree with you. think about south carolina, her own state. you have two senators and the governor all supporting trump. problem with her continuing in south carolina if she takes a big loss there, she has hurt her political career going forward. neil: i can understand. i've heard that argument raised but there's an advantage being the other candidate standing,
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donald trump through a conviction or something else suddenly isn't. there is some value in that. >> there is some value in that but i have never seen a guy, the more indictments, the more trouble he gets into, the more money he raises and the more popular he is. i hate to tell you this. if he's taken out for some crazy reason, they don't let him run, we are in danger of a civil war in this country. neil: you still see him surviving and you are right, his position get stronger, some say a conviction could change that. he would be a convicted felon, you say that won't change people's minds. >> i don't see people, he is got a base that is so strong, they enjoy watching him get into trouble. it's crazy. they really feel they have got
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to pool this guy up and make sure, i am not saying i am going to support him. he's going to be a bad president. but to to me, he has his own worst enemy. he could be the best president this country has ever had. we 20 you like them better than president biden, when push comes to shove. >> i didn't catch that. neil: you like and better than joe biden? >> i like my dog better than joe biden. lauren: 1 let's be nice. great seeing you here. you have a great sense of humor. andy sabin on all of that. nikki haley donor says second doesn't when it. pretty cool, pretty tough. more after this.
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neil: two weeks ago the ets clearance to be part of their portfolio and 20% from those levels, back under $40,000 a coin. what is going on? charlie gasparino, help me out on this. charles: by the rumor anselmo news. that is what's going on. there is a general correction in crypto and some head winds to the further mainstream adoption to it. and there is no plans essentially for black rock, the
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biggest issue in the world to have a x rp. and the second largest one after bitcoin, from the sec there is some resistance about approving that one. that one, there are applications, the ethereum spot etf, biggest money management firm and others. gary gensler, the chairman, is the deciding vote on this. two democrats, he's a democrat, he did approve bitcoin etf, there are head winds from him. he has questions whether ethereum, and etf, it may not
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be a currency, he registered mixed feelings at least vocally. that's where we are, head winds for the industry, sell the news and a major correction going on. i don't think we are in crypto winter, 17,000. it is up for the last six months. head winds. one thing i will say to you again. on these etfs and whether it is mainstream, can you buy a slice of pizza with bitcoin? can you go to john's pizza and by a slice? i don't think you can. that's a problem.
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is that means you're going to -- and that's your call. thank you very much. we were talking in the break about this. what is going on. >> reporter: charlie had the nail on the head with the oldest trick in the book, by the rumor, sell on the news. neil: technically a bear market. >> the ftx bankruptcy settlement. and the all bitcoin etf. beyond that, 2004, when the gld came out to track gold's movement, gold sold off 10%.
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i could argue 10% selloff in gold is more dramatic than a 20% drawdown. neil: they are usually mentioned to gather. >> gold is a crisis hedge, calamity hedge, bitcoin is a speculative asset. i'm not a bitcoin hater, the most bulging, down the middle. it makes sense in someone's portfolio if you size inappropriately. it is speculative. that is 5% for me, someone else, maybe 1%. neil: the housekeeping seal of approval. >> it's a high return, high
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volatility investment opportunity. you play appropriately. neil: what do you think of the markets? this one here is -- >> election years are normally positive. i will say election years are more volatile than non-election years, the average drawdown is 10%, 11%, more like 16, seventeen%. the market is looking rather rich, the forward markets, 19. 5, the 10 year average is 17. 5. when you look at earnings season, right now, still early, 12% in the earnings season. earnings growth close to negative 4%. neil: they have high expectations. >> if we end up negative this quarter this will make four of the last five quarters
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negative, and the valuation of 19%. >> is it too early to factor in politics, the election in november is a ways off. had some people tell me donald trump is searching in the polls, very friendly to the markets, this is an early reflection seems like a bit of a leap to me. >> it seems too early for that. once the nominees are set and assuming trump is able to lock it down on the republican side, that might be set. there' is ongoing speculation president biden might not be the nominee on the democratic side, maybe someone else -- neil: investors haven't factored in. >> they don't do it until nominees have been set and in this, in the summer at the earliest. neil: we do your homework, appreciate that.
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the market, strategic wealth partners, president and ceo, down 170 points, back to new hampshire and what is described as aggressive turnout. i saw that in one of the new hampshire local affiliate sites which means fairly heavy. more after this. dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day,
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neil: in the granite state, the union leader is an institution, announced its recommendations and choices for dean phillips on the democratic side. the congressman taking on president biden, nikki haley on the republican side. the new hampshire union leader, those are controversial choices. don't know how that will go. we had andy sabin here, a big billionaire donor and he was saying second won't cut it. she has got to win outright or the money stops from me.
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what do you make of it? >> that's a problem. she's got to beat expectations tonight and expectations are she's going to lose tonight by double digits if she comes within 10 points and does better-than-expected. does she have enough to come out of here to keep those donors happy enough for a couple more weeks? it seems as if throughout this campaign there's been a lot of money parked in the anybody but trump lane. she still needs to do well enough tonight for this race to go on. if she doesn't do well enough. all the anybody but trump money is not only going to dry up for her but it will look for somewhere else to go, whether that is a no labels candidate or supporting biden or not. that is her biggest struggle right now and certainly donald
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trump has been the prohibitive favorite for months on end. he has this 1-on-1 race but she didn't get it early enough to create that contrast between him and her. that jumps out at me about this race, at the end of the day, independent insurgent candidates, john mccain, pat buchanan to the right, they need an issue that will move voters away from the prohibitive favorite. john mccain did that with the deficit, talking about that. pat buchanan lost to george h bush in that race but got 40%, way above the polls. he talked economic nationalism, jobs moving to china, bill clinton turned against president bush in the general election. nikki haley has lacked that in this race, she presented herself as attractive,
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articulate, youthful, someone you certainly like but at the end of the day, echoing trump on that issue so how does she break free, and 800 pound gorilla. neil: the comeback kid, stories coming out about him and dollars stuff, survived it and went on to get the nomination. why can't nikki haley do the same? you don't have to win it to move on from it. >> i would agree with that. he pushed back aggressively not just today but the past week, she continues to do better than she did 8 days ago in iowa. how close is second?
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the 10 point margin, the double digit win, donald trump is in the low 50s, it will be the race is over, she's fighting that aggressively. if she can get within 10 points and outperformed the polls, better than people expect her to do, then why not give her another look? new hampshire is famous for this but at the end of the day, very often new hampshire voters don't want the race to end. here are your choices. here's to your nominee should be. with barack obama and hillary clinton, barack obama -- neil: a brilliant -- >> 10 points in the polls. neil: new hampshire loves to make fools of us and that's not hard to do. great job.
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