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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  January 24, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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watch list. we're sitting ducks for another terror attack. and it's bite biden administration at fault and every democrat that refuses to secure the border. they're to blame. charles: we've got to love it this. far too long. we'll talk a lot more since this is an election year i'll say, folks, thank you very much that i was last night when that came up, i was prepared to talk about something i had mentioned earlier on this show about what i was trying to coin a phrase, conciliatory trump but it went in a different direction. we need to be very, very careful as a nation. the demonization of entire swaths of people is nuts and demonization of swaths of americans is dangerous and unfair. we need to stop doing that and we know individual jerks we can point fingers at. enjoy the ride and we have the best for the next hour. liz claman. liz: pointing a finger at the claman countdown.
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charles, thank you. we have a flurry of breaking news headlines and the dow punching to and retreating from an intraday record and look at blue chips, they passed above 38,000 earlier today with a gain of 158 points, right now lost all that and another nine points to 37,896 and need # 6 points oo reach the fourth record high of the year. we're not there yet but look at s&p and point gain of 15 points. the s&p firmly on track for its fourth record close in a row. briefly punching above the 4900 leave powered by netflix. bulls are binge watching the huge move in shares behind the streaming giant and the crown and killer and company absolutely crush it had on several metrics and mainly the add of 13.1 million new subscribers and a q4 record and netflix at top of s&p and nasdaq, which is muscling higher
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by 95 point or two-thirds of a percent. this is important, fiver of the magnificent seven stocks all of which trade on the nasdaq are squeezing and bruising one group of investors in particular. that group is the short sellers. start with microsoft, mr. softy not only slamming to a record high but for the first time ever, reached a $3 trillion market cap. right now it stands at $403 and change. it needs to be at $403.64. we're just a few pennys below that right now. tough stay with me, i'm order you too. tech tree nvidia is growing up another 3.5% at the moment and this gain brings that price of $618 and change to a record high and propelled by optimism and frankly about the entire semiconductor sector and slide into meta and ai shine to it as
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well. it too is at a fresh record and regaining $1 trillion in market cap. that after losing that status back in 2021. we've got shares of $391.76 and amazon hit ago peak and up two-thirds of a percent and alphabet $148.99. let's talk about dow component here, and it is the best of the 30 at the moment. investors betting against boeing after that door plug on the boeing jet for alaska air ways flew off mid flight. well, anybody that bet against boeing is losing money right now. shares climbing, 2.5%, after the aerospace giant ceo dave calhoun appeared on capitol hill to face senators questioning the jet's safety and he had to face fox business' hillary vaughn, that pushed him in answers in the wake of seattle times report
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indicating it was boeing and not boeing supplier spirit aerosystems, which installed the door plug that popped out mid flight. listen. >> mr. calhoun, how co-you win customer customers back saying they're never getting on a boeing plane because they don't feel safe? mr. calhoun, how do you get customers back that are too scared to get on a boeing plane? there's no words for customers too scare to fly on a boeing plane? >> we believe in our airplanes, we build safe airplanes. our people do and have confidence in the safety of the airplanes and that's what this is all about. we fully understand the gravidism reporter: when your plane fell apart in the sky? liz: who else believes in bo's safety and that's propelling the stock right now. breaking news just moments ago, a boeing 737 max jet took off for china southern airlines ending a four year freeze on deliveries to china. china southern feels confident that boeing jets are safe and
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air worthy so at the moment, that certainly is part of the reason you're seeing this gain of about 2.5% for boeing. tesla and ibm earnings on deck ahead of reports after the bell. we have tesla down about 11-pennys and basically flat to slightly lower. look at ibm while flat at the moment, earlier in the session, it hit a 9-year high as investors show optimism and ai software and services giant stays on its growth trajectory with the latest numbers that come out after the bell. i told you we had a flurry of headlines to kickoff the final hour and tech and netflix, the big drivers and getting to the floor show, joining me live in studio, citi group media group and entertainment jason advising to hit the pause on netflix and trader scott redler who today sold some of his nvidia position even as it hit a fresh high. you two are perfect to talk about the two huge stories here.
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jason, i'll begin with you. even after the blowout numbers from netflix and the move the stock is making today, you have a neutral on it, and a $500 price target even though it's well above that right now. why? >> there's two main concerns, liz. the first is the sell side i think is struggling to sort of have estimates comport to how well the stock has done and they've got content spending barely up next year and that's just wrong. the cfo asked on last night's call, shouldn't we step back and won the streaming wars and can't take a pause? he said no, we're going to lean in. content spending will go up and put cash flow down and second thing is if you ask anyone on the constitutional side about netflix, they say they don't do big transformative deals. that's true in the past. this is the first time they have the currency, cash flow, and balance sheet capacity to do transformative deals. liz: think the dial they struck with tko to have wrestling and fighting? i mean, this is pretty
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unbelievable. it's multibillion spend, and on top of that they have tail winds here but i guess where i see your point slightly, there's the password crackdown and have arms around and talking to somebody whose kid got booted off for not paying. lower priced ad tier and bundling discounts with verizon and streaming market expands but they've soaked up a lot of subvibers. is that part of your concern there's not that much more room to run? >> it's part of our concern. password sharing crackdown has peaked and will moderate over the next two quarters and be done. ad tier, highest numbers on the street, 82 million subs on the ad tier over the next fur years and look at fundamentals and i can't get there. even talking to the bulls, remember, they just did $12 of earnings. the bulls say, $25 of earnings next year at a 25 multiple, that gets you 625. this is a hold. the stock is 550 we're seeing
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right now. there's nothing. liz: we've got day trader here scott redler. what do you see about netflix and i got to get you on nvidia, you sold today. >> yeah, so sometimes fundamentals are awesome and over time they work out and price action is what trumps what happened day-to-day. they have to equal themselves out and they do overtime. netflix didn't do anything the last month, lot of tech went to new all time highs or new move highs and you had a nice level at 503 in netflix and with the strong report that some people were doubting, it created an emotional move of 50 points so sometimes it's technical and doesn't line up with the fundamentals and talking seven month channel in nvidia. it was going sideways for seven monarchies and two great -- seven months and two great reports and sold in the reports and consolidating a big move and first week of january took off and took out 505 and measured
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move went with 610-620 and today above 610 i sold my share saying, hey, it can go higher but technically my measured move and think ai is a huge story. liz: but the whole sector, semiconductors, sox today hitting a record high. going to the sky? >> allowed to sell to strength. sometimes when you hit or euphoria, people don't see it and all the sudden you sell into it and a few days later comes back and always buy back and active trader and trade for the money and need some of the money. we've been at a&d multiple times and here isn't a great entry and a bunch of months ago the
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semi-leagued the nasdaq and lead into it and figure out where you could make alpha. liz: let me bring in, justin, the point specifically about the other media names that have not been able to capture lightning in a bottle when netflix has. yet disney of the world, they're all selling and licensing very important content like for example the show suits and show lost. they're licensing it to netflix and suddenly netflix gets to turn that around and morph it into a weapon to use against the very companies that licensed it to netflix. do you like anybody better than netflix? >> i like disney. disney is super interesting. i would say this because the narrative on disney is the earnings are growing and the streaming losses were $4 billion gliding to zero and supposed to hit zero this year. i've not had one constitutional investor asks -- institutional investor ask me how much disney
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could make and netflix guiding to 24 even margin and there's a lot of tail wednesday. disney is an earning story and no ebit and no value in the stock price, zero. it's about two-thirds of the size of netflix's strengths. >> question on this and feels like the disney narrative has changed and first they needed a bit of >> wow adding disney plus and adding the value and going to the theme parks and spending $18 for hot dogs and where are we for the economy and that became the story in the past three to six months and not their streaming business. >> we need three things for disney to work. the parks not to roll over with the recession, the market 120 start focusing on the streaming profits and third, fix the film studio. liz: what doesn't need fixing is
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s&p 500 at all time record high once again, multiple records day after day after day watching it all, jason and scott, great to have you. thank you very much. netflix, top of the nasdaq, top of the s&p. we've got this, former president donald trump topping the new hampshire primaries and he becomes the first nonincumbent to win both the iowa caucuses and new hampshire primary and his only gop rival left standing says she's standing and not sitting down. we'll take you straight to the granite state for the breakdown at the first of the nation primary and what happens next. planet fitness is new hampshire's largest company with a market cap of just over $6 billion. it has gained 33% over the past three months. make that 31%. it's a moving target here and dow jones industrials like i said earlier crossed 38,000 and back down below 21 points and stay with the claman countdown
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get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with the xfinity 10g network. liz: one day after winning a write in campaign in the new hampshire primary, president joe bind just nabbed the endorsement of the united auto workers. uab workers making announcement at event in washington dc in the last hour. meanwhile former president trump clinching second state in the row after his first in the nation primary win in new hampshire and former president beating south carolina governor nikki haley 54-43 we're now exactly one month month from the next major battleground state, south carolina many view as a make or break state for nikki
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haley and works to defend her home turf. alexis mcadams in new hampshire with what's starting to develop in south carolina alexis. >> that's right, we're keep ago close eye on south carolina here to see what nikki haley east plans are but tells us on her ground and the campaign they have the money and momentum to continue and push forward and not drop out of the race. she's not running for second place and thinks she can beat donald trump. last night we were with the former president inside the campaign headquarters and the wash party and electric energy in there saying nikki haley is not presidential material and needs to drop out. watch. >> she did very poorly actually. she had to win and the governor said she's going to win, she's going to win, she's going to win. then she failed badly. >> this race is far from over. there's dozens of states left to go.
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the next one is my sweet state of south carolina reporter: the trump team wins a win at this point and not really the knockout they were looking for there and that's why haley continues to feel good on the ground with the retail politics game. what do voters think the most important issues facing the country? you see it on your screen. immigration, economy, and job and foreign policy and abortion at 5% and according to our latest poll and in new hampshire, donald trump is confident in thinks he has what it takes to not just win in iowa and new hampshire and got it in the bag for south carolina and talking about the p picks -- vp picks vivek ramaswamy and senator tim scott. i asked them if they're interested, watch. >> so, look, i'm going to do whatever is right for the country and next step, as long as i'm helpful in the campaign, i will be. >> is it going to be vice president tim scott?
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>> tim scott work on behalf of the american people. that means donald trump can be the next president. reporter: no solid answer there; right. you can tell by that support, liz, they have in the stage and they'll do whatever it takes as they said to make sure donald trump continues to sell here in the polls. keep a close eye on that. liz: got to ask and they never answer. let me tell you, if they're asked, they'll say yes. alexis mcadams, thank you very much. new hampshire isn't the only cold and icy location we've been watching on fox business. startups are left frostbitten in what's a brutal dc winter stormer and many venture capitalists freezing their investmements and one startup gives rewards to people for paying rent just got a massive vc cash infusion and built rewarders and next here on the new cash pile and $3 billion
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valuation and that's come with it. not yet publicly traited but here's how the global etf is going over the next three months and up nearly 27% and we're coming right back. to talk about this and so much more and dow is down 49 points and s&p is about to crack. the ceiling of the fourth record close in a row. out like this, all my stresses just melt away. i hear that. this bad boy can fix anything. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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liz: buy now pay later firm was a huge momentum name rolling out a $7.99 monthly subscription plan today in an effort to boost revenue ahead of it is expected ipo. the ceo of fintech firm, which was once europe's most valuable startup calling an imminent u.s. stock market listing "very likely". we'll see. this at a time when it's become increasingly difficult for startups to get venture capital money. in 2023, venture startups hit lowest level in five years. but one startup broke the mold by announcing a $200 million capital raise and that company built rewards. it's the first loyalty program that allows renters to earn points by paying the biggsest monthly expense: rent. builds equity investment estimates at $3.1 billion and that's more than double the previous valuation of
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$1.5 billion in 2022. joining me is built rewards founder and -- bilt rewards founder and ceo jane. this equity raise led by the equity firm general catalyst much what was the big selling point where they they clambered? >> at the end of the day, what problem are you solving for people? rent is the single biggest expense for most people in the country. if you can say your biggest expense creates value for you, you're getting rewarded and you're building credit. you're solving real pain point and that translates to numbers and when you solve a real problem because you saw the the $500 billion one and creating consumers around rent and now raising capital. liz: the value good for the
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customer and you look on the show amazing and nobody wants rewards and you guys have done it and value for the investors throwing hundreds of billions into this company and what are you going to spend it on and what's the proposition for a payoff for that? >> it's amazing. the airline and hotel loyalty programs and they realize the big hotels, all of the money they make is in the loyalty programs so you look at like delta, sky miles at $30 billion program. in fact, during covid they had to take a loan against the loyalty program. think about it, rent is five times the spend of the entire travel industry combined, and delta is one of five or six airline programs; right. so if we can be the loyalty program around your home in the category of rent, the opportunity is just that much bigger. liz: what's the opportunity for the 200 million?
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liz: right now looking at two things we're expanding. how do we continue to expand our apartment builds that are offering bilt the single family rental buildings offering bilt and this month we launched condos and getting rewards on hoa fees and expanding into mortgage this year, which is really exciting. we've rely focused on saying in addition to rewarding you in your home, how do we help the local restaurants and dry cleaners and coffee shops and tap into the neighborhood loyalty to reach the local residents and drive the spend in the neighborhood, especially a time like now when so much is going online. liz: you make money on the actual transactions. >> the spend, that's right. it's quite simple. just like other loyalty programs, when our members, our residents go and spend at these local neighborhood merchants, they instead of getting a discount, they fund rewards, which is how we make money. when they use our co-brand card and spend, those inner change fees come to us.
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then what's unique about bilt, our ecosystem is the rewards and payment center at building ands merchants, we run the payment prosing for all the rent. look since we launched, we've now grown to almost $20 billion of spend a year by these residents. liz: that's what i was going to ask you, the increase year after year and you've launched just a couple of years ago. >> not even, less than two years ago. liz: less than two years ago and brought on two major names on to the board. pensinalt that ran american express and rewards programs, he knows all about it. and roger goodell, head of nfl and commissioner. he understand this is kind of story is&what does goodell bring to the story? >> it's the most fitting partnership and we're lucky to have both and nfl is single biggest hometown little in the world. the community and loyalty around
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sports teams and do you know how spend cops from local investment into sports from the memorabilia and tickets and the local pride? if we're the company that's owning neighborhood loyalty, that requires the expertise of rewards, what ken brings, payments that he brings and local loyalty that nobody knows better than roger. liz: i've talked to people that use bilt and it taps out -- one guy i know is paying his office rent on it. he's thrilled. it taps out at 100,000 point-blank layupses. >> $100,000 of rent. pay all your rent and earn up to $100,000 extra miles every year on rent. today you get no points on rent. now you can earn up to 100,000. i hope rent doesn't get to the point where people are expecting $100,000 a year on rent. that's the real thing. already, look, to be clear in new york, the fact that rents are this high is insane but the average aren't in this country is $2-point a 5, $3,000 and it's
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already way too high and that's in major cities. new york is a little higher and other cities are a little lower. already that's so high. liz: let's be clear, you don't have to have a bilt credit card. >> that's correct. liz: pay your rent with the check, no fee attached to the renter. >> that's right. we are -- when you live at bilt properties, you get reward nod matter where you live or how you pay. you can pay by debit card, credit card, check, ach, which is one of those common methods of paying rent. we take the payment processing revenue and give a lot back to the customer in rewards and help them earn even more in their neighborhoods. liz: mortgages, at some point, i can pay my mortgage? >> that's exciting because part of the fundraise, we're investing heavily now into building out the mortgage. so from the moment you move into your first apartment, you started earning rewards and build your credit you can use those points and that credit history to buy a home and keep earning points on your mortgage. liz: that's what i want. that's what i want to do.
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encore. come back when this happens. >> deal. liz: good to see you. >> you too . liz: and i get your business model. thank you very much. fox business alert, speaking of loyalty rewards, american express earning a spot on the dow leader board today. the credit card company gaining about a quarter of a percent at the moment and report earnings friday before the bell and expecting to show a rise in quarterly revenue and earnings of $2.64 a share. flip over to shares of kimberly clark going down the drain after the maker of c cottonnelle toil paper down and shares close to the low of the session. paper-based consumer product company contributes the poor showing to a somehow down in price hikes. i wish art laffer were here like he were yesterday and i was arguing with him about this. these companies are so disinclined to stop hiking prices but now they have to
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because inflation has come down. we also have kimberly clark claiming softening demand is a focus here too . they did declare a 3.4% quarterly dividend increase to $1.22 per share and stock lost 10% over the last year and is down 25% from the all time high made back on august 12th of 2020. we should look at tech strong. that one is on the move. 8% higher after the company's 2024 forcast for profit and private plane deliveries exceeded analysts and jet and helicopter manufacturer said the u.s. army continues to replace black hawk chopper by aircrafts made by the bell unit. tech strong awarded the contract back in december of 2022 to replace more than 2,000 medium class black hawk helicopters and earlier this month, canada also awarded a contract to textron
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bell units and more demand for what they make. forecasting first quarter revenue below analyst expectations and stock is down 4.6% and oil field technology company spending on drilling has decreased and it does not see any meaningful recovery for the first half of the year. stock is down 10% for the month and lost around 65% since it all-time high. got to go all the way back to october of 2007. china giving dr. copper heart palpitations over the last couple months as one of the top economic indicators searches for signs that industrial use of the commodity heading in the right direction and ceo richard akerson telling us what he sees going on. hi, richard. we'll get to you in a minute. copper makes up a big part of ev
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batteries and the united states copper index, ticker cpr, up 8% over the last year. we are all over the markets right now. the claman countdown is coming right back. we're so glad you're with us. ♪ i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so... ...glad we did this. [kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy.
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so you can fix problems before they become problems. - hmm! get paycom and make the unnecessary, unnecessary. - see you down the line. and looking at fries right now and up 2% at the moment and this last last week it was a very different story and commodity often seen as industrial for infrastructure and building growth hit a five-week low on disappointing economic data out of china and property sales were plunging 23 fer 23% annually in december and global supply and demand for copper is on the map, china could be one of the biggest factor ntsb equation. factors in the equation and if anyone has insight into the copper market, it's freeport macmoran and sold billions in the last quarter alone in
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copper. richard adkerson is joining me now. great numbers for the quarter. when we want to know what's going on with china's economy, we look at how much copper and iron ore china imports to the mainland. open your window to china for our viewers right now. >> liz, actually china had a good year in 2023 from our industry's perspective. with a lot of negativity going in the year, the property market was really a problem, but it was more than all set by investments in their grid and green energy and the manufacturing and actually copper demand in china grew in 2023 and got lucky on earnings today and they announced a measure to boost their economy and that plus our good report made it a good earnings day, which is not
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always the case unfortunately. liz: sure, the announcement is china's central bank will boost its -- hopefully they're trying to boost bank lending by lowering some of the requirements so they quite well understand that they have a floundering economy, but that's very interesting to hear that copper was not hurt by that. let's talk about the bigger picture here whether it's in the united states or elsewhere where is the demand coming from? obviously the ev market has shown down but ev batteries utilize a huge portion of copper; correct? >> it is an important part of the future. but any investment in carbon reduction alternative energy, grid investments, technology investments, more than two third, maybe 70% of copper goes into generating, distributing or
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using electricity and the world is simply getting more and more electrified every year and it's beyond alternative energy. it's global growth, it's technology centers, ai. that's what makes the out look for our commodity so strong coupled with really severe supply challenges. liz: well, let's talk about the supply challenges. goldman sachs put out a note this week highlighting the continued tightness in the global copper market, especially how much copper green energy is using. that's good for you guys when the supply is down and the demand is up, but is the demand as high as supply is down? >> so currently the price of copper is really being driven by macro factors and it's led to currencies, strong dollar, interest rates, fed policy, those sorts of things. when you look at the industry
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specific situations, 2023 was extraordinarily strong year because of this issue of supply and had long been predicted for a year of service in the copper mashes baa number of mines were curtailed for various reasons and a number of companies missed their production and expect taces and market ended up -- expectations and market ended up in a slight deficit so it -- a lot of things working here that really point to a future with a much higher copper price. our company has a strategy that's focused on copper, we want to be the foremost copper company in the world and we've got great reserves, production levels, assets, really experienced team and see from our quarterly results we really execute our business plans very effectively. so we're really looking forward to the future and feel we're
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well advantaged to take advantage of it. liz: it's the largest underground ground copper source right now, and you guys are all over that. it's a huge operation. as we finish up, i want to quickly touch on gold. gold trading at $2,032 per troy ounce. we were at a pawnshop in las vegas covering pawn stars, and he told me the most in demand thing people want is not art work, it's not purses, it's not diamond rings. it's gold ingate and can't keep them in stock. ubs sees a 10% spike in gold. what would that do to demand? >> weapon, gold is more of a -- well, gold is more of a fiscal asset than physical asset. it's more of a monetary asset, a stored value and the mine is the
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second largest copper mine in the world but still the largest gold mine in the world, even though it's a by-product. we're affected by it but it's really more related to fiscal policy issues and that's where the low is stored as hedge against financial risk. liz: your stock up 5% at the moment and good day for freeport-mcmoran, richard, great to see you. >> thank you, liz, you too. liz: up next, former south carolina governor nikki haley said she's in it to win it despite her loss in new hampshire. are her donors on board with her staying in the race. charlie breaks it down next. the heat map close to another record close but not there yet. the dow is down 31 points. it definitely needs to get more than that. got to see a gain of 96 points to get us there once again. we are right back.
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liz: with former president trump notching a crucial win in new hampshire last night, nikki haley's big donors are reassessing commitments to the former south carolina governor fearing she now has a limited path forward. at least some of them feel that way. charlie gasparino, what are you hearing? >> i'm hearing waivering. ken langone, utmost respect for, financeer created home depot, ross perot's ipo, eds back in the early 1970s. hospital and school named after him a great hospital, he came out over the weekend finance nikki to the end. liz: so does tim draper. >> so does tim draper. the problem is, here is what i say about all these guys, they dope throw good money at bad. liz: she is not bad, what you're saying because if they were still giving money -- >> here's the thing, they are not going to throw money away. if she loses by 10 plus in her home state, and it looks that
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way right now, she will not have the money to go forward, because these guys will just not keep that going. now they may, maybe their calculus is, oh, well, when trump gets indicted 15 times she steps in, but you know is going to run no matter what. by the way if he gets indicted, got indicted tomorrow, or, they haven't seen set the trial date yet. >> what are the big money guys saying to you? >> they're reassessing. that they could pull and when they do pull, she's toast. and they will not throw good money at bad and you know, just keep an eye on south carolina. if she doesn't move the needle, if she loses south carolina, what are we talking about here? it's done. and i don't think that she can, if it looks like as we get closer she is going to lose to south carolina will she humiliate herself? that is what everybody is saying. my view is, look at the polls,
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watch it through next week. when is south carolina? it is -- liz: my question, you've covered the third party possibility of the "no labels," what if they sweep her up, put her on the ticket? >> yes, they want her, meaning no labels, i know that from people inside of no labels, the feeling knowing nikki haley she will not run on a no labels ticket because she took a oath to support the republican. the bigger question, does she want a future in the republican party? does the republican party change post-trump, can trump win, there are a lot of things that could play out. trump looks ahead now. i looked at polls, liz, look at state by state polls, as horrible as biden is, he can't utter like a coherent sentence sometimes, they're still kind of tied. they haven't even begun on trump yet. you know, attacked as, replaying january 6th, you name it.
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so i think the best thing for us to do is cover this like baseball. listen over the weekend i reported on twitter that ron desantis, i heard it from two major sources, fund-raisers he was out in a few days. they came back to me, no we're not, we're staying in. liz: then they pulled. >> then they pulled. i tweeted it out. it is my job to cover this as baseball. right now i can tell you we're in for nikki haley probably the 8th inning. the question does she want to get humiliateed in south carolina and lose every state after that, stay in the game. people say look for next week in polls. that when the big money donors pull, if they pull from the pac, she has no money left. she has to go. liz: charlie gasparino, thank you very much. we're on the 3 trillion-dollar market cap watch now for microsoft. microsoft, this is so close here. microsoft needs to close above
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$403.64 a share. right now it is at $402.57 a share. needs to close above that level to close at a market cap of 3 trillion for the first time ever. it would only be the second company in the u.s. ever to reach that status. of course apple the first and apple is there right now. high of the session today, $405.63. so we'll see. we have a couple of pennies more to go here. dow jones industrials down 84 points but microsoft is not a loser today. now by this time next week we'll is a way better window into something that could move all stocks and that would be the federal reserve's rate cut plans. last week the markets were pricing in an 80% chance of a 25 basis point cut in march. well now, it is already down to 41 1/2%. now while the markets are hoping for the fed to cut-rates sooner rather than later, our "countdown closer" said put that
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aside, be content, there is a way to capitalize on this stock market because the economy is resilient. art hogan manages 30 billion in assets. he is the chief market strategist at b. riley. put this rate cut discussion sort of resuming on the side, right? >> i think it is a whole lot more important to think about why the fed will cut rates and than the fed cuts rates f they're cutting rates first half of this year they feel they're overly restrictioned, that is cutting for the right reasons. if 5 1/2% fed funds rate too high, with core inflation down, we'll have a good read on friday's pce, if that is coming down closer to their target. they're likely too restrictive. if they cut rates something happening in the economy, slowdown, that is cutting for the wrong reasons. that is historically bad for markets. we want to focus on the why, not the when let's focus on the why, more importantly the what to do with money sitting on the
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sidelines or somebody's cash account they would like to put to work? >> well the three things we're focused on this year, what we saw at the end of last year will continue this year a broading out sponsorship of some of the sectors that didn't do very well last year. in in that vein we certainly pick energy, health care, financials likely have a better run this year than they did last year. all their headwinds seemed to turn into tailwinds. interest rates coming down. dollar peaked in october. rolled over. certainly energy prices in near term stabilized at or about $74. i think likely where we spend most of the year. that is one way to look at it. the other of the gap between small cap and large gap has never been this wide going back to 2000. when you think about the nasdaq making new high, s&p trading new high, russell 2000 is more than 23% below its all-time high. a lot of mean reversion to actually play out there this year. liz: as we continue to watch what appears to be yet another,
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i'm watching it very closely here, the s&p still up about three points t could make it four record closes in a row. any gain will do it but looks like we're losing some steam here. the dow is going further south, 102 points. what are you staying away from, art? >> well i would tell you this, when we think about, it is an election year and typically in election years a lot of health care names are, i used as political footballs. there is a lot of rhetoric about that i think that played out already. beat the christmas rush. health care was underperforming last year. typically avoid it first half of the year. i don't think we see major changes. we've seen most of the regulatory changes. we're okay. [closings bell rings] we're okay, art. global superstar, actress, investor, bring ahn can chopra has a major announcement. ♪


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