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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 25, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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what did you say again? number 2? 28? number 3, thirty two. >> trying to count with my tongue. i will go with 28. stuart: i will go if 24. there is no way i've got that many teeth, 32. ashley wins again. did you look up? 32, 8 in scissors, four k9s, 8 preambles and four wisdom teeth. stuart: you cheated, you did. thanks for sticking around. send your friday feedback, e-mail us, coast-to-coast starts now. neil: steady as she grows.
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inflation is still slowing. president biden still crowing. don't know if he will be praising bidenomics but he will say what recession when he makes a campaign stocks, the economy ended up accelerating by gdp itself sprinting at 3. 3% annualized rate in the final three months of the year with inflation remarkably contained. is that the best of all worlds? judging from investors reaction that seems to be the case for the time being. him anderson picking apart the news. what do you think of that? goalierocks? >> reporter: a favorable report for the market but the federal reserve inside that report, very noteworthy that the core
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pce inflation index, the core rose at 2.0%. amidst all the talk whether the fed fund futures are too aggressive, 628 cuts per year. the core, 2. 0% is the fed's target, that's what it was in the fourth quarter this year. they've now got their pass if they want to cut rates at sometime between now and the end of the second quarter. neil: look under the numbers, 2% did stand out to me as well. the question is if they are backed onto this idea of cutting rates, the market got ahead of itself, you are very dismissive of that early talk of a march rate cut but i see the bedding, seems to be coalescing around may. what do you make of that?
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>> that's the most likely scenario right now. things could change. that is the path. my call would be two cuts, the end of the second half of the year and go back to last summer. i think there will be some chatter from the fed. they will never admit to making a mistake, the first cut is taking away the hike last july that at the time was thought to be a 50/fifty call. julie: let me get your sense as the markets continue advancing, the s&p, 1/5 day in record territory, looking at the magnificent seven that will look more magnificent as technology continues. what do you make of how it's
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all coming together? is it coming together? are we getting ahead of ourselves? >> there are some indicators the parts of the economy are slowing a little bit, the weekly job numbers were up from week over week. the new hires are slowing a little bit. i'm not saying we were sliding sharply into a recessionary state yet, but there are some signs of the the economy is slowing. that may be positive, slowing from our q3 of plus 5%, and look, technology is leading again. there is no doubt about it that a i phenomena, whatever you want to call it is a real thing and that is clearly fueling the
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semiconductor space. and a lot of the components that feed into the semiconductor world. neil: whatever is going on is working for the time being. the managing director there, housing sales are up 8%, far stronger than thought and the latest mortgage rates, averaging 6. 69%. that is higher than the week before, averaging 6.60%. fox news real estate contributor, katrina, i told you what my wife were pet and i were paying in our first home in the 80s. it was double that and we thought we were financial nostro thomases. when people moan about high rates, it could be a lot worse. what do you think? >> you've told me that story. it is a good one.
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overall, indicators are consistent and highlight a strong housing market expected in the upcoming spring and summer. the data points suggest positive outlook for new construction loans in the market ahead which you and i have been discussing. despite a recent increase in existing home inventory it remains inconsistent to meet the current and anticipated demand. this is an opportune moment for builders and flippers to intensify their efforts. it's a good opportunity for sellers waiting on the sidelines standard the market. i have experienced the market shift in the last three weeks. buyers are back, realtors are busy and people are optimistic once again about the market. we are seeing multiple offers,
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and what we haven't seen -- neil: what was going on? >> miami. miami. miami. neil: what did people do in that environment? a lot of sellers were reluctant to but their homes on the market because they have to find a home of themselves. this environment going to be pricey, rates are going to be higher. what's going on? >> what is so important is to know the best way to negotiate. the inspection period was cut down to one day, the closing was a week and the deposits were high. it is important to send in your best and final offer. jack: like a cash deal.
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>> you are seeing people, you are seeing deals, 800, 900 million paying get cash, we are so accustomed to discussing how luxury buyers pay cash or mortgage rates, what i'm beginning to see, they are ready to buy. builders and flippers are noticing this and getting excited about the market and try and get to get product out. they are pushing for permits. we did see rates fluctuate a little higher but even getting is that, mortgage applications are up, they are waiting to jump into the market. another thing, we are seeing a lot of buyers reach out to builders and decide if it is time to build their dream home. they are getting excited, let's start the process and seeing that through the nation. florida is its own animal,
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tampa and miami and palm beach doing better than others. overall people are optimistic and we will see sunshine on the real estate market. neil: that's charlie gasparino money. charles: i won't part with it. julie: are tightening it. what do you make of this? neil: here is the thing, you've got to follow spirit airlines, not going into bankruptcy but renegotiating, airline that caters to middle-class people, not spending money, not buying houses in miami. going into next year's election the economy will be an issue, the housing market will be an
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issue and i believe -- neil: don't buy what she is saying. that isn't -- so the economy is something president biden talks about, the latest numbers and the latest data, nowhere near a recession, sprinting ahead on its own. a lot of other activity very strong. is that the wind at his back? stick to it in the eyes of americans 10 months ago. rob: inflation rate is down, prices high, housing prices remain high. people are not buying. you've got no state income tax in new york, you go down there and everyone has an accent like me. not like you. like me.
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people talk more like me, talk or like me. neil: a problem with the way people -- charles: that is -- neil: people say this race is wrapped up. donald trump is looking that way for republicans, nikki haley isn't having it. her backers are not all backing away. charles: there's tremendous trepidation among backers. can landgone, i know one thing -- neil: intimated, in new hampshire, has she pulled back? charles: here's the thing. if she doesn't do well in the next, if you don't see polls, if you don't see polls closing, 20 or 30 points. neil: she has to be making this
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contest. charles: in two weeks. she's got to do it sooner and i don't think --. 20 is that what these money guys are saying? charles: at some point they are propping her up to elect president biden. i guarantee the guys supporting nikki haley doing it for the best intentions, don't think trump is qualified, they think he is nuts, they hate january 6th. neil: she has a better chance. might have a better shot. but they don't think he can get to biden or it is so close, why take the shot. the problem is she has no path. trump may be ending up in jail by the end of the month. neil: last candidate standing. charles: stick around and beat the hell out of the republican candidate. neil: he already is getting the
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hell beat out of him and beating back. charles: if she was on the campaign trail every day until the convention. when is the convention? july? that would be a problem for him. neil: i we tidying up this whole race? look at the math like you do, you're great with numbers and have written many bestsellers. mostly -- let me ask you seriously, what he has got, 35, 40 delegates, need one thousand 215 to get nominated as republican candidate for president. why are you doing that? charles: if you are nikki haley and can't when your own state and get crushed by 20 points, it's toast throwing good money at bad.
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neil: he runs the table, every delegate. charles: any sign he might lose? neil: i see a lot of chances in michigan and california. i'm not here to preach one or the other but it is premature for people to say it is over, let's move on. charles: here's the thing. neil: you are go arming onto consensus. charles: i'm telling you by the way they all sound tough until can landgone. neil: to got a million bucks since new hampshire. you know better than i that she's conservative with her cash, still has a lot of it. it could be good money going after bad. charles: interesting scenario about this weekend with ron desantis.
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two major contributors say he is out. i get an e-mail from ron desantis this week, absolutely untrue that i call the guy up, andrew romeo, romeo, romeo. i want you on the record. are you going to say he is in it to the end and she's going to get trounced in her own state within two hours? he was out. all these people, big money. big money. the money guy. charles: i said something. the big money went to him and said we are done, not giving you anymore. neil: follow the money, watch what they are doing.
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the latest on the stalled security measure. could be donald trump sending word to republicans escorting mitt romney is that this is a losing political issue if you get a deal on this. by presumably and not acting on this security measure, got to read on that and the colorado governor joining us as well. stay with us. ♪
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they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. and see migration in theaters now. neil: could donald trump put the kibosh on security and border deal? chad pergram, what's going on? >> reporter: things are scrambled on this. we have information from james lankford who has been central to these negotiations. he indicated he does not think donald trump is meddling in these talks. they are trying to understand where the senate minority leader, mitch mcconnell, is right now. he sent signals last night that he might try to do ukraine aid by himself. mcconnell says border talks are
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still on. lawmakers are trying to fillet what this means. >> i'm having a hard time translating. senator mcconnell is focused on getting ukraine, very focused on it and i have no reason to believe he's equivocating on that. >> it is unclear if mcconnell could get a majority of his member to support a border deal. a coalition of democrats and some republicans could break a filibuster. democrats believe conservatives are bowing to donald trump. >> you've seen on the republican side more members try to blow it up. there's affection in the republican conference that looks at this agreement, knows it will have an impact at the border, that it will fix the broken asylum system and doesn't want that and that is the reality. >> reporter: some republicans are trying to decode what mcconnell wants to do. it's likely the senate has the
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votes to 8 ukraine in a stand-alone bill. that issue is not as toxic as border security. >> don't know where leader mcconnell is on this. the fact he's been silent given the reporting last night suggests we are uncertain where he is which is a little unusual. how this is affected by donald trump saying don't solve the problem at the border is the real question. >> reporter: the border now eclipses pocketbook concerns as the top issue heading into the election this fall. a fox analysis found the border outpaced the economy by 10 points as topic most important to voters. neil: he was critical, morning speaker johnson in the house that at least some of the measures back then he thought were horrible and it was far
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from perfect so he is pressuring. >> there's some of that going on. the question for mitch mcconnell, he doesn't have a majority of the conference or think he does now. for the border package. neil: always good having you, it's a big issue in your state. the migrant surge, migrants being fanned out everywhere is weighing on a lot of people's mind, a lot of democrats minds. do you agree? >> it is not just border states, texas, arizona, new mexico, folks are going to chicago, new york, other big areas governed by democratic governors. it is so close to get border security done. i really think donald trump is on the wrong side of the saying don't secure the border, we are
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not going to solve this. the american people want this solved and we need to reduce illegal immigration and reform the system to make it work better. neil: you were saying this when few other democrats were but we are making no real progress, that might change. i'm getting a sense that many have been urging him not only when he talks bidenomics who say he shouldn't say bidenomics but he might today, this issue, should we into his campaign stump speeches, what's happening at the border. so far it is not. >> president biden is a law and order control the border fight crime tough on crime kind of guy. there's different forces in the democratic party on all sides of these issues but i think he's a constructive guy. he knows it's not easy.
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it takes money. it's not fair to put it in the lap of any president. it takes money, high-tech, more border security agents, takes a lot to do. i'm confident this package from what i've heard, this will get it done substantially reducing illegal immigration. if we are serious about it, now is the time to do it. the first real opportunity in decades. i don't think we want to complain about this for years and decades to come. neil: we are couple weeks away from the supreme court taking up this ballot issue. colorado was moving to remove donald trump's name from the ballot. what were your thoughts on that? what the court should do going forward? >> we have to beat donald trump if he is the republican nominee in an election. president biden will.
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i am not worried about nikki haley or other candidates who might potentially not be in the same negatives but in colorado, donald trump is toxic, president biden has a doesn't points and what has traditionally been a swing state and i am confident if donald trump is on about president biden will carry colorado in be the next president of the united states. lauren: 20 a lot of people in the white house want donald trump to be the nominee. i'm old enough to remember before you were born when people were thinking we hope it is ronald reagan in 1980 because george hw bush had just won iowa, pulled more worrisome for the white house so they thought with ronald reagan they could run. i'm getting the same sense from the white house today, let it be donald trump because he's easy to beat. what if they are getting that wrong?
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>> he is easier to beach but nothing is a given. it will be a competitive race. if it someone other than donald trump, president biden is an underdog. it doesn't mean he has it in the bag by any means. we all wear two hats. i happen to be a democrat but first and foremost i am an american. as an american i want to see two healthy parties. a candidate who values democracy, speaks the truth on both sides, whoever wins wins. as a democrat i want -- democrats want the candidate they would be easier even though nothing is assured. stuart: i am curious whether all the legal cases that piled up and donald trump is juggling right now united the republican party behind him. may be a more of a battle for the republican nomination had he not had that. rhonda santos said before he left the race, what do you think of that? you think many in your party over did it with these court
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cases in the pile on? some are very the judgment, not questioning that but that it was overdone? >> it's the justice system. donald trump needs to look in the mirror to see why he's facing these court cases, he's the messiest, sloppy us to guy in business and politics that i have ever seen. everything he's facing, he caused it himself. he makes it worse half the time by sounding off on judges, not being able to keep a lawyer working for him. there's no sympathy there. any of us, no one is above the law in this country and it's important that no politician is above the law. politicians are people and sometimes get into trouble but haven't seen anybody who gets in the kind of trouble this guy has gotten into in his entire career. neil: you don't think it is a pile on? >> these are not republican or
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democratic charges, this is the justice system. there has been every step taken to remove this from politics. there's nothing to do with it. if democrats had their do there is he might be facing less charges make, only the serious ones but it's the justice system. he's in court on civil matters too. is a sloppy business guy, sloppy president. neil: i will put you down as a may be on donald trump, always good seeing you. thank you very much. the colorado governor called as he sees it. we talked to ken fisher whether this can continue. we are on top of that after this. after last month's massive solar flare
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neil: it has been called netanyahu unplugged, he's
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blasting qatar in the role it is taking, so many bigwigs of the glorious like and that country. it went on to rage at the united states and lecture about how we should conduct war plans. dave's years with us, retired navy seal commander of seal team 6, what he makes of this. none of this should be a big surprise. he has been chomping at the bit to state his views, this is my country, we were attacked first. 1400 of my people were brutally butchered and i have to respond and i don't need to the us telling me how to do it. it goes beyond that but when you hear it it is another thing. >> his frustration is understandable. when the us does interfere or isn't seen as completely you
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taking one side as hedging our bets, we are hedging our bets and trying to ride the fence on this, he is frustrated. neil: the qatar thing i found interested. you are one of the first after october 7th, we were chatting through that period that it was odd that qatar was playing the unique mediator role, opening a passageway in gaza so people could get in and get out. the same countries that housed to this day some of the hamas higher ups in glorified confines and the like. he does have a point, doesn't he? >> absolute. qatar is aligned with iran as well. at least friendly towards iran. it is a nexus in the region for hezbollah and iran as well. so our relationship with them has always been difficult to
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comprehend. neil: i'm wondering if it is hamas or hezbollah getting what they wanted, the fact that we are going after who the rebels sites in yemen, they follow up with attacks of their own. there was one target earlier today but it is widening and when you consider what pakistan is doing with its concerns about iran, no doubt this is expanding, where do you see this going? >> from the israeli front, israel is not going to stop. netanyahu's political career is over. he is looking now for the actual existence of israel under threat. he is not going to stop until hamas at least has the capability of the threat is taken out. they have the will to do it and will reduce the capability. in the region, if we keep acting in terms of iran, the houthis or pieces in iraq and syria being attacked, if we
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keep acting out of fear that it is going to expand, that is what iran wants us to do. we need to take a more proactive stance against iran, diplomatically calling them out in an open forum, that means hitting them economically, freezing money, isolating them on the world stage. we are not taking those steps at all. neil: we will watch it is you want us we should. at the corner of wall and broad, not as much going on but if you think ken fisher is dissuaded from his bullish argument, think again. the billionaire investor, a real great writer too, that's coming up. he's coming up. ♪
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neil: a lot of people say what is it with ken fisher? he's a brilliant investor in the proof is in the putting but he's a great writer and also has a great sense of humor. he was looking at the rolling stones and baby boomers and those even older are controlling everything, noting the aarp is sponsoring, you can't get that in normal financial advice. ken fisher, and chairman, great to see you.
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>> always an honor to be with you. you are the best. neil: i had to check. you can't be right about aarp sponsoring the stones. that's wild. you were making a bigger point which is? >> simply old age now isn't what old age used to be. if you go back a few decades, go back to the 1900s, old was in the way it acted, much younger than now. healthcare and other features allow old people to spend more per one of us than we use to, to do more per one of us then we use to, the period 1980, sector generic intent
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octogenarians save more per one of us than we used to which feeds through savings the investment magic. these are just really, when we look at old people, we get one old person over here who is falling apart on us and someone like mick jagger at 80 prancing on stage this may at metlife stadium and keith richards, you can't make this stuff up. the fact of the matter is they are all in the stats but the stats, old, which used to be seen as a drag on the economy, the old age dependency ratio, when it gets too high, supposedly scary, goes away because oldsters, geezers like
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me, i am 73, computer and technology, the physical world we used to be in 100 years ago. neil: i can't get no satisfaction. getting older, investors, you know the data better than i, young people are not so jazzed by the markets. someone was calling it a disjointed rally. there are records going down but it's the province of a very wealthy few and they are older. what do you make of that? >> i see statements like that
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of people who are suffering the pessimism of disbelief having difficulty seeing the real world as it has really been. you can see this articulate, young people have never been avid investors, when you go back decades and decades. that comes in their 40s. when they are young they are worried about the things young people worry about but think of the parallel. all the nonsense about the magnificent 7. you heard all this stuff, let's just get real. the fact of the matter, all -- new all-time highs, italy, spain, most of those countries, the fact is if you go beyond that, that have been rising get
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since october 2022, you get steady bull markets, australia, india, japan, the netherlands, the only part of the market on a global basis is been doing badly, small stocks and emerging markets. neil: there's the caboose in this terrain. i wonder what you see happening? >> what i have been saying get for a long time is this is a big, high quality lead bull market regardless of whether that's tech or the magnificent 7 or other things. big, high quality, as i said recently, later this year that will shift to value leadership, the comes down, just a structure of the markets.
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smaller is more value but i don't think that is yet as much as we start, high-quality growth, you see that in the nasdaq versus the dow, the nasdaq versus the s&p and we ought to be and that world, in a relatively moderate growth world the smaller percentage of the companies, to be sure we grow anyway are doubly rare and doubly valuable. neil: let me ask a political question. it's early to see the markets. >> i don't give political answers. >> summer seizing on cutting corporate taxes as one of the reasons for the advance. normally i can get a sense of handicapping election results, not this soon but what do you think?
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>> early last year i didn't think the nominees were likely to be biden or trump. and now looks like biden and trump and more likely trump wins. not certain of course. the fact is that is one piece of the puzzle. another piece of the puzzle, what happens to congress and the republicans have a good chance of taking the senate but also losing the house. there's a lot of reasons for that. what will happen in the end i don't know but to presume what's going on now is because you can assume donald trump will win and you can assume there will be a tax cut, that is i think a bridge too far. the fact of the matter is it is a bull market, you don't need reasons to justify why what is
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going on is going on. it is mostly going on because things are better than people think they are. if you look at the gdp release, almost every way it's better than forecast. it's a perfect example. people have their heads down, they are just dour. truly pessimistic? no. john templeton famously said ballmer markets are poor on pessimism, short on optimism, we are someplace staggering around trade off between skepticism and early optimism. the fact the gdp was stronger and inflation better and released today, expectations, a statement. neil: are you sure that was john templeton who said that? i thought was keith richards. >> i lose track. they might be playing beast of
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burden but they don't have a lot of dependents. neil: i like it a lot. always good seeing you. i like the way he thinks. we are talking about how this election shapes up. it isn't a given, the trump/biden rematch, the guys trying to change that after this. missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. it changes your smile and how others smile at you. clearchoice network doctors have changed over 100,000 lives with dental implants, and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. .. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this.
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adam: kingfisher thinks it's a trump/biden contest, joe manchin hinting it might not be. a group with no labels looking for an alternative to that. how likely is that right now? >> we think there' s an opening for an independent the likes of which we've never seen. one of the things that is underappreciated, any presidential election it is winner take all at the state level. all states but two so you get the most votes in the state you get all the electoral votes that come with it, a candidate that can win 34%, 35% you are talking about someone who can win the presidency. neil: ross perrault didn't win
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a single state. in 1968 george wallace won a lot of states, picked up 48 electoral votes. it has happened but historians say it is unlikely. >> in june 1992 ross perot was leading, he started acting a little off and came out with 19%. he was leading in the end and in a lot of ways we are ahead of where ross perot was, no labels, big focus, ballot access, we are active in almost 20 others. at this point in 1992 ross perot hadn't started getting signatures. neil: he will be in all states? >> if we put up a unity ticket it will compete. neil: being democrat and republican. is that first or second on that? >> haven't decided, we get
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after supertuesday and get clarity whether there's an opening. lauren: 20 nikki haley doesn't make it as the republican nominee? run her as a no labels candidate? >> it is wide open. a lot of people in our community. neil: thank you. a little more after this. pgae are partnering on 5g-powered analytics to help improve player performance. t-mobile's network helps aaa stay connected nationwide... to get their members back on the road. and las vegas grand prix chose t-mobile to help fuel operations for one of the world's largest racing events. now is the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business.
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