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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 25, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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house larry: gnat and house republicans, be tough, build that wall and deport to mexico. can't get that by, don't buy anything. next thing to buy into is liz macdonald. she's got the word. elizabeth: thank you, larry. they should stand tough. voter polls say that's what
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americans want. thank you, larry. staying on the story and texasman pat fallon. good to have you on, congressman. this report that senator mitch mcconnell is backing off the senate border deal going alone and ahead with ukraine aid and we've got a senator telling the hill the border deal is "dead for now". is that true? voter polls show americans say the border crisis is ranking tops of their concerns. why drop it now? >> liz, i don't know. senate republicans insist on that, they're going to be -- prospects for getting a majority come november may be dead on arrival. there's no way that if we don't have some kind of, we need border security and we passed hr2 in the nows and some of the key -- house and some of the proponents are the wait in mexico policy and reinstituting that. we have to have that or we have nothing. there's no way that bill will pass a house. that deal will not pass the
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house without that in the agreement. elizabeth: you can't have a border deal dead in the water and they're trying to blame president trump. he wants to stop a historic border collapse and more than 40,000 criminal illegal ill yens crossing and terrorists crossing and why is this -- isn't this a no brainer? >> yeah, everybody wants to blame president trump and let's look at the data and there were only 300,000 illegal border encounters the entire year. joe biden had that last month in december and make an argument it was 12 times worse now. president trump reduced a flood to a trick and will joe biden opened up the flood gates. we have to. we have never seen 300,000 illegal border crossings. this is crazy. elizabeth: we hear you loud and clear and senators including ted cruz say this would have enshrined rodolfo high legal
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immigrations and the record coming in twice as high during the obama era and listen to the senator speak out against this, watch. >> there's nothing about the current border surge that is the result of inadequate legislation on the books. nothing. the president has more than enough tools at his disposal to stop it. >> this supplemental bill is a kamikaze plane in a box canyon with no exit headed for a train wreck. >> part of my problem with the 4,000 threshold that's discretionary and 5,000 mandatory shutting down the border. my first question is how are you going to do that? >> all i hear about this deal, it's a way to normalize 5,000 people coming over the border and there's no way i'm going to vote for that . >> we need to do something on the border. forget the politics. it's an open bleeding wound. i don't know anything about what they're doing. i mean, one of the gentlemen
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under the interstate living in a refrigerator box knows more about it than i do. elizabeth: senator josh hawley sends a let tore dhs secretary mayorkas saying the record number of got aways outnumbers combined populations of kansas city and st. louis last year. we're supposed to be okay with that and and okay with 2 million got aways under president biden coming in unvetted and don't know who they are. >> no, we have the last administration in the first three years added just about 1.6 million illegal encounters and this administration has 8.5 million and the senators that you just showed the clips on liz were making perfect sense, common sense in things we need and this isn't even a border crisis and border cataclysm and this is something we need to take a lead on and joe biden has the authority. he has executive authority right now to fix this problem. i went to the border a few weeks ago and they told me if he just instituted the wait in mexico policy, these numbers would be reduced by 70%. he refuses to do so and hold him
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accountable at the ballot box. elizabeth: move down to texas and this is happening in texas and texas governor greg abbott. what he's saying is he's saying there's an invasion. the state has a right to defend itself against an invasion and we hear democrat lawmakers saying the white house should seize control of texas national guard and the vice president kamala harris trying to blame republicans on this. people are saying -- people out there saying no way. we don't believe any of what the democrats are saying. we got two dozen republican governors supporting texas here. the governor abbott is directly talking to the supreme court. he put out a statement saying the biden white house is breaking the law, the federal law. not protecting the border. texas has a constitutional right to self-defense against an invasion. congressman, this big point and governors say biden white house is incentivizing border crossers to come illegally and possibly drown in the process and the federal government at the white houssaying yeah, cut the razor
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wire fencing at the boarder and what texas is saying go to the 28 legal points of entry. what the biden white house is doing is incentivizing illegal entry crossing over rivers and they could drown. so is the supreme court going to weigh all this in the balance? what do you think? >> i certainly hope so and joe bind, his lawlessness led to this and he's violated his constitutional law and he's supposed to protect the states and the federal government abdicate that had to the mexican drug cartels and it's a try in the constitution and i'm glad this governor made the stand and i stand by him and we must push back. elizabeth: getting >> it later in the show. convoy of truckers are going to head to the border states to rally and protest against what the biden white house has been doing. congressman fallon, thank you so much for joining us tonight. it's good to see you. >> thanks, liz. god bless. elizabeth: okay, president biden made gaffes on the campaign
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trail and speaking to us today and also touting bidenomics and gdp and growing at 3.3% and economists point out the u.s. grew at a moderate rate of 2.5% last year and edward lawrence is live at the white house with more. edward. reporter: the president will be lack here at the white house in about two hours or so and he spent the day in wisconsin trying to change the economic narrative. >> things are finally sinking in and we passed a lot of good legislation and would take time for it to begin to take hold and it's taken hold and turning the economy around. that's our economic plan, invest in america. invest in american product and build in america. that's what we call bidenomics. >> bidenomics is also overall price is up about 18% since the month president biden came into office. credit card debt to pay for that inflation up about 40% since january of 2021 and americans
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hold ago record 1.08 trillion in credit card debt and real wages under president biden down 2.5% and this is what people are feeling regardless of the message from president biden. >> sharp inflation brought on by washington democrats reckless spending sent the crisis of every i did essentials from groceries to home heating literally through the roof. working families grapple with worworking and unpaid credit cas debt rose last year. reporter: the president touting gdp hotter than expected numbers that came in 3.3% for the fourth quarter saying that that is also bidenomics, something good that's happening and he did not mention the fact that government spending was a huge part of that. we're talking about federal, state, and local. elizabeth: interesting, edward lawrence, thank you so much. good to see you. let's welcome back to the show, former economic adviser to
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former president trump is steve moore and gop poster lee carter. thank you both so much for coming on the show. good to see you both. steve, what do you think of edward's report in the gdp number? >> he had a great report and buried the lead and look at last six quarters, the government has been by far the biggest sector of growth in the economy. that's a bad news story. that's not a good news story. we were run ago $2 trillion annual deficit and want the government to be shrinking so what's happening is each month the government keeps getting bigger and bigger and it's crowding out private sector investment and that's a story that doesn't have a happy ending. now, is 3.3% growth rate a good number? sure, it is. no question about it. 2.5% for the year is fretty good and most economists were wrong as you know. most economists said we might go into a recession in 2023. thank god we didn't have it. i just feel like this is an economy with termites in the basement which is this massive debt we keep building up and at
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some point, it can't continue and unsustainable. elizabeth: termites in the basement. leigh, other to you and the president stepping on rakes and gaffes on the campaign trail. take a listen to this, watch. >> my professor -- well, i won't get into my professor. look, my predicting cespedes torr though, he chose a different course. 14 million new jobs since i became president. president 169 new jobs in wisconsin. 440 new jobs in north carolina alone just since i came to office. limit setting aside his gaslighting and misleading america, he only degree crated 4 or 5 million because the economy opened up from lockdown but, leigh, he's touting 169 new jobs in wisconsin in&just 440 in north carolina? wow, going to take a victory lap on that?
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>> that's bidenomics, lange. he's really not doing a good job selling bidenomics to the american people and he's not really doing a great job selling his mental fitness and polling on that is abysmal and a shame for him. the real issue here is that americans despite the fact there's some indicators that the economy is strong and they're feeling it in the day-to-day life and increase in groceries every time you go and every week looking at $11 bacon and saying things are worse off than they are today. look at inflation adjusted salary increases and people aren't keeping inflation and their money not going as far. credit card debt is on the rise. all these things make people feel worse on the day-to-day and talk about how great stock market is and the bottom line is most americans don't have savings right now and they're not looking at these big returns and it's coming from a very limited part of the stock market. i think biden has a real problem. elizabeth: leigh, you're seeing in the polls that working and
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middle class americans are saying wait a minute, we don't believe working and middle class americans in the polls? >> they just don't feel that the chips act is as strong as administration is saying it is. elizabeth: lee just pointed out, steve, the four biggest banks are reporting higher credit card spending and taking longer to pay off their credit cards and before the pandemic. doesn't sound like a really strong economy there, steve. >> lee really nailed it. for people on the top 10% of income, they're doing really well. no y question about it. the stock market is up and even in real terms adjusted for inflation and stock market went up about three times as fast under trump's first year than biden's but the real problem is people in middle class, blue collar, working class america, their incomes have fallen by 3, 4, 5% adjusted for inflation and that -- let me make that very simple and that means at least half of americans are poorer today three years after biden
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came into office than when trump left office. if biden wants to use the term bidenomics, he can have it. he owns. elizabeth: there's a new joint committee report $11,000 in losses each for each american family under this white house, wow. steve moore and lee carter, you're terrific and thank you for joining us tonight. good to see you. >> thank you. elizabeth: still ahead, congressman beth van diane and energy ex-peritoneal chatterjee and there's a new push to prove that fulton county da fani willis worked with the biden white house to indict trump to help biden's reelection and we'll get into it. axios is spot ago big change the media cannot criticize and former president trump surprising campaign watchers for run ago disciplined campaign foe us on issued and policies for you in the biden white house out
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with the new major crackdown on u.s. energy. will energy prices go up even more? and we've got this story, more minority voters, lifelong democrats nationwide joining the growing wave of criticisms against biden's border collapse and getting to the texas fight too. plus, steve forbes, one and only steve forbes and new report out of politico and white house is talking to politico. insiders there worry that biden's reelection will be hurt by houthi attacks on red sea shipping eight hours nighting inflation. it's a story we brought you first and we'll take it on on "the evening edit".
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elizabeth: okay, joining us now forbes media chairman and editor in chief steve forbes. steve, my former boss, always good to see you again. hey, steve. politico, what do you make of this, politico is reporting that white house insiders fear the houthi attacks on red sea shipping will eight hours night in-- ignite inflation and economic turmoil and hurt president biden's reelection. that's what it's all about is his grab on power? >> well, you got two things underway here. one is trey trying to appease the far left, which doesn't want any kind of action in the middle east or anywhere else.
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the other thing is that they're also still amazingly trying to appease iran saying we're going after the houthis and this is why we're doing it. if he'd just call off those dogs, all would be well in the world. so it's not done for national security reasons. it's done very belatedly and signaling to the world we don't have the stomach to keep the peace in terms of keeping the bad guys from disrupting the peace. it's bad all under a and are barack obama drawing the head rhinoin the sand and russia says we'll take care of it, he backs off. china is now -- the u.s. is going to china, liz, to say, help us out with the houthis. what does that tell the world? the u.s. has lost its mojo. that's what it says to the world and that's bad for freedom. elizabeth: steve, the other thing too when you see this politico report it's quoting wait house insiders that they're concern that "the conflict in the red sea could widen into a bigger war, economic damage could spiral out of control
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quickly, and it's basically saying that could trigger inflation here in the u.s. and worldwide". you know, you don't want to get anywhere near politicizing military strikes in yemen. they're not bombing yemen to stop inflation and hurt biden 2024 but they shouldn't be anywhere near talking about bombing for a hold on political power. do you see what the point is there? >> yes, i see that the white house is absolutely confused about what national security strategy should be for the united states. they don't understand inflation, which is defacing the dollar and don't understand that if you appear weak, iran is going to keep pushing you, russia's pushing you, china is watch hag we do in europe and the middle east. it's a very turbulent world because they don't trust the united states to have a sound policy, foreign policy and military policy anymore. elizabeth: what's happening, steve, bipartisan so legislative session of senators -- coalition of senators warn the president
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that mideast policies could escalate the region into a wider war. democrat senator tim kane, get reaction from the white houssaying he can't unilaterally bomb yemen without the consent or approval of congress. watch president biden and then watch senator tim cane, watch. >> i mean this sincerely, suppose the expert on foreign policy. >> every president has inherent power under article 2 to defend the united states, and that's always been understood to me to defend u.s. personnel, u.s. military assets, possibly even u.s. commercial assets. he doesn't need to ask congress' permission. but when you go on the offense against a group and if it's more than just self-defense and now suddenly it's a back and forth, it's escalating and that's classically when it becomes an offense and not just defensive operations and we need briefed on that and congress needs to be brought into it and the last thing we need to do is slide into another war in the middle east without a really careful
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consideration and a debate in front of the public. elizabeth: okay. you know, steve, how about a debate on the iran policy. its proxies are blamed for more than 100 drone attacks and a 50 rock attacks on the troops of iraq and syria and biden's approach to iran and syria is let them build back their forces and make 100 billion including oil export sales and give iran more money to fund hamas and hezbollah because they want a nuclear deal with iran. >> it's all about appeasement and weakness and biden owes the nation a real explanation why we're in ukraine, what needs to be done in the middle east, but he hasn't done it. he's not a real leader and out of it today, sadly. like got it, steve forbes, you're terrific and thank you for coming back on the show. good to see you. coming up, texas congresswoman death van duyne and a new trucker con -- beth van duyne and new trucker convoy heading to the border to rally and
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protest against the president's border crisis. minorities in u.s. cities are joining a growing wave of protests against what's going on at the border. and how it's hitting their cities and coming up, the messenger's joe concha and what about behind former president trump's " exponential surge in the polls". we'll explain next. >> it's time for everybody, our country to come together. we want to come together whether it's republican or democrat or liberal or conservative. it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems and all of the death and destruction we're witnessing. ♪
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elizabeth: welshing back with us now, the messenger columnist joe concha. joe, good to see you again. okay, this story, trump's dominance in the primaries
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becoming even more solidified after new hampshire victory. joe, axios is saying they're spotting a big change that tram subpoena running a "professional, well managed, disciplined, sophisticated campaign". saying when he improvises with personal attacks like on the truth social media posting, that's what undercuts him. what do you make of axios here? >> kudos to them. this was a very objective story where they kept the commentary and vi vitriol out of it and we have a candidate that no one has done in nearly 50 years, beating ron desantis by more than 30 points and won iowa and new hampshire and making ron desantis drop out and nikki haley, beats her by 30 points in iowa and 12 points in new hampshire and 11 points and perhaps one big reason for that
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axios report is mr. trump has a disciplined seasoned team around him and not all this drama coming from the campaign in terms of leaks from disgruntled staffers and fighting that we saw so often after trump became president in 2017. this is a loyal team and with this much better ground game, it now has perhaps a very long general election cycle to really start to kick the tires and get this thing going because this primary season very well could be done before super tuesday, when i've never seen in my lifetime. elizabeth: interesting. pollsters would agree and voters don't want to hear about the drama or any drama. they want to hear about the issues and the policy fixes. you know, let's get your reaction to former president trump here and kellyanne conway. watch this. >> we had the greatest country in history, in our history three years ago, we had the best boarders, best economy, had no inflation, we rebuilt our military and gave you the
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biggest tax cuts in the industry. take a look, the taxes they want to raise your taxes times four. they want to let the trump tax cuts, biggest tax cuts in the history of our country, they want them to expire. your taxes will go through the roof. you take a look at our border, so bad there's never been a border like in in the world. four years ago we had the safest, best border in the united states. i built hundreds of miles of border wall. >> i saw a lot of joy on the job. people like me that worry about president trump's safety and care about him and his family, who would have said fine if you never want to run again, enjoy your great life and you did a great job for four years. you see why he's running. he's doing this for the people. the people want him. seeing a guy with a bit of fun, a guy confident and competent going into south carolina elizabeth: you know, what was really interesting, joe, many republicans, top republicans assume that after the january 6, no one would go near trump and now he's on a comeback tour and it's a big comeback.
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he's rolled up the party even tighter than it did when he was president. that's what axios is saying. none of the back stabbing to what you're saying. when do you think his comeback started? some say it's east palestine, ohio, when he went with b pal ls of water to -- pallets to help the resident there is. >> you completed my sentence or saned your own question and i point to east palestine and joe biden still has not gone there and people saw their property values plummet, they can't drink the water, they don't trust it and no one seemed to care about them because it was, i guess, in a red county of ohio that's gone profoundly red and the feds just abandoned them. ill leave it here, liz. think about where we were on january 2, 2021. donald trump was a toxic brand and could never run and possibly think about winning and now he's the odds on favorite to be the 47th president, go figure. elizabeth: voters are really
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listening to what he's saying. joe concha, good to have you on. this story coming up, minority voters in chicago protesting mayor brandon johnson's handling of illegal immigrants in the city. minority commuters are saying we're bearing the brunt of the border crisis. we have garret tenny in chicago with the latest on this. garret. reporter: liz, this is becoming an issue that could hurt temtemporal integration deputien the up co--- democrats in the upcoming election and they're outrage that had the city and state spent $800 million to take care of the newly arrived migrants with healthcare, education and housing and all things black communities have been begging for for years to get more funding for. they've been told there wasn't any money available. those frustrations are also now being directed at president biden for allowing this migrant crisis to continue unabated and for the first time in their lives, some life-long democrats say they're considering voting republican. >> i'm on the fence right now. in terms of parties, in terms of
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support for the neighborhood, support for black people in general. are the migrants being -- get more than blacks? absolutely. absolutely. >> what i say to president biden and the entire democratic party is you've missed the mark with this. you have lost some very committed voters. >> nearly half of black voters in a recent fox news poll said they disapprove of biden's handling of the border security and given the president credited african americans with winning him the white house, it's a key democratic voting block he can't afford to lose. liz. elizabeth: what a story. gargarrett tenney. thank you very much. your reaction to the report from
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garrett? >> it's dangerous and out of tune this administration is with the rest of america. the president's polling numbers are diving because people are seeing, we've had 10 million people illegally enter our country since biden took office. you got 100,000+ people died as a result of fentanyl. every day we're seeing these reports happening at our border. it seems like every month the record just keeps getting higher and higher of the number people entering our country illegally. i'm sorry, you've got to give credit to governor abbott and governor desantis for actually busing these people to other areas of the con triple-demic, to sanctuary cities so they can see how dangerous it is, how unsustainable it is to have these people enter your country illegally and now democrats have asked for the sanctuary city polpolpolicies and administratin pushing for it and seeing what happen when is the policy goes through. elizabeth: it's about legal immigration and also about
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crime. we have a new -- this new news coming, a trucker convoy is kicking off heading to the border states. we're hearing february 3 for a multistate rally at the border in texas and california. they're calling on active and retired law enforcement, military veterans, elected officials, small business owners, ranchers, to join them to rally in protest of what's going on at the border. what do you make of this, more americans are stepping up. >> don't forget the mama bears seeing what's happening in schools because their kids are getting kicked out because illegal immigrants are staying in classrooms. they're asking them to go down there. bring those huge 18 wheeler bad boys down here to protect our border. they need to understand that this is not simply -- they can't sweep this urn the rug. people are opening their eyes to it, and i hope it is a fantastic convoy, and i hope it does shed more light on it and you're seeing people from around the
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country. they're having people from canada coming down because they see the damage being caused. bring those bad boys down to the coast. elizabeth: congressman, ameramericans are generous and n hearted and tolerant and they're a caring people. what you see though is they're saying we don't -- immigrants say as we came here legally, they don't like the lawlessness. they don't like the lawlessness under this biden white house that has created dire situations in u.s. cities where there's rise in crime, drug gangs or gangs never there before including in the president's hometown of scranton, pennsylvania. there are shootouts happening so they're saying we do it the right way and we stand in line and pay our taxes. we are about helping america. when they see the lawlessness and what they feel is cheating, they feel it's unfair and feel it's wrong and wrong to do that to the american people and the
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american people are paying for the biden border crisis. >> no, you're absolute reignsly. this is all on taxpayer expenses and the biden administration asking for $15 billion more and not to secure the border but $14 million more to hire more people and make them enter the country. under the trump administration, the homeland security budget was much lower and there are much more efficient because they knew what their job was and here our borders are deport illegal immigrants and had asylum seekers from mexico and be the first safe country and this administration opened up our borders and are acting as partners with the drug cartels and human traffickers that right now are controlling our border, which is a wartime scenario. elizabeth: got it. congressman van duyne, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming up, indicatey
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cherkasky and getting the officy getting the office oturu the law enforcement and indicting him for 2020. checking in with dagen and sean, what's coming up on the bottom line. >> hey, emac. joe biden on the bottom line and john kearney here and pentagon spenting $1.6 billion for u.s. military investment in the middle east and we have cory mills, congressman from florida to discuss. >> montana's governor greg john forte and one of a growing list of republican governors standing with, standing beside governor abbott in texas saying we have the constitutional right to protect our state and close the border, standing up against joe biden's recklessness. we can dig into that and kevin
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roberts on the mini media and increasingly unhinged with president trump and lots of name calling and we fire back. top of the hour. he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield
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elizabeth: okay, let's get you updated on the case of misconduct allegations against fulton county da fani willis in
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georgia. she's prosecuting georgia's trump 2020 case and the hearing was held today on that. fox news steve harrigan in atlanta with more. steve. reporter: elizabeth, today's hearing was about meetings with white house staffers and da's office and representatives from the da's office said the meetings were standard logistical ones but defense attorneys say these meetings were an attempt by the biden administration to control and direct the prosecution of former president trump. >> the white house has its fingerprints on all four federal prosecutions of president trump and now we know they had their fingerprints on this case. reporter: trump's attorneys have now joined the legal challenge to oust da fani willis from the case entirely. they also say that she has injected a racial element into the case. they want her removed for that as well. willis could be compelled to give testimony february 15th, a date set by the judge for a hearing for willis and her chief
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prosecutor nathan wade to answer questions under oath about their relationship. elizabeth, back to you. elizabeth: what a story. steve harrigan, thank you so much. always great journalist. joined by federal prosecutor katie cherkasky. what is your opinion about that? >> the walls are closing in and quite obvious that there's been collaboration between fani willis' office and congressional members since the beginning, which in and of itself is not necessarily that extraordinary but seems the level of involvement was way far beyond what you would typically see with a congressional committed tee of that sort and that's another angle this case can be attacked by all the defendants in georgia. elizabeth: then you're talking january 6 committee and fani willis' team got documents from them. it's -- katie, this georgia case and messier by the day and could fall apart.
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codefendant jeffrey clark saying this 2020 case is tainted. his team is demanding da fani willis office turn over any records that potentially reveal the prosecutor's working with the biden white house to prosecute tram and help biden reelection -- prosecute president trump and help bind's reelection and that's a bomb shell. >> absolutely and any about fani willis' motivation and the judge might be apt she turn over a significant amount of information that would not necessarily otherwise be discoverable but because the entire propriority of the prosecution is in question at this point, the defendants are going to be able to get into a significant amount more information than they'd typically would. elizabeth: break it down, there's been allegations as we talked about that. fani willis' team met at white house several times before the grand jury handed down the 2020 georgia indictments. da's office is responding that oh, this is just about logistics
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when we talk to white house or congress and connecting it interviews. when you look at court records, katie, nathan wade who was allegedly fani willis' boyfriend filed expense reports showing in may 2022 before they indicted trump, there was a conference with the white house council at white house. plus, in november 2022, again before indicting trump, he again went to the white house and met with as you pointed out the january 6 committee, democrats in the spring of 2022. so that's nathan wade going down there. >> sure, nathan's wade role was to look into the potential prosecution and codefendants in that case and those meetings related to that prosecution and politics written all over this. trump has been saying this all along and he's been proven right and seems like the wheels are falling off of this case in every which direction at this point. elizabeth: what do you make of house judiciary chair jim jordan saying fani willis' office got
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federal tax money and he has a right to ask and call on willis to disclose her team's contacts with the january 6 committee? final word. >> i think that make as lot of sense, and i think there's a lot of questions that the american people deserve answers to and specifically the defendants in that case. elizabeth: got it, katie cherkasky, thank you for joining and yous great to have you on. coming up, we have energy probe neil chatterjee, will the biden white house shock the energy global market and your pocketbooks and they're talking about stalling and delaying an enormous natural gas plant -- terminal on the louisiana coast and could stall out gas exports and supplies coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. elizabeth: okay joining us now former chairman neil chatterjee, there is a new story crossing biden white house is attacking u.s. energy, reportedly threatening to delay or shut down the 10 billion dollar liquid natural gas plant in louisiana. that could threaten 16 other lng projects this would have increased u.s. nat gas exports by 20%, what does this mean for electricity
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and energy prices for americans. >> this is just bad policy. and it is bad politics. i understand what the administration thinks they are trying to do, they are trying to motivate young climate activists, they believe will be necessary to turn out in november what they are missing is these projects are vital to energy security, to geopolitical allies, big job creators, not just in the gulf but throughout the value chain, the facilities create jobs, rein places like pennsylvania, michigan and wisconsin and ohio. it is really the administration trying to play political games with -- energy security, this is a dangerous thing. elizabeth: at a time when more americans are saying, we need manufacturing jobs
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too. the whowj is reporting its sources are saying this biden crackdown is john podesto's idea, payback for climate lobby, the president approved conoco phillips drilling project in alaska. >> look, if that is what they are doing, it is really misguided. they are breaking a promise they made to our european allies particularly germany, we're saving germany right now, u.s. liquefied natural gas exports are saving germany, we want our allies to have an alternative to russian gas. u.s. lng exports lower global carbon emissions we do it cleaner and better here than any elsewhere. u.s. lng displacing more fossil intense source of fuel overseas, lowers global
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carbon emissions, this is the climate activists are ignoring that, this does not need to be a -- between fossil fuels and renewables, we have seen it here at home in the u.s., renewables thrive when paired with natural gas. our am -- allies' the same opportunity to pair them overseas, we the u.s. should be the supplier. elizabeth: former president trump saying that white house is under cutting and hampering american energy. the working class, middle class voters are getting hammered by the electric and energy prices. new rules in chicago. >> chicago must work to
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reduce carbon footprint, but during the winter's frigid temperatures where tens of thousands of chicagoans are left without electricity, now is the worst possible time to slam through an ordinance without examining true cost, infrastructure requirements and most important, hearing from residents. elizabeth: the push back is do wind and solar keep people warm in recent arctic freeze that killed 95 americans? >> wind and solar are american part of our generation mix, there no out the,py need -- we need to maine reliability and affordability. we want to make sure when americans hit the switch that lights come on. we talk about electrifying more, we'll need more and more power. where is this that power coming from, we cannot
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afford to retire natural gas at a time we need and demand more power and we're seeing more pressure put on grid operators, you can't have it both. elizabeth: is the industry doing a good job of carbon capture. are they making advances in carbon capture, 10 seconds. >> yeah, look we're doing well. but some of the climb as activists they don't want carbon capture to success, then we'll have fossil fuels forever and their real end game is to get rid of fossil fuel, not to tackle carbon emissions. elizabeth: neil chatterjee, thank you. >> you are terrific, joining us tomorrow, liz peek, we're excited to have a good show for you, thank you for watching the "evening edit" on fox business, now time are in my buddies, on the b"the bottom line." dagen and sean. dagen: love you in pink.


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