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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 26, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: i remember phil collins. didn't he kind of disappear all of a sudden? he was extremely famous and very well known and just went away. lauren: what do i usually say to you when you say that? his daughter, millie, is on the show. emily in paris. now she is paying the bills. he can retire. stuart: what name? >> lily. stuart: it's coming back to me. let's get on with the show. good morning, it's 10:00, it's friday. the friday feeling to the show, to the money, dollars up 25, nasdaq is down, not that much movement, 10 year treasury yield has been going up recently, it is up today. has for the price of oil, that
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has been going up too, $77 a barrel as of right now in bitcoin struggled back to $41,400 a coin as of now. this is from realtors, the latest read on home sales. lauren: contract signs not close can increase in december, 8.3%. the forecast from the national association of realtors for january is but a good, these are their predictions for this year. mortgage rates they say this year will cover between 6% to 7% so they are not coming down in a big way. they expect more existing homes to be sold but the price will go up this year and in 2,025. the average price will be 405,000. we won the realtors should be happy. it is turnaround, pending home sales up 8. 3%. 3%. that's good news for them. now this. when the president makes a
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gaffe or slurs his words or looks lost and confused, his message doesn't get through, not so much what he says as how he says it. it has reached the point people are looking for evidence that he is in rapid cognitive decline. in wisconsin thursday the president was trying to speak about beer. watch this. >> president biden: beer brewed here is used, thanks for the great legs. stuart: lehigh am not sure exactly what he said. there was no vigor in the speech, sometimes he looks around vacantly. he failed to engage. his message was lost. trying to talk up bidenomics which the polls say voters are not buying. he was trying to take credit for the improving economy, voters member how good things were when trump was in the oval office and they remember trump the energizer bunny. think of this. unemployment is below 4%, that's good.
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the economy grew more than 3% last year, that's good. inflation is coming down, that's an improvement. biden just can't deliver a dynamic speech about it. she's very poor messenger. that brings them down politically. second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: wall street titan ken fisher joined me now. welcome back, accurate description i would say, this is not flattery, just being nice on friday morning. i think you agree that the economy is better than most people think. that's your point and we are in a bull market too. >> my point about stocks, the reality is when sentiment is worse than reality it will start to go up.
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when sentiment is better than reality stocks go down. it is surprised that moves markets most positive and negative. yesterday was a tough example, gdp itself is a very precisely stated number about a reality that cannot be precise but the overconfidence of forecasters. economist is spelled economist, that overconfidence is part one. part 2 is when the gdp releases so much stronger than what they forecast just this last week it tells you that sentiment is more dour than reality. stuart: you have some math on the market and the trump victory. what have you got?
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>> there's two parts to this. a lot of things but i do have a part a and part b. the first part is the part that nobody seems to be talking about. everybody knows if you look at national polling averages depending 538, 270, real clear market, politics averages, any of them, trump is leading by 3.5% but if you look at the way states vote, state polls are more inaccurate than national holes, look at the states, the way california votes 25% for biden, texas, i'm a texan, you take an honest election, abbott is really popular, lieutenant governor dan patrick less popular. attorney general ken paxton is very controversial, 2,022, one%
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of each other. you can't get above the ceiling in texas as a republican. trump will win texas but not by more than 10, take those two, then take illinois versus florida, then you take massachusetts, ohio and say to yourself is your 2% with 3% under as a republican and national polls on election day, that's the way the math works. the fact is when we elect a republican markets tend to react positively in the election year and negatively in the inaugural year when we elect a democrat negatively in the election year, positively in the inaugural, looks for basic reason. stuart: can i simplify this by saying you think trump is going to win and that's the reason for the market rally?
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>> there's a lot of other things but that's part of it. stuart: a pleasure to have you on the show. you are highly original thinker, wall street titan. see you soon. warren is with us. i want to see the movers, particularly boeing, that's not much. stuart: alaska and united are both expected to fly the max 9 again as early as today, certainly next weekend moody's is the faa decision to allow them to him ground the plains is a step forward for boeing. stuart: spirit airlines, jetblue. >> look at spirit go down 17.5%, jetblue is up. jetblue told spirit that it might have its merger agreement, a federal judge blocked this 3.8 tie up and jetblue is telling spirit they might not meet certain conditions and it might be done this we can. weekend. stuart: i will never invest in an airline.
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pinterest. >> it is up 2%. i asked seeing a lot of amazon ads recently on pisa but interest and that could move the needle if they keep their buy rating and say the stock is going to 50, it's 37 and change. stuart: thank you very much. democrat strategist james carville you should a warning to the media about the november election, watch this. >> what i'm obsessed with his stop treating him like he is a normal candidate, this is some sort of bob dole mitt romney. this is really not but if you look at this, there's a chance the trump could win this election. the way that he wins is he is treated as a normal candidate. stuart: tammy bruce joins us now. he wins if he is treated as a normal candidate. don't treat him as a normal candidate. >> that tells you, there's not a discussion about policy, the condition of the country, biden
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being the better policy person or the better leader. it is about framing and destroying a person's character. he mentioned which we don't have their after talking like a normal candidate compared him to herman goebbels, the nazi. you want somebody not being normal, it's james carville. that's the problem, the realities americans no donald trump which is not a new person on the scene, we nobody stands for, we know what the media is doing, he has not been treated normal with his 91 indictments, he's not been treated normal but that seems to be the wind of anita's wings because it proves the point of what americans are concerned about which is the stability of the federal government, the nature of what our politics has been and their own freedom to vote for who they want. stuart: the top of the hour i launched into a "my take" and again looked at president biden and his inability to be forceful in making a speech and i'm pointing out i don't know what he said in that little soundbite there. ally piling on?
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>> this is the reality of what we are seeing. we are used to people shaping or spinning or lying about the nature of what americans are seeing with their own eyes, he did do a forceful speech a little while ago in pennsylvania with a red background and the marines. what is normal, to speak the gobbledygook or do forceful? either way he's a problem, either way he is allowing what happening to continue. he's engaged enough to where he's going to be put in front like the mascot, shame on his wife and his family to allow this to occur and for the rest of us in the democratic party to allow this to occur. the american people might not be marching around in the streets but there will be a quiet riot on election day in november. stuart: tammy bruce brings up higher on friday morning. democrats released a new campaign slogan for president biden.
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even liberals are marking it. >> the biden campaign has new merchandise and the slogan is together we will defeat trump again. doesn't really roll off the tongue, not that catchy. the liberal comedian seth meyers is marking it. >> president biden's campaign released a new line of merchandise with the slogan together we will defeat donald trump again. democrats, why are you so bad at the stuff? that is not a slogan. that's an affirmation you tape on your bathroom mirror. you can't end with again when his slogan ends with again. democrats, please suck less. >> they should hire him. i also wanted to show you this. biden's average approval rating measured by gallup was 39. 8% last year, the third year of his presidency, that's the
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lowest since carter. carter obviously lost to reagan. for perspective botnets approval rating his first year was just under 50%. blue when nowhere near there now. the washington post reports us officials may pull troops out of iraq. would that be a retreat? president biden plans to send cia director william burns to an ambitious deal between hamas and israel involving the release of the remaining hostages in gaza. former u.s. army intelligence soldier brett velicovich deals with that next. (♪) (♪) (♪)
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stuart: let's look at big tech. they so dominate the markets, that's what the money is. amazon is up $0.32. apple at one dollar $0.94. meta, alphabet down a little. now this. the international court of justice just refused to order israel to halt its offensive in gaza. alex hogan is in tel aviv. what does this mean for the rest of the world? >> reporter: south africa's foreign minister responded to the statement saying she was disappointed the language did not go one step further, the un top court decided it was not going to demand the end to the war or a cease-fire but it did call on israel to put in precautions to prevent genocide, the un is entering useful requirements asking israel to take serious measures to prevent more killings, injuries, and destruction as measures to prevent the
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incitement of acts of violence and preserve evidence of any acts of violence and the country submitted a report of how it plans to byline's regulations in one month. the court noted 93% of the population is facing hunger and malnutrition, 2 million people have been displaced, aid workers on the ground, growing paces of disease. the military says it uncovered as many as 200 tunnels, more than one hundred 30 military sites. benjamin netanyahu is responding to the world's court ruling that is relax commitment to international law is unwavering and like every country, israel has the right to defend itself. we received word that hamas has released new footage, new video of more of the hostages, increased pressure in israel on the government to broker a deal
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to bring them home. >> reporter: the washington post reports that us officials now looking to withdraw 2500 of our troops from iraq. brett velicovich jointly. those troops a been attacked by uranian proxy forces. if we pull them out it looks like a retreat. >> i hope these talks don't lead to further troop withdrawal from iraq. it's not the time. our forces are limited in numbers that are present is strategic and impactful in nature. it is not just into the tragic location to keep our finger on the pulse of isis but also iran or whatever other terror groups bonds from that region. ever since donald trump helpfully the campaign to defeat isis after the -- isis still poses a threat, they've been suppressed because our forces are conducting operations every single night to continue to defeat them.
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many americans don't realize how many operations take place every night against isis. the focus is on ukraine and israel. they don't make the news but on the other hand, there is, there are these benefits to isis somewhat still being active, they turned their attention less on our forces but instead on iran. the cells are packing uranian mothers are groups and that similar to the iran backed groups that the us is now courting. stuart: president biden plans to send william burns to broker a deal between hamas and israel. it would involve the release of all the remaining hostages in gaza. what's the significance of using the cia director? >> i think director burns is helping to broker the deal between hamas and israel, that will help with the release of the remaining hostages held in gaza especially this has been the longest pause in hostility since the war began last year.
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i don't see it working as our influence has been unwelcome, both sides don't respect us anymore because of our global stance, the israelis have their own agenda. hamas has been told by the biden administration but we won't intervene militarily in gaza which has been a mistake in the first place and only helps hamas which i've been saying it for a while because i've seen these high-level meetings, they don't have the same influence we used to have in these regions but at the same time we need to do what it takes to release the 100 hostages that remain. still 6 american hostages, we've seen hamas randomly killing these and other hostages, four months into this captivity they have to be in fear for their lives unaware what's going on. we have to do what it takes to get them out despite our waning influence in the region. stuart: last one real fast. are the ukrainians losing the war?
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>> i don't think they are losing, but they are going to start of congress doesn't start doing the job, putin is counting on america not caring anymore, we are falling into that, he's lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers and it doesn't matter to them. russian lives mean very little. is just waiting it out. i will be back from ukraine to deliver more humanitarian aid. i see this stuff, how us funds help support people on the ground and stop innocent lives from being taken so congress needs to do their job and stop playing games with peoples lives and approve the latest ukraine budget. stuart: there's a battle about the border as well. thanks for joining us, see you again soon. coming up, the homeless crisis in california has gotten so bad people are living in caves 20 feet below street level and some are fully furnished. the biden administration has delayed the approval of new natural gas export project. officials celebrating, they call biden climate president of the core. a lawrence has the story from
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the white house next. ♪
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stuart: the dow is up 83, the dow is up 78, nasdaq down 23. lauren is looking at the movers which i want to start with american express. lauren: i gave you the earnings earlier but didn't tell your american express is increasing its dividend by 17% at a new high. stuart: the firm, the buy now pay later company. lauren: of 3%, 3 in 10 americans say they are at least considering using these services in january according to lending tree and the average, what do people use to pay the reform? anything. you break up, interest free provider you pay it back, the average purchase price when you're using it is $132. stuart: interesting. estée lauder, luxury is resilience. lauren: we saw that with
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american ask press numbers, a 10% increase in their fourth-quarter sales. they like estée lauder 2 and they are increasing their price target from 100, to 115. stock is down. we got the personal income and consumption numbers this morning for december, the spending number, consumption, doubled expectations, came in strong at 0.7% so it is almost like a bifurcated consumer, the rich continue to spend and other people struggling. we start to text family members and bought something with the callously expensive but not supposed to be but i was at penn station, bought a bottle of water and slice of pizza, $10.80. stuart: a slice of pizza and a bottle of water. $10. lauren: and $0.80. got one to the counter.
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stuart: we are being told to move on. the administration pause the approval of new terminals for the export of natural gas. edward lawrence in the white house. the greens must be very happy about this, aren't they? >> reporter: it's about reducing emissions globally but industry groups are saying this is going to push other countries, specifically in asia towards coal power. those groups say will also work on national security interests as allies in europe, for lng exports will push more towards russia to keep that reliance on them. the energy department pausing applications, any exports to go to countries with a free-trade agreement. president biden has not signed a new free-trade agreement, the energy secretary says this hold will not affect the natural gas industry.
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she does -- you see here, she says the moment of approved export are 43,000,000,000 ft. per day. three times the current export capacity. as export increase we must review the applications using the most comprehensive and up-to-date national security measures for this. the analysis you see there. 32 industry groups say this is false saying europe has a considerable supply gap and they should field that gap, not hostile nations. groups like the american petroleum institute are frustrated with the restrictions meant to discourage future investment. senior vice president of policy saying it sends a bad message to our allies and there's no end date on when the new
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applications will be processed. the energy department said this is a review that was done under the obama administration and finished in the trump administration, no need to do it again. stuart: got it. thank you. former energy secretary joins us now. the delay in these terminals means no new terminals built in the future. am i right? is it that drastic? >> thanks for having me this morning, good morning to you. i think it may be correct. this type of pause, temporary hold, very cold effect in the raising of capital, probably the most immediate impact, difficult to raise money if you don't have a permit or if there is no chance of getting a permit. stuart: is there a national security issue here? our natural gas has been helping with the europeans, they were cut off from the
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russian supply of natural gas so they have a problem now. >> i think they may. the secretary is correct, the current car goes heading to europe. it creates some uncertainty. not just europe but we are concerned what happening in ukraine. we have to be mindful korea and japan are equally concerned about this type of pause. stuart: i thought natural gas was the cleanest of fossil fuels. it lowered the country's emissions like we did in the early 2000s on. i don't understand this. is it that the greens don't want fossil fuels at all period? >> i am sure there are some who
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would argue that is there position. the larger point is it's hard to understand how this might be a step in the right direction. if you look at the data from 2005-2020, in the power sector, from natural gas replacing coal. as we look across the world, we are seeing increased use of cold in china and india and european nations are heavily dependent on call. we can replace them. it is an enormous step forward through emissions all across the board. stuart: you have not been on this show for some time. let me ask about the electric vehicle market. it seems to me the ev push is failing. what say you? >> consumers are making choices in the marketplace and we will
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continue to see that. there's a place for electric vehicles in the marketplace. i would also suggest the mandates are what some consumers are pushing back on and there are some challenges with things like range. electric vehicles don't always fit the demand of every customer. we should allow consumers to make that choice on their own at the markets. stuart: do you keep in touch with trump? >> you are putting me on the spot. i talked to the trump folks and the biden folks and people who are running for president from public office and advise them on all sorts of things. stuart: you are a diplomat as well as a former energy secretary. thanks for joining us. thanks a lot.
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biden's energy secretary is urging wall street's top brass to back clean energy. what is she saying? ashley: granholm is urging jamie dimon at jpmorgan chase, david sullivan of goldman sachs and other top industry leaders to use their vast resources to invest in the climate initiative. the energy secretary had dinner with a dozen executives at a midtown manhattan restaurant. the goal is to have wall street heavyweights direct capital and attract private sector dollars for green projects ranging from electric vehicles which you've been discussing, solar, wind, and nuclear. the gathering was reportedly put together with the help of former treasury secretary hank paulson. it always comes back to what is the demand for this. stuart: what is the difference now? thanks. we have new data that shows how
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much money the government has shelled out for illegal migrants coming into the country. grady trimble has the astonishing numbers coming up shortly. we told you how councilman in illinois wants residents to be housed in their homes. we will speak to the man behind the proposal next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms.
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and start saving today. stuart: i will show you microsoft and nvidia. yesterday both of them at all-time record highs. microsoft advanced $0.11, nvidia pulling back by one dollar to 6 call -- no serious pullback after record highs from those 2 giants.
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and migrant refugees in the last few years. grady trouble joins us. how much money are we talking about and where does it go? >> the federal government spent almost $20 billion on care for refugees in the past two fiscal years. the largest amount of that going to care for unaccompanied minors, kids who come into the us without a parent or other adult. the us spent 2.7 million in 2.9 billion to care for refugees in ukraine and afghanistan respectively in $1.1 billion on medical and other services. as the number of migrant encounters at the southern border sets records, republicans say the biden administration deserves the blame. >> it isn't a border crisis. at the border cataclysm. this is something to take the lead on. president biden has the
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executive authority to fix this problem. >> reporter: the president and his administration argue their hands are tied unless congress does something. >> we are doing what we can at the border, dhs is maximizing the process, doing what they can on the border. we need congress to act and do their part and we are having those processes. >> reporter: president biden is asking $10 billion of refugee assistance, caring for unaccompanied minors and big-city mayors asking get for more federal dollars to care for the migrants in their city. stuart: big bucks indeed. we told you about an illinois councilman calling on wealthy residents to open up their homes to house migrants. the congressman from napaville
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joins me now. has anyone taken you up on the proposal? >> it is interesting. since i made the proposal i haven't had a single person cawley and say is the list ready? i would like to have non-us citizens in my house. stuart: did you expect people to come forward and be generous as most americans are? >> it was a little tongue-in-cheek, may be my deadpan delivery was too good. being a little provocative. it's an honest question. i live in napaville, a wonderful town to raise a family. aren't we seeing this in. suburbs all over the country? in my town, we voted for biden by 20%.
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you can drive around town and you actually see the homes that advertise with these signs in their yards that say no human is illegal, love is love, and compassion. i am giving them an opportunity to explore their virtue. stuart: you are disappointed by the results? >> i am not surprised no one is interested. it is a challenge to individuals who voted for the open border policy. stuart: a couple quick questions. would they get paid? >> no. if people watch the clip i make that clear. this would be on you. stuart: would you take a migrant into your home and have them work in your home? >> no, that is the point.
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no one is interested. we saw what happened in martha's vineyard. this conversation brought to light vote we are in agreement. this is an absolute disaster. suburbs like mine are getting pressure from chicago. i didn't vote for this. you voted for it and we have a problem here. there is a sign up sheet, live your virtues or contact your state legislatures and tell them to secure the border. that got a little bit lost in soundbites but that's my point. glad the conversation is happening and when it happens when it comes to leaky suburbs, your neighborhood, and that is when people get motivated to change. stuart: i am glad you're on the show today. you point out a lot more than is involved in this debate. if you get anybody who volunteers, let us know and i
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will put you back on the air. thank you for joining us. brian kilmeade is here. we will talk about the irish goodbye. that is something i always do and kilmeade does it too. irish goodbye. senator joe manchin said president biden has been pulled too far to the left, he called biden's cabinet crazy. will he run on a third-party ticket? we are on it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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stuart: lots of green, the dow is one hundred 50, the nasdaq up 15 points. most of the big tech names are on the upside. all of them are. it is almost 10:51. magically brian kilmeade will appear on screens on the right-hand side of the screen.
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there he is. the rnc wanted to make trump the presumptive gop nominee. trump turned it down. nikki haley is outraged. sound like the rnc wanted her to drop out. should she step aside? >> it's like the democrats did when they woke president biden from his sleep and made him the nominee even though bernie sanders had the momentum. elizabeth warren couldn't get traction so they had no choice, people were quickly that. i'm critical of this. david bossi is a big trump fan and put together criteria so they could start getting the money to the national candidate. sound like there's no pathway for nikki haley to win. we have been through this so many times every four years, everyone can get it after a while. looks like trump is going to do it but i don't think there was
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away for ronna mcdaniel or david bossi to do it. ultimately, thank you, but let me win the game. that is what the democrats do. let me win the game. let's go do it. one thing that happened today, nikki haley was able to do an interview and donald trump had to cancel and arizona events to go to court. that is what nikki haley has got to say. that is a legitimate argument. he's got to answer that and i'm sure he has answers to that. don't like the personal attacks, saying the president is too old. the president screws up and maybe the 88th minute of a 90 minute speech this president can't get through a 12 minute speech. stuart: senator joe manchin went to biden's administered in and said this.
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>> i said you've got the most liberal administration i have ever seen and he said i have the most diverse. i'm not talking about diversity. talking about crazy. i know these people which i've worked with them for 12 years. they are good people, afraid to speak out because they are afraid to get primary or afraid they are falling in line. stuart: i wish i could have heard all of that and understood it but my question, is manchin running on a third-party ticket? is that he wants to do? brian: you picture that soundbite, my favorite of the day. it echoed. he said you picked the most left-wing staff you could pick. they tell me it is the most diverse. can we please, you outlined the difference between democrats and republicans. we want the best person.
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they want the most diverse person that checks boxes. when you do that they end up protesting you in front of your own white house because they don't like you. they are using you to get power. that the only reason you trot out president biden, those deputies and secretaries and those czars want to keep their power. they don't care about president biden himself. i can't believe there's no one in his life who cares more about him than they do about the white house. i love that and i think joe manchin is running. stuart: i want to get to this which have you seen this new study that shows irish exiting, leaving the party without saying goodbye, gives you two days of extra time in your life? don't know if you saw that but i do the irish exit every time. i never say goodbye. i leave quietly. brian: i invented the irish exit.
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i would leave a party early. i don't want to hug a bunch of people i will see the next day. i want to get out when i get out. i know i have to leave and don't want people to convince me otherwise. even if you made that up, i haven't read that anywhere, i love that study, i live by it the rest of my life and i know instinctively what's best for me in the long run. we are out for what's best for ourselves. stuart: i like to get out early. brian: that's why i invite you out because i never know when you are going to leave. stuart: you are all right. see you later. ahead, jimmy failla, jonathan honed egg, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪
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