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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 26, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EST

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stuart: beef with break we asked how many innings was the largest major league baseball game ever who just think i know but we start as usual with ashley. ashley: i can't imagine 26 or 30 so i will go with 22. lauren: i will take 26. stuart: so well i. i have a vague memory. it is. it was 26. the game was in 1920. between the robins which are the los angeles dodgers and the boston braves. it lasted four hours, it got down. 26 innings. thanks very much, see you against that is next monday, coast-to-coast starts. julie: bleeding inflation
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number looked like the markets too. a key inflation gauge only rose a few% in december and the number just so happens to be the goal for inflation period fox -- folks got excited. don't get too excited. inflation is still 2.9% from a year ago. that the percentage point from where the fed wanted to be but it is closer to where some say we are going to be. peter, always great seeing you. the markets like it. what do you think? >> reporter: just hearing your lead into it, we are dancing around these small numbers here and there. at the end of the day this is such a bigger picture. all the moves in the markets are so exaggerated that the
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fact we are dancing on either side of the line is crazy. the market tells us what it thinks of the information. we've gone through the dow, the dow is not the most significant index. the s&p feels stronger. the market is catastrophe in so many ways. look what's happening with tesla. when they don't like a story they sell it with abandon. when they love something they run with it in a big way. right now the market is green and seem strong, some part of the story are good, the inflation is not perfect but relative to the head winds we are doing pretty good. neil: a lot of economic news of late comes in fits and spurts but pending home sales up 8.3%, what the market thought it would be, we are looking at retail activity picking up, looking at personal income moving ahead, spending moving ahead.
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a december the showed the talk of recession people fear still might not happen but might not happen anytime soon. the markets in the case of the s&p, trading 19 times in the next 12 month earnings. that is rich. is it too rich? >> i am a firm believer that all of our indicators are not as significant as you think they are. think about the terminology we are using with recession pounded down are heads and no sign of that. we go in a market where you can be enabled market at noon at a bear market in the afternoon. the old terminology is so irrelevant in my respect when i analyze these things. inflation has gotten under wraps to a certain extent.
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of the market, the 19 times is a reality, that's the number we can't mess with but at the end of the day the market is pricing in where we are now as opposed to forward-looking but we don't know what will happen. six months down the line we will see rates start to get cut and the market can take off. there may be some impediments to it over the next few months but at the end of the day the market is almost priced perfectly to where we are now and just described a wonderful list of positive information. the market is showing us there's excitement around the market. consumer sentiment seems strong and money being put to work. neil: is it too early to gauge the market in the november election. we are fixated on a repeat of
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what looks like the last election, markets do well in presidential election years and no matter who is on the ballot, how do you see this proceeding? >> as i said to you last time we spoke, the two candidates are so far from each other as far as policy goes and every part of there being, i think it is so confusing to see if the market can interpret how it is going to respond to either side of this equation, it's disengaging. like some of us are, it is so off-the-cuff, both sides of the table are so confused and so radical in so many ways, i don't think the market is engaging potential for either side to win. i think the market is focused on coming into a new year, the fed's projections for what could happen with lowering interest rates is super positive and there are people
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on the sidelines with a lot of cash, when they get the greenlight they will put it to work and we will see the fourth dimension. neil: that is where you live, in the fourth dimension. we appreciate that. we appreciate that examination would have a wonderful, safe weekend. peter tuchman of the stock exchange, they don't get smarter than that young man. ozempic teen covering washington, they are a halt and a disagreement on how to proceed on border stuff, security stuff, on anything. where are things right now? >> talks continue this we can. mike johnson wrote to his colleagues. johnson said what the senate is proposing would have been dead on arrival in the house. conservatives are revolting against mitch mcconnell. loyalists of donald trump
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oppose mcconnell's efforts to secure a border deal, they do not like mcconnell working with democrats. >> mitch knows what he's doing, he's negotiating for the same objectives chuck schumer has. they want a bill that funds ukraine it is a blank check to ukraine and they want a bill that has a fig leaf it pretends to do border security. >> reporter: conservatives accuse mcconnell trying to undercut mike johnson on border security. mcconnell feuded with donald trump. donald trump fired broadside at mcconnell and call the leader and his wife names. mcconnell is keeping his distance from the top gop candidate for president. >> if you the top republican in the senate are not endorsing him for president. >> i don't have any announcement to make. you may recall i stayed
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essentially out of it and when i change my mind about that i will let you know. >> mcconnell has supportive most senate republicans. >> he takes the arrows for a lot of senate republicans. he goes after him by name which means he's not going after other ones. mitch mcconnell has the thickest skin in washington. >> reporter: it is possible donald trump and other conservatives could try to sideline mcconnell if the former president returns to the white house. neil: the one video, john thune behind mcconnell has refused to say donald trump is my guy, staying out of this but a lot of the powers that be are. i wonder what you make of that. >> you have more senate republicans say of the writing is on the wall, he is going to be the nominee. john cornyn who hopes to
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succeed mitch mcconnell as the senate republican leader at some point, he endorsed donald trump this week. >> reporter: you are right. neil: leadership is close to watch. brent velicovich, the house armed services critical house foreign affairs, the central figure, maybe stuff gets done in the trump administration if it comes to that. on whatever we do on the border, the word is they are not a fan of what they are kicking around right now so don't do anything. keep them true and how do you feel about that? >> don't think that's true, donald trump wants to secure the border. what he wants to see is a border plan that does not look like something like the lankford bill which is an
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amnesty deal that would allow one. 8 million people 50,000 roughly at a time, to come through the borders. what we are looking at is where chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell are is essentially trying to say you need -- money needs to be taxed to funds to other country's borders and then we will attach our borders as well. speaker johnson has lost, many republicans, these are stand-alone bills and we support and secure our border first above all things and then further priorities into our economic downfall. neil: the wall street journal expounded on this calling this a gop border reckoning. if the gop doesn't work and cement something with democrats, might ruin the day saying the gop would also fix an asylum law, that mister
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biden has exploited, donald trump said such dysfunctions fully restore order for the border. what they are saying is better, not necessarily perfect the no deal at all. it would be beneficial to donald trump if elected president. that would be the wind at his back and things getting better at the border. what do you think? >> president biden said he may return to trump policies like remain in mexico but what americans need to understand, at this moment, the president has unilateral authority under 212 section f to secure the border this minute. house republicans last year past the secure the border act, chuck schumer and mitch mcconnell take the bill up, the most conservative and most secure border plan we have ever seen. we need to get justices down to
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the border to process asylum claims to turn those away who don't qualify and allow ice agents to do their jobs and have the reinforcement required but need to stop for frivolous supreme court rulings, that the state doesn't have a right to govern its own sovereignty. there's a lot going on but the first step has to be the priority of all elected officials in dc to secure the borders and look at economic growth strategies to keep us safe. neil: good seeing you. be safe this weekend. in the meantime, the donors we had on saying that sit with nikki haley, she didn't do as well as we thought. these billionaires will be leaving her. how to explain the fact that since the new hampshire primary, she raised $2.6 million, more money coming in. we think we know why after
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neil: nikki, what the haley. see what i did? at basic cable. she raised $2.6 million since new hampshire. this talk that she was running out of money and donors, it's not happening. richardson in washington with more on that. >> reporter: the haley campaign says it has raised $1.2 million since the former president promised anyone who donates to her would be, quote, permanently barred from the maga can. that's more than what the campaign says it is raised in 48 hours after the polls closed in new hampshire. haley has taken a much more aggressive tone against the former president. >> election night, trump gets on stage, throws an absolute temper tantrum talking about revenge but he says nothing about the american people, then he goes and says he's going to ban anyone from maga that donates to me. think about that. that a president who is supposed to serve every person in america and you are deciding are going to have a club?
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>> reporter: public national committee members were considering resolution that would have declared the former president the presumptive nominee. trump said, for the sake of party unity, the rnc should scrap the resolution. a person familiar with matter says it has been withdrawn. many in the republican party saying it is time to unite behind the front runner. >> looking at the matter the path going forward, i don't see it for nikki haley. she has run the great campaign but i think there's a message coming from the voters which is very clear. we need to unite around our eventual nominee which is going to be donald trump and we need to make sure we beat president biden. >> there are more potential third-party challengers. joe manchin is in georgia this week talking to voters. he has offered no timeline on whether he will decide to run. neil: richardson on all of that.
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senior political correspondent and the democratic strategist and pollster and former clinton advisor. i go back to this level often on this show and i am looking at 434,000 in i/o well. and we have 31 million republicans who have taken part in 2016, republican battle for the nomination. more than that today. by my math that represents barely 1% into the votes that have to be cast. who says it is going to be cast? >> the polls are saying it is over. if you look state-by-state at haley versus trump going forward, there is no state, she's within 30 points of the former president, nationally, she is 30 or 40 points behind.
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neil: those are polls and only two states have voted, she might get clobbered. i don't know. >> not with margins of 30 to 40 points, otherwise i would be in another profession. if she loses her home state of south carolina as the polls are suggesting and they are suggesting a big margin i see no path to the nomination for her. i'm not a trump supporter am i am a democrat, i am for president biden today, but i am facing reality as i see it. neil: let me explore this idea that support for her from her donors. and i wanted her to win, she
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didn't. she did better than the polls suggested, what she heard from doug that the path was tough. not all donors by that, taking money hand over fist. >> nikki haley and her supporters are not giving up as a lot of people expected. i was hearing before new hampshire, they -- he didn't do that. no candidate has won iowa and new hampshire and not run to get the nomination but this is an unprecedented cycle in a lot of ways, all kinds of things could happen, the supreme court could take trump off the ballot, who knows? she has vowed keep fighting, surprise a lot of people by seeming invigorated by what she
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considered a close defeat in new hampshire and vowing to fight on. polls where they stand today, anything can happen in these contests are more about momentum than delegates or numbers and that kind of thing. so if she can revive the coalition she once had in south carolina it is an open primary, maybe she can get some democrats and independents to vote like she did in new hampshire. there are all kinds of ways we could see things turnaround. it is a longshot it is a long shot, it looks narrower and she is going to have to put points on the board at some point if she wants to keep this competitive. neil: let me ask this part. this idea that is out there that even if she's not doing that, she's the last alternative to trump standing. as one of her people told me, the former president is a walking grenade who could blow up at any time. a conviction could arise.
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all these indictments and charges, 90 plus have not dented his popularity, in fact improve his popularity. i'm not sure any conviction or multiple convictions would change that but that is another thing that nikki haley hang their hat on, the notion that he's going to explode and something will go wrong and there she is. what do you make of that? >> the expiration why she's staying in the race. as you suggest it is unlikely something like that happens but is not impossible. the cases he is facing, civil charges, 90 criminal charges, somebody who offers at least some chance that he will either
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withdraw or be concluded from running. that explains nikki haley's tendency more than the pursuit of delegates. neil: the former president has been criticized for the new tone, anger and frustration over nikki haley in the comments she has made but he showed his on statesmanlike side after appearing very statesmanlike after iowa, his opponents had yet to quit the race. that is hurting him politically in the eyes of some who argue he has to corral to stand a good shot at winning a general election. not necessarily the nomination but the general election. what do you make of that? >> absolutely right and haley's backers believe that too, the speech in new hampshire was the best gift he could have given her. he reminded a lot of people,
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whether they were republican donors or rank-and-file voters, this is what they have to live with for the next ten months, a former president who is very unpredictable, tends to be highly emotional and who politically is a very risky bet. nikki haley got the votes of most independent and former democratic voters in new hampshire. something like 20% of the republicans who voted in that primary said they couldn't support trump in a general election. the reality setting and that he is the likely nominee, he is reminding those in the establishment and donor class and among voters, in the last election, as leader of the party, has been blamed for republicans underperforming in the last several elections. nikki haley hopes to turn the tide and get momentum in her favor, that's the argument we will here.
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neil: you want to loom the ultimate nominee, whoever he or she is, great seeing you again. in the meantime, is this plane getting honor max plane? why that is a big issue and a big worry. ♪ ♪ tal money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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>> reporter: we have been talking to passengers throughout the morning and there's two dominant reactions to what happened with the max 9. either folks don't know what happened which can be advantageous to boeing and alaska united and others being a little more meticulous with their planning and actually looking at aircraft. take a listen. >> that the scary experience. now that i'm going on a plane it is -- what of the door flies off? >> reporter: did you check to see what aircraft you were flying on today before you arrived in chicago? >> i did. >> reporter: what did you find out? >> that is not the one that was caught up in the whole scandal of pieces coming off the plane. >> reporter: they completed rigorous testing, to return these plans to service today.
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the only two american carries the carry the max 9, it accounts for all 70% of all max 9 jets. they introduced flight waivers for those feeling anxious about upcoming travel. if you're flying through january 31st, united's waiver is for flights through january 28th. the travel search engine kayak has a new feature which will let you filter out the max 9, this is happening as boeing ceo david calhoun is doing damage control on capitol hill. neil: thank you. we are getting word that alaska air says it is going to resume 737-9 max 9 flights later today. mark murphy, travel expert, we
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always talk about interesting subjects. you have a growing number of passengers worldwide saying this max 9, we rarely hear that talk. >> this goes back to the max 8 issues and the two plane crashes. most people aren't aware of it. if they are aware of it, some may have concerns but people show up at the airport if they are concerned and it blows over. the best time to fly these planes is on one of these first few flights. they are so on top of the issue that they are double trekking and triple checking. we have short-term memories. a lot of other stuff going on. a bigger issue is going to be disposable income and ability
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to travel as opposed to being afraid to get on specific aircraft. lauren: 1 airlines are reporting multiple bookings, some coming down from robust numbers. one thing i want to check is who is responsible for these planes. when boeing sells of them to you, to tell them about things like the doors covered up and you should know it is bolted in place to do that but that can vary among the airlines. >> they change the software, that causes crashes to happen, pilots flying the planes. the type of training overseas versus temperature from the ground up in the united states, also with the issue with pilots and lack of enough pilots, they
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are bringing people through very quickly and trying to get them flying various aircraft. on the ground, the pilots, the last person to do the walk around, you've got airline flight crews and maintenance crews. at the end it is a defect that is part of the plane, that is a boeing issue, with these loose rivertown lose polls that cause that problem. neil: thank you very much. mike murphy, travel expert on that, as they put things back in the service, the push for the very young not to spend like crazy and actually budget like crazy. jeff flock is following that. what's going on? jeff: something called loud budgeting. young people celebrating
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saving, not spending. they want to pay down their debt. we will have the details, what's happening on coast-to-coast, just a minute. ♪ ♪ ♪ jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care.
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where are you on this? >> all i can tell you is the markets acting just fine. bullish markets lift the first leaders and they get going and semiconductors and tech and artificial intelligence and transport and economic stocks come on. worst thing i can tell you in the short term is there's a lot of for off as of late so maybe we settled down and pulled back a little. i don't see anything untoward and it seems yields have settled around 4.1% and not going crazy to the upside and downside and oil prices while they took up a little bit are lower than they were a few months ago and if they stay on the low side we are okay as we move forward. neil: looking at numbers and
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data, traditional measurements that look at the next 12 months and earnings estimates for companies, we are 19 or 20 times that since the federal reserve began attacking campaign. that in and of itself doesn't mean it is on borrowed time, but what do you think? >> good investors realize when facts change, the investment strategy needs to change, great investors know about emotion in this investment process. complacency and like gary mentioned, whether it is ai, expectations or goldilocks economy and massive rate cuts. another motion around the corner could be disappointment because those rate cuts may not come the way expected. you can go from the powell pivot expectations of rate cuts
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to the powell patients, that would be rate cuts that are pushed off longer. next week is a big thing. all these things that affect the valuation of the market. the disappointment, the fed has been driving everything. it is unfortunate. investors have unreasonable expectations and the fed may have boxed themselves into a corner sitting that bar too high. neil: they try to talk these markets down and to a man or woman, they don't tell us what they are planning. but seeing cuts as soon as march is off the table. i wonder where you are on this. >> i've been saying for months just watch the chain year yield dictating policy. your mortgage rates drive housing and things like that. the fed can be at 5.5 and we would do fine. there is room to lower rates.
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i don't think it is a big deal. if they start in may i don't think it is a big deal. i keep hearing about how they are going to engineer inflation in the economy. 150 million of us get up every day to do better for ourselves and family. we drive the economy. i am less is more when it comes to the fed. i hope they do little things here and there. it is not happening. they like talking to. neil: looking at this being election year, good for the markets, no matter how you slice it it is always good for the markets. i am wondering if it's too early to factor in what might happen in november or does that happen when market start handicapping that? in late summer or early fall? >> we can hang our hat on that
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is historical data. this is a little different. we don't have much primary season to duke it out and vet out ideas. investors are looking for the postelection paradigm and they are looking at tax cuts and stimulus. they want to cut to stimulate the economy ahead of the election and investors think about positioning, infrastructure stocks become a bipartisan area. privatization of infrastructure, people want to fix it and after the election if rates come down it is an area that will benefit and position capital and they are at relatively low valuation. neil: the final word, good seeing you. have a wonderful weekend. in order to invest in stocks, you have to have money to do that so you have to budget to do that and a lot of young people today are doing just
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that. jeff flock has been following that. jeff: what is called? budgeting -- it is a new term. what can i tell you? i'm on the campus of princeton university. loud budgeting. you used to say if you've got it, flaunt it, these younger people say, if you don't got it, flaunt that, say i don't have the money to spend exorbitantly, i want to save, build an emergency fund. page on my debt. what do they say on tiktok? there are hundreds, thousands of videos of people doing that on tiktok. is one example. >> you stop the spending and start living within our means. it's okay if you don't go on that vacation. it's okay if you don't have the latest handbag and if you don't by the biggest skincare product. jeff: they are getting their act together because if you
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look at credit card delinquencies there's a chart there, at the top, the yellow line, they lead in credit card to lincoln sees right now. at at the bottom the green line with the baby boomers like us. we pay our bills. folks who advise on personal finance say something like this, loud budgeting, should be celebrated. listen. >> i love the idea of saying i'm choosing not to spend my money on that is supposed to i can't afford that are too broke for that. when you say i am choosing to not spend money on that because i would rather save. jeff: we have all been building debt in the last year. almost double digits in terms of increased debt. boomers like you and i, don't mean to call you a boomer if you are not one. are you jen x? old enough to be jen x?
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adam: everyone comes back, younger people come back, it's your fault we are in this pickle. jeff: probably true. diane: love the line if you don't got it, flaunt that. they should market that. get rid of that t-shirt. you are the best, jeff flock following that. encouraging developments. jeff and i want to thank you for thanking us for making this possible. a lot more coming up including those who are inclined to spend. the world's largest footprint could set sail. your closest friends will have a wonderful time. ♪
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ameriprise financial. get over here kids. time for today's lesson. wow. -whoa. what are those? these are humans. they rely on something called the internet to survive. huh, powers out. [ gasp ] are they gonna to die? worse, they are gonna get bored.
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[ gasp ] wait look! they figured out a way to keep the internet on. yeah! -nature finds a way. [ grunt ] stay connected when the power goes out, with storm ready wifi from xfinity. and see migration in theaters now. neil: there are cruiseship sand
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and there is this monster, the icon of the seas, royal caribbean's latest. it redefines the industry. it is 18 super malls inside, more than 8000, you don't even feel like you are packed in. the editor of you've seen this monster. what can you tell us? >> this is an incredible ship. one of those ships that every decade or so redefines the industry. icon really is that ship. is really impressive. neil: tell us about it. >> what is interesting, they built upon every idf they had before and add some new ideas. it is a cruiseship designed to offer more than anything, and they want this to compete with issues in walt disney world and
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orlando, they wanted to be as impressive as that and it is a shot off the ball, and the new standard for the cruise industry. neil: they have theaters, multiple pools, looking at the suites on this thing that are bigger than most people's homes. this is not cheap stuff here and yet these bookings are packed, i understand. >> there's so much to do. there's an entire waterpark on board, 16 waterslides, shows, a musical and when they put on sale initially demand has been through the roof, the best sales ever the week that icon of the seas went on sale and that has been incredible to see where it is with the direction. it is an incredible amount of things to do on board. neil: between passengers and
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crew i'm counting 8000 human beings packed into this thing. that's crazy. >> two people in the cabin, 5600 passengers and 2300 crew members. every cabin, third and fourth passengers in every cabin, the number jumps to 7000, but the numbers will be a little less than that. it's not that, to have every passenger in every possible room. neil: you are telling me this, royal caribbean caters to higher clientele, this, i would imagine higher still. was booking on this? >> mom and dad and their kids, they want the younger people, grandparents want to vacation
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with their family, kids, grandkids but they don't want to be joined at the hip the entire time and they can experience different things together, the kids club, parents go to the dueling piano bar, and enjoy a beautiful sunset, get together for dinner and go on shore excursions. you don't feel like you are spending every second together. that's appealing for families out there. neil: it is a floating city. if you want to break away from people you can. who would want to stop at any of the ports? just stay on this thing. >> it is incredible to see what is available. so many things to see. neil: thank you for that. we are following this. it does reflect not only a strong economy but people with the wherewithal to spend. we have heard it on the airlines and now cruiseship operators. they can keep this afloat for quite a while.
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neil: we been talking about leisure and hospitality, a humongous ship, the icon of the seas, stock is doubled because the booking is off the charts. it's an economy that roars away


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