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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 26, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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president, you have to have a reason, trump tax cuts, trump remain in mexico and deregulation and no reasons, nikki haley, that's why you're losing. anyway, somebody with plenty of reasons. liz macdonald, up next. elizabeth: you're always so clever and creative. you're the best. thank you so much. have a good weekend. let's take you right to the
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border in eagle pass. matt finn is standing by and texas is not backing down in the fight over border fight with the biden white house and abortedder control officials standing with texas and it's good to have you on, matt. this fight is intensifying, matt. reporter: yeah, liz, right now texas is not complying with the federal government's request to reopen the park to border patrol agents but texas national guard is fiercely defending his part with the street and rio grand river behind me and a short while ago i spoke with the acting governor of texas and he told me that basically he's asking president bide ton stay away from his property. he feels like the state of texas has this property handled both in deterrents and in fortification of this park. today was the deadline and biden administration gave to texas asking the state to indicate how much of the park, if any, it'll reopen to border patrol and so
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far has not reopened any of the park but the ramp to get to the river. dan patrick told me. >> supreme court's ruling didn't say we had to take this down. it just said they had to cut it. they could cut it and they'll park it and they need to bring a lot of wire cutters because we have a lot of wire and we're going to put it back up. reporter: so at the center of the big dispute is the razor wire and texas does not want the united states government touching it at all. they say that it interferes with the deterrence and heard lieutenant governor dan patrick mention the razor wire getting into the park and cutting it and it's deterring illegal migrants and to protect this property.
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craig:t matt fin, always great reporting for you and thank you so much. we're happy to have back on the show, u.s. former border patrol and acting nice to tom. thank you for joining us tonight talk about review, tom, texas is not backing down and we're also hearing that border officials are siding with texas and texas is going to put the fencing back up and border officials are siding with texas and is that what you're hearing? >> that's what i'm hearing from my friends and texas is a multiplier and texas takes control in the area and it releases more to go to the unguarded areas and the big part of the border isn't being in patrol to the border patrol and and more going to the area and the galloways getting through and get them back in patrol and national security duties rather than being a welcoming party and
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uber drivers to the airport. that is my sources saying they're grateful to have the texas dps standing up for them. elizabeth: grateful. this to you and the governors of half the nation siding with texas. the media said the supreme court ruling was a victory for the biden white house and we want to see if you agree and also, tom, the ruling actually does not explicitly say the razor wire fencing needs to be removed. just that federal border agents can cut it when they think it's necessary and texas looks like it can keep putting up the fencing and the media looks like they were too fast out of the box. the supreme court is really just saying, ron, we're waiting for the appeals court to rule on this before we decide. >> that's correct, liz, we're not in the business of cutting razor wire on the southwest border. that's not what they do. between austin and washington, there may be turmoil and
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controversy but the men and women on the ground in uniform of this country or in the texas guard, they're going to make it work down there and if they need to cut wire, it's only going to save somebody's life and not going to do that for the river and saying they can report and have them access the river on the boat ramp and this administration is derelict in their duty and texas has to step up and god bless texas and the governors for stepping up saying this is the right thing for governor abbott to do and i'm grateful that men and women of the texas guard and department of public safety and governor abby bot's team and they're super up against this worst surge we're seeing and getting worse. elizabeth: tom, the white house is claiming texas is playing games with border security and
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they're not. governor abbott makes a important point it's a safety issue saying "president biden enticed and incentivized illegal immigrants away from 28 legal entry points along the state's southern border where nobody drowns". then enticing them to make dangers over the passing-over the rio grand and this basically fence asking a deterrence to save lives. that's what's getting missed in the coverage here. >> contactually and the biden administration wants to keep policy here and see what biden did and going for the white house over 170 aliens died -- 1700 aliens die crossing the boarder and 17,000 americans died in the fentanyl over that boarder and 300 people on the terrorist watch list on the southern boarder and trump administration and had historic number of fentanyl getting calls and being sex trafficked and
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president biden is creating the biggest national security issue and tail yuri colins since 9/11 and border patrol and men and women of the boarderer american patriots and arrested people from 181 different countries and known got aways and how many are known terrorists and governor abbott is protecting texas and protecting the country from a huge national security vulnerability. >> the other thing too. elizabeth: tom makes important points there and andrew mccarthy saying it's president biden is not breaking the law and defining the law and mccarthy says the states must comply with statutory wins and not the wins of biden's policy when the white house is -- he's saying is breaking the law here. what do you say, ron? final word. >> yeah, 100%. this president takes over and tears down all the control levels that were built by administration and here are the
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symptoms of it and 300+ thousand and those are just encounters and not all the people that got away and it is not a bad thing. the border needs to be under control. elizabeth: thank you both for joining us on this friday night and border house security caucus and congressman, it's good to see you and what do you make of this development and teniformer top fbi offi offi offi officials official sent a let tore chuck schumer and other lawmakers warning this is an invasion and citing terrorist crossing calling it alarming and perilous. what do you think, sir? >> i think exactly that. i've been saying this for three years. military is pouring across in the southern border and from 170+ different countries and no
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idea who these people are and 300+ people on the terrorist watch list have come across and, liz, it's a matter of time and we have not been invading this and it's in the united states of america and the war of 1812 yet we have millions of people and then it's a wonder we have national security on the line. we don't have ill will towards the united states of america and this president has enabled this and willingly done so and he has ignored the dangers to the states on the border, especially texas and i support our governor 100% with what he's trying to do and we've got to secure or border or we're going to be -- elizabeth: what, finish your thought. we're going be what? >> we're going to sustain
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another major 9/11 or worse type terrorist attack. elizabeth: that's what i want to talk to you complete the catch the this fbi letter from the top officials and dhs official is warning that military-aged men are crossing the border. adults. majority of crossing are adult men and then it was a prominent thing and they're worried they can execute and take them and basically plan out an operation and a large gathering of civilians and the hamas attack and they're pretty serious top fbi officials warning that. >> we've got retired fbi people and folks that have worked for the entire careers in this field. they know this is extremely, extremely dangerous. and i can tell you it's high time there's a constitutional
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crisis and i'm no lawyer, liz, i can tell you it's plain when these people read the article 4 section 4 of the constitution tells us that the federal government shall protect each of the states from invasion and now every time they have done that and this president's dereliction triggers article 1 section 10 and says that no state can team up with another state from a far nation or wage war unless it is being invaded and time will not waste any time and it's triggered article one section 10 and the proud citizen and represented and got to take care of itself. it has the right for self-defense. elizabeth: got it. listen and get your reaction to chicago democrat voter on why minorities in chicago are suing
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the city over the border chaos. this border says they've been abandoned and watch this. >> happy with the billions -- millions of dollars i should say and it's being spent that could be used for our lower income communities and communities divested in and on my schools and i also disappointed with president biden and i felt that he can work out an executive order to end the crisis at the border whenever he gets ready. he's just not done that. so we have a mess on our hands. when this started, i called my democratic elected officials to see if i can get somebody to sit down and have a conversation with me and the other residents of the community about what was happening. no one was willing to sit down with us. my thing is this, if you all are
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not willing to sit down with us, if you're not willing to talk to us, i will support you and that's the sense of a lot of people across the nation and voted democratic in the past. elizabeth: what do you think, kongman? final word. >> the major cities in sanctuary cities and sanctuary states and they've made this bed and got to lie in it. i hope this lady is -- and i have a feeling she has a -- she has sympathies that are being shared by democrats and they don't want this kind of stuff of what is happening and it's $151 billion a year just at the expenses of what's happening at the border. free education, free healthcare, et cetera. i hope these people vote for the republican party at this november. elizabeth: got t congressman
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babin, thank you for joining us tonight. it's good to have you on. >> yes, ma'am, good to see you, liz. elizabeth: former doj official francey hakes and going from parents defending education from nicole neily. the news on another former hunter biden business partner testifying in the biden impeachment inquiry and da fani willis and alleged prosecutor boyfriend expected to be here for a hearing on corruption allegations and this controversy also coming in and president biden stopping new u.s. natural gas projects after pressure from climate activists and what does that mean from u.s. energy secretary and white house denies mounting evidence and it's electric car push is a fading fad and we have fox news contributor liz peek, she's a great writer. new reports that a dozen un relief workers involved in hamas and attacks of israel and biden white house has been giving this
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unit a lot of money plus gallop again sees president biden's third year job approval and and coming up on "the evening edit". j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app.
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golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. elizabeth: well, let's welcome back to the show, fox news
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contributor a great writer, so smart, liz peek, it's great to have you on. o.k., these allegations, this news that broke today, a dozen workers at the un relief and works administration involved in the hamas 10/7 terror attack in israel and wait house paused funding and didn't the white house rebuke giving them hundreds of millions after trump defunded that unit and now a dozen workers accused of terror attack on israel? >> liz, this is a wakeup call. we should be auditing all the dollars we send to international institution and a lot of them end up in the wrong hands and this is a corrupt organization and we've known that for some time and there are constantly stories breaking that discredit this particular arm of the un and thank heavens, this was revealed and i'm hoping that the biden administration will get tough on the un and tough on our
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dollars going to the organization and i doubt it frankly. standing up for these institutions but really this is a heads up and i think a very welcome one. elizabeth: the u.s. was this un units donor and i think the president took office and i think mar than $700 million and what's going on, liz, too, president biden keeps getting heckled more and more over gaza and now reports are coming in he's telling israel not in it for a year of war and they heckled nancy pelosi recently, liz, what do you think of this? >> well, there's a big split in the democratic party and i think biden is basically ignoring it and as much conversation as there's been, liz, about disagreement amongst republicans. democrats have a real problem here when they go to their convention this summer in chicago, we're going to see a
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replay of what happened in 1968. that'll be protests against the democratic party because guess what, this is not going to be resolved. and honestly anyone who thinks that joe biden and anthony brinken and jake sullivan are the dream team to resolve issues in the middle east, good luck with that because it hasn't happened and not going to happen and all they do is parrot optimism about tuesday solution and not recognizing that is an attractable issue and hasn't really -- it isn't popular with palestinians or israelis and i don't have the solution to this. i'm pretty sure they don't either. elizabeth: let's switch back to the election. we're seeing more and more data coming, liz, and you've been an expert about this and this is about the working class voter and the middle class voter. we know that the feds favor inflation measure and pce up 2.9% versus a year ago. gallop is saying biden's third year job performance and worst
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approval rating since carter and he's down in the record low around 33% approval and number so bad no incumbent president has been reelected from deep popularity and two two-thirds of democrats think he's un-voteable and looking at the lyes, biden lost working class voters by four points in 2020. new york times sienna poll has biden's deficit among working class voters at a 17 point deficit, down 13 points worse than 2020. >> that's a double digit falloff what, do you think? >> the flight of works class american is worse under joe biden is it's that simple and real wages have gone down and they're not stupid and they know this is happened and joe biden goes out or janet yell and touts all the wonderful things they're
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doing for americans and they don't believe them. not only have they failed to provide those improvements in standards of living and they're lying to them about it and the other side of the coin is what is joe biden talking about all the time. things like climate change and do you think that the average person in america thinks that a push for green energy and electric vehicles is really in his best interest? no, there's electricity bill up 24% since joe biden took office. you can directly tie that to the green agenda and people aren't being fooled by this and issues that joe biden has embraced are not popular with working class americans. one, liz, one thing that really hasn't been talked about nearly enough is what this enormous influx of undereducated migrants means for working class wages and there's a big shadow economy emerging in the united states, but also as these people become
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legal, that increase in working-aged population brings average wages down and the border is a problem for everybody, but it sure is a problem for middle class. elizabeth: liz peek, thank you so much, such smart analysis and get you updated on the former hunter biden business partner rob walker testifying in the biden impeachment inquiry and energy expert phil flynn and coming up, auto dealers demanding the biden white house drop the electric car push and they want much, much more and explain it next on "the evening edit".
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-awww. -awww. -awww. -nope. ( ♪ ) constant contact delivers the marketing tools your small business needs to keep up, excel, and grow. constant contact. helping the small stand tall. elizabeth: okay, we have more on the news we brought you last night. the white house is getting push
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back after biden hit the pause button on the approval of new liquefied natural gas products in the u.s.. market pros warning about u.s. energy security and edward lawrence is live at the white house with more. edward. reporter: yeah, president joe biden says that economy is the most existential threat of our time and pausing this will help with the pause and top aid on climate to the president would not say how long these licenses will be paused but the review of the licenses will take into effect of the natural gas process and pushing back saying this threatens our national security moving for russia. >> we have beat expect taces in terms of our -- the speed and lack which we've moved to be a
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forceful ally to folks facing down on energy challenges especially our partners in europe. >> on russia and 25 gop senators wrote a letter to the president and energy secretary that said congress was not consulted and this move threatens natural gas advantage and dustin meyers from the american petroleum institution and set the climate agenda back. >> this conversation will see set a new demand and that's heavily concentrated in asia. >> access to natural gas and price of natural gas comes to
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natural gas turning to coal. elizabeth: edward lawrence, thank you so much. welcome back to the show and price futures group senior analyst phil flynn and welcome new jersey car ownership tom. thank you for joining us. tom, first to you. tom, you are -- you along with more than 4700 other auto dealership owners across the nation sent a let tore president biden saying stop the crackdown with emissions and why did you sign the let instruct her >> they're piling up and look at what's going on with tesla and they lost 26% in value this week. $200 billion of their stock value and 100,000evs and going back up with production and musk came out and made a statement that he said china is going to demolish the ev market so where is this going?
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there's no charge, infrastructure that can do that. elizabeth: they're on the front lines and saying with the market and what consumers are telling with the second letter auto dealers sending to the white house in two months and, phil, bank of america says the electric car revolution is fading fast and demand is not cooling off for the second half of last year, phil. >> this isn't efficient and bad for the economy and forcing people to buy stuff that they don't want and it's like a throw back to the soviet union and they made stuff that people didn't want and things that they didn't need and have a enough of absolutely crazy, it's take ago step and when you read that report about people not blaming her and the baby boomers and baby boomers for this situation, it's those darn baby boomers all the time that cause problems and
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keep using common sense and they realize electric cars don't cut it. elizabeth: fact check of what the white house is saying and here's the thing. and ev sales are great and people are buying them. ev still make up about 7, 8% of the market and something like i think something like 80% more problems and than gas powered cars and consumer reports finds that and ev cars have more than double the problems of gas cars, mr. maoli. >> that's correct this. is all across the board and tesla losing $200 billion in value and leader of the marketplace and going for gm, mercedes benz and i own a lot of different and this is all across the u.s. and what would happen in chicago and couldn't charge their evs and batteries were freezing and couldn't get cars out of their driveway and stuck on the side
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of the and she this is a disaster and i call @ biggest political blunder since vietnam. elizabeth: bloomburg is reporting more than half of car buyers are not interested in evs than to what mr. maoli said and stuck in the arctic freeze stranded on the highways and the batteries weren't in charge and chargers were frozen and batteries getting dra drained ad heating your car to stay warm inside, that drains ev battery and gas cars drawing the heat off the engine. this feels like a debacle. total debacle. final word. >> getting these cars. elizabeth: go ahead, phil. >> making sense. he knows that these cars when they get below freezing and they don't operate. gas powered car can go 100 below zero and one thing it was the biggest blunder since vietnam
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and if that's the case, lng export boom is the worst blunder since the car thing. >> that hurts when the rubber hits the road, people are not only going to buy them and going to take $250 million writeoff infrastructure thrombocytopenia there and you can't force consumers to spend their money where they can't buy them. elizabeth: got it, ergon that do it again. good to have you on. thanasiss for joining us from house financial services and congressman dan muesser. rob walker testify that had biden impeachment inquiry the president was not involved and didn't know about the biden overseas deals and pulled in at least 24 million. do you believe rob walker here? >> well, he came across credit
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card and will some information and behind a closed door discussion and offered this company robertson walker and sees $3 million from the remaining government has to be five weeks after joe biden and prime minister of romania and hunter biden received $1 million of that and that is proof, that's a fact. as well as a chinese organization with cesc and made a -- as well of 3 million of return to biden's 1 million. liz, this was about lies and it's about lack of cooperation and it's about mountains of evidence that never ends. republican majority getting to the bottom of it and the american people want to know what those payments were made for and by the way, those relationships began while joe biden was vice president of the united states and why those payments were made and payments were repeated and what did they get for the money?
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elizabeth: maybe it's look at white house visitor log and white house visitors coming into the biden vice presidency and coming for the white house and that's a quid pro quo and rob walker set up that show company and robinson walker and he use it had as a vehicle and going for the money and biden family members and 11 biden family members and set for recipients of the funds indirectly and joe biden received famous 10% from the big guy and the cfe payment that came from china was five days after hunter announce that had my father had better pay or else five days later and millions and her kinds of bank
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accounts and it's going to be covered and you happen republican majority and committees working on it and jamie comer's oversight and ways and means for the judiciary and jim jordan was in the deposition today and we're going to get to the bottom of it and it's the right thing to co. elizabeth: got it, congressman, thanks for joining us. >> thanasiss, liz. elizabeth: former federal prosecutor francey hakes is fired and you happen ready to go. da fani willis and her alleged boyfriend nathan wade subpoenaed to testify next month on whether they should be disqualified from the trump case over misconduct allegations and first, check in with dagen and charlie hurt. he's in for sean by the way. what's coming up next hour on the bottom line? >> hey, emac. congressman chip roy on the standoff in the lone star state and texas abbott enforcing the
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nation's laws and joe biden wants to keep breaking them and that and so much more jason rantz on low and behold a un relief agency workers were involved in the terror attack on israel. it's by surprise. >> having jon levine and paul mauro talking more. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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elizabeth: okay, this story coming in, calls continue to grow for da fani willis to be disqualified for the georgia 2020 election case against trump and misconduct are in atlanta with the story. jonathan. >> the georgia house of representatives introduced a bill to impeach fani willis and create a committee to investigate her and the panel would have no disciplinary power but will be able to subpoena witnesses and receive their testimony under oath. lawmakers want to investigate allegations that willis was romantically involved with nathan wade and hire him to help prosecute former president trump and 18 associates and wade bought her cruises and other
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travel. >> obviously strictly a person on the relationship and that's not what we're interested in and to the extent that lines were crushed and the furtherance of this and that's what we're trying to feigned out. >> it accuses willis of inserting racial animus in the case and she and wade faced chris schism because they're black and defense is caucus-backing for willis to be disqualified from prosecuting the case and da wise to preemptively step aside. >> she points at the chief recognizing the powers and the case moves forward. on the other hand, she's disqualified and georgia office said the whole office is disqualqualified and the office flows from the district attorney. >> the judge asked willis to formally respond to the allegations against her office by february 2 and has scheduled
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a hearing on the matter for the 15th. elizabeth. elizabeth: jonathan, thank you for your reporting. we appreciate it. francey hakes, good to have you back on. okay, more reports coming in and with micro man and the georgia 2020 case and his legal team says they will subpoena da fani willis and needing to testify at that hearing next month and are disqualified over corruption allegations and what's going to happen? >> they're going to have a testify before they get to the hearing and she's been awfully quiet so far, liz and i don't really understand what her tact is here and why she hasn't responded more to these charges in public and it's just alawed this to fester as the hearing approaches. what i think those is she and
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wade both are going to have to be careful about testifying in that hearing because they're going to be subject to the same perjury rules as in other witness is and she commits perjury in the case and it's really going to hit the fan then. elizabeth: the other thing, let's break it down and the allegation says fani willis financially benefited and hired her alleged boyfriend nathan wade and took her on lavish vacations and there's a rico experience and paying hayer than she paid other prosecutors and wade allegedly made $650,000 on the case and building for the biden white house before the trump indictment and that her team met with the january 6 committee as well before the trump indictment and destroyed records and republicans took control of the committee in january. what do you think of these angles coming in? >> well, liz, the destruction of records and the january 6 committee is interesting and the question i have is whether or
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not any of those records would be relevant to president trump's defense and the defense on wanting to look into that and i can make an argument that they're missing records and therefore can't present adequate defense and nathan wade and far worse than hiring her boyfriend and had no rico experience and no trial experience of any kind and he's been a magistrate judge and divorce lawyer and has absolutely no experience and that makes this look really bad to the taxpayer. elizabeth: other stories coming in that da willis allegedly gave contracts to nathan wade partner at his law firmed and $126,000 there and fani willis requested more than $611,000 to buy 16 new cars for her office including 2023 ford suvs and fulton county board of commissioners reject that had because she already provided no justification for buying them, francey. her office competed in the
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800,000 at two car dealers for office and and more coming out of what's coming on behind the scenes there. >> well, there's an additional 10,000 she spent on media company to gauge how much value her name carried right before and then after the trump indictment and there are a lot of financial competition for her and nathan wade and see what happens for the hearing on the 15th. elizabeth: responding to conflicts and they're denying a lot of stuff. see what happens. good to have you on. this story coming in. this big crackdown on social media by florida's republican-led house and they're first in the nation to step forward and say, no, to social media for minors are call ago digital fentanyl and new york is the first city to designate social media a "public health threat to minors". parents defending education nicole neily next to break it
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only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. elizabeth: back with us now paris defending president and founder nicole neely. it's good to have you one. there has been a growing pushback against the states like
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twitter, instagram, facebook and more in tiktok for being really detrimental to the mental health of teenagers to get what do you make of florida and its republican led house overwhelmingly passing a band on social media for children under age 16. how are they going to pull that off. >> this is an issue of concern to parents. we told about this a year ago, two thirds appearance are deeply concerned about the impact that social media has on the children. if you look at celebrities that say they don't allow their children on social media. it's interesting on equity were your friends that worry about disadvantaged children are not leading to the defense of poor children were celebrities like jennifer aniston or jennifer garner and others do not have their children on social media. that speaks volumes. elizabeth: the lawmakers of florida are saying this is digital fentanyl to kids. highly addictive, harmful to their developing brains, even potential teen suicide. really bad for teenage children, girls particularly trade a lot
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of anxiety in the part of the teenagers and young children. how can they pull it off, basically i think they're saying it's up to social media, you have to stop it, we're going to force you to block minors, couldn't they get an alias and go on another account? >> i'm not a constitutional scholar so i think their implementation problems but this is an issue a lot of families feel very concerned about and i think when we see people who are getting products like social media for free that failed to realize at the end of the day the product is you, it's your data and did your information in children unfortunately do not have a frontal cortex, i don't think they really realize what they post can and will be used against them in the future. we see school districts monitoring social media feeds and universities considering on application. and also considering what they have access to, tiktok and all the hamas contact after what happened on october 7.
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it is horrifying. i think this is something that lawmakers are addressing had on. elizabeth: what do you see what social media is doing and what teens are seeing? >> certainly, we have seen the house of representatives looked into what kinds of things are coming up with algorithm. the fact that we had young people saying that they agreed with osama bin laden, saying that america is a backcountry, things like that that are being prioritized over platforms like tiktok is something that really is worrisome, i don't like many of us understand how this works and children are very young, to have a ten euro, 12 year old, 14 euros has access to these things and compose things that will live on the internet forever is something that none of us have thought through the applications of. dagen: florida is in line with several of the states attempting to do the crackdown on minors using addictive valves, harmful to until health. a law passed in utah, new york city the first city to say social media is a public health hazard, your word on that?
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>> it is interesting i would ever think new york would jump to the fence of children like this, they say hate speech is a problem. it's interesting that this seems to be one of those rare areas of bipartisan cooperation. it makes me cautiously optimistic. elizabeth: you think big tech is going to sue back? what can they do. >> of course they will then have more money than god. we'll see how this plays on the courts speaker is about the algorithms, final word a good job or bad job. >> a terrible job it's horrifying to see what we have access to enter children have access to in america versus what's available in tiktok on china. that raises major concerns. elizabeth: nicole neely, always terrific. i am elizabeth macdonald, thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that doesn't press, have a good weekend. it's time for "the bottom line" we're going to send it over early, dagen and charlie and for sean. dagen: thank you. ♪


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