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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  January 27, 2024 10:00am-10:30am EST

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the push for clean energy, solar and wind the demand remains for natural gas as the u.s. looks to help its allies, reduce the reliance on russian gas and russian energy, bottom line natural gas is here to stay with a 4.7% dividend yield, chesapeake looks like a good bet. >> very nature going back to the well. >> i kicked paddock killer and it outperformed the s&p 500 but the stock is going nowhere since august, we now have talk of chinese stimulus caterpillar does a lot of business in china that could be the next catalyst for the stock and looks like it's way to break out in albion interesting time to buy more. jack: great ideas, to read more check out this edition of barron' and don't >> from the fox studios in new
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york city this is "maria bartiromo's wall street". >> welcome to the program that analyzes the week that was in position you for the week ahead. i am cheryl casone and for maria bartiromo. the crisis at our southern border no closer to being solved and former fbi officials are issuing a stark warning in a better to key congressional leaders writing biden's weak border policies have opened up the u.s. to one of the most pernicious ever threats to american national security with an invasion of military age men flooding into the country. i spoke to the acting ice director tom homan friday morning and he echoed these concerns. >> we have historic number of people on the terrorist watch arrested coming across the southern border and we have 2 million got away, 2 million people became all over the world the biggest national security vulnerability that i've seen since 9/11. we have to take action. >> the says negotiations for a bill on stricter border policy
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has stalled in congress and some senate republicans are blasting the bipartisan deal is a total dud. >> we don't need a border bill we achieved the lowest rate of illegal immigration under donald trump i'm all for using every leverage that we have to try to force biden to comply with the law but this deal does not do that. >> the expectation of any kind of deal to secure the border but that's not why we see the deal the real problem you deal with democrats and president biden wants an open border that cost us. if you negotiate with arsonist about the fire. >> were getting a clear view of the financial burden, illegal immigration is having on americans, recent study revealing that u.s. taxpayers are on the hook for $182 billion in my grenade last year. joining the house ways and means committee chairman jason smith. great to have you here, thank you for being here.
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>> is going to be with you. >> let's talk about the crisis at the border. the crisis is not getting any better and many say especially in your party that throwing more money at the problem is not the fix, senator ted cruz said we have laws we should enforce them and what do you say? >> senator cruz is exactly right, we have laws that need to be enforced, we know how to secure the border and we saw the under the term presidency. unfortunately in the first few days in office joe biden rescinded almost every policy that president trump had to secure the border, we need the border secured we don't need additional money thrown at the problem, the president could secure the border unilaterally himself very implementing remain in mexico, stop catch and release, numerous provisions he rescinded from president trump. >> the big question is the wife
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and i asked of the biden administration, why would you want to see a crisis unfold that you created, you refuse to call it a crisis and i think biden has once. this is an election-year issue and we seen it from the iowa caucuses and new hampshire, immigration the number one issue in new hampshire, this is political suicide i would think but yet they don't want to prevent or change. why is that? >> it is hard to wrap your mind around it, it is so reckless for the president did not secure the border to allow the border to be porous where we virtually have no borders in the united states whether it's mexico or canada, i don't understand why he would want to inflict this kind of pain on the united states. the threat of terrorist coming across the southern border and what they could do to our
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citizens is unacceptable and crazy and scary and i can't believe is not reckless. cheryl: the other question obviously is what is the solution is that the national guard, you have 25 republican led states that say we support governor abbott and will send the national guard to the texas border, is it going to come to. >> it looks like it. you saw more than several dozen duck under governors standing behind abbott because invasion happening at his border, he tried to protect his constituents in texas and each trying to protect all americans because the president is missing in action when it comes to securing our border. cheryl: let's talk about the national security risk, kt mcfarland telling us the same thing this is a national security risk, as you heard tom homan saying we don't know who they are, they got away is not just the major problem but a lot
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of these are gang members in particular coming from venezue venezuela, we see evidence of that, the cartel is operating here on the u.s. oil how do we stop that of all the border agents are dealing with processing migrant families. >> the fact that there has been at least 2 million got a ways that is scary itself people that we know across the southern border is more than the entire population of missouri and delaware combined since joe biden has taken oath of office. we have to use every tool in our toolbox to secure the border, the president unfortunately is not enforcing the law that congress has passed. for example congress and the bipartisan measure appropriated billions of dollars to secure our border and guess what the president is not spending that money. cheryl: i want to move on to another topic you are hoping to
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pass a bipartisan tax deal next week. we keep some of the trump tax cuts alive and extend the child tax credit, the deal would cost $70 billion in cover child tax credits and tax breaks for businesses from 2023 - 2025 but the wall street journal editorial board is calling your plan lousy and a huge policy victory for democrats, how do you respond to the criticism. >> i would say they're completely wrong i appreciate the wall street journal but they got this wrong, this bill if you read the language of the law it is pro-growth, pro-worker, pro-american supports families, small businesses and help sharpen our competitive advantage with china and it boost innovation, the three provisions of trump's tax cuts that of expired research and development for one will create more than $70 billion in
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investment in our country, helping 21 million jobs the interest deduction that will help small businesses struggling from increased interest-rate that will add more than 867,000 new jobs along with $58 billion in additional money for workers as take on salaries and you 100% expense that will create a $400 billion economic advantage creating 73000 new jobs that is pro-growth and exactly what we need to push back against biden's crazy economy. cheryl: i'm all for tax breaks and working families i think that makes a lot of sense, the pushback is good be too expensive and is as were under a physical crush of spending in washington. >> is completely paid for because were eliminating the covid air program that creates
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more than a billion dollars a day and expenses, were cutting it off on january 31 and by cutting it off it will create more than $78 billion in savings that will pay for the tax bill, it will have 0 effect on her deficit. cheryl: you are one of three people leading the charge in the investigation against hunter biden, one of the top three people into this probe of corruption in particular over the biden family business, where do things stand and what is next for us? >> the last several days we've been bringing in a lot of different hunter biden business associates having them answer a lot of questions. we got so many more individuals to come forward, next week you will see several more business associates of hunter biden coming in and hunter biden will come in at the end of february and we have numerous other witnesses come forward. what we find out from these witnesses is quite alarming is
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aligned with what the irs whistleblowers that came before the ways and means of the obstruction that was an investigation all the millions of dollars coming in to the biden family llc from foreign entities like china, ukraine, russia is a lot of facts that we are following in its quite alarming. cheryl: what is the role of president biden were what was the role of vice president biden. congressman jason smith, thank you for being here. >> it's great to be with you. >> new inflation numbers out before the fed held its first meeting of the year, that is next week. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and our retirement. but we got there, thanks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for...
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2.9% the solis annual rate in nearly three years, and economy blue away expectations of the fourth quarter growing at more than 3% than they expected to present. all of this ahead of the first meeting of the federal reserve for 2024 is next week, joy dimino former kansas city fed president and fdic's vice chairman thomas honing. i want to get your impressions of the last inflation rate that we got before the meeting began next week's, does this change anything for jerome powell and company? >> no i don't. i think it's a modest improvement in well above the 3% target. so the discussion will continue to be not whether but went to lower rates. i think the issue of march will become more controversial and onto may will be the more likely
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discussion the numbers came down but only modestly in the gdp number was above expectations as you said 3.3% annual rate, those are very good news, it also means it shouldn't be in quite a hurry to reduce rates. cheryl: the rate cut discussion, the push and pull between the market in the fed is very interesting. one point it's not the stock market this would push the fed to start to cut rates it's going to be the treasury market that is going to actually push the fed to act, what do you think. >> i think that's the real issue, part of it they would like to lower rates but the amount of debt that has to be financed is enormous, $500 billion on an average basis, who's going to fund that, we know the international side is falling in china isn't buying as much in japan and support that leads it domestic and crowd out private investment for the
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federal reserve has to stop its quantitative tightening and reengage in government securities which will of course put downward pressure and designed to put downward pressure on interest rates would otherwise rise in density part of the discussion, that will affect the time going forward. cheryl: were not saying the destruction of the job market, next week we have another job number coming out, december jobs report were not seeing the destruction of the job market were not seen inflation hit the 2% target, i had someone tell me when i see 2% inflation until 2026. >> that's a possibility. first of all you are right and the important point to remember that fiscal policy is expansionary, the federal level has expanded the supporter is a lot of money in the liquidity is what people might say is fairly
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strong, there is a lot of demand being created for the market and that is why the fed cannot afford to begin to ease rates anytime soon i believe. that will still be part of the discussion. on the other side of things they will say rates are well above the equilibrium rate in investment is weak, the consumer should slow let's ease now so we avoid a recession but that will be the other side of it. the spending is going on very substantially and i think the economy will continue to see inflation as we go forward not rising inflation necessarily but if they lower rates too soon then you will get a reignition of inflation and they know that. cheryl: before you go, i want to ask about the consumption spending number the cayman. the expectation was again a 4.4%. the number came in up 7% for
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spending for the month of december. americans are spending and they spent more, sure it was the holidays but on the other side we found out that the savings rate went down to 3.7%. consumers spent more and they saved less, what were they doing, they were using their credit cards and going into debt, what does that mean for the future? >> it's pretty obvious if they're going to continue to spend more than they earned them will see the delinquency on the credit card begin rising and we already see some of that and that will in fact slow the economy forward but the question is timing and i think the consumer has been spending down the excess savings that may be pretty much depleted it has been doing not taken advantage of the opportunity to re-leverage. and also operating under the assumption that much of the market is that the fed will step in and take care of things should things go awry so i'm going to spend now and you have
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the attitude which is causing spending to accelerate when we expected it to slow. cheryl: thomas hoenig, thank you for joining me. >> glad to be with you. cheryl: boston dynamics, got a lot of attention and some concern when it rolled out the robot dog several years ago, the military and police are putting them to use across the world and so is one new york artist, people are paying $40000 for you always got your mind on the green.
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cheryl: robot dogs keep learning new tricks, one artist trained boston dynamics robots typically
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used by the police and the military to create abstract art, one piece went for $40000 at auction, their work has been so successful, the dogs are currently on display at the national gallery of victoria in australia where they are creating new paintings on their own. joining me now is the artist. this is fascinating. >> i am the artist, it is me. cheryl: where did you get the idea to combine artwork and robot dogs? >> it comes from my background i'm a traditional artist so i like working in real artist materials the aim technology is a big moment right now so i wanted to combine the two. cheryl: what is the role of the aim technology. i see what you're doing with the dogs but i don't think any of us ever thought they would create art, we thought they would be working with police and military units around the world, art was not something on our radar.
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>> i'm an artist that works with technology we do weird things, was not designed to be an artist it was designed for industry mostly, thing about powerplants, that is the main use but i tried to train it and see how it could be an artist and became a very good artist. cheryl: that is so interesting, this is a softer side of the robot i remember when boston dynamics developers were kicking the dogs and we were upset because you were kicking a dog but it's not it was a robot so i think we assign our emotions to the robots in a way but on the other side you have a fear that the robots are going to take over the world and a.i. is going to take over jobs and a.i. is going to hurt us, have you gotten that feedback as well. >> the museum is a great example on how we can show the public a different side of technology and robotics, what i like to underline it is a new technology so it is growing and learning
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finance exciting moment but also a great chance to direct the technology where we want. cheryl: they are talking about about a.i. and became the big story in davos, europe european and you know this is something that is gripped the world. >> it has but this is the next frontier, a.i. uc the development happening in the metaphors, the next frontier when it will meet the real world and robotics is it. that is what is so exciting and artist are very good to exercise and exercise the future that is not happening yet. cheryl: what else can he do besides art. >> she can cuddle but she's actually the best way to meet people. if i take her out on the street everyone wants to talk to me. you come in with their own private celebrity. it is fascinating because people react in different ways. cheryl: what is next for you?
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i come from a traditional training, i still like to paint. i am currently at spacex and i do a lot of work at spacex. i'm interested in starting technology quite a bit and i think it's a next big thing coming in the power and the hope and all humidity using it, there's something very exciting is an artist. cheryl: you understand the technology side of it and i think that's a fascinating combination that we see with your work, it is interesting. cheryl: thank you for being here, it's a very different take on a.i. robotics, we appreciate your time. i have one important this thing, it's making me get an ice bath again. what do you mean? these straps are mind-blowing! they collect hundreds of data points like hrv and rem sleep, so you know all you need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech.
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cheryl: welcome back, one thing you need to know ahead of next week, next friday is a 138th annual groundhog day. if it were up to peta it would be the last in a ball rights group arguing that it's being exploited for publicity. peta is sending a letter to the groundhogs club president offering to send the organization a giant coin if they agree to send phil to an animal sanctuary, they say a 50/50 coin toss would be more accurate way predicting the weather since the groundhog is estimated to only have a 40% rate of accuracy. peta has previously suggested using an electronic groundhog were a human standard. no word from the groundhog club, odds are they're not going to budge. that is going to do it for us, thank you for watching, we will see you next time. ♪ >> "barron's roundtable" sponsored by global


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