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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  January 29, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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end of rant. anyway, we'll let liz macdonald take the story and run with it. elizabeth: thank you, larry, we're staying on this news. thank you, larry. good to see you, my friend. news coming in and names of the three u.s. soldiers killed in that the drone bombing released by the pentagon, iran-backed militant groups claim responsibility and all day the white house faced a fire storm of criticism from lawmakers saying it is appeasement policies are failing. edward lawrence is live at the white house with more. reporter: yeah, liz, the white house make as big question about how the situation rose to the level of three american service members killed and 40 injured in one single attack. u.s. officials say the drone got through because of mistaken identity. the u.s. drone was supposed to get through at the same time. the drone struck in the early morning while people were asleep in their beds.
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iranian-backed proxies tacked 165 types and all the attacks from groups backed by iran and enough is enough with being soft on iran. >> they fund hamas, hezbollah, the houthis and train all of them and we need to have a much broader strategy of reestablishing deterrence and think about the biden appeasement policy regard to iran has not worked. reporter: the u.s. relaxed enforcement on sanctions and iran could sell oil on the global market and president biden came into office and iran make as lot of money from oil and spokesperson john kirby says the u.s. sanctioned iran and president had two meetings in the situation room today about how to respond to the latest attacks. >> so let the president make his decisions, weigh the options and then we'll act. these groups have choices to
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make and the idea that we've weighed down and not pushed back on iran is simply not born out by the facts. reporter: late today secretary blinken says the response comes in multistages and it'll be sustained and it'll be over time multilevel attack. what we see initially is the lineup. elizabeth: joining us now from house armed services and congressman mark alfred and the deputy national securitied a riser and president trump victoria coats. congressman, your report and the names of the three soldiers killed and sergeant jerkins roam williams and breonna moffit, your reaction to the killings?
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>> my heart breaks for them and the policy president is like a rope a dope and working for mohammmuhammad ali and doesn't n foreign policy and iranians and russians and chinese see us as weak bause of presiden claiminge got holding iran accountable and the maximum pressure policy and bringing them to $100 billion when it was $4 billion under president trump. >> i don't agree with congresswoman all over the finest of the fine that we've lost by absolutely shameful for this happening on the president's watch and the resources about president trump seeing this very clearly and seeing teheran with the resources and not having the money to pay all the proxy groups and the proxy groups are
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miserable under president trump and back in the golden age and you've got billions and billions of dollars throeing to hamas, to the houthi and to hezbollah and seeing what they do with that and this is the card and basic math and i think it would be great if president biden would come up with a robust policy and unfortunately they've lost the confidence of the american people and letting the congressman speak to this and i can't imagine there's a lot of confidence in congress about what his response is going to be. elizabeth: u.s. forces attacked 165 times in the middle east since mid october and 66 before this catastrophic attack and 13 troops killed in the chaotic afghanistan and what do you say? de-vent right thinking and they should be here with democrats on the hill and this president has
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been asleep at the wheel. he's missing in action and at least the president didn't know where he was for those several weeks and didn't really surprise me and the president know where is he is at the time and it's got ton a critical state and weakness of joe biden on the world stage of afghanistan and russia and china and action against iran now. elizabeth: lots of talk about the white house strategy here and this is all the president and white house got. all it's got is don't to iran. don't. watch this. >> that was the message to iran. >> don't. >> very important to send a clear message to anyone who might be threatening our personnel here and anywhere else in the region. >> it's backing her in iran.
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don't. >> don't. don't, don't, don't. >> elizabeth: really, that's it? senator lindsey graham said when the biden white house says don't, the middle east do. the warehouse and ammunition depots and till iran feels its own interests are threatened and attacking will continue. what do you say? >> oh, absolutely. don't is not a strategy anymore for as long as it takes is not a strategy. there's bumper stickers and the length of the strategy that the president can do and not effective of the iranians and they kept saying over and over and if this goes on till somebody gets killed and now three people have been killed and it's from the white house press briefing today and the
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president hasn't evansville found them to call the family of the fallen. we've got this situation and it reminds me more than more than anything and not enforce there had. elizabeth: got it. congresswoman victoria coates. thank you for the incite and house republicans released articles of impeachment and secretary mayorkas and this story is coming in and cabinet secretary has not faced impeachment since a civil war and hillary vaughn live on capitol hill with more. hillary. >> hi, liz. it indeed would be rare if al hondo mayorkas -- alejandro mayorkas was impeached by the house and official vote on impeachment not happening till next week and that time line get delayed even further and the
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house homeland security begins debating the articles the first of which is accusing mayorkas of willful and systemic refusal for the articles of impeachment and calling for a breach of public trust and going for job refusing to secure the boarder and misleading and lying to congress by assuring them that the border is secure when even the president told fox this month the border isn't and has not been secure the entire time he's been president. >> lying under oath is impeachment and that's what alejandro mayorkas has done and complying with statutory law and there's no other explanation.
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announcing their december border numbers after dragging their feet and the highest month ever recorded is 300,000 illegally crossing the boarder and mayorkas impeachment is not just a political move and they say it's unconstitutional and they say republicans have no evidence that mayorkas committed a crime. >> impeachment is grossly inappropriate for policy difference and let's engage on the bipartisan policy deal and it's an omission by the plan and they have anger. anger reporter: even if mayorkas was impeached by the house, he needs convicted in the senate to be removed from his job and not likely and democrats control the senate. liz. elizabeth: thank you so much. joining us now from house oversight and congressman tim burchett. democrats are calling in a stunt. what are the high crimes and misdemeanors here, sir?
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>> secretary mayorkas is the biggest pathological liar and telling us the border was secure and this weekend we found out there was a known terrorist part of a known terrorist group come into our country and there's no excuse to that. that to me is a complete forgetting of your entire duties i guess you could say. this group is completely lawless and i -- people joked around about them being anarchists and i don't think there's any question and this is the type of thing that destroys the country and can't destroy them and $400 million or billion not including the fentanyl and another mother in my district and his child died from fentanyl coming from the boarder and continuation and it's going to allow from this and senate not doing anything about it and pouring water and written on the heel and it's important to go through this and braining great case for this and we need to go
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for it. elizabeth: congressman, the white house is after three years now calling it a crisis and calling it not unusual and seasonal and border secure under president biden and we had teniformer fbi senior top officials and a dhs official warn congress last week this is the worst they've ever seen it. they fear a terror attack on large unarmed civilian gatherings here. just last quarter, 50 illegal aliens on the terror watch list caught. we found about 1300 crossing at all ports of entry and in between the ports of entry under biden. listen to trump and nikki haley here, watch this. >> america is acting like it's september 10 and we better remember what september 12 felt like buzz it only takes one person to cause a 9/11 m11 moment. republicans and democrats need to get into a room and not leave till they figure this out and american people are are not safe at this point and donald trump needs to tell them to wait to
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pass a border deal till the election. >> a lot of senators are trying to say respectfully they're blaming it on me. please blame me because we're getting ready to pass a very bad bill. elizabeth: now president biden claims "if the senate border bill were the law today, he'd shut down the border right now". does anybody really believe that because speaker johnson as we've been pointing out has the authority to do it. he can rescind and cancel his dozens of executive orders by ending catch and release and re-instating stay in mexico and we did nearly 100 executive actions in the last 100 days and weakening the border and telling president biden who can do it. >> he's lying to the point of impact and president trump is 100% accurate as he is always. he's stated again and wanting to pass a deal and very bad deal and i think it allows several
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thousand too and it's like trying to decide the number of loops in a noose. dad gum, we don't afford this anymore and $400 billion a year and the deaths and fentanyl and the crime and they're not saying anything about the over 100,000 children in god knows what horrible situation, sex trafficking, organ harvesting that the cartels are involved with and this is incredit card and will national media outside of this is not addressing this and that to me is so egregious and can't believe it and we're going with this white house and they can't get out of it. elizabeth: congressman burchett, thank you for joining us. good to see you. >> great, liz, have a good night. elizabeth: we have the washington examiners and chris bedford and former boeing engineer peter lemme. news coming in, the president is about to float yet another new
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narrative trying to attack trump's tax cuts because bidenomics is not selling with the u.s. voters and major development in the shocking story and midair on the boeing airplane. you want to hear about this. plus, nikki haley with more on the gop race for the july convention and former texas governor rick perry back with us and growing number of former border officials and governors saying texas must stand its ground at the border against the white house for the sake of the united states. plus, former president trump says he is elected and he will send texas reinforcements and not a restraining order like this white house did and we've got far and left billionaire george soros sending big bucks into texas. all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪
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pumping $3 million into texas over the last year to elect democrats here. what do you say to this? >> it's a pretty poor use of money and texas race in the state of texas and we know how to stop george soros and it's good candidates and texas rent. >> back to the story and the texas national guard governor and this weekend with more razor wire in shelby park and just one week border patrol there called a convicted murder and two child sex offenders and another felon trying to cross illegally and terrorists were caught last quarter trying to cross illegally and tracking 1300 terrorists under the biden white house and ports of entry and in between and get your reaction to south dakota south dakota governor kristi noem, watch.
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>> texas should stand their ground and enforce the state laws and back to the constitutional rights they've been granted to protect their state's sovereignty. that's what so many of us as governors were offended by and democrats were threatening to encourage the president and activate our guards in order to get them to stand down and not protect our state and it's a dangerous situation and war zone at southern border and the humanity of what's happen asking striking down and you see women suffering and the drug trafficking and human trafficking that is happening and the human policies is inhumane and needs to stop. elizabeth: when you have the border fencing, it dis-incentivizes illegal immigrants to cross the wrong way and end up drowning, it's like the governor noem said and this is like a crime scene and
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other governors are saying. what do you say? >> hats off to governor noem and the other texans that sent their 12 national guards and this isn't just about texas and texas citizens at this permeating all up through the country and other states understand that . here's what really disturbs me and how can you as a texas congressman, we've got texas congressman stap stapedius muscd standing up defending the biden administration and san antonio stood up and he's for biden and what biden is doing to his home state. i don't understand that and this point in time and understand that and say if you are hurting my state, you're hurting my citizens and not even mention what it's doing to all these people being attracted sexually
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and the other one with this terrible things happening for the human being in this process. elizabeth: governor perry, thank you for joining us tonight. good to have you on. okay, this story coming in. nikki haley is ramping up her fight against both president biden and former president trump and trump's court battles are updated on this and associated press now reporting with the fraud case like the one brought against former president trump in new york. they've never seen a case like this going back 70 years plus the washington examiner byron york is next and blunders and gaffes with president biden and baffling campaign analysts and americans know that inflation is here to statement and going there from indiana.
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elizabeth: joining us now, the washington examiner chief political correspondent byron york and sit tight for a second. remember when the white house kept claiming inflation was transitory and just a passing thing, let's get your reaction to janet yell and voters know -- yellen and voters know inflation is here to stay and president biden makes another baffling gaffe. watch this. >> how do you con syringes americans and voters that those prices might not go back to where they were before the pandemic. >> americans know that prices are not likely to fall. it's not the fed's objective to try to push the level of prices back to where they were. >> if i was smart, i'd say thank
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you and leave. the reason they said about the wanting to see the crash this year? the city president. elizabeth: okay, he's not the sitting president. your reaction to all this? >> well, on the inflation thing, i think a lot of americans took a long time to understand that even when inflation comes down, prices do not go down. the rate of increase of the prices goes down. and certainly that's to be preferred from high inflation and i think janet yellen was saying there's no going back. if your grocery bill is a huge burden on you right now, didn't used to be, sorry. it's just not going to change. as far as the president is concerned, he does this thing at all of his appearances and he really appears slow and physically frail, and i think what that means is the democratic party is really one health scare away from needing a
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new presidential candidate and that's not an easy thing to do with a sitting democratic president. elizabeth: byron, we've talked to economists and the federal reserve out of chicago and san francisco reporting this too. when you throw trillions of dollars into -- and hot money into an economy that's struggling and reeling after the pandemic lockdodowns and x-ray blanket, smothering pillow and a smothering pillow of regulations on that economy and you're going to get inflation and not going to have manufacturing and the good side of the business ramping up to mop all that out. so hawkeyes to what you're saying about biden's frailty, senator joe mansion, he possibly remains interested in running on a no labels ticket if president biden has a health scare hawaii do you say? >> it was kind of obvious and brazen expression of what a lot of democrats feel and we've seen
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poll after poll with majority of americans, republicans and independents and we believe that biden is just too old to serve a second term and joe mansion comes out and says well, if there's one more health scare, i might run for president. mansion is just recognizing the obvious here. elizabeth: the timing of this strategy. politico's reporting that biden's new campaign strategy is to attack the trump tax cuts after bidenomics failed to resinate. byron, the timing of this, we have a new poll from ap york and the university of chicago and overwhelming majority of voters, two-thirds of voters say they spend too much on federal income taxes and seven in ten say the same thing about property taxes or state sales taxes. six in ten say the timing of this changeup? what do you think? >> well, we know the president
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had kind of a troubled relationship with the word bidenomics. now he's running away again and the problem is this is where we started, the problem is the prices remain high and president and supporters saying inflation is coming down and it's really, really strong and it's still high and that's what troubles people and that's going to change that. elizabeth: byron york, elizabeth: good to have you on. about to have a contest in nevada. state of play. how do you see it? >> this is donald trump's contest and nevada gop has laid the ground work for him and he's been popular republicans in that state and nikki haley is the
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only real primary approach in the process and the campaign and focus and recently one more home state of south carolina and saying she's staying through super tuesday and july convention and she's got the bucks that she's got them going that fast and we're dipping into a press conference right now and the northern border crisis. watch this. >> online learning and on friday i let new york republicans calling on home governor kathy hochul to join the governors in support of texas governor abbott and tirelessly works and stands with border patrol officers to not only secure tampa bays' border and our country from this invasion that joe biden's policies have created and proud to stand with the colleagues today and hearing from many of them and honored to turn over to
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my colleague the majority tom emmer. >> thank you, elise. in a friday evening news dump, the biden administration quietly revealed that they made history once again with their failed border policies, more than 302,000 illegal immigrants were encountered at the southern border in december making it the highest single month ever recorded. this unprecedented crisis is happening for one reason and one reason only. joe biden and the democrats have rolled out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants through the open boarders agendarme as a result texas has been forced to step up and do what the federal government won't: protect its citizens and the american people. let me be very clear, texas has every right to protect its citizens and their property and joe biden should be ashamed of himself not only for turning his back on the american people but also for actively blocking
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governor abbott from doing his job and turning every community for joe biden and every community with this failed policy and look no further than my home state of minnesota and according to media reports and member of the al shabaab terror group was recently arrested after being caught at southern boarder and released back into the country and this administration for nearly a year ago and let that sink in. it's a known member of terrorist organization and freely for the southern border to our northern border for nearly an entire year because the biden administration would not do its job. consequences of biden's border crisis has been catastrophic and they're now impacting every single american and house republicans won't let it stand. nine months ago, there's decades and what's been the biden white house and the schumer senate's
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response to deny the crisis even exists and brazenly lie and creating the crisis and joe biden has the power for unprecedented crisis tomorrow and reversing the 64 executive actions he took to effectively open our southern border. chuck schumer with the power short term orientation stand up to the white house is -- to stand up to the white house and zero should be the number of illegal immigrants coming across the border but they won't and they don't care. enough is enough. house republican majority and they do the job joe biden refuses to do and we'll continue to stand against the failed policy to know with crisis in the first place and we'll only accept legislative solutions that actually secure our boarders and upward mobility of the leaders in the conference on this and turning it over to chip
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roy from texas. >> thanks for all the colleagues and friends standing here with texas and thomas jefferson said self-preservation is paramount to all law. i don't know if i can talk about thomas jefferson unless his statue gets removed from the capitol suddenly, but the fact of the matter is that's the basis for why we even have a government and why we have a constitution in the first place. is to ensure that we can take care of ourselves, to ensure we're secure. our borders are wide open and unless you debate whether there's an invasion, talk to people of texas. i was in texas last week in tony's district and the people down there, the rangers, there were 200 people in the room and they were saying where are you? they were looking at us saying what are you going to do? what are you doing to help us and protect us? if not, we're going to have to protect ourselves. that's what we're seeing for
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governor abbott appropriately. the president has the ability right now to stop it and he can use that power. he can undo many orders that tom referenced and this is all a sham and purposesful. it is a purposesful effort to deliver to our society and undermine our way of life and destroy western civilization and hands of democrats in power and white house and a duty in congress and funding and the governor of texas and they have a duty and right and ability under the constitution of the united states to stand up and defend the people of texas. there's the reason why we are leaving it to the governor. over to mccaul. >> texas is ground zero, but impacts every state. i want to thank the non-texans for standing with texas here. ronald reagan once said a country with no borders is no
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country at all. we don't have a border. this man on day one rescinded all the policies of the prior administration and finally had it more secure that . is remain in mexico. migrant protection protocols and building the wall and all these things led to a more secure border and he couldn't change that tomorrow without any legislation coming out of the senate. doing that and coming down to the boarder and monica dela cruz in her district and tony gonzalez and monica cruz and deputy attorney general from criminal justice and chief of counter terrorism in the state of texas with chairman before foreign affairs and i'm seeing this thing for 25 years. this is the worst movie i've ever seen and when you go down
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to detention spaces and it's a human tragedy unfolding. they're overcrowded and overloaded and dumping them into the united states of america. why? because they're being processed in the united states rather than outside the united states and it's really that simple. elizabeth: stay on this news. coming out of dc, house republicans are hammering away over the biden white house not getting rid of the president's executive actions that weaken the boarder and we're going to chris bedford. stay there. we're coming back to this right after the break. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities.
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elizabeth: let's stay on the breaking news and bring in wall street pro cara roth and executive editor of common sense. his rick bedford. carol, first to you and house lawmakers held a press conference moments ago. they're still at it. we maybe will dip back in. they're hammering away at biden's border crisis and moving on impeachment articles against mayorkas and they're saying they talked to people at the boarder and they're talking about the economic impact of this crisis saying they talked to ranchers and people at the border saying where are you? where is dc? why are you a-wall and standing
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up and doing something -- awal and standing up doing something about the economic impact at the border crisis? >> i think it's beyond the economic impact if the impact across all of our rights of the government was set up to do. they were set up to protect our rights and to protect our border and the fact that we have the commander in chief who ab chutely refuses to do this is nice to see and we have people standing up for leadership and that is going to protect our safety, that's going to protect our country economically and are going to do what is right because of reality and invasion and millions of people are breaching the president of the united states is doing absolutely havoc. elizabeth: chris, come in on this and what the lawmakers are doing and elise stefanik and kathy hochul did too and 25 of the nation's governors standing with texas.
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what do you think? >> yeah, she's talking about the northern border and trying to secure that and confidence that governor hochul will do that and she's a partisan of joe biden and antidepressanting in a sanctuary state but there's -- she's been operating in a sanctuary state and 95 interactions with the border patrol and it's just along the new york border alone and those are arrests and arrests along the northern border and new england area are up the highest they've been in ten years and not canadians speaking in the country and they are seven different countries apprehended by border patrol crossing and it's a problem that's been a dereliction of duty and trying to blame congress and it was not a problem under the last president and executive orders of this white house. elizabeth: chris said, carol, this is the next chapter in the border crisis and wide open northern border; right? we had congresswoman quoting
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ronald reagan saying a country without a border is no country at all. there's countries in europe and overseas with thousands of miles of border barriers and walls. notably in places like countries in europe, but there's fighting here against that. you know, when you see the lawmakers standing up, carol, and saying the president could stop this now getting rid of his own executive actions, weakening the border, he did nearly 100 in his first 100 days but he's not doing that. is anybody listening in the white house to what is happening with what the communities are saying of how they're being devastated by this border crisis and not just at the border but in cities across the nation? >> yeah, it's should being because we know he's failed on his economic message so you would think this would be an excellent opportunity to pivot and particularly since this is everything you said, liz, a bipartisan issue and people in blue states and cities like chicago and new york and they're getting very, very upset alaska the fact that these illegal
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immigrants are basically diverting the resources and invading this very easy opportunity to pivot and obviously the fact he hasn't taken that and that speaks volumes. elizabeth: thank you for jumping into this news and house lawmakers and now this story coming in, what is going on with boeing and new reports are coming in and you know that plane door that blew out midair, were the bolts already missing from that alaska airlines plane made by boeing when it left the boeing factory? this is really scary story and we'll stay on it for you next. ♪ mara, are you sure you don't want -to go bowling with us tonight? -yeah. no. there's my little marzipan! [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs!
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>> duties down aviation expert and former boeing engineer, he's peter, to having on the show think of joni is okay, this new story of the wall street journal, the door the blue off s plane, made by boeing peter, some of both were actually missing audit will at the factory when the plane both the factory there were already missing and how did that happen. >> the work order with the polls
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mechanism is the good. peter: yes sweetie. >> what is going on with boeing what you hear. peter: well i think the 737, the exit door situation, really troubling the number one, were all grateful that nobody died or nobody was injured in this event but in the end of the invested we've already heard reports from both alaska and you 90, that they found a number of harbor discrepancies in the smolt so to speak, which is very troubling this was a law report that is come through outlines the fact that the to be very much accommodating to going refers to his qualities games much more than expected. >> what is not been quality escape. papeter: is way of describing escrow a mistake just a nice way of saying is how this week. >> more quality escape meaning a breakout and quality controls
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coherent do anything about it. peter: he seemed willing to we work of the ideas to build airplane right the first time and here is the don't come up to spec and it appears the more more pre- work is being done on these airplanes and anybody would be expected. >> and so habit is a breakdown in the scenes of boeing's factories and you know washington state, you know through final inspection, before they put in the air because you know a lot of industry officials increasingly believe that the employees felt of the macon was watching the store. >> mothers a process you know your planes made up of hundreds of thousands of parts single person certainly could stand up and say they've inspected it all in and takes a team of people. problem on is that there's trust that they will be done correctly the paperwork is complete and i think if they are trusting the boeing's shaken and perhaps is completely fractured and think
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we are waiting to hear with the faa finding when we get into the factory. >> and so, are you checking the time-of-flight 55 before you get up in the air safe you going on vacation are you doing that. peter: will you know i voice paid attention of that of course i do trust these airplanes. i think that the finding of the loose polls certainly come a very troubling. and i would note the boeing i believe there's no safe your planes i honestly do this nursing surprised that there certainly come on big gap right now for the should be. >> but what happened to cited going to lead to lapses what happened with the culture inside of going. peter: what think that goes back about 30 years. and it would come put my finger on the early 90s pivoting towards share prices being the goal for the company instead of product quality. i think you know that method of
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the mindset has proliferated by the choices and managing the company. and they have also lost a little bit of their willingness to really push the company forward in the resting on their morals and taking money out of the company instead of investing in new products. and the focus has been, the prophet coming up product quality and i take that is the crux of the problem today. >> this could be fixed right peter and final work. peter: i think that we can be fixed was not going to be a quick fix, it is going to probably five - ten years to turn this boat around fully. >> twelve no can thank you for your analysis and we appreciate you and thank you for watching this mcdonald the dozen present thank you for watching the evening edit now it is time to send it over to my buddies at the bottom line to get away dagen mcdowell and sean duffy. dagen:


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