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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 30, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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of roads, railroads, and later even aircraft travel that ties america together. that makes this one country. it is not just a bridge. it is a symbol of connection. international orange is a color with some history. chuck yeager's plane that broke the sound barrier that was international orange and so were the precious suits the astronauts wore on the space shuttle. so if you want your house to really stand out, painted international orange, be sure to ask for air force 1 to 1 978 to brighten up your neighborhood. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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iranian backed militia killed 3 american troops in jordan over the weekend, and injured over 40 more. we mourn the passing of the brave american patriots and condolences to their family, we pray for a speedy recovery for those injured. and we wonder whether president biden will end his policy of iranian appeasement, and begin a new policy of america first, deterrents, we head to washington in a moment to hear from edward lawrence and consult with general jack keane about how this happened. and later on alabama senator tommy tuberville will weigh in on what appears to be a new border bill to stop the tsunami of illegal immigration. speaks of that, continental wocongresswoman marjorie
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taylor greene it tell us about impending impeachment of alejandro mayorkas, but first edward launches launches launchlawrence is live at white house. reporter: you could feel the intensity here at white house. the attack hit near a living area at the particular base. in early morning, as people were still in their beds, dozens more were injured. u.s. officials telling fox that or drone got through because u.s. drone was to come back at the same time, so far iranian proxies attacked u.s. positions at least 165 times, since october 7, 80 service members have been injur injured now 3 killed. the administration stops short of going after iran. >> we don't seek a war with iran, we don't see to widen
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this conflict, we have said and we will continue to call out the fact that iran does fund and equip the groups, and provide them cap capabilities they use to attack our service members, we'll not hesitate on calling that ho out. reporter: president biden in situation room twice today, getting briefed about options how to respond. >> well, it is always been about iran able to say it wasn't us as they work through what people call the proxy forces or i call them mercenary forces they hire. unfortunately, i see this potentially esand lati escalating faster than it needs, to it was preventible in the first place. reporter: preventible if the bible was stronger on iran since day one -- if the die
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binin biden administration was stronger on iran since day one. >> the idea that we whistled past the graveyard, just is not borne out by facts, the proxy groups have been attacking our troops, and our facilities in iraq and syria before this administration as well. reporter: president said he has the authority under article ii to respond to the attacks because of self-defense on our troops back to you. larry: all right, thank you very much edward lawrence. whistling past the graveyard, sure. now believe we get to general jack keane, i want to celebrate april 18, 1988. why? becauseo that day at the direction of president ronald reagan u.s. warships and aircraft sank 6 iranian navy ships and also took out two iranian oil platforms that were used as command and control radar sites,
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imre lying -- i'm relying from a good news respect, published by los angeles times mr. reagan called it a measured response to renewed iran ran mining of will gulf that damages a u.s. frigate. mr. reagan said, we have taken this act to make certain that iranians have no illusions about the cost of irresponsible behavior. not provoke it and late president anthon added, they must know that we will protect our ships and if they threaten us, they will pay a price. end quote. now, some military analyst at the time, said on that one day reagan took out essentially half of th the iranian navy, and the reagan action was taken to response to renewed iranian mining of the gulf that damaged a u.s.
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frigate. today, u.s. military assets in the middle east have been taken on 165 hits from iran or iran-30 iran-sponsored military groups, and also 2 of our nav navy seals may have been lost. more than 40 injured saturday night. and still, and still, the biden administration is refusing to strike directly back at the ira iranian puppet masters and paymasters, appeasement not deterrents continues to reign, january 3, 2020, president trump directed u.s. military to take out
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qassam soleimani, he did it through a drone strike near the baghdad airport, iran hit a u.s. military base near kirkuk and other provocations as president trump put it then, i will quote, the recent dar reactor taxes on u.s. targ -- resendi recent attacks to u.s. targets and iraq and a assault on our embassy is baghdad were carried out at direction of soleimani. trump took out iran's top terrorist jen ra general and said: what united states did ye yesterday should have been done long ago, we took act last night to stop a war, not to start a war.
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and recall there were fewer than one 6 160 backed attacks back then, military history is important, president biden should read up - it on, appease am never works. iran has escalated a middle east war as throughout all history appeasement again failed. will joe biden ever learn? that is my riff. all right? and sitting here on set, we'll switch gears as we wait for general jack keane, we welcome alabama senator tommy tuberville. >> larry how are you. larry: you know, interesting, i believe you are a student of history, what reagan did to iran took out almost half of their navy, and what trump did to
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soleimani and his driver, i guess, they did that with far less provocation from iran than what biden and what united states is suffered recently, i di i did it far less abides . biden suffered more casualties, and more injured, it has not done anything yet, as though mr. biden does not read military history. >> history said if you are tough, own your adversaries you don't have war, we'ret tougu say appeasement. if you are a sheep herder in middle east, be careful that is what biden will target, he will not do anything to upsets iran, i don't know what is going on. larry: is there gossip table top, he has been meeting, they have not done anything, about has been 48 hours, i'm
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worried, this is my speculation they will say, we'll hit isis k . but not iran. right, i'm afraid that -- like hitting the houthis again, so what. >> that is -- you know they are all iran-backed, the harder the soul of iran is money. and you know it, president trump did he went after that pocketbook, he had them almost broke, there were people in iran selling body parts, to stay alive, they had zero money, now they are wealthy, we're not pumping oil and gas, they are pumping it and selling it all over the world that is the main problem. but again he will not go after that. larry: among your peers and colleagues senate is back in session, you have hawks. hit iran. but what do you think -- is there any sense of what will
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happen, kirky kirby is not talking but he talked about isis, i don't think this is about isis, isis -- trump took out isis years ago, there is a little bit of a sliver left, this is all about iran. >> right. the problem is we have hundreds of bases in the middle east, those people have protect themselves, we center to watch what we're doing, we're on the verge of taking our people out of the embassy in iraq, we spent almost a billion dollars on that thing. it is just, a -- it's a war getting ready to happen. you have people that i don't trust running the show. we have less experience, our military is the weakest it has been in many years since 1991, you know we have gone down hill with our military, have we to be careful what we're doing, we don't have the munitions, if we start something we shouldn't, we
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could have problems, we need protect our people in the middle east, our allies, and it goes back you know biden is trying to take away munitions from israel now. this is the whole thing just stinks. larry: if we get general jack keane back we'll see biden always says, his people say, we don't want to escalate the israeli war, but iran has. my point is that appeasement has escalated. they now escalated that war, like everyone is bombing everyone else, including pakistan. and iran, and iran is bombing in iraq and hamas and israel. and hezbollah, and now iran is going straight at the united states, it is already escalated because appease a ment never works. >> we're also in a different type of world, in years past
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drones were not used in the military, now this is a different weapon, you heard they didn't really realize that was a enemy drone coming in, they thought possibly our drone coming back, drones don't usually circle and comeback. it is a problem. i feel so bad for the people our people, and all these military bases, we have been attacked 160 times, and what have we didn't? we have gone after old military arsenals in yemen. so far away from anything that is really making any difference. >> senator, switching gears a bit. we don't have the committee print yet, but some kind of new border deal, i don't understand it. we may have a report later on in the show. i don't know. 5,000 a day, 8 thousand a day? it is like, if you are in a
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delnew york, you are number one and number 2. but then they will never make good on it what is going on. are the republicans going to fall for this? >> they basically tricked us into a situation where they said, let's see if the republicans will bite on this we have already got the laws there to stop them at the border, they don't go by them, for three years they have let people just invade this country, this is a shame ha is goin -- what is going on, it is criminal, we have not read the text senator langford as worked really hard on this it will not pass the house, this is extortion, they are holding american taxpayer hostage for 100 billion to send to ukraine if we do a border deal, it makes no sense to
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me, why would we even think about, that stop the border. joe biden today, could say, stop everyone at the border, nobody else comes in, he will not do it, they want votes. larry: the thing, former president trump said several times, in last couple days that we don't need any legislation, this could be done by executive branch directives as he did. and speaker johnson said he wants zero tolerance policy, we don't want 5,000, we may get details later, but whatever the number s we don't want. we want remain in mexico, that is not in the deal. >> one more is too many weaker . we had 10, 12 million, i have been there, it is a disast i disastrazene disast -- disaster, chinese are come, across with brand-new luggage, come on, they are 15 to 35, they
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their are no women equipmenting from cwomen coming in, these are all men, christopher wray said there is something bad that is happening, he could have gone to white house and say stop this president biden. larry: if you let in 5,000 or 8,000 illegals there will -- could be a big terrorist population in there. not only terrorism at southern border but the northern border as well, that is becoming porous. new hampshire, up north. biggest issue was illegal immigration. >> and they are flying to airports, using false i.d. and passports there is a disaster. they are coming from northern border, i talked with senator collins the other day in maine, she said 20 came across in main many
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they chased all over maine, this is just, the way it is. when you are not strong on something, when they everyone that there is no ramifications or what is happening, they will come. larry: president trump in good shape right now in your judgment, politically? >> in good shape, he has come out of two -- one primary, and one caucus, very well. he will win. but it will be a tough election for the next 10 or 9 months, i just -- it will be bumpy, there will be a lot of ill will amongst people we need to keep rhetoric low and have a good election, and hopefully president trump gets elected. larry: i love talking to you, i just tonight say, i don't know if you heard my riff, they are moving you, i didn't know they were moving you. that is the beauty of live tv, but, just to come back, to my former boss, ronald reagan, i was a child, i worked in his budget
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office. alls, ran di irk arou iran did they mined some parts of the gulf, they hit a frigate in return for that reagan took out about half of the iranian navy, now -- -- >> no pr no more problems. larry: senator tuberville, i yirn f yearn for those days, that is what you call deterrent. >> protect the united states of america, that is what in administration is supposed to be doing, they are not doing it. larry: yes, sir, i am afraid you are right, senator tommy tuberville, from great state of alabama. >> thank you. larry: coming on kudlow, live tv, why are we not hitting iran's oil fields? talking on the top tier puppet masters like reagan and trump did. we have general jack ki jack keane
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larry: all right, more on iran. general jack keane, retires four-star general. fox news senior strategic analyst is joining me now,
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thank you, sorry about the snafu, live tv and technical issues, i don' i don't know if you heard my riff, i men shebbed stu -- mentioned stuff you know about and out the me bgoing back. reagan took out almost half of the iran ran navy, at the time, they set some mines up in the gulf, and took -- hit a us from frig i frigate, they did not hit us 160 times, killing people. look at, reagan took out about half of the navy, i wonder, will joe biden learn anything from military history? and why appease ament does not work. >> i'm not sure, i have concerns that what he is about to do may not be sufficient, because of the pattern of the behavior has been since he took office.
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the reality is iran looks at this administration and sees weakness, vulnerability and an tune for them. what happening in the middle east, they have expanded the war in northern israel, 80 thousand have been displaced by the hezbollah. we have seen what the houthis have done, they have shut down half of the suez canal traffic, impacting the global supply chain, that is iranian-backed proxy the houthis, 1 sit 160 attacks on u.s. bases is staggering, we should have done, whatever we're getting ready to do, let's hope it is comprehensive, we should have already done this to prevent the loss of life, not after that was inevitable. at some point a drone or a missile would get through, that is where we are, our hearts go out to loss of our troops and their families
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and friends. but, listen, this administration has to step up, this is the time to do it. and they have got to shut down iran in terms of sanctions like trump administration did, get after china. who is buying their oil, and sanction them. we have to take a look at the nuclear issue as well. they are getting dangerously close. the administration has to resit their strategy dealing with iran. some comprehensive act against the iranian's military capability, i life that the irgc is a preferred target. which what reagan did and also leaders, but there are other targets, you mentioned oil fields there are plenty of target, it has to be comprehensive and it has to be something that iran does not want to lose. and that is what is essential, if we intend to stop this activity.
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larry: you know general, on this, they should have already done it. but this is -- i want to ask you, maybe it a side bar, but maybe not, a front page on "wall street journal," friday, first lead article, this duty to warn, duty to warn. we found out, we the readers, found out that the biden administration had picked up intel about the soleimani memorial service that thrul one that there would be aeris terrorist attack, we shared it with iran, the duty to warn is you share intel with your friends and partners not your enemy, why would we share any money or intel or anything with iran, down get that general jack keane.
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>> it is characteristic of this administration. in january of 2021, this administration, first month, they began to ease up on the trump sanctions, everyone recognized was having a profound impact on the iranians, like all sanctions, there are loop homes, but what did they do? they eased up on them, why? they wanted to convince the iranians that the united states was serious about renegotiating the nuclear deal and they did that as a concession. this attitude, of conceding to iran, to working a diplomatic negotiated settlement with them, as if they were a ridgi a legitimate nation, acting responsible on the world stage, that was intent of obama negotiated, nuclear deal, we're 10 years later, and this is not a
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responsible nation, this is a nation who is clear about its intent, talks about it. and that is dominating control of the middle east. drive the u.s. military presence out. that is what 160 attacks were about. and also weaken and destroy the state of israel. that is what all of this proxies are involved in. until we get our head around that, and develop a comprehensive tragedy to deal with that allallies and partners we'll continue to have these problem. larry: bidens say, they don't want to escalate the middle east war with israel and hamas, but in effect i iran already has, and they have been escalating it for years. for example when the sanctions were lifted. that you mentioned. and you know money has changed hands frozen accounts, some has, they got oil fields they got offshore old fields you talk about
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comb macommand and control centers and training centers, we have we not done that al already. >> we should have done that to prevent of the loss of life, not after, they have expanded war since after october 7, the hezbollah has and houthis and iranian backed militia groups that with the 160 attacks, idea that we'll did something toke pang the war because -- to expand the war because we'll take action to shut the iranian expansion of war down is foolishness, there is delusion there that their unwillingness to confront iran, we need to work with our allies and partners in the region, work with the israeli on nuclear issue which i is getting
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dangerously show, and recognize iran needs to be confronted that will take spying, i hope this administration steps up. larry: yes, sir, thank you general jack keane appreciate your advice. >> coming on kudlow, how are the iran r iranian war and border war going to impact the twin 2 -- 2024 race, there is a lot of stuff going on, what are the politics of iran. what are the politics of the border deal? steve hilton and jason chaffetz will weigh in thin you have impeachment charges against biden dhrs secretar alejandro mayorkas. congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, up next, while on kudlo
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larry: all right we got to have politics going on here. you have big events.
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also, allegedly a border bailout of discussions with president biden. and members of the senate, including republican senators, without legislative text, i don't know, we'll bring in steve hilton. and jason chaffetz. fox news contributors, and fellow at government acun bill dwoua. >> steve hilton, what happens, iran or proxy, this is the worst attack yet. brave souls patriots, military servicemen were killed a lot of wounded. we're in 160s now. seems to me that this has you know, trump written all over it, if i may. and secondly, the border. to me it has trump. i may be wrong and a lot of biden time think that i'm wrong, but i want to get your thought, these events
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happened fast willie-nillie, bombing and now the bill. >> yeah, great to see you, i think that there is no question about the politics of the border, no question that helps trump. it was one of his most famous pledges when he first ran in 2016. it seemed to have done a good job he did a good job. and crossings were down, chaos was not there. now you have the kay o chaos that everyone can see, not just fox and bill melugin covering it, it across all media now. even if they managed to cobble something together, even if they can do something last minute, it's too late, the image of chaos has been established in american public a mind it is op views, trump is the right 57 tperson to deal with it. in middle east we're watching to see what happens, a moment of great tension, i don't think this
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is clear cut that situation would benefit trump, but more than likely it will. what you see in most middle east, as in the world, are consequences of biden's weakness. we was sold to us, great foreign policy genius, these years of -- the world is a more unstable and dpru dangerous and chaotic place now, if there is. no one wants to see this military conferencetation with american droops -- troops at risk, sometimes you get a rallies to flag affect. but, i don't feel that is likely, i think you are more likely right middle east situation would benefit trump. larry: it'ed by tony -- i want biden to give a tough response in middle east, go after the oil files, after offshore or command and control or go after training
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centers. i would like to see that, on behalf of america, america dies when great patriotic servicemen and women died it has happened. and amount of attacks is off the charts. >> this administration says they will give an appropriate response in their own time. larry: what does that mean? >> a disproportionate response, peace through strength. we have peace, the most peaceful parts of my lifetime with reagan and trump, joe biden is an extension of barack obama, they started appeasing and enriching iran under obama administration, joe biden is continuing that, which is costing american lives, and the border, they changed border in its approach, they thiepp opened that border, number one thing is the border patrol itself.
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this administration will not talk to the border patrol union or border trol patrol agents, they tell you, they don't need more money or change in personal, they need political will to let the border patrol do its job, they won't let it. larry: senator lankford makes the case biden loves it, we were 10,000 illegals in december . no, weekly, 300 thousand in december. if we cut it to 5,000, that is a huge victory, that means we're closing the border. >> yeah let's pat ourselves on the back. larry: that is political bs argument but ul hear it. >> it should be zero, why not say zero, the current law says you shall be detained and shall be deported if you come in outside of the ports of
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entry, we not enforcing that law, that is why secretary mayorkas needs to be impeached, he is lying to congress that border is secure and not enforcing current law. larry: steve hilton, taking the daily from 10,000 illegals to 5,000 is a huge victory for joe biden. you buy that, you will hear a lot of it in mainstream media. >> that is what jason said, what are we going, this is in line with the democrats in states they run, which is legalize crime. this is what they do these days, to take something that all normal people would agree should be illegal, not happen, at all. rate amount is zero, now they want to shift goal post par. larry: thank you, steve hilton, and jason chaffetz, we have to report. what me worry, the stock market hitting new highs today, dow and s&p.
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and we bring in the great gerri willis to report on this, if you don't want on it, it didn't happen. reporter: god day for stocks -- a good day for stocks, edging higher of federal reserve reserve meeting this week, dow up 224. s&p higher by 36. nazdaq rising 172. both dow and s&p in record territory, as you can see. tech companies microsoft and meat hitting all-time -- meta hitting all-times ahead of irvins, and dow members in record territory, we hitting heart of earning season with googles and ups and starbucks reporting tomorrow, investors optimism on the rise, future markets price in an 87% probability of a federate cut in may, and less than 50% in march,
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the rate cuts they make the markets happy. larry: gerri willis thank you. >> we appreciate it. now, house republicans move forward with two articles of impeachment. against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas. they are accusing him of willful and stemmatic refusal to comply with the law, and two, breach of public trust, georgia congresswoman mornin marjorie taylor greene leading the charge, what will happen? votes tomorrow, it is a vote or inquiry? how does that negotiation with white house muddle up the ma mayorkas story. >> thank you, larry, tomorrow on our homeland security committee we'll actually be marking up articles of impeachment that were referred to my committee in hocke homeland after i forced a floor vote in november, this something
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that have been pushing and working on for a long time this is what american people want to see happen, and coupling it fact that we have federal government pitted again state of texas and 25 republican governors standing with texas. this unprecedented border invasion, brought on by secretary mayorkas. and his willful, willingness to basically break federal immigration law, can't come soon enough. i'm proud republicans will be voting, yes tomorrow om on my articles of impeachment, and articles of impeachment we shaped together and on hopefully bringing it to shous house floor soon. larry: breaking the public trust is very important, everyone knows that there was a massive problem and break down.
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mayorkas and his boss biden, you know, presidents never lie marjorie taylor greene they have untruths. we have been faced with that massive untruth for 3 years. now it is time to take an accounting. >> well, they can't trick the american people. you and i both know this is horrific, month after month, another hi historic number of invasion, december was highest, but we can't watch americans die of day from fentanyl overdose and illegal alien crime, members of congress, we're the lawmaker, not the secretary of department of homeland security. and sert mayorkas has taken it into his hands to make this border invasion possible, he has paroled illegal aliens en masse, and here we are you know, tragically, three members of the georgia reserves killed.
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in this awful attack that we learned about. you know, i be think those reverists wou rethey would rather be guarding our southern bordering than getting killed because of biden's weakness and horrific foreign policy. >> yes yes, ma'am. thank you so much. >> folks, we'll take a quick break and then, we'll need some trump and reagan peace through strength, we don't want biden appeasement. florida congressman mike waltz and he hits his mark —center stage—and is crushed by a baby grand piano. you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ after last month's massive solar flare
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ larry: let's talk about veterans for trump move, two leading florida congressmen, both u.s. veterans, god bless them, i'm waltz and brian mast, leading the push. mike, as you travel. what are veterans saying about this all important presidential race? >> well, they are crystal clear we have to have someone who understands america's strength, and how
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deterrents works i in back in the white house, at end of the day looking at middle east, isis was defeated and iran was broke. we had the abraham accords breaking out, middle east peace breaking out through the abraham accords and we had our military on the road to rebuild, and a true shift on our true adversetary the chinese communist party. now we have the world on fire, and a recruiting crisis right now because our military leadership biden's leadership and pentagon is more worried about renaming bases and installing chinese-made solar panels than they are focused on war fighting and giving our men and women the equipment they need to win, so, i think you will see an overwhelming turn out for president trump, and i think representative mast would agree, we hear it loud from clear from active duty
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service members as well. larry: brian, both you are distinguished patriots, god bless, i think mr. trump has to make it clear he will help veterans, help veterans when they come home, i still think veterans department, v.a. hospitals, all of health care, jobs, jobs, train, things like that, i think we have a lot more work to do. you tell me if i'm wrong. but i heard some of this when i worked in white house, i think more has to exam. to come. >> there is a focus of trump administration, i had con very vagues about it what can they do to eliminate backlog of pensions and claims issues for those issues that have claims into the v.a., and how do deal with it state by state, putting % groups of people -- putting together groups people who knock it down, so people don't have to wait until they potentially die, what can they do for individual thats error tires
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for, people that are out there on the verge of suicide, dealing with crisis, these are all thins that are areo top of mind of the trump administration. what will be, president trump is thinking about this i can attest to do, that i am proud to of the fact that he thinks about this, on a regular basis.. >> larry, let me jump? >> president trump did that veterans have been asking for, was the v.a. mission act, right, the veteran's choice, if v.a. is not taking care of you, judge gto your local doctor and bill it to the government. that was a huge step. i think that prowmp president trump will build on that. >> all right, there is over in enoug -- never enough time, we will explore veterans against gentleman thank you so much congressman mike waltz and
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6:00 am
when you watsonx your business, you can use ai assistants to help coders code faster, customer service respond quicker, and employees handle repetitive tasks in less time. let's create ai assistants that transform business with watsonx. ibm. let's create. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪


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