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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 30, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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ashley: one of stu's favorites, save the world as you look down sixth avenue saying there is nobody back. where is everybody? is 10:00 eastern. i'm ashley webster, let's get straight to our money, the dow and s&p, and down one quarter of one%, green on the screen, the dow 30 waiting for the big tech earnings beginning get after the bell with alphabet anti-microsoft. 10 year treasury yields ever so slightly lower at 4.07%. take a look at the price of oil, that was moving higher and
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it is up $0.46 at $77.24 for a barrel of crude, bitcoin, take a look at where bitcoin is, 43,400, talking about big tech, it's a big week for their earnings this week, mixed bag, alphabet, apple all moving slightly lower. everyone wants to see how these big tech companies are doing with the latest earnings report. we've just gotten the latest read on jobs, the job turnovers. lauren: 9. 026 million jobs were open as of the final day of december, a little more than expected and the first increase in three months, labor market still tight. ashley: another one.
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this can be a market mover, consumer confidence. what do we hear? lauren: january from december, december at 108 to 114.8 in january, the highest in just three years since december 2021. the highest since 2021. the present situation was strong, people starting to feel better. ashley: thank you. no impact on the markets, still down across the board. now this. president biden's mental and physical health has been on the decline since he took office. watch this. >> >> president biden: we should not be locking people up, we should be making sure we change the circumstance and we did. i guarantee you we are going to end fossil fuel. let's get back up. we are decent, we are great, we
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are resilient people. vladimir putin's yeah, kleptocracy. the guys who are in the kleptocracy. i am pronouncing it right, god save the queen, man. [applause] don't mess with the men of america. by the way, used to make beer brew here. earth rider, thanks for the great lakes. ashley: no idea what he said but people applauded loudly. it's painful watching, jimmy failla. we haven't seen biden doing this. can you see them doing this another five years? it is almost elder abuse.
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>> it's rough to watch but let's make one thing clear. biden might not beat donald trump but he will definitely beat the sign language interpreter every single time, at one point during public appearance the steinle which interpreter goes from i don't know, it's watch -- rough to watch. here's what i would say to the american people. i'm not making a republican point. i'm making an american point. this is the president of the united states. there's not a parent watching this that would trust him to drive their children in a car. you know you wouldn't trust him behind the wheel of a car. if you wouldn't let him drive your kids you should let him steer your country, bottom line. ashley: i agree, he can't find his way off the stage let alone drive a car. late-night talkshow legend jay leno says he's going to give up
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on political jokes. >> i stopped doing politics in my act fell to gather. when i did the tonight show, you made fun of both sides equally. now you got to take aside and people are angry if you don't to. i find they want to know the punchline whether it is for or against so i stopped doing it. i just want people to come and laugh and have a good time. that's the idea of comedy. ashley: a reflection of the times. at one point you could make fun of both but now there is so much division. are comedians scared to make jokes because they are worried they are going to get canceled? >> not good comedians. a phrase you hear a lot, called read the room. what a good comedian after job is, lead the room. you have a microphone, you set the terms of engagement and if you establish a friendly
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sensibility, the truth is outrage has always been a tear any of the minority. people who pipe up and say i don't like a joke, the people who might get offended, there is one out of every 200 people that walk into a comedy club. people don't pay a 2 drink minimum to ribbon the life of a guy who offered them an escape. and what lynn was getting wrong. and true comics know comedy doesn't have a political party, comedy is a part and if you establish that, you can go after anything you want as long as they know your bargaining in good faith. those who get mad, weren't going to survive in a comedy club anyway because politics, imagine what it is going to look like when we start coming at your personal life. ashley: the tail wagging the dog because one person doesn't like it. i want to move on because this is important.
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your new book, cancel cultured dictionary officially out in stores today. give us your pitch. >> cancel culture has broken the compass in society, policing sources of joy for certain sub - sources of grievance, people getting mad at comics, musicians, all these things that were trying to help us unplug have become cultural battlegrounds. the pitch for the book is this is a way to get to the late 80s vibe, anyone could shout out and if you love reading at a third-grade level you are going to love this book. ashley: very quickly, what's with the outfit, you've got a launch later this week? >> this is for my book launch. i want everybody to make it clear, i'm know -- too chubby to become an astronaut. it's launch day for the cancel cultured dictionary. that's all.
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ashley: great to talk to you this morning, now this. real-time host bill maher going after the new york times saying get back in here, what's he saying about them? lauren: every page of the paper he used to love is like the opinion pages. >> don't want to get started on the new york times, they write stupid things today. a completely different generation with different idea about journalism. front page used to be just the facts, the headlines today or something like trump's victory something the nation's psyche -- that's not a headline, that's your lead -- trump's -- just won i a while. trump's victory, something in the nation. ashley: he seems like the old democratic party, seems reasonable, moderate, that's not -- it has become the mainstream media papers.
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>> and scott shalladd a mac. they put politics a little bit. and the stocks surging, under president biden, is this a trump rally. >> a couple reasons and everyone knows we are spending like drunken sailors. that has been largely fueling our growth. it's taken $2 of $2.60, it's not doing a good job. and that has been fueling a lot of growth. the other reason we have seen some of the growth.
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and and talking about new rate cuts. that has been dialed back. the market is so sure of some sort of interest rate cuts, we are watching the meeting and the march meeting of the may meeting, there's a lot of expectation built in for cuts. at the same time, knowing that a large part of this has been fueled by government spending. that's going to be a problem. can't go on forever, 35 trillion is just around the corner. ashley: i wanted to ask you this quickly, we spent almost a year trying to decide if we will have a soft landing recession or hard landing recession. do you still think we are going to have a recession? consumer center numbers are
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strong, i know there's a lot of debt out there but what say you? >> the new year's resolution is trying to predict the timing. and we talk about where the deck chairs are on the titanic. the boat will so slowly but surely sink. and we can't continue this case of spending. and the consumer and the government on the buy now pay later system and there is no way out. they need some guardrails put in and donald the ultimately slow down growth. i don't know, today what we are doing is 100% on a sustainable.
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ashley: we will leave it right there. you have spoken and we are listening. thank you as always. great to see you. you are looking at some of the movers today. lauren: they make servers come shares are hitting a new high. if you look at the past 52 weeks, stock is up almost 600%. they increase their full-year sales forecast, it's going to be, they say, $1 billion more than first thought. netflix's cofounder sold one billion dollars of his own stock in the company to maximize his tax benefits. he put 2 million netflix shares in charity, silicon valley community foundation. unlike a private foundation that has to distribute those funds and disclose where they have been distributed, this foundation respects the privacy of the donor, for years on
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used. elon musk's other company, tesla shares are the public company and they implanted the first brain chip into a human being. it allows someone who is paralyzed to move, e-mail or play video games with their thoughts. so at this point, this process will take 6 years but we are at the stage where the robot successfully implanted the chip in the part of the brain that controls movement and the patient is recovering well. this is called telepathy. it's very promising. it is hopeful but i have to say it is also scary. on the leading edge of artificial intelligence. can a human brain be implanted with superhuman intelligence? that is the next frontier in here we are. ashley: we are already here.
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like every frightening sci-fi movie we have ever watched. fascinating, and people who are paralyzed, if this works, what a life changer. thank you very much. nikki haley blame president biden's weakness for emboldening iran. she says they smell blood in the water. biden is under scrutiny for not hitting iran harder before the deadly drone attack in jordan, roll the tape. >> don't. >> president biden: don't, don't, don't. i have one word, don't. don't. ashley: i think they are trying to say don't. the white house says they will respond, quote, in their own time. congressman cory mills is on the house armed services committee, does he approve of the administration's delayed response to iran? we will ask next.
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ashley: in all the proxies can be traced to iran when the president came into office he had blocked sanctions iranian oil exports when the country had more money. >> at what point does the president cut off the money to iran by stopping or reducing the benefit from oil sales? >> has the president said after he acknowledged the three souls that were taken from us, our service members who bravely protect our national security,
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us as a country. he said we should all respond to let's not get ahead of that. >> reporter: the president had several meetings in the situation room for the past several days to figure out how the us wants to respond. ashley: and we wait. congress and cory mills joins me now. the white house says they will respond to this deadly attack, quote, in our own time. feels like they didn't have a plan. what say you? >> the goal is not to do a tit for tat with iran, the goal is to be proactive and ensure the safety and security of our armed forces and i'm questioning whether the outpost in tower 22 is a necessary thing given who that we haven't had a direct element that needed to fight in syria or iraq in quite some time.
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the national security entrance is trying to continue the fight against isis, we spent hundreds of billions for the iraqi government and others to handle that fighting 15 and 16 and falluja. my whole thing is we need to stop just only looking at everything connecticut. it is not just bonds obama and going to gun, bold the bullet scenario. and the second thing donald trump did was checking, and the oil trade, where america is flying. they are looking at what the united nations city council doing and how we are having a more understanding evolution of warfare that it has taken us. ashley: you think the response should be more economic than
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military, responding in kind. >> biggest thing is if we have a retaliatory strike on how this attack backed through the killed these three us service members what are we doing other than putting additional risk for a retaliatory attack again. a lot of analysis that the ghost of this to ensure the safety and security before we think about a strike because someone struck first. ashley: i want to move on to this issue, the u.s. navy is lowering the bar to enlist as they struggled to recruit people, they accept applicants who have not graduated from high school or even obtained a ged. who or what, could it be lack of confidence in the president and defense secretary? what do you think? >> a member of the subcommittee emissary personnel and the armed services committee i can tell you at multiple hearings where we ask all of the joint chiefs about why the military
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was prioritizing things like diversity, equity and inclusion as opposed to the readiness of being properly equipped, 9600 people out of the military unconstitutionally for the vaccination. we have a shortage in the navy, 41,000 people across the dod, these are the lowest numbers since the vietnam era. we need to prioritize what it is to increase the quality of life for the military, spouses and families, look at our retention and pay chart, to be able to deal with inflation and cost of living? ashley: very good. president biden may, i say may skip the ceremony honoring those american soldiers killed in jordan. what do you make of that?
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>> this goes to show the snub he has made to military veterans and our fallen. he didn't go to the wreath ceremony in arlington. he was checking his watch as they were unloading those who were killed on august 20th -- august 26th, 2020, one. continual 26, 2021. continual snow. look at karine jean-pierre who called the military post, not the heroes or goldstar families. it's another display where not prioritizing a military that served the united states of america. ashley: we will have to leave it right there. thank you for your time, thank you. coming up. the governor of oklahoma wants to send national guard troops to texas to deal with the border crisis. oklahoma isn't a border state. governor kevin stick will join us next to talk about it. ♪
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ashley: let's look at markets moving slightly lower. the s&p did get above the waterline which means a new record i. any positive gains on the s&p means another record. that's keeping an eye on that but these markets treading water as we wait for big tech names to report their earnings this week. you've been looking at the other movers. lauren: 40636 is the new high. stock is going to $465 a share. pulte home, the bad news is they sold fewer homes at lower prices, the good news is they did see significant increase in buyer activity in the month of december when mortgage rates started to move lower. pulte is hitting a new high, up one. 2%. %.
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dollar general is offering fresh produce in 5000 stores. the dollar store has more distribution than a healthy supermarket. carrying fresh produce is costly. stock is down 3.2%. ashley: thank you very much. let's get back to the battle between texas and the fed for control of the border. matt finn is in eagle pass, texas. what is governor abbott now saying about migrants that he has been busting out of state. >> reporter: governor abbott has transported 102,000 migrants to sanctuary cities and he says that will continue until, quote, biden secures the border. in shelby park, the showdown continues between governor abbott and the biden administration. in california, the southern border, we have fresh data, fox
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cameras catching an illegal crossing in eastern san diego and two human smuggling suvs pulled to the mexican side of the wall and drop off dozens of people who illegally breezed through the southern border wall. this group included illegal migrants from china, turkey, brazil, and india. u.s. customs and border protection source tells fox news there were 1100 border patrol apprehensions in the san diego sector yesterday including 97 chinese nationals and 90 one turkish nationals, 850 illegal crossings were single adults. back in texas, a fox camera captured truckloads of fencing arriving here into shelby park. nearly every day we've been here the past few weeks, we've seen texas building and fortifying its fencing and razor wire, the state is not complying with the biden administration at demand to
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allow border patrol back into this park. behind us, there is additional fencing and razor wire going up. governor abbott continuing to dig his heels into shelby park. ashley: sending a message indeed. thanks for the latest in eagle pass on the border. joining me now is the governor of oklahoma kevin stitt. great to see you. i believe you are looking to send national guard troops to the texas border, you are not a border state so the question, why do you want to do this? >> the real question the american people are asking themselves is why in the world is president biden cutting razor wire to let illegals enter our country. the best way to explain it is there's 28 ports of entry on the mexico texas border and it's already federal law,
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illegal in any way except those ports of entry and the fact that we have a president that's breaking the law, we support texas. 25 other governors tell texas they will be back here and americans are frustrated with the situation and fentanyl death are on the rise in my state, 500% and we know it is a tax on our healthcare system and we've got to get this stopped. it makes no sense whatsoever. ashley: of the issue of this particular park went to court and the court sided with the biden administration, you think it's okay just to stand your ground? >> the constitution of the united states is the supreme law of the land, not somebody in washington dc. my question for the american people, what are you going to cost 6 million people illegally entering the country. it is called an invasion and
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that is what governor abbott is saying, we agree with him. he has a right under the constitution to protect of those municipalities, protect his state. that's what he is doing. the real question, why is president biden, his back is against the corner, he can fix this just like that and is threatening to federalize the national guard because he's trying to make this problem worse. the american people are frustrated. oklahomans are scratching their head, this makes no sense whatsoever. ashley: let me ask you this. oklahoma's state republican party is wanting to censor senator layingford over the deal. is that appropriate or harsh? >> i know oklahoma people are frustrated by what we see. nobody is against legal immigration.
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we are the nfl with the number one draft pick. we can use h one b visas and get the best talent but that has nothing to do with strong, securing the border and i heard what you were talking about in california that you've got terrorists being apprehended, chinese nationals, immigrant workers, that has to go through and h1 b visa process. we need to separate those two things. to give you the benefit of the doubt let's wait until this plan from the senate is out but i wouldn't deal with president biden at all until we secure the border. that's number one. he can do it going back to the trump era policies, and he's choosing not to do that and enforce the law. the president of the united states needs to do that before we talk about any kind of immigration policy. ashley: you were the first to endorse ron desantis in june
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and donald trump went after you for that decision but now that the santos has dropped out or suspended, looks like trump is the front runner. are you going to back donald trump now? >> absolutely. i have endorsed donald trump for president and desantis is a friend of mine, a fellow governor. i saw how he led his state through covid and my big deal with endorsing desantis early on was i felt we needed someone to beat president biden and be there for 8 years but i am excited about donald trump administration and i think he's going to pick the right vp and potentially we could get the white house the next 12 years because the american people want and america first policy. border security, the border was secure under donald trump and it will happen day one in his second term and i fully support donald trump to get back into the white house and beat president biden, bring some
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common sense back to america, unleash american energy which is something we need to do and oklahoma is ready to help in that regard as well. ashley: we have to leave it there but thank you for taking the time to talk with us today. >> thanks so much. ashley: now this. some members of the united auto workers not happy with union leadership's endorsement of president biden. what are they saying? >> they don't plan to vote for biden, an interview with the daily caller, rank and file auto workers, union leadership like president shawn fain does not share the same interests as they do. they say they are independent thinkers who support the union but the uaw endorsement. they see the biden administration is hostile to
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the us auto industry and they believe policies of democrats hostile to middle-class americans. they are disappointed by leadership, they continue the insanity of a blind endorsement of democratic candidates. ashley: thank you very much. squad member rashida tlaib met with biden's campaign manager. biden wants to ease tensions with progressives over israel which begs the question is he caving to the left? sean duffy will deal with that in our next our. former business associate of hunter biden is going to speak with impeachment investigators today but unlike witnesses in the past, this man has direct ties to president biden. david spunt will have the full report from washington coming up next. ♪
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ashley: this justin. president biden has decided how to respond to those deadly attacks on american soldiers in jordan. he says we do not need a wider war in the middle east. not sure how that ties in but we will bring you more as we get it. one of hunter biden's former business associates america chairman, has direct ties to president biden after serving as his financial advisor. give me the latest.
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>> eric sure aaron --'s wherein took care of his financial matters for years including his taxes. 30 minutes ago it started. we have video of him arriving on capitol hill. our records show he visited the white house and visited president biden's house 36 times between 2,009-twenty sixteen. before he was president, he handled some of his taxes. according to an e-mail obtained by fox news he wrote to hunter biden in 2010 saying the tax refund check came today. i'm depositing it in his account and writing a check in that amount back to you since he owes it to you. don't think i need to run it by him but if you want to, go ahead. if not i will deposit tomorrow. we learned he traded emails with president biden 54 times. use different aliases
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back-and-forth, these emails or around the time biden visited ukraine, when hunter was on the board of the ukrainian gas company burisma. they believe that eric sharon -- schwerin what talk about at a relationship with president biden himself. at the end of february, hunter biden will be on capitol hill for his transcribed deposition under oath. it is a congressional probe facing charges in a federal court room, one in delaware on gun charges in california. ashley: a long list. now this. sweetening the pot to keep store managers, the retail giant boosting bonuses on stock grants. the managers could make
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$400,000 or more a year. we've got the story. vivek ramaswamy claims the super bowl is going to be rigged in favor of the chiefs. he said that will set the stage for taylor swift and travis kelsey to endorse president biden. brian kilmeade will respond to that next. with tailored educat. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap.
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ashley: it's just past 10:50 went on the east coast and there he is, brian kilmeade joins us now. i want to get into this story because it raises eyebrows. vivek ramaswamy claiming this europe super bowl is going to be rigged in favor of the chiefs. he says that's because it's going to set the stage for taylor swift and travis kelsey to endorse president biden on stage. you think she's going to endorse biden at the super bowl? brian: if there's going to be the biggest scandal in the history of the world, the biggest game of the world watches, nobody told the 49ers, i'm sure they play tackle football pretty well. it's a crazy statement. about the taylor swift situation, not sure, they seem to be the same paper. talking about how the biden administrator wants to do this
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fundraiser with bill clinton and barack obama. would have thought of using democratic presidents, and the number 2, when has a little epstein problem, not sure he should be bringing money and for anybody but the other story is taylor swift, the special strategy is to get young people to vote, to have her support him. she evidently tweeted out support for him, you saw the fullscreen this morning. i don't remember that in 2018, she went for the candidate against marsha blackburn. marsha blackburn felt that. it would be the dumbest thing a mega superstar could ever do. why would you tell half the country you don't agree with them in this highly polarized time, stay out of it. i am taylor swift, i like this guy, happens to do football for a living, i'm on the stage, that is it. it would be the craziest thing for her to do. president biden is not worth it. if you need taylor swift to get
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you another four years, that's how bad your first four years have been, you're done, you 're finished, your through. ashley: i want to ask you this. what do you think of president biden's biggest policy failures of his first term so far? brian: number one, afghanistan. he was not warned by any general how bad this would go. the problem was those generals got up and said i told him. general mckenzie, i told him. general austin, i told him. the biggest one is about to happen now with him refusing to act with force on militias in the area and iran at the throat of it all, getting our men and women in harm's way, traumatic brain injuries, killed over the weekend and the houthi rebels blowing up commercial tankers. we hit them several rate times, they have come back over and over again.
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refusing to act with authority, through a huge defense budget of $900 billion plus annually, that allowed us to -- i feel bad for the families, they are serving in harm's way. they are not allowed to be, before they attack in jordan over the weekend. ashley: another failure is the border which galls me. this has been going on, fox is one of the only outlets showing daily what is going on at the border, they refused to say it was a crisis, they eventually caved, they blamed the republicans, no one can take that seriously. brian: i know senator landonkford is getting a bad deal but if the deal is out there, allows any description, no one has faith that he's committed to doing anything.
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that the problem. looked looks like he got something done but nothing will change. that is what republicans fear. no commitment. whatever you think about trump he was committed to getting the border sealed. his enemy say he is too aggressive. i want to guy or a woman that wants to be aggressive. cares about security. doesn't want to overrule border patrol. the border patrol does not get over time, that something we should change right away. ashley: got it. thanks for joining us. darrell isa on the us cutting funding to a un agency over alleged ties to hamas terrorists. sean duffy, what biden could do to stop the attacks without starting a full-scale war. and abby hornicek on the taylor soot craze ahead of of the super bowl. is it going too far? the 11:00 hour of "varney and company" is next.
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>> there's a reason iran is making tha


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