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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 30, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EST

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>> there's a reason iran is making that calculation.
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it's not coming out of nowhere. it's because of months of basically inaction, pinpricks, hand slaps after escalating attacks against our people. >> the faddism is a bigger factor and sentiment in the economy is a bigger factor, but there's too many facts over history that move stocks up or down and unrelated to public policy. >> we have to be brutally honest here, no president of the united states is going to start a war with iran. it's not going to happen. we are not into preemptive proactive wars. biden's not going to do it, if a republican is elected, they're not going to do it. >> if you need more money for ice flights to deport more people, i'm all in. if you need more money for technology that prevents fentanyl coming into the country, i'm in. if you're asking for more money to release more people into the country illegally, i'm out. >> this is the president of the united states and there's not a parent watching this that would trust him to drive their children in a car.
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ashley: hello, everyone. looking down sixth avenue and midtown manhattan and listen to a little david bowie. thank you, producers. midtown manhattan and 11:00 in the morning and it's a light day. it's 11:000 on the east coast on this tuesday, january 30th. i'm ashley webster in for stuart this hour. take a look at those markets and a lot of red on the screen. they're all moving lower and major exchanges but really just treading water. the nasdaq down nearly half a percent but the dow and s&p down about a tenth. s&p briefly turned higher earlier in the session, which means it's a new record high. any gain for s&p will see a new record high. take a look at big tech names. we have big week of earnings for the big tech names. alphabet, microsoft today after
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the closing bell. meta and microsoft actually moving higher. meta up 1% and alphabet, amazon and apple, they're all moving lower. apple down nearly 2%. 10-year treasury yield moving lower and now a little higher. up two basis points at 4.09%. all right, now this, president biden facing fresh calls to retaliate against iran. sean duffy joins me now. great to see you, sean. if you go back in history, jimmy carter's presidency was destroyed over his conflicts with iran. could history repeat itself? do we need a strong response? >> well, i think no response getting more aggress, ashley. we need military response or response to the revenue source, which is oil. you can't sit and allow multiple attacks and dead american soldiers and think that'll beget
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pause because it will not. what's nassau county fating, i don't understand why -- what's fascinating is i don't understand why this administration has been passive all along and we would obviously know the attacks would continue especially when they go un-responded to and knew eventually american soldiers were going to day, which they now have and we'll see san attack successful on the military ships in the red sea i'm sure. all of this weakness begets more aggression by iran and some action the president will have to take. lawler it'll be? i don't know. he seems very passive in this language of we don't want war or conflict and sends a message to iran it's open season to keep attacking us. by the way, i think the opinion from the american people is you do have to respond in some fashion, in some form. they want that. ashley: well, he's apparently
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made up his mind up what he's going to do but hasn't shared. squad member rashida tlaib meeting with biden's campaign manager and we understand that biden wants to ease progressive concerns over israel. do you think biden will call for a ceasefire? he's doing battle with the progressives of his party. >> if it's in iran. if joe biden calls for a ceasefire, maybe he doesn't have to respond to iranians and can get them to stand down because he's doing what they want and the squad and left wing party wants. this all comes back to climate change. joe biden doesn't want to attack iranian oil and affects global oil supply and affecting global oil supply driving american energy prices and you happen doesn't want to pump more american energy and shuts it down, he needs iran to continue to produce more oil so he may
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get out of all of this and calling for a ceasefire and continue with climate change and continue with making peace with iran and trying to shore up part of the base. i think this is a bad strategy and projects weakness on the global change and they've projected climate change so bad and they won't leave any time soon. ceasefire and oil in iran all feed together. ashley: i feel like he has been for some time lead ago divided party and could argue he went far left earlier in his presidency but now started drifting more to the middle. he can't please all the people all the time, can he? >> no, he cannot and again, when you have a party that's so divided and traditional democrats and now the marxist come mist left wing -- communist left wing democrats and they're going to be divide nod matter the decision you make. ashley: exactly. sean, we're out of time and
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thank you for being here and we'll be watching you and the soft spoken dagen mcdough on your show -- dagen mcdowell on your show the bottom line at 6:00 p.m. eastern. great show. sean, thank you again for being here. check the markets and bring many mike murphy. great to see you, mike. he's with us for the whole hour so little extra in the paycheck this week. mike, talk about the big tech earnings. is the market expecting too much from the big tech names? >> good morning, ash. great to see you. i really don't think they are at this point. we're sitting here at all time highs, and we need to have strong earnings from the companies that got us here in order to keep us here and i think the conventional wisdom, if you will, or smart money is telling you these stocks have gotten ahead of themselves and big tech that is that they can't support the valuations where they are. so as an investor who's staying long on these names, i love to hear that. through all the negatives at this and see what the numbers
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they put out when they start reporting tonight because i expect continued innovation, i expect continued profits being generated, and i think there's a lot more upside for these companies, even from here. ashley: that's interesting. do you think they're the leading pack and they have been for so long and carry all the weight. do you see more of that this year? >> i do. a lot of people tried to pick the top on big tech several times and been wrong every single time. i'm going to stick with what's working. i don't see a lot of other companies out there innovating the way big tech is. that alone came nvidia that kind of elbowed room for themselves in the talk of big tech. now they're firmly in that group. that's where the innovation is and where it's going to continue to be and where the big profits are, which is what drives higher stock prices. so stay with what's working. ashley: exactly. very good. mike, thank you very much. we'll be back with you in just a few minutes here but come back in, lauren. you're taking a look at general
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motors. gm auto makers. what are they doing? lauren: i'm going to shock you. the outlook is upbeat for the year. stock's up 7%. very strong free cash flow and 8-10 billion of it for 2024 and the shocker is nearly all of that is generated by traditional vehicles, internal combustion engines. they're signaling they're going to return more capital to shareholders and it certainly is a winner today. stellantis, the brand is getting chatgpt to improve voice assistance in its veh vehicles d you can have a conversation with your car, ashley, starting tomorrow in europe. it would help me get places because i can't read the map so tell me when to turn and don't be off because i'm easily confused. take a look at boeing, dow stock and report earnings tomorrow and should be lower to tune of 2.2%. another problem with a plane. so there are four versions of the 737 max. the 8 and 9 are flying.
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the 10 has not been certified, but there's the 7 we don't talk about this one. they have an issue with the di saying so the news is that boeing is not going to ask the faa for an exception to a safety standard that would expedite that certification. they're playing it very safe and this delays the time line for when those deliveries can be made, stock's down. ashley: all right, go from boeing to netflix. cofounder reed hastings sold about a billion dollars of the company st stock. what did he do with the money? i know what i would do with it. lauren: what would you dorks do? ashley? ashley: buy a lot of homes and buy a trips to warm climate with lots of palm trees. lauren: he benefited tax by putting the 2 million in charcharities and call silicon
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valley community foundation and this doesn't work like that. in fact the donor cans sit for years on the -- the donation can be sat on for years without being used and you get a bit of privacy there. ashley: very good. all right, lauren, thank you very much. all right, this story, coming up, wal-mart making major shakeups at the company and offering up to 20,000 in annual stock grants and eliminating the need nor college degree for some positions. we'll break it all down for you. meantime, vivek ramaswamy says the nfl rigged the season so the chiefs make it all the way to the super bowl so taylor swift can publicly endorse joe biden. that is one heck of a conspiracy theory. and 16 countries -- let's see are cutting over 750 million in funding for a un agency all because of its ties to hamas.
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congressman darryl issa will deal with that one next. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. it's time to feed the dogs real food, not highly processed pellets. the farmer's dog is fresh food made with whole meat and veggies. it's not dry food. it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come.
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ashley: the u.s. joined 15 other countries to temporally cut $750 million in funding to united nations agency all over its alleged ties to terrorists. outside the un in new y is madin alworth. reporter: ashley, 12 employees were directly involved in the attacks and information on the
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12 include one un staffer kidnapped an israeli woman on october 7 and another raided israeli kansa kibbutz and thirdd the area. employees in gaza for the united statessed nations and work industries and that's for the refugees and they have ties from the islamic militant groups and countries have paused funding and that's a total of $750 million if funding to pause the $1.1 billion annual budget and critics say the checkbooks should be closed permanently and house lawmakers are meeting today for the radical ideology and jewish hate for young people and the 12 accused of earlier
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and seven of them were primary or secondary schoolteachers in gaza and investigation into employees ties to the terrorist october 7 attack and that's being handled by the u.s. and critics say an internal investigation cannot be trusted but u.s. leadership believes there's too much at risk financially to jeopardize this investigation >> they're looking at steps they're going to take and make sure this is fully and thoroughly investigated for the clear accountability and it's necessary measures that are put in place. &so that this doesn't happen again so many allegations and one out and they've supported them. reporter: the united states supported them for decades till the state department cut ties and office for president biden
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restoring operations and largest single contributor and more than $1 billion during the presidency and un general secretary and they're host agameting this morning with some of the largest donors including the u.s. trying to reestablish support for the agency in gaza. back to you, ashley. ashley: madison, thank you very much. congressman darryl issa and republican congressman from california joining us now. you're on the house foreign affairs committee and what should we do with the un agency? >> what we should do is demand that as it is currently configured and it be disbanded and president trump didn't idly and they were teaching hate in the schools and some of the 12 that were being accused were some of the very people that had forgeneration had been teaching hate and hate is what caused and
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enabled them for hamas to be able to recruit people to murder over 1,000 israeli civilians and there's no question at all that when biden came in and reverse it had and even gave 100 million heavy bonus to the group and re-empowered a group and then needed to be disbanded and if it was going to be organized and had to be reorganized not with people that were part of the problem and really part of the solution. and right now a pause is not good enough and congress not willing to tolerate a pause and has to be an end to the group as we know it and comes at a bad time because there are some innocent palestinians suffering and we've got to get it right and we cannot continue to fund hate. ashley: take it back a step further, do we need a un at all? many argue none. >> if not for the un, could be another group and whatever group
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has to be separated from hosting and storing weapons from hamas and money used to build those and separate from teaching hate and this war is over and all wars it'll end and america will have a role and that role will be to make sure we stop teaching hate and create a opportunity for a peaceful solution and one that is not there and unra has been part of the problem and president trump and secretary of state mike pompeo made the decision to pull out and stay out of this organization unstill or unless an organization we can trust is stood up there and right now there's no alternative but there doesn't need to be an alternative and needs to be a real decision about whether or not we're going to stop teaching hate that has caused over 2 million palestinians to be supporters and disproportional
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supporters of hamas. one of the problems isn't just the terrorists that attacked and it's the fact that palestinians today consider hamas legitimate in their murdering of innocent civilians. ashley: congressman, i want to get this -- running a little long but president biden has decided how to respond to attacks on american soldiers in jordan. what should be that reaction? how should we react in your opinion? >> the reaction has to be similar to what ronald reagan did and enough is enough of iran's activities and whether those activities are direct or through proxies, we need to respond. half of iran's navy was sunk by then president reagan so there's been responses in the past and it hasn't truly been there and he put an end to it and iranian-backed houthis and hezbollah and this goes on. those rocket attacks and three
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killed were sad and tragic and many killed before and many more will die before shutting down the decision to do it and if we were made i'd hit some of the factories building the deadly drones and costing us a million to shoot down and we need to attack the factories and don't have to defend against individual drones. ashley: very good. we have to leave it there but, congressman issa, thank you for talking with us thomas mancino morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. ashley: border patrol seizing over 27 pounds of cocaine for smugglers illegally entering the country and we'll tell you how much that's worth. taylor swift has generated $330 million in value for the nfl thanks to her relationship with travis kelce and now other companies trying to cash in with things like taylor swift-themed
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ashley: the markets are treading water and the dow turnovers anded ever so slightly positive and waiting for big tick names to report this week. mike murphy has reported for this hour and has stock pick withs him and always delivers and kind of leads into the next topic for mike. it's ups. why do you like ups, mike? >> ash, we need to go picks and pans here because i don't actually like ups. i think what the company did when they signed their new contract late last year and giving out raises and they just got out over their skis and now they've come out because demand is down and they're going to layoff 12,000 workers and i think it's just important. i wanted to point this out and when you have management signing contracts and everyone would like to have a raise and earn more money, but if it's
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detrimental to the company's bottom line, it's not going to last and right now people are realizing that this isn't lasting. ashley: a major point, mr. murphy and talk about tesla. more positive about teslas. and starting in january and tesla stock and siblings are off with the earnings coming out with real skiddish on it and looking with a lot of companies out there with the ev market and that's more market share for elon musk and tesla to take. i like this, i own this and i think it'll be back in the mid to high 200s very soon. something to keep an eye on and it's pulled back to me. ashley: thank you, mike. moving obstr onto this after beg told that someone used equities, diversity and inclusion policies into hiring.
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lydia, isn't that illegal and does he open himself up to lawsuits? >> ashley, it's possible. one employment lawyer told me she'd not be surprised if a lawsuit was filed today against mark cuban because the billionaire described his hiring practices in a post on x like this, "i never hire anyone based on exclusively race, gender or religion. i only ever hire the person that puts my business in the best position to succeed. yes, race and gender can be part of that equation". that post has been seen by more than 5.5 million people, including equal employment opportunity commissioner andrea lucas, who responded on x telling cuban he is "dead wrong". she went onto explain that as a general rule, race/sex can't be a motivating factor nor a plus factor tie breaker or tipping point. we spoke to commissioner lucas last night, watch. >> there's just no good race
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discrimination. all race discrimination is wrong. doesn't matter how benevolent you're trying to be or have good intentions. if you're making a decision based on race and you're violating the law. we don't need more discrimination to try and eliminate discrimination. >> she's publicly sparring with dei critics like elon musk and bill ackman and some retreat from the policies that complaints that dei is used to discriminate mount to conservative leading groups and mark cuban didn't respond to our request to except but did reply to commissioner lucas on x saying "smart people can disagree on the issues". ashley. ashley: all right, he has spoken, lydia. thank you very much for that. turning to the super bowl and talk ago lot about the huge game in the coming weeks and nfl, big surprise here using taylor swift's popularity ahead of the
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big game. what a shocker. some airlines are getting in on the fun. of course they r. united and american both adding new flights to vegas with the flight number as you can see highlighted on the screen of 1989. that is a nod to one of taylor swifts albums. let me start there, abby. is the taylor swift craze going too far? is there a saturation point? >> i didn't know you were such a swiftie, ashley. it's great on the show. you know, as annoyed as people are and quite frankly it does feel like it's a bit too much, i'm kind of under the belief system of let's just let them be. it has as you mentioned
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generated for the nfl and she generated $330 million alone just from going to, what, 12 games this year and 12 kansas city games and we talk about the viewer ship and nfl doesn't need this and has helped a ton. nfl has recorded its highest viewership among women and but it's helped them tremendously and companies like this companies adding a nod to taylor swift and travis kelce, it's really smart. ashley: yes, to your first point, abby, i'm a swiftie and incredible song writer and singer and not watching the nfl. let me get to this story. this is interesting. vivek -- yeah, thank you. vivek ramaswamy thinks that the super bowl will be rigged for the kansas city chiefs to win. he says that sets the stage for taylor swift to endorse joe
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biden. i can't see democrats being capable of putting together such a complicated situation. what do you make of this theory, abby? >> i don't think they need to rig the super bowl in order for her to have influence on the election. this was a conversation before the taylor swift and travis kelce romance swept the nation and it's a good question because she did endorse joe biden in 2020 and last year she did an instagram post and according to the new york times that instagram post alone innuanced 35,000 new voter registrations and it's no doubt she could have influence on the election at this point. they just don't need to rig the super bowl for that to happen. ashley: no, and don't forget, she was endorsing others for ten years and phil bredderson, the former governor of tennessee and
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marsha absolutely walked all over the opposition and just because taylor swift endorses someone, doesn't mean an automatic victory. >> yeah, real quick a poll shows 17% of people say they'd vote for a candidate she'd endorsed but 18% said they'd not vote for the candidate she endorsed. ashley: stick to singing. abby, terrific stuff. thank you for jumping in today. appreciate it. mike, would your kids take a taylor swift political endorsement that seriously? does she have that kind of power? >> i have three kids that can vote and the anxious is absolutely not. not in my house anyway. i'd love to see taylor swift at one of the games and ask her if she's supporting biden and what
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she's supporting but that's maybe for another time and there's not a lot out there voting who live in this country and realize what's going on that will say taylor swift or someone else from hollywood is supporting president biden is would like four more years of what's currently going on. they're going to follow her. i don't buy that at all. ashley: rate there with you, mike. couldn't agree more. super bowl ticket prices could break records this year. how much are we talking about so far, lauren? lauren: $12,700 per ticket in the secondary market if this current demand holds. so co-combination of first super bowl to be held in vegas, popular 49ers team, rock star quarterback patrick mahomes and taylor swift is helping to push ticket prices into the strike that israeli fear and as you say -- stratosphere and that's near space, not the hotel in vegas. stub hub says demand if first 24
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hours of sale is trending 90% higher than last year's big game between the eagles and chiefs. most expensive ticket, help me out here, this is a seat located on 30-35-yard line and going for over $60,100. why, ashley? ashley: yeah, i mean, very nice and comfy season and going on the 50-yard line for $60 grand. look. i'm watching it from home and loving every second. lauren: mike told me because taylor swift's box is closer to that. if she shows up. ashley: if she shows up. oh my gosh. going back to taylor swift. lauren: ash, if she confirms on taking the pjs straight to vegas from japan to super bowl, is the price going up because all the little girls want to come or is that crazy? ashley: i don't know if the parents of little girls can afford that staggering prices that they'll be charged. mike can. ashley: well mike could buy a
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whole section. thank you, lauren. the navy lowering standards for recruitment as i desperately try to change the subject and combine with weak leadership from joe biden is secretary austin and may have a potential mess in the making. we'll ask a former navy fighter what he makes of it all. the european union frequently criticized how they treat migrants and the migrant crisis of their own and full report of europe is cracking down on the problem, that's next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab.
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ashley: take a look at marks and treading water all morning and the same and dow is turning slightly higher up 35 point-blank layupses for the nasdaq and down about half a
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percent on s and p and essentially flat. treading water is what we call it. take a look at wal-mart. they're boosting pay for store managers and the stock, well, just ever so slightly lower but the question is, lauren, how much could manager make at wal-mart? lauren: $404,000 a year. the basal reigns leading about $1 -- base salary is $128,000 and getting a raise and bonus and stock options. if you work at super wal-marts, you don't need a college degree and work your way audiotape the corporate ladder and salary could be $404,000 and managers of smaller stores do well but not earning as much because there's not as many responsibilities and not that much employees at regular stores. wal-mart has take an series of steps to improve employee retention with hourly workers seeing wages rise to $18 an hour and if you want a corporate job
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in bonetonville, you don't even -- bentonville, you don't even need a college degree. ashley: that's pretty great actually. bring in wal-mart managers, more than 400,000 a year, no college degree. what do you make of it, mike? >> i own wal-mart and have for a long time. it's done very well. the difference, ashley, they're give ago basal reigns leading after $-- giving a base salary of $128,000 plus bonus earned performances and get a job for 128 base and perform for the company and increase their bottom line, then you can make more money. that's the way it supposed to work. i think well done, and i hope a lot of people out there go out and get this job and make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. ashley: amen to that, good stuff. mike, thank you. now this, after years of criticizing treatment of migrant ntsb united states, guess what, europeans are facing their own
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migrant crisis. william la jeunesse joining us this morning. what is europe doing to stop the flow of migrants? >> after treating u.s. like barbarians and many companies in the eu facing own migrant crisis and detention center, check points and razor wire and intoing from africa and albania. >> poland, spain, france and cracking down after immigration and the u.s. policy as racist and cruel. >> i want to stop the votes and secure and in denmark the ruling parties want to have asylum seekers and immigration and children born in france and parents are no longer have
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citizenship and going to have friends and going for countries and being available when i say the european union is a right leaning reforms and detention centers along the border or offshore and asylum process lasting weeks not years quick deportation for those denied. this is the a number of migrants and collapse. >> like texas, poland erected razor wire to stop myograns from entering and italy where illegal immigration dropped last year and enabled plans for a blockade. >> in a plan approved -- plan approved yesterday, migrants intercepted in the mediterraneanen sea will be detained in jails in albania and completed case over the internet to a judge in italy and if ejected, sensorineural ported to home country similar to the plan
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in the uk to put asylum seekers there in ro row wanda and all sounds -- rowanda. sounds familiar to us, doesn't it, ash? ashley: yeah, great report. thank you so much. to the migrant crisis at home and border patrol made a major drug bust in texas. come back n lauren. they found cocaine. how much was it worth? lauren: more than $366,000. authorities say the drug bust happened on veteran's international bridge in brownsville, texas, when a vehicle being driven by a 50-year-old u.s. citizen was pulled over for inspection. cbp officers with help of canine unit found 14 packages and more than 2700 pounds of cocaine hid and the driver and passenger turned over to agent of homeland security. that's one big bust and i wonder how much of it was laced with fentanyl. ashley: yeah, that's what we don't know.
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just another day on the border. all right, lauren, thank you very much. let's get a sense of the markets and going to take a breather waiting for the big tech names to report their earnings this week as you can see, the dow now up 40 points has been essentially flat for most of the morning but all of it very muted. how about this real quick? could magic mushrooms and one retired navy fighter used psychedelics to help with his own trauma and the va will start testing the effectiveness of these treatments and we're going to watch matthew what his experience was like, next. ♪ sofi is helping me get my money right to achieve my ambitions.
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explain to our viewers how they've helped you. >> ashley, thanks for having me, long time viewer, first time visitor. thanks for having me speak about this. couple of things real quick, the medicines that i experienced aren't drugs. uprear fertilizer to call them medicines and they're healing capabilities and we want to start trying to drop the d on the end of pts because it's an injury. it's not necessarily a disorder. so couple things, depends on which numbers you listen to. the government or university of alabama or duke and 17-22 to 44 and veteran's take their lives in this country every day and close to four years ago, i don't know if you had the opportunity to see the movie lone survivor or read the book lone survivor
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about marcus latrell and he recollects found ore of black rifle coffee company and nfl player went down to mexico and got a derivative of a root from africa called eboga and i have to tell you, it was without a doubt the most spiritual and therapeutic experience of my life for about 10-12 hours, i healed just about everything that was wrong in my life from just horrific childhood trauma and flew the f-18 hornet for the united states navy and lost 16 brothers including three to suicide. i got to tell you, ashley, as a result of this healing medicine, i've never been a better human, husband, father, or advocate for these medicines. ashley: that's remarkable so you're a huge advocate of this and this could do a lot of good
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for the people struggling right now. >> absolutely and it's heart breaking to me, ashley, with the numbers i told you about, how many veterans are taking their own lives every day. that's a mass -- that's a mass shooting, could you imagine, ashley, if god forbid, 17, 22, 44 children were killed in a mass shooting on a daily basis? there would be so-called leaders on your network frothing at the mouth about how we should ban guns. why? because if it saves one life, wouldn't it be worth it? actually, i want to take that sentence and apply to the veteran community. if these medicines could save one veteran's life, wouldn't it be worth it? kind of sucks a bit- ashley: sorry, we have to leave it th there, whiz, we're running
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out of time and wish you and all the military members who need the help all the best. thank you very much. time for the tuesday trivia question: the sunflower is the official flower of which state: kansas, florida, arkansas, or new mexico? think about it, we'll have the answer when we get back. ♪ ..
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stuart: before the break we asked the question sunflower is the official flower of which state? kansas, florida, arkansas, new mexico. let's begin with mr. murphy. >> i'm going to go with number 4, new mexico. ashley: all right. lahren? lauren: arkansas, number 3. ashley: i don't know the answer. i immediately go to one answer. not always right but i went with kansas. let's see what the answer is. my goodness. get lucky. that was designated the state's flower in 1903. coast-to-coast is coming up next. thank you. we will be back tomorrow


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