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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  January 31, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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. that colony was jamestown, virginia, and that factory was built not to make textiles or rope or brick or iron. that factory was built to make glass, and here we are, 420 some years later, still cranking it out, over 2.8 million pounds, in fact, since this episode officially began. the opportunities over at arc americas and every other glass maker in this country are real. you can check 'em out over at in the meantime, here's to hoping that your glass is always at the very least half full. see you next week. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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well, alejandro mayorkas head on the chopping block as house is drawing up his impeachment papers. we'll have senator bill hagerty and house majority leader steve scalise to weigh in. no word on what joe biden will do to iran we talk about that with cas kash patel biden's economic am -- no one saw coming. and later in show, journalist matt taibbi writes democrats are campaigning on donald trump sabotaging the election, but the dems are sabotaging trump, brigh we send if over to washington for latest on mayorkas impeachment papers, with chad pergram what can you tell us. reporter: argument is over
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high crimes and misdemeanor, the constitutional bar for impeachment, whether a president, federal judge or a cabinet secretary. house last impeached a cabinet secretary 148 years ago. >> this is what is going to happen, house of representatives is impeaching secretary may themayorkas there is nothing anyone can do to stop it, not one district in in that is not impacted by the border. reporter: on house floor republicans can close two votes on impeachment, it is about math, there are 2 to 3 republicans who could struggle to impeach. democrats believe that impeachment is a bridge too far. >> do not have a right to demean this institution to bastardize impeachment clause of the constitution to such a degree you can't even produce a legal memo in support of your articles of
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impeachment that do not exist in history. reporter: there are two articles of impeachment, one accused mayorkas was not enforcing the law. and the other says mayorkas lied to congress by saying that border was secure. the democrats believe it is all political. >> i think another saying, appropriately describes what is going on here, that is just shoveling the same old [bleep] and calling it sugar, the public wants us to deal with the border not impeach mayorkas. reporter: against the backdrop of border talks, there is still no bill text, house speaker johnson is working against the bill but said it is absurd, he was doing bidding of former president trump to kill the bill, larry. larry: on the mayorkas impeachment thing. voting out of committee today, then house floor vote next week. or is there a different time table? reporter: that is what we're hearing sometime late
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tonight out of committee, this has been going since 10:00 this morning and probably middle of next week if they have the votes. larry: chad pergram thank you. >> we will talk with steve scalise, on this mayorkas impeachment. and perhaps a new senate border bill, but, my take on this illegal immigration catastrophe, former president trump sent out a make america great again circular and was entitled biden has done all he can to open the border, mr. trump argues that biden terminated his successful remain in mexico policy, and signed an executive order on his first day in office to halt the construction of the border wall. biden reinterstated catch and release and order i.c.e. to stop work site immigration enforcement. and biden stopped deports illegal immigrants who are in the country illegally.
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plus i would add, title 42 has en that was a pandemic health check of great importance, now as we know that three year biden number is 8 million illegals, with all sex and drug trafficking, fentanyl kills, law and order disrupting that goes with this disaster. the house has passed hr2, a suburb bill that would restore the trump approach, build a wall and remain in mexico, catch and deport. the senate is now crafting a bill, we don't know all of the details because so far there no legislative text, but, services senate leaks have been talking about something called a trigger authorize. this is a very bad idea. this trigger would curb immigration if 8500 illegal
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arrive at border for one day or 5,000 arrive in 7 days in a row in december, dailies averaged 10,000. i don't believe that president biden or dhs secretary mayorkas will close the border. whethewhether it is 5,000 or 8500 that is way too high anyway. house speaker mike johnson callings for a policy of zero toll ring, he tolerance, he is right, if mr. biden and they believe they can stop border after 5,000, how about just closing the border, full stop. just close it. what we know about the senate bill is that will continue the parole problem, and continue the asylum problem it is loaded with loopholes and not end the biden open border policy of catch and release, migrants
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will not be detained or sent home, there is no remain in mexico. and there is no help from a mexican military presence of 25 those troops like mr. trump got through his negotiation, and there is no wall in the senate bill and there is no title 42 in the senate bill. from when we know, the bill in this senate is a very bad idea. and mr. trump and house g.o.p. and hopefully majority of republicans senators, should oppose it. that is my riff. all right. to our experts who welcome tennessee senator bill hagerty and house majority leader, steve scalise. thank you. mr. scalise, playing some sound from governor abbott of texas. i think summarizes a lot of this. >> joe biden is in violation of federal law that exists. for one, she not living up
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to his duty. said he aiding that illegal 18ry, second thing he is not -- once people cross the border, he is not detaining them, as is retire required by law but gives them mass parole. larry: mr. scalise, your bill, hr2 is better. how did you read this. >> a low down. >> president biden creted th-- created this problem and he has legal authority to fix it he has a constitutional mandate to second cure our nation. our nation is not secure when you have thousands of people coming across every day from countries that want to do us harm. that is why we put together a really good bill over 6 months ago, h.r. 2 it gets back to things that you need
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to do to have real asylum, if you want to seek asylum stay in your home country, remain in mexico, and end catch and release. build a wail they are in the bill, and president does not want to negotiate on it, speaker johnson has been clear. any other discussions are nonstarters until we secure america's border, we have to focus on that, we laid out a template, we're hearing from senate where they allow thousands more, is a nonstarter. that dead on arrival we have open borders, we need to secure the border, key showeat needs to get in the game, he could do it on his own, he refuses to because president biden wants an open border, that is why may is under heat today -- mayorkas is under heat today and president biden is underwater too, country is fed up. >> senator hagerty, welcome,
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thank you. we appreciate it. two thingsy don't understand, you don't need any new legislation, if you want to close the border, close the border. kfit was undone by biden's executive direction, this trigger mechanism sounds like a very bad idea. >> i have respect for my colleagues, as you know, they have been working hard. i have not seen it. i will tell you, we have been in business for years, when you negotiate with the other side and they don't show good faith, it's time to walk away, as steve scalise said, president biden has every tool that president trump had, joe biden came in and intentionally undid what president trump did.
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he showed no faith to put back the border wall or remain in mexico. and he has undone, that they were in supreme court the biden administration was in supreme court just last week, seeking permission to take down the razor wire at southern border in greg abbott put up, that not good faith, it's time to step walker wor -- away. larry: senator, on the points. way this bill -- we have not seen the legislative text. but this trigger mechanism. 5,000, 8500. whatever the number. do you believe for one minute that the border will be quote, closed. if you exceed those targets really? for the past 3 years, and it was mayorkas dhs that supervising this and biden administration that would supervise this. if they could close the
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border they would close it but they don't want to close it, and numerical target sound good bow i don't believe it will be enforced. >> i think that biden administration has shown bad faith throughout, you have any reason to believe just as you do it will not be enforced. we have not seen the text, but it sounds complex probably fraught with opportunities for the biden administration to misinterpret it and allow more people to come in, you talk about secretary mayorkas, if he is responsible for overseeing this, i applaud what the house is doing, in private sector, 8 million people have equipme come in and hundreds of thousand of people dieing from fentanyl. we have no idea how many people are here on terrorist watch list, the national security crises is through the roof, you and secretary mayorkas, in every hearing,
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where across examined him, the most orwellian answerer, he says opposite of truth every time, it is high time to deal with him. larry: mr. scalise, to you. on the impeachment question. here is whats democrat report said. they are not going to be with you. after a number of false starts, republicans landed on refusal to comply with the law and breach of the public trust as changes against secretary mayorkas, these vague unprecedented and fellacious charges amount to policy disputes with the biden administration, and do not pass mus muster as legitimate grounds for impeachment under the constitution, it is window dressing for a policy disagreement. that is an interesting argument is this a policy
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disagreement? or is this a an impeachment offense mr. scalise? >> well first, secretary mayorkas' job is to protect america's homeland, he is homeland security secretary. and when 8 million people have come across our border illegally, including people on the terrorist watch list he has failed at keeping our country safe. he comes before congress he testifies under oath this america's border is secure, this is a lie, either he is ignorant of the facts that are going on at border, he can't be, president biden is desperate to try to assign blame to someone else. he puts -- his own vice president in charge of border security, and she doesn't want too have anything do with it she has failed at the job, secretary of homeland security is the person in charge of the border, he can secures border today, he has chosen not to, that say failure of
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his job, that is why he is facing prime minister proceedings -- impeachment proceedings today, he has had months to get this writeright, he chose not to he brought it upon himself. larry: steve scalise, will this get out of committee tonight? >> yes, it will. it will be on the floor next week. for full house to vote on. larry: what do you reckon? do you think you will get all republican support, there is a tough call. what do you think. >> it is unfortunate we're at this pot, country is fed up, they want and deserves a secure border, we have a border security chief who doesn't want to secure america's border, we have a president who doesn't want to secure america's border, you look at evens in world to allow people from every country, not south and central america, there are over 160 different countries represented coming across the border illegally as we
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speak.. every day. and senator hagerty talked about deaths from fentanyl, 150 young people a day are dieing from drugs brought across the border because drug cartels have been allowed to have operational control of our border under secretary mayorkas, another disgrace, this is going on in pull public view, the public is watching it they are fed up, if secretary will not do his job, let's impeach him and let someone else do his job. larry: do you think there are enough republicans, i am not sheer to attack senator lankford, i don't like the product as has been leaked, are there enough republican to stop if in senate. >> >> we have not seen text and senator lankford assured us he does not want to divide or conference, baseddao on what we're seeing exphri
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and hearing we're divide. larry: all right, i just want to thank you both for appearing together, i know it is unusual. we live in unusual times. two good personal friends. >> thank you appreciate. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up on kudlow. joe biden's economic ammunition and performance is a lot better than anyone saw coming. okay. we'll be honest about the numbers, but the question is why, and what does this mean politically, we have steve forbes and steve moore, they are weighing in, you can catch kudlow monday through friday, 4 p.m. on fox business. or your favorite 9-year-old will show you how to tvr the show, you will never miss 10,000 illegal i'm garage
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xfinity rewards presents: '1st and 10gs.' xfinity is giving away ten grand to a new lucky winner for every first and ten during the big game. enter daily through february 9th for a chance to win 10gs. with the ultimate speed, power, and reliability the xfinity 10g network is made for streaming live sports. because it's only live once. join xfinity rewards on the xfinity app or go to for your chance to win. larry: treasure secretary janet yelling, promoting
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bidenomics, using data, actual numbers, last 6 months, she has a strong case right now. emperikly. arguing we have a soft landing, strang labor market, cooling inflation, and i want to add no economic model, whether the fed, cbo or professional forecasters survey "wall street journal" survey. the wall street consensus or me. expected stronger growth with lower inflation in last 6 months. so let's talk about it with steve moore. and host of moore money. and great steve forbes. editor in chief of author of inflation, what it is. and how to fix it. steve moore, objectively, this was a year where almost
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everyone in the world from highest to lowest expected a slow, slow growth or a recession. and a lot stickier inflation than we got. and the last 6 months, have been you know, semi eur euphoric. now bidens a story biden giving up on bidenomics. the public does not like it. why is it? how did this custo cut -- this outcome that no model predicts happen. >> by the way, i want to congratulate you, first time in history of american tv you have a u.s. senator on air with u.s. house representative, that never happens. >> we did it. >> economy is better, i was not one of those economists on wall street said, we would have a recession for the record, you know you have an amazing private sector with the 7
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magnificent 7 they have carried the economy. i -- i love to see a strong economy. as you and steve forbes do. a strong stock market. i think that pi big problem for biden is half of the population, they are not feeling the affects of this, median household income, you know this, ajumped for inflation, average household is poorer today than 3 years ago, when donald trump left office, there is no getting around, that people you know people tell me that at grocery store and at the hardware story. they just are feeling financially pinched. another thing, the growth numbers are good. but let's not forget, that the biggest sector of the economy that is growing, in terms of. am and in terms -- employment and gdp growth is government, that is a problem, swhee we should be drinking the government.
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larry: all right, i would argue, what i call affordability crisis is very much present and prices are rising faster than wages and real incomes still falling, but less so. less so, recent months actually wages have gone up faster than prices as inflation has cooled. over 3 year period you still have a problem that is why bidenomics polled badly, everyone wants to politicize the numbers. i understand, that lefty bloggers attacking conservatives and so forth. not all -- like, you can't the fed, cbo, they are not right wing activists, they were expecting either a major slowdown or a recession. all this survey of professional forecasters and of "wall street journal" forecasters, i acknowledge i was gloomier than the story has turned out for 23, why?
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why do you think this is. i don't think that even joe biden understands it, he is not talking about bidenomics any more. >> he does not understand much these days. larry: he is leaving it too soon. anyway, why do you think this is happening. >> because models didn't take into account the cove shcovid shut down, it did to this economy what a wartime economy does, it discome bob lates everything, it takes time to recover, and have people go back to their old jobs and many don't, the models of predicated on a peacetime economy, not a post war economy or post covid economy, you look at jobs report, it has clouds in there, you take out government and health care and education, mostly government, and leisure, not fully recovered. average came 3 thousand jobs a month. in recent times. this is a small basis, you
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to have a tail of two cities -- tale of two cities, a lot of people are struggling, a lot of people in debt on their credit cards, i hope they go out there is a, he see how great it is, the other thing, gdp counts government spending as a plus not a minus. larry: that is -- that is crick. i justment to add today -- that is correct, i justment to ad today, s&p core -- house prices up. consumer sentiment came out today. and corroborated earlier numbers, big up move, in december and january. and the jobs opening number stronger than people thought. the atlanta fed, gdp for q1
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steve moore is 3%, the question -- here, go back a year. the first half the 2022, had two negative gdps then a stronger than expected recovery. if you are a phillips curb model, no one would have predicted this boom in stock market that started in mid october. wall street looking for 6 or 7 federal reserve rate cuts, that is not happening there is no reason to cut rates, you have strong growth and falling inflation, you know, like almost goldilocks. if joe biden was any good he would be out flogging this, he is just not cope settic enough to deal with it. >> a big question in presidential race are you better off than you were when trump was president, do you think that policies are working better, taking stock
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market, i ran the numbers for your show, inflation adjust returns, because when you invest in stock market, steve forbes, you are interested in after inflation not before rate of return. if first three years of president trump's presidency, s&p 500 up over 30% in real terms, under biden, with reality you're talking about up about 8 or 9%. a lot of these things were a lot better. the youra crucial thing biden has done a lot of damage to the economy with a lot of his policies, let's remember, still in tact, that tax cut, that trump tax cut, that real put a lot of juice into the economy, and hardest as democrats have tried they have not been able to raise those tax rates, but give them another shot, if they get another 4 years, they go through the roof. larry: steve moore, yellen
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and bidensen t don't talk about over spending and over borrowing, and over debt. they don't talk about that. which may harbor very badly in long run. >> it does, who finances, that government spending they think that money comes from god or wherever, it comes from we the people, they take resources, allocates resources and calls that stimulus to the economy, you like at microchips they have a huge bill, government gets involved it mucks things up. micro crymicrochip industry and semiconductor spree wouindustry would, stronger today had in a not got than bill through. larry: i have to jump, steve moore, and steve forbes and all forecasters out this thank you. >> coming up matt take taibbi writes democrats are
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sabotaging the election, we have alex marlow, monica crowley and caroline fresh, warm hot dogs! when i'm not selling hot dogs, i invest in a fund that advances innovations like robotics. fresh, warm hot dogs, straight out of my torso! one for you, one for you. oh, you're a messy one. cool, right? so cool. anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. hot dogs! fresh, warm hot dogs! before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at before you use ai to transform business,
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larry: case against fulton county d.a. fani willis heating up in georgia, our correspondent steve. >> republican lawmakers are lining up to investigate fani willis for charge she had an i' improper relationship with the chief prosecutor she hired, republican house in georgia, joe senate and fulton county officials are launching investigations against her. >> this a personal relationship, that is not what we're interested in, but lines were crossed, legal lines were crossed that state funds were used that is what we're
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interested in finding out. reporter: chief prosecutor nathan wade in court tomorrow for his divorce proceedings and asked judge for protective order. >> all right, steve harrigan, never's dull moment there, i have t to fly down there. >> all right. move on. interesting story. journalist matt taibbi write two long pieces about a democratic plot to stop president trump from becoming president, in particularly talks about 2024 being america's first law fair election and how corporate america pushing propaganda campaign t to convince americans that trump would be a dictator and mentioned transition integrity project. that includes john podesta, they change how trump will
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investigate his opponents. how trump will label them insure exist and play sabotage game, the trouble it. it is the democrats who have been doing to this trump, some of the threats are very real, we have ale alex marlow and monica crowley and caroline downey, alex. this is a very interesting mr. taibbi who was a man of the left now criticizing democrats and all of the democratic fears about trump, is what they are doing to trump it seems, what do you make of this? >> this has been their move for a long time, it is working for them, back to russia collusion hoax that originated it was hillary clinton whose ties to russia were too deep, they accused trump of being a russian
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plant and think about joe biden who acts like donald trump is dividing the country, he demonizes everyone that stands in the way of his agenda, this is the latest thing, people tell us, we're the threat to democracy, trump. >> caroline, so, right, some of these cable shows, actually networks, they won't play trump when he is on, one thing that amazing. they are accusing trump of insurrection. not the other way, they are being dictatorial. democrats for biden won't let anyone on the ballot, the bag of tricks that taibbi describes, as allege owed allegedly aimed at trump is what democrats are doing at trumps. >> historically, democracies operate like a military war headquarters, they are never
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doa dormant, they unleash their aknoll acars knoll, th-- arsenal and sue their own open, 83 million dollars in damages, in ejean carol case, and try to kick them off ballot in states, this is their classic tactic, they are getter more tangs parentransparent. larry: so far. it has not hurt trump, it my have helped him in some respects. but, you know, the election looms mail in ballots and harvesting are still around. cable and broadcast networks won't play trump when he comes on. i think there is stuff to worry about. even though the taibbi scenario is putting shoe on the other foot, democrats will do it anyway.
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>> well, that is right, donald trump from the moment he came down that escalate irin june of 2015, the left has thrown the kitchen sink at this man, to try to neutralize his influence is american politics and has failed, they cannot believe that the man is not just still standing, but he is thriving. the g.o.p. primary process is over. despite nikki haley. and he is leading now in most if not all general election polls again joe biden, they can't believe it, they will leveraging the law fair as much as they can and perhaps deep state has something else up their sleep to throw at donald trump to try to stop him, the result is the things have strengthened him, if they hit don wi donald trump with just one legal case, maybe american people would say, well maybe he is guilty, but a massive pile
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on. of case after case, after case, criminal, civil, you name it. most of the american people now see it as way too much, that the left has jumped the shark, and this is another reasons why donald trump is leading. larry: alex, you know, okay. democrats plan and plotted you know john podesta and so forth, but it has become fired has it -- it has backfired, has it not, the way i read taibbi articles, i understand that is their threat. but, it has backfired on the democrats, trump is not -- trump has not done it, they have done it, they don't have issues to talk about maybe they might talk about the economy if it keeps up. but you don't fine they ronic, the fine that -- that ironic, a miscalculation by democratic big wigs. >> if polls that we're seeing now hold, absolutely,
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but there is a long way to go until november, you look at army that left is building. just massive hoards of money and activists ready to go and fight for every last democrat vote, i don't know if republicans have that, you know on-line with techs, minimizing impact of an horrible news about joe biden and media flooding zone with anti-trump content, not what is actually going on, i don't under estimate the left, until we beat them. larry: you are right. not over until it is over. to quote a famous philosopher, caroline, a new poll, in south carolina. 63 trump 31 nikki haley. interesting among voters who think that nikki haley did a good job as governor of south carolina still, by 56
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to 40, they are going to be voting for trump, according to tony fro frabizio polling, why is she still in the race? doesn't that trai drain of resources from trump campaign. >> larry, nikki haley has the right to still be in the race, better than kicking her off of the ballot, that sun democratic, but south carolina is trump country, she will suffer a humiliating defeat there i think at-this-point, it is selfish for her to remain in the contest. i think she has money to continue on. but, you know she has to read the writing on the wall it is over. >> i -- you know. monica, it is over. but monica, have not heard much from haley this week, there was a flurry after new hampshire, she was defensive. kim strassel wrote an
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article we don't know what she is running on, a in the "wall street journal" arm orarm, do you think that something is going on? politicians love to say no, until the time they say yes. >> that is right. she has been campaigning in her home state of south carolina. but all of these poll show donald trump dominating her by invest 70 -- 60 or 70 points, in her home state, she has a lot of money coming in, from big donors, i am in west palm beach, joe biden is in palm beach, president trump is not here, i was hoping joe biden will be here to make a trip to mar-a-lago to apologize to donald trump. >>, of course. >> that is not the case. larry: no? >> nikki haley is also in south flood raising money
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but she is raising money from barack obama donors, big democratic donors, they are the ones that are keeping her campaign alive. breathing air into it with real money. because they are still hoping for a trump alternative, i have news for them, donald trump will be the nominee, and likely the next president of the united states. larry: they will sit down i love this nikki haley, and joe biden, and donald trump, will sil sit down and have chocolate cake dessert at mar-a-lago, his favorite, he had with xi jinping, a bunch of years ago on night he bombed the humanitarian hell out of syria, alex lar marlow, machine, ballots and harvesting, a democratic specialty of the house. democrats, machine ballot, and harvesting. what do you make of this, this is still a huge
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election threat, you get last word. >> absolutely, i have my latest story, on, a story about history of ballot har investing and how democrat used to last time, they will tuesday gain, every excuse they can to make rules lacks, and last thing, nikki haley's donors are trying to leveraging trump get stuff out of trump, if trump wins that is happening there. and that is why she should drop out soon. larry: good point. that is a good point, thank you, alex and monica and caroline downey, on set, i am not lean lonely, coming up next joe biden said he made up his mind on retaliating against iran's fatal aac aattack on our troops work talk about next, when kudlo
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deter end. reporter: president biden said he decided on a response to, that that could, secretary of state antony blinken said it will come in stages, and be sustained but, they won't say what the response is, dan administration said iranian backed proxies attacked 160 times since october 7. >> obama-biden foreign policy has been of appeasement, we have to reverse that policy, starting with retaliatory strikes right now and continue that, we're not bribes the ayatollahs and not looking the other way. reporter: 3 american heroes that died in the attack in jord afternoon sergeant rivers, specialist sanders
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and moffett, president biden said he will go to dignified transfer of remains in dover, delaware, he spent day in southern florida at two campaign evens. his administration -- relaxed sanctions against oil expert in iran that backs proxies and president splitting hairs about if he blames iran for deaths of the american troops. reporter: again, going after the weapons, he holes them responsible for weapons not the act, we have to see the iranians, back all of these proxies which are launching these attacks. larry: edward lawrence, i love when you call them
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5:58 am
5:59 am
6:00 am
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. ♪ ♪


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