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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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investor. their investor profile, their tolerance for risk but we still think it makes sense to be in technology, specifically megacap tech. it's held up strong into 2024. look we could have a setback at anytime. you know, down 5%, 10% but with the catalysts for these stocks going forward into 2024, a strong companies with a strong balance sheet, free cash flow, they're not impacted by interest rates the way that small caps are. liz: okay. >> great place to be. liz: mainstay's david kudla, always great to have you. [closing bell rings] the balloons are flying. the dow closing at the 8th record of the year. s&p and nasdaq closing at session highs. unable to erase yesterday's entire losses. tomorrow paypal founding coo david sacks. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so weakness, appeasement, lawlessness, that's what the bidens are showing us. we're going to talk about it with liz peek, rich hour lowery and katie pavlich in a few moments. we'll be joined by sarah carter, kash patel later in the show. we're first up going south to white house with edward lawrence standing by with all the gory details. edward, how wonderful to see you this evening. >> reporter: larry, wonderful to see you, i'm glad you're in a good mood. nsc officials are saying they will respond to the attack that three americans in a time of their choosing. now president biden, he is off to michigan. he is going to a campaign event for the uaw. he has not found yet a time of his choosing to respond to that now tomorrow the president will be in dover, delaware for the dignified transfer of remains for sergeant william rivers, sergeant kennedy sanders and sergeant brianna moffitt. while reports overseas are
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saying leaders for the group that are responsible for the deaths fled back to iran after the president decided he will have a response. >> in terms of telegraphing about strikes, whether or not people leave or whether they have left, you know i won't speculate on any of that. i would just tell you that, you know, we will have a multitiered response and again, we have the ability to, to respond a number, in a number of times depending on what the situation is. >> reporter: shot defense secretary made the point that we have not at war with iran and he does, the u.s. does not want to escalate the conflicts across the middle east. he also called on iran to stop supplying the houthis with missiles being launched at ships in the red sea. the u.s. took its self-strike in self-defense on the ground there in yemen.
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former intelligence officials say the biden administration should have responded to all of these attacks more forcefully and months ago when they first started. livessen. >> and do i think the administration is going to respond in some way? yes. but i also think after at least three preventable deaths and, you know, so we'll see what happens. i do expect that there will be some targets taken. >> reporter: now that the administration waited this long, we'll see if the response has the effect of deterring future aggression. larry. larry: thank you very much, edward lawrence. folks i want to ad by way of introduction, the stock market, dow jones up 369 points and we will have gerri willis on the show to report on that a bit later in the show but first of all, i want to talk about the war situation. it is day five since iranian-backed militias attacked a u.s. military base in jordan, killing three american patriotic troops and wounding over three
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dozen others. before that, two brave navy seals were lost at sea in the aftermath of a houthi attack. so we're at day five. 120 hours and still no u.s. military response. this is an insult to the brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice. it's an insult to the injured. it's an insult to their families and frankly it's an insult to the entire country. the biden administration has done nothing to retaliate, nothing to honor them, nothing to defend american freedom and security. am i really the only one who is making this.? i certainly hope not. now today in a very shaky and sketchy press conference, secretary of defense lloyd austin said and i will quote, we are not at war with iran. really? with all due respect, sir, but i believe the united states is at
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war with iran. if for no other reason because iran has declared against the united united states, many times, by sponsoring 166, the latest count against u.s. military assets iran has essentially declared against the united states 166 times. general austin's is earn concerned about the houthis isis, well okay. remember iran is the puppeteer. iran is the paymaster. u.s. officials are leaking that the american responses will not include iran but it will hit iranian proxies in iraq and syria. to me this is simply inadequate. we're not hurting iran. we're not telling the chinese to stop financing this war by buying iranian oil. we're not interdicting or impounding iranian oil ships that are violating the sanctions
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put in place by congress an authored by the trump administration. iran was nearly bankrupt three years ago. today their oil and foreign exchange reserves are totaling somewhere nears $80 billion. three years ago they were producing a million barrels a day of oil at best. today they're up to 3 1/2 million barrels, in violation of the sanctions that is, the sanctions that have been either lifted or relaxed by the biden administration. now, numerous military experts, former members of the joint chiefs of staff and others have strongly recommended that the united states retaliate by bombing iranian oil fields or offshore oil rigs or bombing iranian command-and-control centers, or bombing iranian terrorist training centers but none of this is apparently going to happen. so the biden's continue their
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misbegotten policy of iranian appeasement. they refuse timely meant clear economic and military deterrents. -- to implement. years ago, ronald reagan took out nearly half the iranian navy in retaliation for hitting just one american frigate. four years trump trump took out quassem soleimani, head of iranian terrorism. that is called deterrence. to this day it seems pretty clear that the biden administration still wants to do more business with iran. a nuclear deal, for example, invite them to the high table at the mideast and world nations. this approach, that first surfaced during the obama years is utterly dilutional. the empirical evidence shows it to be delusional. you cannot buy off the iranians. you cannot appease the iranians. so, so, it is day five, 120
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hours, after three brave patriotic servicemembers lost their lives to an iranian attack and countless others injured and 166 attacks on our military and attacks on our american honor. five days is five days way too long. that is my thought on this matter. we'll talk more about this, later in the show. we have general keith kellogg, we have our own san disa smith and john robert -- sandra smith and john roberts. we'll open up with politics that will include the iranian situation. we welcome liz peek, syndicated columnist, fox news contributor, rich lowery, editor in chief of "national review" and katie pavlich editor at and fox news contributor. katie, you're the furthest away. i guess i want to talk about the politics of iran because i mean
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if you have other thoughts feel free. you know occurs to me we waited five days and that's way too long. and it sends the wrong signal but, most of all, katie, it just seems like that is another sign or example of biden weakness on the world stage and i don't think american voters in the main, katie, want to see american weakness on the world stage. how do you see it? >> well, it is so interesting because secretary of state antony blinken yesterday said that he believes the middle east is in a position that is not been more dangerous since the 1970s. and they should probably hold up a mirror and ask why that is. they continue to say from the white house podium, john kirby, for example, that they don't want to escalate the situation. they have want to de-escalate, but because of their weakness and thank you refusal to show strength against iran instead
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appease them, they actually invited escalation by the iranians. i don't think you can stress enough the fact that the houthi rebels in yemen have shut down intern national shipping in the red sea whether it is attacks on military vessels or attacks on commercial shipping. that is an embarassment tote united states and embarassment to the world and if you don't think china is looking american eyes will change significantly if those things happen international ship something controlled not by the united states but by foreign adversaries who don't have free trade, capitalism, getting people the goods they need in mind. that is going to be a huge, huge problem i think for the biden administration if this weakness continues and you have rebel groups that are funded by iran continuing to do that. one more thing i would say. hamas, an iranian-backed proxy
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in the gaza strip in the west bank, they're still holding american hostages in the gaza strip right now. you don't hear the president talking about it or issuing any kind of force to get them point. larry: katie that is a great point. he never really talks about that. he never talked about it from the spinning. it is a good point, well-put and well-taken. rich lowery, i just feel, in a sense i don't want to be partisan, i don't need to be partisan. i think that americans want to see a certain toughness and strength when it conducts its foreign relation. >> of course. larry: it doesn't mean i want wars everywhere because i don't actually but there is something tough here. biden shows weakness. his primary opponent, trump, shows toughness. i think the politics of this is going to play out. >> no one has thought that joe biden has requisite strength and toughness since the afghan pullout. that changed the whole nature of his presidency.
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we're seeing here. it is humiliating i agree with our entire monologue, with one friendly caveat, you say deterrence is not at play. it is. we're getting deterred by iran and it is brook sis. we've seen the gray reversal fail. biden reversed all the stuff. trump policies at the border. refirsted cutoff of unrwa funding. reversed squeezing iran to death and we've seen all those are catastrophic mistakes. larry: liz, an interesting point rich makes. i want to go back to the u.n. relief workers. the bidens made such a big deal, providing quote, unquote, humanitarian aid and told us time and again that we could trust the humanitarian aid, the relief workers agency in the u.n. you know now it turns out shocking, i'm shocked to learn that many of them were actually participating with hamas on october 7th and probably many more and the people in israel and others who told us
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with we could never truss the relief workers to distribute humanitarian aid because it was all run by hamas turned out to be right. this is another example of rich's point how they reversed policies to disasterous consequence. >> i think we've talked about this a number of times on your show. the idea that the gaza strip is in the run entirely by hamas was always a mistake. that was simply not true but i want to go back to this peace through strength concept. i mean someone used the expression that biden has a crippling fear of escalation. we saw it in the ukraine and we've seen it in iran. somehow he feels like if we take a positive, aggressive movement somewhere, or action against our enemies that all hell will break loose. hello, folks, it has already broken loose and the only way you dieter it is by indeed taking a proactive step. i mean i just find everything they're thinking about is
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completely backwards. by the way, it isn't just with our foreign adversaries that biden looks weak. he looks weak with the progressive left in his party. he looks weak with lloyd austin. lloyd austin shoved been fired. he have does, that's true. -- larry: he looks weak when he can't find his own secretary of defense. there are jokes about this but it is not a joke. >> it is unacceptable. it was unacceptable. what if this thing happened when lloyd austin was in the icu. no one asked him that i don't believe at the press conference today, what would the answer have been. i'm sorry i could not have taken the phone call. it is inexcusable, biden would look bigger if he started getting rid of some people in the cabinet that really let him down. liz: i luke lloyd austin, got to go. unacceptable. he can't do it. will never do it. larry: i remember trump firing cabinet members. took a lot of criticism for it. as i got to say somebody who was around most of the time they deserved it. if you're not producing, you
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know, katie, if you're running in a business, if you're running a big division and your division keeps losing money, you got to throw out the one head and bring in another and joe biden doesn't do that. they're all losing money. i don't know what it is. they're all going under. liz, i just want to come back, your column, all your columns are great. this one i found more amusing than many. trump needs nikki haley donors. you know of the hud corule, the kellyanne conway rule, the donors are always wrong. the donors came out at the beginning they supported governor desantis and now they're supporting haley. you do make a good point. he will need a lot of money. will be expensive race, incredibly expensive. i want to put in, reports yesterday, everyone to weigh in on this, suzie wiles campaign manager met with the paul singer donors group, new york based but actually national group, really
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powerful donors. by the end of that thing, they're ready to come and they're all looking for connections how can i do this, how can i do that. so my point is, i think the tide has turned there. >> well in fact to your point, some of desantis' donors have actually come across to now being donald trump donors. my point does he really does need this money for him to blast her donors to say they're not going to be in the maga tent if they keep supporting nikki haley that was just plain stupid. he actually wants those people to support him. >> i think it was one of those got away remarks. >> fair enough. larry: watch his actions, not his words. that is what suzie wiles said. we've seen this before. he would like the money. >> i do think there is a shot some of these people will come around. guess what, four more years of joe biden most of us feel is an unimaginable horror for our country on so. levels which we could spend hours on. >> not just donors. he needs every single one of her
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voters. i know 2 won't happen, if he talks about it at all, i want you to know whatever she is saying about my, i want you if you're supporting her to be with me in the fall. i need every single vote. larry: katie, come in on this too. you're here in spirit if not actually physically. katie, i'm not making a recommendation but i am saying that i don't think folks, person ditz, so forth, should rule out nikki haley vice president, or a nikki haley, let me say, if not the women come back into trump world, into his good graces. he has a history of this. right, he will get teed off. he will fire away around he is very effective at that lord knows, but i know, i will not do it on this segment but there are many examples i could give down through the years he welcomed people back to the fold, katie.
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>> indeed, indeed. he has been reconciliatory both in practice and recently with his opponents but the fact is that nikki haley is still running against him and to your point about the vice-presidency, there is this theory she will try to move through super tuesday to try to leverage a few delegates so she has this power within the republican party when it comes to the convention to try to say i would be a good vice presidential pick for a number of reasons. the donors as liz points out. the voters as rich just said. the also the independents who maybe want to vote against joe biden but they're not so sure about a straight trump ticket. so certainly it is something that could happen. but the longer she throws insults at him, the worse it will be for her. not like this is going one way. she has this angry old man campaign out now. calling him incompetent, incapable of being president again. they are not going one way on the campaign trail. larry: i'm not recommending that she be on the ticket. i'm saying he has a way of
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bringing people back into the fold. rich lowery, i will give you, by the way he brought you back into the fold. perfect example of that. >> merciless in his attacks, can be extremely forgiving, say something nice about him or something that suits his interest. to katie's point, attacks are pretty harsh. hard to back pedal on. at very least trump should when she gets out her to be at the next rally. larry: oh, right. >> just try to unite the party because there is 25% feels uncomfortable. larry: just remember for those of us with a certain age,jfk made up with lbj. rfk who was his campaign manager may have had up with lbj. >> all things are possible. larry: ronald reagan made up with papa bush too. so you never know. >> you never know. larry: politics -- >> never say never, right? larry: love, you can never tell about these things. thank you, kids. liz peek, katie pavlich,
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rich lowery. you reap what you sow and biden's open border and soft-on-crime policies have now led to incredible illegal immigration catastrophe. law and order is suddenly out of style. it's not even part of our political vocabulary anymore, at least if you're a big city mayor or blue state governor. we'll talk about it with sarah carter and kash patel, when "kudlow" returns. please remember you can catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. here on fox biz. if you can't make it at 4:00 for some crazy reason, just text your favorite nine-year-old and she bill show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a thing. ♪.
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♪. larry: all right, next up let's turn to capitol hill. senator chuck schumer says the dreaded senate border bill text will finally be posted as early as tomorrow and no later than sunday. so, who better to tell us fox news's senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live with the latest. all right, chad, what do what du think is coming out of this thing. >> reporter: larry, good afternoon. the biggest debate on border and immigration policy in more than a decade to hit the senate floor next week.
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negotiators safe the bill clocks in around 200 pages, not 1000 pages like some big bills. >> but we are getting very close. i want members to be aware we plan to post the full text of the national security supplemental as early as tomorrow, no later than sunday. that will give members plenty of time to read the bill before voting on it. >> reporter: but timing is in the eye of the beholder. gop utah senator mike lee demanded three weeks to consider the bill. others wanted the opportunity to offer changes. senate majority leader chuck schumer plan as test vote to break a filibuster to start next wednesday. that needs 60 yeas. >> the details are going to matter and -- next week will be a quick turnaround. the thing about text, why it is so important in this context the legal language matters a great deal. >> reporter: border negotiator james lankford is urging his
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colleagues against making decisions about the bill, quote, based on the internet. senators are leery of last-minute alterations. >> the more you change the bill, the more partisan it becomes and at some point, instead of being bipartisan it becomes partisan. at some point we have to make a decision too, how much more can we give before we walk away. >> reporter: but once bill text arrives expect opponents to rip the bill apart. here's a key marker to watch. does the bill score support from the majority of senate republicans? if the bill fails to get 60 yeas next wednesday, the gig is up. larry? >> you know, chad, 100%. that 60 vote thing is the first marker to watch. that could be a tall hurdle. anyway, thank you, chad pergram. we appreciate your run-down, very, very much. all right, folks, speaking of the border, an illegal migrant crime wave is sweeping the country.
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that is part of this story. the question i asked what's happened to law and order in this country? law and order is not european part of the political lexicon anymore. not part of the vocabulary. talk with sara carter "national review" contributor and kash patel, former director of national intelligence and author of government gangsters. sara, i will read two headlines from the new york post. biden doesn't need a bill to close the border. he refuses to enforce the law. second headline, new york considering classifications of thousands of jobs to hire migrants. other thing, sara, i'm sure you're aware of it you covered the beat, what happened to to te new york cops attacked by illegal migrants who were let off scot-free without bail is
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horrible, hideous story. unfortunately it is not a unique story. i'm coupling the i will lee galty at the border with the lawlessness around the country. what do you think about there? this is the most troubling part to me. >> it is to me, too. law and order ended at the border when our lawless president allowed people to just come into our country illegally. i mean there is a reason that it is called illegal aliens. i mean that is the legal term and people are coming across the border. they're pouring across the border in droves because our president has a policy, larry, of opening up the border to the entire world. the real question is, why is our president determined to destroy our foundation of our nation to go against the laws of this country and then come around and say, oh, hey, guess what, we've got this senate bill and it is all the republicans fault. if they don't sign on to this senate bill to fund ukraine and to take care of the border, then
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it's their fault we have this crime wave sweeping across our nation. no the crime wave is happening because we have people in our nation that are coming into this country that have not been properly vetted, that pose very serious national security risks and i'm sure kash can talk about that because it is extensive. because we've opened up the border and basically tied the hands of our federal agents as well as our local law enforcement which is the reason i was down in shelby park this past week and governor greg abbott is basically at a standoff with president biden, doing the job president biden should do. it's the reason why the american public is looking to texas for answers. and it's not stopping the flow. because we're seeing it, larry in arizona. we're seeing the flow move to california. it has to be the federal government willing to shut it down and we don't need a bill to do that we just need to follow the law. larry: you know that's a key
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thing, kash, get you in on this. look, chad pergram has given a great analysis of what's happening with the legislation but the bidens don't need legislation. there's more than ample legislation on the books to take care of this. and by the by, if joe biden thought he needed more money for more border agents who might stop migrants although they're being used to expedite, and facilitate and not stop them, you knee what? he had pa democratic house and senate for a couple years and didn't do a darn thing, kash? >> sara is spot on. follow the law. you're right, joe biden's policy when it comes to national security, simply the following, what did donald trump do? i am going to do the opposite, whether it is afghanistan, whether it is iran, whether it is china and the ccp, specifically the cartels and the border like we're talking about today. he rescinded on his first month, biden that is, nine executive orders that donald trump had
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implemented to secure the border, including funding the law and funding our agents, giving them the authorities to return immediately illegal immigrants, to force them to stay in mexico and all the agreements surrounding family custodial issues. there are some legal implementations that donald trump executed that joe biden just said, we're done with that. when you do that and you have a crime spree and you have a world taking over the southern border invasion, you get iran, you get the ccp, and you get the cartels to flood our community with terrorists and criminals, new york, my original hometown, when i see cops beaten up, i don't want to see the guy beating up the cops flip the bird to the cameras on the way out because he received a bond. >> you're right. >> you're right. sara carter, kash patel, thank you very much. tough story. next up our power panel. we have sandra smith, we have
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john roberts and we have taylor riggs. you will love this, economics and world events. hang in with "kudlow," lots more to do tonight. we need some law, we need some law and order as part of our vocabulary for a change. ♪ your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel. nothing beats it. i recommend pronamel active shield because it actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a game changer for my patients. it really works.
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♪. larry: all right, some positive news. the dow jones stock market average hit a new record high and we've got fox business's gerri willis here to tell us why. it is not true unless you report it, gerri. >> reporter: i love the way you think. well the dow looking at the 8th record close this year as stocks rebound. the dow higher by 369, the s&p up 60, the nasdaq rising 197. look yesterday's fed-driven selloff only a memory as big tech and cyclicals stocks bounce and bond yields fall. apple, amazon, meta were all trading higher into the close as we await earnings reports to
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those big megatech companies. futures markets are looking at a 94% chance of a rate cut in may. let me warn you about tomorrow. all eyes on the jobs report from the labor market. expectations are non-farm payrolls to increase by 173,000 while the jobless rate creeps higher to 3.8%. larry. larry: gerri willis thanks very much as always. we'll switch gears mix it up a little bit, great gun, distinguished panel and bring in the co-anchors, this is unbelievable, coat anchors of "america reports" on fox news. and john roberts. >> here. >> wait a second. we live in washington where you only raise your hand. larry: you go like that. if all that weren't enough, taylor riggs co-host of "the big money show." >> can i raise my hand too? >> if you swear to -- larry: i will start. we'll get to the economic stuff and spending and jobs in just a
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second but i, here's some sound from secretary of defense lloyd austin in his rather shaky press conference this morning. take a listen. >> we're not at war with iran. and yeah, the houthis continue to do some things that are very irresponsible and illegal. the president will not tolerate attacks on american troops and neither will i. larry: all right, there you see it, hear it. john, i will begin with you, covering this beat. i think we are at war with iran, number one, point number two, this is day five without a response to what happened that killed three american service members. i think we're diswhohonoring th. three dozens were wounded. we lost two navy seals before that and still they have done nothing. >> it is rather surprising and every day that goes by i think the iranians are looking back
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and saying this is an administration that can't find its way forward. you will remember that back in 2020 when qassam soleimani was taken out there was a lag time between that that american contractor was killed and the time the soleimani was taken out but i think that's because they were waiting for the precise moment they could hit iran as hard as possible. every indication that we're getting from this administration particularly with that press conference today was that they're not planning on hitting -- larry: iran. >> any way, shape or form. larry: no nothing. oil fields, command-and-control, training centers. they will hit the militia backed outposts but not hit iran. >> there are some thoughts what they might do with iranian ship in the red sea giving targeting information to the houthis. that would be pulling a very big trigger if they tried to pull that out and a trigger biden doesn't want to pull. larry: right. one last point. at no point have we heard anything they are going to
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restory the sanctions, the trump sanctions that were sanctioned by congress at the same time. >> that is something you could, something you could do in a matter of hours. larry: exactly. >> yet still nothing. larry: it is an economic response, right? and nothing, they don't do it. >> i think the american people are hoping they're taking their time because this is going to be big but i think that might be wishful thinking. larry: wishful thinking. sandra smith, so you're writing, texting me early in the morning with all kinds of bad news, you know. i was kind of enjoying -- >> who else will i talk to about the economy? larry: i mea culpa, i was wrong about the slowdown and the recession. so was the entire -- >> i don't think you were wrong. larry: forecasting, well the fed , everyone was wrong. you mentioned all these jobs layoffs. tomorrow is the jobs number. taylor will accurately predict the jobs number for us. >> okay. get my stock trading app out. larry: month of january alone, this is from challenger gray,
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total jobs lost, 82,307. finance jobs lost, 23,000. tech jobs lost, 15,000. food producing jobs lost. and in general, other surveys have shown the same thing. in fact one survey shows in tech overall last year lost 260,000 jobs. now i say it. i think the spirit you sent it to me, unemployment remains low and most of these monthly job gains are pretty good so what's up with these layoffs. why don't they show up? >> how else do you fix inflation right? this is the fed's goal, right you? see a drag on the economy before prices can come down. my guess is that the federal reserve is looking more closely at that than inflation. you know, if the labor market take as significant hit we could see a significant downturn in the american economy. as far as why is the unemployment -- you know there are a lot of other factors that go into the unemployment number.
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it is a trend i notice. i thought larry kudlow i need to ask larry about this every day i wake up i see headlines about more job cuts. these are substantial job cuts. larry: big numbers. >> technology, finance. larry: right. >> what was it, deloitte just announced another this morning. there is a trend happening -- larry: ups 12,000, paypal 2500. these are your numbers. total have lost 40,000 jobs according to one survey. >> i think we should take note. i think we should take note. how else do you bring prices down without inflicting serious economic pain on the american people. let's remind everybody the reason this has to happen, the reason the labor market would see the hit, the fed is tasked with tackling inflation that was caused in the last couple of years. so i think there is a significant thing happening there. that is a technical term. larry: a significant thing, i like that. so, taylor, on the subject of
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government spending okay, which happens to be inflationary, i will credit "the wall street journal" this morning but something sandra and i talked about, other people talked about it, they're still spending their keisters off. i want to go back, the misnamed inflation reduction act, reestimated $1.2 trillion by penn wharton, whatever they're called, unlimited subsidies going in there, the so-called chips act in total, 300 billion and just for the hell of it a trillion dollar infrastructure bill. that is being spent out. so, let me read some more numbers, you can tee off on it, the deficit in '23, fiscal '23 was a cool two trillion dollars. this is 3.7% unemployment rate. two trillion. >> like you said -- larry: hang on, 7 1/2% of gdp, okay? >> yeah. larry: in the middle of, we're growing at 3% and in '24, fiscal
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'24 the first quarter, up 20%, $509 billion. they're on track for a $2.4 trillion deficit which would be about 8 1/2% of gdp this is insanity. insanity. >> it is insane. like you said, all this spending unfortunately, you guessed it inflationary which is why we're in the problem to begin with. naseem tlaib, author of black swan, came out said we're heading towards another cliff. he have really doesn't like the debt and defer sits going on. jamie dimon of jpmorgan chase, last few weeks this is problem. you hear mr. doom and gloom say it you think that is his position but when jamie dimon is really talking about it too, you have to perk up your ears and listen. i don't know if it is a one year, two year problem, but could be five year, 10-year, 20 year problem if we don't fix our spending problem. larry: the biggest contributor to gdp in the last year is government, the g. >> yes.
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>> fact. larry: c plus g plus net exports, grew 4 1/2%. it is a small component so not driving but the biggest growth rate of gdp components is the government. >> that is the cone text which jamie dimon made those comments at davos. larry: government, roberts, you which you covered for all these years. >> i still long for the heady days at the end ever clinton administration, not necessarily the president but for the economy which were running a budget surplus, they were having meetings at the white house retiring the debt. it was 5.7 trillion. what vehicle to give investors when they weren't selling t-bills anymore. well they fixed that problem. larry: [laughter]. 8 1/2% of gdp budget deficit and you're growing the economy 3% with less than 4% and inflation is supposedly coming down. i don't get it. i admit. i was wrong in my forecast about
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a bad downturn last year. this stuff is not sustainable. we know people cannot afford to live. >> paycheck to paycheck. small percent of americans have enough stashed for a a rainy day. larry: i got it. you should have a business show you would be good at it. >> that is why i come on your show, larry. good to have john roberts in town. >> good to be here in new york city. i hear all the things about how things are sketchy. i wanted to see it for myself. larry: taylor riggs, always, terrific stuff. raise your hand. remember catch sandra and john on "america reports" weekdays at 1:00 p.m. eastern on fox news. taylor co-hosts with brian brenberg and jackie deangelis at 1:00 p.m. eastern on "the big money show" right here on fox business. all right. i'm kudlow this is a business show. general keith kellogg is up next. we have some tough work for him to mull over. please stick around folks. that was very entertaining kids.
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is pushing a long cease-fire with israel and now they're trying to stop, they're sanctioning israelis on the west bank trying to defend themselves. keith, i don't understand this. >> hey, larry, thanks for having me. i don't either. it is just walking down the same path which is a path of failure. it has been failure in the past. failure in the future. talking about a cease-fire which is wrong. talking a two part solution before a peace agreement is made. that is wrong. we looked at that in the peace through prosperity plan in our administration when we were there. you have to have a peace plan before you look at that looking minor target hits talking about response to losing three young americans. it is almost like it is risk avoidance done assistantly, hoping nothing big will break. every time it is. every time you appease nations like iran and others you are asking for more trouble this is an administration their national security policy and plan is really out of control. i shouldn't say that. it is not under control at all.
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there is no control. larry: what is the point about pushing for an israeli cease-fire? i don't get that either. think want a long-term cease-fire. we know the u.n. workers have thrown in with hamas. we know that iran is still on the loose? >> yeah, look, this to me is still an existential fight for israel. they have got to eliminate, reduce, eradicate hamas and having a cease-fire isn't going to do that. all the cease-fire does, larry, and you know that, is allow them to restock, rearm, refit, get ready to go back and fight begin. they must eradicate hamas. it is a terrorist organization. they killed americans. there are still american hostages. we should acknowledge that, say no, let the israelis finish the job. is it hard? sure. is it risky? sure. is it going to cause problems? shush. but let them do it. larry: all right, well-said, general keith kellogg a dear friend. much more time the next time, keith. sorry about today. you're right i don't know what the heck they're doing.
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government spending and $2 trillion deaf skit and 8% gdp and even more borrowing. that's no way to build a healthier economy. best way to do it, watch david asman in for lizy macdonald. david: thank you, larry. i'm in


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