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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 1, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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government spending and $2 trillion deaf skit and 8% gdp and even more borrowing. that's no way to build a healthier economy. best way to do it, watch david asman in for lizy macdonald. david: thank you, larry. i'm in for elizabeth macdonald
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and the evening edit starts right now. the crisis at our southern border spiraling out of control and causing chaos on all of our city streets. seven migrants were arrested after they attacked a new york police department officer, two of them, in time square. but the migrants didn't seem too concerned with their arrest, two of the suspects were seen flashing their middle fingers at the cameras as they exited their arraignments and why should they be concerned, they were all released without bail in new york's new criminal paradise. we have chris swecker and national border and council president brandon judd. great to see you, gentlemen. chris, first of all on the criminals coming into the united states, there's a lot of talk about and we'll get >> it more tomorrow night about whether or not a lot of prisons in venezuela are just being emptied
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and modero and others are sending them here. clearly these are gangs now that are coming into the united states. they're gangs that probably were organized before they even came here and are operating as a part of organized crime in the united states. you also have experienced terrorists coming into the united states. you busted the only hezbollah cell busted here in the u.s. in 2001. it was overshadowed by the events of 9/11 but extraordinary event and they came in through the southern border and wondering how many more terrorist cells might have come in through the open border in the past three years. >> well, by throwing open the southern boarders, we've recklessly opened this country to the greatest risk in our lifetime. i mean, you mentioned emptying venezuela, emptying their jails, that happened in 1980 when fidel castro emptied his jails into
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the boat lift in miami and the country had to live with the aftermath for decades. the cocaine cowboys if you will. now we've created an environment with so much volume with the encounters and number of encounters and got aways and the number who were on the terrorist watch list were actually detained. we have created a situation where terrorists can slip across at will, intelligence agents can slip across at will, and we've empowered the drug cartels and more powerful than ever because they're not just smuggling drug les and extorting migrants and exacting attacks and ventured into a whole new lanes in allen park of business and increased power and influence and nothing good is coming out of this open border. david: yeah, there's a very significant letter that you sent to the politicians letting them know how dangerous this all is. we'll get to that in a second. brandon, what's extraordinary seven though we have a situation
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with all of the city streets and not just new york but happening in chicago and boston, there's evidence of real criminal behavior by these -- and criminal behavior that proceeds their trips into the united states. they're obviously have been organized and trained and pickpocketted around the line and i want to play a sound byte from the massachusetts governor claiming there's no illegal immigrants from the united states. roll tape. >> fact of the matter is folk haves been let into the country lawfully and have found their way to massachusetts and other states and we have certain legal obligations here. david: now, she was talking specifically about families that come over but she painted with a broad swath. what do you make? >> invites more people in the boarders illegally and we know there's a governor or moi your
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that's going to say things like this that that's going to be the rhetoric. they're going to continue to come because they know they're going to be protected. we need people to step up and say what they're doing is wrong and if we stopped it at the border and stopped tomorrow, we could save american lives and wouldn't be sheltering all these people and incurring all these costs but then i really want to go back to the point you made that these people are already organize when had they come in. we listen to the calls, we monitor the calls when they're in our custody. we hear regularly that they are speaking with gang members and getting ready for their release and there's nothing we can do and this administration doesn't allow us. it's insane to think we have high level politicians that continue to use rhetoric that continues to invite people across the boarders illegally and we do not recognize the harm they're going to do when they get here. david: well, while the feds are not doing anything about it,
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chris, but texas government is trying to do something on its own the president of the united states said no fair. it's our responsibility but they're not doing their responsibility. there is a constitutional provision that allows states to take over border security if there's an invasion. would you call what we are seeing at the border an invasion? >> no doubt about it. in the letter that i and my other former fbi executive colleagues authored, we said that . this is an invasion of military-aged men and over 65% of these migrants are military age men. you can't tell me there's not intelligence operatives and terrorists and criminals mixed in and created unacceptable level of risk for the country and we've seen the crime spikes that have taken place. we just haven't you don't see the counter intelligence activity and terrorists slipping across the border.
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unfortunately we'll have a catastrophic event. you heard that right here. david: brandon, very quickly, what happens if texas continues to protect its border as chris says they have a constitutional right to do and you working for the federal government are told to do the opposite. is there going to be a confrontation? >> there's not as long as we're given a national lawful order. texas national guard understands we have to follow our orders and they have to follow theirs. we support each other and i completely support everything that governor abbott is doing. david: gentlemen, we have to leave it there. thank you both for your services, chris and brandon, appreciate it. u.s. officials confirmed to fox that the drone that killed three u.s. soldiers and injured more than 40 others was manufactured by iran. defense secretary austin revealed there's a multitiered response that is planned for this. with me now is retired army
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general jack keane. general, thank you so much for being here. i suppose it's not surprise that these things were manufactured? iran but the real question is whether iran gave the houthis or whoever is responsible for this, the information, the control. whether it was a command and control situation that originated in iran. what do you think? >> well, the iranians arm them and train them in their training centers and sometimes bring training teams to their location like they've done with hezbollah many times, and they fund them. they provide them intelligence. there's no secret where our bases are so i think the iranen-backed accomplish supra aural headphoneses kind of know that. when it -- militias know that and with the houthis, iran is
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providing them daily information on their locations and shipping and flags of the ships are representing. they're involved in the intelligence business as well, and irgc leaders have regular contact with these proxies, hezbollah, hamas, the iranen-backed militias in iraq and syria and the houthis. they're all tied together in a network. whether they tell them to hit the target is irrelevant, these proxies are carrying out the objectives of what iran has to include the objectives they have themselves. david: wasn't there an iranian spy ship in the red sea directing their pirating going on? >> absolutely. we're tracking the ship and i hope it's on the target list. david: why aren't we hitting it? >> i agree with you.
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it already should have been hit and put out of commission or sunk period. david: ronald reagan did it to half the iranian navy when he hit back. what victor davis hanson says about what's happening right now. we don't know what is blake grupeing planned and shouldn't know -- being pla planned and shouldn't now but it's been five days. when syria attacked loudly responding we'll only proportionately strike back and wish no wider war will only ensure a big ugly one. do you agree or disagree with that? >> you know, i totally agree. we've lost our ability to deter and happened with russia, we see it here with iran, and we see it also with president xi's aggressive less for the last two to three years and increased and escalated. we haven't been able to deter that in terms of military intimidation of us, more than we've ever seen and also taiwan. i think what's really needed
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here is the biden administration has got to reset its strategy with iran. iran is the key player here. 1207 the negotiations and shut the appeasement down and we need to isolate iran internationally with the allies and partners. that'll take a little work because as a number of european nations want to do business with them. let's get on with it. number two, economically, go back to the maximum sanctions. david: absolutely. >> shut down any loopholes to include any with china and it'll take time to have impact, but iran is flush with money because we pulled back from the sanctions and then in terms of military issue withs iranians, i don't think you go after commercial targets with civilian population that could be involved. civilian people already fundamentally opposed to this regime. go after irgc that supervises them, funds them, trains them.
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coastal bases for sure, irgc leaders, wherever they are. and as long as there's no collateral damage with civilians there. that'll make iran pay a price. reagan took outer hair half their-and-a-halfy and about half a dozen ships and most were fairly small but nonetheless it's what they have and it'll have meaning to them and it'll frustrate the daylights out of them because that's real capability and it'll also show a vulnerability they have to their proproxies and proxies look at n and see them as being invulnerable and united states avehicle code section them and more power and more -- avoids them and more power and legitimacy with the proxies. david. that spy ship would be an easy target and why that's floating is beyond me. general before we go, happy birthday to you, sir. great to have you on, wonderful
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to know you. thank you for being here. >> yeah, take care, david. thank you. david: i appreciate it. still coming up tonight, congresswoman kat cammack and treasury secretary of foreign affairs monica crowley and misty allison and joe concha, they're all here. president biden is set to visit east palestine, ohio, a year after that toxic rail crash but residents say it's too little too late. plus we have the heritage foundation research tech associate jake denton here discussing congress planning out next steps after grilling tech execs over child safety. that's next on "the evening edit". ♪
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david: congress looking for its next steps following yesterday's explosive senate hearing withh s and states are taking their own action. grady trimble is live in dc with more on this. hi, grady. reporter: hey, david, congress so far hasn't taken any action on this topic so several states are passing laws restricting kids use of social media or requiring parents to give permission for their kids to use it. show you this map, these are some of the states that have passed laws requiring age verifications or other protections for kids on social
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media. here's the problem, every single one of them is being challenged and tied up in the courts. the industry group net choice represents several of the big social media companies and here's what it says about one of the laws in utah. while their effort was well intentioned, the path they chose violates the constitutional rights of all utahens, children and businesses compromises their data security and strips away their parental rights. a bill going through florida state legislature faces similar challenges and goes from the house to the senate next in florida and would cut off anyone under 16 years old from several social media platforms. after yesterday's hearing with some of the big social media company execs, i asked senator lindsey graham his message to parents that are frustrated with congress' inaction on big tech regulation. >> we bare some of the -- we bear some of the blame,
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absolutely. senator durbin and i have been doing it for a long time and we want results. i'm not telling you how to vote but you need to vote, members of the senate. reporter: graham says he'll reach out to speaker mike johnson and get his counter parts in the house to work on the issue of protecting kids on social media. we'll see if this hearing this time around changes anything, david. david: kills me when he says he don't care how you vote but you've got to vote. sometimes not voting is the right thing. tech policy research associate jake denton. jake, it worries me when politicians get their grubby little fingers into what goes on in a very successful high-tech industry. at the same time what i thought when i saw zuckerman yesterday and was thinking there's a guy that caved in a flash, zuckerberg and caved with
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hunter's laptop and not giving enough attention to mothers and fathers that have kids that died as a result of cyber bullying or fentanyl sales online. >> these are people routinely lying in the press releases and before congress. mark zuckerberg opened with a statement saying there's no link to mental health with the use of his plat for the purposes. that's categorically untrue and countless studies prove that and it's congress' ability to see that misbehavior and see the families in that audience that lost their children and take action because the tech can'ts aren't going to do it on their own. david: to my first point, i think of a meeting congress had with the execs a year ago saying you're not going far enough in censorship. you've got to look at things like climate skeptics and things like that that do have two sides to an issue, but they think there's only one side to it when they get involved, sometimes the consequences are worse than the
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problem. >> we've happened to neglect big tech all together for more than a decade and countless little problems, big problems all mixing in together and this is a unique issue. it's not a censorship issue and kids getting pushed and targeted through the data usage and content that's leading to them killing themselves or purchasing illicit drugs laced with fentanyl and talking to some of the families in that line yesterday, i heard horrific things and those lawmaker haves sat there for a decade and heard stories and done nothing. it's lon overdue that they take action. david: then there's tiktok and the question of what to do with that. this is the a new report the popularity is growing faster than any other platform that's out there. they want to shut it down. i can understand the chinese involvement and i wouldn't get involved and wouldn't allow any member of my family to get involved with tiktok, but it's
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growing. how how do you shut it down? >> it's growing and massive in our states and it's pushing propaganda to our children and really it's a five alarm fire that our lawmaker haves not been able to muster the courage to extinguish and able to grow to the comical size and we're acting like, well, let's push to tomorrow. the election is around the corner and we shouldn't underestimate as a tool for election interference as well. byte dance is a vested interest in countless races across the country and thirteen is on the line. they're teetering on the edge of a ban. we are naive to believe they're not going to use that power and access to young voters to try and sway the election to protect themselves. david: when it's growing to so many millions of americans, i don't see how exactly you shut it down. but that's something for another conversation. jake denton, good to see you, thank you very much for being here. appreciate it. president joe biden travels to michigan to meet with union members as he battles former president trump for their votes.
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plus former treasury secretary of affairs monica crowley and why main street feels uneasy about the economy tevin wall street is raking in the bucks. that's next on "the evening edit". >> the economy is not in good shape and all that's doing well is immigration and it's hitting new highs every day. we must be attracting new people really well with our economy. no, seriously, this is not a great economy. ♪
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david: so the federal reserve deciding to leave rates unchanged yesterday but chairman jerome powell saying a march rate cut is not likely. edward lawrence live from the white house with the latest on that. hi, edward. reporter: hey, david. yeah, the dow finished in record territory today but rebounded after that selloff it had yesterday when the markets realized there was not going to be a rate cut coming as soon as march. in fact, the bad news came for
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the markets from my question to the federal reserve chairman. listen here. >> i've heard from some district fed presidents, is it in your view a little premature to think rate cuts are right around the corner? >> based on the meeting today, i would tell you i don't think it's likely that the committee will reach a level of confidence by the time of the march meeting to identify march as the time to do that. when you ask me about the in the near term, i'm hearing that as march. i would say, i don't think that's probably not the most likely case or the base case. reporter: so market experts believe that the fed has some room to keep the pause going because hotter than expected jobs numbers as well as gdp growth and government spending pushing inflation. now fed chairman jay powell saying it's too soon to declare victory over inflation and adds that a soft landing is more likely and there's always a hedge, listen. >> we just need to see more.
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that's where we are as a committee. we need to see more evidence that sort of confirms what we think we're seeing and that tells us we are on -- gives us confidence we're on a path to a sustainable path down to 2% inflation. reporter: he's trying to orchestrate that soft landing but we've got now massive government spending coming through for the bipartisan infrastructure bill and chips and sciences act and that's coming down the pike and putting up ward pressure on inflation. david: i'm glad the market recovered today if not only for my own 401(k) and so you didn't have to live with asking the question that sank the market. reporter: i thought about that. david: it was a great question, but did cause quite a stir. appreciate it. president joe biden touting december's jobs report, which critics say paints a rosier picture of the economy as we await january's jobs numbers. that'll be coming out tomorrow of course. all this amid a continuing surge in government spending adding more jobs to the economy but can
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government deficit spending sustain the jobs growth? wall street is doing great and most americans are growing weary of the lasting increase in prices at the grocery store and at the pump, not to mention the pop in interest rates and poll shows that only 27% of americans say the american dreams with treasury secretary of public affairs monica crowley, so great to see you. thank you for coming in. another thing we haven't talked about. all the downward revisions of the jobs numbers and i think we have a graph we can put up. ten of the last jobs numbers were revised downwards and i believe in 2023 five -- we had 500,000 fewer jobs created than were originally reported. i'm just, you know, i don't mean to be a conspiracy theorist but is that incidental.
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>> that's part of the administration and quarterly gdp numbers that we've been getting that were constantly revised down and that undermines a lot of people's confidence and getting on the economy out of this administration and everything in this economist and this is a lot of questions and look, the american people are very frustrated with this economy and the kind of garbage coming out of the president and his team on the economy they're out there selling bidenomics but the american people are not bubuying it because their own lived experience is so different from what the difference is trying to tell them. david: we're going to talk about that in a second more -- we've got new polls out but i want to stick on jobs for one more thing and it's the kind of jobs that are being created, and this gets to the issue of whether the government is trying to pump up the economy with more deficit
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spending, $1 trillion worth this year. the kinds are mostly government jobs or government-related jobs like education or healthcare. if they're private education, there's a lot of government money that finds its way in there. is that what's keeping the jobs numbers up? >> yeah, that's what's keeping gdp number up as well. they're out there touting the jobs report and gdp and looking closely, it's all related to massive government spending. you and i would grow took into consideration david, if we had $8 trillion given to us over the last three years. this is what we're seeing and seeing all this government spending, that's created inflationary environment and it's giving artificial sense of jobs picture and labor market and overall growth. david: to your point, i want to
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get to have poll and one of the most recent abc polls we could find from mid january. it asked a very good question: which of these sounds more right to you, the economy is in good shape given low unemployment and rising wages? 24% said yes but the economy is in bad shape given higher prices and interest rates, 71% agreed with that. if those numbers have any bragging rights for the economy as well. >> yeah, that's right. just because they continue to try and tell us the economy isn't net positive doesn't mean the american people are believing what they're selling here. look, that dove tails with other polls we've seen and two-thirds of the american people say they're living paycheck to paycheck and simply cannot get ahead and thee quarters of the american people say they've got a negative view of the economy like that poll showed as well
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and they're rightfully blaming joe biden, the guy in charge and the democrats who have been driving this massive spending bus all along over the last three years. the american people don't have to reach back 40 years like they used to to the reagan boom to remember what a thriving economy was like. they only have to go back a couple of years pre-covid to the trump years. i have a feeling, david, more and more americans suffering in the biden economy want that trump economy back. david: no, it is current memory in a lot of people's minds and it was not that long ago at all. monica crowley, great to see you. thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> you took into consideration david. thank you. you too, david, thank you. david: a new quinnipiac poll showing president trump leading biden by six points and biden being fueled by female voters and president trump was going strong against biden is the
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speech landslide in iowa and nikki haley's decision in the race and after a double digit loss in new hampshire right after the new hampshire primary, he took on a more anta antagonik tone and not sat well for this and first there's iowa in the area. >> this country is group of goie so successful, i won't have time for retribution and ultimate reattribution is success. just a little note to nikki, she's not going to win. if she did, she would be under investigation by those people in 15 minutes and i can tell you five reasons why already there's stuff she doesn't want to talk about and she'll be under investigation within minutes. david: joining me is fox news contributor joe concha.
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joe, good to see you. the quinnipiac poll, is it an outlier or change in tone from president trump having something to do with it? >> well, we have to be careful, it's a national poll and we don't side national elections and they're decided by the electoral colleges and the way they've shaken out, elections come down to the following states, georgia, which also in began peek trump is up 7 over bind, nevada up 12 over biden, michigan up 6, wisconsin up 8, north carolina up 13, arizona up 8 and pennsylvania up 3 over biden. if that holds, you're looking at a landslide at this point. so nationally doing really well in california, illinois, or new york and trump can be doing well in texas. they don't matter. i hate to put it that way, it comes down to six or seven states and if trump can hold in those states, then he will win. overall though, nationally if we want to make that part of the
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conversation, i agree with the fact that after iowa and statements he made where i don't have time for retribution, success is the best revenge, paraphrasing, that's the type of optimism donald trump has to display and not going after people permly and turns people off except for his core supporters. david: now another thing that he has in his favor that he didn't necessarily have. americans were worried alaska the burdener 2023 but 2023, something's happened in the past several weeks. what's happening in the cities of new york, chicago, la, boston, maths. massachusetts and these gangs are organized criminal activity before they came here and probably have a record and may have been let out of jail even in venezuela. americans are really worried about the border. that's going to be number one at least for the moment and may get back to the economy but right now it's the border.
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>> exit polls in iowa and new hampshire certainly showed that, david. that's the thing, how do you track these people that come into the country and released into communities like new york? one block from our studios at 121 1/6 avenue fox news, two police officers were brutally beaten by people that are here illegally that we're currently housing and feeding, and you see these municipal budgets in new york and sanitation is cut, education is cut, nypd is cut. all for what? to take care of people that have the country illegally. black voters and hispanic voters going to trump in higher numbers than ever because of the issue because they don't like the fact that resources are being divdiverted from their communits to people that shouldn't be here in the first place. david: a lot of businesses are moving out of the cities, their tax revenue is going down kevin fewer services than before. we may see interesting blue state changes happening in 2024
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as well. joe, i wish we had more time. great to see you, my friend. thank you very much. appreciate it. coming up, the white house still taking a lot of criticism from the residents of the toxic east palestine, ohio, train crash as president biden prepares to visit the site for the first time. first let's check in with dagen and sean to see what's coming up next hour on the bottom line. >> hey, david. thank you. the border continues to spiral out of control, governor ron desantis is going to send more guardsmen to help texas. we have former ag of florida pam bondi here with us. >> tennessee and virginia, the attorney generals there have filed an anti-trust lawsuit against the ncaa. we break that down but this spells the end of the already awful ncaa. jack brewer is on that and matt palumbo on our panel, and we debate: do you hate el mo or love him that you like or abore
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him getting man handled on live tv, top of the hour. yep, tough day at work, nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain. at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make
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>> do you still stand by that comment about the book tour? >> 100% stand by the comment about the book tour. i think that's the best time for him personally is, you know, joe
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biden that's the best time for joe biden to come. the best time for him to come would have been whenever this happened. david: that was east palestine mayor trent conway with fox business' kelly saberi reacting to the news that biden will visit the site of the toxic train crash a year after the visit and many palestine residents saying his visit is too little too late. i'm joined by misty allison, east palestine resident. is biden as un-307 larra now as he was back then? >> looking a the entire come police station of the town -- compilation of the town, yes, especially on social media last night. not sure president biden is going to get a warm welcome coming here or not, but i'd say personally, i am glad that president biden is fallowing through -- following through finally with his promise to come
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to east palestine. while we are strong and resilient people, we honestly deserve to be heard, and i just don't want this to be a photo opportunity. david: no, but there was another president, a former president that did visit right after the train disasser and that was donald trump. he just wrote this in truth social yesterday. he said i know these great people. i was there when it counted, and his reception will not be a warm one. the question of course is whether they are able as presidential events teams as they usually do to isolate where president biden goes and prevent him from getting any spots. do you think they'll be successful in doing that? >> honestly, i'm not sure. we'll have to wait and see what happens with the presidential visit. not sure when that's going to be and what's going to happen with that. but when president biden does come as i said, i don't want this to be a political stunt and
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a photo opportunity and i want him to come with support and resources and a positive update to give this area hope. hopefully if he comes, he's going to make some announcements for federal funding and give us some updates and again, not just have it be a photo opportunity since it is an election year. david: well, the white house spoke out about it i believe it was yesterday, the white house press secretary spoke to a question about whether the president would drink the water. let me play that and get your reaction. roll tape. >> when the president is in east palestine, will he drink the water there? >> i mean, look, what i can tell you is the president's focus has been to do everything he can to support this community from day one. we get what's going on on the ground. this is not about some sort of political stunt here. david: it is not a political
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stunt. on the other hand just about everything every party does in an election year turns into a political stunt. what do you need and the residents there need, quickly? >> i would say that we do need some of that federal funding for long term healthcare research and support for those residents who are sick. not everybody is sick but some are. we need some assurance that east palestine is not going to be forgotten and we're able to clean up the water ways as you're seeing there. the creeks still are contaminated and there's been a lot of progress, but there's still so much more to be done. we need to make sure that we have all the resources that are available to make sure that, you know, east palestine is able to recover and thrive and also that this doesn't happen in any other community. david: well, we wish you the very best and hope it's not just a political stunt. unfortunately again, it is an election year and will probably turn into one, but you guy haves
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been hanging in there and our blessings go to you. misti, thank you gone for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you. david: coming up, florida congresswoman kat cammack joining us next to discuss the busy month on capitol hill for the biden family. the president's younger brother james is set to appear with a transcribed interview days before hunter is set to sit for a deposition on the 28th. all that's coming up on "the evening edit," coming next. ♪
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david: president biden younger brother james appears before house oversight committee, house republicans leading impeachment inquire to president believes that james biden has knowledge of hunter biden's business deals and whether the president was involved, for more we welcome congresswoman kat cammack. james will appear a couple days before hunter, will hunhunter biden have access to the transcription of the james interview? >> good to be with you. no, that won't be the case, there is going to be s
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separation, both of those transcribed interviews will be key in continues to build the case against joe biden, as we know, the corruption, it is a family business, when you have the last name biden is seems to be synonymous with bought and paid for and foreign interference, we know there will be a ton of information coming out. that is important. there was an interesting piece dropped today by america first policy institute, i am v very intrigued by the notion that dc bar has yet to take action against hunter biden despite the fact there is tax evasion and lying on a background check for a weapon, all kinds of issues, this is amazing. >> and he still has has license to practice law.
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>> it is extra ordinary he has his license. are you expecting him to answer anything with a serious answer or will he pull the fifth amendment nonresponse? >> on a serious note, i think that much of what is happening with james and hunter biden is to detract from the things that are happening, f failures of the biden administration, for example the border, they are continuing to drag it out as long as humanly possible, we saw stunt he pulled on steps of will capitol, choosing not to comply, then say we will -- i think this a strategic play to drag this out, what we get answers i'm not sure. david: to something that involves your subcommittee and law fair and the various cases against donald trump. you have the strange case of fani willis. and whether or not her case against donald trump is going to be affected by her
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ententanglements that seem to be p blossoming to a real scandal, will that affect her case against trump. >> absolutely, she is very busy trying to point fingers at donald trump, we all know, as she points her finger, she has three points back at herself, she should have been more careful in use of her taxpayer dollars. this is something that is going to 100% cloud that investigation. which we all know was a witch-hunt to begin with, you can't be preaching integratesy when you yourself have none. -- integrity when you yourself have none. david: the case in new york, of so-called fraud. i want to read to you from code of federal regulations, meaning of fraud, as usually applied understate law, term fraud, matters such as
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larceny, theft, embezzlement, forgery, and wrongful conversion, or any other dishonest acts resulting in financial loss, there was no think if loss, therefore it is not fraud, right. >> right, it say victimless so-called crime, it is a total witch-hunt, maybe she would be better served to go after the real victims of cuomo's fraud dealing with covid, she would be better served focusing there. she is the attorney general state of new york letitia james. david: a terrible one at that, thank you very much for being here congresswoman, i am david asman, thank you for watching, and now it's time for "the bottom line" take it away dagen and sean. dagen: thank you so much, davi


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