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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so weakness appeasement,
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lawlessness, that is what bidens show us. we'll talk about it with liz peek, rich lowry and katie pavlich. we'll be joined by sara carter and kash patel later, but first south to white house. where edward lawrence is standing by. with all of the gory details. how wonderful to see you. reporter: good to see you too. i am glad you are in a good mood, u.s. officials say they will respond to attack that killed three americans in a time of their choosing, president biden he is off to michigan. going to a campaign event for uaw . he has not found yet a time of his choosing to stopped. tomorrow president will be in dover, delaware for transfer of remained for sergeant william rivers, sergeant kennedy sanders and breonna moffett, the leaders of group responsible for death fled back to iran.
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after the president said he decided on a response. >> in terms of telegraphing about strikes and whether or not people leave or left, you know i won't speculate on any of that. i would tell you that you know, we will have a multitiered response. and again, we have the ability to respond a number of times depending on the situation. reporter: so defense secretary made the point that we're not adwar with iran. he does not -- u.s. does not want to escalate conflicts in middle east, and called on iran to stop supplying houthis with missiles launched at ships in red sea, u.s. took its 12 strstrike in self-defense on ground in yemen, officials say biden administration should have
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responded more forcefully and fond -- months ago. >> do i think that administration is going to respond in some way? yes, but i think it after at least three p preventible deaths, there will somebody targets taken. reporter: now that administration is waited this long, we'll see if the response has the affect of deterring future aggression. larry: all right. thank you very much edward lawrence. i want to add, the stock market, dow jones up 369 points. and we will have gerri willis on to report on that. a bit later. but first, i want to talk take about war situation, it is day 5 since iranian backed militia atanged u.s. military base in jordan. killing three american patriotic troops, and wounding over 3 dozen others. before that, two brave n
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navy seals were lost at sea, in aftermath of a how the atack, so day 5, 120 hours, still no u.s. military response. this is an insult to the brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice, an insult to the inj injured and their families and the country. ebiden administration has done nothing to redwrailt, retaliate, knoll to honor them, and am i rail the only one who is making this point? i certainly hope not. today, in a very shaky and sketchy press conference, secretary defense lloyd austin said, we're not at war with iran. really? with all due respect, sir, i believe the united states is at war with iran are for no
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other reason because, r iran has declared war against united states many times, and by sp sponsors within 66, latest count attack against u.s. military arquette ises, iran has declared war against united states, 166 times. general austin is concerned about the houthis and isis, okay, but remember that iran is the paymaster, u.s. officials are leaking that the american response will not include iran. but it will hit iranian proxies in iraq and syria. to me this is simply inadequate. we're not hurting, ran. we're had the nelling the china to -- we're not telling chinese to stop financing the war, and not impounding iranian oil ships, that are violating the sanctions put in place by congress, and authored by
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the trump administration, iran was nearly bankrupt 3 years today, today they total near 80 billion. 3 years ago, they produced a million barrels a day of oil at best, today they are up on 3 1/2 million. in violation of the sanctions that is. the sanctions, that have been either lifted or relaxed by the biden administration. now. numerous military experts, former members of joint chiefs staff and others recommend that united states retaliate by bombing iranian oil fields, or offshore oil rigs. or bombing iranian command and control centers. or bombing iranian terrorist training center, but none of this is happening. so bidens continue their misbegotten policy of
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iranian appeasement, refuse to implement clear, economic, and military de deterrents. 4 years ago donald trump ctook out soleimani. that is called deterrents. to this day, seems clear that the biden administration still wants to do more business with iran. a nuclear deal for example, invite them to high table of mideast and world nations. this approach, first surface during the obama years is delusional. the em empirical evidence shows it, you cannot buy off or appease them. so, it is day 5, 120 hours. after three brave patriotic
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service members lost their lives, to an iranian attack. and countless others injured. and 166 attacks on our military, and attacks on our american honor. 5 days, is 5 days way too long. that my thought. on this matter. >> all right we'll talk more about this. later in the show, we have general keith kellogg and sandra smith and john roberts, we hope with politics, we welcome liz peek, fox news cr contributor and rich lowry and katie pavlich. katie, you are furthest away, i guess i want to talk about the politics of iran. because, if you have other thoughts feel free. you know, just occurs to me,
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we have waited 5 days. that is way too long. and it sends a wrong signal. but most of all, katie, it seems like that is another sign or example old of biden weakness. on the world stage. i don't think that american voters in the main katie want to see american weakness on the world stage. how do you see it. >> well, so interesting because secretary of state ant antony blinken yesterday said he believes middle east is more dangerous than 1970s, they should hold up a mirror and into why that is, they continue to say from white house podium, that they don't want to escalate the situation. they want to deescalate buzz their weakness and refusal to show strength, and they are appeasing them, they
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have invited the escalation by the iranians, you can't stress enough fact that houthi rebels in yemen shut down international shipping in the red sea, whether attacks on military vessels or on commercial shipping, that is an embarrassment to united states and to the western world, if you don't think that bigger players like china are watching to see what they can do in south china sea. because u.s. is weak, americans lives will change, if those things happen. where international shipping is controlled by foreign adversaries who don't have free trade and capitalism and getting people the goods that's need in mind, that will be a huge problem for the biden administration if this weakness continues, and you are rebel groups that are funded by iran. one more thing, hamas, is an iranian-backed proxy in gaza strip, they are still holding american hostages,
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in the gaza strip. you don't hear president talking about it. larry: a good point.. that is great point. he never really talks about that, he never talked about it from the beginning. a good point. well put. and well taken. rich lowery, i feel in a sense, i don't want to be partisan. i don't need to be, i think that americans want to see a search toughness and -- 7 toughness and strong, i don't want wars everywhere, i don't. but there is something tough. biden shows weakness. his primary opponent trump, shows toughness. and i think that politics will play out. >> no one thought that joe biden has strength and toughness since afghanistan pull out, we're seeing it this is humiliating, i agree with your monologue, but for
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one friendly caveat, you say deterrent is not at play, it is we're getting deterred. biden reversed the trump policies and cut off of the unrwa funding. and we see all of those catastrophic. larry: liz, interesting point that rich makes, back to u.n. relief workers, am bidens made such a big deal about providing, quote uunquote, humanitarian aid and told us we could trust humanitarian aid, relief workers in u.n., now i am shocked to learn many were participating with hamas on october 7. and probably many more. and people in israel and others who told us we could never trust the relief
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workers, to distribute humanitarian aid, it was all run by hamas were right. this is another example of rich's point, about how they reversed policy to disasterrous consequences. >> i think we have talked about that a number of times on your show, idea that the gaza strip is not run by hamas. was always a mistake. that was not true. but i want to go back to this peace through strength concept. someone used, expression biden has a crippling fear of escalation, we saw in ukraine and now in iran, in how he feels if we take a positive aggressive movement somewhere, or action against our enemies, that all hell will break loose, hello, it has already broken loose, and only way to deter is to take a preactive step, i find everything they are,ing about is backyards. by the way, it is not just
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with our foreign adversaries that biden looks weak, he looks weak with progressive left in his party with lloyd austin, he should have been fired. . >> he looks weak when we can't find his open t don't secretary of defense. >> what if this happened, when lloyd austin was in the icrucu . no one asked him that, i am sorry, i could not have taken the phone call, this is inexcusable and biden will look bigger if he got rid of some people in his cab notcabinet to let him down. >> that would give him strength. larry: trump fired cabinet members, they deserved it. >> i am sure. >> if you are not producing, if -- -- if you run a
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business, you run a big division that it keeps losing money, you have to throw out one head and bring in another. >> and joe biden does not do, that they are all losing money. liz, coming back to our column, all of great. trump needs nikki haley's donors. you know that kudlow rule, kellyanne conway rule, donors are always wrong, they came out against trump from the beginning. and they supported governor desantis, and now they are supporting nikki haley, you make a good point, he will need money, it will be an expensive race. i want to put in reports yesterday, and everyone to weigh in, suzie wild campaign manager met with paul singer donory's group, new york base. but national group, and by the end of that, she -- they are ready to come in they
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are looking for connections. so my point, i think that tide has turned there. >> in and to your point some of desantis donors have come across to now donald j. trumpors. my point was -- donors he needs this money for him to blast her donors and say, they will not be in maga tent if they keep supporting nikki haley that was stupid. he actually wants these people to support him. larry: one of those got away remarks. >> fair enough. >> watch his actions not his words. and you know we have seen this before. >> i do think -- >> we like the money. >> well say shot some people will come around, 4 more years of joe biden, most of us feel is an unimaginable hhorror for our country on so many levels. >> not just donors he needs every one of her voters. that is why, i know it won't. but if he talks about her, he should say, i want you to
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know whatever she says about me, i want if you are supporting her to be with me in fall. >> katie. i am -- you are here in spirit. katie, i'm not making a recommendation but i am saying that i don't think folks should rule out nikki haley vice president or nikki haley let me say, if not welcome to trump world. to his good graces, you know. he has a history of this. he will get teed off and fire away. and he is effective at that, lord knows but he also, i know, there are many examples that i could give through years he welcomed people back to the fold. >> indeed. he has been recon
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recon sill torey. nikki haley still running against him, to your point about vice presidency, there a theory she will try to move through super tuesday too leverage a few delegates so she has power within the republican party to say, i would be a good vice president at pick for a number of reince, donors and voters, and also the independence who may be -- independent who want to vote against joe biden but not sure about a straight trump ticket, it could happen. but the longer she throws insults at him, the worst it will be for her, not like this is going one way, she has angry old man campaign and calling him incompetent. this is not like they are going one way. >> that is not good. i nom recommending that she be on the ticket, i am just saying he has a way of bringing people back it to the fold. rich lowery, you get -- by
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the way, we brought you back into the fold. >> of olive branch, . i don't see her -- attacks from n nikki haley are hharsh now, but trump should want her to be at next ra next rally to fry to unite the party. larry: jfk made up with lbj, and rfk as well, ronald reagan made up with pop bush, you know never know. >> politics,. >> never say never. larry: war, love, you can't tell. >> thank you, kids, liz peek, rich lowry and katie pavlich, coming up biden's
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open border and soft on prime policy lead to an illegal immigration catastrophe, law and order is suddenly out of style. it not even part of our political vocabulary. at least if you are a pig big city mayor, we talk about it with sara carter and kash patel. from kudlow returns, you can catch kudlow here on fox business at 4 p.m., if you can't make it, text your favorite 9-year-old, she will show you how to dv r the show and you will never miss a thing. hey david. connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. let's find the right investments for your goals okay, great. j.p. morgan wealth management.
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larry: all right, next up capitol hill, senator chuck schumer says the dreaded senate border bill text will be posted as early as tomorrow. no later than sunday. who better to tell us fox news senior congressional report chad pergram live. what do you think is coming out of this. reporter: larry biggest debate on border and immigration policy could hit senate floor next week. negotiator say that bill
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clocks in around 200 pages, not a thousand. like some big bills. >> we're getting very close, i want members to be aware we plan to post full text of the national security supplemental as early as tomorrow, no later than sunday. that will give members time to read the bill before voting on it. reporter: timing is in the eye of the beholder, g.o.p. utah senator mike lee demanding three weeks to consider the bill. others' opportunity to offer changes. senate majority leader chuck schumer plans a test vote to break a filibuster to start next wednesday that needs 60 yeas. >> details will matter, the thing about. legal language matters a great deal. reporter: border negotiator james lankford urging his
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colleagues against making decisions about the bill, quote, based on internet, senators are learing of last minute alte alteration. the more you change the bill. the more partisan it becomes, at some point it becomes parts son, we have to make a decision, how much more can we give before we walk away. reporter: but once bill text arrives expect opponents to rip it apart, a key marker to watch. does the bill score support from majority of senate republicans, if the bill tfails too get 60 ar yeas on wednesday, the big is up. larry: -- gig is up. larry: 100%. 60 is a big thing, thank you chad pergram. now speaking of border, illegal migrant crime wave is creaping the country --
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sweeping country, twhoopped . what happened to law and order. not part of our lexicon any more, we talk about it is sara carter and kash patel. welcome to you. sara, i'm read you two headlines from new york post biden doesn't need a bill to fix border. he just refused to enforce the law. the second, new york is considering relaxing work qualifications for thousands of jobs to hire migrants. and the other thing what happens to the two new york cops, attacked by illegal migrants from were let off scot-free without bail, this is a horrible story, but it is not a unique story.
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so i'm coupling the illegality at border and lawlessness around the nation. what do you think about this. this is the most troubling part to me. >> it is to me too, law and order ended at border who the lawless president allowed people to come into the country illegally. there is in a reason it called illegal aliens, that is the legal term. and people are coming across the border, in droves, because our president, has a policy, of opening up the border to the world, the real question, why is our drped to -- president determined to destroy the foundation of our nation and say, hey, guess what we have a senate bill and all of the republican's fall, if they don't sign on, to -- to fund ukraine and take care
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of border, it their fall we have a crime wave, the crime wave is happening people in our nation coming in that have not been properly vetted and pose serious national security risks, and i'm sure can talk about, that we opened border, tied hands of federal agency and local law enforcement. when i was in shelby park this last week, governor abbott is at a standoff with president biden, doing the job that president biden should do. it is reason why american public, is looking to texas for answers. it is not stopping the flow. we're seeing it in arizona, the flow move to california. it has to be the federal government willing to shed shut it down, we need to follow the law. larry: a key thing, kash patel.
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get you in. chad gave a great analysis of what is happening. the bidens don't need legislation, there is more than ample legislation on the books to take care of this. and by the by, if joe biden thought he needed more money for more border agencies, who might stop migrants, they are used to expedite, you know he had a democratic house and senate for a couple years he did not do a darn thing. >> look, sara is correct, follow the law, you are right. look, joe biden policy with national security, has been the following, what did donald trump do? i'm doing the opposite. whether it is afghanistan or iran. or it is china. and ccp . the cartels and border. he rescinded on his first month biden, 9 executive orders that donald trump had implemented to secure the
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border. including funding the law. and walma wall and funding our agents and giving authority to immediately return the illegal immigrants and forcing them to stay in mexico, there so many legal i'm implementations that donald trump executed that joe biden said we're don. and do you, that and you have a crime spree and you have a world taking over the southern border invasion, you get iran, you get ccprnticp and cartels to flood our country with terrorists and criminals, new york, i see cops beaten up, i don't want to see the guy that b beat up the cop. flip the bird to the guy with the camera. >> sara carter thank you very much. kash patel. a tough story. >> next up, power panel. sandra smith. we have john roberts and we
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have taylor riggs. you will love it. economics, and world events with kudlow, a lot more to do, we need law and order as part of our vocabulary. for a change. rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at
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larry: some positive news. the dow jones average new record high we have gerri willis to tell us why. not true unless you report. >> i love the way you think, dow jones looking at 8 record close this year, stocks rebound, dow higher by 369, and s&p up 60, nazdaq rising 197, yesterday's fed driven sell-off only a memory, big tech and cyclical stocks bounce. we await earnings respect from the big mega-tech
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companies. >> futures markets looking at 94% chance of a rate cut in may. and let me warn you about friday, tomorrow all eyes on jobs report from labor department. expectations are for non-farm payroll to increase by 173,000. while job less rate crimes higher to 3.8%, larry. >> all right. gerri willis thank you so much. >> we'll switch gears, great fun. distinguished channel, coanchors of mrveg america reports on fox news, sandra smith and john roberts. raise your hand. >> here. larry: taylor riggs co-host of the big money show. >> can i raise high my hand too. >> do you square to. larry:
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>> i want -- here is some sound from secretary defense lloyd austin. in his shaky press conference this morning. >> we're not at war with iran. houthis continue to do some things that are very irresponsible. and illegal. the president will not tolerate da attacks on american troops and n neither will i. larry: john. i think we are at war with iran, point one, and two, this is day 5 without a response to what happened that killed 3 american service members. i think we're dishonoring them and country, over throw dozen were wounded, we lost two navy seals before that. >> it is surprising. every day that goes by, i think that iranians say, this is a administration
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that can't find its way forward. you remember, that back in 2020, when qassam soleimani was taken out there was a lag time between time that american contractor was killed and time that soleimani was taken out. i think that is because they were waiting for precise moment they could hit iran as hard as possible. every indication that we're getting from this administration, particularly, with that press conference today, was that they are not planning on hitting iran anyway. larry: nothing, no oil fields or training centers, they will hit the militia-backed out posts. >> there is some thought what they might do with iranian ship in the red sea. that is giving targets information to houthis that would be pulling a big trigger, i think a trigger to bto biden does not top pull. larry: we have not heard they will restore the
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sanctions. the trump sanctions, sanctioned by congress. >> you could do that in hours, but still nothing. larry: it is an economy response. nothing. they don't. >> american people hope they take their time, because this will be big. but, i think that might be wishful thinking. >> wishful. sandra smith, you are writing texting me early in the morning with all bad news. you know, i was enjoying. >> who else do i talk to in. larry: mia culpa, i was wrong about slowdown and resolution, so. >> i don't think you were wrong. larry: fed, everyone was wrong. but, you mentioned all these job layoffs, tomorrow is a jobs number, taylor will predict the nobs number. >> okay. larry: it is interesting. >> my stock spreading app out. larry: month of january from challenger gray.
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total job losed 82307, finance job 23,000, and food producer jobs lost, and in general other surveys have shown the same. one survey shows in tech overall last year, lost 260 thousand jobs. i say it, and i think spirit you sent it, unemployment remains low and most of these monthly job gains are good, what is up with the layoffs? why don't they -- >> howell do you fix inflation. >> this is the fed's goal, you have to see a drag on the economy before prices come down, my guess that federal reserve is looking for closely at that than inflation. you everyone if the labor market takes a hit, we could see a significant down turn in american economy. as far as why is unemployment you know there are a lot of other factors that into that number, as --
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this is a trend that i noticed are larry kudlow, i need to ask larry, every day i wake up, i see headlines about more job cuts, they are substantial job cuts, they are in particular and finance -- technology and finance, and what was it. deloitte announced another one, there is a trend. suzie: ups, 12,000. >> paypal 2500, your numbers. total lost 40 thousand jobs. >> we should take note, highway how do you bridge prices down -- how do you bring prices down. let's remind everyone that reason that has to happen in and reason that labor market would see this hit, fed has been tasked with tackling inflation that was caused in last couple years, i think there is a thing happening there. larry: sign significant thing. taylor on subject of
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government spending, which happens to be inflationary. and i will credit "wall street journal" this morning, but something sandra and i and others have talked about it, they are stale spending their keisters -- still spending their keisters off, misnamed inflation reduction act,ry reestimated 1.2 trillion by pen warden over whatever they are called, so-called chips act 300 billion for the hell of had 3 trillion dol d dollar infrastructure bill. deficit in 23 was cool 2 trillion dollars. >> you said. >> hang on. >> 7 1/2 percent of gd f in middle of you know, we're going 3%. in 2024, fiscal 24, first
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quarter, up 20%. 50 9 of billion, on track for the 8 1/2% of gdp deficit. >> all spending is, inflationary, that is why we're in this problem. author of black swan said, we're heading to another cliff, he does not like debt and deficits, and even jamie dimon from ja shel jpmorgan chase said there is a problem. but when jamie dimon is talking 'it you have to perk up and lessen. i don't know if a one year or two year problem, if could be 5 or 10 or 20 year. >> biggest contributor to go, dp in last -- to the gdp is last year is government. the g .
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grow at about 4 1/2%, a small component. it is not driving, but still, the biggest growth rate of the gdp oach was government. >> government, you covered. >> i still long for heady days of end of clinton administration, for the economy. we were running a budget surplus and they had meetings ought white house retiring debt. what to give -- what vehicle to give visitors when they were not selling it bills any more. >> they fixed that problem. >> 8 1/2% of gdp think about deficit and growing economy at 3% with less than 4%, and inflation coming down? i don't get it i admit, i was wrong in my forecast about a bad downturn last year. but i don't know, this stuff is not sustainable, we could
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talk about how people condition afford to live -- conditioncon concan't afford to live. >> it is tight. >> you should have a business show. >> i will come on your show. >> any time. >> good to be here. >> good to have j john roberts in town. >> god -- good to be in new york city. i hear how sketchy thingses. >> don't walk alone, taylor riggs thank you, and. you can catch sandra and john on america are. on fox news and. the big money show. right here on fox business. i'm kudlow, this is a business show, general kellogg is up next, we have tough work for him to mull over, that was entertaining. >> fun.
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larry: joining us now, lieutenant general keith kellogg, we're short of time but, instead of hitting, rb iran, administration
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is pushing a language ceasefire with israel and sanctions israelis on west bank trying to defend themselves i don't understand. >> thank you, i don't either. this is walking down the same path, a pack of failure, its that failed in the past and future, they are talking of a ceasefire that is wrong. we did that in looked in peace through prosperity plan in our administration, we were there. they have to have a peace plan before you have that. they are looking at -- hits talking about response to losing 3 young americans, almost like risk avoidance, hoping that nothing big will break, it is, any time you appease nations like iran and others you are just asking for more trouble this dang their national security -- administration their national security policy and plan is not under control. there is no control. larry: what is the point
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about pushing for an israeli ceasefire. i don't get that either, they want long-term ceasefire, we know that u.n. workers are thrown in with hamas, we know that iran is till on the loose. >> yeah, this is to me is still -- israel, they have got to eliminate reduce ehamas. and having a ceasefire will not do, that all the ceasefire does is allow them to pro stock, rearm and get ready to go back and fight, they must eradicate hamas, they are a t terrorist ergz organization, they killed americans, they still have americans hostages, we should say let them finish the job. larry: well said, general kellogg, more time next time, i am sorry about today, you are right. i don't know what the heck they are doing, folks i'll be back with my last word.
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