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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  February 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EST

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>> from the fox studio in new york city this is "maria bartiromo wall street".
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>> happy weekend the program analyzes the week that was in position to for the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo president biden dealing another blow to the oil industry to the american jobs in the u.s. relationship with allies across the world, europe and asia were getting new details by the president help on natural gas export projects we learned reports abiding in his advisor john podesta allowed tiktok influencers to dictate the new policy in hopes of boosting the support among young voters the editorial board writes this, the president's advisors met with the tiktok climate influencer at the white house on this influencers and taken to social media to celebrate. >> this comes after grassroots organizing forging 10000 plus petitioners and millions on social media to stop elegy. >> i have good news they place a temporary halt on all new methane gas facilities it is all
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things to the leaders of the communities. >> we can't build anymore that extracts, exploits and kills people. >> house republicans are set to vote on a major this month that would reverse the current pause slamming the policy that they say bows to radical climate activist and pushes europe and asia to turn to the u.s. adversaries russia and china for more energy. iran is starting to put elegy export terminals in place joining the house majority leader we zanuck august meant steve scalise. thank you so much for being here this weekend. >> great to be with you maria, thank you for having me. maria: louisiana is an energy state what is your reaction to the president putting a pause on the lng deals. >> this is another classic example of president biden vowing to the far extreme left to appease tiktok influencers at the expense of hard-working families. this will raise energy costs
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america and by the way are the tiktok influencers banning the use of natural gas amongst themselves do they know how many different products use natural gas, did they know that natural gas allowed america to lower our carbon emission at that there holy grail that they see to want to die on all they will do is embolden our inner enemies in foreign countries data can be supplied the natural gas that we would've otherwise applied to allies around the world we do a cleaner than anywhere around the world little beating up on america every day, they will never acknowledge the great benefits that come from america being able to produce our own energy because if we do produce our own energy we will get it from other countries that don't have the standard that we do and that hurts our economy and energy security. president biden does not care as long as he gets the tiktok influencers to help him in his reelection he does not care for her to academy it's why he's doing so bad in the polls because the public is fed up with the bad policy.
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maria: you think the young tiktok is understand it's not just in energy and economic issue but a national security issue? >> of course not, are they riding bicycles, no driving around in cars and maybe if they're driving an electric car, they don't plug the car into a tree have to plug it into some source that is generated by fossil fuel, natural gas they will never admit it but that is what the reality is. maria: the big issue of the day is a wide open border we know more than a dozen gop governors headed to the southern border this weekend as house republicans are pushing for a vote on two articles of impeachment against homeland security alejandro mayorkas as early as next week. here's with the house speaker mike johnson told me on friday. >> everybody knows that mayorkas is a mitigated disaster as a cabinet secretary. i believe he's the worst in the history of the country. impeachment is a really important and serious measure for the house to take it is in a
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heavy responsibility that we have on the constitution. but when someone refuses to comply with the oath of office and when they intentionally break existing federal law and they like to congress it is a great breach of public trust. maria: you conservative voices like the wall street journal editorial board encouraging the gop to drop the campaign against dh mayorkas altogether that he achieves nothing and sets a bad precedent they are advocating for a deal between the gop and president biden, congressman what do you say to that? >> i wish there was a deal that actually secure the border but everything that you hear now that will be coming out of the senate which started a baseline of 5000 people coming in legally as being okay, it was jay johnson, barack obama's homeland security secretary who said a thousand people coming across illegally is a crisis. today we have thousands coming across. president biden could stop this all on his own, you know it,
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president biden knows it he chooses not to he wanted open border, secretary mayorkas job to secure the homeland has failed miserably in the mission and he comes to testify before congress at the border secure and everybody knows that that is a lie. this impeachment is the next step will ultimately president biden could solve this problem, we have a bill hr2 that we passed out of the house that was the cure america's border that's really where the conversation needs to start if you want to be serious about fixing the problem and by the way most americans and most democrat mayors want to solve this problem, it is joe biden that does not want to fix the problem at all. maria: it is interesting that you have hr2 in-place and the senate thought they needed to start from scratch and come up with a new idea. i spoke with president trump this week and he told me about the eight to 10 million people that are already in this country, most of them have to go back. are we talking about mass deportation, what do you do with
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the 10 million people already here illegally under joe biden's watch? >> if you go back to what barack obama did he deported many people and help secure the border, president trump secure the border better than anybody with a remain in mexico policy and joe biden could go back to that today and joe biden is the one that did remain in mexico and the porter calls for asylum if you want to get back to a normal asylum you would not have this problem. you have to end catch and release everybody knows what needs to happen, joe biden could do it tomorrow but he chooses not to that's why we wrote it down in the bill, hr2 you can read the bill but that is not where we are right now with ascetic negotiations. if the senate wants to ultimately stop a real negotiation on how to solve the problem we are ready to go we have a bill that solves the problem and if they have a better way to do it, let's have a conversation but letting 5000 people a day in illegally and not solve the real problem, were
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not here to do windowdressing, this is a major crisis in our nation, we have people on the terrorist watch list coming across illegally and people from over 150 different countries, this is not south and central america people coming across his people from every other country in the world people from china, people from middle eastern countries this is a major national breach to our national security and joe biden does not care about it because he's the one that created this problem. maria: 302,000 apprehension and this month. those are the only people that we know of apprehended. it's great to see you we appreciate your time on this, thank you, sir. >> always great being with you. majority leader steve scalise. another surprise increase in the number of jobs in the last month but former president donald trump told me he has concerns about the federal reserve's next get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app.
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maria: welcome back bucket where markets ended the week after we saw a surprise increase in the number of jobs added to the economy in the month of january a full 353,000 jobs added to the economy, then employment at 3.7% for the month. only 180,000 was expected. we also saw a vision join 126,000 more jobs added to the economy in november and december the previously thought. joining me to talk more about that forbes media chairman steve forbes and former council of economic advisor kevin hassett. great to see you both, thank you for being here. maria: your reaction to the job number, this was a lot stronger than anybody thought. >> i think you have to take it with the proverbial grain of salt and if you hold assault mind one you have seasonal adjustments, huge in january because you have all of these people coming off holiday jobs and you have the household survey, the household survey surveys houses rather than businesses, they show no job
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increase, year-over-year january to january, 80000 jobs average a month, only 1 million last year end then they have the adp report for january, what did that find only 107,000 of the private sector jobs way below expectations. i take those numbers i don't take them seriously. maria: how comes the jobs numbers are so different in the payroll versus household reports. >> household reports they've sent surveys to people and those go to businesses. usually over time they average out there on the same track same with adp numbers. but this time you see a real difference part of it is suggesting population for covid and all that kind of stuff. so i take the adp number more seriously than the january number when you have 800,000 people actually losing jobs but seasonally adjusted they could be underwater seasonally adjusted a above water.
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maria: same for you, what do you think this means for the federal reserve. >> steve fisher could be right, he has been right for most of the time over the last 40 years since i've been watching him. the reason why the household in the payroll numbers might be different is because when they ask the firm's how many guys have you hired then they list the number of jobs and then the households they say do you have a job. if somebody has two jobs and they can show up as a bigger number on the payroll side but not on the household side because household you're employed or not, that could be the but my problem, there are so many data items at a been coming in above what we thought that beginning to wonder is there something going on that is different from what happened before in the economy, the data looked different in the last time i saw things like this happen over and over again was the mid 90s, it was 1995 when netscape's navigator said people are using the internet and five
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years of 30% returns and equities and everything is surprise on the upside in the research of stanford university and some of my colleagues there show the a.i. is having a big effect on profitability and productivity it is happening fast like a month or two you hire a.i. in your firm is way better off. i'm wondering i'm not convinced but i'm wondering are we about to have a boom year because were getting a second bite at something like the internet it is starting to seemed like that might be true. maria: i spoke with former president trump this week on thursday and he told me if reelected he will not reappoint jay powell again. he said he is concerned about the federal reserve and what it is about to do. watch this. >> i think he's going to do something to probably help the democrats. i think if he lowers interest rates. but you have the potential of having massive inflation again because the middle east could drive up the price of energy, energy has so much to do with
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it. the middle east, the bombs are dropping out of the place and the ships are starting to get hit and hit hard. if that happened job tremendous spikes in the price of oil and if you do that you have big inflation in all will be able to do anything but it looks like is trying to lower interest rates for the sake of getting people elected. maria: what about that, jay powell this week took the prospect of a rate cut and march off the table, maybe it is june but there were getting close to the election in november. president trump thinks he's going to cut rates to help joe biden. >> if he cuts rates, that the best explanation. i hope you won't and i think jay powell is a man of honor used to have lunch with him every month in the white house and the fact is that the economy is strong at the jobs numbers are strong much stronger than i expected or any of us expected it inflation has not gone down to 2% by some measures have a long list and a natural review article that i
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just wrote that inflation looks like it might be accelerating which is consistent with the job number. so the fed to pricing or the market to pricing 100% chance of said rate cuts like five or six meetings in a row this year is crazy and the only exhalation is a market things the fed is going to boost the economy provided. >> exactly what ron told me, your thoughts and how this year plays out economically speaking, what is your expectation. >> i think there will be foreign crisis that will roil the markets of the president warned about the former president in real headwinds out there and i think the fact of the matter is businesses are not doing that well in terms of robust investment people will wait to see what happens in the regulation that this government is putting on is really going to slow future growth. maria: you're not buying the hype of the headlines a great economic story, great jobs. >> on keeping powder dry. >> seaports, kevin hassett great
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to see you both. it's been one year since the toxic trained aroma and east policy ohio and the residents ar personalized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets.
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to do everything that he can to support this community from day won this is not about a political stunt, this is not this is not what this is about this is about this president beta president for everyone and showing up for this community. maria: so far he has not shown up joining me now dj oakley is policy resident. how are you feeling? >> i am feeling well i'm happy to be here i tell you that and from a standpoint of a year after the derailment you will get people that are still sick much like covid it depends on who you ask and when you ask it read when the weather comes in there is a smell that resembles a paint factory or a nail salon very strong the odor has dissipated for the most part but when the strong rain comes in you could spell it almost ptsd affect for things and you question your safety all over
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again. maria: you heard karine jean-pierre talk about the president that he doesn't want to be in any political stunts i don't know what she's talking about, "the bottom line" he said he would go to east palestinian he has not been there yet. how important is it to see the commander-in-chief in your town? >> i think it was very important in the early going i don't know why now other than if it is a political stunt if this is an opportunity to win votes and talk about he how he and his team of helpless along the way i don't see ghost that apparently were get to see won this month because we haven't seen him or received any help that i am aware of from the federal government to this point they keep talking about boots on the ground within hours. it's only entity other than local and state have been norfolk southern, they committed to our community, they admitted their mistake obviously you see there on your screen. they did not want this to happen but they have been the one
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giving the best answers as they possibly could when the government is not. maria: what a complete shame. you apply for loans and some money to help you, tell me where that stands. >> there was a forgivable loan process that businesses in east palestinian apply for and some were granted the loans, we were one of them granted a little bit last week we put it on our legal team's desk to make sure it was in our best interest, not knowing strings attached to these loans yesterday, earlier this week they came out with a press release saying our business got these loans it is obviously in the public eye and we asked them not to do that. by the time we got off the phone it was out there to everybody and then later that night they
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took it away because we moved our business 10 miles away to columbia ohio. maria: they resend it? you're not going to get any money in the press release went out, will they do another press release. >> like i told you i think to face can go back in this. this is been the problem the entire time when were sitting up to kick a field goal but they keep moving the field goal to make themselves feel better. the whole press release to me was a pat on the back to them and it is frustrating the whole process has been about the white house and the government and what they are doing, not the best interest of the people in east policy and that's what it should be the residence of the business of east policy this could happen anywhere in our country. any railroad that you come up to and stop and watch a train go by that could've been your town, the next time that you do that
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realize this could be you and the situation and you could be dealing with the federal government, the state government and they could be moving the goalpost on you. maria: this is so stunning we offer you our prayers that the town recovers from this incredible tragedy that occurred one year ago. thank you for sharing your story. we so appreciated. you got this. let's go. gobble gobble. i've seen bigger legs on a turkey! rude. who are you? i'm an investor in a fund that helps advance innovative sports tech like this smart fitness mirror. i'm also mr. leg day...1989! anyone can become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq, a fund that gives you access to nasdaq-100 innovations. i go through a lot of pants. before investing carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges, expenses and more in prospectus at the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day...
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