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tv   The Claman Countdown  FOX Business  February 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

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in the tariffs actually help to spark their worrying 20s and opponent of tariffs say the president trump was going to scare china and of course joe biden left most of them in place and china has not done much really feel good china stock market it's completely unhinged it's collapsing and falling apart, ironically one of the things that china wants to do to correct that is dump products on us. you heard jeff talk about tvs they want to pump a bunch into mexico and flood them over the border. without a doubt it is clear this could be a lot more protection around the world not just the united states. in the meantime intercountry, trusted the government is solo only 31%, i've got to tell you something, maybe the experts are wrong on this one maybe the people will be behind trump or even biden if they stick with the tariffs. over to you. liz: working to begin with breaking news we are looking at
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a bit of a comeback as we kick off the final hour of trade certainly for the s&p which had been down 40 points his session. right now it erased all but three points of that, the dow still struggling down 187-point were looking at the losses as we kick off the final hour of tr trade. look at the nasdaq in the last few minutes is punching back-and-forth into positive territory at the worst point this session it was down 157 points. i need to tackle the dow first. after blasting to an all-time record friday, the dow bows are getting turned back at the door on this monday. the blue chips lower by 184 with just a couple of names, let's call it eight names in the green. this is an earnings issue two of the four dow components on the earnings calendar already reported this morning one of them caterpillar at the very top, the other is stuck at the bottom of the heat map and that is mcdonald's down 3.6%. investors did not anticipate
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that a key metric mobile same-store sales were heavily dependent on restaurants in the middle east sales showed 3.4% growth the widely missed analyst expectation of 4.7%. sticking with percentages, 10% of mcdonald's sales come from the middle eastern region which is been admired and violence after hamas terrorists attacked israel october 7 killing 1200 mostly civilians and some soldiers. the company tamping down hopes of near-term improvements say that as long as the conflict is going on we do not expect to see any significant improvement there. to the s&p 500 it too had rallied to record highs on friday but the bulls are getting shot out as well. down six points even the stunning gain, look at the gain of estée lauder in the wake of worrisome headlines, the makeup giant may be up 12.5% but this
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one owes. >> , clinique and owns plans to cut 3 - 5% of the 62000 strong workforce and then a loss of the china market share there is the china thing that charles was talking about. even with this afternoon shares suffered mightily over the past year losing about 44% right on the no's, 44% we have tesla a thorn in the side of s&p in the nasdaq the tech heavy index for the nasdaq i keep checking this down seven points they had been in the green for a few seconds but it's getting dragged lower by piper sandler, machete the price target on tesla shares to $225 from $295 in reuters reports german company sap is jettisoning tesla from the list of company car suppliers due to late deliveries and price fluctuations.
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that spooked the market tesla is down 4% off the lows of the session. investors can still count on nvidia for another new record the a.i. chipmakers soaring to a new high. it's at $688 and change up 4%. this time propelled by goldman's massive price target hike the bank is raising the price target by $175 to $800 a share on sustained a.i. demand stock is at 688 but does goldman see a long runway. why the nowhere to hide on the broader market phase let's get right to the floor show, head of i share investment strategy america at lot crock. it's okay to see this move after multiple records last week for the dow and s&p. >> absolutely. good afternoon it is great to be here. thank you for having me. to your point is absolutely okay to have moments of moderation were not to call anything
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catastrophic is just a little bit of a pullback even if we have that by the end of the day. when we look at what the s&p and nasdaq have done up 13 of the last 14 weeks, sometimes a pullback can make sense when you look at what's been happening in the rate market with expec expectation. this is been a lot of good news for the u.s. economy and stocks are going to be just fine especially high-quality stocks and pullbacks are healthy in the market. liz: everybody over the weekend was flipping out saying jay powell gave his first interview to 60 minutes in a long time, what did he say he said the same thing wednesday, we need to see more sustained droplet inflation growth before we start cutting rates. why anybody was surprised or freaked out by that i don't know but he looked at the bond market, the two-year, the ten year those yields started moving up, even further they see very
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little chance of a rate cut soon. >> i think of a couple of things on chair powell beyond the course of last week. the first one being a very clear direction from chair powell and that they will not be cutting in march. our expectation was they would and then we heard them, talk about it. obviously marks expectation which are close to 60% going into the fomc meeting have dropped significantly and now is 60%. another thing on sunday was an idea that when they go inflation might not be at 2% that was really clear. >> the two year yield was 4.7%. his previous close on friday was 4.37%. were definitely up on that but down over the past three months, the ten year yield was 4.15% we can look at that and see it closed around 4.03% 4.16% uptick
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that makes people wonder are weakening any closer to seeing the yield curve this inverted. >> getting back to the normalize shape i think we will probably get that to the course of 2024 and i think we have to get the rate cutting cycle on a path first. i think they will cut four times this year now with some of the expectation getting pushback in the june meeting we have seen that unwind but i think by the end of 2024 even for not at a positive to stems of the be a lot less inverted than it is now and then again works well for what are the areas which is financials. liz: look at this the chance of a may rate hike has come down now is done is 63% odds.
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you been recommending large-cap growth and quality but quality not in the usual place. quality in the russell. if it's the iw why. >> it was a large-cap and call is another ticker looking at quality in the way of companies that don't have a lot of leverage in companies have stable earnings in companies that are rich in cash flow and quality has outperformed both the 2020. 2024 through a period of time that we had the overweight, it's been on performing broad. >> wall is up 16% over the past six months and 40% year-over-year is this a better way to capture some of the up and comer's that have not gotten so rich in valuation. >> the way to think about is looking at quality companies outside of tech. historically we thought about
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tech being quality and that is absolutely quality let's look at qual, is 30% tech but also sectors names in healthcare, any kind of stock that has a lower financial leverage in earnings growth and higher cash flow. >> it's good to capture that but the cash growth won't capture a lot of the magnificent seven. >> when we look at the earnings season and guidance for q4 what we learned so far there is a reason the beneficent seven have done so magnificently, earnings guidance have been moving higher, margin has been improving and it's for expansion of margins. i think that is related to the price action that we are seeing. liz: let's not ignore a piece of data that we got today, the ism nonmanufacturing air services index. this is why jay powell is so anxious about cutting rates too
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soon. you looked at the number surprised to the upside came in at 53.4 that shows expansion i believe it's multiple expansion 13 and a row especially for the prices paid index which is the inflation piece of it, the prices paid came in at 64 previous month 57. be careful because as you start to criticize jay powell we have called it likely solid. but you've got to call correct calls when you see them as well. >> i think you said an incredible job, look at growth six month annualized inflation on course pc is below 4%. he said an incredible job and we have to give them credit for where he's got it right and i would say over the last year he's been able to navigate the economy well and i think bonds and equities will have a fantastic 2024 as the fed remains on hold. liz: wonderful to see you.
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here is a magnificent seven stock that is staging quite the comeback after disappointing moves in the days leading up to the much-anticipated release last friday of the vision probe mixed reality headset shares of apple up 1.5%. a pretty decent move for apple lately. in a memo to employees ceo tim cook acquainting the headset released to the debut of the iphone calling it a redefining moment. maybe that will redefine the stock which is lagging the issue behind every other magnificent seven stock except tesla. former apple ceo john sculley lives daily by on whether cook's comparison is totally outrageous overstatement work the vision probe could be the beginning of a new era for apple. john's new vision of a.i. and one particular space that desperately needs it. apple stock right now one of the few in the green for the dow
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jones industrial we have 49 minutes left to trade this monday. "the claman countdown" is coming right back. ♪ dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones an alternative to pills, voltaren is a clinically proven arthritis pain relief gel, which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm?
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liz: we've been showing you apple shares on a normal day again of $3.32 it's been a rough earnings report where the company said china revenue fell 13% due in part to smart phone market share, it came in shy of estimate services and overall revenue shaping up to be the fifth revenue decline in the past six quarters. could apple's new mixed reality headset turn things around, ceo
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tim cook who launched opening day sales at the fifth avenue store apparently thanks so say the 3500 other headset presents a new era of spatial computing. in a memo sent to employees they compared the headset launch to the iphone saying none of us could have foreseen the profound impact on our everyday lives and that the apple vision pro joins the pantheon of groundbreaking products. cook implying the headset could have the same effect as the iphone. is that comparison to the iphone spectacular or spec spectacle. in a fox business exclusive must bring a former apple ceo john sculley the current executive chair at nirvana health. according to many who tried it, the vision pro experience is something to absolutely behold. what do you make of tim cook putting it on the same level as iphone. >> i think is 100% right, i
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worked with steve jobs and he was creating the macintosh so i know what you go through with developing a new user experience. what tim cook and his team have done is more than extraordinary it's way beyond what meta did binoculars. it's a product which i can't tell you that has impact on the apple stock value but the experience is superb in every detail it is like something i've never seen before. i think it's going to be a big part. i think it takes three or four years but is spectacular. liz: spectacular not spectacle. you said you tried it what struck you we were leasing people the sink was just delivered friday and we were leasing people at mva games wearing it, some guy in silicon valley claims he was arrested because he was driving his tesla wearing it. >> claiming to be arrested but
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now he says he was a there are all kinds of people walking across streets doing things is that where we all are going are we going to strap to the heads into not to the world. >> an equity go to great detail because a.i. automation in healthcare but let me say they've done a beautiful job integrating it into the macintosh, the iphone, the ipad in the combat with a million applications which is really unusual for a new product in the experience is something when you try it you will say wow they really come up with something that is radically different. it's not like former devices which people put on goggles where you get a headache after 15 or 20 minutes. as well really well thought through and they took their time to get it right. liz: i think it comes with the chat gpt which dovetails nicely
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to what you're doing. you have an a.i. company called nirvana and this is what i really wanted no this is for the healthcare space specifically for the payer part of it. what can it do. is it finally going to be the very thing the everybody's been waiting for to bend the cost curve. >> i spent nine years working with my partner who founded the company and we really have something which is extraordinary called a.i. automation. when you hear chat gpt which is absolutely extraordinary it does not have the accuracy that you have to have in healthcare. you're dealing with a highly regulated industry. what we focus on is the $1 trillion of fraud waste and abuse, misuse affordable cross health industry and we are able
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to help pairs, that is where all the court transaction the money decisions are made and we go entire continuum of chair with every roll regulation with the a.i. automation which means we could take four or five percentage points of cost out of the healthcare system just on administration and we do many other things. >> you talking about something that could dramatically change the output and you see several of the large players have a stock drop recently those are problems we can solve this is real solutions built on the a.i. automation platform at nirvana health. liz: i cannot wait to see that, we have been covering healthcare and constantly increasing cost that is outrageous. there's got to be away to bend to other countries have been able to maybe this is it, thank you so much for coming on.
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>> thank you, liz. the company is called nirvana and the chairman and former apple ceo. he loves the headset. melding a.i. with health can open not despair systems but how the most successful sports league on the planet predicts player injuries. how would that work. sunday's big game fast approaches were about to bring you something that you have to see a play-by-play innovative tech being used by all 32 nfl teams this season as injuries have played so many quarterbacks and so many other players this year and how we will be utilized in the matchup between the kansas city chiefs and the san francisco 49ers at the super bowl . it will all happen right here, allegiant stadium in las vegas nevada the super bowl host stadium name for publicly traded airline allegiant. the shares down for a half
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percent, they lost 21% year-over-year it's been a struggle for them but they're going to be front and center on super bowl sunday. closing bell 38 minutes away we're coming right back the dow struggling 226 points. ♪ (man) what if all i do for my type 2 diabetes isn't enough?
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or what if... (vo) once-weekly mounjaro could help. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and can help you eat less food. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, vision changes, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis and gallbladder problems. taking mounjaro with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. tell your doctor if you're nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can cause dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. (man) i can do diabetes differently with mounjaro. (vo) ask your doctor about once-weekly mounjaro.
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here you go.
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with cancer because the research is being shared all over the world. it's awesome. [music playing] liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ liz: fox business alert less than one week away from sunday's big game but events leading up to begin tonight when the san
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francisco 49ers and the kansas city chiefs face the media goblet at 6:00 p.m. eastern 3:0e major questions expected to fly if the chiefs how the plan to charles of minium he was injured after causing a massive turnover in the last game against the baltimore ravens. while coaches skim up the best counterattack injuries have played a massive role for every team this season. new york jets quarterback aaron rodgers and jk both for their achilles week one cleveland browns nick chubb injured his knee in order to. that is not even all the major injuries in september alone. and what if there was a better way to predict the injuries before they happen.
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the nfl digital athlete initiative uses artificial intelligence for player movement in the hopes of avoiding future injury. how does this work, get a ram fox business exclusive senior vice president of health player innovation jennifer langton. this is a minority report which was a tom cruise movie where he could go back in time before it happened and then stop it how does it work. >> thank you for having me. it's a partnership with aws and we call it the next generation of players safety at the nfl, the technology itself uses artificial intelligence in machine learning to create a precise future of each player when i say each player's experience and training, practice and game subteams know their specific needs as it relates to staying healthy, re-coupling quickly and optimizing the best. their technology and to predict
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injuries. liz: were looking at a cartoonish thing on the screen. what if we take what it has on the screen in the equipment itself. >> on the digital athlete we collect a vast amount of data. this is one example in shoulder pads which are worn and practice game we have a zebra technology which is a center in the shoulder pad that captures everything will time a player is on field whether that is practice or game and it captures the players real-time location. speed acceleration and distance. with the data we augment with the vast amount of other data we do collect. another example we have a mouthguard sensor and instrument mouthguard that collects head impacts. in the head impacts will show was the frequency and the
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intensity of every contact. the most data and the immense data that we get is through video. in video through practices in our games. and with the sophisticated technology were building with aws and what that allows us to do machine learning allows us to real-time automate. liz: watch the video everybody needs to look up and see the particular video explain what's happening in the 38 or 39 cameras that you have, center and algorithm. all the data i was explaining it time synchronizes all the data point and runs millions of simulations in either event at the game. yet from that were able to do risk modeling to give the teams and at a higher risk of injury so they can change their trading modes and regiments.
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liz: if this works really well and cat scan on injuries you overall team medicals and the medical teams for each nfl team. >> were not looking to overall them but that's a good question. this year for the first time the portal and all the algorithms that i just explain being able to predict which players at high risk we rolled out for the first time this season in the medical staff and work in an efficient and smarter fashion. so they can better manage the training in the lows for each player to predict and prevent and injury. >> is out for the public at. >> they bet on games and injury reports impossibilities and weaknesses would you ever plan to release this type of stuff. >> no everything were building this for the health and safety of her player we're going to move in the future to build and
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this is cooler than what i expected today 3d reconstruction of skeletal models of every player. when you're able to do that down to the joint. there is a precision and accuracy on player movement so we can better understand pose and postures and what leads to injury, without precision and accuracy that's what we'll get to predict injury this is all created so we can have the medical team and the athletic trainers so they can better train them. and better reduce injury and optimize performance. liz: minority report meets the nfl. thank you for rolling this out exclusively it's absolutely fascinating. very futuristic and for my team, the cleveland browns on the 30th quarterback. in one season somebody got injured it's very disconcerting so anything that you could do to
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help. >> for able to predict injuries and nfl which is our core goal i think you will have a profound impact in all sports. from an injury detected as well as an optimization perspective think about what that could do for the military or other industries as well. were excited about the opportunity in the future. liz: good to see you. are you going to the big game. >> sim. >> fox business alert, the parent company of novo nordisk of diabetes and weight loss of ozempic and would go be buying drug manufacture for the 16.5 billion in cash and debt it's a company that provides filled finished services to novo nordisk. their factories filled the syringe is for the wildly obesity drug in the purchase would enable novo to boost output, noble holdings will pay $62.50 a share above the current price of 59 - 59 as part of the
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deal novo nordisk which is hitting an all-time high agreed to buy three of the manufacturing sites from novo holding for $11 billion. critical event management software company ever bridge surging 18.5% bought out by thoma bravo in an all-cash deal with one and half billion dollars shareholders will get $28.68 per share in cash. were almost they were almost at $20.18 after the software company would become privately held, the transaction expected close in the second quarter of 2024. one of the most reliable dividend growers of the stock market tumbled into the bottom of the s&p at this hour. air products and chemicals is losing 15% after posting first-quarter earnings that missed analysts expectation and forecasting fiscal 2024 earnings below analyst estimates. they blame weak economic growth in china for the lower earnings.
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apd 42 years in a row and lobby be clear they are not indicating that the dividend growth is in peril but investors are worried because the stock is selling off at the tune of 15%. not just air products blaming china. we told you earlier about estée lauder, mcdonald's also been impacted by china softness and overall geopolitical unrest. even so asian equity funds with the biggest inflows in three weeks. joy to be next to discussable emerging markets legend mark mobius. and talk about legends. imagine your dad being muhammad ali the greatest boxer of all time joining stepping into the ring and resilient, this week's everyone talks to liz podcast because his daughter layla a lee is his guest and i was able to
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hear how she took the torch and blaze through the women's boxing with the distinct disapproval of her father how she turned him around, she shares the journey. stay tuned you will hear all about it on apple, spotify, iheartradio wherever you get your podcast everyone talks to liz. i want to know what do you think about it 24 minutes before the closing bell everything is back in the red nasdaq tran19, s&p down six in the downtown 174. don't we we're coming right back. ♪yep, ♪ nice cruise will sort you right out. when i'm riding, i'm not even thinking about my painful cavity. well, you shouldn't ignore that. and every time i get stressed about having to pay my bills, i just hop on the bike, man. oh, come on, man, you got to pay your bills. you don't have to worry about anything when you're protected by america's number-one motorcycle insurer. well, you definitely do. those things aren't related, so... ah, yee! oh, that is a vibrating pain.
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it's odd how in an instant things can transform. slipping out of balance into freefall. (the stock market is now down 23%). this is happening people. where there are so few certainties... (laughing) look around you. you deserve to know. as we navigate a future unknown. i'm glad i found stability amidst it all. gold. standing the test of time.
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(ringing) - hey kaleb, what's up? how you doing? - hey, i'm good, guess what, i just had my 13th surgery. - really? i just had my 17th surgery. - well, you beat me. - well, i am a little bit older than you. - yeah it's true. how are you doing? - i'm doing good. i'm encouraged by seeing how people are coming together to help each other during times like these. - kind of like how shriners hospitals for children is there for us. imagine if i couldn't get my surgery. who knows what would have happened. - same for me. i know my shriners hospitals family will continue to take care kids like us who need them most all because of caring people like you. - like me? - no, the people watching us right now at home. - oh, those people. hi people. - kaleb and i know not everyone can help right now, but for those of you who can, we hope you'll this special number on your screen right now. - you'll be making sure our amazing doctors
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and nurses can keep helping kids like us, who need them now and in the days to come. - your gift will make a huge difference for kids like us. - ooh, ooh, show them them the thank you gift. - okay, okay, hold on a second. with your gift of $19 a month we'll send you this adorable, love to the rescue blanket as a thank you and a reminder of the kids you're helping with your monthly support. - so what are you waiting for? you can use your phone and call, or go to to give and join with thousands of other generous people who change lives with their gifts every day. - i think that's about it buddy, good job. - my pleasure captain. please call now. if operators are busy with all the other caring people, please wait patiently, or you can go to to give right away. - [alec] big or small, your gift helps us all. - [both] thank you. (giggling)
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get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management. liz: you think we have a big decline on our hands the dog on 218 not even close to what happened in china china stocks dramatically dropping from the i shares mic atf amid margin calls, before rebounding slightly on a pledge by china regulators to prevent further abnormal fluctuations this move
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comes after the csi 1000 which is frequently used as underlying benchmark for derivatives fell 26% year to date. meanwhile major traded publicly's revealed in the reports we've been telling you all day to rebound in china is happening slowly than expected. with beijing exerted a lot of control over its markets and his sectors in the fact that some parts of china are becoming more competitive with their counterpart american companies we thought let's dig deeper into what's going on and how it affects u.s. stocks in stocks overseas. a global perspective like none other is mark mobius grew of emerging markets with 30 years of experience over the space and you traveled more than a million miles on your lifetime you're in south africa, let's start talking about china, estée lauder that was an interesting
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one the company reported earnings big job cuts and they talked about china becoming a real valuable competitor in the chinese cosmetic makers have gotten up to speed in there putting out a decent product that the chinese consumer is buying, what is really happening in china. >> that's what's happening the chinese have been copying u.s. firms in different directions whether it's automobiles, cosmetics or anything else in there doing a very, very well. as i travel around the world here in south africa i go into the store and you see the chinese grants of cell phones and computers and so forth in the high quality work when i was in china three months ago i was driving the electric vehicles there first-class products. and watch what they're doing. they've also had competition. liz: you make big investment in
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taiwanese companies specifically in the tech space. all of these companies that you are invested in at least all of them have some type of relationship with taiwan semi conductor. what do they do and you worry that chinese influence over the region that it might be a problem for these copies. >> the companies that provide the software and the technology for the semi conductor there called fabless companies because it have any fabric or factory, these companies are very profitable as is tsmc and they're doing very well. let's remember a lot of this goes to china there is a lot of exports of semiconductor and those approved by the u.s. government materials to china so
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there is a strong trade relationship between taiwan and mainland china that will continue unless the pressure from the u.s. was into pieces the data weapon china is under pressure to develop their own eye level technology and thus can be very interesting development. liz: let's move west donald came out and said it was markedly affected by a drop in sales in the middle eastern region which equals 10% above a global business that it does what you foresee for the region there is so much turn turmoil in the middle east and you look at ukraine as well. have we seen anything change when it comes to the investment climates there? >> when you look at the movies you must remember these places and if you take the qa united emirates and abba dobbie they're pretty much not affected in the
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doing fine and same thing with saudi arabia and further feel as you get closer to the israeli conflict then you have some real problems. egypt is affected, jordan has been affected recently and there will definitely be an economic impact. liz: i do have to ask, november you telegraphed that you might be stepping down. how long do we have with you running the company? >> i'm leaving the partner to start a new fund based on a.i. artificial intelligence in an incredible slew of great companies in emerging companies. i talk about emerging markets and i'm to be talking about emerging companies regardless of where they are and were using a.i. and quantum metal investing to do that. liz: that is news and i look
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forward to seeing the first companies that make your list. will you come back and reveal them here. >> i would be happy to do so. it's good to see you. that is a big piece of news, he still only game and going a.i. we're going to be back with the latest news out of tesla raising eyebrows among investors the dot is down 218 an sd were coming back, don't move, charlie gasparino has the story and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. have you ever thought of getting a walk-in tub for you or someone you love? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system.
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♪. liz: we told you at the top of the show about tesla and the german software firm sap booting teslas from fleet 6 vehicles for company cars. the stock down 3.8% t was sort of a double punch because piper sandler cut the price target on the stock citing lower delivery expectations for the year. tesla ceo elon musk may have a much bigger issue to overcome regarding the makeup of tesla's board l board of directors and how too close they might be to the ceo. charlie gasparino. >> the journal reported what most people know. he has the board in his back pocket. they reported stuff about drug use. by the way i have not confirmed and nor do i go there.
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i will say this as someone who covered this stuff, elon musk would not be the first ceo to pack the board with his friends, cronies and people who liked him. i remember, maybe this is not a great analogy, lehman brother's board was not exactly the greatest. they had an actress on there. they had a producer. it was crazy stuff. like a camposser. it was just a lot of -- liz: friends, fob, friends of the board chair. >> he wouldn't be the first. the real question is if the nasdaq, it trades on the nasdaq and i have asked -- liz: lists. >> lists, trades everywhere but lists on the nasdaq. has to meet the listing requirements the way the securities markets work. if nasdaq came to something like musk, you're out where would the stock be? liz: it would go way down but nasdaq rules are pretty clear on how boards should be made up. >> there is wiggle room in all of that. liz: yeah.
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>> they don't want him taking his business to the new york stock exchange. he can forum shop his listing, trust me. if they boot him off they to to the new york stock exchange. they would be like, yeah, we got him. liz: are they, are they even looking at this? >> i don't think so. i don't know for sure but based on conversations i've had this is a nonstarter. you have to look at it this way, liz, if elon's, everything that of the been reading about his connection with the board members, is his brother on the board? liz: yeah. >> all this stuff, if that had a material impact, if test la was like going down there is a lot of red on the screen but if you look at a five-year performance it is pretty amazing. by the way he built the company back, remember, literally. liz: hang by a goss a her thread. >> he worked night and day to build the company. it is now the company for evs,
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if this company is hanging by a thread now maybe you have a shot. remember even back then they didn't have a shot. he actually put out a tweet that sent the stock up, remember 420 we had a teal to take it private. they did nothing to him. liz: the board is supposed to vet him. >> he would not be the first ceo to have board in his back pocket. there is no material effect to have a alleged back pocket board. until that happens can say all you want about innuendo -- liz: do you want to wait for that to happen. >> it has to happen. it has to happen. you have to show material impact the way the securities laws work. there is all the stuff in the story about drug use. all that, you know, this guy works night and day. how could he be on drugs all the time? liz: that is not for us to even question. >> i'm just telling you, it seems crazy the whole thing. it doesn't seem to be impacting
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his work product. now the minute it does objectively, materially -- liz: isn't the board supposed to get in before it does an stop isn't. >> it is supposed to have a material impact before they do it. they can make the case that every time they see him he is lucid, he works all the time and you know, and you know, we don't see a diminution in his work product. i assume that is what they're saying, and it appears to be the case, doesn't isn't. liz: the stock is down 27% over the last year. that is a whole host of issues. >> there is a lot of people a lot of things. esg investing is going down. this is a model esg. you can go through it. listen, i'm not for, i'm not defending him. i'm just telling you the way you have to play it. i've run this buy plenty of securities lawyers. liz: gotcha. charlie, thank you very much. closing bell, we are three minutes away. first ozempic shortage now mon
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jar row. elily is reporting that it anticipates intermittent back orders of its diabetes judge monjauro through march of this year. the stock is up 10% over the last week. all right "the magnificent seven" stocks were the bell of the ball last year but so far this year, a little bit of a mixed bag. the major winners have been nvidia up 40%. meta up 30 1/3%. on the flipside as we've been telling you the tesla is the biggest loser following 27%. you can see apple flat to slightly lower by two 1/3%. your "countdown" closer says what happens to the mag seven, a repeat of the spectacular moves last year. arbor management jeffrey small. some people say they will still do well but the rally will broaden. you say it is a repeat of the
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gains we saw last year? >> i think it will be a strong year for the mag seven. look, liz, capital is deployed in investing and things that are growing. we know that meta, amazon, microsoft just blew out earnings. they had incredible numbers and they're back in growth mode again despite the economic headwinds we're facing there is many reasons to buy. apple and google are on sale. the only thing underperforming the s&p is tesla. we know why. that is a different issue. six out of seven is not too bad, liz. liz: no it is not. would you advise people to be buying at these prices? >> absolutely. i don't think prices and pes matter at this time. liz: whoa, really? you're making me nervous. you're making me nervous. now you sound like dot-com. profits don't matter pe doesn't matter. really it doesn't? >> well i don't think the p-e's are out of range. i don't i this the companies are overbought. we're hitting all-time highs.
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that gives us inclination do we take some off the table or does this thing keep growing. the companies outperformed over the mag seven, with potential for growth in google and apple should we not own these companies at this time? the companies have monopolies in their space. it is time to appreciate the value these companies provide to the public because right now it is being undervalued. liz: jeffrey small. jeffrey like the meta, microsoft, amazon, apple. buy on the dips. wait on a little bit of a pullback. some is pulling back except for apple this year. markets are retreating from record highs. dow, s&p, any gain would be a record. [closing bell rings] liz: tomorrow, mr. wonderful himself, kevin o'leary and liz ann sonders of schwab. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to


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