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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 5, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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take some off the table or does this thing keep growing. the companies outperformed over the mag seven, with potential for growth in google and apple should we not own these companies at this time? the companies have monopolies in their space. it is time to appreciate the value these companies provide to the public because right now it is being undervalued. liz: jeffrey small. jeffrey like the meta, microsoft, amazon, apple. buy on the dips. wait on a little bit of a pullback. some is pulling back except for apple this year. markets are retreating from record highs. dow, s&p, any gain would be a record. [closing bell rings] liz: tomorrow, mr. wonderful himself, kevin o'leary and liz ann sonders of schwab. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to
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"kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. a new border bill that looks dead on arrival. house leader jim jordan is going to weigh in just a few moments. jay powell, remember him? he says no interest rate cuts. stocks get slammed we have "breitbart"'s john carney, our own taylor riggs to talk about that. will this election be about democratic lawfare, sabotage, inner recollection? this may all backfire and bury biden instead. we have steve hilton and molly e hemingway. ways and means committee chair jason smith. he will cut taxes. fox news congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill. chad, what can you help us? >> reporter: good afternoon, larry. the bill provides $20 billion for border security. it provides shut down of the
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border after 5000 in a week. house gop is killing the bill. >> are you killing the bill because of political considerations. >> i don't believe the it meets the criteria necessary to solve the problem. that is what we are about here. it is our responsibility to do it. >> reporter: however the bill does provide $650 million to extend the border wall plus the border patrol supports the package. this is why some democrats are exasperated with republicans dismissing the bill out of hand. >> my hope is that people will realize sometimes there is just something that's good for the country even though it might not be good for your political party's leadership and that is the choice a lot of republicans will have to make. >> reporter: gop oklahoma senator james lankford negotiated the bill for the top. he is frustrated that republicans insisted on border security as a condition for a bill to aid ukraine. now many republicans are
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backpedaling. >> now we've got to actually determine are we just going to complain about things or actually address change as many things as we can? we have to decide as republican what is will we actually do about the border, leave it open or actually leave it closed? >> reporter: a test vote comes wednesday in the senate. that needs 60 yeas. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is for it but almost more than half of republicans oppose the bill. that could kill the plan right there, larry. larry: we'll watch that 60 votes, you're spot on. thanks for helping out tonight. folks my quick take on this story. look, joe biden doesn't need a bill to fix the border. he just needs to enforce the law. that has been my view, that remains my view. the law is section 21-f of the immigration and nationality act which gives the president authority to suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens. it is similar to title 42 but it
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is even bigger than title 42. it also includes the travel restrictions that were also implemented by president trump. in 2018 the supreme court supported section 212-f the trouble is joe biden won't enforce it. that is one of many reasons why we don't need a new piece of legislation especially when that legislation can virtually codifies somewhere between five and 8,000 illegals entering the u.s. per day. president trump posted on truth social earlier, and i will quote, only a fool or radical left democrat would vote for this horrendous border bill which only gives shutdown authority after 5000 encounters a day when we have already the right to close the border now which must be done end quote. so liberal connecticut senator chris murphy who was a democratic negotiator, he keep gloating border never closes.
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what does that tell you? tells me the bidens don't want to close the border. so-called reforms for asylum processing just encourage more illegal entries. ditto for so-called parole migration and green cards and work permits. years ago the trump administration proposed a checklist of criteria, think about this for legal immigration, including just rudimentary things like speaking english, a little civics lesson on the constitution and the declaration of independence, a wee bit of american history, proof of a job. heavin forbid migrants should speak the language and know a little bit about the country. of course none of that is in biden's bill. if former president trump wins the election, why should he be stuck with numerical targets that are way too high, much higher than his own crackdown on illegals before he left office four years ago? i'm also interested in the discussion of texas governor of
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greg abbott put be up barbed wire and you the eagle pass. that dramatically reduced the number about illegals. interesting. the bidens oppose any such barriers but barbed-wire reminds me of building the wall which is another good trump idea. all this reminds me of "remain in mexico" which i think has been ignored in this bill. so, is any updating of title 42? i don't think that is in this bill any place. i want to add, like so many institutions in joe biden's america, the border is completely broken. but in a real sense you know what? america is broken. the border is just a symptom. the problem is much larger. the justice system, the economy, the middle east and foreign policy, schools, universities, government censorship all of it's broken. in another sense the biden administration is broken. and donald trump is working very hard to get a chance to fix it.
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that's my take. now, let's bring in our great friend, congressman jim jordan, one of the house leaders. jim jordan, going back to basic basics here putting politics aside, we have a law, 2 is it-f -- 212-f. that law is confirmed by the supreme court. why do weapon need another piece of legislation that would actually codify higher targets than anybody wants. help me out here. >> you're exactly right, joe biden he is not going to fix a problem that you purposefully, intentionally created. they want this. it is obvious by the fact on day one they said no more wall, no more remain in mexico policy while we evaluate your asylum claims if you're a migrant getting into the country and once you get in here you will be released. that incentivized the whole world to come. that is exactly what happened. we're on pace, four years of the president biden presidency,
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12 million. magnitude of the problem, 12 million is the equivalent of entire population of ohio, we're the seventh largest state there is no real desire, they put together some quote, bipartisan bill that is only going to exacerbate the problem and not address it, a again i think they intentionally want this to happen. why i don't know but it is certainly an intentional decision they made. larry: this is so, this chris murphy from connecticut i think is up for re-election this year, but whatever, he comes out and says we'll not close the border. the whole point is to close the border. why would you say that? he was the leading democratic negotiator. that is point number one. point number two jim jordan, where did these numbers come from? why are these target levels so high? i don't know exactly. >> 5000, 8,000, 8500, seven days in a row, whatever, the point they're too darn high. they're higher than anything you know, that was left when trump
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left office back in 2020. where did these numbers come from? >> i think out of the thin blue. it looks like they came from someone who wanted to confuse the american people. as you point out there too high. they are confusing. they don't really make any sense why you would have metrics that they have unless you wanted to continue this problem which is again where i come back to. i think the solution is real simple. joe biden is not going to fix a problem that he purposely created. so the only answer is for the -- [inaudible] to have control of the money says okay, no money, one sentence, no money can be used to process or release into the country any new migrants. so we simply say time out. we're not longer going to let people come into the country seeking asylum. you're not getting in. 8 1/2 million, on pace to get to 12 million, that is probably enough for one administration. let's say time out. let the american people decide how we want to deal with this in november when we have president trump who actually had control of our border against president
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biden. let the country decide. what congress should do say on the funding bill, no money can be used -- here is another one we should add to the funding bill, no money can be used no american tax dollars can be used to tear down barrier texas taxpayers put up. stupid, american taxpayers put down what texas taxpayers put up? that is dumb policy. let's make sure they are on the spending bills that have to pass in march. larry: one thing that is so interesting about greg abbott's crusade, apparently, there wars an article in the new york post this morning, apparently the spots where they put up the barbed-wire or chicken wire, whatever wire it's called, i don't know about such things but i think barbed-wire, apparently that stopped illegals where the barbed-wire was put up. kind of reminds me why we wanted the wall in the first place. if you have a barrier, neither
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of us can hardly keep a straight face f you have a barrier at a very minimum it slows things down and it just might stop it but biden's got his troops in there trying to take the barbed-wire down. this stuff is working. why not leave it alone? >> exactly. why not finish, why not finish the wall that was working too. again, nothing in this administration, your monologue was great, got to hear it. nothing in this administration makes sense. we went from secure border to no border. safe streets to record crime. two dollar gas to four dollar gas. stable prices to record inflation. president trump had strength in the oval office we had strength around the world to joe biden which is all weakness in the oval office. more important the federal agencies have been turned against the american people, weaponized against the we the people. that is the what the campaign is about, who will you pick. the american people have common sense. they will say we want trump back in the white house. larry: the bigger theme, i'm
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glad you heard it, i hate to say this, but america's broken, or let me put it differently, there are some things in america that seem broken today during these biden years. now, some of this started before biden but he has made it worse. then there is stuff like the border that he has created but the middle east he may it worse. the lawlessness. nobody supports the cops anymore. what is going own. i'm sure harvard university was a left-wing haven before this claudine gay but the fact is, all nutured, matured, became visible under biden. people want to fix what's broken. they love the country. you love it. i love it. that's why we work at it. fix america, america is broke and it has got to be fixed. by the way to your other point i know a few who used to be a builder in new york who is pretty good at fixing things, jim jordan.
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i will give you the last word on that one. >> sure is. larry: he was a good builder, fixer-upper. >> and he sure is. take the area of foreign policy. i love the question when pompeo was asked year-and-a-half ago when russia went into ukraine, would this happen in a trump administration. secretary pompeo gave the best answer. the short answer i don't know, but i do know this it didn't happen in the trump administration. hamas and hezbollah didn't attack israel in the trump administration. because it all laid there he started with embassy in jerusalem, that laid the groundwork for abraham accords. we had so much more stability in the world. we had a guy who knew how to lead, make a tough decision. when he ran for the job and he made them their commander in chief. that is the guy we need back in there. larry: just 30 seconds, i can't help myself what will you do to my friend fani willis down there in hotlanta, georgia? i'm kind of worried about her. looks like she might lose her position, prosecution, law case, i don't know.
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jim jordan give us 30 seconds on fani willis? >> well we subpoenaed here for documents and communications because she got $14.6 million of federal tax money. there is a whistle-blower down there says they were misusing that money. this is all in addition to almosthundred thousand dollars she paid nathan wade for 26 months of work. thefy who was going to the white house, going to the january 6th committee, going to the justice department looking for ways to prosecute president trump. she has a lot of explaining to do. we subpoenaed documents last friday. larry: we'll leave it there. jim jordan, the best of the best. thank you, sir, we appreciate it very much. >> thanks, larry. larry: folks, coming up next, jay powell, remember him? jay powell on cbs last night pulled the plug on lower interest rates. stocks didn't seem to like it one little bit. they closed down 275 point. they were down almost 400 points. we'll talk about it with fox business's taylor riggs and "breitbart"'s john carney. catch "kudlow" monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. here on fox
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business. you can't get us at 4:00, just text your favorite nine-year-old. she will show you how to dvr the show. you will see how easily we could fix a broken america. i'm kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪. with the majority of my patients with sensitivity i see irritated gums and weak enamel. sensodyne sensitivity gum and enamel it relieves sensitivity helps restore gum health and rehardens enamel. i am a big advocate of recommending things that i know work.
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larry: our own edward lawrence has to say about that. you're watching "60 minutes" last night, edward? >> reporter: i did see the interview last night t was very interesting, the federal reserve chairman is saying he is waiting for the right moment to start the rate cuts. he said that on the "60 minutes" interview. he hinted the fact that the first cut might be in may. >> almost all, almost all of the 19 participants who sit around this table believe that it will be appropriate in their most likely case for us to cut the federal funds rate this year. >> reporter: so the fed has forecasted three rate cuts this year. the federal reserve chairman said last night what he told me on wednesday he does not see the committee getting around to the rate cut in the march meeting. the next president will have a chance to appoint the next fed chairman so listen to this. >> would you reappoint
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jay powell? >> know, i wouldn't do that. >> you wouldn't reappoint him? >> no. because he missed inflation? >> no, he did miss, he did miss. no, i wouldn't be inclined. >> reporter: so rate cuts would boost the economy, generally helping the incumbent but the data like this is still very hot, saying the economy is running too hot for a rate cut. the balancing act we might be hearing that a rate cut would be for the health of the economy and not for job security? larry? larry: edward, thanks very much. i want to had, the stock market opened down 400. it closed i guess, what it closed around 200 plus, so it calmed down a little pit. bond rates went up a good deal, 12, 14 basis points. shake, rattle and roll. anyway talk about the whole story with taylor riggs, host of "the big money show," john carney, "breitbart finance" editor, coauthor of the
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"breitbart business digest" which mass cult following. talking about the economy too strong to cut rate, we got ism services number that was a very strong number higher, not lower price. >> that's right, that's right, much hotter than expected. the largest month to month price increase from december to january in 12 years. so this is inflation reaccelerating which we shouldn't be surprised when we just saw the jobs report come in that told us that we, out of 350, 353,000 jobs, of course when you're bringing that many people into the workforce on payrolls, of course demand is increasing. larry: taylor, why is the fed always talking about lowering rates when there is no, in other words, it's an odd -- yes they have got the inflation rate down. prices are still a lot higher than they were two or three years ago, but okay, they got the inflation rate down, no question about it, but it isn't yet down to their target and secondly as join pointed out, we
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all pointed this out the numbers are very hot. heaven forbid the economic forecasting consensus was basically wrong last year, at least the second half of the year. why wouldn't he say we're still not sure we might need higher rate? why wouldn't he say we like policy stability, those kind of options? >> i think part of the "60 minutes" interview as well as the fed meeting last week is trying to tame and tamp down markets without shocking markets. larry: oh. >> you don't want to come out to say we're still hiking rates because the market was prices in at the beginning of the year six or seven rate cuts. he tried to do a good job, jay powell, on "60 minutes" we're not doing six or seven rate cuts this year. maybe third quarter or second quarter of the year, beyond maybe look at it, but i think he made a good point the risk of inflation reaccelerating is still much greater than the risk of keeping rates too high and pushing us into a recession. i think cutting rates too soon is definitely the greater risk and they're worried about that inflation number we just talked
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about reaccelerating. >> larry i have a question for you actually you can help answer. that show, even though it aired sunday night was taped thursday morning. larry: yeah. >> so powell would not have had the 353,000 jobs number early on thursday afternoon. larry: good point. >> probably had late thursday night. larry: that is when they get them. >> that's when they get them. if he was hinting there may be a cut in may, that was before he saw the january jobs number. i think after that number we're not cutting in may either. larry: is he better off telling scott pelley or telling the whole rest of the world on the fed press conference on wednesday? i have nothing against scott pelley by the way. he is perfectly fine person. it is an oddity, almost like powell is more open to scott pelley than at those goofy fed press conferences where you know high-paid economists can spend five days trying to figure out what he said? >> i think the fed has made a
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mistake and powell specifically, one going to these press conferences every single meeting i don't think is a good idea, to standing up at a podium as if he were an elected official it is a mistake he is out answering questions like an elected official. then going on tv doing a more personable interview like an elected official. this will politicize the fed. the more they act like political officials the more people will treat them. >> i do like he was on "60 minutes" trying to talk to the american people. he said prices are still higher than 2019. even though the rate of inflation has come down people at home feel like they're hurting. i do like some sense he is out there talking to the american people we're trying to get inflation down. larry: i'm not opposed to it. >> just funny he has to keep saying it exi'm not opposed to that program, i'm not opposed to any of it. i thought it was somewhat odd particularly learning from john he taped that thing --
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>> thursday afternoon, thursday morning. it would have been before they got it. i think that was very intentional. i don't think he wanted to go on a program on thursday afternoon after he had the jobs numbers in hand talk about something that was stowing to air on sunday. you know this, larry, once you get the numbers you have to be very careful who you talk to. larry: yes. taylor, i got one for you, in the interview he promised he wouldn't be swayed by this year's presidential election. >> uh-huh. larry: and said the pain he feared from rate hikes never materialized. so the fed will not be swayed by the presidential election. >> which is why he also needs to be careful, you talked about why they're not talking about hiking, why he needs to be careful about not cutting too soon because any rate cut of course in an election year could be seen as trying to influence. larry: and will be and will be seen. >> influence the economy into november. larry: republican candidates already basically fired him. if he makes one move you can expect you know, certain discussions. >> i think you know this more
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than anyone, great cuts in an election year are always hard. i think he has to be very careful what he does. again the risk of upside of inflation still greater at this point. larry: john, what are the odds which no one is talking about that the fed's next move is a rate hike? >> i think they're a lot higher than zero which is what the market priced in. it is the most underpriced risk in the market right now. i think there is a good chance inflation continues to heat up, we get jobs numbers like we saw in january the fed does have to hike. the earliest i think they will cut is july. they have to take september off. if they cut right before the election that's a big problem. maybe if inflation stays calm, they cut in november and december. that is three cuts, the market has five right now. larry: they're not going to cut -- >> only quick countyter point to that, real rates are high. you could argue real rates are restrictive. >> i don't think anything is restrictive when you add 350,000 jobs per month.
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larry: he will not cut rates until the morning of trump's inaugural. did i say that? that is, that is just a what if, you know what i mean? john carney, taylor riggs, by the way folks don't miss taylor along with her co-host brian brenberg and jackie deangelis. "the big money show" playbook, a special education in america, special town hall this thursday at 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on fox business. coming up here tonight on "kudlow," iran-backed groups continue to target american bases. looks like those airstrikes may not have deterred iran. we have aaron cohen, nathan sales, america is broken sadly. the whole civil is broken. the country is broken. we have steve hilton and molly e hemingway will talk about that remember "kudlow" is a podcast. i think i know what that is. episodes available daily after the show, spotify, apple and
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♪. larry: iran-based group continue to target american bases so i don't know if those airstrikes deterred iran or enough at all. joining me, nathan sales, former trump anti-isis coalition envoy undersecretary of the state, prince aaron kohan, my favorite, israeli special-ops and founder of cherlys, specializing in counterterrorism training for law enforcement. i want to start with my pal aaron cohen. aaron, do these bombings do what they're supposed to do? it was the most telegraphed thing i have ever seen. it completely ruled out iran. i don't know, we hit a lot of down create, maybe we pounded sand. i'm not sure if we took out any iranian leaders or strategists.
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you tell me, did they do what they're supposed to do? >> i think these bombings by the u.s. do what they're supposed to do for biden and his administration which is a feel-good measure. it shows that the u.s. is doing something but the fact is that iran has been toying with biden for quite sometime and wants to really kind of push biden around to see what he is capable of doing and larry, let's just understand the middle east. iran will use these little proxies and they will keep picking away at the united states military, spread out throughout syria and iraq. but the fact unless you really put some teeth on some kind of counterattack and really make it feel like it is a real hit. it will not be a deterrent. it will be a waste of time. iran is toying with the u.s. that is what is happening now. larry: nathan that is what i hear. i don't want to diminish the might of the u.s. military, heaven forbid, you just kind of
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wonder, i would have liked it, for example, if you're going to crack back down on the economic and energy sanctions which bankrupted iran, four, five, six years ago, when they were put into place, or, if you're going to have a military approach, go after some of their oil facilities. i'm just not sure, i'm not saying that what we did was nothing. i'm just worried that as, as aaron suggested we didn't get the job done. i mean what is your, as a former state department official, what do you think? >> well, it sure doesn't look like iran got the message larry or maybe to put it a little differently the message iran has been getting they can still push the biden administration around. just today we got word that iran's terrorist proxy groups were back to their old tricks launching attack drones at a u.s. base in syria. now they didn't kill any american solders this time but they did kill six of our kurdish partners on the ground. so clearly the shock and awe
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that the biden and administration tried to unleash on friday is not actually cowing iran. there is no doubt why that's the case. as you said we telegraphed the punch for a week. we took strikes against iran off the table. by the way that is a restraint that iran itself does not observe of the as we speak right now the iranian regime is plotting to kill american former officials right here on our own soil. so they're clearly prepared to be aggressive. unfortunately the white house continues to pull its punches and until we impose meaningful costs on tehran, they're going to keep doing it. larry: aaron, one other thing that disturbs me, is all these rumors and reports that the biden administration is trying to put the heat on israel to accept a very long-term cease-fire, a very long-term cease-fire before israel has achieved its goals of totally annihilating hamas. i wonder if you had a thought on that? >> well unfortunately, larry,
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it's, you know israel has done some damage, israel probably taken out about 350% of hamas's capabilities. we knew it would last longer. the first month was very successful with the air campaign. however that gaslighting got into the white house. biden said no, no, we can't have anymore civilian deaths even though all the numbers are complete nonsense reported by the gaza health ministry. a long-term cease-fire will close israel down. it will take more time t will allow that connective tissue with iran keep playing. this all resolves around iran, sinwar asking for a complete cease-fire right now is very similar to iran continuously pawing so that more attacks could come from those houthis over to the americans. the way i see it, again pulling israel back diminishes israel's capabilities of completely capable of destroying hamas and any left religion getting hostages back.
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until hamas is completely obliterated it will take a year-and-a-half, two years until israel too take the job done. i don't know if the hostages are coming back. israel doesn't have leverage. sin war is under the tunnels, i will spin israel around my finger. that is what happened because all the pressure biden, israelis won't say it i will, all the pressure on israel is keeping those hostages hostages. larry: why don't we put pressure on iran? you can do it in economic terms, if you don't like military or do it both military and economic. >> that's right, larry. larry: what i want to do is force iran back and i want to help israel come forward and achieve the mission. that is what i want to do. i don't hear them saying that. i got to get out. >> larry israel has files on every target in iran they can hand over to biden. hand over the director of the cia and start hitting those targets. larry: i got to jump i'm sorry.
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nathan, good to see you. i'm sorry we don't have more time. we never have enough time in life. aaron cohen, thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> good to see you. larry: anyway folks, switching gears, this is a wonderful report. i used to love "the flinstones" cartoon series. i watched "the flinstones" cartoons well into adulthood. kelly o'grady has a special "the flinstones" story. what have you got? >> reporter: we're talking if the green crusaders or not. they're not coming just for our engine, they're coming for your tires now. a new bill in the washington state would give the department of commerce to ban tires it deems bad for the climate. the legislation would apply to replacement tires. this would not impact the new tires. the primary focus what they're calling, rolling resistance of tires. the argument if you got heavier more durable tires they're less energy efficient. on one hand the commerce department preticks this could save 600 million gallons of
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gasoline. that would equate saving of roughly three trillion for drivers between 026 to 2035. the bill it getting a lot of pushback. first up-front cost. this would likely eliminate cheaper tires given approved ones are more expensive. second, probably more importantly, larry, is safety. lowering rolling resistance reduces tread depth, decreases traction especially driving in the range. last time i was in seattle or washington all it did was rain in seattle. imagine how that coimpact safety for consumers? send it back to you. larry: where is the "the flinstones" picture. i want to see the fred flint stone picture. there it is. notice carefully those are stones, not tires. we've gone back to the stone age. let's just be clear. kelly o'grady thank you ever so much. all right. heaven forbid let's talk a little politics, steve hilton, fox news contributor. mollie hemingway,
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editor-in-chief of "the federalist," also a fox news contributor. i don't want to talk so much about the "flintstones," maybe that is where we're headed, maybe not. at the beginning of the show with jim jordan and the discussing this lousy border deal but also a broader theme for the election. america is broken. people know it is broken, whether it is schools, universities, law and order, middle east, foreign policy, obviously the border, obviously the economy, america is broken and wants someone to fix it and i think this is an underrated theme in this election. >> i think it's a really good point. you think back to when reagan won his first term in office. you had the same general feeling in america. things were broken. we were being embarrassed on the international stage. we had a stagnant economy. we had a general breakdown of civic health and you're seeing some similar numbers in the polling that shows a lot of people are comparing the trump presidency with the biden presidency and they're saying
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they would like to go back to the trump presidency. they would not like to continue with the biden presidency. almost evocative of carter and reagan. larry: steve hilton, related to this, the matt taibbi story, he is a man of the left but he wrote an interesting story, but the point is democrats will make this into a lawfare election, an insurrectionist election, they want to sabotage this election. they were going to blame trump. turns out they are the ones sabotaging, lawfareing inner recollecting keeping trump off the ballot. i find that incredible and it's another thing broken in american politics. they don't want to talk about the issues. >> they're totally related, aren't they? because that is the reason they can't talk about the issues because they have been in charge and everything is going wrong. so they have nothing else. their election is entirely about insurrection and abortion. that is it, that's all they have
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got. they can't point to biden personally. they know he is a disaster. they know the issues are disaster. if you look at these polls, the leads that trump has, not just on the specific issues like immigration and go through the list but on the general question of competence and who will get things done. so they can talk about how trump will -- nikki haley is the chaos candidate but that's not what people think. larry: did you see the nbc poll? >> stunning. larry: john almost jumped out of his shoe. steve is a numbers guy. he was pretty shocked by the numbers in the nbc poll. >> the trump-hating, it's a big group, it is the democrats, the media, establishment republicans they just can't even after all these years they chant bring themselves to acknowledge that big majorities of american people, whatever they may think of trump's character or whatever, they think he gets the job done, that is what the country needs now. that is what people want. >> they are acknowledging that. that is why they're trying to
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literally remove him from the ballot and put him in prison. they don't have good ideas how to fix things. larry: that is their strategy. >> the strategy. "the washington post" admitted this this weekend, this one federal judge isn't rushing through the process like we would like them to be doing. it is hurting our strategy, our campaign strategy. that is very unfair to the american people who would like to vote for whichever candidate. >> they have no self-awareness. literally in the same boat, you're right, mollie. they fear he will win because of these findings in all the polls. they have to go to any length to stop him. at the same time they never stop lecturing us about our democracy. larry: you mentioned nikki haley. here is what i don't get, mollie. nikki haley has every right to run for president. she has every right to run in the primaries. has every right to stay in the race, what she wants to do, she is doing this with almost 99% personal attacks on trump. they're not issues attacks. i was reading a column the other
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day that she was asked by hugh hewitt on the radio, what would you do in the middle east? and she proceeded to rattle off everything trump had done in the first term. then she stopped that and just started attacking him for his aged he is mean and this. that doesn't solve problems. that is not what voters are looking for. >> right. larry: if america is broken, they want a guy who has a construction track record of fixing it. >> her campaign really doesn't make sense if you think she is running for a future in the republican party. if she is running for something like a third party no labels bid it makes all the sense in the world. she is not really aligned with republican voters. she is definitely aligned with elite top donor types. i think her attacks on trump which she does with such glee rather than on biden indicate that. larry: not good. mollie hemingway, steve hilton. wonderful to see you on set. >> thank you, larry. larry: woman back soon. up next guess what, house ways and means chairman jason smith will cut taxes.
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i'm always for that. cut taxes. stick with "kudlow." we'll be right back. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months on select smart beds. ends monday. only at sleep number. hive digital technologies. a leading bitcoin miner and gpu cloud operator is building the infrastructure of tomorrow, featuring a robust growth strategy
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jason smith, chair of the very powerful house ways and means committee. jason, welcome back. i don't know why republicans, "wall street journal" editorial page, what is wrong with immediate expensing r&d -- by the way there hasn't been any business investment in this economy even though the gdp has been growing from government, there has been no business investment for about six quarters. why is everybody opposed to oar tax cut bill which i think represents traditional republican principles? >> larry, there is very few that is opposed to it. let's just say it passed out of the house of representatives by 84% of the vote. republicans and democrats. the chances of passing anything in the united states house of representatives with 84% of the vote is very, very tough but when you look at research and development, interest deductibility and 100% expensing these are three signature items from your tax cuts the trump tax cuts, that helped grow the economy. just the research and development expensing would
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create $70 billion in investment in the united states, support 21 million jobs this is exactly what trump did. we're extending it. that expired in '21. china alone, larry has a 200% advantage over us in research and development and since that provision expired in '21 we've seen research and development in the united states be negative. when you look at the expensing, larry, that affects $400 billion in investment and 73,000 new jobs. these are all very good provisions that are a win for all-americans, small businesses and families. larry: like i said we haven't seen, the gdp category of business equipment investment has done nothing for well over a year. i mean the gdp has gone up because consumer spending and also government spending but we're not seeing it on the business side. i've seen some measures we're actually in a business recession or let me say a hard goods
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business recession. now, jason, some of the issues have pertained to the child tax credit which some of these conservatives are saying is more welfare up to $300,000. now the trump tax cuts had a child tax credit in it. is this so much more generous than what the trump cuts provided? >> no, the framework of this child tax credit modification is, is just like the trump tax credit that was in 2017. republicans are the ones who started the child tax credit in 1997. then we doubled it to 2,000 in the trump tax cuts in trump tax cuts of 2017. what we're doing here is addressing skyrocketing inflation. we're indexing for inflation. people have seen inflation go up 20% since the trump child tax credit in 2017. we're also eliminating the penalty for multiple children and we're maintaining work
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requirements which is very crucial. larry: one editorial said you were going to give refundable credit up to $300,000 a year, is that true? >> what the refundable, refundability of the credit, if you look at tcja from 2017 the refundability portion was $1400 indexed for current inflation. currently it is $1700. what this bill does add $100 a year over the next three years. so it is just a bonus increase compared to what it already is projected under the indexing for inflation. larry: all right. look, i don't know, supply-side tax cuts, we used to favor them. i still favor them. i think it is a pretty good bill. you're right. congressman jason smith, chairman of the house ways and means. we appreciate it, jason. good luck. folks, quick break, i will be right back with my last word. ♪ou sed on your goals, whatever they may be.
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