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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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you can sit there and look up at this gleaming arch all around you a human made rainbow that includes everyone. when one approaches the arch and looks at it truly, you have a sense of awe as you look up and see that soaring stainless steel skin floating somehow magically in the air above you. it's truly an engineering marvel. one of the wonders of the world, in my opinion. of course, a giant arch like that was simply irresistible to daredevils. the faa had to warn pilots fly through the arch and you'll lose your license. so far, at least ten pilots couldn't resist. ten that we know of. ♪
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welcome to come up, i am larry kudlow. a new water bill that looks dead on arrival at leader jim jordan away and in a few minutes. jay powell, remember him? no interest rate cuts, stocks explained. john carney, taylor frakes to talk about the in this election about democratic officer or sabotage or insurrection? at me backfire and very biden is dead. jason smith will cut taxes and that's always a good thing in my book. first, let's talk border, fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill. what can you tell us? >> good afternoon, the bill provides $20 billion for border security including mandatory shutdown of the border when border agents have an average of 5000 encounters in a week the house gop leadership is classing
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the bill. >> are you feeling the bill because of political considerations? >> i don't believe the senate bill as i've explained meet the criteria necessary to solve the problem. that's what we are about fear, responsibly to do it. >> the bill does provide $50 million to extend the border wall plus the border patrol supports the package. this is why some democrats are exasperated with republicans dismissing the bill out of hand. >> my hope is people will realize sometimes something good for the country even though it might not be good for your political parties leadership and that is the choice a lot of republican's will have to make. >> gop oklahoma senator james lankford negotiated the bill for the gop. he's frustrated publicans insisted on border security as a condition for a bill to date ukraine. not many republicans are
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backpedaling. >> will determine or complain about things are actually address changes as we can? we have to decide as. publicans fully will do, even open or leave it closed? >> a test vote wednesday in the senate, 60 yeas. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is for it but more than half of all senate republicans opposed the bill that could kill the plan right there. >> all right, we are going to watch that, your spot on, thank you for helping out tonight. my quick take -- joe biden doesn't need a bill to fix the border. he just needs to enforce the law. that's my view and remains my view. the law is section 212f, the immigration and nationality act which gives president authority to suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens.
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similar to title 42 but even bigger than title 42. includes travel restrictions also implement it by president trump. in 2018, the supreme court supported section 212. the trouble is, joe biden won't enforce it. that's one of the many reasons we don't need a new piece of legislation especially when that legislation could virtually codify somewhere between five and 8000 illegals entering u.s. day. resident trump posted on true social earlier and i will quote only and radical left democrat will vote for this horrendous order bill which only gets shut down authority after 5000 encounters a day. we have already the right to close the border now which must be done. liberal connecticut chris murphy who was democratic negotiator loading the border never closes.
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what does it tell you? the biden's don't want to close the border so-called reforms and as alan processing encourage more illegal entries. ditto for parole migration and green cards and work permits. his of trump administration proposed a checklist of materia for legal immigration including rudimentary things like be in english, a little civics lesson on the constitution and declaration of independence, a week the american history, proof of a job. heaven forbid migrants should the language and in the country. none of that is in biden's bill and former president trump was the election, why should he be stuck with numerical targets way too high? let's hire his own crackdown on illegal. juan: left office four years ago. i'm interested in the discussion
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of texas governor greg abbott is putting up barbed wire around eagle pass, that's dramatically reduced the number of illegals. interesting. of course biden supposed such various book barbed wire reminds me of build the wall which is another good trump idea. all this reminds me of remain in mexico which is i think ignored in this bill so any update in title 42, i don't think that's in the bill and i want to add from a so many institutions in joe biden's america disorder is completely broken. a real sense, america is broken. the border is just a symptom of the problem is much larger. the justice system, the economist foreign policy, schools, universities, government censorship, all of it is broken but in another sense, the biden administration is broken and donald trump is
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working hard to get a chance to fix it and that's my take. let's bring it from jim jordan. going back to basics here, to trial is endorsed and i still don't know why we need another piece of legislation and higher targets as he wants. help me out here. >> you are not going to fix the problems created. they want this will one day one they said mark walton, no more remain in mexico policy. if you are migrant, trying to get in the country and once you get your you will be released so it incentivize the whole world to come and that's what happened and as i put it, we are on pace to biden administration for your spirit on pace to get 12 milli
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million, this is the magnitude 12 million is the equivalent of the entire population of ohio and the seventh largest state of the put some bipartisan bill that will exacerbate the problem is not addressed it because i think they intentionally want this to happen. why? i don't know but it certainly an intentional decision is made. >> this chris murphy from connecticut who i think is a reelection this year but whatever, he comes out and says will not close the border. the whole thing is to close the border, why would you say that? is the leading democratic negotiator, number two, where did the numbers come from? are these target levels so high? i don't know exactly, 5000, 8500, whatever. they are to our, higher than
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anything left one trump left office in 2020 where did the numbers come from? >> i think out of the thin blue and it looks like from someone who wanted to confuse the american people if they are too high, infusing, they don't make sense why you would have the metrics they have unless you want to continue the problem which is where i come back to. the solution is simple, joe biden is not going to fix the problem he purposely created so the only answer is to have control of the money says okay, no money can't be used to process or release into the country any new migrants so we simply say timeout, we are no longer electing people into the country seeking asylum, you're not getting in a avascular pace to get to 12 billion, is probably enough for one administration, let's say timeout and that the american people decide how we want to deal with this november and we
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have president trump who have control of our work against president biden but the country decide what congress should do on the funding bill -- here's another one. no money can be used, no american dollars can be used to tear don't they are just that texas taxpayers put up. we will have american taxpayers pay to take conflict texas tech has put up, thus the biden policy. those two amendments make sense, but make sure they are on spending bills that had to pass. >> one think that so interesting about greg abbott crusade, apparently there's an article in the new york post this morning, apparently it's possible to put up barbed wire or chicken wire or whatever wire it's called, i don't know about such thing but used to be barbed wire apparently backstopped illegals where the barbed wire was put up which reminds me why we wanted the wall in the first place. if you have a barrier -- i know
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neither of us can keep a straight face. if you have a barrier, the minimum it slows things down might stop but biden stop troops in their trying to take barbed wire stanford this stuff is working. leave it alone. >> exactly and why not finish the wall? nothing in this -- your model what was great, nothing in this administration expense. a secure border to know border, safe streets to record crime, $2 i guess $24. president trump projected in the oval office from respect around the world to joe biden which is all weakness and the most important among federal agencies turned against the american people, what denies against we the people. that's what the campaign is about, are you going to pick? i think the american people have common sense and will say we
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want trump back in the united states. >> i'm glad -- i hate to say this but america is broken or the so many things in america that seem broken today during the biden years. some of this started before biden but he's made it worse and then there's stuff like the border he's created but the middle east he's made worse with the lawlessness, nobody supports cops anymore, what's going on? i'm sure harvard university quest haven before plotting gave but it became nurtured. people want to fix what's broken from a they love the country, you love it, i love it and why we work at it. fix america, america is broke and expect to be fixed and to your other points, i know a guy who used to be a builder in new york is pretty good at fixing
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things. i'll give you the last word. a good builder, fixer-upper. >> he sure is. the area of foreign policy, i love the question about pompeo, he was asked with this happen in a trump administration? secretary pompeo get the best answer, short answer is i don't know but i do know this, it didn't happen in the trump administration. hamas and hezbollah didn't attack onto trump administration and was later because he started with the embassy in jerusalem, and laid the groundwork for abraham accords and that's why we have more stability because you have a guy who knew how to lead and make tough decisions and did what he told the american people he was going to do when he ran for the job and they made their commander-in-chief and that the guys we need back. >> i can't help myself, what are you going to do to my friend danny willis down there in georgia? i'm worried about her. it looks like she might lose her position, prosecution, or law
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case. give us 30 seconds on danny willis. >> we just subpoenaed her for communications because she got $14.6 billion up federal tax money in this whistleblower down there that says they were misusing the money so we want to know and assist in addition to the almost $700,000 paid for 26 months of work by going to the white house in january 6 committee and justice department looking for ways to prosecute president trump she's cap explaining to do and we subpoenaed documents last month. >> all right, best of the best, we thank you. coming up next, jay powell, remember him? jay powell on cbs pulled the plug on lower interest rate. stocks didn't seem to like it was they closed down to 75 points and down 400 points. we are going to talk about foxbusiness taylor briggs and breitbart john party. catch kudlow friday 4:00 p.m.
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your on foxbusiness. can't give us at 4:00? text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will see how easily we can fix a broken america. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources...
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jay powell lower interest rates and some solutions megan much. first let's head to the white house to hear what edward lawrence has to say. you're watching 60 minutes last night. >> i did see the interview, it was interesting. federal reserve chairman waiting for the right moment rate and he said that on his interview will be hinted at the fact that the first cut might be in may. >> almost all, almost all of the 19 participants who sat at this table believe there will be appropriate and the most likely case for us to cut the federal funds rate this year. >> that forecasted three rate cuts, federal reserve chairman say what he told me exactly wednesday is while he does not see the committee getting around
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in the march meeting the next president will have the chance to appoint the next bed chairman so listen to this. >> would you reappoint jay powell? >> i wouldn't do that, no. >> because she missed inflation? >> he did miss but no. >> great that would boost the economy generally helping incumbent for the data like this is still very hot in the economy is running too hot for rate of the balancing act we might be hearing a rate that would be for the help of the economy not for job security. >> thanks very much. i want to add stock market opened down 400 enclosed around 200 plus so it will calm down. bond rates went up 12, 14 basis points so shake, rattle and roll. let's talk about this story with taylor briggs from a cohost of the big money show, john carney, breitbart economics and the breitbart business guy just.
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while talking about the economy is too strong to cut rates, we got a services number today that was a very strong number. >> higher, not lower connect much higher than expected some of the largest month-to-month price increase from 270 january in 12 years, because this inflation reacts elements which we shouldn't be surprised when we saw the jobs report common told us out of 353,000 jobs, of course when you are bringing that many people into the workforce under payrolls of course demand is increasing. >> why is it that always talking about lowering rates? and on -- yes, the inflation rate down, prices go higher than they were but they got the inflation rate down, no question but it isn't down to the target
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and we both pointed this out, the numbers are coming in hi, heaven forbid economic forecasting consensus was wrong at least the second half of the year. why we say we're still not sure we might need higher rates? we like policies and stability in those? the mark the 60 minutes interview as long as the fed meeting last week is trying to obtain down markets without shocking markets. you don't want to come out for still hike rates because markets are pricing at the beginning of figure six or seven rate cuts. he tried to do the job jay powell on 60 minutes saying we are not doing six or seven) year, who tried to maybe -- third for second quarter of the year and look at it but the risk of inflation free accelerating is still much greater then the
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risk of keeping rates to high pushing into a recession. cutting face to soon is a greater risk and we are worried about inflation we talked about free accelerating. >> i have a question you can help answer, that show even though it aired sunday night was taped thursday morning self-help would not have had the 353,000 jobs that were early thursday, he probably had it late thursday night, that's what makes you think so if she was in think there may be a cut and make before he saw the january job number, i think after that number cannot cutting and make. his better off telling the rest of the world the fed press conference wednesday? i have nothing against scott powell, is a perfectly fine person, it is on it's almost like powell is more open with scott then those goofy fed press conferences where high paid
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economists can spend five days trying to figure out what he said. >> i think the fed made a mistake powell specifically one going to press conferences every meeting i don't think is a good idea to standing up at the podium as if he were an elected official is a mistake because he's answering questions like an elected official and going on tv doing five a personal interview by an elected official this will politicize the bed because the more act like political officials the more people will treat them that way. >> he was on 60 minutes trying to talk to the american people because prices are still higher than 2019 so even the rate of inflation has come down people at home feel they are hurting so i do in some sense he's out there trying to talk to the american people say they're trying to get inflation down. >> i'm not opposed to it, just funny he has to keep saying it. >> i'm not opposed to that program or any of it, i just thought it was odd particularly learned from john e taped that,
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when did you say? >> thursday morning, before -- i think that was intentional, i don't think he wanted to go on the program thursday afternoon after he had the job numbers hand and talk about something that would air sunday for you know this once you get the numbers for mike you have to be careful to talk to. >> taylor, in the interview he promised he wouldn't be swayed by this year's presidential election and said the pain he appeared from great heights never materialized so the fed will not be swayed by the presidential election. >> which is why he also needs to be careful, you're not talking about hiking the marquis needs to be careful about not cutting too soon because any great cap in an election year could be seen as trying to influence, help the economy into november. >> basically already fire him.
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[laughter] certain discussions. >> you notice more than anyone from a rate cut in an election year always are, i think he has to be careful what he does and the upside inflation. >> what are the odds know what is talking about that next move is the rate hike? >> a lot higher than zero which is what the market is price and, the most underpriced risk right now from a there's a good chance inflation continues to heat up can we get job numbers like we saw in january that the fed does have guy from the earliest they will cut is july and they have to take september up because of the cut before the election, it's a big problem maybe if inflation in november and december, the three cuts will. >> the only counter that from up real later i, you could argue jail major restrictive.
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>> i don't think anything is restrictive when you add 353,000 jobs. >> he's not until the morning of tom's inaugural. >> that was just a what is. [laughter] by the way, don't miss taylor along with cohost brian brenberg and jackie deangelis, the big buddy joe playbook special education in america, 1:00 p.m. eastern right here on foxbusiness. coming up tonight on kudlow, iran backed groups target american faces so looks like airstrikes may not have this. making sales and america is broken sadly. the whole system is broken, we'll talk about that and remember kudlow is a podcast. i think i know that is. officials available every week after the show. spotify, apple and foxbusiness
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♪ red base groups target american bases so i don't know if airstrikes man enough oral, j joining me now, former trump is a isis coalition undersecretary of state and prince aaron cohen, my favorite israeli vessel veteran founder cherries specializing in counterterrorism training for law enforcement. all right. i want to start -- do these bombing do what they are supposed to do? the most telegraphed thing i've ever seen, a completely ruled out iran, ira we hit a lot of
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consciousness maybe the sand, i'm not sure if we took out iranian leaders are strategist, you tell me, did they do what they were supposed to do? >> i think bombings by the u.s. did with their supposed to do for biden and his administration which is a feel-good measure, the u.s. is doing something. the fact is iran has been 20 with biden for quite some time and wants to push biden around and see what he's capable of doing and that's just understanding the middle east. iran for use proxies and keep picking away at the u.s. military spread throughout syria and iraq but unless you really but she's on a counterattack and really make it feel like it's a real hit, is not going to be a deterrent, it's a waste of time so iran will keep twice what the u.s. and that's what you are seeing. >> that's right here i don't want to diminish the might of
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the u.s. military but you wond wonder, i would have liked if you cracked back down on economic energy sanctions which bankrupted for five or six years ago or if you have military approach to after oil facilit facilities, i'm just not sure, i'm not saying what we did was nothing, i'm just worried as aaron suggested, we didn't get the job done. as a former state department official, what do you think? >> it sure doesn't look like iran got the message or maybe to put it differently, the message iran has been getting sick and still push the biden administration around. today we got word advanced terrace proxy groups were back to the old tricks launching attacks drones, they didn't care kill american soldiers this time but they did kill six of our
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partners on the ground so clearly the shock and all the biden administration tried to unleash product is not counting on iran so there's no doubt why that's the case. we took strikes against iran off the table and that is a restraint iran itself does not observe. as we speak the iranian regime is plotting to kill american former officials here on our own soil so clearly repair to be aggressive and the white house continues to pull punches and until we impose meaningful costs onto iran, they will keep doing it. >> one other thing is all these rumors and reports the biden administration is trying to put the heat on israel to accept long-term cease-fire, a long-term cease-fire before israel has achieved its goals of annihilating hamas and i want to
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know if you have a thought on that. >> unfortunately israel has done damage -- israel has probably taken up 50% of hamas capabilities. the first month was successful with the campaign. however, it got into the white house and biden said we can have more civilian deaths even though the numbers are complete nonsense reported by the gaza ministry. long-term cease-fire will just slow israel down and take more time, allow connective tissue with iran and it revolves around iran so asking for cease-fire right now similar to iran clients of more attacks can go to the americans and the way i see it only israel back diminishes israel's capabilities
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destroy and any leverage over getting hostages back. so they've obliterated -- it's just going to take a year, year end a half or two years, i don't know if the hostages are coming back, they don't have that leverage right now and am going to spin israel around my finger, that was happening israelis will say it but i will, the pressure on israel is keeping hostages hostages. >> but we put pressure on iran? you can do it in economic terms if you don't like military or both military and economic. what i want to do is force iran back and i want to help israel from forward and achieve the mission, that's what i want to do. >> israel's got the files on every target and iran secondhand over the biden, the director of the cia and hit the target but
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iran playing the proxy game right now. >> nathan, it's good to see you, i'm sorry we don't have more time, we never have enough time in life. thank you very much, appreciate it. anyway, switching gears, a wonderful report. i used to love the flintstones cartoon series, i watched the flintstones cartoon after i was into adulthood. kelly o'grady is a special story, what you got? >> it's great to see you. talking up green crusaders a lot, not just coming for your engine, they are coming for your tires now. a new bill would give the department of congress the portability to ban tires it seems that the climate so legislation would apply to any replacement tires, this wouldn't impact new tires for the primary focus is what i call the rolling resistance of tires and the argument is if you got heavier, more durable tires, less energy efficient. the congress department could
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see 600 million gallons of gasoline equating to a savings of 3 trillion for drivers between the years of 2026 and 2035 but the bill is getting a lot of pushback and first, is the upper class, experts say this will eliminate cheaper tires given approved ones are more expensive and second, public more importantly, safety. lowering that resistance reducing tread depth decreasing jackson especially if you're driving in the rain and last time i was in washington, all it did was rain in seattle so imagine how it could impact the safety for consumers. >> where's the flintstone picture? i want to see the fred lindstrom picture because these guys, there is -- notice, carefully, those are stones, not tires. we can't back to the stone age, let's be clear. thank you ever so much. heaven forbid, talk a little
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politics, steve hilton, mollie hemingway, editor-in-chief and fox news contributor. i don't want to talk much about the flintstones, at the beginning of the show with jim jordan discussing this lousy border deal but a broader theme, america is broken. people know it's broken whether it schools, universities show up a lot in order, middle east from a foreign policy obviously the border, obviously the economy, america is broken and want someone to fix and i think this is an underrated theme. >> you think back to when reagan won first term, you have the same feeling in america, things were broken. we were being embarrassed on the international stage, we had a stagnant economy, general breakdown of civic health and nursing similar numbers in the bowling that shows a lot of
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people are comparing trump with the biden presidency say they would like to go back to trump presidency and not continue with the biden presidency. >> related to this,. >> kb story, democrats are going to make this into a locker election, insurrectionist election. they want to sabotage this, they were going to blame trump and it turns out they're the ones sabotaging locker and interrupting. i find it incredible and it's another thing is broken in american politics, can anyone talk about the issues? direct they are totally related because it's the reason they can't talk about the issues because they been in charge and everything is going wrong so they have nothing else, there
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election is entirely about insurrection and abortion, that's it. they don't even have -- they know biden is a disaster and other issues are a disaster and if you look at the polls, the leads trump has not on the specific issues like immigration but the general question of competence and who with things done. they can talk all i would like, nikki haley -- >> did you see the mbc pool? a nice fellow, a #shocked by the numbers in apple. >> and the trump haiti -- it's a big group to mock the democrats and media, even after all these years but can't bring themselves to acknowledge the big majorities of the american people, whatever they may think of trump character or whatever, they think he gets the job done, that's what the country needs.
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>> they are acknowledging that and they are removing him from the ballot and putting him in prison. he fellow washington post, is that this one federal judge is rushing to the process likely would like them to be doing is hurting our strategy, campaign strategy and that's unfair to the american people would like to be able to vote. >> no self-awareness so literally -- you are right, the fear he will win because of these findings and all polls so many things to stop him and at the same time and never stop lecturing, it's our democracy. >> you mentioned nikki haley. nikki haley has every right to run for president and in the primaries and every right to stay in the race if she wants but she is doing this for the most 99% personal attacks on trump. they are not issues -- i was
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reading a column the other day she was asked by hugh hewitt on radio what would you do in the middle east? she rattled off everything trump had done in the first term and then she stopped that and started attacking him for his age and this and that that doesn't solve problems, that's not what voters want. if america is broken, they want a guy who has a construction track record of fixing it. >> her campaign doesn't make sense you think she's running for a future in the republican party. she's running for something like third-party no cables, it makes all the sense in the world, she's not aligned with republican voters, she's aligned with elite top donor types and i think her attacks on trump which she does rather than on biden. >> iq, wonderful to see you onset. all right, up next, house ways and means chair jason smith is
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going to cut taxes. i always for that. cut taxes. state with kudlow, we'll be right back. ♪ meet the jennifers. jen x. jen y. and jen z. each planning their future through the chase mobile app. jen x is planning a summer in portugal with some help from j.p. morgan wealth plan. let's go whiskers. jen y is working with a banker to budget for her birthday. you only turn 30 once. and jen z? her credit's golden. hello new apartment. three jens getting ahead with chase. solutions that grow with you. one bank for now. for later. for life. chase. make more of what's yours.
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let's cut taxes from of my
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favorite pastime. congressman jason smith, chair of the powerful house ways and means committee, welcome back. i don't know why republicans mark "wall street journal" editorial, what is wrong with r&d helping -- the hasn't been any business investment in this economy even though gdp is growing from government, there's no business investment for about six quarters, why is everybody a posterior tax-cut bill? i think it represents traditional republican principles. >> is very field opposed to it, let's just say it passed out of the house of representatives at 84% of the vote republicans and democrats, the chances of passing anything in the united states house of representatives before% of the vote is very tough but when you look at research development, one 100% extension, these are three signature items from your tax
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cuts, trump tax-cut that helped grow the economy. research and development expensing would create $70 billion in investment in united states supporting 21 million jobs correct this is what trump did, we are extending it and it expired in 21. china alone has two 100% advantage over us research and development and provision expired in 21, we seen research development in united states negative. look at expensing that affects $100 billion in investment and 73000 new jobs. these are all very good provisions that are a win for all americans. small businesses and families. >> we haven't seen the gdp category business equipment investment has done nothing in well over a year. gdp has gone up because consumer
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spending and government spending, we are not seeing it on the business side and i've seen some measures in a physics recession or hard goods business recession. some of the issues pertaining to the child tax credit which some of these conservatives are saying is more welfare up to $300,000. the trump tax-cut had a child tax credit and it is this more generous than what trump cuts provided? >> the framework of the child tax credit modification is just like the trump tax credit in 2017. republicans are the ones who started the child tax credit in 1997 and we doubled it to 2000 the trump tax-cut in 2017. what we are doing here is addressing skyrocketing inflation where indexing for inflation and people have seen inflation up 20% since the
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talktalk tax credit in 2017 and eliminating penalty for multiple children and maintaining work requirements which is crucial. >> one editorial said he would give a refundable credit up to 300,000 a year, is that true? >> what the refund ability of the credit if you look at the cta from 2017, dependability portion was $1400 index inflation, currently 1700. what this bill does is at $100 every year over the next three years so if bonus increase compared to what already is presented under indexing for inflation. >> supply-side tax cuts, please to favor them, i still favor them, i think it's a good bill. chairman of the house ways and means, appreciate you, good lu luck. click break, i'll be back with my last word.
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