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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  February 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EST

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because you can. but the truth is, of all the firefighters i know, and i know a few, none of them are in it for the money. they do it because they feel called to do it. right now there are a million men and women fighting fires in america. that's career, volunteer, and paid per call. but their numbers decline every single year, and fire seasons get worse every single year. so the need for more firefighters is clear and present. if you feel the call, if you think you got the right stuff, check out the many opportunities at in the meantime, big thanks to everybody over there at grayback forestry. you guys are the best. thanks for doing what you do. be careful out there. and we'll see you next week.
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the economy is stronger than expected in the spending we'reo going to talk to steve moore. america's broken but we can still fix it and happy birthday bironald reagan we will get back to that happy thought and just a moment. first up blood's head to then white house where edward lawrence is standinghere good afternoon. >> president joe biden made the debate over the public on the supplemental funding bill. very political. he added an event to his public schedule. in the event he blamed everything on former president donald trump. >> every day between now and november the american people are going to know the only reason
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the border is not secure is donald trump is not a republicac friends. it's time for republicans in the congress to show a little courage and a little spying to make it clear to the american people that you work for them and not anyone else. >> president biden did not mention the series of executive orders when he first got intoo office in the policy changes from president trump that led tr scenes like this at the southern border. in addition the text of the bill came out this week as republican started to read it more started to avoid untrue voice opposition. house speaker said is dead onn arrival. many agree with that move and not to bring it up if it passes the senate.n >> i think the american people are going to be suspicious whype this president is promoting thih when he's been declaring the border as secure with hisna administration and operational control and not the terrorist
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cartels. i think there is a lot of irony but the bill is dead on arrival. i don't think the bill will come out of the senate, is shown it. >> as a political drama is heating up, the house is debating impeaching alejandro mayorkas for not enforcing the border laws.ka also the house expected to taked up t a bill for israel standaloe aid package as $17.6 billion. larry: thank you aanks always. i got some breaking news today is ronald reagan's 113th w birthday, he was born onas f february 6, 1911eb making 19111f the greatest all-time in american history. reagan was one of our greatestts presidents. he reversed the declining economy and stature around the t world, he restored the idea a of freedom. yoedomu could say he was the fin
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make america great president in a century.>> take a liste fn to this. >> freedom is a fragile thing and it's never morgee than one generation away from extinctione larry: there you have it freedom a fragile thing. there's way too much you can write and talk about praising ronald reagan. let me throw out historic snippets in honor of today his birthday. reagan's foreign policy aimed squarely at defeating soviet communism and he succeeded. peace through strength. we win, they lose, tear down the wall. reagan would not talk to soviett leaders in his first term because of their bad behavior and many were dying off anyway. in a second term he did meet with garbage off saying he would never give up star wars technology that protected us against soviet or enemy
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the global media laughed and star wars but today it's an absolute cornerstone of ournc national security. on his radio program he warmeddu up saying we will bomb moscow in 15 seconds and of course he said just kidding, was he, the communists were afraid of reagan understood the immigration of economic and national security policy. reagan/taxes and deregulated industry while working with paul volcker to slay double-digitof inflation the supply side, rescue the faltering dollar and strong growth untrue growth werd able towo bring down skyrocketig prices and boost middle-class wages. while reagan's rejuvenated economy was growing better than 5% throughout the 80s. at one point the recovery from jimmy carter's recession was 1 running 12%, the soviet union realized he could never match america's production of defense force or civilian goods in
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reagan: and essentially not a shot was strong at home, strong abroad, the big reagan lesson reagan tried to drain the washington, d.c. swap, he wasn't always successful but the eastern establishment and the elites didn't like him one bit, listen to this one. >> the nine most terrifying words in the english language are i'm from the government andr i'm hereom to help. larry: sound familiar, working folks flocked into the reagan led party he not only with the soviets but filled their lunchr pails tolu overflowing. i was an associate director and reagan's omb in his first term, i loved it limited facetime with a couple of cabinet presentations and is sitting of thehe back wall some cabinet meetings and they gave me a metal when i said goodbyesd to them in the oval.
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one thing above all he taught me about optimism. america's greatest country in the history of history. when it occasionally seems broken, if you get fixed very fast with the right principles in the right policies. i say happy birthday s mr. president reagan. now back to regularly scheduled program. joining us georgialarl congressn marjorie taylor greene and my great friend steve miller found of america first legal former s chubb senior policy advisorad welcome back to bothvi of you congresswoman i hope you didn't mind the reagan birthday, somebody's got to do it and i d decided i woulo d try today. let me ask you current events what's going to happen on this d floor of the house the senate bill looks like it's dea d in the water. the speaker said it's going to be dead in the water in dead on arrival. what i as your forecast is
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anything going to come out ofis this wholeod episode?ri >> i tell yoghu right now it is dead on arrival. as a matter of fact i told the house hill press to stop asking me about the senatboe borderrele surrender bill because we could care less anything about it we passed hr2 the strongest border security bill to come ouhrt of y house read the senate should take up hr2 and taken seriouslys that's only way we can secureth our border at this time. that is what were doing. the floor debate is happening on articles of impeachment against secretary alejandro mayorkas, that is the task we are m undertaking and i hope to see m yecolleagues vote yes to impeach secretary mayorkas. larry: is there a vote tonight or tomorrow? when do you see that boat. g t g up soons comin were a few hours away we've been debating articles of impeachment right now the floor debate is still going on., larry: thank youth for that. good luck on that.
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steve miller i wanabt to ask yoo about this, president vindman blaming the whole thing on, president trump. a week ago b mr. biden said thee was no problem on the border he enclosedpr the border there waso problem, immigrants, nothing. now it's donald trump's fault. i'm trying tyingo square that ee there is a problem or there is not a problem but you can't have it one week and completely a change and let offrg on i'm going to argue thaist will t fly in the selection. >> when it comes to the border and immigration it is been three years of never ending lies and deception from this administration and mayorkas is a pathological liar when it comes to the border he's been testifying in front of years for congress with false statements to congress. the border is secure the border is closed and people areri beinn deported and don't have a right to be here which are all untrueo in the administration tried to p
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pretenyeard for three years thar there wasn't a border invasionnd but eventually the images many of which we could take bill mmelugin on fox news, the imags everyone has seen of the invasion made that lie possible. let's get to the very simple fact in the heart of this you said this before it can be repeated endlessly because it has to. joe biden inherited the most secure border in history and. on day one he terminated the essential trump policies that kept the t border secure and thm he kept terminating in the weeks that followed every last remaining trump policy that he kept theth border secure and resulted in a complete deterrence, denial and deportation strategy. instead he implemented the mass release settlement policy. the whole debate comes down to a very simple question, the trump policy cross illegally, get
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deported, the biden policy cross illegally, get resettled. everything else is just noise, just distraction.lo larry: marjorie taylor greene, i don't understand i'm not a big fan of massive omnibus type of legislation. i don't think you are either, steve miller is not.on there is a lawal section 212f of the immigration and nationalityh act, that law has been on the books for a while, the supreme court ruled on a few years ago and supported the law. under the law comes remain in mexico comes title 42, comes a lot of the trump policies about caching report et cetera et cetera. why don't we use the law, do we need another law hr2 look like a good bil tl to me i don't know what it will look like when it comes to the meatgrinder and so forth we have a law on the books when we enforce the law? >> you are speaking to much common sense which is why iha
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absolutelyt' love this is why wee are impeachingh secretary alejandro mayorkas is not only violating his oath of office he is breaking the strong federal immigration law as we speak he's mass per rollinge' millions of illegal aliens into the interior of tht e united states. he is nohot holding them andio keeping them in ice detention centers and he's literallyal causinlyg the invasion by creatg his own policies without coming to congress and asking us to create laws to do the things that he is doing to our country. he is causing murder, rape, crime against americans and 300 americans are being murdered every single day from chinese fentanyl that is smuggled across the mexico border, this is an absolute invasion in mayorkas is breaking the law thad t you just quoted. larry: steve miller, looking at the senate bill, 5000 people a day, 8000, too many thousand
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people a day, the per rolling loopholes, asylum loopholes, i have a mayor in new york city e all theod to giv illegals prepaid credit cards sr they canep shop around which i t guess is better than goinghe in the stores andco looting them or kicking cops around left and right. once upon a time you and others in the trump administration said with respect to legal immigration why wouldn't it be y bad idea if you spoke english oi new little american history maybe the declaration of independence, something called nd the constitution, maybe you had a job before you came in. in other words those simple common sense criteria for illegal immigration is nowhere to be found gar heard anybody tk about that stuff is it too much to ask if you want to come here become a legal citizen which is a very big deal is the greatest
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country in the world you want to know something about thehe country, speak the language and by the way have a job so you can be productive, is that a bad thing, i don't hear anybody talk about that.a >> oncbae again you're talking much common sense for me and marjorie but what i would say about this and president trumpbg advocated for all public tooo ksseize you described that he implemented them and there were laws on the books that got unenforced for decades, requiring you to be fluent in english to be naturalized, requiring you to be economically self-sufficient to get a green card. requiring you to have an tachplesattachment in statute te principles of the constitution of the unitestatd states all. >> smarter people than those who serve in congress today wrote laws way back then and veryan terrible people the federal government spent years and years not enforcing the laws od n thsh
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books in both when it comes to the border and who gives permission to come here illegally. biden ripped out those policies to end a new trump administration i assure you will put back into place all them policies that yoouu just descrin in many just like itew. to my friends in the house i would say talk about this publicly the simple basic things everybody can understand you should speak english, be self-sufficient you should not be on welfare you should not be able to bring inof 20 people jut because of a thing called chain migration, you should have to be committed to the basic principles of our democracy. all of these ideas for things that have 80% support among the american public, get out of the nonsense, that the senate bills represents. and talk about simplane basic things every thinking person cad understand.wo larry: aggregate marjorie thrse last word, you have helped keep this issue alive for months and months before it became
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fashionable probably i would a add, absolutely put this on theh e front pages and withstand the front pages throughout this presidential election and senate seraceand house races and so fo. when you break the law, bad things happen, you break the law border law and you break thend laws of sovereignty that we already have on the books in marjorie it matriculate's to the entire country, we havete lawlessness in the centuryess states we have lawlessness innd the sanctuar wy cities we have illegals kicking cops around or we don't have public people defended the cops, the blue linr as i like to call them there are a lot of other things in america that a been broken under joe biden but the lack of law and order in some respects is the absolute worst i will give you the last word. >> i'm so happy you started with
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president reagan's birthday because president reagan era those things really matter to us in the still matters to most americans most americans are grieved at the state ooff our country and this is why americans are supporting president trump like never before to bring him back to be president. we know and we trust presidenter trump we had him o for presidenr for four years. border security was his number one issue in border security ids s number one issue for his next administration and the number one issue to americans all over the country. law and order matters to omericans and it matters t every single voter is not a partyline issue and i thank you for bringing these issues up ann make it a point because regulard everyday americans care about this. we want to save our country and have a strong safe america for our children and for our future. larry: yes, ma'am. thank you for your service.
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nk yice we appreciate it. steve miller i've always thanked you because you're the smartest y around. >> marjorie taylor greene in t steve and the grea miller. coming up on "kudlow", government spending is driving the economy. i know the economy is stronger no question about it.e economists like myself gotec iti wrong, it isng government spendg and that is not good or sustainable. we have steve moore, e.j. antoni for the committee to unleash prosperity and remember today is reagan's birthday. you can catch "kudlow" mondayve througryh friday every day00 p 4:00 p.m. right here on fox business in there fon r some reason you cannot catch us at y 4:00 o'clock textureou favorite 9-year-old inch she will show you how the dvr the show and you will never miss a single and historical footnote about the great ronald reagan. ♪ voya provides tools that help you make the right investment
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larry: too much government spending, too much money printing, too much borrowing, ronald reagan would never approve. that spring is steamer committee to release more money on w ebc radio and e.j. antoni at the heritage foundation. we're going to put up you have
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some good charts in the hotlines. one of them is pending, $6 trillion if n not mistaken, probably more than that, 6,000,000,000,005,000,000,000,00 0. the economy has outperform what the economists thought including myself including you and everybody but unfortunately a a lot of this is because the government spending and government jobs not private esector investment in private sector jobs. here is the first chart on the full-screen. are we going to do so bit about this, i ask you steve moore. >> ticket for celebrating reagan's birthday. we want to remind you when we did our survey and youst u participated who is the most underrated president of modern times number one was calvin coolidge a tax cutter and never to ronald reagan. $6 trillion of spending i recovered likesnak a snake swallowing a bowling ball trying to make its way through the
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system and for decades we will be paying for the success in the second chart is the one that the fed did which was raised the amount of money on the balance sheet it was buying up assetse which pumps more cheap moneyec intod the economy it went from 4 trillion to 9 trillion now it's come down you could see a little bit, that's a lot of money sloshing out during the economy i don't like it i went to see the federal reserverese reduce their balance sheet and i want to see congress cut a trillion dollars out of the budget. larry: they should do it right away. inflation has come down but i government spending i wouldy argue is inherently inflationary you are not producing goods you're producing temporary demand stimulus. larry lindsey distinguished economist former fed chairman and nier nc director, he is wrig about this and i know you've
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written about it and if you to get the government spending thei biden performance of the last year which is been better-than-expected, and that good. >> the governor expenditure has been growing faster thanco consumer spending but i thinkgo it'sve worth noting the governmi spending portion of the gdp we usually call it government spending but it doesn't include all of government spending it just includes government purchases directly so when they cut a check to somebody else for welfare for example in the person goes out and spends it doesn't get counted as government spending is consumer spending. the portion of the economy that is controlled byntro the governt is much larger than it appears. larry: let me give you anar exampls.e of that. larry: the last year in gdp terms, the last year real gdp increased 3.1% in real terms but the government grew at 4.3%. the government actually greww.
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faster than the private consumer group. >> a lot of people like larry lindsey and others i agree with and we should talk about private-sector gdp the government spending is a negative, especially government gatis a negative when you're running a trillion and a half dollar deficit but i was can add something to what ej said the two biggest components of the fastest growth in the economy and fastest employment have been government and w healthcare, you know what ej was saying half of the healthcare system was paid for bys pa government medicare, medicaid and all these other programs so weregr not growing the economy where we wanted was investment in new business. larry:sine lindsey says, i'm ono quoting i know you pay a fortun to get his newspaper, i get ita because i'm an old friend thiser is not a new won this one is several days old but he says private business may well be in
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a recession and you know mark of california as a gross output measure which is basically resistive business spending that thing had been dropping for several quarters i fou bn a rowd the fourth quarter to be sure but late 22 in the first half of last year 23. it is interesting that the government is distorting these numbers. >> absolutely feel look at a business fix private investment has been flat for a year end a half now. the idea that you can somehow put off a recession by government spending and borrowing and printing more money i suppose that is sure untrue true in the short run but you can only kick the can down the road for so long. larry: inflation may not be dead the. the numbers are the numbers and i myself thought last month'sd report was aqu good report in te gdp is growing everyone wants to politicize that but when you look under the hood maybe it's not a good thing.
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the other point john carney made from breitbart, inflation may not be dead, it looks dead but it may not be dead in government spending. >> the one sector that is realle doing well is the technology sector. there is a story about how our companies are blowing away the competition were blowing away the europeans, china and was really annoying about this is the one sector providing 401kth plans but what doeats the biden administration wanted you break up the two companies there to successful since when is profit dirta dirty larry: it's better to have america tech companies and china's companies, they are the greatest in the world, we're going to let you go you're running a big dinner tonight. tulsi gabbard. >> i'm going to turn her into aa republican. larry: that's anothehat'r thing.
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thank you very much. government spending reagan would not approve. senator tom cotton is going to tell us why he's opposing the terrible border deal and what i t.may come after and why isa america broken and how do we fix it. joe conchaa cr, monica crowley l of that when "kudlow" returns. "kudlow" available as a podcastp episodes available every weekday after the show on spotify on apple and on fox business i am a podcast, truly. see you later. wea ♪ lth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way. wealth plan can help get you there. ♪ j.p. morgan wealth management.
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larry: save america, kill the bill, that's a new thought. we welcome back arkansas senator tom cotton, as always, good to see you. i will begin with the questiond that i ask everybody, why do we need new legislation we have laws on the books that would cover good border patrol policy we just do not use them.
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>> we hope to get legislation that would strain the hands of president unwilling to secure hopour border joe biden the cr at the border isof a man-made disaster and the man his namecl osjoe biden the board was basically closed and secure when donald trump left office, joe biden said the campaign to 2020 inviting the rest ofth the world to come to america illegally ann the implement to those policies. what we hope to do is find ways to pass a law that wouldin a restrain an unwilling president not to empower a willing president but we've seen what the democrats offer and we see their ideologically invested in open borders, this bill would not force president biden's hand to close the bordesur anppd sece our nation that's why i cannot support it it appears to move forward this week in the senate. larry: i don't want to quibble n i'm just saying senses president would not abide by the existing laws what makes you think he. would abide by any new pieces of legislation i don't buy it maybe i'm wrong but it's a last piece
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of legislation. i want to ask you there is another part of the stuff which has sort of been ignored has national security implications, money for israel, money for ukraine, money for taiwan, what is going to happen to those parts of this bill.ha >> that's to be determined, the souse of representatives ipp considering a bill that woulded provide ai ad to israel i suppot such legislation and i think wef should move forward thore legislation israel needs the support and traditionally broad bipartisan support for aid to israel. unfortunately i see house democratic leaders said they would block that and apparently in part because it doesn't provide enough money for hamas the governing authority and gazl and because joe biden said he did not just one aide israel which is not surprising if you look at his rhetoric directed towards benjamin netanyahu and israel and i hope the house can
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move the legislation soon and we taken a probably. that is one thing that both parties cannot agree on and we should support our great ally s and israel especially whenho they're facing an exponential war against hamas that created terrible atrocities against israelis on october 7. larry: just a pause on the last point you're referring tohe humanitarian aid and we now know the un relief workers so many of them are pro-hamas and we know hamas tends to run the distribution of that, is that what you're referring to that would be a good thing not to doa >> that's exactly what i'm referring to humanitarian aiefeo gaza. when humanitarian aid, food oro, medicine what have you goes intt gaza it is not diverted by hamas and not stolen by hamas it iss handed oveisr thomas, t that the governing authority of gaza the de facto government.
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anytime food, water, medicine goes into gaza especially under these conditions is not going to innocent civilians is going to hungry, thirsty and hamas terrorist. larry: last one did the administration get it done with respect to the retaliation in syria and iraq and houthis.d, this was a predetermined, preannounced were knocking to touch iran a lot of people in military people have been very skeptical that they got it donee a column in the wall street r journal how iran is running our policy. what is your take on the retaliation. >> president biden it is very limited hesitant telegraph to tax against iranian proxies did not deter iran that is not my opinion or your opinion it's a simple fact because the attackse have continued.
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the measure of success will be does he scare iran with the attack stops that the hopper were president trump killed the terrorist mastermind can soleimani in 2029 what happenede when ronald reagan sucked thage navy in 1988 when they hit iran were hurt the ayatollahs were scared of america as they should be in the attacks stopped. that is not the case now and ita won't be as long as president biden only strikes arab proxies, malicious and terror groupsth because iran does not care about the proxies there laughing at t americhea because all were doing is validating the proxy strategy that they used to kill americans for 30 years. larry: i don't understand i agree with you you know more about foreign policy than i do but i think you're spot on i think iran is running us, we are not running were more worried aboungt escalation iran is not worriedet about it they just why get us out of the middle east any way shape or form in the biden fallg for that. i'll give you the last word.>>
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>> iran is in the saddle against the joe biden the biden is onn the back foot as hwie has been around the world and ukraine, afghanistan, with china. he's allowing other nations and other people, anti-american countries to take the initiative and seize ituntr ini from him ad because he so scared of escalation he does not understand that the surest way to gain peace is to be strong and willing to head back when you get hit. larry: thank you, senator cotton we appreciate it very, very much. switching gears, very good op-ed piece, having for bed by an economist of the wall street journal john cochran who has been on the show called incompetent elites make trump look appealing, basically i just say everything is broken america, joining me to talkit about a joe concha foxic news contributor media politics columnist and monica crowley former assistant treasuryca secretary and host of the monica
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crowley podcast. i made the cut on the podcast. >> issue didn't joe was on my podcast as well. a larry: john cochran writes ane thinteresting story, this is tha theme of mine america is broke, the biden administration is broke the biden administration has made america breakdown. we talked about foreign policy, iraq, afghanistan, ukraine, we can talk about healthcare, we could talk about obamacare we could talk about the fbi we could talk about the russian hoax, this is all stuff that cochran wrote about we could talk about censorship schools, universities, dysfunctional immigration needless to say, even with trump 91 felony accounts which is a complete joke disqualifying him from the ballot in economic terms were talking about was steve mooreo. just a moment ago, too much spending the economy is stronger but it'sndin government spendin.
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everything is broken. on ronald reagan's birthday i don't like that one bit reagan showed us how a country in decline can be >> yes hsce was optimist. >> it can be turned around i'm a happy warrior and an internalh optimist as i know both of you are as well. it could be turned around but it's good to be a distinct change in leadership, strong leadership, president trump to take the reins once again. consider the economy donald trump turned around the economy not once but twice once after eight years after the stagnant economy under barack obama when he first came in and the second time after covid the unprecedented crisis where we e u.s. economy he brought the economy back so he could do it a third time. that column by cochran is excellent but i take issue with his description of incompetent elites that the regime folks who are running the country into the ground know exactly what they're doing, they're not incompetent
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otherwise you witnessing a course correction policy over the last three years and you have not. all of these policies from the economy to the border toythi everything else is 100% by design it is not managed to client it is now accelerated decline. larry: yes and no. i don't know if the elites deliberately they just have a point of view of far left point of view and we talked about this time and time again but i think the key point people want some strong tough person to fix itpe and i think thatrs is tailor-mae for trump. >> is not tailor-made for the current president the spent 40% of his presidency on vacation, the elites part is correct this is not your daddy's donkeys as far as the democratic party about the working man and woman occupy wall
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now they are theis party of elis and that's illustrated this week, east palestine ohio joebie biden is going back to say 370 days later what can i get for you he avoided going there, yet he's the president who is theto ultimate elitist think about where he goes on every major holiday he goes to an opulent estate of the hedge fund billionaire whether the home is in lake tahoe or nantucket, it does not matter. i'll give you the stat this underlines it insensate home the ten richest congressional districts in this country are represented by democrats. the party of the rich. larry: that is right, going bach to reagan's birthday, reagan wa the first one to bring thend i working folks in, he filled their lunch pails to overflowing and stood up to soviet communism, no two people are the same, trump is trumped, reaganis is reagan but i think the revolo is there again it is a common
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sense revolt, people going to see the country broken, schools, universities, the military. the fbi, i thought we were supposed to love and review the fbi, look what they've done. >> i would go back further being a nixon girl it's a nixon democrats, nixon started the working class.t larry: if he hadn't destroyed the economy i would agree. >> wage and price controls your exactly right nixon started. larry: law and order, exactly, beat the commies, tough american leadership, what's happening is so much worse than what we sell richard nixon's presidency or reagan's presidency.beca america is literally hanging by a thread this is the tipping point of decades of this marxist assault on the country and we've now reached the logical and and that requires tremendously strong american leadership not traditional establishment gophm
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politics. larry: drainen the larry:na quickly, do you think e average family working folks believes that america can be turned around and regain its the gait and true greatness. >> if you have the proper leadership and direction. larry: they haven't given up hope? >> were anre n optimistic count. larry: the selection may be about that. >> that's what donald trump needs to drive home optimism of a better day coming. hoping change under obama making america great again not that kas is hitler but for larry: that is a great point. joe concha and monica crowley, monica crowley's podcast.t coming up next the federal appeals court reject trump's immunity claim this is the district of columbia, washington, d.c., needless to say mr. trump could not disagree more.t
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going to parse through and explain it to us. i am "kudlow". we'll be right back on monica's podcast. ♪
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baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ in
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larry: federal district appeals court in washington, d.c. hasal rejected president trump'snt t immunity claim. obviously the trump campaignme
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disagrees to parsent through it great ggreat gerrit. i'll read you quickly if immunity is not granted to a president, every future president who leaves office wils be immediately indicted by the opposing party, that is their position i'm not a lawyer but you are a good one. >> thank you i did read the 57 pages and i think there is real flaws in the d.c. circuit court of opinion, for example it claims that trump has become and citizen trump that is a quote so no immunity, that is not what this is about where the former president is arguing, what he's saying in his actions as president and challenging a flawed election were consistent with his duties to uphold the law. he may have been mistaken in the
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belief but that does not erase his intent and essential element of the charges against him in the law allows him to challenge cresults in court and in fact e is not prohibited from working with others to contest the certification of electors or on january 6. democrats have done the same thing in prior elections and somehow it is criminal when trump does but not when democrats do and as to the point that trump was making today. the court dismissed the notion that taking away immunity would have a chilling effect on future presidents. let's tap our common sense. inevitably it would every president would now have to vets every decision by a team of lawyers so he doesn't get charged when he leaves office we want lawyers to be commanders ia chief and not the president. larry: you will never make a>> decision. >> i don't think so. larry: this goes to the supreme court doesn't not.
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>> he goes to the supreme court and of the cases which the supreme court excepts from the d.c. circuit 70% every verse, that's the good news but the bad news for trump the high courtfr doesn't take many appeals less than 10% from the circuit court, the question will this bd different, it could be because this is an unprecedented prosecution and will dramatically affect future presidencies in the stake is the separation of powers in immunity protection which by the way judges the members of congress have but the president does not have. larry: ten seconds. the trial judge is postponing the whole thing anyway right? >> if the supreme court doesn't d take action that he gets backn track their pretrial motions in those consume many months and
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you're up against a deadline the d.o.j. policy not to take legal action to affect an election series. series. larry: i'm up against thd-blg! e series. larry: i'm up against thd-blg! deadline. gregg jarrett need for recovery. and you are? i'm an invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to... nasdaq 100 innovations like... wearable training optimization tech. uh, how long are you... i'm done. i'm okay. before you use ai to transform business, accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust,
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♪ when i look into your eyes ♪ ♪ it's like watching the night sky ♪ ♪ or a beautiful sunrise ♪ ♪ well there's so much they hold ♪ it's hard to imagine that this powerful, beautiful animal needs our help. but they are being killed for their skin and bones and their homes are being destroyed. but there is hope. tigers are at the heart of so many delicate ecosystems. when you protect a tiger, you also protect thousands of species and people that rely on the same habitat. that means protecting everything from mangroves that help fight climate change, to safeguarding rivers and streams
5:59 am
that provide freshwater to millions. all places that the tiger calls home. ♪ well, i won't give up on us (no i'm not giving up) ♪ ♪ god knows i'm tough (i am tough) ♪ ♪ he knows (i am loved) ♪ ♪ we got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved) ♪ when we protect tigers, we all benefit. learn how you can make a difference. visit ♪ in a time full of war make peace. ♪ ♪ in a time full of doubt just believe ♪ ♪ yeah, there ain't that much difference between you and me ♪ ♪ in a time full of war make peace. ♪ ♪ in a place that needs change, make a difference ♪
6:00 am
♪ in a time full of noise, just listen ♪ ♪ cause life is but a breeze, better live it ♪ ♪ in a place that needs change, make a difference ♪ ♪ in a world full of hate, be a light (oh-oh) ♪ ♪ when you do somebody wrong, make it right (make it right) ♪ ♪ don't hide in the dark, you were born to shine ♪ ♪ in a world full of hate, be a light ♪ >> that is it fo thar "kudlow".f thank you for watching folks. ♪ ♪ ♪


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