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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 8, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EST

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stuart: white room, cream, one of the great rock bands in history, eric clapton, ginger baker, can from a the third guy but there are three of them. when i was in london i walked past the building and there was graffiti, clapton is god. he saw it too. it is 10:00 eastern, straight to the money. not much price movement so far today. the dow is up 14, nasdaq up 10, s&p is down one point. 10 year treasury yields moving the up, $4.14 on the 10 year at the moment creeping up today. the price of oil not much change, $75 a barrel, bitcoin, 45,000 one hundred 29 as we speak. the markets, and now this. today, president biden addresses democrat party
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retreat, he paints good news. there's chaos among republicans in congress, makes him and the democrats look good. the border bill is dead. killed by senate republicans and donald trump. mitch mcconnell's leadership is in question. the wall street journal says the death of the border deal is at bottom a blood he minded operation by donald trump and his allies to flaunt border chaos through november and if possible bring down senator mcconnell as gop senate leader. and pc reports biden may jump in with executive orders to stem the migrant flow. he takes the action republicans want him to take and he takes the credit. he will try to grab the migrant issue away from the chaotic republicans. the sinking of the border bill meant the sinking of aid to ukraine and israel. the democrats will vote on a new bill with money and weapons for both and it will likely pass. think of that. biden and the democrats stepping in to help our allies,
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bypassing the republican disaster. this couldn't have come at a better time for the president. he is down in the polls and in cognitive decline and then there's the failed impeachment of alejandro mayorkas. the republicans have been building up to this for months and it failed at the last minute. you don't think biden will have fun with that? couldn't have come at a better time for the president. 's campaign needs a lift, down in the polls and then long, republicans like mana from heaven. a gift from the gop. second hour of varney just getting started. jason chaffetz with us this thursday morning. i see this republican chaos as a gift to biden. how do you see it? >> normally i agree with you but you got this one totally
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wrong. democrats have the house and senate and president for two years and didn't do anything on immigration. president biden and kamala hurst told us for the last three years the border is secure, everything is fine. they have operational control, 212 democrats voted against the impeachment of mayorkas and as relates to the border bill, h are 2 was passed by the republicans last year, democrats have done nothing on it. and so i totally disagree. the fundamental problem is president biden is still president biden, kamala harris is talk and z mayorkas is there and nobody believes the guy because he has lost absolute respect in washington dc. they don't like and respect him. stuart: hold on a second. in bc reports and there are other reports the president is going to use executive action, executive orders, go down to
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the border and mitigate the follow. he will get the credit for that. it's a republican idea but he gets the credit, he takes the action and the public may see it that way. >> the presence of the president going to the border after years of not going there. stuart: he's not going to go to the border, his going to take action. executive action. can't get the legislation, he takes executive action. the public will give him credit for that surely. >> if he actually does something. the problem is you've got 10 million migrant still here. are still going to have mayor adams and gavin newsom and everything else, where's the money, how are we going to take care of these people, you still week after week see crime after crime after crime and say guess what, mister president, you did what donald trump had done, you reversed it, then realized three years after the fact that what you did was wrong and now you are going back to the trump policies. meanwhile we have all the
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crime, all the expense, all the problems and at least the republicans were trying to do it and, the democrats own the white house, they own the senate. they have slightly a minority in the house. you can't just excuse that. when you have 212 democrats voting against the impeachment they also voted no. you can't put all the blame on the republicans. mitch mcconnell, you are right. he has been slothful and is not a good leader at this point. done amazing things throughout his career but at this point we need a new dynamic leader in the senate. stuart: we will agree to disagree and we will see how this plays out. i will change the subject. listen to what hillary clinton said about keeping trump off the ballot in colorado. >> there's a very strong argument, this argument did not come from liberals, didn't come from people already against trump at all.
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it came from conservative originalists as they like to call themselves, law professors, lawyers, who basically said if you read section 3 of the fourteenth amendment it is pretty clear that he should not be permitted to run for president. stuart: the supreme court is hearing this case as of right now. they started 6 minutes ago. shouldn't it be up to the voters to decide who they want for president into they can vote for? >> i don't think any court is going to look favorably on the idea of taking away the right to vote especially in colorado they won't let you write in donald trump and won't count those folks. i think it's absurd. hillary clinton is obviously deranged, she's got trump derangement syndrome, she's probably the definition of it but voters get to make these decisions. that's paramount in this country and the justices will see it that way as well. stuart: they better because they kick trump off the ballot
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there will be hell to pay as we used to say. can't imagine what will happen. >> there we agree. stuart: harmony at last, see you soon. back in with lauren, more bad economic news for china. lauren: they have disinflation, might as well call it deflation, there cpi fell in january from a year ago. steepest drop since 2009, 15 years in a week consumption and week factory production in china. there manufacturing is contracting. what is president xi do? has to confront an economy that has not recovered from the covid lockdown. consumers are skeptical, nervous, sorry investors, afraid stuart: if they are in such bad shape i wonder if president biden will use that language. we will see. the gentleman sitting right next to me is gary countdown. he is breaking new york city.
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you've done well with big tech, very well indeed. are you sticking with it? >> yes until it croaks. there's a rhyme and reason. this ai which has a lot of doubters on longevity. every company reporting is reporting big time increases in acceleration in sales, the latest on holdings today. i'm depressed. i don't on it. i will wait for earnings. they gap up. i think it's going much higher. before that, taiwan semiconductor whose sales have been down announces 25% increase, you had supermicro, gargantuan increase, nvidia, game is on. until it stops i go with it and on top of that, microsoft which i bought right off of the 380 breakdown, 412 right now, that's going to be slower than others because it's so big, just another name and we will ride it until it stops.
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stuart: how do you play this? 1 microsoft and trade a lot. it's gone right up. do you put a top loss in so that if it starts to fall you are out in good time? >> we tend to measure how far, how fast, we bought nvidia perfectly at 505, still own it at 705 right now, sold down a little bit. the main position in the same goes for broad, another name also. just in case they decide to go up one hundred% this ai thing, nobody really knows how big it's going to be, all i can tell you is right now the institutions, big mutual funds, hedge funds are jumping all over the stocks right now. until it stops i let them roll. there will be a time and place it ends up paying one dollar and $0.50 for a dollar bill and then you get the comeuppance but as of this second, i bring up arm holdings today. lauren: 60% right now. $1.22 a share.
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>> institutions don't own a ton. they've got to get in knowing earnings and sales will be accelerating going forward, the market loves acceleration. stuart: all good news, isn't it. stay there, gary, you are with me the entire hour. thanks very much. lauren is looking at the movers, tell me about disney which is close to 10%. neil: what a week for disney, 12%. bob iger's first comment on the a conference call, it has finally turned. good news coming out of disney trying to cut costs, get streaming profitable and a $3 billion share buyback. stuart: what have you got? >> disney as much higher. it's down 40%, 50% from a few years ago, don't bet against bob iger. the prophet earnings is possible. earnings up 20%, complete change.
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if the sales language is still down i think this has always to go. stuart: it is one hundred $8 a barrel. are you buying? >> i haven't bought it. i think it goes to the may be one hundred 50 over the next year. one of the great brand names in history. stuart: under armour we don't talk about much but what have you got? lauren: it was higher by 6%, now it is up one. they raised annual profit forecast in the margin forecast costs are coming down but demand is slowing for their products. costs coming down but sales aren't improving. stuart: a quiet luxury consumer. lauren: tell them my sweater is a cashmere sweater. in general people are going and especially over the holidays and evening china where sales were up double digits they are going and buying the cashmere and the bear sweaters, very trendy right now and ralph lauren came out, stocks at a new hire looked at the
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forecast. >> have you noticed something about these stocks? disney entertainment, semiconductors, markets broadening and big reaction to earnings reports which is the most import part of the equation. stuart: 12% is a big gain. food companies are worried that weight loss drugs like ozempic will hurt their bottom line. food companies are reaching out to the company that makes them. what's the story? lauren: this is what we've been discussing for months. the food companies are calling out the ceo who makes ozempic saying we are scared. what advice do you have? how do we sell products to a population that's increasingly thin and doesn't have as big an appetite? and the ceo says in the us we currently prescribe less than a million people but there are
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100 million americans that are obese, market opportunity, no wonder the food companies are scared and the companies that make devices like knee replacements and all that. stuart: wait a second. >> the ceo should tell the companies by our stock. stuart: this is wildly exaggerated. these weight loss drugs will not have a profound impact on food companies, they will not. i can't see that. stuart: i agree and the fact that it is a fact that people get off these drugs go back to where they were. lauren: their parent just bought a catalyst for the manufacturing so we can get more of these drugs out there. more americans are going to take them for long periods of time and they are looking for a change. stuart: will ask for that at some point in the future. >> long-term side effects, we are in the infancy right now. stuart: thank you for ending the discussion well. now this.
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the governor of texas will host 20 lawmakers today, they are expected to to make a big announcement on border security. casey steagall will have details. president biden may issue exec of action to stop illegal migrants crossing the border. former acting ice director tom homan will deal with it next. ♪ during my entire life i have been somewhat of an outdoors person. golf, gardening around here. how can i stay out of the sun? so about two years ago i was diagnosed with basal cell carcinoma.
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. stuart: greg will host 2 dozen lawmakers in shelby park today. they will make an announcement
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on border security. what the announcement? >> reporter: we don't know yet. some of the ideas on the table governor may announce may further expand this razor wire beyond where it is in shelby pass. we will see later this afternoon but we want to tell you about activity we've seen this morning in eagle pass. let's get you to a brand-new video shot not long ago. a small group of 10 migrants or so crossed outside the shelby park containment zone, taken into custody 3 miles south of here after crossing the rio grande, three were minors. texas dps did arrest seven in the park after breaching the physical barrier along the waterfront. they face state charges for criminal trespass while in the el paso sector agents disrupted a tractor trailer smuggling scheme. canines detected 18 migrants
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hit in an 18 wheeler trying to cross. the chief of us border patrol tells martha mccallum one of his primary concerns the high number of got aways are those who successfully slipped past law enforcement. >> i know what we can capture and it is in the hundreds of thousands and those are the numbers that keep us up at night because if you know all you need to do is turn yourself into border patrol and go to the process what possible reason would you have for wanting to evade capture? >> later this afternoon texas governor greg abbott will host 20 state lawmakers in eagle pass. the governor is expected to make a new announcement regarding border security. insiders don't know what that will be. he was here sunday with a dozen governors from around the
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country and he alluded to to expanding the operation beyond the park so that's where we are getting that information but we will keep you posted. stuart: see you later. tom homan is with me now. let me get to this. nbc reports president biden is considering taking executive action to determine migrants on the southern border. he's trying to steal the border issue as an election issue from the republicans. he is doing what the republicans want him to do. he is stealing the issue. >> if he's willing to take executive action to secure the border i'm behind it. we got 1.9 million got aways. why are they coming here. it's a big national security vulnerability. if you want to take executive action to secure the border, give me a call. i will tell you what we did on the trumpet ministration but i'm about securing the border, i don't care who does it but it needs to be secured because of the national security threat.
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stuart: one hundred 60 migrants apprehended at the border since october 1st, who had it, gang affiliations like cartels for example. you've been telling us about this for years, 160 since october. that's extraordinary. >> under this administration there is been 14,000 convicted criminals crossing the border that were apprehended. one hundred 24 that were convicted of homicide. murder. that is what they captured. again, we've got 1.9 million just shy of 2 million people who paid more to get away. why wouldn't they pay less to turn themselves in, get processed within 24 hours, flown to the city of their choice on taxpayer dime, get work authorization, three squares a day. who won't take away the that giveaway program. one. 9 million people said i don't want to give away program. i want to pay more to get away and why's that? they don't want to be fingerprinted, don't want to be vetted.
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these are your gang members and your criminals the ones carrying fentanyl into the united states, the one sex trafficking women and children and god help us, they come from a country that sponsor terrorism. but when the gangs are firmly established in american cities, they run these cities virtually. >> absolutely. when i started my career, ms 13 was and two states. right now they are in 48 states in his nation. the most vile gang in the world. most violent gang in the world, 48 states in his nation, cartels, criminal cartels, drug cartels in 40 countries. the criminal network is worldwide especially in the united states. they smuggle massive amounts of fentanyl into the united states. they poison major cities to take from drug distribution of our cities. it has gotten a lot worse under this administration. blue one thanks as always for coming by, always appreciate
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it, want to see you again soon. denver has become the latest democrat run city to see a migrant surge. good morning. how bad is it there? stuart: denver's democrat mayor mike johnson says every single available hotel room has been filled. now the city has begun and evictions to accommodate the next wave of migrants. just in the past year estimated 157,000 migrants have arrived in denver stretching over resources to the breaking point. local health services have handled 20,000 migrant patient visits including urgency room treatment, primary care, dental care, childbirth, all without paying a penny. the unpaid bills have now hit $10 million. at the same time nearly 3,000 migrant children mainly from venezuela have joined the denver public school system since last july. the mayor says denver is facing a humanitarian and fiscal
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crisis and is now asking state and federal government for immediate financial help. it is a crisis. stuart: it definitely is. gary countdown with me. every state is a border state. >> this is stunning. this president came in, changed the rags. the numbers of people coming in and the got aways who we don't know who they are dollar it takes is one bad guy yet the republican party is given biden everything at this point. is going to come in, blame the republicans are not getting a deal done. he is going to do executive order and all i can tell you, republicans need a better advertising agency, better agency, new leadership, because they have lost. the whole immigration, just so you know, paul numbers on immigration for biden were worse than a root canal, that's how bad they were and they saw their paul numbers and guess what they decided to do.
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we got to get in and they are doing it and they are front and center in the media, talking border the last few years never said biden and now they can say biden is now the hero and the republicans blue it. a stunning thing to watch. we want terrible to watch. stay there. another half-hour to go. democrats want more aid for ukraine. republicans want more oversight because more than $1 billion in military aid is unaccounted for. grady trimble has the story in a moment. speaker johnson says mayorkas will still be impeached despite tuesday's failed vote. will it change anything even if he is impeached? congressman mike waltz on that next. ♪
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stuart: on the market this morning, not much price movement, dow was down 17, nasdaq up 13. very little price movement. lauren has the big mover of the day. arm holdings.
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lauren: up 56%. its chips are in every smart phone and earnings report signals there's a smart phone recovery because it has chips in all of them and ai is driving demand, driving ai into phones and stuff so they made a record 824 million sales in the last quarter and guiding higher in the current quarter. stuart: i bet you're kicking yourself. >> i have to wait for earnings to come out but this is a boffo move. i think it's going much higher even from here so i'm hoping it settles down, pulls back, one hudson little of that. i don't know about right here, too much too fast but momentum in ai right now is just stunning. stuart: win resorts, strong earnings. lauren: it's a huge employer, strengthen gaming, luxury retail and bookings at hotels and properties. stock is up.
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>> they are able to charge premium prices for windows that look at the sphere and the margins, that is how cool this is. stuart: i saw it a couple months ago. i always think of tapestry as democratic luxury and i believe they are up 7%. lauren: democratic luxury coach handbags, so few discounts these days. they have the demand and the inventory where it needs to be. tapestry reported strong earnings, lifted their profit forecast and despite challenges in china they say china demand is strong. >> casinos and handbags to the broad market on earnings. that's the most important part of the earnings. earnings guidance going forward is driving marketeer. stuart: thanks, everybody.
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democrats want to send more military aid to ukraine, the republicans are demanding more oversight after the inspector report found $1 billion currently unaccounted for. grady trimble with me. what are republicans doing to track the money down? >> senator jamie vance, james comeer, calling on the pentagon to do a better job tracking is a billions of dollars of taxpayer money that has gone to ukraine. in a letter to lloyd austin they say it's vital to ensure weapons and other forms of security assistance are used for their intended purposes and don't fall into the hands of our enemies and the risk of waste, fraud and abuse is mitigated. you mentioned the inspector general report. it found more than a billion worth of weapons the us sent to ukraine haven't been properly tracked and remain delinquent. this lack of oversight of one hundred $13 billion in aid for ukraine is at the center of the
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current battle on capitol hill. some senate republicans are indicating they are open to spending more money to ukraine but here is senator tim scott explaining why it could be an uphill battle. >> we should first secure the southern border, second, provide resources to israel, third tackett look at indo pacific and forth, make sure we have accountability woven into any resources we give ukraine. without doing those four things in succession, it is hard for republicans to support it. >> the senate is set to hold a procedural vote on a package that includes 60 billion more dollars for ukraine along with many for israel and the indo pacific. 60 votes to open it up for debate. that means some republicans would have to vote yes. stuart: i wonder if they will. grady trumbull, thank you very much indeed. senate republicans who have blocked the bipartisan border
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deal, congressman mike waltz joins me, republican of florida. i am saying republican chaos is good news for president biden. what say you to that? >> i certainly think president biden is going to try to divert from the chaos he caused all over the world and the chaos on his southern border. of course he is. in a campaign year but i got to tell you, when i am in my district and travel around the country biden owns this border. he owns the 10 million people plus, maybe more than that, he owns every hotel room booked in denver, schools overrunning new york, the african-american communities around chicago. i think the american people see through that kind of diversion and i think of the media inside
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the beltway are very focused on what the senate is doing, what the house is doing but out in real america, i don't think there's a lot of attention that probably you and i pay to it. stuart: speaker johnson says mayorkas will still be impeached despite the setback of the failed vote yesterday. why impeached mayorkas? if you win and he is impeached and he's out, nothing changes. >> back to those conversations i am having with every day voters, a harley mechanic who is a week to week guy, he's just like what are you guys doing about it? how do you have a guy come, cabinet secretary come and repeatedly lied to congress, repeatedly lied to the american people, not follow the laws congress has passed, and everybody can see with their own eyes do to fox and others reporting what is really going
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on, do something is kind of the message we get loud and clear, fix this. we did this with hr 2, that would have taken trump's executor borders and put it into law and we just can't set the precedent where a cabinet secretary can blow off the law and have a national security crisis and what i don't want to do is wait until something goes boom, to one of these people on a terrorist watchlist starts pulling the trigger, to than take action. that the biden approach to the middle east, wait until soldiers die to take action. we shouldn't wait here. we need to say we did everything we possibly could to stop this crisis. we won do you have the votes to impeach? if there's a vote today or tomorrow? >> we get steve scully's healthy on a good track and he gets back to washington we will
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have the votes. stuart: congressman mike waltz, thanks for joining us, see you again soon. the mayor of minneapolis, jacob fry had strong words for remote workers. what did he have to say? ashley: he's being pretty harsh. the democrat mayor joked remote work ultimately turns all of us into a loser. watch this. >> when they stay home sitting on their couch with their nasty blanket diddling on their laptop, if they do that for a few months, you become a loser. it is a study. we are not losers, are we? ashley: we are not. nasty cat blanket, this came as he was praising the benefits of downtown minneapolis at the
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scene many businesses remain empty or abandoned since the pandemic with companies shifting to the remote work model. his message is come back to work. the mayor's office clarified there was no study. he made it up and as for the loser, and it was just a joke. stuart: thanks. the mayor is fighting a difficult trend because people like remote work. >> he needs to get the book how to win friends and influence people. you 're a politician, you're a leader of the city, county, state and calling people losers because they make the choice to work at home? not good. stop. stuart: he was marking them on the couch with a cat blanket. >> how to lose votes. stuart: are you itching to get into this? >> i think companies should pay workers more money if they come into an office if they commute to work. have a difference in salary. you have the option. you could stay home and make
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whatever or come in, commuting costs, childcare costs and make a higher amount. >> covid change to the culture. i don't think it is ever going back. i don't know if the answer is companies to pay people to come in but certainly you can incentivize, things would be better. i'm not so sure about the paying but that's probably going on. i hear about people getting extra pay because they -- i take a car for an hour each way. it is understandable. stuart: thank you. new polling shows biden is losing ground with black and hispanic voters, both groups are key to the election. what is behind the drop. ♪
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stuart: new polling shows biden losing ground with a black and hispanic voters. edward lawrence at the white house. how bad is the drop and what's behind it? >> this is something the president is concerned about, trying to look into as inflation under this president has spiked, the crisis much higher than before president biden came into office. the poll numbers never recovered for this president. when you look at the voters and what voters are saying and this president counts on certain voters, recent gallup poll shows support from the black and hispanic voters has been falling. the for the past 3 years down 24 in the black community and 12 points and the hispanic community. this week the president hoping to change that in an address honoring black history month.
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>> president biden: business leaders, educators and so much more. i sincerely mean it. i am president and kamala is vice president because of you. you had my back and we've had your back and we always will. >> reporter: researchers say the black community feels the wealth pinch, black wealth is up 60% in the past year mainly because of homes and home values but it's not back to pre-pandemic levels in 2019 according to the federal reserve. brookings researchers say the wealth divide is increasing under president biden. >> this is the largest we've seen in a while. this wealth divide but we've seen a divide for decades now. it is intractable because until you really change the structures you are not going to see a reduction in the divide. wealth begets wealth. >> he says you have to have it to make it. when people or groups feel
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poorer they look to blame somebody in the book right now starts with biden. stuart: thanks very much. a new poll shows biden's popularity fading in one solid blue state. which state? >> colorado. instead of rocking out in high, his popularity is heading lower. with the presidential primary just around the corner, a new democrat paul shows biden is viewed favorably by 40% of registered voters while 58% have an unfavorable opinion, slightly worse than where he stood in june of 2020 but the survey also has biden ahead of donald trump in a hypothetical general election contest, 49% to 40 one%. the same poll shows trump's standing in colorado declining with 36% viewing him favorably, 62% unfavorably but there are a lot of still undecided voters. stuart: thanks. now this.
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stuart: super bowl 58 is this sunday, tickets for the game expected to be the most expensive in history. a spokesman for stub hub joined me now. if i want to buy a ticket, what's the cheapest available and what's the most expensive? >> the current price for the super bowl is starting just north of $6,000 a ticket and that will be and vote will be in vote for hundred, 300 level. if you are looking at a club level those start around 12 to $15,000. stuart: if i buy a ticket for can i then resell it at a profit? can i do that? am i able to do that? >> you are able to do what you
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like. the pricings are on the higher end so buying and flipping may not be the most recommended activity. with a few days until the super bowl it is hard to predict where prices will end it. typically it's the best window to buy prices but as you can see they stayed a little higher than that in other super bowl years. we when is the prospect of having taylor swift at the game driving ticket prices up? >> always hard. this is the super bowl, there's so much interest around the world. targeted draw, or impact on this game, i can tell you during the regular season we saw massive increases, purchases for chiefs games, once she started. stuart: our tickets still available for the big-game sunday? >> currently thursday morning we have 3000 tickets available which is not a lot when you think about 65,000 seat
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stadium. demand is extremely high. there could be half a million people within a mile walking distance come sunday. it's probably the best time to buy if you're interested in going to begin. stuart: you are in the business of selling tickets and we understand the commercial you put out but that's okay. what's with these boxes going for $2.5 million a pop, is that accurate? >> that's what we've heard on stubhub. the average price is north of $2 million which is significantly higher. anecdotally there is people talking about how they had access to $250,000. certainly the magnitude of the highrollers that come in naturally have brought this to record prices. stuart: the cheapest at the moment is $6000. >> that it. stuart: thanks for joining us. very interesting.
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we will be watching the game. what do you think gary of these ticket prices? gary:it is obscene. the super bowl with this demand and supply. i've been to a bunch of super bowls, the first i ever went to a super bowl v at the orange bowl and my guest was $50 for the ticket. that's my guess. that is how they were able to market this great gargantuan, how many people will watch? stuart: it was one hundred 15 million last year. >> i expect it will be higher this year thanks to taylor swift and a bunch of new fans. stuart: have the kickoff earlier so people like me who have to go to bed early can watch the game. lauren: my children came home from yesterday and said taylor swift is getting engaged at the super bowl. imagine. he is 5. stuart: make everybody understand. >> they are trying to get that done.
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stuart: thanks for being with us for the entire hour. still had, new york congressman claudia tenney on the biden crisis crisscrossing new york city to grab campaign cash and ignoring the migrant crisis which is hurting new york. wall street journal's alicia finley says americans are not buying bidenomics. more varney after this. ♪ voya ♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. presentation looks great. thanks. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals. that one. and look forward to a more confident future. that is one dynamic duo. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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